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Do you know your MBTI?

How do you use that to design/calibrate prep? how do aspects of your type help/hinder prep? Do you use any other personality-driven system that helps?

binged forum post mains and I have questions on everyone's functioning methods now!

Brave,RN_UK Singh


Mine is INFJ-A.(according to 16 personalities website). But use I use it as personal/emotional stability/development and not for preparation. (Maybe preparation too as I found I tend to be perfectionist, so trying to avoid it while studying a topic.And prone to burnout, so force myself to take breaks without feeling guilty.) 

You did not mention yours though? How it helped you? 

Celeborn,JanuaryLexaand3 otherslike this

I was fascinated by this in my college days. Made all my friends take the test. Mine came out to be INFJ. I loved reading up the details as it all deeply resonated with me. 

Over time however, I realised that most of MBTI is pseudo scientific. (Do read up the Wikipedia entries, for starters). So depending on this to plan out our preparation is not the most sound strategy. 

That being said, you can get a rough idea about your strengths and weaknesses, through MBTI or even through plain observation and introspection. Designing your prep around this would be specific to the particular strength or weakness. So I can't say anything in general.

Also personality is like a rubber band. There is some comfortable natural state that we have. But if need be, it can be stretched; manifesting different traits in different situations. At the same time, it shouldn't be stretched beyond a point as then you may break. 

Similarly, this prep demands that we change certain aspects of our personalities where we must; but in other areas where we can, to be true to ourselves. The specifics, again, depends on the person and situation. 

Dionysus,chamomileand8 otherslike this

I was fascinated by this in my college days. Made all my friends take the test. Mine came out to be INFJ. I loved reading up the details as it all deeply resonated with me. 

Over time however, I realised that most of MBTI is pseudo scientific. (Do read up the Wikipedia entries, for starters). So depending on this to plan out our preparation is not the most sound strategy. 

That being said, you can get a rough idea about your strengths and weaknesses, through MBTI or even through plain observation and introspection. Designing your prep around this would be specific to the particular strength or weakness. So I can't say anything in general.

Also personality is like a rubber band. There is some comfortable natural state that we have. But if need be, it can be stretched; manifesting different traits in different situations. At the same time, it shouldn't be stretched beyond a point as then you may break. 

Similarly, this prep demands that we change certain aspects of our personalities where we must; but in other areas where we can, to be true to ourselves. The specifics, again, depends on the person and situation. 

In academic and professional psychology too Myers-Briggs enjoys very little legitimacy, if any at all. But outside it, it’s extremely popular cause it’s fun probably?

Btw, last I took this test I was an ENFJ, where the E is probably transitional at best :P

Anduin,Celebornand4 otherslike this
@Brave infp, use it mostly as an objective description of how i am so that i can extend beyond that (rubber band a la@Celeborn )throughknowing it. Like i cannot do consistency or revisions through pushing myself, so i make mood playlists to jump into a replacement bot of JanuaryLexa whocan.So for a segment of time that JL can revise by romanticising the activity. it gets the work done, which feels good, so i do it some more, with some more regularity. 
The rest of it is probably covered by general prep advice such as lean in to your areas of strength, know your reasons etc


What is the significance of these personality types and how do you know which one are you?

Sorry, but I feel like a total noob in this discussion thread.

If anyone has any reliable link/site to find it out, please share!


What is the significance of these personality types and how do you know which one are you?

Sorry, but I feel like a total noob in this discussion thread.

If anyone has any reliable link/site to find it out, please share!

Same emotions 😂. Felt like an illiterate person


What is the significance of these personality types and how do you know which one are you?

Sorry, but I feel like a total noob in this discussion thread.

If anyone has any reliable link/site to find it out, please share!

This is the one I'd taken. It's self explanatory. 

Basically there are 4 parameters with two possible values each (Like introvert or extrovert, thinking or feeling etc). Based on the results, you get a code (for eg. ESFP means extrovert sensing feeling perceiving). That code represents your personality type. You can read up more about the probable likes, dislikes, behaviors, other famous personalities who probably was similar in personality to you etc simply by googling your type. Some even predict ideal careers, compatible partners and all based on the type. 

As@Villanelle said, it's extremely fun and hence popular. You can compare the results of your friends and try to see how they fit into the mould. Plus finding someone with your type is almost as exciting as finding you share a birthday with someone, particularly if your type is rare :P

At the same time, it lacks scientific legitimacy so it should be seen simply as a fun exercise; and not be used for to make major decisions. 


What is the significance of these personality types and how do you know which one are you?

Sorry, but I feel like a total noob in this discussion thread.

If anyone has any reliable link/site to find it out, please share!

You may check out this website -

I tried it out just for fun and result were relatable and helped me to understand myself a little better. They give explanation too for your result. 


@chamomile @Duryodhan is ok, can see this guy too,

@Celeborn some of us use only fun exercises for making major decisions, please be considerate 🥺

Duryodhan,chamomileand2 otherslike this

@Celeborn,@Brave,@JanuaryLexathanks for sharing! Looks like a fun quiz!

I used MBTI to just figure out and be able to categorise myself initially… it sort of furthers the journey of self awareness but I also don’t think of any or these as absolute characteristics since most of us switch between modes depending on the nature of the interactions. E/I is the fluid category for me
chamomile,ThePhenomand3 otherslike this

I took the test after going through this thread.

One thing that piques my interest is if the psychometric test has been shown to decipher who we are versus who we see ourselves to be? If it is the latter, then I'm not really sure what utility it might have. Makes for interesting reading that's for sure!

chamomile,Villanelleand1 otherslike this
The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced.
Villanelle,SAand5 otherslike this

I took the MBTI a good number of years back, probably in my initial years of college. Came of as an ENTP.Nostalgia.

While I think 'MBTI assesses our core personality correctly', it somehow falters in gauging the intrinsic state of mind. 

Also I think, the MBTIs in later teen/young adult is objective and is reflective to a true sense of our personality. However as we grow older, societal interactions and experiences blunt our intrinsic uniqueness leading to false signals.

For instance I've significantly dumbed down just to conform to the feelers around me, that be close acquaintances and family. 

Happy MBTIng folks! :)

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