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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain


I have read many of the comments written above. Different people have different views of the exam pattern and its difficulty etc. But one thing which is common is that the exam definitely tests one's patience and perseverance. One has to always keep in mind that the competition for such coveted posts is very high and failure at any point leads one back to square one. So it is always advisable to have one backup in hand while preparing for the exam and keep the spirits and motivation level high.

As far as exam preparation is concerned then it is important as@AzadHindFauz has done in his preparation that one has to make the answer pitch perfect by integrating the conventional information with current affairs. Therefore the notes has to be prepared accordingly. 

Also never bow down to the Failure. There is no concept of failure actually. If you donot pass in this exam then destiny may have something more exciting in store for you. Therefore one has to do his Karma and leave the fruits to the almighty.



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