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Did not clear Prelims 2024? Don't screw up CSE 2025! ( Part 1/2 )

DM,Persistnce34and11 otherslike this



@Neyawn  you hardly guide those in online prep mode..I don’t understand why you post ppl to pursue CSE ,,, online and offline mentors are different. And this is not mentioned anywhere too 

@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

Why so shakki?

That's a feature. You can make your comment anonymous if you delete it.

Permenent delete is not there because lot of people used to delete their past after selection.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

THE_MECHANIC,SpartanSKVand1 otherslike this


@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

Why so shakki?

That's a feature. You can make your comment anonymous if you delete it.

Permenent delete is not there because lot of people used to delete their past after selection.

Btw what's the meaning / context of your name?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Lisan Al-Gaib,


@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

Why so shakki?

That's a feature. You can make your comment anonymous if you delete it.

Permenent delete is not there because lot of people used to delete their past after selection.

Sir, I really thought why would someone visit their own comment a day later and delete it. Infact I like the past karma feature[reddit-like]. No Shaq!

Also, the write up is brilliant, read it twice.




@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

Why so shakki?

That's a feature. You can make your comment anonymous if you delete it.

Permenent delete is not there because lot of people used to delete their past after selection.

Btw what's the meaning / context of your name?

Lisan-al-Gaib is a fictional character, the protagonist, of the novel-series Dune. It has now been made into a 2 part movie. The dp(Javier Bardem) is of a coach to this protagonist, who keeps calling him Lisan-al-Gaib; the one who will come and emancipate the people from their (colonial-like) suffering, as per an old prophecy. Interestingly, the pic with the caption (LaG) was viral among the memelords around the time I made this account.



@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

Why so shakki?

That's a feature. You can make your comment anonymous if you delete it.

Permenent delete is not there because lot of people used to delete their past after selection.

Sir, I really thought why would someone visit their own comment a day later and delete it. Infact I like the past karma feature[reddit-like]. No Shaq!

Also, the write up is brilliant, read it twice.

In forum earlier the problem was when someone would get selected they would look at past and feel that their posts were amateur. So they would want to delete it. 

Because of that whole threads would get deleted. Also widom of the threads would be lost. That is why now one may delete comment, the name will become anonymous but comment stays.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Siebzehn,SpartanSKVand2 otherslike this



@vijayalakshmi_revur was this comment was deleted by the user itself? (Highly unlikely)
a short answer could’ve been given instead of deleting it outright

Why so shakki?

That's a feature. You can make your comment anonymous if you delete it.

Permenent delete is not there because lot of people used to delete their past after selection.

Btw what's the meaning / context of your name?

Lisan-al-Gaib is a fictional character, the protagonist, of the novel-series Dune. It has now been made into a 2 part movie. The dp(Javier Bardem) is of a coach to this protagonist, who keeps calling him Lisan-al-Gaib; the one who will come and emancipate the people from their (colonial-like) suffering, as per an old prophecy. Interestingly, the pic with the caption (LaG) was viral among the memelords around the time I made this account.

Oh, I have a nephew who is like 13 years old. He was telling me about the series/ movie on some OTT.

Will explore after Mains or hopefully in December.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

DM,Siebzehnand2 otherslike this
@Lisan Al-Gaib yeah.i deleted.i didn’t want to get into any controversy..

Apparently delete option didn’t work properly

@Neyawn May the teenagers of this nation read more fiction. 


Second part is out.🖕

Siebzehn,PaulAtreidesand1 otherslike this
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