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Couldn't think of the reason!

May I know why the thread "Daily Progress Appraisal: CSE 2021" was deleted by the admin? Actually I wished to delete it too but then finally I decided against it. Also one co-aspirant came in support yesterday when he praised the initiative. This was also a reason I thought deleting it then will be tantamount to becoming rude. Anyway, good that the admin deleted it as it was not helping me whatsoever but since I was not able to think of the reason which might have caused admin to do so, I made this thread. Haha



@Neyawn Just a suggestion; Forum could disable delete option after a thread receives significant contribution. For say 20 comments? It could be made so that it would  no longer be possible for admin to delete the thread once it reaches a level? Something like rigidity with flexibility? (im sorry, too much polity :p )

Patrick_jane,Mettleand2 otherslike this
@Neyawn Also an option to report a post anonymously just like on youtube...because if someone post a promotional link we have to report by physically sending message to@root .

Gochi,Mettleand1 otherslike this

Few things I can make out 

#1 Reporting in Comments, Posts and Profile. 

#2 Withdrawal of deletion rights to people as it breaks discussion chain / sequence after say X hours. When someone deletes a post after say 20 minutes, we can make the comment anonymous by making it appear from userddmmhhss So that it stays unique. for example, if I delete this comment, it will no longer show in my history and will show to be made by user "usr2707210055" So the usernames will be unique. Now will have to handle breakasges in database because of that as these users wont be in the database.

Thats all I can think of now. Getting back to studies now.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

Itachi,Dora-the_Explorerand1 otherslike this
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