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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?



Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?

Office of whip is mentioned neither in constitution, nor in rules of house, nor in parliamentary statute. It is based on the conventions of the parliamentary system of government.

recently some act has been which has given statutory status either to whip or some other post.  Can't remember exactly.  Do you remember something about it?

Yes. While there is no mention of office of whip in the Indian constitution, it has been given a statutory status by theLeaders and chief whips of recognised parties and groups in parliament (facilities) Act 1998. It is related to facilities to leaders and chief whips of recognised parties and groups in parliament.


Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?

Office of whip is mentioned neither in constitution, nor in rules of house, nor in parliamentary statute. It is based on the conventions of the parliamentary system of government.

Yes. While there is no mention of office of whip in the Indian constitution, it has been given a statutory status by the Leaders and chief whips of recognised parties and groups in parliament (facilities) Act 1998. It is related to facilities to leaders and chief whips of recognised parties and groups in parliament.

1. Well, cattles were not found on any seal from IVC. (which was the basis on which I chose the option)
2. Didn't watch any movie on Harappa.
3. Agriculture & ate meat, which probably points that they knew about cattle.
I think you want me to think in this direction... but doesn't this contradict 1st point??

Some animals - such as the one horned animal , called the " unicorn" were depicted on seals. They eat veg and non veg food.

Source: NCERT class 12

With reference toMarine protected areas.were they established by WPA1972? Are they defined anywhere? 
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