Each day we'll do onE full test from available test series (websites, telegram etc) and post our analysis, our shortcomings and hopefully how we plan to improve upon them. It's an open discussion, as long as you write the test and share your score(only so that unnecessary chatter is reduced to a minimum)
@Chanakya bhai........ just one thing
1. put a question paper at sharp 9 to 9:30 daily.a common ppr everybody will attempt same.
2. create an excel where we can put the marks.
3. post deailed solution as well.
so that it becomes a schedule kind of thing. am i asking too much??
This week going to give Insights test 26 and 27 + suggest me one more test@Chanakya as I have give csat also...
So csat me i giving forum test 2 and 3
GS Score Test 37
C-62 X-32 UA-6
I have a few doubts.
First, since when does Tropic of Cancer passes through Morocco? I didn’t even read rest options because it eliminated the three. Yet answer key says it’s wrong.
Second, from what I remember reading in Hindu in normal circumstances ICC cannot punish a non member state, unless crime has been committed in the territory of a country which is a member. (It was a article about CIA’s Black Sites)
sorry for being very late.
attempt:- 68 correct:-61 score:- 119 . Not bad, but cannot take this score as standard. i should discount it by atleast 12 marks
comments:- actually, i was very lucky today. I blindly guessed six questions ( i should not do this in main exam) and five of them were correct. and though tropic wala question is wrong as per key and took mark for it. as an extension of luck, i was googling about muskdeer this afternoon (because i read about it in medium) and there is question on muskdeer. the schemes are relatively less obscure. the outer space mission question was directly lifted from down to earth . so easy strike.. many other questions are also relatively familiar. to be frank, this is a lucky sunday ( hope this luck be with all of us)..
guys, it would help if you keep updating your marks in this sheet for future references.
Also, did any of you write gs score open test. Are the solution and detailed analysis tab available now?
Test and solution. Hope more of you join ✌️
@sulawesi Bhai, your accuracy is very high! Any tips?
With regards to this particular test, it's sheer luck. As said in analysis, the questions looked a bit familiar.
But speaking generally, if I don't know the exact answer, I use relative knowledge and option manipulation to pick up right option. However these tactics don't work always.. eg:- if a question like denisovan or kangsabati is asked, we have no option but to simply leave it.. depends on paper.