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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

@whatonly How did you revise the static portion before mains?
And what was your plan 10-15 days before mains? 


Who's-killing-who viewer's guide here - 

@SergioRamos I don't know why people prefer gas over electricity, but gas is better option for environment and reducing import bills.
A very large amount(70-85%) of heat released on burning the gas can be directly used to heat the food. 
Whereas, to make electricity first fuel is burned, and then electricity is generated. In this process a large amount(40-60% depends on the power plant) of the heat generated is lost and there will be transmission losses also. So more than double amount of fuel will be needed to produce same amount of heat. It will end up increasing the import bill and CO2. 
Electricity will be better option if it is generated by non polluting sources. 

@Jammu Don’t sleep on friday night(at max 2-3hr) and no sleep and caffeine on Saturday(+ no screen time on Saturday evening). I did this and it worked for me. If you do this plan in advance as saturday will be wasted and it will be real hard to stay awake.
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