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Open Letter - Action against Rogue Coaching Institute

Dear All,

A prominent rogue educationist who is known to poach faculty and use money and muscle power in Civil Services Coaching has been successful in poaching faculty from ForumIAS Academy in the past.

While this is expected from rogue coaching institutes and happened in JEE, the Civil Services arena has been more dignified than this.  

Today 4 hours before class commencement the said rogue educationist has used money and muscle power to force close our classroom based out of  PUSA Road, Top Floor.

We are writing to the said educationist to desist from such practices which do not reflect the culture of Civil Services Preparation , students, faculty and coaching owners.

We immediately request the said educationist to withdraw his influence from the premises and allow peaceful conduct of classes.

We urge Civil Services aspirant community to stay away from such rogue elements.

sonder,Oshoand34 otherslike this


That's such a wrongful conduct. Hope, it gets resolved soon. 

Sir, trust me we didn't come to ForumIAS because of any advertisements or anything else. Your selected candidates are your biggest advertiser and that will attract the cream crowd towards you. For me personally, your blog was the lighthouse, I myself don't know how I got access to them :)

Anyways, Wishing you a very Happy Teacher's Day! Thank You So Much for being the lighthouse in this cluttered sphere of things.

DM,Oshoand4 otherslike this
We are with you sir....come what may...... education  is about values which are tested in times of crisis....

He offered Dipin sir an opportunity and sir took it, that shouldn't be an issue in my opinion. Dipin sir was offered good money and opportunity to grow, he took it. Everyone does it. From corporates to self-employed ppl everyone. I know one other example of Peeyush sir who teaches Ethics & Essay. From Kalam IAS to IASHub to Vajiram. He's doing great.

But the educationist of NEXT getting classrooms closed using his influence is very bad.

Dear sir, we are with you against this. And sir may be there’s a possibility that anotherBSB, so calledadvisorto that institute, who was once part of the commission might be associated in these tactics, this also raises serious concern about the fairness of the examination, allowing someone having past ties to the examination conducting commission to manipulate the coaching sector is a complete mockery of the system. 
Sir i am with you ias has given many opportunities to me for evolving in the preparation very nicely.... SFG and Awfg are the most wonderful programs ... They have change my thought process and learning mindset.... We are all with you sir 
Osho,Moderndurkeimand3 otherslike this
Forum is known for its quality content and has been consistently producing good results. It's time to break the myth of dependence on a single faculty. Your MGP is unbreakable, no one can reach to that level.
Osho,Moderndurkeimand2 otherslike this
This guy deserves this. 
This guy deserves this. 

Deserve what ? Force closure of classrooms ? 

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