@visionmanthe state you were born? or the state where your father/grandfather belonged to i guess will be the most appropriate in your case
do we need to upload certificates for hobbies also? like if i had played basket ball at inter school level but dont have certificate, then can i mention or not? similary i was assocaited few clubs at my workplace but there is no hard certificate for the same. Can those be mentioned?
As far certificate upload is concerned is it only core certificate regarding degree, dob etc
whenever we select no preference, it automatically stops the submission process and populate the remaining entries as 99. It means that as suggested by some in old videos to leave certain zones as blank or states as blank is not possible. we have to select 1 state from each iteration? Is that correct? anyone tried filling up cadre preferences
@abhinav23raj436yes this might be latest tweak to the way we submit the form. We have to fill all the option whether we like it or not. Is anyone having zone with UP bihar as first preference, please tell here will like to share my order of preference
@mikeonbikeso what are you planning to do, we have to submit right?