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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain


Since I’m wearing a mask. Here is the truth. I have wasted a crazy amount of time, to be precise it’s 4 years (2017-21). Never studied more than a week till now.

Year 2017(half a book completed) , year 2018 skipped thinking I will begin fresh for 2019 as I wasted time, didn’t study that year as well but still gave attempt paper1-28 paper 2-20, skipped 2020 as I again wasted time, today 20/05/21 I haven’t studied a single book for the exam.

Not knowing the ‘why?’ of Exam preparation. 

Being dishonest to myself and people around.

Staying in my comfort,laziness,binge watching,doomsday scrolling on various platforms was so addictive I didn’t come out of it. 

As J Cole said “these past 5 years, it has been a fight against comfort”

Will I clear the exam or not (roughly140 days left)but anything that I do from now, takes me to the positive side (-2,-1,0,+1,+2)


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