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All India Open Test Simulator for Prelims 2021 | 11th April 2021

All India Open Test Simulator - Open to All


To check the rank list of All India Simulator Test 0:Click Here

The detailed solutions, All India rank and Performance Analysis of the All India Simulator test are now available. 

Click Here to check the results



Solutions have been already uploaded on the portal.

All India Open Test Simulator Test Discussion - Part 1

All India Open Test Simulator Test Discussion - Part 2



All India Open Test Simulator for Prelims 2021 is now LIVE.Click hereto attempt now!



Slot Timings have been mailed to you.

Important Instructions:

  • How to write the Test? To check the instructions, Click Here 
  • You can write the Test at the designated slot. If you are unable to write the Test at the designated slot, you can write it anytime after 02:30 PM (April 11).
  • Solutions and Video discussion will be uploaded by 9 PM on 11th April.



Your respective time slots and instructions for writing the test have been mailed to you. 


This is to inform you that ForumIAS is conducting SIMULATOR 0 - an All India Open Test Simulator for Prelims 2021 on 11th April 2021. This test is free and open to all students.

You can register for the same here:


ForumIAS All India Open Test 1 for Prelims 2021

Hello All,

ForumIAS will be conducting an All India Open Mock Test on 21st February 2021 in Online Mode.

This thread will be the single point of communication for all updates on the Open Test !!

The detailed solutions, all India rank and performance analysis of the All India Open test are now available. 

Click Here to check the results

Note: Please login before checking the results.

So write your best mock for Prelims 2021 with us!

For Registrations visit

After Registration,Click hereto start the test

Instructions and your time slot have been mailed to you. In case if you are unable to write the test at the designated time slot, you can write it any time after 6.30 PM (Feb 21) till 11:59 PM (Feb 22)

All India Open Test for Prelims 2021 | Ancient & Medieval History


All India Open Test for Prelims 2021 |Polity, IR, Art & Culture & Modern History Discussion

All India Open Test for Prelims 2021 | Economics Discussion

All India Open Test for Prelims 2021 |Geography, Env. & Sci. & Tech. Discussion




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