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Collection of Mnemonics

To avoid confusion between the definition ofStunting, Wasting, and Underweightuse the following method.

Let Height=t

      Age =g,

     Weight =w.

Now, Start from thebeginningof the word andlook forthevariable(t,g,w)whichever you encounterfirst will be low as compared to the next different encountered variableand once you havefound twovariablesdon't move aheadin the word. Thus it will form the definition.


Stunting- t occurs first and then g solow height for age

Wasting - w occurs first and then t solow weight for height

Underweight - w occurs first and then g solow weight for age


Mind = Blown 🤯🤯🤯


Chronology of Delhi Sultanate: SabKhaoTamatarSabLoMaze 

S: Slave/Mamluk Dynasty(1206-1290)

K: Khilji Dynasty(1290-1320)

T: Tughlaq Dynasty(1320-1414)

S: Sayyid Dynasty(1414-1451)

L: Lodi Dynasty(1451-1526)

M: Mughals Dynasty(1526 onwards) [Not exactly part of Delhi Sultanate but part of chronology of rulers of Delhi]

I remember them as-

SabKhatarnakTheSaaleLog 😜

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