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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

@Todd_ChavezNice. Besides the fact that this is sponsored by a coaching, or the melodramatization by needless interjection of a love-story into it.

I saw the first episode and while Naveen and other actors nailed it, think there was nothing in the script that made me wait or want to watch the next.

Honestly, Isee the series more as an eight hour ad than any genuine attempt at filming the journey of an upsc aspirant.

I think "upsc" or "the struggle" it involves is an impossible topic for any movie/show -- for ultimately it's just an exam, and the journey mundane for the most part. Though it can be made into a brilliant documentary. But then, who'd watch that? Certainly not the primarily target audience of the sponsors: young people fresh out of college, with their "urge to heroism" at its peak.

Late, but: out. Psychology optional. Keeping it, because I think I know I went wrong: answer writing practice. Wrote nearly half of Paper 2 in "GS-style." I mean, just take at look at the paper, most of it can be answered without any domain knowledge. Unless you've practiced enough, the answers won't come out "technical" enough.

@qwerty111111 It seems like a bait, but in case it's not, the main lines of the argument that "A country only runs because of inequality" or "[equality] is never a state's goal" are refuted by the existence of well-functioning states with high equality -- pick your favorite from the Scandinavia. A positive correlation can be established between equality, development and peace. Long-term inequality threatens the stability and existence of a state -- an "objective" incompatible with its perpetuance. That said, there is some kernel of truth in those words, though buried deep down in what reads a stuporous rant.
@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh Dang. Thanks.
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