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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021,and%20solid%2Dfuel%20cooking%20fires.

The above link says HFCs are short lived climate pollutants while Shankar says HFCs have long atmospheric life??

can someone explain?



What are the important topics for Science & Tech? Please comment what you feel! 

- Nuclear treaty and nuclear Energy

- Biotech (Gene editing, GM crop, RNA, DNA, embryo twinning)

- Space related ( Perseverance, Chandrayaan, Debris)

- IT (5g, AI, Quantum, Blockchain, data security related)

- Health - VAccine

-Energy( geothermal, Hydrogen gas, fuel cells, solar )

For space, I feel UPSC is not focusing on 'smaller' missions like going to Mars and Moon. It's going for more 'exotic' missions like e-LISA which is a Gravitational wave observatory just like LIGO which was asked couple of years ago. So, that maybe narrows down a little bit.

also Large Hadron Collider and wo International proj jisme Fusion reactor banaane ki koshish kar rhe....forgetting the name


Does anybody have complete details regarding - Under what Provisions/Laws/Rules can Internet be suspended and who are the authorities who can effect such suspensions? 

Can recollect IT Act and Sec 144? Anything else? And any timelines for which the suspensions can remain?

IT Act sec 69 is used to ban apps etc

Telegraph Act is used to ban internet as a whole in area

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