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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021



Why has woman's political representation not kept pace with women's political participation in electoral process in form of voting? How can this situation be ameliorated ? Will announcement by a party that 40% seats would be reseved for women in ticket distribution have any impact.

saw this post today..! 

So..firstly for a very long time women representation in politics has not been great..! If we compare the present scenario with the the past we will see the graph has been upward..

But the fact is still they are less in numbers as compared to the male counterparts.."well for this credit goes to the patriarchal society".

Example can be drawn from the series "Panchayat" on Amazon prime...a perfect example of low participation of women in politics and other grassroot levels..

Nevertheless..In the era where females are now capable of crossing all the boundaries.and creating new setbacks..I think this decision can be a welcome step for all those women who really want to join can be fruitful if more number of women will be willing to prove what they actually deserve..! :) 

Initially 40% is a great percentage.. atleast it is better than 0% anyday..! :) 

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