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How many hours are you able to clock right before the exam? What do you do to solve the problem?

So some us can study for hours before the exam. Some of us just give up when the exam is near. Anxiety issues. How do you fight anxiety before the exam and just sit donw and study? WHat is your hack?

ssver2,DMand6 otherslike this


Honestly there is nothing else to do at the moment except eat-sleep-study-repeat... 

Even when I feel like I can't sit anymore, I know I hv no other option. So I sit with my family, joke around a bit... Tell them what I'll do after the exam gets over... N then get back... 

Visualizing my victory moment, every time I feel anxious, also helps a lot.. 

It's just a matter of days now and then I'll have my well deserved break(provided omicron permits).. 

This is all that keeps me moving.. 

Personally my study hours don't increase exponentially.... I have been studying consistently for 8 hours minimum daily on an average for the past 5 months... And I don't think it will change.. Anyway.. We will see.. 

ssver2,DMand11 otherslike this
Studying is the only way left for me to avoid the feeling of being anxious 

Per Aspera 

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discoFighter,Sunflowerrand1 otherslike this
I remember that story you told us about Dharma from Mahabharat and study
ssver2,Ravi_Kiranand1 otherslike this
I usually go out for cycling (an hour or so) and things become a little less terrifying then or go get an icecream alone. Changing the surrounding for just an hour does make a difference
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