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Flunked Prelims 2024? Do not screw up 2025 - Part 2/2

Totally exhausted. Can someone send me the corrected spelling mistakes and doing the proof reading?

I had other jobs but had to write this, as I was meeting some people day in and out fooling around with the exam, spending half a decade before writing their first Mains.

And the common thing among them? Annually wasting six months after prelims negative result.

And when prelims comes, studying optional and gs mains.

Apologies for the typos and grammar errors ( though I am myself a grammar nazi )

DM,Siebzehnand2 otherslike this


with all due respect define "fooling around"?

Good moring. Good question.

Test of fooling around ( self diagnostic - no mentor needed )

  1. You are not making progress over the years. marks are nearly same or even decreasing.
  2. every year sources change, you keep buying new material
  3. you don't master any old material. you want to TOP the exam after 1-2 readings of the book,
  4. You claim to be a veteran, but have not even solved all PYQs - of 30 years after 3-4 prelims failures
  5. You don't join even 1 paid test series to evaluate a basic performance.You spend those few thousands on other things.
  6. You have done few tests of all coachings, but not 100% of anyone coaching.
  7. you are looking for some light-weight method to clear prelims, and cannot commit to 6-8 sitting hours for studies.
  8. you do not complete what you  begin.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

DM,Siebzehnand3 otherslike this

Dear Neyawn,

sub: Need Suggestion

I am preparing for the State PSC mains (which are mostly similar to the UPSC mains) and expect to complete this by November 1. I have been focusing entirely on the State PSC since the prelims and would appreciate any suggestions on what to do after November.

Yours sincerely,

A serious aspirant

Siebzehn,PaulAtreidesand2 otherslike this

Dear Neyawn,

sub: Need Suggestion

I am preparing for the State PSC mains (which are mostly similar to the UPSC mains) and expect to complete this by November 1. I have been focusing entirely on the State PSC since the prelims and would appreciate any suggestions on what to do after November.

Yours sincerely,

A serious aspirant


I cannot tell you what you have to do, but I can tell you some ways to think.

One of those things is that if you are appearing for any other exam, then write the exam with pull prep, no matter what ( this will depend on what is the level of civils prep , if it is good, then you have an advantage ).

The thing not to do is to annually write a couple of exams without preparation - and then fail in them, and carry the sticker on your head.

It is very demotivating for parents, because they think you prepared and yet you did not clear. So they lose faitn in you and they become jittery.

If you think you need a year break to give state pcs and other exams, by all means do it. But prepare.

One of the ways to know whether you are preparing or not is to check if you are cloking 8 hours a day or 50 hours / week and writing at least 50 pages per week, or reading 100+ pages / week. If those numbers do not add up then you are doing मन में तयारी |

And there are like a few million people in the country doing that. Nothing will come out of it.

You see things should not be so difficult for anyone. But when you are chasing things that other people also want, then it becomes tricky and dicey.

Play your cards right in the next 6 months, you should be sorted.

And do not take too much stress. Work instead.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

DM,Najdorfand7 otherslike this

@Neyawni think sir u just described my condition . Now what should be the course of action for 2025 prelims after failing four prelims from 2020 to 2023 and skipping 2024attempt . And I'm also one of those aspirants who came to know about forum very late .
@Bharat_J along with these attempts I gave 12 more exam in these course of action like rbi nabard epfo with one- two month preparation and failed all. I think I was just doing man main tyari please guide what should I do for a decent 2025 attempt


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