How can I meet Ayush Sinha sir? - ForumIAS
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How can I meet Ayush Sinha sir?

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You may ask me a question here. Will try to reply.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


@Neyawn Sir

Does our marks in MGP (ethics) is similar to real exam? I feel I am writing better answers this year, however my marks are below (100) my last year's mains marks ( 106).


@Neyawn Sir

Does our marks in MGP (ethics) is similar to real exam? I feel I am writing better answers this year, however my marks are below (100) my last year's mains marks ( 106).

You can expect score in actual exam to be upto 20 marks above what you are getting in MGP, assuming no major variations in marking pattern.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Tyrion Lannister,

@Neyawn any such equivalence for other GS papers?


@Neyawn any such equivalence for other GS papers?

As of now the score correlation may only hold in GS 2 and to some extent in GS 3.

This is because in different years the marking scheme and scaling is different for different papers. For instance even a rank 1 is getting less than 100 in GS 3 ( 95 as shared with me ) . On the other hand GS 4, the new above average score is 120+ with people getting 130+ easily and some people getting 140+.

Just four years back in GS 3, score was around 110+ and no one was getting above 100 in GS4 in, let's say 2017-18 phase.

The commission adopts liberal amd strict marking in some papers in some years and may scale up or scale down in some years.

Which is why bank on relative performance. Inhave seen people do well in MGP do well finally. Majorly.

There are people here who would get in top 10 in ForumMGP and have gotten under 5, under 10 under 20 ranks in final list.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

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