With reference to the idea of a federation, which of the statements given below is/are correct?
1. Parliamentary supremacy is a necessary feature of a federal government.
2. A federation essentially means that it is an indestructible union of states.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Explanation from SFG test : A federal state is a fusion of several states into a single State in regard to matters related to common interests. Both the federal and state governments draw their authority from the Constitution. In such a federation, a component state has no right to secede from the federation at its will. This feature distinguishes a federation from a confederation
Source: D D Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, chapter 5, page no. 52
@Villanelle Thank you
@balwintejas Thank you.. As you said, if option was "union of indestructible states" then it would have been more appropriate. Otherwise with given option in question, I am still not convinced to mark it as correct.