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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

Which institute's answer keys tallies closest to the actual result for y'all? Especially for CSAT.

Giving my first attempt this year, wanted to attempt the 2020 CSAT paper.. I see the divergence that's being talked about even in questions that look really really straightforward. 



Similarly for this question as well first we need to put e in the last so the initial 4alphabet abab similarly last four alphabet eded are there and the for the rest of the sequence count the number of b d and c you will find b 3 times c 3 times and similarly d 3 times hence we need to have b c d all one times hence answer would be b c d e.

Why won’t it be c? ababa, bcbcb, and so on?

+1 for C

@jassikamboj16303 No it doesnt. Ionian sea is bordered by Greece... 

Does anybody have good reading/revision material on the latest Bio related innovations? Monoclonal antibodies, MRNA Vaccine tech etc etc? Thanks in Advance.. 
@ranjan000008dubey16938 Iran? Because it was earlier an associate member.. Turkmenistan is the odd one out amongst the Central Asian countries that's not there in the SCO. Eliminate Saudi and Japan because it kinda is a regional grouping? 


Does anybody have complete details regarding - Under what Provisions/Laws/Rules can Internet be suspended and who are the authorities who can effect such suspensions? 

Can recollect IT Act and Sec 144? Anything else? And any timelines for which the suspensions can remain?

Anyone know a good mnemonic/memory trick to remember the capitals of all the "stans" in Central Asia.....??

Uzbekistan - Tashkent. I try to remember it using L.B Shastri and Tashkent files 

Kazhakstan - Astana - Rakesh Astana - an infamous cop in the news xP 

This works for me 😂 Sounds entirely stupid as I write it. Hope it helps :')

@Archand oh man 😂😭


Compound Interest - P{(1+r/100)^t} = 8000*1.025*1.025*1.025 = 8615.125

SI = PRT/100 + P = 8000+(8000*2.5*3/100)= 8600

Difference is 15.125

@captainhaddock While you are correct in arriving at the answer, a small logical correction. The formulae that you mentioned calculate "amount" and not the interest itself. It did not matter in this case because they asked difference. Principal just cancels out. But, for eg, if they had asked ratio then it would have mattered and your answer would have gone wrong, since the question is asking about difference in CI, SI and not in the "amounts" of CI, SI. So, correct way would be:
CI= 8615.125 - 8000 = 615.125
SI= 8600 - 8000 = 600
Now, CI - SI = 15.125
in case they ask ratio it would be 615.125/600 and here you can see the difference in answers coming.

Yes yes of course... Just thought about answering this particular question!!


In Aug 2020, National Green Tribunal issued an order banning the farming of African catfish under which of the following act?

A.) Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

B.) Wildlife Protection Amendment Act, 2006.

C.) Environment Protection Act, 1986.

D.) None of the above.

NGT doesnt have jurisdiction over WPA if i remember correctly, so I'd guess D? :P

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