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D day mistakes

One of my seniors I know met a girl after GS and kept thinking about her in CSAT, had a good margin in paper 1 but flunked paper 2. 
This is a true story no matter how unbelievable it may sound!

Thank you for the valuable inputs.

just wanted to ask, what to do in the three hour break between GS and CSAT? 

@Jammu @sjerngal @AzadHindFauz and others too.

I am thinking to spend some quality time in solitude at a nearby cafe, luckily my exam centre is at a great location 



Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

You probably only read half the tip.

You needed a second red bull for the CSAT

I guess one before GS would be enough to keep me high on caffeine till 4.30?

Do you take one each before an exam? I mean your students XD

Don't consume high caffeine drinks. Light tea or coffee is fine. I took redbull after first GS paper and attempted CSAT with a throbbing headache :(

Red bull or sting does wonders to me in mocks especially CSAT!

You may experiment in mocks and do what works the best



@Wordsmithyy_nehrubose hi dost, I personally have/had this same problem that you have shared. Through personal experience, I have realised that even if we just lie on bed, eyes closed and listen to some soothing music without sleeping and being in senses, it helps big way.

Sharing one of my best treasure that my very good friend shared here couple of months ago. This is probably the most watched video on my youtube account this year. Have a look.

Having said that, I personally know someone who despite sleeping for just 2-3 hours the night before prelims, could manage to get >90 marks thrice in a row. So yes, have faith. More sleep is generally better but Indomitable spirit >sleepless night can also help in qualifying the prelims. It’s doable : )

Thank you for this....much needed

Deviyo aur Sajjano, batado mains me koi galtiya kari ho to?
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