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Finishing Mains paper on time

Do you all manage to finish Mains paper on time?  It takes me 20-35 minutes extra for every paper. Any tips for finishing paper on time? 

dalpha,DMand2 otherslike this


In my opinion, we arent able to complete not because we are "slow writers", but because of "slow thinkers". Things must come in our heads, and onto the paper, in the exam automatically, so we need a lot of stuff ready beforehand. By ready, I actually mean "rattafied" (ratta, with all its negative connotations, is highly useful in UPSC exam)->definitions, introductions, conclusions, data, keywords, dimensions and most important "how to use" all this stuff. Answer writing of UPSC is by design made quite tough, by linking 3-4 concepts in one question. So if your basics of those concepts are ready in your head, AND YOU HAVE PRACTISED LINKING THEM before at your home, then you will finish WHAT IS BEING ASKED in time. Please do not, and i repeat DO NOT, mistake "knowing something" with "being able to effectively articulate" in exam. For example, we all know what is marriage, but if a question on marriage comes, then hardly anyone of us can give a "definition" of it in the paper in time. Most of us would, unless prepared beforehand, will give a very unimpressive definition, and that leads to low marks. So, "Articulation and Phrasing" is more important than knowledge. 

A line from Batman Begins, tailored to UPSC demands, comes to mind-"It is not what you are knowing underneath, its what you WRITE that defines you." 

Neyawn,OctagonalArcherand16 otherslike this
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