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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

Out. PubAd :/ 

3rd attempt. First two attempts were with job and couldn't make it through prelims itself. So, quit job in Oct, 2019 & been on it full time ever since. 

Mistakes - Not completing Ethics & Optional comprehensively before Prelims itself; 

Areas I feel the need to improve most in exam - completing ethics paper within time; Addressing Optional paper 1 in a crisp manner; 

Since Jan, I was deeply concerned whether to return to job or not. But, as the next mains is barely 6 months away, I'm deciding to hold on for the next one and giving my best shot at it. 

Alongside, if I'm fortunate enough, I'll also try to make it into RBI Mains, EPFO & NABARD. But, at any cost, I'm aiming for a closure from this full-time studies within 6 months. 

@musk I've read a blog post by@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh a while back on how to manage with a slow hand writing. You might find it useful too. 

Do check it out - 

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