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Factly#762 In Phase-II to Fame India Scheme 2636 EV Charging Stations sanctioned [4th January 2020]

News: Department of Heavy Industries has sanctioned 2636 charging stations under FAME India (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India) scheme phase II.


About Fame India Scheme

  • It was launched in 2015.

  • Nodal Ministry:Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises

  • Aim:to support hybrid/electric vehicles market development and Manufacturing ecosystem.


  •  Encourage faster adoption of electric and hybrid vehicle by offering upfront Incentive on purchase of Electric vehicles

  • Establish necessary charging Infrastructure for electric vehicles.


  • Four focus areas namely (i) Demand Creation, (ii) Technology Platform, (iii) Pilot Project and (iv)Charging Infrastructure.

  • The phase I of the scheme continued up to 31st March 2019.

  • The FAME scheme is part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP)


  •  commenced from 01st April, 2019 for a period of 3 years

  • In 3W and 4W segment incentives are applicable mainly to vehicles used for public transport or registered for commercial purposes.

  • In the case of the e-2Ws segment, the emphasis is on private vehicles.

  • charging stations to be established in metros, other million-plus cities, smart cities and cities of Hilly states and major highways connecting major city clusters

Additional Information:

National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020: Launched in 2013, it aims to achieve national fuel security by promoting hybrid and electric vehicles in the country.



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