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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

Do farmers sell their produce to FCI or to APMC mandis?

It's confusing because in some source it's written that farmers sell their produce to FCI at MSP and in other sources, it's written that farmers sell to APMC mandis.

Farmers can sell in APMC mandis only( all agri products). But some crops have MSP which will be procured by Govt. Those crops can be sold at mandis or to FCI, depending on the price. There is no compulsion on the farmer to sell to FCI.

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Do farmers sell their produce to FCI or to APMC mandis?

It's confusing because in some source it's written that farmers sell their produce to FCI at MSP and in other sources, it's written that farmers sell to APMC mandis.


fci procures at msp but there is no guarantee that it will from all farmers

farmers can also sell to apmc mandis but if the buying cost at apmc mandis is less than msp,then fci has to procure from farmers(though practically it doesnt happen)


And after purchasing goods from farmers, do APMCs sell them to FCI ?

@mhs11 @Echo_murphy

Procurement by FCI is done only from farmers not from market. 


This question is from a Vision Test. Answer given was 'D'. 

Shouldn.t it be 'B' as Option 2 should be correct ? 

Statement 2 is correct. What is the explanation given?



This question is from a Vision Test. Answer given was 'D'. 

Shouldn.t it be 'B' as Option 2 should be correct ? 

Statement 2 is correct. What is the explanation given?

Here's the explanation that is provided. Going by the explanation provided i don.t think they had the recent announcements in mind.@upsc2020 

Anyway thanks@upsc2020  @mhs11 

I just skimmed the act. It says 1971 census only. But the number of seats reserved for SCs &STs will be revised on the basis of 1991 census.




This question is from a Vision Test. Answer given was 'D'. 

Shouldn.t it be 'B' as Option 2 should be correct ? 

Statement 2 is correct. What is the explanation given?

Here's the explanation that is provided. Going by the explanation provided i don.t think they had the recent announcements in mind.@upsc2020 

Anyway thanks@upsc2020  @mhs11 

I just skimmed the act. It says 1971 census only. But the number of seats reserved for SCs &STs will be revised on the basis of 1991 census.

87th CAA, 2003 says 1971 census ? .. 

No. 84th CAA. 87th CAA for rationalising territorial constituencies of a state based on 2001 census instead of 1991

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Yeah so eventually it should be 2001 census only na, based on 87th CAA. And as that.s the last amendment it should be 2001 census only for territorial constituencies.

Hence, statement 2 should be correct only. Right ?

Yes you are right. I was just confirming from the original act 


Right to practice any profession and right to access internet are both fundamental rights, hence statement 1 has to be correct and statement 2 has to be incorrect.


Governor can dissolve the house when the council of ministers does not have a majority. So statement 2 should be wrong?

@mhs11 right to practice any profession ....could mean that any one could even perform gambling on it must be wrong??

Those are reasonable restrictions. The statements are general. Art 19 does say freedom to practice any profession 


Guys, please explain why both are not wrong. 
Why I was thinking that both are wrong:

1: Real exchange rate is defined as the ratio of Foreign Price to Domestic Price. High RER should mean that domestic prices are low.

2. Appreciation of currency or Increased Domestic inflation brings down RER. This reduces competitiveness and hence should reduce exports. 

Please explain. Really a headache. 

RER is low when currency depreciates. When currency depreciates exports increase.


Quoting Wikipedia: 
More in detail, an appreciation of the currency or a high level of domestic inflation reduces the RER, thus reducing the country's competitiveness and lowering the Current Account (CA). On the other hand, a currency depreciation generates an opposite effect, improving the country's CA.[15]"

Now I am confused too 😅


in this question ...can we assume 2nd statement as general statement......which is true except in some situations????

like right to practice any trade is general statement ....although there are restrictions but from solely reading this statement it seems wrong becoz of word "any".

what to consider in these type of questions? Is there any upsc previous year question like this??

Going by the past upsc questions...I think we should take statement 2 as right. If negation of the statement is wrong then it should be right.


noticed a common theme in upsc questions= if a statement mentions half/partial truth, then it  is generally considered to be true

1.1946 constituent assembly was elected by provincial bodies.( though CA had also members nominated by princely states, the given statement itself is not negated, therefore should be marked correct)


1.The Santhal rebellion was organized both against the British colonial authority and zamindari system

( though their revolt was against the dikus who in general were all outsiders ,including the above, this in itself does not make the statement  incorrect).

@kraantikaari see this comment 

Which one of the following is incorrect regarding ‘Perpetual bond’, sometimes seen in the news?
a) It is a bond with no maturity date.
b) It is listed on stock exchange in India.
c) The issuer doesn’t have the liability to return the principal.
d) It is a debt instrument issued by large corporates and banks.

The answer given is d. Shouldn't it be c?

There are only interest payments on perpetual bonds. Principal is not payed. They were previously used by governments to finance wars. 

Since principal is not payed, they are not considered debt instruments. It is similar to equity.

Is statement 4 correct? 

It should be correct.

@mhs11 why bhai? 

It is suspensive veto of the governor. When a bill is sent for assent means it already has the approval of the cabinet and the legislature, so obviously the govt will not ask the governor to send it for reconsideration.Governor sending for reconsideration becomes discretionary because ideally he must approve it based on the advice of council of ministers. . 

@mhs11 but it is neither mentioned in constitutional discretion or situation discretion... So how can you be so sure.. Please if you some sources let me know...! 

Thank you in advance

I don’t think “ constitutional discretion “ powers are explicitly mentioned as “discretionary “ in the constitution. It is only inference. In general governor has very wide discretionary powers. What powers are in his ‘discretion’ is also his discretion. 

Western ghats height increases or decreases from north to south?😅


Western ghats height increases or decreases from north to south?😅

The height of Western Ghats increases from north to south whereas height of Eastern Ghats increases from south to north. 

What should be the answer to this question?




Western ghats height increases or decreases from north to south?😅

The height of Western Ghats increases from north to south whereas height of Eastern Ghats increases from south to north. 

What should be the answer to this question?

All are correct, the question is printed wrong.

This is actual Q from 2005 paper- with answer being A



What should be the answer to this.choose the CORRECT statements

Statement 1 is correct 

statement 2 is wrong- after proclamation  parliamentary approval is required. Once it is is upto Prez

statement 3 is wrong- president cannot reduce, he may advise to states




Can someone explain how increasing borrowing can lead to high CAD.. Isn't it the other way around - Borrowing is done to finance the deficit ?

Borrowing is done to finance fiscal deficit. Current account deficit increases because more liability is created- outflow of money from India as interest payments.


Is statement C correct? 

I doubt it to be wrong but the answerkey mentions otherwise. :(

Same doubt. Someone please clarify. Is there a ban on voting for 6 years?



Is statement C correct? 

I doubt it to be wrong but the answerkey mentions otherwise. :(

Same doubt. Someone please clarify. Is there a ban on voting for 6 years?

yes, it is true. plz, refer to section IV of RPA 1951.



Can someone help me with the SFG Batch 2 schedule? I am unable to access the excel sheet. It throws an error- 

Sorry, unable to open the file at this time.

Please check the address and try again.

Same. I need to access it too. But you can go to the sfg batch 2 channel where they have compiled subject wise tests. First page has the test numbers and respective syllabus.



Can someone help me with the SFG Batch 2 schedule? I am unable to access the excel sheet. It throws an error- 

Sorry, unable to open the file at this time.

Please check the address and try again.

Same. I need to access it too. But you can go to the sfg batch 2 channel where they have compiled subject wise tests. First page has the test numbers and respective syllabus.

Are you able to access it? This too is not working for me!

404. That’s an error.

The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

I was able to access it few days back :( 

@root can this be resolved at the earliest. 



Can someone help me with the SFG Batch 2 schedule? I am unable to access the excel sheet. It throws an error- 

Sorry, unable to open the file at this time.

Please check the address and try again.

Same. I need to access it too. But you can go to the sfg batch 2 channel where they have compiled subject wise tests. First page has the test numbers and respective syllabus.

Are you able to access it? This too is not working for me!

404. That’s an error.

The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

 Had downloaded the question papers.

Don’t have explanation sheets though.

Can electoral bonds be purchased by foreigners?

Thanks. Some mock test mentioned it can be purchased by foreigners but couldn't find any such news on internet. :|

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It's correct. The answer will be none of the above. 

Article 17 can be amended by the Parliament. There's no bar. In case of emergency, only 20,21 cannot be suspended in any case. The enforcement of Article 17 is suspended in such a scenario. So, it's not absolute.

It's also applicable against individuals. Further, it is not self-executory because the Article clearly states that a law to that effect must be made defining it as an offence for the said purpose. 

Art 17 is not absolute. So shouldn't the first statement be right?

Art 17 is absolute in the sense that there are no reasonable restrictions on it I guess?


what should be the answer?

@mhs11 I think it's all four but i'm not entirely sure about the Annual Financial Statement. The other three are there in the budget for sure.

Well AFS is the Budget. My doubt is regarding 3&4. Are they mentioned in the constitution explicitly?

lol my mind totally blanked out on the AFS thing, but the last two are not mentioned in the Constitution. It's the FRBM Act that mandates the govt. to present those two documents along with Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement and Medium Term Expenditure Framework Statement.




what should be the answer?

In my opinion, the first two shall be mandatory documents. Since the Constitution, itself mentions the Annual Financial statement has to be laid before parliament and without demands for grants money can not be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India. 

The rest two are presented in the budget but it's not mandatory for the government to presents them.

However, I am not sure of this and need options to eliminate and arrive at the answer.

Wts the final answer?

Answer given is ' all of the above'. 3&4 are mandated by FRBM act


After 3rd Judges case, Transfer of Judges require opinion of collegium of 4 Judges+CJI and their appointment the collegium is of 2Judges+CJI only? Is this right or am I missing something?

Yes, transfer of HC judges is 4+1; while appointment of HC judges is 2+1. Whereas appointment of SC judges is 4+1


Guys, answer is given as A.

I understand principle of remote sensing isnt directly in use in telecommunications, but it definitely has application in Traffic studies right?

Help pliss. 

Yes! Remote sensing can be used for traffic studies. Only reason I can think of for A being the answer is that we haven’t  used remote sensing for traffic studies in India yet.

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CARTOSAT uses remote sensing, no?@mhs11 @dragon_rider 

Thanks for your response guys! :)

Yep. Remote sensing simply means getting data ( typically of earth surface)from a distance(typically from satellites) and making ‘sense’ out of it. So all earth observation satellites obviously use remote sensing.

Is black and white admit card allowed or need to be printed in colour format?

Black and white would be allowed. Most carry B&W only

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