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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

The alluvial soil in the area has come as a blessing for the demolition process as it did not transmit vibrations caused when the structures hit the floor...

Can somebody please explain which property of alluvial soil helps here? 

Can anyone with Geography optional clarify this please ?

My optional is not Geography but I think the reason is interstitial spaces. Alluvial soil is less dense with more space between two grains of soil. So any impact will be absorbed by air molecules between the particles. The logic is similar to why jumps are made into sand pits or a boxing bag has sand.. if it was clay which is very dense then the impact will be transfered to the object hitting on it. 


The alluvial soil in the area has come as a blessing for the demolition process as it did not transmit vibrations caused when the structures hit the floor...

Can somebody please explain which property of alluvial soil helps here? 

Can anyone with Geography optional clarify this please ?

My optional is not Geography but I think the reason is interstitial spaces. Alluvial soil is less dense with more space between two grains of soil. So any impact will be absorbed by air molecules between the particles. The logic is similar to why jumps are made into sand pits or a boxing bag has sand.. if it was clay which is very dense then the impact will be transfered to the object hitting on it. 

I think it won't be density but porosity in that case. 

Yes.. porosity. 


Global Electricity Grid: is it a viable proposition given that it's very difficult to integrate renewable sources with coal generated power ? 

The plan is only to integrate renewable sources for which India has sought funding. 


Global Electricity Grid: is it a viable proposition given that it's very difficult to integrate renewable sources with coal generated power ? 

The plan is only to integrate renewable sources for which India has sought funding. 

Solar resources are geographically dispersed. How it would be viable

Transmission losses would be a concern. 


Are legislative councils required at states? Should they be abolished? In light of recent move by AP govt, what are your views?

The constitution gives Councils limited legislative powers. Unlike Rajya Sabha which has substantial powers to shape non-financial legislation, Legislative Councils lack the constitutional mandate to do so. Legislative Assemblies have the power to override amendments made to a legislation by the Council. So it doesn't make sense to have a body just to park candidates. Only adds to the exchequer of the government. Either the powers of councils are increased to strengthen democracy or they are completely diluted. 



Will a different time zone be beneficial for the north-eastern states?

India is essentially a tropical country with at max 2 hours difference. Not too sure if it would be practical to implement DST for NE states. 


With banks profitability at all time low, increase in insurance limit is likely to increase the operating expenses of the banks. Is the move likely to benefit investors? Can somebody explain

The increase in insurance limit will increase the operating expenses of the banks as they will have to pay more insurance premium. This will impact the profitability of banks.

But the measure will boost confidence among investors since they will have a belief that their money is safe with bank. 

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