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[Official] GS Simulator - All Tests, Discussions, Queries, Ranklist, Doubts

Dear Student,
Ranklist of all the students who appeared for GS Simulators in Discipline mode will be published here. 
Links of Discussion Videos of all the GS Simulators will also be available here.

1) GS Simulator #1

2) GS Simulator #2

3) GS Simulator #3

4) GS Simulator #4

5) GS Simulator #5

6) GS Simulator #6

7) GS Simulator #7

8) GS Simulator #8

9) GS Simulator #9

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: Uploaded on the portal
  • Cut Off: 105-110

10) GS Simulator #10

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: It will be uploaded by Wednesday
  • Cut Off: 116-120

11) GS Simulator #11

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: It will be uploaded by Wednesday
  • Cut Off: 100-105

12) GS Simulator #12

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: It will be uploaded by Wednesday
  • Cut Off: 105-110

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand25 otherslike this


@Neyawn Endure, Master Wayne! That's the point of being Batman. 

To fellow aspirants, don't give up. Definitely not in the last moments. Burn the midnight oil, rerevise the already revised topics, suffer the pain. But endure. That's what successful ones do. 

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand8 otherslike this

My scores so far

ST-1=114 (c-66, w-27, un-07) poor performance in SnT and EnE

ST-2=64.67 (C-48 W 47 Un-5)same as above + IR

ST-3=56.67 (C-43 W 44 Un13) poorly performed in all except for eco and polity

  Now i feel like hell,totally demotivate. i have no idea what to do because in some other test series my performance is good. Is the@forumiasacademy 's parameter high or i have not up to the level

Please some get me out. Though after listening to Ayush Sir advice i start working on it 

Moreover, please increase the font size of online test as sometime some word are so small to read 

@Neyawn @jack_Sparrow 

This can be demotivating for most people. Most people generally give up at this stage. The great filter. 

Sometimes you just have to stick to it. From what I have seen, sometimes I get to interact with many kinds of students. Some of them have been winners and toppers all throughout life. Some of them have trouble passing college and plus two.

All kinds of people end up with under 50 rank. But then there is one trait which makes it a little easier to predict who will make it ultimately. It is not the smart ones or the ones who have won medals in college.

It is the ones who have the ability to handle failure and work despite a low. I have seen this in several people in the past 5 years or so.

So the questions is, if Gotham is burning, what would Alfred want Batman to do?

"What would you have me do, Alfred?"

Anyone remembers the answer?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

Neyawn,Deepak802and7 otherslike this

Hello there, 

The following are the key points mentioned byAyush sirin today's session (19/08/2020) for Prelims with respect to SFG batch and the strategy for the next 45 days.

  • Study as much as possible now. 
  • Only study, eat food & sleep
  • Wake up as early as 2 am
  • Normal approach wont get you anything 
  • No social life.
  • Stick to your own source. 
  • 3:1 =3 hours for test & 1 hour for revision
  • You can clear prelims in the remaining time.
  • Source minimalism- no new sources.
  • No thinking on Mains at this point of time.
  • Focus only on prelims.
  • Concentrate only on the subject you are doing .
  • Start studying as soon as you wake up.
  • This is the last time i am studying so much. 
  • Nap of 20 minutes. Not more than that. 
  • May be try Shavasan.
  • 2-3 days plan. Even if i dont finish. I should not extend the deadline, move to another subject. 
  • Change sequence of reading. Reverse. 
  • Confidence has 50% role in success.
  • Revision is the Key. 
  • Dont judge yourself based on scores.
  • Careful reading. 
  • No good scores, only improvement is needed in scores.
  • Solve & resolve the same papers.
  • Problem solving mode rather test series mode.
  • Solved - bored - Revise- bored - solved.
  • Be on solving mode - MCQ mode.
  • Solve Previous paper questions. 
  • Mind map/ Tables 
  • Practise CSAT everyday.
  • Wrongs notes should be scribbled. Not elaborate. 
  • Attempt min 85 questions -95 questions.
  • 45 days is more than enough to clear this Exam.
  • Compete with the Best. 
  • This is the time to run the fastest.

All the Best guys.

Thanks@Neyawn  Sir :pray::pray:

EiChan,Raillifeand6 otherslike this


After solving 100% sure questions (40) I am confused between 2 options in most of the questions and at last end up marking always the wrong ones. Any suggestion? 


First Can you write down "Out of"

100% sure = 41 right out of ?

50% sure = x out of Y

Secondly, from what I know there is no strategy to chooseone between final two. If you have many such questions, then remember two things

  1. There is a catch in every concept, which you have to know, while reading or identify.
  2. The earlier you start the better you will get at it.

For example, if there is a question / text on CBI, then most people will read that it derives powers from DSPE Act. But will not go ahead and get clarity whether it is considered a statutory body or not. 

Now, let us say you have read that it is not a statutory body. However, when two seemingly contradictiry facts are mentioned in choices - like it is govered by DSPE Act and second, it is a non statutory body, you are likley to develop cold feet and mark the answer wrongly.

Once you do the analysis that you are doing now, for at least 4-5 tests and upto 7 -8 tests, you will catch the hang of it, Then you will develop the aptitude to keep this angle while reading itself.

What you will need is patience . Once you patiently do this , you will suddenly make massive improvement, at which point it becomes difficult to flunk the prelims unless you are on high the night before the exam.

Even then it becomes difficult, because you know the catches.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,abhilasha1811and6 otherslike this
@Neyawn  Endure,,,Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman, he can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice.

Thanks for your valuable input 

Neyawn,ssver2and5 otherslike this


simulator Test 2 ,question 2

statement 1 is correct as rajya sabha chairman can only name a member and not suspend it , same is mentioned in the link

With reference to Suspension of MPs, consider the following statements:

1. Unlike the Speaker of Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha Chairman does not have the power to suspend a member.

jack_Sparrow,ssver2and4 otherslike this

My scores so far

ST-1=114 (c-66, w-27, un-07) poor performance in SnT and EnE

ST-2=64.67 (C-48 W 47 Un-5)same as above + IR

ST-3=56.67 (C-43 W 44 Un13) poorly performed in all except for eco and polity

  Now i feel like hell,totally demotivate. i have no idea what to do because in some other test series my performance is good. Is the@forumiasacademy 's parameter high or i have not up to the level

Please some get me out. Though after listening to Ayush Sir advice i start working on it 

Moreover, please increase the font size of online test as sometime some word are so small to read 

@Neyawn @jack_Sparrow 

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand3 otherslike this

Simulator #8

    Question: 48
    1. The number of seats allotted to the states in the Rajya Sabha has been providedas per the provisions of the Representation of People's Act 1950.

    Statement 1 is correct? As per article 80, the allocation of seats in the Council of States to be filled by representatives of the States and of the Union territories shall bein accordance with the provisions in that behalf contained in the fourth Schedule
    abhilasha1811,Thinkerand3 otherslike this


    Q57 GS Simulator Test 8

    Consider the following statements:

    1. According to the doctrine of severability only the provisions of the law or act that are not consistent with the Fundamental Rights shall be void.

    2. According to doctrine of eclipse when any law violates the fundamental rights then the fundamental rights overshadow that law or act and make it unenforceable but not void.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    Both the Statements are correct in explanation but key is having Answer as "A'. Please rectify the same.

    ssver2,abhilasha1811and3 otherslike this
    @MarcusA I felt a clear increase in difficulty compared to previous 2 tests. Drop of around 10 marks. What about others?

    abhilasha1811,bernoullitrialsand2 otherslike this

    If it's not too difficult for you to implement this on your platform at this point, I (and presumably many others) will benefit from these and would be extremely grateful for it:

    1. A "back" button should be available once you click to see the result of any test: because once you click to see a test result, it's actually really hard to access the main list of tests, as bookmarking the webpage with the list of tests doesn't work to get here. Plus since I am new to Forum online, it is really confusing to figure out Academy from Forum, esp since the personal account dashboards for both are different?
    2. Under detailed analytics, if we could filter questions by subject– since you're already tagging each Q by subject, static/current tags, this would hopefully be easy to implement *fingers crossed
    3. Under Question analytics, if you could introduce an extra column for subject . This is mostly similar to point (2)

    I had been spending at least 5 hours after the test to read through the solutions until the live session on Saturday made me see my folly, and I realised that I need to go back to my source textbooks and re-read or add points there that I might be getting wrong. This is really tough to do if you can't tackle Qs subject-wise. I don't have enough desk space (and time) to efficiently switch between subject books while chronologically tackling Qs.

    A subject-wise filter would be SO helpful. It'll be great if you can help us execute your own advice to aspirants!

    @forumiasacademy @Neyawn 

    ssver2,sanemonkand2 otherslike this

    Bougainville is not yet a new country,it has merely passed a resolution.

    Was Wavell plan accepted by congress? solution says yes..

    ssver2,Patrick_janeand2 otherslike this
    @sanemonk I will not be able to guide with respect to Art & Culture as I accepted this as a weak point. And made sure that I score better in other subjects. 

    Having said that, The topics you have listed are areas from where UPSC has asked questions in prelims or mains. Administrative structure related questions have been abound. Mughal Architecture questions are also conventional. 

    Do one thing, in Art and Culture as well as subjects you hate, just remember 6 things about each.  These 6 things must be the most significant ones - like Mughal Art - Drawings of God not allowed in Islam, so that has been the theme of paintings, use of animals, floral patterns, marble background , fresco etc.

    You should be satisfies that if you know just 5 - 6things about each keyword , you are prepared for both Prelims and Mains.

    I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

    jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand2 otherslike this

    @ShantanuA @Thinker 

    Sir, Can someone pls issue a corrigendum for Simulator 8? Few mistakes, some of which have been pointed here. Or in case they are not mistakes, can someone provide explanations?

    abhilasha1811,dikshajoshi530and2 otherslike this

    Simulator 8

    Q11, Q48, Q50, Q53, Q57, Q91

    The answer doesn't match the explanation. 

    Can someone please help with it ?

    @forumiasacademy @Thinker 

    mickeyviru,UK01and2 otherslike this


    This is ncert of which class.  I am relying on CA for science and tech.  Should I read ncert?


    This is not a must do advice. It’s a take it or leave it suggestion. If you have not done NCERT Biology yet, you may skip it, because you may find it a little difficult. Secondly, it is not an either or question.

    My fear is that you may end up saying a week later - I am banking on ncert for Sn T. should I do current affairs.

    A good way around is that your core should be fixed. If it’s CA, it’s good enough. Anything else that you read, should be on top of it. But CA you must be very thorough.

    Having said that, have you solved past twenty years papers of SnT and made sure you are done with x, Y chromosome questions ? Nightblindess / baldness , public health, tuberculosis, HIV sort of of topics already asked before ?

    You have always hit the bull's eye while helping us on blog or in the open seminars. :-) Thank You so much. :-)

    Glad it helped! The Forum was beautiful once upon a time, before it fell. And there were many helpful people. Hopefully, they are here. They are just hiding. Or SO.

    I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

    ssver2,Integerand2 otherslike this

    simulator 3 -wth was that!!! muje hi sadma laga yaa was mutual for everyone? enormous fall in score 

    bernoullitrials,mhs11and1 otherslike this

    Sir, I am poor in ancient medieval and art and culture. In last 2 simulator I correct around 65 to 70 percent questions right from environment but in today's test only 4 questions I market correct.

    Before today's simulator I thought to work on history part but now I scored bad in environment as well.

    Can you please help me out. On which subjects should I focus more

    Okay, here is the thing. Noone is poor in art and culture. It is just a matter of revision.

    In this phase of exam, you have 2 choices

    1. Read back to back basic books - this is something that should be done from jan-feb-march , around that time. Rght now we should be revising things.
    2. Not go by feelins, and see which topics we have got questions wrong from and not attempted. Make a list and prepare it from 2 sources - one the place wgere you read it the first time and second from wikipedia ( especially for S n T, CA, Enviornment )

    So go backwards, first make a list of keywords, topics which you got wrong in this test and kill them. finish them off such that you wont get a question wrong from them a second time.

    Also, kindly share list of topics which you got wrong or didnt attempt. Can you?

    I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

    ssver2,Microand1 otherslike this

    Simulator 3, Ques 57, 

     1. President: as per article 112, isn't it the president who causes the govt. to lay the annual financial statement. 

    4. NITI Aayog: In case of strategic disinvestment, the CPSEs to be disinvested shall be decided on the recommendation of authorities such as NITI Aayog.  

    by this logic, can we say that both these are associated with financial planning?

    my confusion is mainly because of the term 'associated' here. I thought it actually makes it possible for even indirect involvements.

    ssver2,abhilasha1811and1 otherslike this

    Simulator test 3 Q 11

    Consider the following statements with reference to the BASIC countries.

    1. The grouping of four nations is based on the common geo-political interests of the developing countries

    Statement 1 is given as incorrect. But negotiating for interests of developing countries  in the paris deal does not count as geo-political interests?

    ssver2,mickeyviruand1 otherslike this
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