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[Official] DAF MAINS 2023 - Ask questions & get answers

Does >1000sft flat declaration affect OBC(NC) anyway ? Afaik, after repeal of Wealth Act, Non-creamy is determined only on income (besides sons/daughters of Group A/B officers etc.). Please confirm.
@GaryVeeThank you very much, spent all day researching about it, you resolved it in one shot :) Any guess, why they would ask this info from everyone then ? (doesnt seem like directed at EWS applicants, as they are declaring it implicitly through their certificate).

@paperweightI wouldn't do it, as it's not about if they would check and confirm about the degree or not, it's about you signing a declaration in the last, that you haven't withheld any information that's asked in the form. My opinion.

Just curious, you said declaring it had affected you last year. How did it affect ?

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