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How many hours do you guys study on an average daily?

From mid January till 30th January...I didn't know what productivity meant..If it was waking up at 7am and then after doing nothing sleeping at 11pm..(then yes.. i was highly productive)I don't know what it was..( may be the impact of 29th October when I didn't see my roll no. in the list + the ongoing struggle of being focused)

At times I clocked 8 hrs..7 hrs..even 9 hrs(kisi tarah i guess before prelims)..but for last few weeks it was only 3-4 hrs..NOT MORE THAN THAT..(even if I was sure that somebody might be studying in these hours..)but thankfully after sharing all my problems and thoughts now I'm back on track...

Coming back to the motive of the thread...On an average I spend 7-8 hrs a day...(LIBRARY+HOME EDITION)....BUT..BUT....( sometimes it depends) on a particular target..I think it is more than enough if THE FOCUS IS HIGH..people saying 10-15 hrs of study is good( I SERIOUSLY DON'T BELIEVE THEM)...ALSO making SLOTS is a very interesting activity..i follow this rule..

Well..depends P2P...:) At the end being mentally active is also a challenge..! So..give time to everything..(MEDITATION.. EXERCISE.. STUDY.. OUTING..).:) 

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