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D day mistakes

Thank you for the valuable inputs.

just wanted to ask, what to do in the three hour break between GS and CSAT? 

@Jammu @sjerngal @AzadHindFauz and others too.

I slept for 15 minutes because I could sleep only 2-3 hours the previous day. I would recommend having some light food and resting during that time because aptitude is not something you will learn in an hour although a tired mind can do you immense harm. Also, it's not a 3 hr break effectively it's only around 1.5 hr or so. 

Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Don't consume high caffeine drinks if you are not habituated to them. If you are a serial coffee drinker like me even a can of red bull is too less :p

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