My scores so far
ST-1=114 (c-66, w-27, un-07) poor performance in SnT and EnE
ST-2=64.67 (C-48 W 47 Un-5)same as above + IR
ST-3=56.67 (C-43 W 44 Un13) poorly performed in all except for eco and polity
Now i feel like hell,totally demotivate. i have no idea what to do because in some other test series my performance is good. Is the@forumiasacademy 's parameter high or i have not up to the level
Please some get me out. Though after listening to Ayush Sir advice i start working on it
Moreover, please increase the font size of online test as sometime some word are so small to read
I have attempted ST 3 but on test channel it shows as Start Test. Is it made knowingly or there is some error.