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Fear of not cleaning preliminary?

It's pretty common to have such thought at this big stage. Always try not to think much on it some amount of worry is okay and necessary too because it keeps you pushing for that extra effort at last minute and makes you better for the exam.

So enjoy the process and challenge of this exam at the same cause it's very rare kind of a experience that this exam can give you..

Scoring low in mock tests?

The only thing you must look at is how well you are doing at the static part of the questions you should not be worried about current affair questions just have a look at them and move on.

Just make sure you are strengthening your static part from these mock tests.

And don't get trapped into the marks correct-incorrect part

And also don't get circled yourself into heavy current affair compilations of "that institution". Trust me you can't remember everything it's just loaded with all those facts. But don't forget to look at important ones do it but not overtime.

Hope i was able to bring down your anxiety cause that makes me happier 

Do your best on 05.06.22

See you next time

Neyawn,GaryVeeand20 otherslike this


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