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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

3rd attempt 2nd mains..out with PSIR. Was difficult last time as well but this time I feel totally lost. Don’t know from where will I bring the strength 2 go on.

I want 2 move out of this preparation but  don’t know how. It is really tiring and has taken a toll on me.

@Professorberlin  felt a lump in my throat after reading this. Salute to your persistence and courage all along. All the best for your future life.


Will say I too am in a similar condition as that of yours. I am apalled thinking how I will overcome things.


Have given 4.5 years to this preparation with no tangible result yet. I have family responsibilities to take on now. People tell about going for alternatives but from where I am standing right now the opportunities are  few and margin of error is almost nil. I have given quite some exams in the past but those were namesake attempts and I focused primarily on cse.

If I want to maximise my chances how should I go about it? Targeting multiple exams or focusing on one alternative. And what exams i can appear for as of now.


@Devanapiyam I am really sorry for your loss. Words won’t do justice to what you must be going through right now. 

There is no getting around the grieving process. Nothing right now would soothe your pain. It takes a lifetime to accept the loss of someone who filled your life with blessings and unfiltered affection. It takes a lifetime to adjust to the cavity that creates a vaccum in every room. One never stops missing someone so dear and so integral in one’s story. The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss, you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to.

Some days would be easy but some days it would be tidal wave of missing your father and wishing he would have been here to help you in the way that only he could. 

My prayers and love to you and your family. Take care my friend. I know you will hold the fort down here as your father watches you from heaven. 


Thankyou@Celeborn and@whatonly 

The sadness and despair around us can put a dent in our mental health. And I do agree sometimes speaking to an absolute stranger can be calming and liberating. Sometimes we can’t just mask up our pain and worries, sometimes we long to be real, sometimes we long to breakdown.

To all those worried about family and friends miles apart or maybe two houses down, checkin and checkup round the clock. I know words can’t help heal tension lines but communication can distract loneliness.

And I am here if anybody wants to let it all out.  Don’t be fearful and hesitant about being judged. We are all in the same boat or if not we are paddling in the same murky waters. On my part I will try to be understanding, mirroring, acknowledging you and your thoughts. 

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