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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

@Inselberg do share ur strategy for GS/ESSAY ..

Why do o feel that once a person fails mains hebalways fails people who prelims or interview eventually qualify..but hardly seen anyone having mains jinx qualify..
@KratosOfPUBG bro, I was forced to log in because after glancing through the platform I saw how brutally you are attacked for simply putting your opinion. People have labelled you "bigot, destroyer of nation " what not. This is the problem with pseudo intellectuals, they call others intolerant but they can't stand a single opinion that is different from theirs. I completely understand your arguments and support them. However my suggestion to you would be to not waste your energy on social media. Debating with these people, who live in their fairy tale version, won't do any good to you. Better would be to log out, work hard, become civil servant and implement reforms for society. Remember, those are civil servants only who would be implementing progressive reforms like citizenship Amendment Act, POTA, TADA,  recent reforms in Lakshadweep, Educational reforms that mandate secular education in religious institutes etc. Look at the bigger picture and work hard and yes, ignore these people who attacked you.... Take Care 


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