Hey! Thanks for the initiative. I would really appreciate community advice on few things. Firstly, I have just written mains and I have realised that I need to make better and concise notes for a lot of things, especially subjects like WH, PIC which can take a lot of time near the mains. But at the same time I think I need more practice in answer writing. I have some MGP tests left so I will be using them. Now should I focus first completely on making notes and then move to revision and answer writing. If that should be the case, what should be the time limit for me to complete the notes making. Or should I make notes, revise, practice simultaneously? Also what is that point where you can start believing that your mains preparation is good and you should wholly shift to prelims? Finally please suggest a good source for economics mains. Is PW Prahaar series good for it? Thanks!!
@GaneshGaitonde Thanks a lot!! And I will definitely try to avoid UPSC discussion for this week:)