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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

@panbhi26967 Thanks for the Political Parties doubt -->Just found out that there are no provisions in RPA for EC to regulate internal democratic matters of a Party. It can only call for the Memorandum and Rules of the Party and an Undertaking that the party will stand by constitution etc etc.

@tanvi_vats If he "voluntarily leaves" - that is gives up the membership of the party from which he is elected. He cannot join any other political party. He cannot be expelled by his political party. If a normal MP voluntarily leaves - will be disqualified.  

@tanvi_vats Yes! 

@tanvi_vats Immune to disqualification only if voluntarily gives up membership. Cannot do other things like join another party etc.

@TristanHarris Paddy Fields are technically part of Wetlands. The definition used in the "rules" has 2 parts actually...the first part is copied directly from Ramsar. From.."but does not include..." it is added by the rules so that various provisions of the Rules don't apply to a very wide area. For example, the Rules prohibit land-use changes around notified wetlands - this obviously cant be done for say, private paddy fields. 

What is a Wetland?

Three conditions should be satisfied: Hydrological Saturation, Hydric Soils, Hydrophytes. 

@Nike You can disqualified from Voting even without conviction. If you are in lawful custody you are disqaulified from voting as long as you are in custody. Have never come across this 6 year rule for voting. Its probably wrong.

Can someone explain how US economic sanctions work and why are they so important? Thank you. 

Not important for prelims. 

But anyway: USA controls most of the global financial systems. If USA sanctions an Individual, Entity or Country - it means that American controlled financial institutions wont do business with you - they may additionally freeze your assets in their banks etc. So basically you wont be able to use your money across most of the world. For example: Iran was selling India oil, but India could not pay Iran because of American sanctions - increasing operation costs. Iranian firms cant also raise funds in international capital markets. Sometimes sanctions also mean that USA coerces countries to stop doing business with a particular entity or a country. For example, Trump admin got India to stop buying Iranian oil recently. 


Consider the following rivers:

1. Hunza

2. Shigar

3. Nubra

4. Dras

Which of the rivers given above is/are the tributaries of Indus?

a 1 and 2 only
b 3 and 4 only
c 2, 3 and 4 only
d 1, 2, 3 and 4
In this question, except nubra I was not aware of any of tributary. I know that nubra is the tributary of shyok and shyok is tributary of indus. Thus, nubra is not directly tributary of Indus. So, I eliminated nubra and came to option a but answer is d. Please suggest me how to deal with such question. Can we say tributary of a tributary is also tributary of main river?

NCERT book has all the names mentioned as tributaries of Indus. Don’t think too much - make a list and mug them up 😬


NCERT Physical Geography book Page 59:

"Normally, in meanders

of large rivers, there is active deposition along
the concave bank and undercutting along the
convex bank."

This is wrong right? Erosion is on the Concave side and Deposition on Convex?

Answer to Question 40 is given as “C” in the key. The wetland rules incorporated Wise Use philosophy which is a recommendation of Ramsar. Why would statement 2 be wrong? Matlab kuch bhi!!

HELP PLEASE. Under the Data Protection Bill - there is a right to erasure of one’s personal data. This covers AADHAR also? MCQ mei correct maan kr chalna hai na? 
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