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D day mistakes

What are some mistakes that have been made by candidates in the past on the day of examination?

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand27 otherslike this


Not taking enough sleep the night before the exam. I reckon 50% of the candidates lose it even before attempting the exam!

Taking a good amount of sleep (at least 7 hours) would add 4-5 questions to one's tally and would also help minimise silly mistakes. I interacted with many aspirants on this point, and I was shocked by the degree of neglect they showed towards this fact.

'Mai 2-3 ghante so kar hi manage kar leta hu '- This is what they'll tell you. Such people lose 10 marks every year and find their names on the list more often than not. You're fooling yourself if you're one of them.

Sleep for 7-8 hours. What's the harm?

What about  the aspirants who try hard but dont get sleep out of nervousness/anxiety, the night before?

Practice Yoga Nidra for a week leading up to the exam. Listen to the video that @Jammu shared when you want to sleep. Put your earplugs in and do what it tells you to. It is very very effective. I've been recommending that video to my friends for over a year now!.

Definitely!! After seeing so many people vouching for it. Thanks!

Neyawn,nerdslayerand2 otherslike this

Thank you for the valuable inputs.

just wanted to ask, what to do in the three hour break between GS and CSAT? 

@Jammu @sjerngal @AzadHindFauz and others too.

I slept for 15 minutes because I could sleep only 2-3 hours the previous day. I would recommend having some light food and resting during that time because aptitude is not something you will learn in an hour although a tired mind can do you immense harm. Also, it's not a 3 hr break effectively it's only around 1.5 hr or so. 

Celeborn,komarambheem3and4 otherslike this
The invigilator was really good looking, and she was wearing a suit!
jack_Sparrow,komarambheem3and7 otherslike this
Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(
komarambheem3,Jammuand1 otherslike this

Harder than said. 

Be '3C' cool, calm, and confident. (catalyst)

Maximize attempt (90+ for IFS)

Attempt PYQs10-11 years on 4th May. (something like **academy type MARATHON conducted by urself for urself.

#Reactant (Preparation)--Catalyst (3C)-->Product (PDF-Pre wala)

NOTE: Not doing these is a mistake


Celeborn,MichaelScarnand9 otherslike this
Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

You probably only read half the tip.

You needed a second red bull for the CSAT

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

DM,Dead Manand7 otherslike this
@Neyawn sir isn't two a lot before the exam? Or did you mean one before each paper?


Don’t fail in CSAT is probably the most important mistake to avoid. Been there done that situation so. For that having a strategy by solving a good number of papers even now will help. 

Another mistake is that everyone will say that you must sleep 6-8 hours before the D day, but for most of us it doesn’t happen that way. It just doesn’t. 

I would say just stop worrying about that and you can still perform the best we need if we had 2-3 hrs only. But thinking that we can’t is worse. 

Neyawn,DMand14 otherslike this
try to avoid the conversation before the csat....and before 1st paper u shud stay away from the aspirants who have already given the mains at least one time bcoz it might harm ur confidence.
Neyawn,Pam123and3 otherslike this
and u'll find people like me who have already given pre more than 2-3 don't pay attention to them just focus on whatever u studied...
Neyawn,crikeymateand1 otherslike this
Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Don't consume high caffeine drinks if you are not habituated to them. If you are a serial coffee drinker like me even a can of red bull is too less :p

Steph_Curry,sjerngaland2 otherslike this
Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Don't consume high caffeine drinks if you are not habituated to them. If you are a serial coffee drinker like me even a can of red bull is too less :p

Woahhhh !!!
Kya baat hai ..

Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Don't consume high caffeine drinks if you are not habituated to them. If you are a serial coffee drinker like me even a can of red bull is too less :p


Forum should consider widening choices of reaction emojis apart from that heart. 

Neyawn,dalphaand3 otherslike this
Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Don't consume high caffeine drinks if you are not habituated to them. If you are a serial coffee drinker like me even a can of red bull is too less :p

I am not a serial coffee drinker but I know what you mean.



Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

You probably only read half the tip.

You needed a second red bull for the CSAT

I guess one before GS would be enough to keep me high on caffeine till 4.30?

Do you take one each before an exam? I mean your students XD

Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Red bull or sting does wonders to me in mocks especially CSAT!

You may experiment in mocks and do what works the best



Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Red bull or sting does wonders to me in mocks especially CSAT!

You may experiment in mocks and do what works the best

I suggest mix both the drinks and make a mocktail for yourself ;)

Neyawn,dalphaand6 otherslike this



Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

You probably only read half the tip.

You needed a second red bull for the CSAT

I guess one before GS would be enough to keep me high on caffeine till 4.30?

Do you take one each before an exam? I mean your students XD

I won;t suggest taking caffeine before paper 1.. (personal experience)


UPSC has released the list of common mistakes. At least after this PPT converted to PDF, people should not make it.

Here is the link

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

DM,BattingBabaand2 otherslike this


UPSC has released the list of common mistakes. At least after this PPT converted to PDF, people should not make it.

Here is the link

I got the mail ✉️ same, sir. 

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