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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021


Alcohol-based sanitizers kill bacteria by raising temp.? How this is wrong statement

Alcohol-based sanitizers kill bacteria by dissociation of protein/outer shell with mix of water and ethanol i.e. alcohol-based sanitizer

+1 , its Denaturation of proteins, also water is necessary , 100% Ethyl alcohol is less effective than 50% one ( source : vision abhyas 1) 


Who can file for anti defection complaint to presiding officer , against any member of parliament/assembly , is it 
1) member of the parliament 

2) any citizen

This document

on page 166 says this

The Supreme Court of India in its judgement dated 17 January, 2013 in Civil Appeal No. 469 of 2013 titled Speaker, Orissa Legislative Assembly Vs. Utkal Keshari Parida held that “....we are not inclined to accept the contention that a member of a Legislative Assembly can alone file the petition.... Therefore, we hold that the disqualification petitions filed by the petitioner, who is the President of NCP, are maintainable under Rule 6 of the Rule


What all rates/methods out of these canMonetary policy committeecan deploy ? 

1) Repo

2) Reverse Repo

3) SLR 

4) CRR

5) Bank Rate

6) MSF

7) Open Market operations 

8) change in the margin money and moral suasion

can someone please ans this ? thanks

@Kira0705  MPC only decides policy rate ie Repo rate. Reverse repo automatically changes 
because it depends directly on Repo, but recently due to COVID-19, RBI, not MPC reduced reverse repo as well without depending on repo Rate to discourage banks parking money with RBI). Bank Rate and MSF also depends on Repo Rate
MPC's only mandate is inflation targeting with growth in mind
Rest other options,  RBI as an organisation decides it. (MPC isn't pure RBI org, is a separate body and has members from outside as well)

okay thanks a lot!

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