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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

Can you pls share your experience in mains vis-a-vis test series. What area do you think you are missing in mains. And if you dont mind ,could you pls upload few of yours  evaluated copies in google drive ..I just want to see what is difference between test series marking pattern and UPSC marking pattern. And experience forum member may provide valuable insight.


Some of my observation regarding test series copy checking and UPSC checking.

1. they give heavy emphasis to mechanical framework of introduction, body, conclusion and  award certain marks ( say 1 or 2 marks per question) if a candidate follow that pattern but that may not be the case with UPSC. 

2. few extra marks are awarded in test series for making diagram and flow charts  as these copies are checked by aspirants which may not be case with UPSC.

3. Less focus on content as test series marking pattern divides it into (structure + interpretation+ content). 

4. I personally found that after looking at toppers evaluated copies ,that test series evaluators do not care about specific relevance of content with respect to question. they award marks as long as content is right without giving due care to its relevancy. Further broad generic statements are also awarded marks which may not be case with UPSC as they may be looking for specific content. as they are checked by subject experts (professors of reputed universities).

It is this 1 or 2 marks per question awarded for redundant things  in test series may lead to 15- 20 marks difference per paper. and total of 60-80 marks in all GS papers. This  makes or breaks as far as selection is concerned.

There are serious discrepancies as highlighted by Kanishak kataria who got less than 70 marks  in Vision FLT test  just before exam. Even if u look at the Neha bhosle copy of forum IAS test series...most of the time evaluators rated them good or average and she got under 20 rank.

These points are my speculation to explain discrepancies in test series evaluation and UPSC checking. 

Experienced members of forumIAS may shed more light or their perspective in this regard. It will be highly appreciated.


It is this 1 or 2 marks per question awarded for redundant things  in test series may lead to 15- 20 marks difference per paper. and total of 60-80 marks in all GS papers. This  makes or breaks as far as selection is concerned.

I thought , we have become superpower and vishwaguru in past few years and defeated China in Galwan valley and killed their 100s of soldiers. So what is the fuss now? a lesser power publishing ad in newspaper and giving revenue to us, should not be our concern. I have seen ad of russia , japan, australia, UK and USA multiple times. 

on serious note..very same people who question ethics The Hindu publishing ad of CPC will dare not question our own govt or army who have surrendered Depsang plain so meekly and they wont even accept it despite multiple accounts telling that chinese have blocked our patrol to those areas ( defacto change of LAC). 

Whole Nationalism and ethics is limited to newspaper and not to govt of the day which is taking us down economically, socially and militarily, consequence of which will be borne by future generation.

focusing on convenient superficial thing rather matter of substance.

@ashish854 people can do both, right? If I pick up an issue, doesn’t mean I have to list all other issues I oppose or support. 

On Depsang, I believe you’re very misinformed. 

You’re correct about the consequences part, I just disagree about the generation facing the consequences. I see Aksai Chin as part of India on our domestic maps but the current dispensation wasn’t the one putting blind trust in China, was it? 

I might not trust the government but I surely trust military sources, of which I have sufficient to not believe the bile of ‘military experts’ with clear connections to opposition parties when they assert that India failed militarily. 

people can do both fact the hindu should not have published them if it has any concern about democratic right. But it never had , they are commercial newspaper with hardly any concern for democratic ideals.

They accept ad from BJP too. And ourruling party democratic record is also not something to be proud of when we are building detention centers, putting activists in jail, and have an alleged terrorist in parliament with blessing of our PM(even terrorist state like pakistan dont have) . They could have simply refused to publish those ad in defiance or resistance instead malini parthsarthy grovelled to PM when GoI stopped giving ad to The Hindu.

My concern,we as a society always chose convenient issue to satisfy our ego. when govt of india is not bothered about its territory and proclaim that "no one entered our territory" , and have no coherent china policy  and then we cant blame these commercial newspapers

As far as the article you mentioned..military itself acknowledging they have been denied patroling to those areas .. from article itself.."He said Indian troops could access the patrolling limits in March, but the Chinese have blocked access since April. He said the area that Indian troops can’t access now between those patrolling points is around 10 km vertically, and 4 to 5 km horizontally." 

"The area between the Line of Patrolling and LAC “was already under his control, those 972 sq km, have been his,” the officer said, adding that the “bulk of that 972 sq km has actually been with them for a very long time… more than 10 to 15 years, he (PLA) has been there"

only thing they are shifting the goalpost 15 years back..they can lose territory further and can say we lost in 1962. Army generals also have vested interest to not acknowledge this de facto loss of territory. If they acknowledge ,then people will question them. whole aura , perks and privileges available to them will be questioned. This is quite palpable from their response if one compare their reaction vis-a-vis Pakistan.

perhaps i was wrong to raise this issue at this point of debate. But it really pains me to see people are so quick to point out a newspaper (perhaps an easy target) while they kept on ignoring our govt meek response to chinese aggression. 


we can go if we want but we dont go... we can also raise Indian flag in Tienmann square beijing ,or potala palace Lahasa ,but we dont want to create another convenient !!

not tagging end of the debate from my side. 

@D503 what could have  been expected from a guy who snooped on his daughter's age girl ?

so much positive changes have happened in past few years  that from winning 6 medals way back in 2012 and 3 medals (including 1 gold) in 2008 , we are now probably going to end up with either 1 or 2 medals ..
@necromancer  same was said last time too in 2016 ..and same will be argument in 2024...A government which gave the jumla of 50 medals and NITI aayog coming up with its blueprint which culminated into TOPS scheme. so much hoopla they created that upsc asked question on olympics for two consecutive years. Says a lot about performance of this government, sports administration and NITI aayog in this front. when reality is sports budget was cut by 300 cr this year.

increasing participation is good but that doesnt mean squandering the gain made somewhere..its not this olympic only..same happened in 2016 ..


all self promotion in past few years...and we are given lollypop of increasing participation to hide failure. 

@Arsene why amazed ..wasnt you amazed when you see someone's photo on vax certificate, funded by tax payers money or very same narcissist put his photo with mirabai on twitter shamelessly. perhaps appropriating success isnt political. 
why not put blame on political leaders, every policy governing us is determined by them.
@Arsene Dont these olympians across the world backed by their nations sports programme ? Dont they reflect sports administration and infra of the country ? Are these athletes representing themselves in individual capacity ? dont they participate under their nations flag ( exception of russia this time but that too because their govt has certain role in doping scandal) . Last time i looked at medal tally i didnt find single individual name listed was all about the nation name..

As far as individual performance is concerned..where I blamed athlete..?thats what you are inferring that this poor show is because of athlete not because of poor funding, infra and administration. You seems to suggest these athletes lack ability. on the other hand i believe it is state failure( failure of the govt of the day, when we had already broken certain barriers in 2012).

Last we believe exceptional performance of chinese across sports ( some of them are non traditional to asians such as diving) because of their individual talent rather state support? 
had your argument been same if we had managed to win 20 medals. perhaps dominant narrative would have been it was sheer effort of PM to improve infra,funding and administration.

so why not blame policy maker and the government?

@MikeWozniak we will probably win 2-3 more..and i hope that happens ..but we had continuously improved from 2004 onwards .2016 ok i understand it was aberration or bad luck..but in 2020 still ..that suggest failure on part of government to not maintain standards. There are many smarty pants who are indirectly deflecting blames to athletes when olympic sports are mainly state funded through tax payers money across world.

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