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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2022

Board : r n Chaubey sir
30 Jan, 23
Forenoon session
B tech mechanical, SVNIT, surat
Optional - Mathematics
Hobby-watching gujarati movies

You have stayed in Gujarat bhavan?
What did you eat in breakfast?
Tell in brief about your academic background and work experience?
What do you know about crop insurance?
Does PMFBY got success?
What is exact method of PMFBY?
Who pays for premium?
What do you think regarding development vs environment?
With regards it to current times in india, we are headed towards envt or development?
India requires lot of energy and lack of energy is visible today like power cuts and our coal mines are in forest, so should we explore it?

what is soft power?
Can movie helps in softpower, in your opinion?
Bollywood movies are projected as soft power in past, but now many regional movies are promoted, didn't it means that we are diverting from mains things as soft power?
Conventionally people are saving by putting money in banks as fd, in gold but in recent times more other venues are there, what do you think about it, is there any danger?
Should we encourage people to invest more in stock market?

have you heard about Param Vir chakra in recent times?
Any name of Param Vir chakra awardee?
Where can we put zero in whole number or integer?
Does zero comes in natural number?
How zero and infinity are connected?
Do you know Newton's third law?
If I hit someone, then will it apply?
Then one should not hit somebody?

UN intangible heritage site given recently, do you know?
Any other things you can recollect about it?
Is there any intangible heritage in Gujarat?
You are from nit, why do you want to join civil service?
Where do you want to work after 10 years?
Do you know about 'inclusive education'?
Have you heard of 'inclusive school'?
Your favourite director in regional cinema? One movie ?
What is about that movie 'be yaar'?

Many are saying climate change is not real, how do you convice them in 5 min?
How can we say that current climate change impact is due to industrial revolution?
What is this 'two degree'?
PANEL - Lt. Gen. Raj Shukla (Retd.)


Satyavathi Mam Board
Btech metallurgy from NIT Trichy
Native : Salem ,Tamil Nadu
Hobbies : Mandala painting / reading fiction books
Work : Sidbi

For female candidates ( please remove your chain / earring/ ring ) they are asking ur to remove all ornaments including watch.,

Satyavathi Mam read out the DAF loudly and asked the following questions :
1) What are you doing currently ?
2) why this gap of 3 years since your last job
3) What made you choose civil service ?
4) Civil service is not just about IAS,
there are other services also ?
You can do much better in your current job ,why this ?
5) Why didn't you go to Core ? Why IT ?
6) Didn't you appear for Gate exam ?
7) Tell about Dravidian model of development that Tamil Nadu is talking about ?
8) how is it different from other states ? Why call it Dravidian?
9) What makes TN one of the leading states in economic and social indicators in the country ?

Member 2:
1) You become IAS and you are given a choice to choose between two districts - one where there is more communal tensions and another a border district with issues of drug and human trafficking- what would you choose ?

I chose border district siting few reasons.
2) Follow up question.but in case of choosing a communal violent district, if you bring communal harmony you can make a big difference.
I agreed to his point,yet chose to stay with border district as i felt the scope of development is more there.

3) Tell me the background of how Afghanistan evolved and what is the current relations of India with Afghanistan?

4) Tell me 5 interesting things about Salem ?

5) Tell me about mandala painting ?

 Member 3:
1) What lifestyle choices do you have ?
How will you lead your life in next decades ?
2) Will you be able to find the right partner who will agree with your way of life ?
3) Why dont you like a lavish lifestyle ? ( But many prefer it ,why don't you ?)
4) Tell me some new materials used nowadays ?

Member 4:
1) What schemes have Government brought for MSME's?
2) How is Mudra helping and how is it different ?
3) What do you know about semiconductors ?
4) What is opinion on Remote voting ?
5) Do you support it or not ?
What is it about ordinary residents and native residents ?

Member 5:
1) What do you do in Sidbi ? ( In your branch )
2) What are steps taken by Sidbi for antimoney laundering ?

Satyavati Mam :
1) what do you know about account aggregators ?
2) follow up - it will be useful only if they voluntarily provide info..
What would you do if people conceal info and how can you check money laundering?
Date and session : forenoon session, 30th January
Board: Satyawati mam
Optional: sociology
Computer science engineering
Home state : madhya pradesh
Relevant keyword from daf: worked as software developer in fintech, reading fiction, mindfulness meditation, badminton

As I entered she started reading out details from summary sheet/daf
1 . You are from computer science graduate, please explain me what is NFT?
2 . You have lived in x, y, z places ( places mentioned in daf) . Which is your favorite place and why ? 1-2 follow-up questions on this.
3. Since you are from IT background, can you tell me about the recent performance of IT industry and why declining?

1. Explain what is mindfulness meditation?
2. Are there different types of meditation? How do they differ from mindfulness meditation?
3. She asked something on the lines - there are many famous practitioner like sadhguru ( she took other names which I can't recall nor recognize) . What do they do ? Do you agree with their methodologies?
4. Both Delhi and Bangalore are metro cities and incidents take place even in Bangalore that imply it is not that safe for women? So why you think Delhi is more unsafe? ( This was continuation of question regarding the place that i liked- i had mentioned safe public space as one of the factor in my previous answer)
5. Can you tell me few shortcomings about Bangalore?

1. Few people say computers should not be included as engineering discipline. What do you think? Why ?
2. We hear a lot about AI, do you think AI can cause end of human civilisation?
3. Are there any laws/treaties to regulate AI ?
4. What is the trend of sex ratio in India? Is it increasing or decreasing? Why?
5. What can be done to improve sex ratio?

1. What kind of fiction you like reading?
2. Book you read recently.
3. Long question which I can't remember exactly, but the gist was --How female lead development can happen?
4. If you are posted in district, how to ensure that schemes for women are executed efficiently? (This too was long question, but gist was mostly this)
5. If you are female police official, how to ensure that women who are underprivileged and exploited are heard and get justice?

1. When you entered, you were nervous but after sometime you opened up , why did this happen?
2. You have lived in gujarat, can you talk or understand Gujarati? Can you speak a sentence in Gujarati?
3. District which share border with international territory, what additional challenges do such district face?
4. You would have read about Russia - Ukraine war. What are the challenges that Russia is facing?

Your interview is over. Thank you

1. few questions were long, so I may not have remembered exact question
2.  Not sure how useful it is going to be: but I was told in one mock that since you are female candidate, and if you happen to face a board who has female member- you might probably be questioned on women issues.
Board - M. Sathiyavathy
30 Jan 2023
Afternoon session
Background - Haryana, B.Sc. Physical Science, ICAS
Optional - History
Hobby - Reading fiction, cooking

Read through the DAF.
1.Should we merge all accounts services?
2. What services have been merged recently?
3. Has it been a good decision? (More counter questions)

1. What are green house gases? Give examples.
2. You mention you were the School Gender Champion. What is that?
3. Don't you think only boys/men need to be gender sensitised?
4. What is Gender Gap Index?
5. How has the condition of women improved in India?

1. What kind of fiction do you like to read?
2. What have you read recently? Who was the main character in that book?
3. What do you like to cook?
4. What got you into Mediterranean cooking?

1. 5 problems and 5 things that are good about your district.
2. Given a choice between serving in a border district, and a naxal affected district, where would you choose to serve? (Counter questions on why not border district, don't you think drug smuggling is an important issue harming the youth?)
3. What is quantum entanglement?
4. Why is it being talked about recently?
5. What are scientists saying about time and space with respect to it?

1. Give chronology of dynasties in India.
2. Give examples of surviving architectural monuments of these dynasties.
30th January Afternoon Session
Chairman- RN Choubey Sir
Malayalam Literature Optional
Economics Background
Kerala Home State

 • Introduction - Educational background and Work experience
 • What is licence raj system?
 • What is inspector raj system? Do we need a inspector raj system?
 • In Ukraine Russia conflict who is right and who is wrong?

Member 1

 • Favorite writer? Why?
 • Why High HDI in Kerala? From where did Kerala got money for such a development?
 • Did Malayalam Literature show any pattern in its development over years?

Member 2

 • Why only Kerala managed to get high HDI not other states like Punjab and Sikkim?
 • Agriculture to Service direct Jump. How it affected economy?
 • What govt has recently done to improve industrial development?

Member 3

 • Application of any economic theory in Agricultural sector for its development?
 • Reasons for air pollution in Delhi. What measures did govt took to control stubble burning?
 • Why the issue of stubble burning only affecting Delhi?
 • Environmental significance of backwaters in Kerala?

Member 4

 • Anything from Science fiction literature that later become scientific invention?
 • Real life application of any science fiction movie concept?
 • Conspiracy behind the origin of Covid pandemic?
 • How the conflict between development and environment led to the origin of corona virus?
31st January, forenoon session
Board = R N CHOBEY sir
Medical science optional
Home State= J&K

1.tell us about consumer protection architecture in India r a doctor, why civil services?
3.what do you know about Ross island, who is Ross?
4.who discovered the drug for malaria?
5.noble prize won by Indians (ist and latest)
6.what is monarchy? What factors pushed Nepal to democracy. watch science based documenteries , tell us which one u watch recently? usa and India space sector? What Indian can learn from it.
9.economic survey importance and it's tabling?
10. At one end we have this goal of inclusive growth and at other end we r focusing only on more n more investment in economy to boost GDP. How do u see the divergence?
11. Since independence many commissions and even niti ayog failed to address the problems of our agriculture . What according to you is the root cause ?
12.Suggest a solution that can address the three problems (land fragmentation, rising population, climate change)?
13.what do u know about FSSAI? It's functions.
14. How do we implement the vaccination challenge in India during covid times (initially)
15. What is your opinion as a doctor regarding 'emergency use authorisation' ?
16.why there is so much noise about covid vaccines
17.suppose you have to advice a covid vaccine to an individual , what would u advice covaxin or covishield.
18.presidential address to the parliament, unique thing this time?
19.saffron cultivation, it's flower, how it looks?

20.Your interview is over , would u like to b asked questions from any area we might have missed?

Your interview is over
Interview questions
Choubey sir's board
5th to enter
Optional: sociology
Home state: Kerala
Hobbies: Shyamaprasad movies , cardio exercise and meditation

1) About whether I had lunch( to make comfortable)
2) in 1 min about academic and professional achievements -( talked about patent)
3) About EVs having power to address pollution
4) Agree or disagree - Environmental protection is a conspiracy, to make rich countries richer and poor countries poorer

M1- Sir
1) automatic driving - why it didn't get picked up in a large manner
2) what all specification to be needed in self driving cars
3) How different softwares of different companies make a difficulty in implementing
4) Why cardio and meditation combination and how it help me
5) why only Shyamaprasad movies only

M2 - sir
1) Comparison of Kerala and West Bengal Population. Is the government due to politically consciousness people ( Rephrasing and follow up questions)
2) Whether Russian invasion accelerated arm access for Ukraine which was what Ukraine anticipated by NATO entry?

M3 - Ma'am
1) Which all activities conducted while being in the position of Women Development Cell Vice Chair
2) Why so many Engineering graduates coming to civil services
3) Whether as IT professional and patentee, my introduction to Civil Services a brain drain
4) What meditation means psychologically for me
5) If in services what can you contribute

M4 - Sir
1) What is CRZ
2) Why it is in place
3) what types of encroachment are being avoided by CRZ regulations
4) What is fussy logic
5) what is Moore's law
RN Chaubey sir
1 feb 2023 Forenoon
6th and last to enter
Around 30 minutes

Mathematics optional
IIT Delhi Btech Chemical engineering
Haryana state
Keywords : Playing Chess and captain of hostel team, Teaching and Mentoring, NSS

1. Tell me about your education and work experience
2. What is indus water treaty. Why news
3. Why inter state disputes arises
4. Should we transfer this matter to centre alone to decide

Member 1(lady)
1. Evergreen revolution : what why
2. Promote above how
3. Why haryana people selling land and moving out of this sector
4. Solve this as a policy maker

Member 2
1. Delhi new trucks new addition what is it.
2. Why we say EV less polluting even though electricity comes from thermal plants pollutes environment
3. Diesel exhaust engine
4. One more question I don't remember

Member 3
1. If rice causes soil degradation water table down, then should we limit it to only South region and not allow in north. Your views
2. Can state secede from union of states. How?
3. If no foreign involvement in this then should we allow to secede?

Member 4
1. Doctrine of "one innocent don't punish even though 99 criminals left unpunished". Your views
2. What Reforms needed for above
Odisha. NIT RKL, Electrical engg.
Psychology optional.
Work- Linde India. Recently selected in OAS.
Hobbies- Volleyball, teaching, photography
Sathyabati Mam board. 1st to go. Date 1st feb, afternoon.

M1-Since 5 yrs what are u doing.
Who do u teach.
What did u do in linde. What does it manufacture.
Difference between industrial and medical oxygen.
M2- KBK, Western odisha are backward. Why?
Improvement in malnutrition? How will u deal with disasters if posted in Balasore? What Rourkela is famous for?
M3- What's a lagoon, what's a delta. Major deltas in odisha. Famous Beach. Chandipur- what's the unique phenomena. Why?
What's a backwater. What sambalpur is famous for?
M4- how will u promote sports in backward region of Odisha? Why the setback for India in hockey worldcup? What other sports do u follow apart from Volleyball? U will soon join as an OAS officer. How do u look towards it. What will be ur focus area of work?
M5- emotion- earlier research about different brain regions responsible for it. What's the new trend?
Why is China so much interested in Askai chin?

Board: Shri Rajiv Nayan Chaubey
Forenoon Session
2nd to be interviewed
80% DAF based
Bio(only which all are asked ): IRS (IT), Hyderabad, Cooking, CSE, International Mathematical Olympiad, Google summer of code(GSC), Stray animal rescue and rehabilitation, chess
4th attempt, 3rd Interview(including this --- every time, Chaubey Sir chaired them)

 Chairman(C): You can remove your mask if you are vaccinated and comfortable with it
Then, as always explained the procedure of personality test and told that it is just a conversation etc.
1. I won’t ask you to expand your name but quickly tell us about your academic and work 
2. You are already having a laddu in your hand…. what else do you need on the laddu?
3. Why do you want to enter IAS?
4. As you are from Nagpur, there is this economic think tank which says that instead of direct 
taxation, if we tax all the transactions that are taking place, it generates more revenue and 
we won’t even be needing the direct taxation and in fact IT department……(Monologue of 2 min, but this is the essence)….What is your take on it?
5. Similar constraints are present in Direct Taxation slab too…. What is the way forward?
                                                                                                                       Member 1: (Gentlewoman)
1. East Godavari district is called Rice bowl of Southern India…. Have you seen cane cultivation there? (Rajahmundry is in my DAF)
2. Bamboo cultivation significance
3. Paper Industry problems and what can we do?
4. Speciality of Nagpur…. questions on orange cultivation and Nagpur climate….
                                                                                                                               Member 2:
1. You’re CS graduate…Self driving cars…can they be successful in India?
2. Possible challenges for Self-Driving vehicle in India
3. Why traffic sense is in disarray in India?
4. GSC…. why did you discontinue it?
5. NP complete vs NP hard problems
                                                                                                                         Member 3:
1. What do you cook?
2. Difference between normal and Dum biryani? Why is it so special?
3. It is Biryani only if it is Mutton Biryani…What do you say?
4. Why Nationalistic tendencies are increasing all over the world?
5. Only economic or there are other reasons as well?
6. If we reduce tax rates more people will be eager to pay taxes, then why don’t we do 
it?.....talked about Laffer curve and trade off between increased tax base but decreased tax 
revenue….didn’t ask further questions
                                                                                                                             Member 4:
1. View on taxing new sectors such as Agriculture….how can we do? 
2. What are the problems that would arrive?
3. Monologue on Nepal and Bhutan….Difference in democratic structures in both the 
4. Working principle of Mercury thermometer
5. Interesting fact about Shannon’s number 
                                                                                                                     Chairman: Anything you need to share?
I told about the Stray animal part and some discussion about it
                                                                                                                    Experience: Surprisingly they asked me from DAF, as in previous 2 times, it was completely random…duration is of 30-35 min…..Went well and the flow was without or with little turbulence….
                                                                                                                                   Keep in mind that having a DAF based and nice PT isn’t synonymous with good marks and random questionnaire doesn’t mean low marks….

Date of interview:- 1/02/2023 afternoon session.
Name- Naam me kya rekha hai .
Graduation and post graduation:- Biomedical science
Optional law.
Profession:- Deputy jailor.
Hobbies:- feeding stray animal , mimciking Bollywood artists.
Board: Sathiyavathi ma'am.
As usual start by ma'am reading daf to all members.
Ch. 1)Explain ur gap year mohit.
2 feeding stray is menace don't you think so.
Something continuous random question .
3 what is open jail. Do u promote it. What is critirea.
Cross question related to open jail only.
M1 movie based on jail he asked fortunately i have seen just 3 weeks ago. Do aankhey barah hath so he asked me to explain the content of movie that is based on open jail.
2 reformative steps related to jail.
3 kanjhawala case ( i said sorry sir)

M3 1)some procedural law which i said dont know again.
2)Special status for convicted prison inmates.
3)Decriminalization of law to reduce burden in jail.
M4) molecular biology is future ( biomedical science)
2)Ur review on India's stance on Russia Ukraine war.
M5 question related to traditional medicine.
Ayush homeopathy what is needed?
Some questions i am forgetting.
Over all cordial environment. Yes i said 3 4 times i don't know. Even fumbled in some question . However overall very good experience. Don't think about too much what u haven't done bcz u never know what question they might ask. Just control the controllables as said by Mahendra singh dhoni i.e daf in our case and 1 newspaper.
Thank you and all d best dosto.
Date/slot : 1st FEBAfternoon 2nd to go
Hobbies: reading non fiction, web series
Optional: pub ad
Board: R N Chaube sir
B/g : Computer engg.
State : Maharashtra

Briefly tell abt educational b/g nd work experience
Why pubad?
Major internal security challenges India is facing
Should we consider LWE as terrorist
Dhrug abuse in youth - how to handle( said treat them as victims nd then offenders. Then counterquestions based5 on this)

What is visual impairment(Written research paper. From DAF)
PwD act. Does visual impairment come under it? What are the criterias for considering VI as disability(DON'T know)
GI(Geographical Indication) tag - what is ? Why it's given? How It's given i.e process

Namibia or zambia is proposing to allow ivory trade coz they have large no. Of Elephants. Do you think it's justified? What are intl repurcussions?
Another Q don't remember now

M3: fully Technical
Chat GPT -
- who introduced
- do you think it will overtake existing tech like G assistant
- what are issues surrounding it

Cyber security
Explain entire status and challenges in context of India
How to address Cyber security challenges

Drug menace in Punjab.
 It's causes and It's link with Pakistan
Why it's a major prob there nd why not other border dists
Capital punishment. Lot of delay is happening in disposal of cases(tarikh pe tarikh). Should it be allowed or abolished

Chairman: from our side it's over. Do you have anything to say?

Approx time 30 mins

All the best for remaining candidates.

Thank You @⁨IPS Mahesh Bhagwat Sir⁩ sir, @⁨Abhishek Saraf IAS⁩ sir and other community members for guidance.
Satyavathi Mam Board
Dual Degree Electrical Engg, IIT Delhi
Native : Yamunanagar, Haryana
Hobbies : Reading Biographies, Meditation, Playing piano
Work : Intel, Currently in IDAS

Satyavathi Mam read out the DAF loudly and asked the following questions :
1) Tell us about the recent reforms in Railway services?
2) Give me your personal opinion on Railway services merger?
3) Okay, so you prefer specialists, then why do we hire generalists?
4) Apart from DM, say health secretary, power secretary etc, who is better suited for that job?
5) But Vallabhai Patel once said that If we hire all specialists, they would be undecisive and only generalists are capable of acting decisively, Was he wrong?

Member 2:
1) What is the difference between fine arts and conceptual arts?
2) Do you follow International relations?
3) Tell me the about Bangladesh?
4) Why do we make people fill all these, sports hobbies etc in DAF?
5) You are an IAS, if you suddenly get to know that you have to join one particular district within a month, What will you do first? (followed by What else twice)
6) Defence has the largest budget in country and is so important for the country, but you still want to join IAS, Which one do you think is more important?
6) If both are equally important, then why join IAS?

Member 3:
1) You have lived in Bhopal, what did you like about the place?
2) Apart from people, anything else- architecture wise?
3) You have mentioned reading biographies as your hobby, Which ones have you read?
4) Why do you read biographies specifically?
5) Which biography did you find most impressive and Why?
6) Okay, What did you learn from Dalai Lama's biography?

Member 4:
1) What is budget?
2) What about previous definition related to plan, non plan expenditure?
3) Why did we abandon planning commission?
4) So, how is planning done now?
5) Do we have a state budget as well? Are you sure?
6) What is climate change?
7) What is the main reason for it?
8) What is carbon sink?
9) Do you think artificial carbon capture is feasible?

Member 5:
1) You have lived in Chandigarh, what did you like about the place?

Your interview is finished, you may go now.

This is my personal opinion, but according to me, thinking a lot about everything in your DAF helps a lot. Interview preparation should ideally be 10% reading, 90% thinking.
Hon chairman R.N. Chaubey Sir
Hobby: playing harmonium,
Graduation Physics and statistics.
Optional- anthropology
State -Maharashtra
Date 31 Jan 2023 , Afternoon session.

Introduce yourself with work experience
Tell me Types of leaders
What type of leader was Gandhi ji?
What are the qualities due to which people followed him?

Evolution of two nation theory
Could it be avoided
How one could avoid it? What should have been done?
About NCC
Did you join
Certificates A B C
Their Details

Tell about leguminous crops, their benefits
What are biological control agents
Statistics use in agriculture
How do we calculate agriculture production in one area?

Tell us about famous bird sanctuary in your place
Controversy about harmonium
Alumni of your College
A recent and famous one ?
What is a Wrangler

Minister related to harmonium controversy.
Should govt provide services?
In which sectors should there be government presence?
Tell me Sectors where government, if present can bring some regulation or price stabilization.

Chairman it was a nice interaction.

Thank you.

Overall experience
Board was very friendly. No cross questions as such.
Wear your smile and confidence. All the best !

Utility of mocks:
Building spontaneity.
Two questions were repeated from mock directly which gave me confidence sitting there.
Sathyawathi ma'am board
In service - ICLS, Home State - Andhra Pradesh, Mechanical Engineering
1. What are u doing at present
2. What is the role of mca in ease of doing bussiness
3. Different cities selected for the rank and the last rank of india
4. Is the rank based on 2 cities give real pictures of indian states
5. How do u promote states role in ease
of doing bussiness
6. Centre state coordination regarding the same
Member 1
SFIO and role
Other mechanisms to detect fraud
How do u reduce shell companies by identifying them
Role of technology regarding shell companies
CCI vs Google issue
What is the specific model google follows in india which is not followed in EU
Member 2
Given 10 fielder positions
Do you have leadership qualities if any give instances
What is ur role in college fest
Member 4
What is the plight of farmers if capital is shifted
How govt compensates them
Life style of chenchus now (i said not sure )
Any tribe u study and their present life style
What all u study in anthropology
Member 5
If man fails machine saves if machine fails men die explain
Mnrega and allocation
Again capital discussion ( from previous member)
Rajiv Nayan Choubey Sir Board
2nd February
Geography Optional
Education - MSc Chemistry
Work - State Civil Service
Hobby - Travel documentary

Chairman -

1. Introduce with educational and work experience.
2. What's your opinion on farmer protest ? What are the 3 laws ? Why they opposed ?
3. What's your opinion on Encounter ? And follow up question. Judiciary is slow, need of immediate justice, encounter should be justiciable etc argument by chairman.

M1 -

1. What is your state law for prevention of land fragmentation ?
2. What will be the impact of Adani calling off FPO ?
3. What is Kekule's dream ?
4. Steps by Govt for tourism in budget. What will happen if tourism is given infrastructure status ?

M2 -

What is PM-KISAN ? What happened in budget on this ? Is it good ? From where this scheme was inspired from ? Why decreased allocation in budget ?

M3 -

1. Continuing from chairman's discussion about encounter, why to care for human rights of a criminal who have killed few policemen ? Doesn't it violate the human rights of the police ?

2. Human rights violation is a crime ? As per which law ?

3. What are 3 major internal security challenges in your state ?

4. History of naxalism, how it started in your state, what's the status now, how the change happened ?

M4 - (Ma'am)

1. What is the role of CAG ?
2. Does he audit PPP project ?
3. How the revenue sharing models work ? Give examples.
3. What is NFRA & ICAI ? Their role ?
4. Three application of Chemistry in daily household.

Chairman -

Anything you want to tell us ?

Summary : Nothing from hobby, achievement, work experience. Only one Q from home state, educational background. Mostly felt random.
Board: Raj shukla sir
Optional- Anthropology
Hobbies/interest-Helping parents in farming activities
Worked as software engineer and Panchayat secretary
Interview went well and it’s more than 35 minutes

1. Are you happy with new state Telangana?
2. Why you are happy? Any loss to Telangana?
3. Your opinion on 3 capital proposal of Andhra Pradesh? Any example in the world
4. Gender inequality reports-India’s performance-your opinion on that
5. Why Gender inequality still persists in India?- Show me where Gender inequality still present?
6. Negative list and positive list in defence sector?
7. Recent Govt steps to enhance indigenization of defence ?

1. Role of Panchayat secretary?
2. How you will transform the village? Hindrances involved in it?
3. How you will remunerate the farming?
4. Issues in agriculture?
5. How to shift the farmer from crop cultivation to Animal husbandry? Issues in animal husbandry? Recent govt steps?
6. What are the recent rural development scheme?
7. Why poverty still persists in India? What steps you will suggest?

1. Naxalism in Telangana? Is it reduced?
2. Why its reduced? Govt steps? Explain with statistics and examples?
3. Ideology of naxalism? Is it changed?
4. Tribes in Telangana?
5. Issues the tribes facing?
6. Social structure differences of tribal society with other society?
7. Issues in the panchayat raj system? What can be the possible solutions?

1. What is G20? Elaborate it more
2. How India can utilize this G20 presidency? What are the priorities agenda?
3. Current Issues the world is suffering?
4. Is Migration from telangana to gulf nations? Why its so?
5. What are migrant issues they are facing? How can we handle it
6. Any Central govt scheme that is implemented in the rural village that has a greater impact? Elaborate it?
7. Manufacturing process of Urea?
8. Is modern techniques in agriculture reduces greenhouse gases? Or enhances it

1. What is embedded system? Explain it with example?
2. National electronics policy? Its provisions
3. Steps taken by the govt to enhance the electronics base in India?
4. Green hydrogen, blue hydrogen and black hydrogen?
5. Why you resigned from software engineer?
6. Why you joined as a panchayat secretary?
7. Why you resigned from panchayat secretary? What you learnt from it?
2nd February 2023
Afternoon Session
Chaubey Sir Board
Home State : Haryana
College : Physics
Optional : Geography
Hobbies : Stargazing, Flute, Cricket
Other Keywords : Police, CAPFs

Chairman : You had lunch today? What? ( I said Poha). That is a breakfast item. We will arrange something for you. Please tell us.
1. Tell us your academic background and work experience. asked about delayed joining.
2. Asked about the reorganisation of states and what was the criteria .
2. What were the criteria used after that. Can you list them.
3. I mentioned development. So do you think we should create states like Marathwada or Bundelkhand. (Told them need to have more idea about exact development status to have a concrete opinion)
4. Popular opinion needs to be considered? Some political parties will always garner public sentiments.

M1 : 1. Adani withdrew FPO. Consequences on the Indian market. Told one (hawa me). About debt situation due to this (Sorry Sir No idea)
2. What is event horizon in blackhole.
This is a layman defination. Tell us the technical defination. ( Said Sorry)
3. What is Solar Cell. How does it work? (not satisfied)
4. What type of Stargazing you do? What do you see? Where do you live because it's difficult in Delhi. What are the possible hindrances in visibility.
5. You play flute? Got any training? (Said no)
6. Tell me about a few raags (told that I just know the name and not technical details)
7. Name a few flautists and tell us about them.

M3 : 1. America got independence using military methods. Why not India? And counter questions.
2. How much was the time gap between American independence and 1857 Revn. Do you think it is sufficient time for technology to evolve? Don't you think technology is evolving slowly these days?

M4. 1. You talked about states. Can states secede India?
2. Who coined this term indestructible union of destructible states (said Sorry)
The Chairman interrupted and asked about American Federation.
3. Can American state Secede? One state that tried secession.
4. When was AIIMS Founded. Who founded it and why was it Founded.
5. Have you seen Saptarishi. Can you name the Seven Rishis and their importance. (named all 7. Said sorry sir No idea about individual contribution but can tell you about Rishi Vashistha. Told him that)
8. This is very ancient. Tell me something recent. (Said Sorry)

M5 (Lady)
1. Is Delhi a UT or What?
2. What is the difference between Delhi, Puducherry and Haryana?
3. What is surface runoff. What are its consequences. How to control this.
4. How can we control it apart from agriculture.
We enjoyed talking with you. If you want to tell us about something that we have not asked. Please go ahead.

Mocks :
Good - Chahal, Chanakya Mandal, Ravindaran Sir O2O, Khan Sir O2O
Okayish - Only IAS, Unacademy, KSG
SN Feb 02

Sathyavati madam
PSIR Optional
Mech engg
Work - Sports authority
Football, silk farming, documentaries

Chair asked to remove mask. Read the DAF.

What doing since graduation?
What is your salary?
Ok gross salary?
What do you do in silk farming?
Which mulberry variety?
Which silkworm?
Difference between bivoltine, multi voltine?
Why bivoltine beneficial?

How will you use sports in IR to build support for India in UN?
Among brics, which sport would you suggest?
As a Pol science student how do you look at budget?
Main principles of budget?

Which documentaries you watch? Recent one?
(Cross questions)
Why adani withdrew fpo?
Why sino India relations at low?
What's wrong in having great power ambitions?
What issues if border is non demarcated?
Doesn't salami slicing happen at LoC?

M3 (madam):
Why Mysore is a planned city?
Why Bangalore was planned but now in bad condition?
Issues in Bangalore metro?
Role of mech engineers in construction of tall structures?

Killing silk worms is ethically wrong. Your opinion?
What budget has done to contain inflation?
How will it benefit the common man?
Why don't you just let the silk worm fly away. Then process it?

Ch again:
But stain can be cleaned right?
Told ma'am bleach agents can't be used on silk as it dissolves. So difficult

Most of my interview went on my DAF I felt. Board was cordial.Hope this helps other aspirants, just like the transcripts here helped me.
Board:Raj Shukla sir
Hobbies -watching war and biopic movies
Interested in reading social issues like child labour and homelessness

1.what is biopic movie
2. Dangal do you consider it as biopic
3.what was the challenges Mahavir phogat had to face
4. Why he could do ,and not me and you
4.1. Do you think anything has changed since Mahavir phogat in haryana
5. Which one do you think is more important communication or courage
6.Do you know field marshal manekshaw USA and China in political, military aspect?
8. So you think democracy is better than communism ?
9. Why do you think China is making incursion in india,do you US has a role in it ?
10. So should we come out of quad ?
11. What is diplomacy?
12. What should we do with pakistan ? Talk?
13. But they don't want to listen? Do you think our policy of not talking is right?

Many questions I don't remember

Member 1
1. What did you like in budget this year
2. Why government is not promoting currency outflow
3. High networth individuals are leaving country, what should we do ?
4.Are you in job or service

Many questions I don't remember

Member 3
1. What is your opnion on triple talaq
2. Don't you think ,husband won't he able to provide for women if he is in jail
3. What is your opnion on hijab issue
4. So why so much demand in hijab

Still some questions I don't remember

Member 3
1. If made IAS in some state ,what policy would you recommend to make it silicon valley like bangalore do you develop skills
3. Who was the chief guest in republic day and which country
4. Why is Egypt important
5. Do you think Egypt has a potential to become leader of Muslim world( I said every other country in middle want to become leader in  Muslim world )
6. Saudi Arabian prince has brought reforms what are they ?
7. What about reforms in social sphere?

Still some questions I don't remember

Member 4
1. Long question on Russia Ukraine war ,then asked you think it could have been avoided
2. How do you see zelensky as patriot or a person who brought ruin to Ukraine
3. Do you think Ukraine war has only 2 players or more
4. What should we do with pakistan ,economic crisis it is facing, should we engage ?

Still some questions I don't remember

Thank you . They said.

My remarks -It was more of conversation. Mocks grill but real panel wants to know your personality ,which you can express only if they make you comfortable by not grilling.

Board was cordial. Though some physical distraction cannot be over ruled.

Utility of mocks-
Give you idea of interview and some questions .

Insightsias vinay sir one to one.
Iasbaba mohan sir one to one.
Samkalp-santhosh ji daf analysis.
Vajiram-Ravindran sir

Any two of above would be preferable. Though all good

Panel mocks-

Bengaluru-india4ias ,shankar.
02/02/2023 afternoon,
2nd to go
Shukla sir board
Optional- Tamil literature
Graduation- BE, ECE
Job - State Civil services, Tamilnadu

You are already in Job, what is your present your role?
Is tamilnadu an industrial hub? Why?
What is so special about thirukural which makes it outstanding in tamil literature?
Allocation for MGNREGA is decreased in present budget? What is your opinion?
Govt is saying that demand has come down for MGNREGA and not proper assets are created everywhere?
What works are carried out under MGNREGA?
Why millets are stressed in agriculture nowadays?
What initiatives govt has taken to promote millets production?
Is millets used in PDS and ICDS?

Member 1
Budget allocation is increased for PM AWAS yojana. Do you think this will balance decreased allocation for MGNREGA? Labour component can be used?
What are the roles you have had so far?
What are the challenges you are facing when adapting technology at govt office?
Child labour is prevalent in tamilnadu especially sivakasi. What could be done?

Member 2
Proportion of women personnel in tamilnadu police department is around 30%, what changes it has brought?  Do they face hardships while balancing personal life?
Chennai is faced with water scarcity, what is being done to address it?
There are several road projects being undertaken by govt. Why?

Member 3
Why srilanka is in economic crisis? What is India's stance towards this situation?
What is 13th amendment in srilankan constitution? Is it implemented?

Member 4
Why DISCOMS in Tamilnadu are facing losses?
How to rationalise power subsidies?
What solutions can be offered to minimize losses?
What can be done to prevent power theft?
Satyavathi mam board
Graduation(2021)- humanities
Doodle art , jogging
Secretary, legal literacy club
Geog quiz contest
Mun women safety and security
Sociology optional

Satyavathi mam
-What were you doing from 2021?
-are you not planning to do post graduation?
- discussion on edtech sector
(Bcoz of answer to the previous question)
- why byjus growth declining?

-drug issue in Punjab reasons
- migration outside Punjab reasons
-as dm how would you nudge farmers for crop diversification
- rest questions I don't remember

-Bihar up migrants in Punjab ......
What are the demographic changes brought about by it - sociological analysis.
- contribution of Punjab in India's history.
- area being sown under different crops in punjab
-rest questions I don't remember.(sorry for my short term memory)

- what do you know about South India?
-rivers of South india-enumerate state wise
- difference between women safety and women security
-provisions of posh act

- why "humanities" subjects called so?
- what govt doing for drinking water security?
-why the contribution of househelps not included in GDP.?
- rest I don't remember

Satyavathi mam
-activities under legal literacy club.
I mentioned several laws like pocso
So next ques - have you heard about posco.( Not pocso)

Interview guidance sessions with utkarsh sir at SOMP really helped .
Also one on one session with khan sir and vinay sir also helped a lot.
Board - Choubey sir
Key words - Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan), mumbai , Volleyball, teacher
Date - 3 feb
Optional - Chemistry

1. What did you learn in you teaching career
2. How teaching teaches team work
3. Is the budget populist?

1. Govt's business is not to do business- explain
2. Is it right approach?
3. What are strategic sectors?
1. Why the battery size (actually referred to mobile eventually after a long monolog) in mobiles have reduced drastically?
2. What material in chips is used for heat management
1. Why do we import coal when we have so much coal already
2. What are issues related to it?
3. Where all coal is found in India
4. How to incentivize private sector to increase production?
1. What are probs of Mumbai? (Working place)
2. How to tackle slums?
3. Slum redevelopment will only benefit builders politicians and Civil servants. Is it right ?

Chairman - do you want to discuss something ?
Board- Satyavati madam
Key words- Haryana, Agriculture optional, Hobby- shooting Ball, whittling,
Attempt - 2nd
Graduation - Agriculture
Questions -
1 difference between whittling and sculpting
2 shooting Ball
3 tell me about agenda of meeting according to current scenario you will hold as agri secretary in GOI with VCs of agri universities
4 HR agri problems
5- whittling contribution in personality
6 palm oil cultivation concerns
7indian food self sufficient or not
8. Inflation vs hyper inflation
9 impact of currency printing by RBI

Board was expression less leaving 1 member who was chilled out
R.N.Chaubey sir Board
Feb 3 - afternoon session
1st to enter
Degree - MBBS
State - Karnataka
Optional - Medical Science
Hobbies - strength training, guitar, wildlife documentaries

Sir was cordial, asked me to relax and be comfortable. Asked me to introduce myself.

M1 -
1) Adani shares have fallen rapidly,
Do u think the government institutions like RBI and SEBI have failed to foresee this??
2) Why should government support Adani group? They r a private group?

1) What is trickle down economy?
When was the term coined
2) Has it been successful?
3) why is it not successful??
4) What is its alternative???
5) should government stay in business or not??
6) Shud govt stay in hospitality.. like IRCTC??

1) There has been changing of city names recently... Do u support it??
2) Does it have only intangible benefits? Or intangible benefits too?
3) V r seeing pollution of rivers due to solid waste... How do u analyze the role of Ganga action plan?? What was its budgetary allocation..??

1) Do we import coffee or export coffee??
2) Recently there has been allegations that too much caffeine in it? Does the coffee we export has caffeine in it??
3) What is the issue in coffee industry recently???
4) There was renovation around India gate... Do u think it's a waste of money??

1) Why is belagavi issue not solved from so long??
2) What type of guitar do u play??
3) How is it different from Spanish guitar??
4) Can Spanish guitar be modified to be used in hindustan music???

Overall pleasant experience, board was very cordial  Happy wid my performance,
Board - R.N. Chaubey sir
Optional - sociology
Chairman :
1. Tell me about educational background and work ex.
2. What does the company do.
3. What was the criteria for publishing articles on the company's portal (daf based)

1.Asked about some personality
( I had no idea about him )
2. Elaborated that person is a millionaire involved in collection and monetization of marine waste and views about him (daf)
3. Which type of protest a youth should follow greta's or his(above mentioned)
4. What was Gretas way of dealing with the environment.

 1. What was the amendment in the preamble.
2. Why it was done and weren't Indian society secular before.

1. Who is Aruna Asaf Ali (random)
2. Does MP have pm fasal bika yojana and states which didn't implement it and challenges to it.
3. What will you do to make it more attractive as a DM
4. What are the challenges of milk price rise.

1.Reasons for farm suicides.
2. What will you do to reduce it.

Do you want to ask us anything.

Utility of mocks:
Give it only for gaining confidence.
The actual interview is totally different from the mocks.

Recommended mocks -
Ksg and khan sir one to one, Ravindran sir one to one, vajirao mock, samkalp mock
Date: 3rd February, aforenoon
Satyavati Mam Board
5th to go @12.00pm
25-30 min
IT engineering
Keywords in DAF: AI, Engineer without Border(EWB), Cricket, Playing Cards, Zero waste lifestyle

Read the Daf loud
1. What cards game do you play
2. What is Zero waste lifestyle, how you practise
3. How it is diff from Minimalism
4. AI: Future and prospects
5. You mentioned challenges, What are they
6. How is racial bias in AI

Member 1
1. From EWB took to Border Security of India
2. Diff Border areas, how are they, what threats
3. What Tech India uses to secure borders
4. Tech in Umpiring in diff sports
5. Will it make Umpiring redundant

Member 2
1. Something with Marine security and marine borders
2. Economic significance of Marine borders in India
(I mentioned few, but forget trade and ports, he mentioned it)
3. What is the port system in India
Some other questions also, not able to recall

Member 3 ( Female from Kerela)
1. Where would you go for Tourism in India and abroad
I mentioned few, she said only these few, so large India
2. Nothing from South India you would like to go, Why?
3. Retirement age of different people are different in different areas, like in Kerela it's 56-58, some have 60,62,65 . What is your opinion, should it be made uniform for all
4.You are from IT, what is Smart IT in news
5. Have you heard about Hary and Williams (children of Prince Charles) : I said sorry with Smile, she also smiled
(Satyawati Mam started walking and stretching)

Member 4 :
1. Do you follow about Adani news, FPOs etc
2. Adani said it is against nation
Do you think what he says that India is Adani and Adani is India, what are your views
3. Have you heard about CBDC then long discussion on printing currency and online payment
4. We have UPI why we need CBDC 

Some few questions also , not able to recall

Thank you , Your Interview is over

Overall, very cordial board , they just wanted to discuss and get viewpoints, No factual and controversial questions
••Date and session of interview- 3rd Feb, Forenoon, 5th To go
••Board- Shukla Sir
••Optional- Economics
••College- DU / BA prog
••Profession (if any)- बेरोजगार
••Hobbies- Football, Strength Training, American HipHop


1.Famous things of your hometown
••Why in news recently
••Why are politicians able to become Don in Eastern up? {My hometown in Eastern UP)
2. Green Hydrogen Mission why?
••Hydrogen is energy carrier than how can we use it?
••Use cases of Green Hydrogen
••By when , we would be fully EV?
•• America has EV already, why we are running behind?
•• 3 Technologies in which we could become leader?

Member 2
1.Why did you take Economics despite no study Background?
••Your Favourite Area?
••What did Keynes Say?
••Recent Example of Keynesian Fiscal policy use?
••But it has adverse effects like increasing the inflation so much, then what we can do?
2. Not able to Recall 2nd Line of Questioning

Member 3
1. What is our BOP Balance right now?
••Why the outflow pressure in Capital Account?
••How can we stop NRIs/ HNIs from withdrawing money from market?
••Any steps taken recently in Budget for this?
2. Not able to recall 2nd Line of Questioning

Member 4
1. Football-So Qatar organised but HR violations and corruption etc, should we organise too?
••Some follow up Q on this,not able to recall
2. American Hiphop, why it is called the protest music?
••Does Racism still happens?
••Racism vs Casteism Compare?
••What Can America learn from India in affirmative action or vice versa? 

Member 5
1. What is corporate Governance?
••Any Laws related to this?
••Independent Directors?
2. What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
••how much%
••Threshold for CSR
••Why can't just govt collect all the CSR money in one fund , why does it ask the Corporates to spend it? 

Thank you. You may go

Your experience in interview-
••Members were receptive
••Shukla Sir had no expressions

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
 Time ho toh dedo wrna koi jarurat ni.
Graduation -EEE
Optional- Sanskrit Language and Literature
College- Bit Bangalore
University- VTU, Belgaum
State- Bihar(Nalanda)
Hobby- Reading Bhagavad Geeta

Chairman - You have chosen sanskrit as your optional and your hobby is Reading Bhagwad Gita
Yes sir

What is written in bhagavadgita apart from doing ur duty without expectations. Please tell us in 2 - 3 lines

What is the use of different yoga written in bhagavadgita as the society is moving towards materialistic things?

Students are moving towards STEM field, don't you think there should be a balance between science and humanities subjects.

Sanskrit grammar rules are applicable to every where, They r universal. which is not the case with other languages. Do you agree with this?

No body talks about reading Sanskrit in school these days. What is ur opinion. Why is it so?

Only in Bihar it is taught till 10th class. Is there any other states who is promoting Sanskrit in there curriculum?

Member 2- In defence sector, what are the efforts govt is doing in recent budget?

What is the status of Atmanirbharta in budget especially in defence sector?

Is Atmanirbharta means only to give projects to Tata and L&T?

What are the products India is importing from other countries in defense sector?

What are the things we are producing in defense sector under Make in India ?

Member 3- You talked about Dharma. Then what is Rajdharma

What is Rajdharma for bureaucracy?

Public servants are using 55 employees in their bunglow? How will they meet people? Is it Rajdharma? How will they follow Rajdharma?

you are from Bihar. Very populous state. Land holdings are very small. What r the steps govt is taking to solve the issues for small land holding farmers?

Are FPOs working good in Bihar?

Is it practical to combine lands to increase mechanisation in state like bihar where castes are prevalent? Brahmans don't want to share land with lower castes, bhumihar don't want to share land with lohars? Is it feasible to have FPO in Bihar?
Then what r other options u suggest to solve plight of small land holding farmers?

Member 4- what were the contribution of Visvesvaraya? Who was he?

India has signed FTA with two countries recently. What r the names? What is the reasons for signing FTA?

UK is negotiating FTA with India? How will it benefit India and Britain? Why Britain wants to have FTA with India..

India and china are fighting at borders and still the trade is booming between both the countries. Is it justified? What r the reasons for this trade.

Member 5-  you are an electrical engineer. What r the provisions introduced in budget 2021-22 in electrical domain?

What are the provisions introduced in budget 2022-23 in electrical domain?

Do you know about distribution companies?

Govt came up with delicensing of DISCOMS. What are the benefits of it?

What are the new technologies in electrical domain govt of India is focusing on?

Thank u

My observation - Shukla Sir board is very cordial. But it was very different than the mock interviews I attended. The five members of my board just picked 5 areas from my daf and current affairs. They just looked for balanced approach and not the depth of knowledge. I shared my transcripts above, though it is not the exact one but paraphrased due to memory limitations. It would be Better to prepare to handle unexpected questions.
All the very best to others🙏🏻
Date and session of interview- 3rd Feb, afternoon
••Board- Satyavati ma’am
••Optional- Sociology
    State- Punjab
••Electronics and communication.
••Hobbies- Kitchen gardening, reusing plastic

 1. What have you doing since 2019 ?
 2. What is Cancer express ?
 3. Why so many cancer cases in Punjab ? And subsidiary discussion on that led to water table dropping and further to cropping pattern of Punjab.
 4. Should government pass a law to stop rice plantation in Punjab. A discussion on this.
 5. You are collector how will you convince farmers to not sow rice.

Member 1
 1. Challenges of a border district and what will you do to solve them ( in context of Punjab) ?
 2. Gave a monologue on freebies. Then asked how will you convince chief minister that it is wrong. A bit counter questions on that. Can’t recall anything else.

Member 2
    1. What do you think about beauty pageants ? Counter questions
 2. Had Tibet been independent of China would our border situation have been better?
 3. Social problems of Assam.
 4. Since I couldn’t answer both the above questions then sir said you tell me which area you are comfortable. I said environment.
 5. One general question on environment initiatives and one counter question on electric vehicles.

Member 3
1. What do you envision future of electronics etc.
 2. Do you watch TV. I said no. From where do you get news then ?
 3. Do you know Doshi ? Who was he trained under?
 4. How are Punjab and Haryana sharing Chandigarh? It means no dispute between them ?
 5. Recent Supreme Court judgement on Chandigarh.

Member 4
 1. You are reusing plastic don’t you know it is banned ? A few counter questions on this ( I think many)
 2. When was single used plastic banned ? Are you sure ?
 3. Should ECI be given a role of censoring body for manifestos ( in light of excessive freebies? )
 4. What is G20 ? How is the president chosen ?
 5. If India has become president in alphabetical order only then why so much pomp and show on it ?

Then finally chairperson said thankyou and all the best.

Your experience in interview-
••Members were counter questioning a lot. Mostly on opinions.
••Satyavati ma’am was nodding in between.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Practice mannerism and staying formal through out the interview.
But the variety and nature of questions in interview is quite different from mocks.
Sathyavathy ma'am board
Date- 3 February, Friday
5th person to go in second half
Keywords from daf- Pune, Bangalore, Mumbai, Mechanical engineering
Hobbies- solo travel, learning new languages, visiting historical sites
Achievements- leadership experience, volunteering, sports, scholarship.
Work exp- HR consulting, SBI, ESIC, currently Sebi grade A officer

M1 (chairperson)
Asked me to sit down and read my daf aloud...this alone took about 2 mins..I was smiling and nodding the whole time
Started with Adani and Hindenberg saga, the FPO, SEBI role in it, why sebi hasnt given an official statement yet, etc
Then asked me what 2 reforms I would suggest in ESIC (previous job)
Based on my reply, cross questioning and slight grilling

You have done Mechanical engineering, right
Since Mech is an interdisciplinary field, what are the few areas that overlap with mech engg in practice
She went on about challenges of expanding Mumbai City since it's sandwiched between sea and western ghats
What are the possibilities in expanding the city towards the sea( I think she wanted to hear about sea reclamation and hence I answered accordingly)
Examples worldwide where it has been done
Have you heard of NEOM of Saudi Arabia ( I said no)
Floating islands anywhere ( I said I don't know)

What is black money
He went on about how black money has so much benefits , what do you think?
If I say that the development in last 10 years is due to black money only, what will you say
When I replied demonetisation and its role in curbing black money, he do you think that the black money that has become white due to demonetisation has been beneficial?

Asked more about my work at SEBI, department, which areas handled
Asked about foreign funding sources in reit and invit
P notes as a mode of funding
Since it's used to launder money, what are the steps taken by sebi
Initiative in budget related to p notes (allowing them in gift city)
How is the flow of tainted funds that comes in through Depository receipts and p notes controlled by there any multilateral and bilateral mechanisms
Wanted to know about tax havens
What if an entity channels black money into India through p will you deal with it

Israel Saudi rapprochement - reasons?
If India is exporting refined oil to usa and EU from crude sourced from Russia and USA is opposing, then what should India do?
Went on about how news channels are spreading filth, then asked me the reasons and possible solutions

Your interview is done
Board- Lt. General Shukla Sir
Optional- PSIR


Your experience in interview-
It was very cordial, it's difficult to say what they are thinking about our answers😅😅 very neutral emotions of panel.

Interview time -30 min
5th to go in afternoon session.

Wished Good afternoon Ma'am, Good afternoon Sir.
Chairman Sir told me to sit,
I said thank you Sir.


CH- International relations is your Optional?

CH-I was waiting for you I had one question for you I wanted to ask a person from IR,😅 ( he was asking questions in Hindi as well as English)

1) How technology is interlinked with IR?
2) What is 5G?
3) how it will affect USA and UK?
4) do you know about Russia-Ukraine war how Ukraine is sustaining this war?

5)do you know about killing of terrorist in Pakistan by USA using missile technology used in that operation? Tell me technology used by USA in that operation?

6) what is your hobby?
7) which style you practice in swimming?
8) Why India not performing well?
9) Why Western countries getting so many medals?
10) What India needs to do?
11) Western coach or Indian coach which you prefer why?
12) Even after reliance supported the football league India is not in world cup why?

M2 ( Ma'am)
1) is absence of career in SPORTS discouraging parents to encourage their children's participation in sports?
2) has IPL helped cricket ad sports n how?
3) is there any other sports where league is played?

4) have you heard about mission karmayogi? What is it?
5) what is the meaning of "rules based to roles based" governance?
6) what is iGOT platform? Further questions on it..

1) There was recently news about police inspector killing the minister in Odisha, what are the reasons for such incidents?
(Talked about mental health, regular checkups)
2) is it possible to check mental health of all police personal?
(Police going through lot of stress there is lack of HR in police etc problems)
3) even UP has 350000 police personnel that's huge number then why it's happening that they are overburdened?
4) why police personal are not concerned about people's problems? Why people fear to approach police?
5) your optional PSIR which thinker you like most? Further questions regarding their concepts.
6) Your district is draught prone so tell me what government is doing? And what has been it's impact?
(Told about scheme names n measures)
7) what is infrastructure under MGNREGA?
8) What has been it's impact?
9) what measures do you suggest?

(Both focused on mostly Pakistan issue from all the perspective)
1) Pakistan going through crisis good or bad for india?
(Talked about South Asia instability also)
2) the way India helped Srilanka Should India help Pakistan?
3) should India ask in return?
4) Why Pakistan not asking any help to China?
5) what big investment China is doing in Pakistan?
6) What India doing nearby Gwadar Port?
7) what if Pakistan is not ready to talk? N wants India to go back on ARTICLE 370?
8) issues between India and Pakistan?
9) what are other options India have if Pakistan not ready to talk? N there are no direct talks?
10) you are civil engineer so tell me like it's plumb Bob for checking verticality in one two storey building similarly for 150 storey building what is used?
Date and session of interview- 3/2/23 Second Half
Board- RN chaubey
Optional- No point in knowing. He didn't ask anything
College- ek IIT hai.
Profession (if any)- IPS hun.
Hobbies- Badminton.
Your experience in interview-

1. Why IAS?
2. ips UP vs IAS Mizoram.
3. Replacement rate and it's number
4. Why is it 2.1

1. Khelo India scheme.
2. Militarisation of Indian Police.
3. Some more questions.
1. Banning Of PFI and other. Relevance
2. Other groups banned? Specific Name
3. AFSPA. A little bit grilling. Didn't know the exact provision .

1. Need to study Physics chemistry Maths and Bio together
2. Tribunals
3. Need of tribunals
4. Tribunals in telecom sector
5. Power sharinf model in Telco sector
6. Different types of Model of revenue sharing
7. Name and define them

1. Malimath commision on Women specific ( don't know or remember)
2. Malimath on victim centric jurisprudence ( no clue)
3. Thermocouple ( Btech in mechanical- didn't know- sorry)
4. Btech project( didn't remember)
5. Adani and impact on society.
6. Some more counter questions.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
For chaubey sir's board nothing is comparable. Interview is a different game altogether. Even in retrospect, i don't know if i could've performed better in these questions.
Board - Shukla Sir
Background - dual degree (Btech + Mtech) in civil engineering from an old IIT
DAF keywords - patent granted in treatment of water using solar energy and a medical device presented in the festival of innovation, Rashtrapati bhavan, student head of innovation lab at the old IIT
optional - chemistry
hobbies, leadership etc - no Qs asked
date time of interview - 2nd Feb forenoon (4th to go)

Panelist 1
The technology involved in Russia Ukraine war?
give examples.
Is technology democratising war between small and big countries?
Do you believe in luck?
Is it hardwork and consistency?
Give example from your life.
Does atmanirbhar Bharat means indigenisation of technology or corporatisation of defense?
Give example where both is happening?

Panelist 2
What was novel in your patent?
What is patent regime of India?
Is it improving?
What is hindering solar manufacturing in India?

Panelist 3
domestic violence on male. Should we have gender neutral law?
Should courts hear such pleas from males?
Why fires in buildings in urban area?
What can be done to reduce them?
Recent example of such incidents?
What technology can be used to reduce urban fires ?

Panelist 4
Explain your patent.
Why we still import solar panels from China?
Are we doing anything about it?
Why we have not been able to reduce malnutrition in India?
Suggest tech measures to reduce it?
IITs have failed the nation. Do you agree?
Okay they are contributing now. Why were they not contributing earlier?
Their contribution to society and the economy?

Panelist 5
At what height do we place reinforcement in a beam?
Why it is much below the center of the beam?
What is the use of reinforcement in the beam?
How reinforcement is done at the joint of beam and column?
Technology used in setting vertical alignment of Burj khalifa? Do you think we can use plumb Bob there also?
Date and session of interview- 01/02/23 Afternoon
Board- Shukla sir
Optional- History
College- IIT Madras
Hobbies- Hosting quizzes, pencil sketching
Your experience in interview- No pleasantries to make the interviewee comfortable. Expressionless faces. Slight smiles at times. Entire board was attentive to the answers. Overall good experience.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Reduces the fear of facing the real board, expands the number of probable questions.

Chairman (DAF and random questions)
1. Difference between hosting and participating in quizzes {DAF}
2. Difference in skillset for quizzes and spellbee
3. Agniveer programme: is it good (few crossquestions including militarisation of society)
4. Why is USA an economic superpower?
5. Like like USA, should not India also bring in talents from across the globe to work for India (few cross questions)

Member 1 (lady member: questions on development - my graduation subject)
1. Difference between economic growth and economic development (few cross questions like which should be given more importance)
2. How to bring down inequality in society?
3. What measures will you take to bring down unemployment?
4. Is full employment possible?
5. What are the types of unemployment?
6. What is India's current unemployment rate? How much is this per cent in numbers?
7. How much is the educated unemployment in India?
8. Relationship between unemployment and khalistan movement in Punjab?

Member 2 (questions on optional history and DAF pencil sketching)
1. What do you mean by rewriting history?Do you agree with that? Any examples
2. History is always written by victors. Elaborate
3. What is your take on Malabar rebellion of 1921?
4. Where the mind is without fear and head is held high, to that freedom let my country awake? What do you understand by this?
5. What is the role of cartoons in society?
6. Name any Indian cartoonist and his famous cartoon

Member 3 (questions on Kerala and IR)
1. What methods can be taken from Kerala's promotion of tourism to improve tourism in India?
2. What are the problems faced by migrants in gulf countries?
3. What steps are being taken by the government to alleviate such problems?
4. Name the latin american leader who came back to power recently after jail term over corruption charges? What are his contributions?
5. What is BRICS?

Member 4 (12th standard science questions)
1. What is the use of a transformer?
2. Why does it take more time to cook food in higher altitudes
3. What is the principle behind a pressure cooker?
4. What is escape velocity? How much is it?
Board: Choubey Sir Board
Interview date: 03rd Feb
State: TN
Work: Indian Forest Sevice
Hobbies: Hydroponics
Optional: Agriculture

Tell us about your Work experience.
You are already in a good service, why you wanted to appear in the⁸ exam again ?
Your cadre allotment is done?
So now you got MP Cadre, if u get selected in IPS with Manipur cadre, what you will choose ?
What is definition of freebies? And should we regulate them?
Giving fold ring to women , will it be counted as freebie?

Member 1:
Partition of Bengal
Why we couldn't succeed in 1857 movement ?
Tell us about any women freedom fighters from karnataka ?
Tell us about some Women freedom fights from India who chose militant way of fighting?

Member 2:
There is alot of pressure given in coaching Institutes like civil services coaching, Kota institutes etc. Since you have worked in coaching institute, what changes you would suggest in education system to overcome this ?
What is PFI and SIMI ?

Member 3:

Already you were in group 1 service, then why you choose to give IFS examination again?
Tell me solutions according to you through which we can achieve evergreen revolution?

Member 4:

Tell us about hydroponics.
What are the advantages?
Some follow up questions
Is this scalable ? Can we grow it in large areas ?

Your interview is over
You want to tell us anything ?
Previously have given interviews, so how do you feel about your performance today ?
Thank you

(Few Questions I couldn't recollect)
Background :- Bsc physics, philosophy optional
3rd attempt , 1st Interview
2nd Feb Afternoon,
Hobby :- Vipassna, Guitar , reading self improvement books
Work Exp :- None
Board :- Choubey sir board
State:- Bihar
Extremely cordial board ... First minute was briefing, and then given choice to remove the mask

Chairman -
1) Tell us about ur academic experience and Work ex. If any .
2) Did u prepared from your hometown or Delhi
3) how do u see Growth and Development was reflected in Budget ,
Follow up on above
4) Where did u went for Vipassna
5) How Frequently you do Vipassna, Do you do it daily

M1 :-1) What reaction going inside sun ... It's getting Old etc ..
2)How long the sun will survive there has been concern regarding it . 
3)What is fission reaction
4) What do u know about controlled and uncontrolled Nuclear reaction
5)Difference between Fission and fusion reaction
6)Do u think that the reaction going on sun can be replicated on Earth ... (As recently China had done this )
7) Recently Adani has taken back its share and has promised to return the money of shareholders on moral grounds , what's your take on it..

M2 :-
1)What's your opinion on the NPS and OPS scheme .. why people are protesting it
2)We are a welfare state , don't you think demand for OPS is genuine
3)Don't u think we are a welfare state and demands for OPS is genuine(some follow up on same)
4)Agniveer had been in news..and lot of protest were going in Bihar , how it affects Army and what about those who will be left out post 4 years ..
5) What's the use of keeping them for 4 years , because the next substitute won't have that experience

1) Farms laws (name them ) and
2) protests ...what are the 3 farm laws and why the protest happened
3) The protest was confined to Punjab mostly
APMC if eliminated , why centre is doing so ..etc
4) Contract farming is still going there..then why we need farm laws
5) you have done NCC ... In some countries there's a mandatory military training you think should India also make it mandatory NCC training for youth

M4- (lady member )
1) Silk you know.. what kind of silk are there in India..and which silk is grown in Bihar
2) How is the law and order situation in Bihar
What will you do ,
3) if u are made the SP of a district to improve law and order situation in your district
4) What Tourism sector has got in the Budget
5) You know about the migrant crisis , as it happened many people returned back from all parts of India... What Bihar Government did to accommodate them
6) Also after covid, many returned , but those who stayed , Are they doing well
7) Which areas of your district is promoting Those who came back (I gave 1 recent case study )

In the last , Choubey sir asked to tell anything I wish to talk about .. anything from my DAf
I chose philosophy and how it has changed me as a person

He said..happy to hear that upsc syllabus has helped you to reshape you

The board was really cordial...very experienced people
In mocks I used to sweat a in real interview it didn't get that way

I was satisfied with the interview...
Background :- Bsc physics, philosophy optional
3rd attempt , 1st Interview
2nd Feb Afternoon,
Hobby :- Vipassna, Guitar , reading self improvement books
Work Exp :- None
Board :- Choubey sir board
State:- Bihar
Extremely cordial board ... First minute was briefing, and then given choice to remove the mask

Chairman -
1) Tell us about ur academic experience and Work ex. If any .
2) Did u prepared from your hometown or Delhi
3) how do u see Growth and Development was reflected in Budget ,
Follow up on above
4) Where did u went for Vipassna
5) How Frequently you do Vipassna, Do you do it daily

M1 :-1) What reaction going inside sun ... It's getting Old etc ..
2)How long the sun will survive there has been concern regarding it . 
3)What is fission reaction
4) What do u know about controlled and uncontrolled Nuclear reaction
5)Difference between Fission and fusion reaction
6)Do u think that the reaction going on sun can be replicated on Earth ... (As recently China had done this )
7) Recently Adani has taken back its share and has promised to return the money of shareholders on moral grounds , what's your take on it..

M2 :-
1)What's your opinion on the NPS and OPS scheme .. why people are protesting it
2)We are a welfare state , don't you think demand for OPS is genuine
3)Don't u think we are a welfare state and demands for OPS is genuine(some follow up on same)
4)Agniveer had been in news..and lot of protest were going in Bihar , how it affects Army and what about those who will be left out post 4 years ..
5) What's the use of keeping them for 4 years , because the next substitute won't have that experience

1) Farms laws (name them ) and
2) protests ...what are the 3 farm laws and why the protest happened
3) The protest was confined to Punjab mostly
APMC if eliminated , why centre is doing so ..etc
4) Contract farming is still going there..then why we need farm laws
5) you have done NCC ... In some countries there's a mandatory military training you think should India also make it mandatory NCC training for youth

M4- (lady member )
1) Silk you know.. what kind of silk are there in India..and which silk is grown in Bihar
2) How is the law and order situation in Bihar
What will you do ,
3) if u are made the SP of a district to improve law and order situation in your district
4) What Tourism sector has got in the Budget
5) You know about the migrant crisis , as it happened many people returned back from all parts of India... What Bihar Government did to accommodate them
6) Also after covid, many returned , but those who stayed , Are they doing well
7) Which areas of your district is promoting Those who came back (I gave 1 recent case study )

In the last , Choubey sir asked to tell anything I wish to talk about .. anything from my DAf
I chose philosophy and how it has changed me as a person

He said..happy to hear that upsc syllabus has helped you to reshape you

The board was really cordial...very experienced people
In mocks I used to sweat a in real interview it didn't get that way

I was satisfied with the interview...
Board- Lt. Gen Raj Shukla sir
Civil Engg
4th interview
No questions from the hobbies/interests

1)Which place are you from?
2)Why psir after graduation in engg?
3)Have you gained interest in IR?
4)There’s a diplomat called George Schultz. He has famously said that ‘Negotiations are a euphemism for capitulation if the shadow of power is not cast across the bargaining table’. What do you understand by this ?
5)Should we apply this in the context of India’s foreign policy in general and the neighbourhood in particular?
6)What is hybrid war?
7)Weaponisation of energy by Russia. Can we call it as a hybrid war ?
8)Does India practice hybrid war ?
9)there are 2 views. One is mother tongue based primary education and the other is purest form of Hindi which is close to Sanskrit and to many other Indian languages. Which one would you go for ?
10) Mother tongue - English - Hindi or Mother tongue - Hindi - English. Which order should we go for ?

1) Benefits of Mother tongue based education in primary level.
2) which language did you learn in primary level and were you able to grasp the subjects well ?
3) if anyway we are going to promote Hindi and English to everyone, should we teach these languages from the primary school level itself along with mother tongue?
4) what’s the scheme for skill development brought by your state and any scheme by central government for skill development ?
5) Did ITIs fail ? If not why Kaushal Vikas Yojana was brought in ?
6) Ayushmann Bharat scheme, It’s components. Is health insurance important?

1) Ethanol blending. What is it ? Why was it brought ? Was it successful?
2) Does it affect food security?
3) We have shortage of sugarcane. How are we going to produce ethanol ?
4) Bollywood. Does it affect the national integration or does it promote ?
5) what are the recent controversies surrounding Bollywood? What do you think about it?
6) National flag. It’s importance. Why are we seeing big flags in different places nowadays? ( DAF )
7) Any law or code related to flag ? It’s provisions ? ( DAF )
8) what does the Ashoka chakra represent? ( DAF )

1) Philanthropy . Difference between west and India. (DAF)
2) why not corporate entities other than Tata have social welfare foundation ?( DAF)
3) debate about end of socialism in early 90s. Victory of liberalism. What is neoliberalism ?
4) is India going towards neoliberalism?
5) what is India’s approach towards development?

1) why March past not allowed on the bridges ?
2) where do you place the reinforcements in the slabs / ceilings ? And why ?
3) how to maintain the verticality in the high raise buildings ?

Thank you.

Good luck to everyone.
Board- R N Choubey sir
Name- who cares unless it is in the final list.
Background - Physics , optional - geography
3rd Feb afternoon 5th to go
Hobby - watching Japanese anime, Running
Sports - chess and hockey
Extremely cordial board (well what can you expect from Choubey sir's board)


Wished everyone - Good afternoon ma'am, good afternoon sir.He asked me to sit comfortably and remove my mask
.Then a small briefing, - that this is a personality test not an interview, if you know the answer tell us.if don't honestly say no, you can even ask us to repeat.( And ofcourse his devilish smile😈
I said yes sir

Chairman - well introduce yourself in one minute and your academic background, work experience.
One question related to my name and one follow up question.
Difference between naxalism and terrorism.
Some counter questions.

Member 1- question on capital punishment
It's objectives, do you support, what happens if someone who got hanged but we later realised that he was innocent etc etc( on these lines)
Do you know about bare necessities index, i said no..he asked me to take a guess and what are bare necessities, why such a index, it's analysis
( Then he himself started telling me- and i was listening to him patiently).

M2- question on Kota coaching institutes. ( Neither I have a coaching background nor I belong to that state)
Suicides are happening, should we ban coaching industry in general ( including civil services coaching)
Counter questions on these , how will you reform education system
Role of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Why we could not able to integrate Kashmir.

M3 ( lady member)
Essence of biodiversity act
Cold waves, Delhi weather
Some 4-5 random questions- i don't even remember - i said no ma'am, sorry ma'am

M4- On Ramsar sites and convention ( feb 2 nd anniversary of Ramsar convention)
Relevance of wetlands
Name them etc etc
Urban flooding
Principle of lightning

Chairman- your interview is over , is there something we missed and you want us to ask

I said yes sir- you can ask from my hobby
He smiled😈... what is your hobby - I told him watching Japanese anime
Then he asked about Japanese anime
What is it? How different from cartoon? It's genre?
Some questions on this….

Thank You, it was nice talking to you .
I said Thanku sir and ma'am

Utility of mocks -they are useful to the point that they help you to overcome your fear.( That's it)
And if its Choubey sir's board then no need of taking a mock.
What I have realized that this is the most ,unpredictable stage of the exam
So believe in yourself, and leave everything to God.
Jai Hind 
3rd Feb
Sathyavati mam board
Hobbies - watching legal web series and yoga
Cities - Indore, Gwalior and Raipur
Background and optional - law
Work - Sports Authority of India

1. Meaning of your name
2. She asked me about a south Indian actress with similar name (I didn’t know)
3. Where have you been working and since when
4. Before work what were you doing (I said was in prep)
5. What is NGT and its work
Where does the appeal of NGT lies
6. Does constitution needs review
7. What are basic structures of our constitution
8. Is it in the original constitution or not (i said no, then she asked then how can you say they are basic structures)
9. Recent Laws that came out because of people’s general will (i said RTI and triple talak law, she referred to 377 law)

Member 2
1. Is it justified to ban vehicles after 10/15 yrs on account of environment. Isn’t it a burden on people. What can be alternatives
2. Which legal web series you are watching and which one is your favourite (hobby)
3. Favourite character

Member 3
1. Schemes related to children (daf based)
2. What’s happening in Iran (they meant women suppression issue)
3. What do you mean by underprivileged (daf based - part of program to teach underprivileged children)
Follow up - do you think they are really underprivileged
4. What is your job profile
5.  Difference between SAI and sports university

Member 4
1. Have you heard of housing act. How homelessness can be eradicated. can it be fully eradicated
2. As a law student what is your opinion on movie puspha
3. Why such movies are allowed (such illegal and violence based)
4. Compare planned city of Naya Raipur and Bhopal

Member 5
1. What is money laundering
2. What is the legal law for it(PMLA)
International body (FATF and follow up questions on consequences of being in the grey list and who is in black list and grey list)
3. Budget provisions in constitution
4. Parliamentary terms of adjournment sine die and prorogation differences
Date - 01/02 afternoon session
Board - Choubey sir
Home state - Odisha
Background - B.Com (Hons) from Kolkata
Optional - Sociology
No questions from hobby

 1. Tell us about your educational background and work experience
 2. What is black money?
 3. If you’re investing black money in real estate and gold, is it not productive for economy?
 4. Several cross questions on the same
 5. If I earn from an illegal activity, eg gambling, and pay taxes on it, will it be black or white money?

Member 1:
 1. Difference between Cuttack and Bhubaneswar
 2. What is town planning?
 3. What factors would you keep in mind while planning a town?
 4. Pottery city in UP - didn’t know
 5. What do you know about Terracotta?
 6. What to keep in mind while making balance sheet? How to ensure that it balances?

Member 2:
 1. “increased taxation, to some extent, subsidises for the inefficiencies of the government”. Explain. Do you agree? Cross questioning on the same.
 2. Adani case - explain round tripping and low float

Member 3:
 1. What is green accounting?
 2. Problem in countries adopting green accounting?

Member 4:
 1. Naxalism in West Bengal - was tackled once and again increased- what steps were taken on both times?
 2. Contributions of Subash Chandra Bose to our freedom struggle
 3. Contributions of INA

Unable to recall some questions from each member. Overall experience- board was cordial and encouraging
Feb 2, 2023, Afternoon
Ms Sathyavathy board
Previous work exp: Software Engineer
Travelling, Watching vlogs, Football
Tamil Nadu & Kerala
Chair asked to remove mask. Read the DAF.
 1. What were you doing since 2020?(I worked till 2020)
 2. What is your order of service preference?
 3. What is your order of cadre preference?(Home state is not my first preference)
 4. You don't want to work in your home state?
 5. You know Tamil and Malayalam?
 6. Tell me a few thirukurals (I said 2). Please explain those in English.
 7. What kind of traveling do you like? (I said adventure such as trekking )
 8. What is the difference between hiking, mountaineering, trekking?
Member 1
 1. What is a primitive tribe?
 2. What are the provisions for PVTGs in this year's budget?
3. What are the issues faced by migrant labourers? (Follow up questions)
 4. What are water-borne diseases?(I said Cholera)
 5. If you are posted as DM in a district where Cholera has widely spread, how will you handle it?
 6. Have you heard of ORS? What is the home remedy alternative for ORS?
Member 2;
 1. What all are the steps that India took to address the issue of crisis in Sri Lanka recently? Why are we doing those? What more can be done?
 2. Why is Football very popular in Kerala?
 3. Which is your favorite team?
 4. Which team did you support during the World Cup final?
 5. What position do you play in football?
Member 3:
 1. What are the technical difficulties faced in communication through satellites?
 2. It's often said future wars will happen in Space. Why it is so?
 3. What is the issue regarding Rohingyas? What India should do to handle this scenario?
Member 4:
 1. What are the current applications and future applications of satellite imagery?
 2. What is the difference between blog and vlog?
 3. So you like travelling, where all have you been?
Utility of mocks : Some questions asked in mocks got repeated.
board- lt gen shukla sir
interview date- 01 feb
Last one to go in afternoon session
duration- 33 mins
Keywords in daf- philosophy, Social media,Exploring new places, gwalior, industrial engineering, badminton

1.Which place u explored recently?
2.What u saw there?
3. How the tourist experience can be improved at that place?
4. Compare the temples of north india and south india
5. Which is better to see in terms of architecture
6. How vivekananda influenced world even when india was poor and under british rule? What are the differentiating factor of his philosophy?
7. Why philosophy is dying?
8. Is india becoming materialistic?

1. Which philosophy inspired u most and why?
2. Is existentialism applicable in real life?
3. Some spiritual leaders are charging fees for providing knowledge of the scriptures like sadhguru ji? what are ur views on this
4. Is there any similar thing like this in the ancient times?
5. What is pm gati shakti yojana?
6. Logistics cost in india and what are the govt steps in this direction

1. Why people are falling in the trap of babas?
2. What are ur views on fake gurus like those convicted in recent times?
3. How social media can be made a better place?
4. How to tackle fake news?
5. Any famous personality banned from social media platform in the recent times?

1. tell me something about gwalior air base?
2. Name of some fighter aircrafts
3. Rafale is from which country?
4. Any indigenous fighter plane?
5. What can be done to improve efficiency of armed forces?
6. What provisions can be done in the budget regarding this?
7. Do you know about book fair of bhopal?

M4- very random ques
1. principle behind pressure cooker?
2. Why it takes longer time to cook food at higher latitudes
3. Dimensions of badminton court and net in feet?

Utility of mocks- some qs repeated
Retd Gen Raj Shukla Sir
Date of Interview: 3rd Feb
Background: CA, MA in Eco, IDAS
Optional: Economics
Hobbies: iyengar Yoga, Ghoomar Dance, Reading Books
Others: NSS, Blood Donation camp, Mock parliament (MHRD minister)

Mostly interview went for 30-35 MN


 1. So you are CA and IDAS currently, till what time your training will go on?
 2. So tell me broadly about Finance of the world? How this is changing?
 3. So you say with Russia Ukraine war, Germany & Japan are increasing defence expenditure. in which area see you this changes? (Was a long monologue, could remember gist)
 4. So will it be more in platforms and weaponry or new age tech like AI, Drones ? - I said recently countries have started focusing on platforms ammunition
 5. He intervened and said that in Ukraine drones are being used for something - I said yes sir, New age technologies are also being focused
 6. Something on bureaucracy focused on traditional set ups like going strictly by rules. What is ur view?
 7. In government, L1 (low cost model) model is followed, but sometimes it creates problems for quality of defence procurement, what is ur view? (I mentioned about Quality cum cost model—-He said it is rarely followed. Why?
 8. GFR (General Financial Rules) are there. But FM is easily able to use discretion under the rules but many are not. Why? (Question was long and since I didn't have Detailed idea about GFR, I said I need to look into it)

M1 (Lady member)

 1. So you were MHRD minister while participating in mock Parliament. If you are secretary to MHRD what 3 measures will you take? (Bridging learning gaps, teacher training, reaserch and vocational training)
 2. How teacher training?
 3. In PG, you might be having developmental eco, I said No
 4. Then what was your favourite subject. And which theory you like the most ( Macroeconomics+ Keynesian model)
 5. For inflation controlling, it is said that monetary policy is more effective in developed countries and fiscal in developing. Why?


 1. You did your class 10th In village and then 12 in Udaipur. What difference could you see in village schools and Schools in Udaipur?
 2. So you stayed in hostel. Did your parents allow you that time?
 3. Apart from Ghoomar which dance you do? When is Ghoomar performed?
 4. What you mean by Human rights?
 5. Where are they mentioned?
 6. How HR are different from FRs?
 7. Name FRs mentioned in constitution.
 8. Why there is need for separate FR to protect minorities?
 9. Which is the last book you have read? And what is it about?
 10. What are the moral lessons in it? (I mention 3000 stitches by Sudha Murthy and said through various short stories she gives moral lessons)
 11. Out of these 3 moral lessons which one do you reflect the most?


 1. If you have to convince a foreigner that India is mother of democracy then how will you do it?
 2. There was sign of India being democracy in past. Do you remember?
 3. Discussion on one nation one election
 4. Can you name some female governors ?


 1. Why Japan have culture of discipline, sanitation etc buy we lacked? (I said value based education from my limited reading )
 2. He said we also read about many values in books but what is lacking (I said application at ground level- like social works in schools)

(I am mostly forgetting questions from last 2 members)

All the best to all aspirants.
Date of interview - 2nd Feb 2023
Board- Choubey Sir
Background - CA., B.Com
Optional - Commerce & Accountancy
Work experience - IOCL
Hobby - Cooking ( Sattvic Food) , Freestyle Dancing ( no questions on hobby) - NO questions from hobbies

1. Role of Finance commission
2. Why don't we give state the power to tax ? Why there is a need for Finance Commission?
3. Can you think of some state which is rich but state govt is poor?

1. Have you heard of Greenpace (NGO)? - I was not sure about that
2. " When the buying stops, killing can too " - In reference to elephant ivory........Can you think of other animals for which it is relevant?

He started by saying - "I am tempted to get my doubts clarified regarding IFRS- 17 but i don't want to take unfair advantage and take your free advice so I'll refrain from asking that" then he asked me IR questions
1. Objective of AUKUS? Is it anti-china
2. Full form of QUAD? how is it different form AUKUS? What was its initial objective?
3. How Pakistan 's economic crisis different from Sri Lanka's
Should world and India in particular be concerned since it is a nuclear power?

1. What is third degree .....used by police? Should it be allowed?
why does police use third degree?
2. Bangladesh's economic situation
3. Cattle smuggling near India-Bangladesh border?

1. Why G20 is significant to India? How is it different from other grouping
2. Agriculture is important to name some famous species grown in Rajasthan

Chairman at the end
Do you want to tell us something?
Date and session - 6th February, Forenoon
Board - Smitha Nagaraj ma'am
Optional - Economics
Profession - Fundraising in AI sector, recent selection in state services
Hobbies - Manga

1. So, you are working at Wadhwani AI now? (No, ma'am, will join state services next week)
2. Why do you want to come from fundraising to policymaking?
3. What do _you_ want to contribute to policymaking?
4. You mentioned you want to work in MSME sector. Don't you think our policies disincentivise growth of MSMEs into large companies?

1. Let's talk about taxation. Do you think the super-rich be taxed?
2. So you support a Marxian model? (No, I support providing more opportunities for the poor to build their wealth)
3. You are an electronics and communication engineer. Explain in simple terms how communication takes place.
4. Which part do you think introduces most distortion in a message while communication?

1. You will become an SDO. How will you solve the tribal vs mining company problem? (Said, more jobs and fair relocation terms for tribals)
2. Do you know about CAMPA? How will you use it? Is it possible to relocate forests?
3. Is manga the only aspect of Japanese culture that you enjoy? (No, I also like their colourful festival and mythology. Similarities between Indian and Japanese culture).
4. Would you like to be posted in Japan if selected in IFS? (I said YES with golden retriever energy!)

1. You mentioned about MSMEs. Where do you think bottlenecks lie?
2. It is said that lack of regulation allowed IT sector to blossom. Do you agree? (I mentioned that lack of regulation also caused a few problems)
3. So you think we should regulate it? (No, I support self regulation and soft regulation)

M5 (lady):
1. I was so happy to hear about the permanent commission of women in army. What do you know about it? (I said it is a great step. But I am not well versed in the court rulings and how that came about)
2. Do you think the triple talaq judgement make women equal to men? (I said, in isolation it looks like equality, but personal laws are complex. So, we will have to see how it evolves)
Pencil sketching
Directed short films

Shri Rajiv Shukla board

1.Why shift from mbbs

2.America post president election events...why in democracy such thing happened..what to do to avoid

3.What are the challenges to democracy in india..what to do to avoid such things
Should we do something for democracy or let it evolve

4.Shinzo Abe who is he
What did he contribute

5.Indo India being used

6. Question on reservation( cant recall what it is)


1.Telangana vs governor on republic day celebrations

2.Do u think it was right

3.How are powers divided bw centre and state
( Told 3 lists)
4.What is the basis

5. Perception of public about collectors why

6..Single events during crisis vs setting up systems

1.Caste system .. evolution in India
3.Is it still there
4.Do they go out of reservation also
5.Pencil sketching..when did u start..what do u sketch


1.NTR..why actor to politics in south and not in North
2.Recent golden globe award
3.Why global reach
4.AP ts..benefits, losses, pending issues
5. Is there any provision of special status in constitution


1.Private Medical colleges only for to make it merit based

2.Behaviour in parliament and assembly...what to do

And few follow-ups based on my answers
Date: 6th Feb
Session: Forenoon (last to go)
Board: Sathyavati Ma’am
Education: B.Tech Textile Technology, IIT Delhi.
Optional: Economics
Other DAF Keywords: Mathura, Run for Laadli Half Marathon, Robotics, Football, Global Financial crisis, Infotainment shows.
WorkEx: 6 months Business Analyst @ Ola
Category: Visually Impaired (PwBD-2)
Chairman reads out DAF.
 1. What are you doing since 2019?
 2. What did you do in your job?
 3. Why did you not prepare along job?
 4. What is Run For Laadli?
 5. What is the status of women in UP?
 6. First tell me about scene in Mathura.
 1. Why so many widows in Vrindavan? Why not somewhere else?
 2. What would you as administrator do for widows in Vrindavan?
 3. But will talking to widow’s family work?
 4. Are most of these widows Bengali? (Sorry sir)
 5. So how do you show leadership?
 6. How would you build consensus during communal violence? (I mentioned consensus formation in last answer).
 7. But nowadays there is no leaders in violence. (I said religious leaders above).
 8. I said nowadays there is a hidden leader which is social media and we need to check such instances.😂😅
 9. You mentioned Eastern UP & Bundelkhand (I did in an answer), why are they relatively backward?
 10. Is enough being done for these regions or are they just exhibition of poverty?
M2 (Lady)
 1. What is Aspirational District Program?
 2. Is it even working?
 3. So you are a textile engineer, tell me about economics of textile sector of India.
 4. Why small countries doing better than India in textiles?
 5. Cross question on labour costs.
 6. What can be done to lower labour costs in India?
 7. I mentioned focusing PMKVY like schemes on textiles, to which chairman intervened and said isn’t that already a part?
 1. Monologue on gender equality, what to do?
 2. All that you said sounds good, but what to do realistically?
 3. Monologue on family as the first place to bring a change for gender equality. Why so many crimes against women in UP which is increasing day by day?
 4. You play football, what position?
 5. What major events have happened regarding football in last 1 year?
 6. Name the quarter finalists of FIFA WC. (Actually wanted semi-finalists)
 7. Any thing else? (I said U17 women World Cup in India)
 8. He replied you missed the great Pele died.
M4 (lady)
 1. You have economics optional. What is Development economics?
 2. Name few economists working in this field?
 3. What has India done on lines of development economics?
 4. What is taught in Textile engineering in IITs?
 5. Is anything taught on machinery and production?
 6. Tell me about handloom sector in India.
 7. How can you use what you learnt in engineering for handlooms?
 8. Anything related to technology upgradation and machines for them?
M3 Again
 1. How would you distinguish a saree wether it is hand-woven or power loom? I
 2. said uneven texture.
 3. Again asked can you do it while a shopkeeper tries to sell it to you by claiming it as handwoven?
 4. I said, that will be very difficult for me.
 5. They all had a chat around this topic and laughed.
Chairman asks what is the difference between fibre, filament, yarn and thread? Corrected me once, I said thank you.
Your interview is over thank you and all the best.

I hope this comprehensive transcript helps someone.
Utility of Mock: Builds confidence and gives directions of questions to prepare in DAF.
Suggestion: Be confident, humble and enthusiastic.
All the best everyone.
Date and session of interview-30 Jan ,2023 afternoon 3rd to go
Board-RN Chaubey sir
Mechanical (Btech )
Profession (if any)-system engineer ,freelancer
Hobbies- mandala art ,interested in sustainable DIY

Chairman sir :

 1.tell me about your education and work experience?
2.Follow up questions then why did you leave your job ? -answered (chair -Ok we believe you🙂)
 2.IPC,CrPC ,evident act - what are they ? old are they ? there any need for reform in these?
5.what reforms -(removal of grey areas ,technological interventions in evidence gathering so that precision and accuracy increases and witness protection
6.long monologue on corruption in admin -why are they still resorting to it

 Member 1

1.long monologue on issue with global hunger index
2.followup on this (y more sample sizeis needed (answered -seems satisfied ),what is the issue with their questionare? -answered (member totally agreed with it )
3.what is sustainability
4.mandala art do you do that or interested in it

Member 2

1. NCC wings ,when it is formed and moto ?(entire sports column is empty )
What is the issue about NCC in news
Stressed to get answer from me
Asked me to take guess on year
2.nasal vaccine and mechanism (said sorry don't know )
3.governor issue and then long monologue (said i will read more about it when I repeated the point )

Member 3(lady )

1.have you watched republic day parade ?
2.Which part you liked most -she herself started with president of Egypt visit ,I nodded further elaborating it
3.What did you like about parade (told state tablueas )
4.Why ? (Women empowerment)
5.what is your state tableau (no tableau from our state ) sparrow status now (chair explained me about it when I told her that I know normal sparrow and not aware about house sparrow😂)
7.told her reasons (radiation,nest,food)
8.asked about its food cycle (told -sparrow -insects -plants
9.what is food cycle and food web
10.what did you do in your job ? how you make website inclusive (missed audio aspect )

Member 4( using laptop ) AC works (wants to hear specific thing that he googled )
2.differnce between desert cooler and AC -(chair once again clarified me about desert cooler )
2.what is affluent technology (sorry sir don't know )
3.envi science in graduation -so what did you read -carbon foot print do you decrease carbon footprint -answered only at individual level

Chair :we are done with interview if you want to say something you can and we are not going to ask questions from it

Talked about best practice in my village
Chair :asked me which village ?

I thanked them all and left

O2O sessions helped me alot with kaptaan,vinay sir (insights ) ,Khan sir
Apart from it discussions with friends and seniors helped the most

Utility of mocks :KSG,vajirao and reddy
Date and session of interview-6/2/23, Afternoon Session, First to go
Board- Preeti Sudan mam
College-BITS Pilani, Goa Campus
Profession (if any)-
Hobbies-Reading non-fiction books, running
Your experience in interview-Cordial board, very few counter questions
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- To gain confidence and increase the chance of practicing questions which might be asked (in my case about non-fiction books)

Chairwoman(telling me to get comfortable)
Right away asked about my hobby which was reading non-fiction books
Some brief discussion on that
1. Do you use Chatgpt?
2. How will it impact our future
3. AI and it's potential

M1(lady member)
1. Asked something about cloning (I said I'm not sure about it)
2. Discussion on AI
3. Two important initiatives in the Budget

1. Again asked about non-fiction book and difference between traditional and behavioral economics (since I had mentioned I like to read books on economy)
2. How can India achieve net zero target and further discussion on that

1. Need for police reforms and what do you suggest
2. Judicial reforms
3. Outcomes of CoP27

M4 (lady member)
1. Asked about my dual degree (just the concept of dual degree)
2. Other economic activities in Goa besides tourism

These were the broad questions, a very abridged version of the actual "intervie" since I am not able to recall many questions
6/2, Afternoon session
Sathiyavathi ma'am
Hansraj College, DU
No questions on hobbies

Didn't you think about doing PG?
What were you doing since 2021?
Since IFS is your first preference, who out of Putin, Erdogan and Trump is most important for India's interest?
Some counter questions from ma'am and other members.
How do you see the Russia-Ukraine war in near future? Any solutions.
Impact of war on agriculture and India's role.
Some counter questions.

Member 1(lady)-
Talked about development schemes not working in Bihar and asked about the reasons. Long discussion on this.
Discussion on money laundering.

Member 2-
Asked about tiger reserves and some names.
Cheetah relocation.
Difference between cheetah and leopard.

Member 3(lady)-
India-Nepal relations discussion
Problems faced by Bihar as a border state.
India-China border dispute and asked me for some solutions.

For some weird reason, she was asking me two part questions like cause and solutions and when I started answering the cause part, she interrupted me in both and told me that she was asking for solutions.

Member 4-
Read about what candidates say when asked for the reasons to join civil services and asked me do you have anything different to add.
Then, he went into physics because I had PCM in 12th and asked about uncertainty principle.

Member 1 asked about Hindustani vocal music as I had it as one of the subjects in 12th.(told them about my choice between physical education and HVM)

Then all laughed out on my answer and Sathiyavathi ma'am asked why not Physical education and then what exercise I do for keeping myself fit. When I answered in the negative, she jokingly told me to start exercising because it would be a desk job.
Date and session of Interview - 6th Feb, Afternoon, 3rd to go
Board - Preeti Sudan Ma'am
College - CSE, IIT Guwahati
Work Ex - GS, Ola
Optional - Psychology
Hobbies - Chess, Speedcubing, Watching psychological crime thrillers

— Transcript begin —

1. Remove your mask and make yourself fully comfortable and let me know when you're good to go.
2. So, you've worked in GS and are working at Ola. Is that correct?
3. What do you think about these cab aggregators like Uber and Ola?
4. They don't own any cars & still make profit. What do you have to say to that?
5. Tell me some psychological impacts of Covid-19.
6. *missing one question * (I guess)

M1 (Male)
1. Name the left bank tributaries of the river Ganges.
2. What is the impact of these rivers on Bihar?
3. So, you've mentioned Kosi or Saptakosi, tell me why is it called the sorrow of Bihar?
4. What are the methods you'll take to control flooding in Bihar that have yet not been taken?
5. What if I say that the water from floods can also be used as assets? What would be your take on that?

M2 (Male)
1. So, what have you been doing since past 3 years?
2. Tell me, what accountability does Uber/Ola have towards customers when drivers cancel the confirmed ride from their end?
3. What if the driver does not want to go to a specific location?
4. What is the concept of surge pricing?
5. How did you implement that at Ola? And is there any limit on how much you can surge?
6. What is a narcissist personality? Since you watch psychological thrillers, you must be familiar with it.
7. Tell me something more about it.

M3 (Female)
1. What is Shang-a-Lang? (No clue there, no clue here, I told her to repeat the question but I still don't know what word was that - the only question I straightaway rejected)
2. Achha leave it, you seem to be very good at Psychology, tell me why didn't you pursue to become a counsellor and why have you opted for Civil services?
3. Tell me about the drug addiction in India, why is it increasing with time?
4. Elaborate a few solutions from your end?
5. You've been in Ola, so you might be knowing a bit about transport. Are metros a viable public transport option and are they a feasible option in Indian cities right now?
6. But DTC buses carry more passengers on a daily basis as compared to the Delhi metro, what's your take on that?

M4 (Female)
1. You were in Guwahati. What all places you visited in North-East during that period?
2. Why didn't you visit Arunachal Pradesh?
3. Tell me your experience of Kaziranga National Park - first as a tourist then as an administrator.
4. What would happen if Kaziranga NP is open for the whole year instead of just 6 months? Positive and Negative both.
5. You have studied Sanskrit till class 10th, then why did you all of a sudden choose Painting in class 12th. What all you studied during those 2 years?
6. Do you still paint?
7. You seem to be a very focussed person. Is that so?
8. Last question from my side, how would you design something using your knowledge of Computer Science so that when tourists want to visit a particular place in India, they can easily purchase tickets for it online.
9. You explained me the whole ecosystem, tell me about the particular thing related to money, how would the government get money?
10. Payment Gateway it is !

Chairperson - Your interview is over, you may leave now.

Thanked them all and left

— Transcript end —

Comments — 

1. The room was big with Chairperson, M4 and M5 at the table (too far) while M1 and M2 at a distance of 2-3 feet away from me.
2. The help came around 4-5 times during the 35-37 minutes of interview, sometimes with samosas, sometimes with chai.
3. The board wasTOO cordial. I enjoyed the experience to the core, cause why not!
O2O mocks
1. Shankar IAS (very decent)
2. Ravindran Sir (boosted a lot of confidence)
3. NextIAS (called me today to have an O2O with Bassi sir, I chose my UPSC interview over it)

Panel mocks
1. UPSCPrep (got butchered)
2. Vajirao (okayish)

Utility of mocks - Apne apne hisaab se dekh lo!
Date and session of interview: 6th February, Afternoon, 3rd to go
Board: Satyavathi ma’am
Optional: Psychology
Degree: Industrial Psychology, IGNOU
Your experience in interview: Average
Utility of mocks or O2O: Learn to listen to the question, similar questions

Chairman reads out my DAF

1. What is Industrial Psychology?
2. The Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions, explain it in the context of industrial psychology?
3. Usually, master’s degree is completed in 2 years, why are you taking more time?
4. Name the industries where this is most applied? (she wanted more industries, my answer was quite shallow, but she moved on when she understood that I couldn’t recall)

1. Why is the age of marriage increasing in India, is the institution of marriage still relevant in the Indian society, also why are divorces increasing?
2. What is your Plan B?

1. What was your entrepreneurial venture? (Based on my Plan😎 
2. What are the ways to promote women empowerment and women entrepreneurship?

1. What is the status of women in Kerala? (Nudged about double burden, and I spoke about my MA research paper)
2. Based on the findings of your research, what ways can we overcome this issue about women?
3. What is the psychology of terrorism?
4. Can these techniques be applied for the good of the society? How?
5. What are skills needed for a civil servant from a psychology perspective?
6. How are e-commerce companies using psychology?

1. I am giving you a situation, “In an industry, an accident occurred and an employee was injured. The employees with their rage and anger attacked the supervisor and injured him, what aspect of psychology is playing out here”? (I couldn’t reach the specific answer at first, but she gave me a clue )
2. We have not condemned the Russia-Ukraine war, what are India’s reasons for doing it? (I replied that indeed we have condemned, but we have abstained due to our strategic autonomy and self-interest; she wanted more points, but let me free when I couldn’t recall)

M3 wanted to ask one more question
- You mentioned that empathy and compassion are important traits in a civil servant, can it be assessed in an interview like this?

Chairman: Thank you, your interview is over

Goodluck to all, be calm and be yourself
Board- Lt. General Shukla Sir
Optional- PSIR


Your experience in interview-
It was very cordial, it's difficult to say what they are thinking about our answers😅😅 very neutral emotions of panel.

Interview time -30 min
5th to go in afternoon session.

Wished Good afternoon Ma'am, Good afternoon Sir.
Chairman Sir told me to sit,
I said thank you Sir.


CH- International relations is your Optional?

CH-I was waiting for you I had one question for you I wanted to ask a person from IR,😅 ( he was asking questions in Hindi as well as English)

1) How technology is interlinked with IR?
2) What is 5G?
3) how it will affect USA and UK?
4) do you know about Russia-Ukraine war how Ukraine is sustaining this war?

5)do you know about killing of terrorist in Pakistan by USA using missile technology used in that operation? Tell me technology used by USA in that operation?

6) what is your hobby?
7) which style you practice in swimming?
8) Why India not performing well?
9) Why Western countries getting so many medals?
10) What India needs to do?
11) Western coach or Indian coach which you prefer why?
12) Even after reliance supported the football league India is not in world cup why?

M2 ( Ma'am)
1) is absence of career in SPORTS discouraging parents to encourage their children's participation in sports?
2) has IPL helped cricket ad sports n how?
3) is there any other sports where league is played?

4) have you heard about mission karmayogi? What is it?
5) what is the meaning of "rules based to roles based" governance?
6) what is iGOT platform? Further questions on it..

1) There was recently news about police inspector killing the minister in Odisha, what are the reasons for such incidents?
(Talked about mental health, regular checkups)
2) is it possible to check mental health of all police personal?
(Police going through lot of stress there is lack of HR in police etc problems)
3) even UP has 350000 police personnel that's huge number then why it's happening that they are overburdened?
4) why police personal are not concerned about people's problems? Why people fear to approach police?
5) your optional PSIR which thinker you like most? Further questions regarding their concepts.
6) Your district is draught prone so tell me what government is doing? And what has been it's impact?
(Told about scheme names n measures)
7) what is infrastructure under MGNREGA?
8) What has been it's impact?
9) what measures do you suggest?

(Both focused on mostly Pakistan issue from all the perspective)
1) Pakistan going through crisis good or bad for india?
(Talked about South Asia instability also)
2) the way India helped Srilanka Should India help Pakistan?
3) should India ask in return?
4) Why Pakistan not asking any help to China?
5) what big investment China is doing in Pakistan?
6) What India doing nearby Gwadar Port?
7) what if Pakistan is not ready to talk? N wants India to go back on ARTICLE 370?
8) issues between India and Pakistan?
9) what are other options India have if Pakistan not ready to talk? N there are no direct talks?
10) you are civil engineer so tell me like it's plumb Bob for checking verticality in one two storey building similarly for 150 storey building what is used?
Date and session-3 feb and forenoon
Board- shukla sir
Optional- history(no question asked)
Academic - electrical engineering
Hobbies- rehne do(cause no question asked)
Experience -average it was a discussion type interview rather than conventional question answer type, no smile by panel,no nodding,no introduction asked they just jumped into questions

Chairperson -asked me to sit down keep the mask down. No smile nothing poker face.
1- you are from a very famous college,what are its contribution to our nation.
2- discussion on farm laws,why they were opposed
3- India developed by 2047 overambitious aim, follow up discussion on mask production how it went
More questions not able to recall

Members 1
1- discussion on demographic dividend
How to utilize it
2-discussion on skill , gap between Industry and skilled workers
3- chat gpt is being used in bpo industry,do you support it? I said yes but it should act as supporting role in industry rather than replacing the whole manpower in the Bpo industry.

Member 2
1- why skill gap exist
2-why skilled worker are not engaging in their domain but going for other domain like you are going to civil services
3- your city was in news recently? I told them illegal encroachment demolition drive. Yes why this happened. As a Dm what you could have done
Follow up questions do you think it is wise by government to legalise every other slum area is this right model of governance

Member 3
1- how to control hate
speeches and irrelevant debates on tv.
2- name favourite column writer of your newspaper
3- tell me some contributions of gbpant ji

Member 4
1- discussion on tehri dam and on what river it was made
2- in previous budget a scheme was launched for power sector . What are its Indicator
3- auxillary parts of hydro power plant
4- how will you reduce loses in transmission lines(in this answer he was impressed quite well and nodded by saying very good)
Chairperson - okay your interview is over you may leave

Utility of mock- just for gaining confidence and to practice speaking
One to one session with Utkarsh sir were really helpful and interview sessions also very enriching
Chanakya ias-good
Ksg- good
Vajiram and ravi-waste of time
Vnk ias academy - good
Transcript of SOMP Student
State : Guj
Mech engineering
Service: IIS & BDO

Cordial board

Preeti sudan Ma’am


IIS Training journey

Best part of training

Where did you done SFC ?

What is the problem of Joshimath? And solutions

Tell me two best things that you have done during BDO tenure?

Why so much vaccines hesitancy in developed world compare to India?


So, do you think that bz of vaccine there is less damage to india , explain it ?

Do you have interest in finance?

Finance committees ?

Appropriation account ?

Loan and borrowing from which account?

Budget passing process?

Relationship between CAG & PAC ?

Do you agree with the statement that Block development officer’s “Block”s development?

Do you think that NTPC is responsible for joshimath?

Do you think that there is conspiracy behind this agitations? Envi vs development?

M4: why amul model hasn’t successful in other states?

Neo colonialism ?

What are the steps in cyber security?

Kautilya vs machiavelli ?Simlilarity?

Member 5:

Uttarakhand track route

Rafting ?

Safety ?


Name of dehradoon airport ?

Track: oli, chopta, joshimath ?
Board:Sathyavathi madam
Date:7th feb afternoon session.
State: Karnataka
Graduation:Bsc agriculture
Keywords:Kolar,cricket,  gaming,fantasy cricket.

1.When did kgf mines closed?
2.Now,what is the source of economy for Kolar district.
3.Why farmers in kolar throw tomatoes on road?
4.Sericulture-do you know about it?Tell me different  varieties of Silkworms.
5.What is the special about Muga silk?

1.Do you know about sun?What is it?what is the composition of sun?
2.How solar energy generated?
3.What is the means of transfer of energy from sun to planets.
4.Name the varieties of cow breeds.
5.What is sahiwal?

1.Bt-Brinjal?what is it?concerns ?
2.Organic agriculture is costly. what to do?

1.what are your service preference.
2.What qualities IAS officer  should have?
3.If an officer don't have compassion/empathy
Then what to do?
4.Do you know about NRC?What is it?what are the concerns?

1.Karnataka cuisine-style of cooking how it is?
2.Name any few.
3.What is the marketing institute from your campus?
4.What is your solution to market failure?
and counter question on it.
5.Tell me any innovative measure which you have studied for ensuring market for farmers.

At last chairman said your interview is over.
When I was leaving the room ,one of the board member asked what is doosra? Can you bowl? I answered and said I can bowl googly and legbreak.Sir replied great!!.
Over all the board was cordial.70% of questions on agriculture. No qn  from hobbies and optional.
Q6.Difference between hyderabad, bengali, awadhi biryani. (DAF RELATED)
Date and session of interview- 6th Feb, Afternoon session (4th to go)
Board- Sathyavathy ma'am
Optional- Law
College- National Law University, Lucknow
Profession (if any)- Nope
Hobbies- Journaling, watching anime (no questions asked)

Your experience in interview- Based on what I had heard, I thought the board would be too cruel and would grill me a lot but nothing like that happened. They were smiling, asked me to be comfortable, offered me to have some water and were cordial.

Utility of mocks- Mocks did help me to gain confidence. It had reduced the fear of actual interview to a certain extent.

What have you been doing since 2020?
Why didn't you become a lawyer?
Should reservation be economic or social?
(Cross questions. Many.)

NPAs are very high so what should we do to address that problem?
What are the reasons for the long time taken in the resolution process of corporate debtors?
Should appeals be allowed to the Supreme Court in resolution of such cases?
What is the future of arbitration in India?

What do you think about India's stance wrt neighbouring nations?
Chinese infrastructure is better than NE. How should India prepare for clashes there?
Attacks by chinese malware on nuclear plants. How can we strengthen our systems?
What is your take on IT Rules, 2021?
How sound is the IPR laws regime?
The fees is very high and the time taken for filing of IPRs is too much. What are we doing to address this?

What are your views on the Collegium system? What should be the way forward?
What is so different about Awadhi cuisine?
Is Pakistan's economic crisis like Sri Lanka's? Why?
Should India help Pakistan?

Darwin's theory of evolution vs creation
What is gene?
What programs do we have wrt genes?
Which tool is used for gene editing?
What is fullform of CRISPR Cas9? Who invented it?
(I couldn't answer most of his questions however he seemed very chill and rexed and didn't mind me saying 'I don't know')

Thank you! You may leave now.
Date of interview: 06/02/2023
Board: Smitha Nagaraj maam
State: Uttarakhand
Work experience: Microsoft
Education: MBA + BTech
Hobbies: Public speaking, latest Bollywood movies, jogging

Chairman (Smita Nagaraj ma’am):
 1. You are living a dream life. Microsoft - spectacular education background, high salary. What is it you’re seeking here. What is the purpose of life?
 2. Why do you want to do civil services?
 3. Let’s talk about Microsoft - do you think we need to regulate big tech firms?
 4. How can big tech influence policy making?
 5. What about allegations of big tech helping govt and vice versa - mutually beneficial relationship?
 6. If you were in policy making what would you regulate and what would you not regulate for big tech?

 1. Who is a better manager - management grads or politicians?
 2. If you’re the administrator and a politician wants you to do something that is stark opposite to your management learnings. How will you deal with it?
 3. Why do you watch only latest Bollywood movies? Isn’t it that all classic and cult movies that people say belonged to the golden period which has passed by?
 4. There was a movie released recently and it was in a controversy. What is your opinion on cancel culture?

 1. Tech firms keep pushing their employees? Did you face stress at Microsoft?
 2. Your opinion on Elon Musk firing at Twitter. Do you think what he did was right?
 3. What’s your opinion on moonlighting or slacking?
 4. If you were an IAS and your subordinate need to be laid off as their job is not relevant anymore - what will be your approach?
 5. Smita ma’am pitched in - if there’s a candidate outside who’s skilled and unemployed why not hire him instead?

M3 (Lady):
 1. There are different types of engineering. Chemical/Mechanical/Electrical. I won’t ask you about them. I want to ask you what is social engineering.
 2. Who propounded the concept of social engineering?
 3. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Explain.
 4. Which law governs the cybersecurity in India?
 5. Can you tell me the guidelines released under it in 2021?

 1. Continuing with the power discussion. Why do we give people power? What is the use of that power?
 2. Status of right to Privacy. How is it being enforced?
 3. What is beneficial for India a strong or weak Pakistan or Nepal or Myanmar?
Board- Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Date -7th feb ,forenoon session
State-Madhya Pradesh
DAF - Kanpur, Mathematics Optional , Scientific computing, Software Engineer

Chairperson -
1)Tell me something about Kanpur
2) You are already in good Job and then why civil services
3) Impact that you can bring to civil services administration by your software engineer background

Member 1(Lady)
1)What are Mathematics Models and tell me something of recent models.
2)Consolidated and Public Fund
3) Contingency fund of India
4)2 named industries of Kanpur and current progress?

Member 2(Lady)
1)what have govt. did specific for women in digitalisation( No clue specific to women, answered some common)
2).what are cyber crimes? Examples of some cyber crimes?
3)steps taken to tackle those crimes?said
4) data protection bill,cant remember more sorry

Member3 ( Sir)
1)What Is EVM ( no clue ,that was specific to job not electronic voting machine)
2).What is scientific computing and how it is different ?
Not able to remember more questions ,sorry for the short memory

Member4 (Sir)
Tell me about foriegn policies with the neighbourhood countries.

Your interview is over ,you may go now.
Timing- about 25min
Not much covered from DAF

Most of the members was expressionless , was not able to understand if it was good by their faces(felt😞 )

Mock interviews - It was helpful to gain some confidence ,but overall it is a different bowl altogether.
MAINS is the key

O2O with Vinay Sir, Next IAS practice Mock was helpful for me, SOMP sessions too

All the best for Coming ones :)
Board- Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Date -7th feb ,forenoon session
State-Madhya Pradesh
DAF - Kanpur, Mathematics Optional , Scientific computing, Software Engineer

Chairperson -
1)Tell me something about Kanpur
2) You are already in good Job and then why civil services
3) Impact that you can bring to civil services administration by your software engineer background

Member 1(Lady)
1)What are Mathematics Models and tell me something of recent models.
2)Consolidated and Public Fund
3) Contingency fund of India
4)2 named industries of Kanpur and current progress?

Member 2(Lady)
1)what have govt. did specific for women in digitalisation( No clue specific to women, answered some common)
2).what are cyber crimes? Examples of some cyber crimes?
3)steps taken to tackle those crimes?said
4) data protection bill,cant remember more sorry

Member3 ( Sir)
1)What Is EVM ( no clue ,that was specific to job not electronic voting machine)
2).What is scientific computing and how it is different ?
Not able to remember more questions ,sorry for the short memory

Member4 (Sir)
Tell me about foriegn policies with the neighbourhood countries.

Your interview is over ,you may go now.
Timing- about 25min
Not much covered from DAF

Most of the members was expressionless , was not able to understand if it was good by their faces(felt😞 )

Mock interviews - It was helpful to gain some confidence ,but overall it is a different bowl altogether.
MAINS is the key

O2O with Vinay Sir, Next IAS practice Mock was helpful for me, SOMP sessions too

All the best for Coming ones :)
Board Sathyawati Ma'am
First to go, morning session
Background - IRTS, Investment banking, Startup
Economics graduate, Hobby sketching

Chairman -
1. Why did you join when you were making $$$ before?
2. What was the favorite startup you have worked with?
3. What was the business model
4. Opinion on IRMS and Cross questions
5. Battery swapping failing why? (Daf) cross questions

What kind of bulbs do you know? (Random)
What bulb is the best?
Some other questions can't recall

M2 - adani issue?
If so leveraged then why were people buying it?
As a broker how will you convince me to buy it?
Cross questions
Since you liked startups, why couldn't you work in social sector through startups? Why this domain?
Couldn't you make a startup, sell it and keep working in diverse sectors?

Are you nervous?
What did you do to manage the nervousness ( I said deep breathing, so he said what type and I said Anulom-vilom and then he just laughed the entire time)
What is the diff between art and science
Is a history study a science or an art
Should policy making be done scientifically or humanities based
You do pencil sketching? Isn't it just copying?? I said it is but perspective is involved and depends on who is drawing, outcome will be diff
But he said it's still copying isn't it - I said sir it does involve some techniques like hatching which can again be innovative
Said he doesn't think it's art cuz it's a copy.. - I said it is sir, but again copying is not entirely bad. He smiled.

Which question would you like to answer - How does a plane fly or how does a refrigeration cycle work ( out of syllabus for me cu no engineering background but I said Airplane)
Went on to explain in the most basic and crude form. He said this was very basic but ok

What is green hydrogen?
How will you incentivise the bottom of the pyramid to take it up?
What do you think will be RBI stance today ?
On in head we are promoting MSME and on the other we are increasing the credit interest?
Why are we doing this? Cross questions
Third interview with Sathyawati Ma'am. May God help me !
Session: 6th Feb Afternoon
Board: Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Keywords: Haryana, PSIR

1. How has sex ratio improved in Haryana? ( Came to know in waiting hall that Ma'am initiated BBBP, so straight away mentioned that..)

2. Was there role of Khaps also in that?

3. How has community development worked in Haryana? Which was the first community development block of India ( Nilokheri- didn't know)?

4. Why has Haryana grown economically so fast?

1. Gave an example of mothers cooking food in Tamil Nadu School. What are the pros you will expect from that?

2. What bills are part of budget? What is contingency fund of India?
What should be its quantum?
How does it get recouped?

3. What are the new chapters that have been added to economic survey?


1. Musharaff died yesterday. What is he associated with?

What were the outcomes of Kargil?
I told shekatkar committe etc.

He then asked One Border One Force? I told all the paramilitaries associated with borders... He said One Border One Force came out of Kargil..

What major event in India during tenure of Musharraf? What were the outcomes of Agra Summit?

2. What is the difference between LoC and LAC?

2. What is the difference between LAC and International Border?

3. What is the biggest takeaway from India's relationship with Bangladesh in recent years? Told LBA.

What are the learnings?


1. What is your opinion of coaching centres? Answered for JEE. Then he asked about UPSC specifically. Long discussion.

2. What is holistic education? In context of NPE.

3. Is power generation in India enough for demand?

What will be impact of solar? Is hydrogen not the answer when I mentioned battery tech...


1. Who is India's best neighbor? Why not Nepal?

2  what is urban planning? Mumbai and Kolkata are dying, what is the solution? Do you have any onr particular solution?

3. What do you know of Chanakya? What was mandal siddhanta?


Gave only one mock this time: ForumIAS. Have given one interview before so didn't feel the need this time.

Learning from last interview was that mocks try to focus on DAF too much which takes away lot of energy and time while most of the time interview is from current affairs and core GS , optional etc.

So focused on content mostly this time and prepared DAF only uptil where it was reasonable.

Another learning from last interview: At the end presence of mind and confidence matters. For that you need to treat it a lot lighter than the pressure it usually brings. Easier said then done. But try it as much as possible.

About the Board: Extremely cordial.

All the Best.
7th feb 2023
Preeti Sudan board
After noon session
First to go

Everyone was sitting in criss crossed position
3 female member

Plz remove your mask
Yes mam with smile.

Q-ok what is isha kriya.tell me in brief(daf)
Q-how it will help you in administration
Q-counter to my question.what is more important brain or heart while dealing with people-
Q-i will give you is have one vehicle.accident of one woman with your vehicle.what will you do?where you will go-cm or hospital.

Member 2
Q-govt provides lot of welfare scheme.tell me 3 most important

Q-i ask in detail.tell me more.
Ok lets talk about them one by one
First tell what is awaas yojana.what we are doing
How beneficiary is select ed.which data is used
What happens after that..
What now I had to say sir iske aage nhi pata

Ok now talk swach bharat.
How states have fared.

Ok fine..

Member 3-

Tell me important places in rewa(hometown)

Q-i am from Bihar there people use local material for earthquake resistance.what it can be.

Q-ok but in delhi we might not have how we will do retrofitting.tell me technical details of it...

Q-tell me something about pension scheme.what is this all fuss about

Q-then she asked in ops whether there was govt employees were paid..

Member 4-

Q-who regulate capital market
Q-full form of sebi
Q-what are assets and liabilities of company
Q-what is different between debt and equity
Q-will equity be a liability for a company

Q-ok tell me about hydropower.
What all civil engineer should kept in between (
(hinted talk about soil)

Q-ok what is aatmanirbhar
Ok so it mean we will be producing all items within the country
Ok tell me what is problem in pharmaceuticals wrt aatmanirbhar

Member 5-

Q-so you are associated with isha foundation?
Q-ok so you haven't went to isha centre
She said mahashivaratri mai jaao badhiya mahaul hoga..I said yes mam I m planning post my interview
Why shiva is called aadiyogi
Why mahashivaratri
Ok leave it .it is out of syllabus(mam said)
What is it is done
So you mention about Punjab in your previous answer.what is the reason of debt in Punjab

Punjab has major revenue form?

Nhi she said humara punjaab daaru ka consumption kaafi karta hai😂

Chair-ok interview is over.take your mask.
Date and session of interview- 08/02/2023, Forenoon session, 4th to go
Board- Sathyavathi Ma’am
Optional- Public Administration
College- NITRR, Chemical Engg.
Keywords- Certified nutrition and fitness consultant, Portrait Drawing
Your experience in interview- It was a pleasing board, esp. conversation with Sathyavathi Mam.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- To gain confidence and reduce fear of speaking in front of eminent/experienced people.

*enters the room, with pleasing and welcoming smile of board members esp the chairperson. Wished them and was asked to sit and remove mask.*

Sathyavathi Ma’am: Reads out the DAF loudly to everyone. (esp Highlights the fact that he is a Certified nutrition and fitness consultant.)

1) What have you been doing since graduation. (Mam’s patent question)
2) You are a Certified nutrition and fitness consultant, so how do you go about it? What is your approach?
3) Suppose I come to you for consultation; considering my age what would be your approach?
4) What is this Keto Diet? Why is it popular? Do you recommend it?
5) What Is intermittent fasting? Is it the right way of dieting? Is it a good practice?
6) There is trend of food fortification, what is it?
7) Don’t you think one size fits all approach regarding food fortification is causing harm to general health of public in long term? Is it the right approach? What do you suggest?

1) You have mentioned that you like watching nutrition and fitness related videos. So you just like watching them or you yourself practice them?
2) What is your workout schedule like? How is the splits? What are the use of cables in the gym?
3) Since you told that you do strength training, how much weights can you lift? Does it include cable exercises as well?

What is your BMI ?
4) Ok, so since you are a chemical engineer, can you tell me about the water that is being supplied, what are the quality parameters that is ensured?
5) Have you heard about the recent water pollution issues?(and certain technical details like bod, cod levels, trace metal levels etc)


1) Have you heard about the Malnutrition issue in India?
2) Why do you think that present status is bad in India?
3) Suppose you a DM of an area, and there was a report published recently that because of low nutrition level of girls at the school level and its continuation till upper age, when they marry and bear child, there arises a lot of complications? So what would be your approach to handle this problem?
4) What steps would you follow?
5) Suppose you are a DM and going for a field visit, and suddenly you find that a child has fallen in a borewell and there’s no one around. What would you do? Whom would you contact (agencies)?


1) So your optional is Public Administration. What do you think is the most relevant theory or model of administration that is suited to India and why?
2) Why was Max Weber’s Bureaucratic model adopted? What does it offer vis a vis other models?
3) So in 2013 a separate paper of Ethics and Integrity was introduced, what was the reason behind it?
4) Is it a good idea to test ethics and morality through a written exam?
5) What purpose does it serve?


1) Before coming to this room for the personality test, were you nervous?
2) What do you do to remove nervousness and feeling of anxiety?
3) How does breathing help in this? And Do you recommend it?
4) Ok so coming to the introduction of ethics paper in UPSC, don’t you think that anybody can write answers for the questions asked? Are the candidates, who are writing the paper, really ethical?
5) Don’t you think people can write something and practice something else?
6) How does it ensure that people and good ethics and morality are getting in the system? And is it so?
7) Ok so you must be knowing about GPS System. In no time it is able to provide you exact information about locality. How does it happen?

*Ok your interview is over, thankyou* (with smiles from sathyavathi mam)

*stood up smiling and said thankyou to everyone in the room and left*
Board: Smita Nagarajan
Session: 07-02-2023, Afternoon, 3rd candidate.
Relevant words from DAF: Working as BDO, Andhra Pradesh. Electrical Engineering from IIT Hyderabad.

Chairperson(Smita Nagaraj):
1. What are u doing currently?
2. Tell me most interesting thing u have done as Mpdo ?
3. Is Andhra Pradesh economy doing well after Bifurcation?
4. What is your opinion on having three capitals?
Person 1:
1. Article 16(2) has provision of non discriminating based on descent. Any exceptions to that?
2. Can Compassionate appointments be claimed as a matter of right?
3. What are the rules pertaining to compassionate appointments?
4. What is Morality?
5. Now What is Constitutional morality ?
Person 2:
1. Is establishing more IITs reducing the brand value?
2. What benefits a college when it is given status of IIT?
3. Why do Colleges need more autonomy?
4. What is the difference between Naxalism and bands of dacoits ?
5. What is the ideology of Naxalites?
6. Where do Naxalites procure weapons from ?
Person 3:
1. Why Naxalism started in AP?
2. Why naxalism is still continuing in AP?
3. There is a provision in FRA that is acting as a hindrance in recognition of forest rights?
4. Situation Question: You are a BDO, and MLA asks you to get an approval from Panchayat for building community hall through MGNREGA. How will you handle this?
Person 4:
1. Why decline in number of students opting for engineering?
2. Which article of Constitution is related to CAG?
3. Who audits the records of state Government?
4. To whom CAG submits the report?
5. What are some power sector reforms undertaken by GOI?
6. Where is Hornbill festival held?
7. Why the hornbill festival celebrated?
Mocks given:  Unacademy (Good), Onlyias (Unprofessional management) , Chahal (Good ), Vajirao and Reddy and KSG are decent.
Utility of the Mocks: Just to get used to the personality test mode. Apply your own logic to their feedback.
Thanks a lot bro for all the support i received from your channel.
Date : 7th feb , forenoon
Name : captain
Board: M.Sathiyavathy mam
Optional: sociology
College: IIT Madras( chemical engineering)
Background : state civil service , Bihar
No questions from hobbies.

 1. what did you do before joining service?
 2. Why did you take sociology ?
 3. What is your role in the department?
 4. How much corruption is there in your department ? (More follow up questions over this)
 1. What did you like in South India?
 2. Tell me about heritage sites of Chennai?
 3. What is government doing in electric vehicles domain?
 4. What more can be done to promote green mobility?
 1. What do you know about monsoon?
 2. How important is this for Indian agriculture ?
 3. What can be done to conserve rainwater?
 4. What are the measures in Indian context?
 5. How many provinces were there at the time of independence?
 1. Why families are breaking down?
 2. What values are responsible for breakdown?
 3. What is the status of Delhi air pollution?
 4. As an administrator what will you do check pollution in Delhi?
 5. What steps can you take to tackle pollution using chemical engineering ?
 6. There is a famous sikh gurudwara in patna . What do you know about it?
 1. What is courage?
 2. Are you courageous?
 3. Give an example from your life.
 4. What are electrons, protons made of?
 5. What do you know about CAA?
 6. What is the current status of CAA?

Experience:cordial board, felt like a normal conversation
Utility of mocks: for small things yet important such as- how to enter and wish members. Mocks helps you get variety of questions.
Date: 08 February 2023
•  Time: Forenoon Session (1st Interview of the day)
•  Board: Smitha Nagraj Madam
•  Period : Around 30 Minutes
•  Name : SK
•  Home State : Haryana
•  Current Service : ICAS
•  Optional Subject: Literature of Sanskrit
Chairman ma'am
•  What are the main provisions of the recent budget
•  Provisions that attract you
•  What provisions have been made for the MSME sector
•  What is the definition of StartUps
•  What are the criteria of StartUps
•  Give examples of some successful StartUps
•  What can the government do against companies that show overvalue in the corporate sector(Adani Case)
•  What challenges are you facing after coming from AFHQ service to Accounting service
•  Which language is old among Sanskrit and Prakrit language
•  Tell the literary features of Kalidas
•  Mention the contribution of Panini in Indian Linguistic study
•  What is the contribution of Panini in the literature of Kalidas
•  What are the reasons for the present condition of Sanskrit language
•  Explain the role of Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board (GASAB) in accounting
•  What is the composition of GASAB
•  Which Accounting Standards does the Government of India currently use
•  What is the difference between Defence, Railway, IP&TAF, IA&AS and Civil accounting
•  What is PFMS System
•  What are the achievements of PFMS System so far
•  Challenges for GoI related to PFMS System
•  What is Jallikattu practice and in which area it is prevalent
•  Is this practice fair
•  What are the provisions for the protection of animals
•  Is Sanskrit a religious language
•  What is the myth about Kalidasa
•  According to you, is it right to teach Gita in schools
•  Has the government been successful in doubling the income of the farmers?
•  What are your suggestions for the upliftment of marginal farmers?
•  What is the role of FPOs in agriculture
•  Tell innovative solutions to resolve stubble burning issue
•  What are the provisions for farmers in the recent budget
Board C.P- Mrs. Smitha Nagraj ma'am
Date, session - 06/02/2023, Afternoon, 2nd last to go.
Time- 30 minutes
Optional- PSIR
Keyword DAF- volunteered in NGO

1.Is this NPA's haircut ? So you joined? When did you join?
2. What are the things you have liked and disliked in the training.
3. Why drill/ parade is there? What is its use?
4. Discipline - why it is important?
5. Every organisation even like UPSC needs some or other kind of discipline. So, Can drill be included to instill discipline?
6.The concept of Authorities have been declining because of human evolution and understanding. Human Psychology also plays important part in it. Do you think authority is needed? What kind of authority you like?
7. What kind of authority is disliked, In NPA?
8. So, authority should be crowd pleasing? Populist?

1. Do people need to fear police?
2. Why police has image of like this, how you as SDPO/SP can bring change in perception.
3. But if police become frinedly to people, then criminals would also flourish, frinedly to them also?
4. What do you think about politization of police? MLA just calls and transfers circle officers. why do you think this happens?
5. Have you heard of Prakash singh judgement? What unique feature it has?
6. Why police reforms are not happening?
7. How would you bring accountability in investigation and police?

M2 ( Called me by my father's name).
1. You talked about discipline, why it is important in armed forces ?
2. What is unity of command?
3. Is police only responsible for superior boss, not to the people?
4. Long long question - Law and order situation-riots, shooting has been ordered but inspector doesn't want to fire, he thinks it is not good and can cost life of people, what can be the ramifications?
5. Who decides order is legal or not, should he fire even it is costing life of people? What do you think?
6. About QUAD, I2U2 and AUKUS and how India should deal with it?

M3( Lady member)(called me by previous candidate's name)
1. Have you heard about NHRC and SC guidelines on Encounters? What is it?
2. Should bail be matter of right? Why?
3.You talked about arrests, are you aware about D.K basu case guidelines?
4. What is plea bargaining?

M4 (Called me by my name and confirmed😂)
1. You have worked as project leader in NGO, what one thing you have done , what initiative you have taken which you are very proud of?
2. I talked about learning deficit in children, so question - what GoI is particularly doing regarding Learning Deficits?
3. We have seen cases of George Floyd and recent Similar cases. We think that this happens only in developing countries or banana republic but in USA also? . Why you think this happens?
4. But USA police is not unchecked, unaccountable, still it happens?
5. So you think training of police officer is at fault?

Thank you!

Almost everything opinion based and on Policing.
All d best!
Date and session of interview- 09/02/2023 , 1st वन टू गो
Board- सत्यवती मैम
Optional- हिंदी साहित्य
College- BA(H)पॉलिटिकल साइंस DU, MAहिंदी साहित्य IGNOU
Your experience in interview- 1- सिंपल बातचीत जैसा लगा , प्रश्न मैने सुविधा के लिए अलग अलग लिखे है , लेकिन वहां चीजें प्रश्नोत्तर के रूप में नहीं चल रही थीं , फ्लो के साथ चल रही थीं, वाकई पर्सनेलिटी टेस्ट ही था
2- अधिकतर प्रश्न मेरे बैकग्राउंड , daf etc से ही जुड़े थे
3- बात करके मजा आया
4- रूम में सामने की दीवार पर upsc के सभी डायरेक्टर्स की फोटो थी

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- 2 दिए थे ,1 ऑनलाइन और 1 ऑफलाइन
, उपयोगिता केवल प्रैक्टिस के लिए

सत्यवती मैम
1- मैम ने गुड मार्निंग स्वयं ही कह दिया
2-Daf बोल के पढ़ा
3-अंग्रेजी में पूछूं तो कोई दिक्कत तो नहीं है
4-गैप ईयर में क्या किया
5-मेंटरिंग करते हुए तुम्हे क्या सीखने को मिला ( पिछले उत्तर से आया )
6-तमिलनाडु में पोस्टिंग हुई तो कैसे मैनेज करोगे
7-IFS क्यों नहीं बनना चाहते
8-रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध का समाधान कैसे करें
9-UN असफल रहा है क्या ( पिछले उत्तर से आया )

M2 मैम
1-गांव से शहर पलायन होगा तो खेती करने के लिए कहां से लोग आएंगे
2-फॉर्म साइज छोटा है , तो कैसे हल करेंगे
3-नाबार्ड क्या है , रोल
4-पॉलिटिकल साइंस और हिंदी साहित्य तथा वर्तमान समाज में एकरूपता

1-QR कैसे काम करता? फुल फॉर्म
2-पर्वत पर अधिक ठंड क्यों पड़ती
3-विवाद,युद्ध इत्यादि क्यों होते रहते ? कोई समाधान ?

1-गृह जिले के dm के तौर पर कृषि के लिए क्या करोगे
2-UN में कौन से सुधार होने चाहिए ( पिछले उत्तर से आया )
3-उन सुधारों का पैरामीटर्स क्या हो
4- 5G क्या है , लेटेंसी क्या है , स्पेक्ट्रम कितना है
5-तमिलनाडु में IAS के तौर पर डेली लाइफ कैसे मैनेज करेंगे , आप को लगेगा की ये कहां भेज दिया मुझे ?

M5 मैम
1-प्रेसिडेंशियल vs पार्लियामेंट्री सिस्टम
2-हमे कौन सा रखना चाहिए
3-BA और MA में सब्जेक्ट क्यों चेंज किया
4- वन नेशन , वन इलेक्शन पर आपका क्या विचार है

लास्ट प्रश्न - उठने के बाद M3
1-राष्ट्रकवि ? दिनकर जी की कुछ पंक्तियां सुनना चाहेंगे

रश्मिरथी की ये पंक्तियां सुनाई -
है बीच सिंधु में महायान
इस पार शांति उस पार विजय
अब क्या हो भला नया निश्चय
जय मिले बिना विश्राम नहीं
इस समय संधि का नाम नहीं
Date: 07/02/2023
Board: satyavati Madam
State: Maharashtra (kolhapur)
Optional: PSIR
Hobbies/interest: kho kho, watching recent movies, NMMS scholarship, Event Head in college
Experience: Mechanical engineer, Auto industry experience

1. Which movies u watched recently?
 Your opinion on Pathan movie controversy
2. Pakistan crisis: is it oppurtune time for india to capture Pakistan
3. Should we capture Pakistan?
4. Should we take it over if all ppl of pakistan vote for merger with india? Discussion on economic burden of same
 Member 2:
1. Changes in auto industry to tackle climate change?
2. Battery related challenges
3. What infrastructure will u develop to address climate change, generate employment etc.
4. What kolhapur is famous for?
Member 3:
1. What is so spcl about kolhapuri chappal?
2. Have u watched pathan?
3. Opinion: is the controversy created by film makers to promote movies?
3. Do ubremebr anything from engineering😅? Recent changes in engine technology
4. Why high covid cases in china? Why not in india?
Member 4: (all related to G20)
1. What are focus areas?
2. Do countries hv any commitments as part of G20?
3. Women led development: what program in G20 for that?
Member 5:
1. Monologue on history (don't remember) ... Then asked Should we forget history and move ahead?
2. What are 4 basic forces in the world? (Technical question)
Date : 08-02-2023
Board : Smita Nagaraj Ma’am
DAF areas : Punjab , Automotive sector ,

1 what are you currently doing
2 Are you staying in your hometown
3 what is this Mera Pind 360 , a community service initiative (DAF)
4 what is the reason of Punjabis going abroad in large no’s
5 What do you think of diaspora as a soft power
6 does Indians at top leadership position abroad act as a hard power for India

1. Why Punjab’s water table going so down
2 what measures can be taken to do that
3 How can we enhance crop diversification
4. What did you do as NSS volunteer
5 what messages you spread by cycle rallies (follow up)
6 what values you learnt from NSS

1- Reasons for drug menace in Punjab
2- What are human rights . Where mentioned in Indian statues ?
3- who is your fav actor
4- how would you eulogise Punjabi language
5- Name Punjab is of Punj-ab (water) what are the five rivers of Punjab

1- follow up on water table
2 - power subsidy issue . How to resolve it . Are there any measures currently taken
3 - why there is an issue of abandoned brides in Punjab
4- why we directly shifted from BS4 to BS 6 norms . Why most of diesel cars were discontinued .

1- why punjabi youth are seeking asylum by illegally emigrating to western countries while there is no persecution happening here
2- no persecution happening in India ?
3- What do you think India s stand over Rohingya issue justified when we talk about Vausdhaiva Kutumbakam
4- You must be knowing aspirational districts ; as an SDO of one such Distt ; what  would you do for health of adolescent girls

Chairperson : Thank you
Date: 02/02/2023 (2nd last in afternoon)
Board: Sathyavathi ma'am
Optional: Sociology
Graduation: BSc (Hons)
Attempt: 1st
College: BHU
Time: ~22 minutes

Highlights of DAF: Taught CBSE students while in college, reading old newspapers, NCC 'C' certificate, field survey on socio-economic conditions of sanitation workers of varanasi, singing contemporary bollywood songs, blood donation drive

Sathyavathi ma'am:
1. What are you doing since 2021 (graduation year)?
2. Were you paid for teaching?
3. What were your observations from the field survey?
4. Any particular unknown observation that can be useful to the administration? (She meant that govt was already aware of the findings I mentioned)
5. How did you survey the mental health of those sanitation workers?
6. Who helped you in that survey?
7. Did you publish it anywhere?
8. What are the conditions for blood donation?
9. Can you specify for both male & female?
10. Why only 350 ml blood is collected?

Member 1:
1. What is the slogan of NCC? Of NSS?
2. Do you know about remote voting? What are the challenges?
3. If there are loopholes shouldn't we reject the concept of remote voting?

Member 2:
1. What is the significance of drill in NCC?
2. You've only 84% in 12th board exams, why?
3. BHU was considered the best university in India, but today its quality has degraded. Your opinion.
4. How does geography of a place determine it's economy?

Member 3:
1. How did teachers in rural areas teach during pandemic with no infrastructure?
2. You mentioned about budget, what was "unity mall" in yesterday's budget? (I'd quoted recent budget in previous answer)
3. How has cleanliness of Varanasi changed in recent years?
4. Compare sanitation and cleanliness of Dehradun (my hometown) and Varanasi.

Member 4:
1. Why do you read old newspapers? What benefit does it serve?
2. Why do you sing only contemporary songs? Why not old?
3. You taught at an Institute called concept learning classes. How did you ensure "concept learning" of your students?

Everything was DAF based. I used lots of data, gave balanced & honest answers, responded everything except 2 factual questions. Rest I've no clue if Sathyavathi ma'am was impressed or not. Other members looked satisfied, they were nodding and smiling.

Utility of mocks:
Don't take them seriously (EASIER SAID THAN DONE). Just look at the overall feedback and areas to improve. I gave a hell lot of mocks, some were decent, some were horrible and some very factual. This interview at UPSC was very relaxed. Luckily I wasn't asked any difficult sociology/GS/graduation questions or any random current affairs question. In fact, I prepared so much for Uttarakhand that I can clear UKPCS now!😅 But they didn't ask anything from Uttarakhand. That doesn't mean we should not prepare, it's just that you've to be ready for everything. I was told that teaching, NCC, blood donation are very generic things and they won't ask. But you can see so many questions were asked. So don't leave any part of DAF.

All the best! See you in LBSNAA.
Date: 09/02/2023
Board: Satyavati Ma'am
State: Rajasthan
Optional: PSIR
Graduation : ECE
Hobbies/interest: Founder Current Nomics YouTube Channel, Gardening , Badminton
Experience: Teaching

1. Qn on cadre preferences ( Why you Choose Gujarat over Rajasthan Cadre)
2. What are u doing recently and related questions

M-1 :-
1.Tell me some important things of budget
2. Why Hike in Capital Expenditure
3. What is multiplier effect
4. Advantages of capital expenditure
5. FRBM act and their provision
6. Fiscal deficit targets for 3 consecutive years

M-2 :-
1. What is 5g and it's benefits
2. 5g bands and their uses
3. Semiconductor industry in india
4. What is the scale of semiconductor in India (nano scale)
5. Compare it with other world countries
6. Issues in semiconductor industry

1. What is disinvestment
2. India Disivestemt target for 2023
3. Give me examples of disinvestment
4. Questions on Air India

1. Question on Ethics paper.
A person who is not moral but writing moral things in a paper. Is it happening or not
2. Parameters to access a candidate in Ethics paper like aptitude etc
3. What is Darwin theory
4. Reasons of infection in Lungs during covid

1. Issues in PM awas yojana
2. How we can achieve target of 5 trillion dollar economy
3. Long monologue on Old age home and their opportunities ,challenges and solutions

Chairwoman : Thank you
Date and session of interview- 10 Feb morning
Board- Smita Nagraj ma'am
Optional- philosophy
College- Amity University Noida, computer science engineering
Profession (if any)- content writer in field of competitive exams
Hobbies-  cricket and introspective writing
Other keywords in DAF : uttarpradesh, haryana, CT scan automation project on lung cancer.
Interview language: Hindi

Interview transcript
Chairperson :
1. Ajkal kya krrhe ho? ( Satyam bhai explained me what to say by predicting it from previous day's transcript)
2. Content writing m kya krte ho? Paise milte hai? Itna earn kr lete ho? 
3. Democracy m Dissent kitna important hai? ( In morning Satyam bhai discussed about it in morning as expected question from today's Indian express)
4. Dissent  m "Constructive Criticism " hi kyu important hai? Give any example. 
(asked from previous answer)
5. konsa organ executive, legislative and judiciary m behtar kam kr rha hai apke according. ( teeno badia)
6. Give one reform you want to see in  these organs.

Member 1:
1. started with bullet train case where HC said that this project is in national interest and HC ne stay lagane se mana krdia.
He said itna paisa karch krrhe hai aise project m and if I criticise mjpar Contempt of court lagega?

2. CJI Ke upar allegations lagaye gye the ek mahila dwara, itni badi position par arop lagaye gye.. apko lagta hai ki jisne bhi allegation lagagye vo anti national kyu vo itni high authority ke khiladiyon arop laga rhe hai? ( Because chairperson ko mene constrictive criticism ke bare SC ka naam le lia tha)

Member 3:

1. apne Thesis and antithesis ki baat kari Hegel ki philosophy m (Dissent from chairperson question).. ye anti thesis ke bad kya hota hai?  ( Already Discussed in morning call with satyam bhai)

2. Darshan shastra and vigyan m kya fark hai hai? 

3. Vigyan m analysis krna kya cheez hota hai?

4. CT scan Project kya tha ye? ( Thanks to satyam bhai i filled it and ache se baatcheet hui ispar ek member ne baki questions yhi se puche)

5. Doctors Use CT scan, ye danger nhi hai??

6. Purane jamane m vaid log bina scan ke bata dete the, aaj ke doctors hazaro test likh dete hai, apka kya vichar hai?

7.Aisi Technology honi chahiye medical field m?

Member 3
1. Manovigyan pehle darshan shastra ka part tha phir alag se padne ki kya need?

2. Legal laws padayi jani chahiye sabko?

3. medical Clinical  kuch to pucha tha unone but ye term  nhi malum thi so I said - padne ki need hai

Member 4

1. China development krha hai apne border areas m so india ko usse paresa  hona chahiye (  very long question because member was sharing his  experience)

2. Politics m sirf power and money chlta hai, mere jaisa vyakti election nhi lad skta ap ishpar kya vichar rkhte hai?

Your overall experience:

1. Importance of DAF filling - thanks to satyam bhai..

2. Cricket se sawal nhi aye, learning kabhi kabhi jo cheez jada show krte hai DAF m, usse sawal nhi aate

3.Detailed analysis of mocks jo 20-25 mi ka hota hai ( but  hours long analysis for every mock with satyam bhai helped me most)

Mocks/one 2 ones that helped or didn't help :

1.Satyam bhai ke sath analysis, kaise sochna hai and kaise answer krna hai.
2. Group discussion, peer group mocks with IAS corridor and studyiq grp members
3.  I had good experience with :
Chahal Academy Mock ( really Good) : recommended to all
Chanakya Mandal : good
Only Ias : good
Board - Smita Nagraj ma'am
Date - 6th Feb, Afternoon
Relevant keywords - Software engineer, medals in basketball in college, Hobbies - playing badminton and listening to music

What is the one thing you enjoy about working in your company?
What are your company's products , what does your company do?
Layoffs and recession happening in USA, what do you think about it?
Work from home, is it good?

Collegium issues?
Isn't it necessary to maintain independence of judiciary in appointments?
Sustainable development defn?
Sdg, name any 3 of them.

Why civil services?
How will you use knowledge of your job(software engg) in administration?
Will AI replace humans?
(I titlted towards no as AI still has a lot of deficiencies like seen in accidents of driverless cars)
AI will become even better in the future. So, don't you think it will replace humans in distant future?

Should civil servants be allowed to become social media influencers?
Given need for technology in administration do you think engineers are better administrators than those from Social science background ?
Listening to music is a very broad category. Do you like a specific genre?

Full form of my company's name?
Why switch from permanent to adhoc? (Employment related)
Aiims cyberattack - what were its reasons,  and what are the solutions?
(I had said strengthen firewalls among other solutions). On this, he said that firewall can't be too strong due to public access, and backup wont help as lots of vips information will still get stolen, so what other measures for aiims specifically will you suggest?
You have played both badminton and basketball. How do you compare the 2 sports?

Thoughts :
Board was very cordial. There were a couple of light moments too.  But, some questions could've been handled better by me. Let's see how it goes. Fingers crossed.

Experience with mocks -
Decent experience with all but relatively Vajirao>Rau>Ksg.
One to one with Ravindran Sir was also good.
Mocks can help in getting over the fear of speaking in front of a panel and also in getting possible list of questions. But, would suggest not to give too many.

All the best to everyone.
Board - satyawati mam
Date - 10/02/2023 afternoon
optional - maithili literature
Service - IPS
Hobby - Hindi novel and short film

Chairperson -
1- what are you doing after 2018
2- you are already in IPS then why IAS
3- Don't you think law and order is important  for devlopment
4- Prakash Singh case
5- DGP recruitment process and your view on it
6- if state govt  can select chief secretary then why not DGP ... discussion on this..

M1 ( lady)

1- important feature of maithili
2- favourite poet and reason
3- problem of present higher education system in India and how NEP will solve it
4 - how much research in IIT happening
5- why people become criminal..tell me the psychology behind it.

1- He talked about some dinkar line related with vidyapati which I don't know
2- if you r going for  a interview and head constable stop you for any rule you have two option either give him bribe or go to police station
3- what if you have to give 100 rupee bribe to save someone life
4- police investigation method

M 3 ( lady )
1 - how will you develop Bihar as chief secretary
2- asked about procurement and storage
3- Bihar people are going outside then who will work there
4 - Bihar education system status and out migration

1- How to control the politicisation of police
2- why state are not implementing and how to proceed further to solve this problem
3- Type of soil in Bihar and their cropping pattern
4- Factor responsible for rainfall
5- what is monsoon and it's mechanism
6- two type of monsoon

My experience - Most of the question is from daf . Board is co- operative and no grilling .
Date and session of interview- 9 feb 2023
Board- Preeti Sudan madam
Optional- PSIR, Rajasthan state
Profession (if any)- past exp. 2 startups; Textile Technology graduation
Hobbies-  Badminton and Manganiyar Folk Music
1. Tell me about your district (Barmer)
2. You worked in startup e commerce as agregator.. such as Uber..
What have you done in startup..
3. What is future of agregator.
4. Who will be liable for offence committed by an a partner of aggregator ?
5. As a policy maker how will you decide liability
6. What are civil and criminal liability of government employees.
7. From which part of constitution government get power to sign contract.

Member 1.
1. Why indian textile not doing good as compared to small countries like Vietnam and Bangladesh.
2. Cotton shirt needed 250 to 400 litter water. What is scope of reuse old cloth. How will you promote reuse as a policy maker. As secretary.
3. Do you know about Komal Kothari, what is his contribution.

Member 2. (Female)
1. Why social evils still prevelant in rajasthan.. what are major social evils. What steps are taken.
2. Why no significant change despite many acts.
3. Lokpal and Lokayukta are they originated in India or taken from other country.  What is principles on which it is based
4. Do you know about Waterman of india ?

Member 3.
1. Tell me about major social issue/problem, and acts for that.. what are performance of acts .
2. Why despite acts things not improving. What can be done.

Member 4.
1. Tell about about Indias relationships with all neighbors
2. How's is trade with Pakistan,  at which places it is happening,  is it happening in rajasthan.
3. How indias relationships with Afghanistan

Member 5. (Female)
1. Compare economic crisis of Pakistan and Sri Lanka. ?
2. What is strength of India when compared with these neighbors.
3. What is Demand of grants.
Gave hint of article 266
4. What is appropration bill.
5. Is budget used just after 1 feb or for a time amount is used.
6. From where India take external loan
7. What is major source of internal debt
8. Have you gone through any recent budget documents. Asking more on lines of different bills passed in budget.

Duration.  35 minutes
Board-- Sathyawati mam

Date of interview : 10 Feb afternoon session,

3rd one to go

Education - Msc (maths)

Working at Department of Posts

Hobby- nothing asked

Chairperson -

Read DAF


1) Do people mail these days, after coming of courier etc ?? (DAF)
2) PPF rate popularity of post office is low, vis a vis State Bank of India. Reason?? (DAF)
Cross questions too factual and deep😓
3) schemes for woman in budget
And then she said two other female members puchiye/sambhaliye inko jara, aapke domain ke lag rhe hain

M1) Lady -

1) What is IPPB? (DAF) many cross questions .
2) Compare discrimination of caste in ancient and present time. Many cross questions (DAF)
3) Questions on tribe, why some are backward, how to provide them benefits etc. Discussion moved towards Meena community etc.(DAF)

1) Can Values like sympathy compassion be judged in a civil servant ?
2) What is the loss if these values are not present?
3) How to judge these values post selection?
4) साहस क्या है ?? अपने जीवन में कुछ ऐसा बताइए जब आपने साहस का परिचय दिया हो ?

 M3- Lady
1) What did you do as student editorial head of your college ? (DAF)
2) How will you use your maths knowledge?(DAF)
3) Statistics data are generally false, how will you ensure data is correct? Some follow up questions. (DAF)
4) How did you selected Candidates and articles? How you motivated them to submit articles? What was cover design etc. (DAF)
5) Your magzine publication would have not always been on time ?? Why ? What did you do ? (DAF)
4) Questions on my name
M4) -
1) What is social engineering? Did some castes benefitted from it ? Is it a right thing to do?
2) Do you know dating apps ? What's your opinion on that ? Is some kind of regulation needed ??
3) आप कौन सा app use करते हैं? (Maine kaha main nahi use krta, bole aap jhuth bol rhe hain, ultimately i said I'm committed to someone from past 7-8 years). He said okay , then no further discussion on this topic😂
4) What is going on in SRILANKA ?
5) Is there any role of China also ?
6) Have you seen blood report?? What are various components in it ?? (Random)
7) Lipid profile test ? (Random)

UTILITY OF MOCKS- Just to get well versed with the process.
Samkalp, Vajirao and Reddy, KSG were okay
One to one session with Kaptaan (4-5 questions matched) gave a kick start, with Dr Khan at KSG was also good.
Chairman:- satyavati mam,
Date - 10feb , afternoon
Optional- PSIR
B Pharma

1. Jan aushadhi k bare me jante ho...
2. Detail me bjatao iske bare me... investment pe Cross questions - expansion or Greenfield ko cover karta h... Turnover ya investment, kitni subsidy deti h sarkar ...
3.brand drug ko kyu lete h.... Generic kyu nahi...
4. General log chodke, qualified log kyu nahi lete , like me  convince Karo muje.
5. API k liye China pe depend h Jo ki nukshaan vala ho sakta h... Kyo or kese sudhare ise...
6. ias kyu banana h

1. Gambia ka mamla , kya quality ka issue h ya India ko blame karne k liye h...

2. Expiry ese hi likhi jati h.. koi tuk bhi h ...
3. Leadership kya h..
4. Cholesterol drug ka mamla effective nahi fir bhi kyu lete me kyu h..

M2 ( madam)

1. Bhutan ka India k neighbourhood first policy me role kya h...
2.relation k dimensions
3. China kyu har Desh me border issue banata h...kya policy h China ki

M3 (sir)
1. Curruption se kaam fast jabki honesty se nahi  to kya kare...
2. To kese kare...
3. Or yad nahi

M4, ( madam)
1.. Kya sochke ias ki taraf rujan hua...koi role model
2.aapke 1 positive or 1 negative batao
3. Overthinking ka effect services me
4. Ramanyan, Mahabharat padha h, koi ni bhagvad Gita padha h to crux batao

M2 vapas se
:- cricket ko lekr passionate ho, score batao aaj ka.. Chairman ne bola PTT dene aaya h aaj k score rehne do..
Transcript UPSC CSE 2022
Board: Lt Col Raj Shukla
Date: 2 Feb, afternoon, last to go (35 mins)
Bio: from Haryana, IRPS 2018
Hobbies: listening to non-fiction audiobooks + 2

1. You must be happy to get grants for Railways, what will you do with it?
2. Vande Bharat is high speed train? (I corrected semi-high speed). How different from conventional trains? Do all these run on separate tracks?
3. Who is your role model? (Some follow up)
4. Have women broken the glass ceiling in corporate? (Talking of Indira Nooyi), why not?
5. Is government better in being inclusive gender wise ?
6. (Monologue) Is China wrong in its aggression when west is poking it so much?

M1 (Preeti Sudan Ma’am):
1. What kind of leader are you? (I said I lead from back, give direction and give space to my team)
2. Would you call Zelensky a good leader in this aspect?
3. How is Railway reforming itself as an institution?
4. On one side we are talking about specialisation, on other IRMS recruitment is promoting generalist. Why?

1. What is pegasus? What are the ethical and legal issues in it? Why is it unethical when national security is at stake? What are the legal provisions to violate privacy?
2. (Talked about women safety with chairman) How will you make Delhi safe for women?
3. Why do you think a 24 year old is put as SDM if they have to lead from back? What can they bring in?

1. It’s been 2 years of Taliban’s takeover on Afghanistan. What does it tell about global state of affairs?
2. Why was US not able to handle the Taliban?
3. Can we say US has been defeated militarily?
4. Why is US not able to instruct Pakistan to stop training terrorists?
5. What can India do in situation for females in Afghanistan?
6. Isn’t it a waste to allocate funds to Afghanistan? (I had mentioned budget allocation to Afghanistan)
7. Why do you like audiobooks and not read it? What are some of the books that you have recently gone through?
8. What is the message of EF Schumacher? (I mentioned small is beautiful)
9. Why is it essential to read books? (I said for consistent learning)
10. Do you think bureaucrats think they need to stop learning after they are placed in their position? He said I think bureaucracy is the point of stagnation in the era of fast economic and tech growth.

1. (Monologue) What long term solution is required for improving the women issues?

Thank you.

Overall felt like a conversation.
दिनांक और सत्र - 07 फरवरी 2023; Tuesday
            दोपहर बाद ,पांचवा नंबर (3:55 to 4:25PM)
 बोर्ड - Mrs. Preeti Sudan Ma'am
वैकल्पिक विषय - हिंदी साहित्य
विश्वविद्यालय -B.Sc.(PCM) इलाहाबाद केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय ; प्रयागराज
रुचि एवं अन्य गतिविधियां - भोजन पकाना (cooking); पौराणिक प्रवचन सुनना; अभिप्रेरित करना (Motivation), बिरहा जैसे लोकगीत सुनना( Folk music)
Interview time- 28 minutes approx

Chairperson: Mrs. Preeti Sudan Ma'am
(Totally on hobby)
1. आप कौन से प्रवचन सुनते हैं ?
2. कौन सी कहानी आप को सबसे अधिक पसंद है?
3. आप कहां से सुनते हैं ?
4.वह उपयुक्त कथन /उपदेश)बताइए
(यत् यत् आचरति श्रेष्ठ: तत् तत् एवं इतर: जन:......From Shri Geeta)
5. इसका प्रशासन में कैसे उपयोग करेंगे ?

M.1( female)
1. कुटुंब क्या है?(In daf family mentioned)
2. क्या आज के समय में कुटुंब खत्म हो रहे हैं?
3. जी-20 में कुटुंब संबंधित थीम क्या है ?
4. यह कहां से लिया गया है?
 5.आपका वैकल्पिक विषय हिंदी साहित्य है तो आपके पसंदीदा रचनाकार और काल कौन सा है?
 6.उनकी कुछ पंक्तियां बताइए?

M.2 (Sir)
1.मंगनियार क्या है ?
2.गरम मसाला की खोज कहां हुई थी ?(cooking)
(They told me that invented by Britishers in south india then Indian knew)
3.आप कौन कौन सा खाना पकाते हैं?
4. पारंपरिक भोजन क्या है ,क्या पनीर भी पारंपरिक भोजन है? ( I'd told paneer in previous answer as Paramparik fook😅) में कितनी पशुधन आबादी है? (Agriculture background)
6. छुट्टे पशुओं की समस्या?
7. हितोपदेश और पंचतंत्र की कहानियों में क्या प्रमुख अंतर है?( I'd mentioned to Chairperson in earlier answer)
8. शॉर्ट सेलिंग क्या है? ( Adani issue)
9. इसका उल्टा क्या होता है ?
 10.हिंडनबर्ग की रिपोर्ट क्या राष्ट्र पर हमला है ?
11.क्या 1992 के हर्षद मेहता या अन्य मामलों के बाद जैसे शेयर मार्केट में अगले दो-तीन वर्षों तक गिरावट आई थी ऐसा कुछ होने वाला है ?
12.क्या RBI ,SEBI एजेंसियां सो रही थी ?
13. FPI क्या है ?
14.म्यूच्यूअल फंड क्या है?
15. क्या म्यूचुअल फंड डेट सिक्योरिटी एवं शेयर में इन्वेस्टमेंट करते हैं या किसी एक में करते हैं या दोनों में करते हैं?

M.3( female)
1.खाना बनाकर आप किस को खिलाते हो ? Hobby
2.आप घर के अलावा किस को मोटिवेट करते हो ?hobby
3.जो गांव में या अन्य जगह assets का निर्माण होता है या बाद में वह एसेट बर्बाद हो जाती है या बिक जाती है तो क्या इसका ब्यौरा डॉक्यूमेंट में लिखा जाता है ?किस डॉक्यूमेंट में लिखा जाता है ? क्या आज डिजिटल तरीके से लोड हो रहा है ? (Mother -Gram Pradhan)
( इसके बाद पुनः बात धीरे-धीरे बजट पर चली गई)
4. बजट में व्यय कितने प्रकार के हैं ?
5.संविधान में बजट को लेकर क्या प्रावधान है?
6. अगर घाटा होता है तो सरकार कैसे पूरा करती है ? 7.संविधान में न्यायाधीशों को वेतन देने की क्या व्यवस्था है?
(Consolidated fund)
 क्या इस पर संसद में मतदान होता है ?
8.बिरहा क्या है ( folk music)?(hobby)
9.क्या यह लिखित दस्तावेज है या मौखिक है ?
10.इसमें कौन से वाद्य यंत्र प्रयोग होते हैं?
11. आप इसमें क्या करते हैं -गाते हैं या बजाते हैं etc

1.बिरहा के जनक कौन हैं ?(hobby)
2.पूर्वांचल में घुमंतू ,आवारा पशुओं की समस्या? सरकार इसके लिए क्या कर रही है? जमीनी स्तर पर क्या हो रहा है ?
3.इसके लिए आप अभिनव तरीके से क्या कर सकते हैं? तकनीकी का उपयोग करके कैसे इनका प्रबंधन किया जा सकता है ? (मैंने पहले राज्य सरकार और केंद्र सरकार की योजनाओं को बताया ।उसके बाद बताया कि सर व्यक्तिगत मेरी यह समझ है कि हम शहरों में एक बड़ी गौशाला बनाएं जो केंद्र सरकार बना रही है, उसमें एक तरफ घुमंतू पशुओं को एकत्र करें और दूसरी तरफ शहर में भिक्षावृत्ति करने वाले लोगों को भी नियोजित करें जिससे मुफ्त में सेवादार मिलेंगे ही और साथ ही उनकी पोषण सुरक्षा भी सुनिश्चित हो सकेगी और हम self-sustainable बना सकेंगे)
 4.इनको कैसे self-sustainable बनाया जा सकता है? जिससे सरकार को वित्तीय सहायता ना देनी पड़े? (from last answer keyboard)
5.आप इन गौशालाओं को किस जगह बनाएंगे ?बंजर भूमि क्या है? यह कहां कहां पाई जाती है ?
6.जब आप इनकी उर्वर खाद से बंजर भूमि को उपजाऊ कर देंगे, तो पशुओं को कहां भेजेंगे? (जब सर ने मुझे परेशान करना चाहा तब चेयरपर्सन मैम ने उनको रोक दिया )

Thank you Bajrang, Your interview is over
All the best Beta !😊
Date -10/Feb/23
Time -forenoon (5th to go)
Duration -around 30 minutes
Board- Smita nagraj mam
Homestate- Madhya Pradesh ( morena -chambal region )
Graduation -Bsc PCM ( no question asked)
Profession -IFS ( mostly yahi se pucha )
Hobby - Satvik movement, ghoomar dance

Interview transcript

.1what are you doing now ?
( I replied I'm selected for ifs now)
2. ,So you joined?
( I replied I took extension because my medium for writing mains examination changed from English to hindi by mistake so i took extension to appear into next attempt)
3.ohh hindi medium by mistake but You managed with it hindi ?
(Seemed impress) are in ifs so opting only for two services ie IAS and IPS
( I said yes mam ) come from jain community,...
View on baldiksha ( child practising monkhood ) any regulation should be made on such practices?
(I replied not by Govt but by community itself)
6. So how can community do it
7 . Tyag( sacrifices) is glorified in society but none do at individual level ,why this dichotomy?
8.why should we mandatorily scrape vehicle after some time time why not continue its its fine and emitting pollution on normal levels
Okay thankyou

Memeber 1
1. What is satvik moment
2.role it played for your life
3.Since you talked about climate change , pollution reasons why such sudden rise in recent time

Member 2 (lady)
1. What do you know about posh act ( she gave the full form and asked what you know about it)
2. College me nh dekha ?
( I replied my apologies ki mera dhyan nahi gya mam )
3. View on intermingling and expansion of festivals interstate like Punjab celebrating Lohri and Pongal simultaneously,and even western festivals gaining popularity , your view on that
4. Case study -
If any panel member judges any candidate who is her/his son ,what will you do ? Will you report immediately or after results if you are not in the list?
( I told will see rules or law. )
5. In the absence of law?
6. Difference between faith and trust?
( I used the word faith in my previous answer)

 Member 4
1.Faceless beurocrat- presence of civil servants on social media your view
2. India can be defence exporter in near future , ethical concerns are there in being so ,your view point

Member 5
1. Case study of man animal conflict
2.Eco sensitive zone
2.chambal dacoit , why popularity film based on them
3. Why people support so much ?

Your interview is over

I thanked everyone and came out !!!

Utility of mock
Gaining confidence
Suggest -O2O with Ravindran sir
Ksg ,samkalp IAS
Date of interview- 07/02/2023 forenoon session
Board- Preeti Sudan ma’am
Profession- dentistry
Work ex- One year internship in a govt hospital
DAF keywords- madhya pradesh, indore, sudoku
Optional- Sociology
Utility of mocks- appear in mocks for confidence building and for learning body language. UPSC Interview is an altogether different experience which cannot be replicated in mocks.


Chairperson ma’am made me comfortable first and then started with questions
 1. You are a trained professional (dentist), why did you choose civil services ?
 2. What was the protocol for dentists during COVID?
 3. What is the reason behind Indore’s success in cleanliness? A few more questions on this….

M1 (Female)
 1. Tell me a few places in and around indore to visit
 2. Why is jahaz mahal called so?
 3. What is the one gender issue that you would like to work on? I mentioned women education
 4. What steps would you like to take? A few questions on this….
 5. What did you find the most innovative in this year’s budget?
 6. What are the steps suggested for green growth in the budget? Few questions followed
 7. Why is care economy still not accounted for in our GDP?
 8. You solve sudoku, so do you also take interest in crosswords and other words based puzzles? She wanted to ask about wordle. I said I have tried it but do not play it regularly. So she did not ask anything else about it

 1. You solve sudoku, so how many squares are there in a sudoku?
 2. At what level do you play and how much time do you take to solve it?
 3. What is the history of sudoku?
 4. What is green hydrogen mission?
 5. Do you think green hydrogen can be a viable source of energy?
 6. What is the difference between green and grey hydrogen?

 1. So tell me MP has the largest ___. I said tribes, she asked what else. I said tigers, she again asked anything else. I said forest area. This is what she wanted to hear.
 2. What were the changes made to the forest conservation act?
 3. What are the reasons for increased rate of divorces today?
 4. In NEP, what is very innovative and stressed upon step for females? I told whatever i could remember. She wanted to hear easy entry easy exit which i could not tell so she herself told me.
 5. Few questions on women health also followed

 1. During covid, there was a crisis of reverse migrants. What were the steps taken by the government? Few more questions on this.
 2. Do you think our government could manage the pandemic well?

The board was very cordial. Everyone was smiling throughout and therefore could not make out much if they were convinced with my answers.

Stay calm and present in the moment. All the best.
Board- Smita Nagraj mam
Hobbies-Cooking, Webseries
Optional - Hindi Literature
Background-Mechanical Engineer

1. Your college is private institution or govt?
2. How many students were in your batch?
3. Kitne batchmates k sath aap abhi sampark me h?
4. Wese College WhatsApp group se jude honge?
5. Aapke frnds abhi kya-kya kr rhe h?
6. Kyu aajkal engineering me problems h ya phir kyu engineering field se log dur ja rhe h?
7. Govt educational Institutions like IITs,NITs ki reputation achhi h lekin other govt bodies ya office ki reputation utni achhi nhi h?
8. Kon si esi technology h, jo aane wale samay me bahut jyada impactful ho skta h?
9. Green Hydrogen ka production India swyam kr skta h ya foreign dependent rhna pdega?

Member 1-
1. Kya hame parliamentary system se presidential system ki or shift ho jana chahiye?
2. CAG ke bare me btaiye? Kya CAG k institution ko hta dena chahiye?

Member 2-
1. Engineer ka administration me kya kaam?
2. Mera manna hai ki administration me social science wale engineer se better kr skte h?
3. Khakee webseries aur beurocrate dwara khud ko krna promote kha tk uchit h?

Member 3-
1. Chhattisgarhi dishes me kya kya bnate h aap?
2.hmare local food me khud itne nutrition h lekin foreign companies chhote chhote products ki branding krke consumer ko apni or aakarshit kr lete h.local food products ko promote krne k liye kya krenge aap?
4. AFSPA kya h?
kin-kin rajyo me lagu h?
Chhattisgarh me kyu lagu nhi h?
5. Chhattisgarh me CRPF ki casualties jyada hi h.kyu?
6. Casualties km krne k liye kiye gye pryas?

Member 4-
1. Act related to senior citizens?
2. Protection from double jeopardy k bare me jante h?
3. Protection from self incrimination
4. Supreme court ne narco test aur polygraphy test ko ban kr diya.kyu?
5. Mental privacy k bare me jante h?
Date -10/Feb/23
Time -forenoon (3rd to go)
Duration -around 35 minutes
Board- Mrs. Preeti Sudan Mam
Homestate- UP
Graduation - Bsc(hons) Physics from Delhi University
Optional PSIR
Hobby - philosophy of Swami vivekanand, walking-meditation, Web series

Interview transcript

Chairperson- (After entry and greet..) Ask me to remove the mask. 
Ask me about What changed in me after coming to Delhi? (i did my from DU). And follow up questions
Difference between village life and Delhi life
Core philosophy of Swami Vivekanand (my hobby) 
After first posting as an IPS officer.. what will be the guiding principles for you (from the Vivekanand's teaching) 
What is walking-meditation? Is it real thing or did you just invented😅?... How do you do it? 

What is independent judiciary and how it evolved since the enforcement of Constitution
Question on collegium
No other nation in world - where judges appoint judges… Is Indian executive corrupt? 
What is best way? 
Are judiciary decisions decisions pro people or pro government? 
(I said pro people) 
Are you sure? 
Situational questions( me as an ips officer) -  If mob attacked on your boss' house… what will you do? …Will you fire on mob? .. .. What if your boss ordered to fire?..... Follow up questions… what if a person puts gun on your boss' head and your boss ordered you to kill a person… . Wouldn't you follow all the oder?... Which order would you follow? 
what is the capital budget? 
How much increase in capital expenditure in terms of percentage and real value? 
If you're an officer.. How will you decide the project? What should be parameters? 
Why is the toll collected? What should be the time period? 
Is maintenance of highways a capital expenditure? 
What is service before self? 
Is it niskam karma? 
What do you understand by conflict of interests? Ask me related example
Tell me about two courageous work.. You ever did? And follow up questions
what is renewable energy? 
Follow up questions like 

 Which materials use in solar panels
What is lithium? is it available in India(it was covered in same day's newspaper) 
Where are wind power plants
Ask me about my district
Do you about Yudhh sanyasi(about swami Vivekanand)? 
Again another question on vivekanand
Is our judiciary responsible for government or people?... i said people
How? It is not elected

Chairperson said thank you 

Questions may not be in right order

Some other questions which i can't recall right now
No question from state, graduation and optional
Board was very good and cordial especially chairwoman
It was very great experience much better than last time
Utility of mocks- 
Just for confidence building.. Nothing else
Don't mind feedback

Only ias mock -good
Next ias - good
Vision - okay
Mock interview programme (MIP) - Great
Raus ias, KSG - okayish

All the best to everyone
Date and session of interview- 31st Jan. 2023; Forenoon; First one to go
Board- Lt Gen Raj Shukla (Retd)
Optional- Sociology
College- IIT Kanpur, Computer Science & Engineering
Profession (if any)- Software Development Engineer @ Amazon for 2 years till mid-2019
Hobbies- Long distance Running, Watching Historical movies
Hometown: Bihar Sharif, Nalanda, Bihar

Chairman :
  1. EWS reservation - Your Views
  2. Minority judgement opposed More than 50% reservation - Your views
  3. Of the two hobbies(Long Distance running, Historical movies), which one do you prefer for stress busting. =>told Movies
  4. You don't feel your stress relieved after Running?
  5. Which movie did you watched recently =>Told ->Re-watched Gandhi yesterday(30th Jan), before that Parmanu: the story of Pokharan.
  6. What this quote means to you "History never repeats itself, but it often rhymes"
  7. Diff. b/w Spanish flu and Covid-19
    a. Told ->vaccine ->reduced Deaths in COVID-19
  8. Total deaths by Spanish flu, covid-19 world wide ->said don't remember
  9. It was there in Europe. Then, how it came to India.
    ○ Answered ->He replied - It seems you have good grasp on history.

Member 1 (Lady)
  1. What were you doing for the past 3 years?
  2. What is the Occupation theory of caste?
  3. Is politics becoming the next caste =>she clarified ->politics is an occupation; and politicians are dynastic & thus hereditary.
  4. Amazon is doing good business but why is it laying off people?
  5. What was the difference in work culture there at Amazon?
    a. Told - much informal grouping and working
  6. Counter question ->But it is true for all IT companies
    a. My team ->6-8 people all of similar age =>more informality
  7. Is eCommerce good for the economy?
  8. Is it good for the small sellers?
  9. Is it good for the tribals?
  10. Is it good for the small sellers which are not well versed with tech or have small scale.

Member 2
  1. You belong to Bihar Sharif. So why is it called "Sharif" =>Told that there is tomb of important Sufi saint "Sheikh Makhdoom Yahya Maneri".
  2. Which Silsila did he belonged to? =>Firdausia
  3. What was the philosophy of that silsila. =>Don't know
  4. Why was he called "Maneri"? =>Not aware
  5. What other silsilas are there?
  6. What was Important features of the Sufi movement.
  7. Equivalent in Hinduism and its feature. =>Told "devotion to god" as one of its feature
  8. But, isn't devotion to god common to everyone. How is it different?
  9. Why Nalanda is important? When was it active?
  10. So, you watched Gandhi movie. Which scene did you liked the most =>Told Dandi march and Salt Satyagraha
  11. Why Salt was chosen?

Member 3:
  1. You talked about constitution. So, tell me what are the provisions in constitution regarding International relations =>Told Article 51 and its provisions.
  2. So, do you think the Gandhian philosophy and these provisions for IR is relevant in present time. =>Told yes, gave example of how Arbitration on maritime boundary with Bangladesh and its acceptance led to much robust Indo-Bangladesh relations presently.
  3. So, do you think that even for India-China border we should go for arbitration?
    ○ Asked few seconds to think on it. =>Told no and gave logic that First, there is chances of us losing the arbitration. Further, even if we win China may not respect it as seen in South China Sea Arbitration case. Thus, negative for us on both count.
  4. It is said that "Data is the new oil". Why Data is important?
  5. Data privacy importance?
    ○ I Gave example of Facebook & Cambridge Analytica ->used data for political advertisement and mobilising favourable opinion for a particular candidate by targetted advertisement =>These targetted advertisement could be used for nudging attitude of people in any direction.
Afternoon session, 2nd to go

Background- civil engineering(2017),MDU
Optional- history
4th attempt ,2nd interview
Home state -delhi
Hobby - cricket , teaching children
Job- none

Chairwoman - Preeti Sudan

What's happening in joshimath?
What are the solutions ?
Do u know today is national women's day?
Sarojini Naidu's bday !


Why history as optional?
Why civil services ?
When was Delhi used frst as a capital ?
Which rulers changed their capital from Delhi ?
What happened during Britishers era with Delhi as a capital? When did they shift to Delhi?
Positives and negatives of multiple capital ? Which state is in news for this?

Mountains ki height ki limit hti h kya gravity ki wajah se ?
Tunelling me concrete use hti h. Joshimath me tunelling se concrete use kar toh Lia. Then what is the issue with it for land subsidence ?
DMRC me pillars k upar girders hte h? What is it's length to width ratio ? Why it is used so?
What is the civil engineering reason for joshimath issue?
Why animals can know about EQ before hand?
Range of sound frequency for humans?
What is the name used for the frequency other than this range?

What is inclusive governance ?
If you are a dm , then what will be your priority and how will you ensure inclusive governance ?who are the stakeholders in a district administration?
Take an example
Use of technology in administration to make it inclusive ?

Ops vs nps ? Cross questions here .
Caste census ? Your opinion ?
Dr BR ambedkar talked about annihilation of caste ? We have not been able to achieve that ? What are your views ?
Which cricket do you follow? T20 ,ODI ,Test ? Which one is favorite ?
Why test cricket is favorite ?
Thank you . Have a good day !

Special thanks to satyam bhai
And my peer group including rishab ,shivin,Shivam and kartikey bhai. Discussion is the only thing that helped me in certain questions !!!
State : Punjab
Optional : No relevance (nothing asked)
Graduation : PIE (Nothing asked)
Hobbies : Bhangra
Board : Preeti Sudan Mam
Interview medium : Punjabi
Mam :
i ll ask in Punjabi. Other members in Hindi/English. Are you comfortable? You reply in any language.
1. Graduation in PIE why this optional?
2. Drug problem in Punjab causes. Solution
3. What is speciality of your city (Khanna)
4. Mandi Gobindgarh - why industry is in ruins

1. Drug issue continued
2. Freebies in Punjab despite Huge debt
3. How will u convince cm not to give freebies

1. Forest policy of India
2. Human - animal conflict
3. Features of NEP 2020
4. G20 - tell something about this. India's focus areas

1. Tell me about your final yr project
2. How u got it and what was your work
3. Tell me Newton's 3 laws of motion
4. If i drop 2 things at same time what will reach ground first?
5. When do u perform Bhangra? In low or in high? (Told me it is a very good exercise and dance)

1 . Problem of Desertion of wives by NRIs. What can be solution
2. Should trade with Pak be started by attari
3. Punjabi youth less in miltary - economic and social implications

Mam : Your interview is over. You can go.
Experience : Board was very cordial. Mam asked me in Punjabi and counter questions also in Punjabi. (Was saying very good sometimes)

Members sometimes laughed sometimes were in serious mood. Mam was in encouraging mood.
13 th feb 2023

Forenoon-third to go
Board-preeti Sudan madam
Optional-anthro(nothing on it)
Degree-B tech-only one Q
Hobbies-(nothing on it)
Duration-35 min

1) topics of your street-play?(college extra curricular-I mentioned malnutrition in children)
2) steps as DM for reducing malnutrition?
3)mentioned corruption in the last ans for PDS-so madam asked will biometrics help to reduce it?

M1-(most grilling)
1) agencies for investigation of corruption cases?
2) how ED works?what is your opinion about allegation of political interference?
3)any Act for money laundering?
4) revenue deficit, capital deficit, fiscal deficit, current account deficit? FY 23-24 targets for fiscal deficit?
5) can EVM be hacked? Your opinion?
6) anti defection law-any changes needed?
7) what was the case of maharashtra with respect to it?
8) when it will be applicable-number of MLAs needed when defection is allowed? For merger?

M2-(was encouraging throughout)
1)why you want to be a civil servant?
What difficulty you faced to shift from engineering to CSE?
2) subjects you liked in school/college?(i said mathematics)
3) why mathematics is important in life?
4) role of statistics in arts?
5) situation-city A and city B having 50 and 100 criminals respectively and number increased by 10 in both.. which one is doing better among them to tackle crime?
6)why so much hype about environment conservation?
7)Steps needed for that?
8) why we failed to improve public transport? how to improve public transport?
9) why to build roads and bridges?
10) why work from home is feasible?shall it be made mandatory for all?

1) connection of Punjab with my district..
2)what do you know about place Ralegansidhhi in Maharashtra?
3) watershed development?
4) can it be used in Vidarbha and Marathwada ? How?
5) modes through which services can be exchanged between countries?

1)Mission of your life?
2) goal of your life?
3)areas you want to work if you become a civil servant?
4) elaborate each one of them?
5) national health policy? Provisions? Current status of insurance in India?
6) what is sustainable development?
7) SDG goals… mention few of them..

Chair mam- thank you..

Utility of mocks-didn’t give many.. only one samkalp ..was a good experience.. kind of a simulation..
Date -- 14/02/23, timing--10.35-11.05
State : UK
Daf-- Maths, Civil engg, IITR, IOCL, background of army
Hobbies : solving classic sudoku, watching cricket , whistling
Board : Read first question smjh jaoge😅

Chairperson ---
1. What are you doing since 2020.
2. What is this classic sudoku? How often you solve it? Online or offline? How much time do you take?
3. Why test matches are not going till 5th day? 3 days m hi kyu khatm hoja rhe hain test matches?
4. MS dhoni, Kohli and Rohit-- in your opinion who is best captain.
5. What is mankading?

1.You were earning ........Lakh why civil services now? You will get only 60k here.
Mostly discussion with member 2 in this only  and few laughter moment in between😂
2. Don't you think  we are only recognising service of military as a nation service? What about other services? Why police, administration not valued?

1. Don't you think it is unfair ki Australia wale fast bowling pitch banate Hain and Indians spinning pitch. How it is Gentleman game?
2. Tell me about Joshimath issue. What should be way forward?
3. How to utilise potential of retired army jawan, generally they  work post retirement as a Guard?
4. Status of manufacturing sector in India? How to increase utility? (Based upon previous ans)

1. Tell me about Aero India project?
2. How it will help India? Name few fighter jets? Which one we are exporting?
3. How did you develop whistling hobby?
4. What is layoff? Why countries laying off employees now?
5. How Indians can utilise this ?
6. What are emerging technologies?India's scope in this
7. How valentine and whistling are related?

1 .Tell me about history of your college?
2. What was it's name before University of Roorkee?
3. Why lagging in QS ranking? Few counter questions.
4. Your college in UK and this Joshimath issue happened there only. Don't you think it is failure of such great institute? Few counter questions
4. What is curfew? In which law it is mentioned.

Chairperson : Your interview is over. All the best. You can go

Utility of mock--- attended around 10. Almost Same feedback from everywhere. Kahi v jao mujhe to same hi Lage😂

One to one which were very helpful-- With Kaptaan( boosted confidence in last 3 days, suggestion were very helpful during interview), Khan Sir, Sriram sir, Ravindran sir and Mohan sir
If time go for all these
Afternoon session - 1st to go
Duration ~ 40 mins
Priti sudan mam board
Keywords from DAF - Madhya Pradesh , Bsc(pcm) graduation , Cricket , bollywood movies
 No question from optional
Chairwoman - Be comfortable we just want to talk to you

1 - what's famous in your district
2 - what are major problems of your district
3 - if u are appointed as your districts collector , what will be your priorities
4 - are gram sabha meetings being held in your area , do u have taken part in it
5 - whats the status of agriculture there
6 - is msp being inplemented efficiently there

Member - 2
1 - is there any demands for separate state in madhya pradesh
2 - why these demands arise
3- famous mountains and hills of mp
4- why it is said that hindi is not there in South of satpura
5 - as a administrator what will you suggest for holistic development of mp

Member 3
1 - what are some methods of cleaning water
2 - how R.O. works ( I said sorry )
3 - why ground water pollution in country
4 - any specific reason for punjab ground water pollution
5 - if u have to priorities in these 3 areas what will be your priorities 1- illiteracy 2- malnutrition 3- basic health facilities
6 - beti bachao beti padhao
7 - impact of promoting women education

Member 4
1 - What is consumer price index
2- how inflation impacts economy
3 - Rbi and govt majors to tackle inflation
4 - what would u suggest to bollywood for its development
5 - pathan movie controversy
6 - did any movie got oscar recently

Member 5
1 - Deen dayal antyodaya yojna
2 - Which format in cricket u like most
3 - views about test cricket
4 - any recent award to india player ( shubman gill - player of the month )
5 - what shubman has done
6 - favourite cricketer and why

Chairwoman - your interview is over , all the best beta☺️

Utility of mocks - only to build confidence , maintain eye contact etc real interview is altogether different
Recommended - only ias , samkalp , vajirao and reddy

Thank u
Interview -8 feb
Name - final list me aayega tbhi btaunga
Optional -law
Background -SRCC, law from faculty of law ,delhi living
Panel-smita nagraj mam

I enter the room
Chairperson- be comfortable and relax
1.what are you doing since 2020?
2.why civil services over legal career?
3.reasons for increasing number of undertrials for sc and sts? biggest problem in judiciary and there solutions ?
Some other questions unable to remember

Panel 1 member-
1.corporate social responsibility?
2.exceptions of principal of natural justice?
3.a case study was asked Between right to life vs right to privacy?

Panel 2 member- 1.should we continue with pil or not?reasons
2.should Hindi or other regional languages be promoted in higher courts?
Panel 3-1. Should we ban soft drugs ? And many counter questions on same
2. Alcohol ban ?

Panel 4- 1.yamna pollution reasons and it's solutions and counter questions?
2.industrial research and development?
3.question on my hobby that is playing table tennis

Utility of mocks - help in building confidence but upsc interview is totally another ball game
Thank you ,some other questions were also asked but I am unable to recall right now
14/02Afternoon, 2nd to go, 25-30 mins
Priti sudan mam board

Name - electronics engineer {by mistake}

Keywords from DAF - uttar  Pradesh, Vedic mathematics , bhawna yoga , paper craft ,optional {hindi lit} no question},  - *Qki unko b nhi ata tha*
Hindi poetry, college magzine editor, research paper

Chairwoman - Be comfortable we just want to talk to you

Chair woman-
1. Tell me something interesting about your district
2. You write hindi poem,
Recite your any poem
3. How you decide theme of ur poetry?
4. In which journal you published  your research paper?
5. What was the idea in your research paper? Some cross question

Member 1
1. In continuation of published paper
2. Relevance of magzine in today's
3. Digital vs physical magzine
4. Question related to finance commission (15th and16th)
*Some more question on economy (not recalling)

Member 2
1. What did u presented in Innovation conclave { cross question}
2. What is start up?
3. Any institution, which promoting startup or financing startup?
4. Sidbi
* Discussion on startup*

Member 3
1. Was Your innovation project and final year project  same?
2. What you did in your final year project?{traffic signal for color blind person}
3.cross Question related to final year project
4. What is the latest chip size ?
Nanometer means?
Size of atom?
5. Moore's law?
6. Is moore's law  scientific or just possiblity/observations?
7.Is it possible zero size of chip?
8. Basic science question (sudden bomb)
{ Keel ko ulta thokege to kya hoga?}
{Garmi m pankhe ke niche thanda kyu feel krte h}

Member - 4
A long monologue about turkey situation nd india's help?
1.Why india is doing so?
2.Importance of turkey for india
3.india's relation with turkey
4. Strategic/geographical importance of turkey?
5 trade relation with russia?
6.from which route russian fuel come to india?
{Essence- unko sunna tha ki turkey se relation achhe krne ka karan- russia s aane wale oil jo ki bosphorus and dardenells straight se ate h}
7.your District's location, which looks forcefully connected to uttarpradesh. {Everyone can guess district}
Why is it in uttarpradesh? Why not giving to madhyapradesh?

Chairwoman - thankyou, all the best👍
* Limited mock * just for confidence and making ur reply crisp nd balanced.
Date-16/02/2023, morning,2nd to go
Board-satyawati ma'am
Optional -psir
Hobbies -listening to podcasts
Language -Hindi(no issue , you can speak in Hindi +English mix)
Duration -25to 30 mins
1.what kind of podcast/which podcast you last listened to/ multiple questions as I said true crime/question on aarushi talwar case(as I mentioned about it)
2.China plus 1 strategy then multiple questions on pli , comparison with Vietnam, India manufacturing strategy, apple/foxconn plant in TN
3. Why this cadre when you're from other state
4. How India's image has improved in last 10-15 years .. ( economy growth+soft power, IT sector)
5. Is India back office of the world (currently)or manufacturing hub (mebbe in future)of the world?
1. What makes you upset and what makes you happy
2. things about India which makes you angry
3. Again more questions on India manufacturing failure ...PLI... Vietnam comparison etc.
3. Why startups mostly in service sector and not in manufacturing sector
1. Balloon technology (I compared it with satellites ) then many questions..what are other uses apart from surveillance
2. My name is asked a lot of questions about amartya sen...
3. Why so many suicides in IIT(3 suicides in last 2 days)..many questions
1. Media role in covering crime
2. NIA/CBI/DRI/FIU/SFIO.. questions related to UAPA.. individual foreign terrorist..
3. Supreme court guidelines on crime coverage
1. On The Argumentative Indians (book by amartya sen)
2. Freedom of speech
3. Reasonable restrictions in constitution
4. Why IT act, other laws are trying to suppress free speech

Mocks-gave 4, next ias ksg, chanakya ias, forum ias
Utility - not fact I became tensed when they said you need to speak mostly in language (Hindi)which you have picked..don't use too many English words..but that doesn’t happen in actual PT
Date and session of interview- 8th Afternoon
Board- Smita Nagraj mam
Optional- Chemistry
College- IIT D
Profession (if any)- Software Engineer
Hobbies- Cooking, Competitive coding
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- khan sir(ksg) was very good
Vision, NextIAS, Samkalp was also good
Chanykya Mandal - got butchered

Chair- Smita Nagraj mam
What are you doing?
Bots to counter it?
Bots being used to force their own views on others, ethical?
Mirzapur carpet industries and child labour.... Destination national flagged Child labour, is it correct for others to interfere in our issues?
US human rights reports about India... Is it correct?
Does such a report affect our relationship?

Will India continue to lead the IT sector?
Will IITians continue to go abroad for jobs?
Why they are staying in India now?
Gordon Ramsay being very rude, what do you feel?
Restaurant owned or run by him?
Why Nano car failed in India ?
(1-2 more questions)

Do you know about the Sweatshop of Bangladesh?
Human rights issues are flagged only for the Indian textile Industry and not for Bangladesh, do you think there is some economic motive behind it?
Seen K'taka and UP, development level difference, is it right for developed states to fund underdeveloping states?
Is it right to penalise them for some correct policies and decisions taken in the past?
Should UP be bifurcated?
Purvanchal will lose from bifurcation...What do you think about it?

Foreign schools in India and foreign languages being it right when we are not able to focus on our native languages?
Lead acid battery issues monologue...
Alternative to lead acid battery?
How has comppetitve coding and puzzles Solving helped you in developing yourself?
Your 1 strength and 1 weakness?
How is overthinking a weakness?

NEP points?
How India can be Visva guru?
Foreign campus in India, should they be allowed?
Date and session of interview-16 feb , morning
Board- RN chaubey
Optional-hindi lit
College- vksu
Profession (if any)-
Hobbies- bhojpuri folk songs
Your experience in interview-it was very calm and co-operative, they were very humble and simple, No major ques from daf
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-confidence ke liye thik hai
1- introduce yourself
2-what is black money
3- if anyone earns money from illegal gambling and he is paying tax, could we say it black money
4- need of border forces, name ,
5- if we have army to save our territory than why we need border forces
1- if have mistakely told spg in previous ans, i said sorry here when they asked
2-question of international hindi conf. in fizzi
1 question on student politics, should we continue it
2- sdg goal and target, are all target have same deadline
3-name of long term strategy
4-is history rewriting is good and many quetsions
5-name freedom fighter from north eastern states
1- need of long term policy and their role
3-many facts , i said sorry
4-vksu establishment
1-name border's neighbours of India
2 all border's states of india
3-Vibrant village programme
3- actually I have guessed in last ans, so mam told me to make a strategy to build these village
CP- from when you are living in delhi
what is per month cost
if you have any question to ask plz ask from us
   thank you ,you can go now
      almost 40 ℅of my interview was on fact and very few questions were from daf and very few scope to drive your interview... so, plz keep kalm while you go for interview and never expect about questions
दिनांक- 14.02.2023 (दोपहर बाद)
बोर्ड - प्रीति सूदन मैडम 
वैकल्पिक विषय - इतिहास
DAF कीवर्ड्स - कृषि, कोविड- 19

COVID -19 और इससे संबंधित प्रश्न - इस दौरान आपने क्या कार्य किया था, किन चुनौतियों का सामना किया था, भविष्य में महामारी प्रबंधन लिए क्या उपाय किए जाने चाहिए।
आपका पसंदीदा शासक कौन हैं?

पाक सीमा और आतंकवाद पर आधारित कई प्रश्न
भारत को क्या रणनीति अपनानी चाहिए।
विमुद्रीकरण के उद्देश्य, क्या ये प्राप्त हुए है?

हमें इतिहास क्यों पढ़ना चाहिए.
स्वतंत्रता आन्दोलन में अहिंसा का महत्व समझाओ 
गांधी आर्टिकल 47 और शराबबंदी की नीति 
ड्रग एब्यूज की समस्या का क्या समाधान किया जाना चाहिए 
भारत में इस्लाम के आगमन से जुड़े प्रश्न 
पानीपत युद्धों से सम्बन्धित प्रश्न 

कुछ शासकों को महान क्यों कहा जाता हैं?
अकबर कैसे महान था?
जिला कलेक्टर के रूप में आप कैसे ' महान' बन सकते हो?
DM बनने पर आपकी क्या प्राथमिकताएं होगी?

G20 से जुड़े factual प्रश्न और आगामी सम्मेलन में भारत की क्या प्राथमिकताएं होनी चाहिए? 
Global recession 
चीन और रूस की बढ़ती नजदीकियां भारत को कैसे प्रभावित कर सकती है?
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund

बोर्ड का व्यवहार काफी सौहार्द्रपूर्ण था और पूरी प्रक्रिया सहज रही। यह एक शानदार और अविस्मरणीय अनुभव रहा।

मॉक की उपयोगिता - संकल्प, दृष्टि, KSG में दिए मॉक आंसर को अच्छे से स्ट्रक्चर करने, confidence building और तैयारी में कुछ gaps को fill करने में उपयोगी रहे। परंतु वास्तविक इन्टरव्यू मॉक से अलग रहा।
R N Chaubey Sir
Sociology, movies, Bihar, Gujarat

Chairman: Situation based- if heading an operation as IPS in naxal area of Chhattisgarh and asked everyone to gather in a ground but someone is running with a child in arm..will you shoot? ( Orders are given to shoot naxals)
Some follow-up questions

M1 : Art 19(1)(a)
Your view on BBC case
Name some act to tackle social issues
What is violence under domestic violence act
Can a mother be arrested under child marriage act
Why women of Gujarat are entrepreneurs

Even if the soil of Gujarat is not that much is it flourishing in agri and milk production
How movies are protected under IPR
Dam on Narmada - environmental impact - probability of siltation

M3:Your views on reservation esp women reservation
Should we continue with reservation or the purpose has been fulfilled?

M4: Women safety on social media like FB

Some more questions were there..not able to recall right now
As always board was cordial , smiling and nodding
Board - Priti Sudan Ma'am
Date - 16/02/23
DAF- ECE branch , Hindi lit , Department of commerce and industries, mandala drawing,Table tennis, Jhunjhunu ,parents background is education
Chairwomen -
1. Civil services ko pursue karne ka trigger point kya tha aapka?
2. Aap already state service me hai ias me to aapko north east bhi mil sakta hai tab kya karengi ?
3. Gargi puraskar k baare me bataaye
4. Mandala drawing kya hoti hai ?

1. What is GIS ?
2. How it can be used in administration?
3. How in flood management GSI used ?
4. What other geological survey related program of Govt?
5. Agar aapko DM bana diya jaaye to GIS ka use kar k kaise monitoring karengi ?
6. Agar GIS k through ghar baithkar bhi decision liya ja sakta hai to what is need of panachayat and all ?
7. Qus asked about walkie talkie communication
8. How will you use knowledge of your branch/Engg in administration?And follow on qus.
9.Hindi sahitya ne aapki personality me kya change Kiya ? And how will you use it in administration?

1. Violence against women k liye Govt k steps ? And follow on qus
2. As a DM what will you do to reduce violence ?
3. Have you use GIS based app for topography analysis?
4. Jhunjhunu k baare me batayen

1. Elementary education kya hoti hai ?
2. Kaunsi skills par hum isme focus karte hain?
4.NRF ?
4. Foreign universities in India what are your views on it?
5 What are msmes ? Ask for a detailed answer about facilitation of msmes.
6.Give examples of each micro ,small,medium enterprises ?
7. Issues faced by msmes?Solutions?

1. Women players of table tennis in India ?
2. TT India me itna famous kyo nahi hai ?
What need to be done in this direction?
3. EVM related qus
4. online voting par views ?
5. Which social media platform do you use ?
6. Do you think a civil servant should use social media ?

Experience - Daf based tha mainly and board was cordial .
Utility of mocks - Helps in building confidence and handling qus outrightly.
Board : Smt. M. Sathiyavathy Ma'am
Date :30th Jan 2023
Keywords: Chem eng ,IIT background
Hobby: Cricket ,Interest in affairs of national and global importance
Chairman : read out daf
1) What have you been doing since then? (any freelancing/teaching/..)
2)What and to whom do you teach?
3)What kind of general interest do you have in global affairs ?I mean if you get the newspaper which part of newspaper would you prefer reading( ans political news and also follow global economic issues)
4)Tell me what are the expectations from upcoming budget.
5)interrupted and said you are FM ,Now tell me what would be there in budget ? (Some supplementary questions on economy and global shocks)

1)since you mentioned about increasing capital expenditure don't you think that revenue expenditure would get reduced .
2)Do you still play cricket? Or just watch it.
3)do you think IPL has led to declination of Indian nationalism (from sports point of view)
4)Impact of money coming into IPL on players
5)What is green hydrogen mission (some supplementary questions)
6)electrolysis process (some follow up questions)

1)tell me everything about GST (constitutional provisions, and structure, etc )
2)tell me composition of GST council
3)tell me about your district?
4)What is difference btw tax and non tax revenue with examples

1)why Srilanka holds significance for India
2)tell me honestly out of all services which one you desire and which one you deserve (but you are more interested in economy (from earlier discussion))
3)situation based question
Two districts one with drug trafficking and another with communal disharmony (which district would you choose to work)

M4(another Ma'am)
1)you have got good percentile during JEE What advice would you give to your juniors preparing for the same?
2)What is BRS?
Chairman Ma'am interrupted What is TRS?
3)What would you do for development of your district?(specific to your district)
4)you mentioned about some mythological event had that taken place in your district ?

Utility of mocks : helps in building up confidence
O2O with Mr. Ravindran Sir was very useful
Others at Chanakya Mandal ,Vajirao and Reddy and KSG all of them were helpful ,Chahal Academy(a bit critical but feedback was helpful)
13 Feb 2023
Name- Pancham magic
R N Choubey
Afternoon 4th to go.
Educational background- BE mechanical MTech Machine Design.
other relevant DAF entries - students council, University topper in Mechanical engineering.

As usual introduction by Sir- this is personality test. We don't expect that you know everything. Even I don't know everything. Tell if you know. We are here to help you. Ask us if you don't get any question.
1) introduce yourself with educational background and work experience, if any.
2) social service and all is great but have not not joined any formal employment?
3)shall we say Naxalites are terrorist?
4) Naxalites also use terror to create fear in people's mind. I don't see any difference between them. What do you think?
5) What's IPC, CrPC, and Evidence Act and their provisions?
6) Is telling lie a crime?
7) ok. Tell me one incident when it's crime and one incident when it's not.
8) Q on spending made on research so there should be strict IPR laws. Your view.
9) what about Pfizer vaccine.
10) So is there compulsory licensing in India.

Member 1- male
1) by advent of AI future of mechanical engineering is in danger. What do you think
2) you were member of students council, tell me should there be involvement of political elements in campus
3) so is there difference in creating future political leaders and politicisation of campuses.

Member 2- lady
1) What's Industry 4.0
2) how will it impact on employment
3) what changes will you suggest in curriculum and overall pedagogy of mechanical engineering.

Member 4- male
1) if Russia Ukraine war broke into 3rd world war on which side shall India join.
2) so that means going back to non alignment
3) what your view about commercialization of sports/ multiple leagues
4) do you know about Somnath Dweep

Member 4- lady
1) you have done engineering now joining civil services, your knowledge is going to be wasted
2) if you have 10 lakhs how you will advise about savings/ investment
3) what's current rate of interest of fixed deposit
4) now suppose if you are district collector how will you spend this 10 lakh rupees in your district

Chairman sir-
It's over from our side. If you think that we have missed something or you want to say something you can share.

2-3 follow up questions were asked by each member.
I might have missed one or two questions.
Chairman sir stand in the middle of interview during second members questioning for one or two minutes and roam around his chair.
Date of Interview: 15.02.2023
Optional: PSIR
Home State: TN
Work Experience: ICMR, EPFO (No Questions)
Graduation: Chemical Engineering.
Board: RN Choubey sir

After greeting chairperson and other formalities, Choubey sir (as usual) mentioned that this is just a conversation, they are not scary people and asked repeatedly if I was comfortable. Thanked him and said I was.

1. Tell us about your academic record and work experience. (Some confusion here as I had only recently joined EPFO and it was not mentioned in my DAF. He was satisfied after I clarified it to him).
2. Long monologue about interstate riverwater linking. Asked whether jurisdiction over interstate rivers should be handed over to centre.
M1. (Female)
1. Can you tell me the difference between GST and VAT?
2. Why was there an urgency to implement GST (Gave a long monologue about how it was a drastic change etc etc).
3. So, is VAT still being levied or not?
4. What is your service preference?
5. Who is the appointing authority for civil servants?
Maybe one other question that I am unable to recall.
1. Can you tell me about B1 - Lancer?
2. Tell me about ‘inferred deposits’
3. What do you mean by national integration? (Follow-up to an answer I gave to M1 about need for GST)
1. So, you are a chemical engineer. How would you handle toxicity in a substance?
2. What about bacterial agents? (Apologized, mentioned bioremediation - he seemed satisfied).
3. Is DDT good for public health? (Discussion ensued and he gave me some info I was not aware of.)
4. So, you like science fiction? Do you think Science Fiction is just fiction or is it wild fantasies?
1. So, you are a PSIR optional person. Can you tell me about ‘area studies’?
2. Can you tell me what is “Eagle 44” (Random change of topic) (I was not aware of this)
3. Can you tell me what Operation Arhaar (?) is?
4. Okay, tell me about cryptocurrency and its implications.
5. Tell me about demonetization and its implications.

Chairperson: Okay, your interview is over now. You can ask us anything.

Utility of mocks - I felt NextIAS was closer to the mark with respect to Choubey board. Vajirao was also somewhat similar in terms of current affairs asked. Overall, with this board prepare current affairs carefully as well as jump at any opportunity to show values and personality.

One on One with Republic IAS (Chennai - based institute) - found it very useful for tackling questions related to hobby especially choice based questions. Found it very good for building up confidence to tackle value based questions + to project one's personality in GS based questions. Would recommend to anyone in Chennai and outside as well
Date-15th Feb,2023
Forenoon Shift
Board-M.Satyavati Ma'am


Optional--Hindi Literature

Keywords in DAF--NCC( C Certificate),NSS,Scouts and Guides,Gwalior,Madhya Pradesh, Agriculture

Hobbies-1) Watching Hindi Movies and Webseries
2) Talking or Interaction with friends

Chairman:-Ma'am ne sawal English mai puchhe(lekin pehle puchh liya tha ki aap English mai comfortable to hai na Lekin mai yahan unke questions ka Hindi Translation bta raha hun)

1) Aapne Masters ke level pr Graduation ka subject kyon prefer/choose nahi kiya.
2) Aapko Civil Servant banne ki prerna kahan se mili aur kab mili.
3) 'Geriatric' ko WHO kaise define karta hai.
4) Big 5 Personality Traits kaunse hai.
5) Psychologist and Psychiatrist mai kya difference hai.
6) Kya Psychiatrist counselling nahi kar sakta.
7) Agar Psychiatrist bhi counselling kar sakta hai to Psychologist ki kya zarurat hai.
8) India mai Mental Health Problems teji se kyon badh raha hai aur ise kaise kam kiya ja sakta hai.
9) Mental Health Sector mai hum itne fail kyon hai aur Govt ko kya karna chahiye.
10) COVID ke time pr to hum ghar pr hi the aur ghar walo se proper communication bhi kar rahe the phir bhi mental health us time theek nahi thi.
11) Psychology ko aapne kyon apna optional subject nahi banaya.
12) Ek situation di aur answer puchha.

Member-1(Sawalo ka medium Hindi rakha inhone)

1) Agnipath Scheme ka main objective kya hai.
2) NCC mai to hum pehle se itni achhi training de rahe hai phir Agnipath jaisi scheme ka kya auchitya hai.
3) NCC ke kya benefits hai.
4) Aap Defence mai kyon nahi gaye.
5) Aapko nahi lagta ki Agnipath Scheme se youth mai Defence ki or rujhan km ho jayega kyonki 4 saal ke liye kaun jaana chahega.
6) Agniveer ke liye after retirement kya provision hai.
7) Ab last sawal agar Agnipath Scheme itni hi achhi hai to kya hume ise Civil Services mai bhi laagu nahi kar deni chahiye.


1) SDG ke baare mai suna hai aapne?Kya hote hai?
2) Hum aazadi ke 75 saal baad bhi Garibi khatam kyon nahi kar paye hai.
3) Kya aaj ke civil servants mai colonial mindset dekhne ko nahi milta.
4) Kayi logo ka manna hai ki aaj ke civil servants mai bhi colonial mindset badhta ja raha hai.aap kya mante hai?
5) Garibi ko khatam karne ke liye naya kya hona chahiye.
6) Kya 2001 ka Parliyament Terrorist Attack Intelligence Bureau ki vifalta thi.
7) Uske baad humne Intelligence Bureau ke level pr kis prakar ke sudhar kiye hai.

Member-3(English mai sawal puchhe)

1) NCC,NSS aur Scouts and Guides mai kya difference hai.
2) Aapko sabse adhik inme se kya pasand aaya ?
3) India mai kya compulsory military service ko lagu karna chahiye ?Jaise ki Israel aur Russia mai hai.
4) Indian Constitution mai compulsory military service se related koi provision hai kya.
5) NCC ko promote karne ke liye naya kya kya kiya gaya hai haal ke samay mai.
6) Kya NCC ko compulsory kar dena chahiye jaisa ki Indo-China War ke baad kiya gaya tha.
7) NCC ki sthapna ka uddeshy kya tha.
8) IB ke secret agents ke kaam koi pehchan nahi mil paati hum unhe kayi baar desh ka gaddar tak declare kar dete hai to kya aapko nahi lagta ki desh apne IB/RAW ke deshbhakto ke saath nyay nahi kar pata.
9) EOL kya hai aur kya competitive exams ki preparation ke liye EOL lena theek hai.
10) India,Israel aur Russia ki intelligence agencies ke kaamkaz ki shaili mai kya differences hai.


1) Gwalior ka Indian Culture mai kya contribution raha hai.
2) Gwalior Gharana ke baare mai kuchh bataiye?Sangeet ka aisa mahan culture Gwalior mai develop kaise aur kyon ho paya?Gwalior ke kuchh mahan sangeetkaro ke naam bataiye.
3) Gwalior mai Braj aur Bundeli culture ka mixture paya jaata hai?Kya aap is baat se sehmat hai?Agar sahmat hai to bataiye kaise?Example dijiye?
4) Aap abhi bata rahe the ki adhikariyon ko aapne karib se kaam karte hue dekha hai to bataiye ki adhikari ke kaamkaj ke tariko mai aisi kya kamiyan hai jo desh ko 2047 tak Viksit karne ke marg mai badhak hain aur inhe kaise dur kar sakte hai.

Chairperson-Aapka interview khatam hua.Sabhi ne All the Best Kiya.
बोर्ड प्रीति सुडान ma'am
दिनांक 17 feb 2023
Shift : morning अंतिम छोर का व्यक्ति
DAF keywords : cricket (hobby) NSS, Hindi साहित्य, राजस्थान
अंदर जाते ही ma'am ने आराम से बैठने के लिए बोला और daf को पढ़ा
चेयरमैन ma'am
1. राजस्थान से दिल्ली आकर कहा रुके (मेरा कॉलेज दिल्ली में था) और आपने हॉस्टल में क्या सीखा ?
2 आप राजस्थान में आईएएस बन कर जाओगे तो कोणसी समस्या का समाधान करोगे
3. इंजीनियरिंग बैकग्राउंड के बाद हिंदी साहित्य क्यों?

सदस्य 1

1. आपके जिले की कोई विशेषता बताइए
2. क्रिकेट में इंडिया ऑस्ट्रेलिया के first टेस्ट मैच से इंडिया को क्या बेनिफिट हुआ
3. व्हाइट कॉलर जॉब और गिग वर्कर
4. ऊर्जा उत्पादन के kon kon se sources हैं?

सदस्य no 2

1. Transport sector me railway me kya नया किया जा रहा है?
2. बुलेट ट्रेन और वंदे भारत ट्रेन के बारे में बताइए
3. Child development and village development

सदस्य no 3( ये महाशय मजे लेने के मूड में थे)
1. NSS क्या है
2. NSS में आपने कोनसी सेवाए दी
3. NEP और चाइल्ड डेवलपमेंट
4. Reserch में इंडिया क्यों पीछे है ? क्या बजट में कमी इसका कारण है
5. आप NSS में बच्चो को पढ़ाते थे लेकिन टीचिंग तो एक committed job है और केवल saturday sunday जाते थे कैसे बच्चो को पढ़ाया होगा

सदस्य 4 random question
1. भगवद गीता क्या है
2. आप क्या सीखते हो
3. निष्काम कर्म योग क्या है
4. बाहर से आई विदेशी जातियों ने क्या हमारे स्थानीय जातियों को अलग थलग कर दिया

किसी प्रकार का कोई मॉक नही दिया ।
निश्चिंत रहे बस अपने पर भरोसा रखे
Board : Smt. M. Sathiyavathy Ma'am
Date :15th feb 2023 afternoon 1st to go
Keywords: computer science eng ; dairy products processor background ; Hindi literature
Hobby: tuition and guiding students, Running
Chairman : read out daf
1) 2019 se ab tk kya kr rhe ho?
2) milk processing ko lekr questions? (I mentioned in previous ans)
3) mp ki global investors summit
4) in sb jrurat kyo h
5) MOU in last investers summit
6) Up ki summit
7) costal states h jo bha kyo nhi hoti h
2nd member male
1) questions related to dairy sector
2) business ko aage le kr jao
3) IIT k student n khud ka start up kia h dairy m aap bhi kr lo bo to successfull h
4) amul itna successful h ?(i mentioned amul in previous ans)
5) india ko mfg ka hub bnana kyo h ?
6) kya hum esa kuch kr pa rhe h ?
7) msme m technology ka use ?
3rd member
1) Indian it industry or sillicon vally m difference
2) hum humare kya efforts kr skte h
3) brain drain ko rokne kya krna h?
4) aap computer science se ho or tution other subjects kyo pdate ho?
5) emerging technologies and humans related some questions
4th member
1) Myanmar k issue ko lekr grill kia bs
5th member
1) hindi literature kmzor kyo ho rha
2) some book jo abhi acchi h (previous ans m bola tha ki hindi bounce back kr rhi h )
3) Hindi jo h usme other languages k words bhi use kre kya jis se hindi or jyada aage ja  ske
4) republic day pr chief guest kon
5) kyo aae the
6) india ko kya benefits is se
Chairman madam - thank you ......
Yours interview is over best of luck
Very cordial board pta hi nhi chla kb Start kb khtm
Sayad avg time fix rehta  beech m mam n mere peeche ki clock ko dekhkr 2 bar isare kiye members ko ki time dekho😂
Only Myanmar issue or hindi literature ko lekr grill krne try kia
Mock se totally different hota h
But mock dena chahiye agr sare batch m 1st jana pd jae to heart beat normal rehti h
And  1 or 2 questions repeat ho skte h.
Date and session of interview- 17/02, forenoon 1st to go
Board- Preeti Sudan mam
Optional- Hindi literature (no ques)
College- IITK(no ques) Computer science
Profession (if any)- Tax department
Hobbies- Folk song especially meenawati song, cricket(no ques), Rubik's cube

1. Tell me something about karauli(district)
2. Meenawati song - kya h
3. Tax related new provisions
4. Why IAS
5. CAPF join ku nhi kiya

Other members -
1. NFT
2. Crypto currency
3. B tech project
4. E -rupi
5. India' s progress from 1947
6. Why be needed to have tax system
7. Tax avoidance and tax evasion
8. IPR ...why needed to have IPR
9. DMIC and DFC good
10. Afghanistan India's policy
11. Neighbouring nations- Border area development -
12. vibrant village program
13. Mnrega - online attandance

Baki yad nhi....
Hon'ble Sathiyavathy Mam's Board
Date - 14 feb 2023
Last candidate to go:) 
Optional - PSIR
Graduation - BA [ Sociology, Economics, History]
Hobbies - Journaling [others didn’t get asked]

1. Mam read out Daf aloud. 
2. What is journalling? 
3. Isn't it same as diary writing? (I said journaling is issue specific and goes more in depth, diary is more time specific and records events, but broad nature is same) 
4. But is there any restrain in diary writing, that prevents you from going into depth? 
[laughed and said - So new things are getting invented.... Anyways]
5. Who was devi ahilya, why was she famous, her contributions. (My university) 

1. U did 12th with science stream, then why you switched to social science in graduation?
2. Asked about MN Srinivas. What is sanskritisation and westernisation.
3. How do you see the two in context of present changes in Indian society. 
4. Why these two happens?
5. What among them is good or bad. 
6. Adam smiths theory. 
7. Free market in India post LPG? 
8. What's is it's impact on Indian society? [member asked me to combine my knowledge of sciology and economics]
9. How role of caste is transforming? Is caste is being replaced by class? 
10. Is this it a good indicator? 
11. Post LPG - class differences increasing, how it is impacting today's society?

1. Recent reports that chinas growth is slowing and it is ageing also, is it an opportunity for India, How?
2. G20 , How India can use its position to its advantage.
3. Russia ukraine war, what is the solution? 
4. As an Indian what makes your heart swell with pride and what disappoints you? 
5. What do you feel more, happy that India is better than pakistan or sad that India not doing better than china? [terms of percapita income, economy, stability etc]
6. China has grown rapidly, Is democracy of india hindering its growth?
7. But if we see parliamentary proceedings it feels like this only…what will u say?
8. What will be your priority if you are appointed as an administrator of an area? [member gave few options like health,education, infra]

1. Reasons for pakistani wconomic crisis
2. Why bangldesh doing so good and pak not so good?
3. Reasons for sri lankan economic crisis.
4. Is pakistan going in the way of sri lanka
5. What is good for India - Disinvestment or privatisation
6. Difference between disinvestment and privatisation?

1. Who all countries have helped sri lanka?
2. Has srilanka got IMF relief?
3. How has India helped srilanka ? 
4. To what countries sri lanka owns its debt and in what order?
5. What is paris club
6. What is OECD
7. Bimstec, what is it, who all are members?
8. It BIMSTEC there to remove pakistan from regional cooperation?
9. What steps BIMSTEC has taken in area of cutoms and anti smuggling?

Chairperson said thankyou, all the best. 

My understanding-
• Very few facts asked, majority of questions were directed to know my opinion.
• Board was very responsive, members were nodding and it appeared they wanted me to speak more and more (and reveal my personality).
• No quesn from state, city, and pulwama etc. 
• Very smooth experience, and the chair they give us is very comfortable though:)
Date of Interview: 15.02.2023, Afternoon(2nd to go)
Board: RN Choubey sir
Graduation: BTech in EE(IIT Varanasi)
Optional: Sociology
Home State: UP
Work Experience: Fintech(currently working)
Hobby: Jogging, Listening to bollywood songs
Other keywords from DAF: JNV, BHU, Maharajganj, Varanasi, Gurugram

1. Tell us about your academic record and work experience.
2. Role of FCI.
3. Why do we maintain buffer stock more than required?
3. Shouldn't we pay for the price difference instead of procuring at MSP and let farmers sell the produce in open market?

M1. (Female)
1. What is Wagah?
   -Have you heard about Wagah Border?
   -We celebrate function everyday in the evening there. Please tell about that.
2. Tell me about Geneva convention.
3. Function and differences between R&AW and IB.
4. Difference between state and UT.
   -What is the purpose of having UT.

1. Have you heard about skyUTM(can't recall exact word). Explain(hint: related to roadways).
2. what is GeM portal?
some more questions...

1. So, you are a Electrical engineer.
    1(a). what is star rating AND upto how many numbers it goes(0 to 5 or 0 to 10) AND what on what parameters it is given AND who give ratings(agency).
    1(b). Under which organisation/ministry/department BEE comes.
2. you are working as a software professional.
    2(a) What is an API(software related) AND how does it works.
    2(b) in how much time API delivers response for a request.
3. What is chatGPT?
   -how does it works?
   -how does chatGPT know that the answer it is generating is correct?
One more question...

1. Reason for Russia-Ukraine war AND why it extended so long AND benefit and loss to India due to it.
2. What are Farmer cooperatives AND are they successful AND in which area they are successful AND are they beneficial to the farmers.
   -Why are they not successful in other states?
3. In which year BHU got established?
   -How it was established?
4. Why you chose Sociology as an Optional despite being Electrical Engineer AND how knowledge of sociology is going to help you as an administrator?
5. How to solve to problem of Beggary?

Chairperson: Okay, your interview is over now. Do you want to tell any thing else.
Date:- 15 fab.2023
Session- Forenoon, 2nd to go
Board :- Smt.Sathiyavati ma'am
Medium:- Hindi
Background :- Graduation(Shastri) in Sanskrit lit. and English lit., B.ed.
Optional:- Hindi lit. (nothing asked from hobby,optional and State)

Chairwoman :- गुड मॉर्निंग हरिराम जी,
(मेम ने अन्य सदस्यों को DAF पढ़कर सुनाया)
1. आपने ऑप्शनल सब्जेक्ट में संस्कृत क्यों नहीं रखा?
2. संस्कृत के decline होने के क्या कारण है?
3. DM के रूप में आप संस्कृत को बढ़ावा देने के लिए क्या करेंगे?

M1:- 1. secularism क्या है?
2. क्या आपको लगता है कि हमारी secularism की अवधारणा सही है?
3. एक औपचारिक मीटिंग चल रही है,जिसमें सभी धर्मों के सदस्य उपस्थित हैं, तो ऐसी स्थिति में किसी एक धर्म विशेष के देवता की पूजा के साथ मीटिंग का शुभारंभ कितना उचित है?

M2:- 1.कल जो एयर इंडिया का विमान खरीद समझौता हुआ था उसे आप किस रूप में देखते हैं?
2.एयर इंडिया के निजीकरण पर आपके क्या विचार है?
3. हाल ही में एयर इंडिया फ्लाइट में जो एक असभ्य घटना हुई थी उससे हमने क्या सीखा?
( मानवीय मूल्यों के संदर्भ में)

M3:- 1. म्यांमार में वर्तमान राजनीतिक स्थिति कैसी है?
2. भारत के म्यांमार के साथ वर्तमान में कैसे संबंध है और आपके अनुसार ये कैसे होने चाहिए?
3. नार्थ-ईस्ट बॉर्डर पर इतनी समस्याएं क्यों है?
4. इस क्षेत्र में कौनसा बल तैनात है?(पहले मैंने गलत जवाब दिया तो सर ने हँसकर मना कर दिया फिर सही बोला)

M4:-1.वर्ल्ड इकॉनोमिक फॉर्म क्या है?
2. हाल ही में इसका सम्मिट कँहा हुआ था और इसके कार्य क्या-क्या हैं?
3.थार डेजर्ट के बारे में कुछ बताइये?
4.चूरू में युवाओं के लिए रोजगार बढ़ाने के लिए आप क्या करेंगे?

धन्यवाद,आपका इंटरव्यू समाप्त हुआ,आप जा सकते हैं।
17 February, Afternoon
Satyavati ma'am
Mirzapur UP
NIT uttrakhand
IPS hun

1- NCC m kya kya sikha
2- IPS ho but mention nhi kiya hai daf m (daf 1 k smay service alot nhi hui thi)
3- Mirzapur ka tourism
4-Carpet industry ki situation
5- Bhadohi carpet aur mirzapur carpet me diff.
6- Kaleen bhaiya kse hai (mirzapur web series)
7- phle aur ab k kaleen production m kya diff. Hai
8- E commerce aur digital payment( carpet aur msme se related)
9- Insurgency kya hai and related issue
10- Insurgents group in north east and kya kya step liya gya hai ise tackle krne k liye
11- India Maldives relation
12- Central paramilitary force, central armed force aur cpo m kya difference hai
13-women nda cds aur other services m participate kr rhi hai kya kya changes lane chahiye unke liye like infra..
14- questions on sardar patel , his contribution
15-Light is the best policeman. Explain
16-Ek BSF ki women border pr night m duty se mna kr deti hai kya kroge
17- Question on commissionerate system aur agar Aap IAS bn gye to support kroge ise

Mock kha dena chahiye - chahal ka panel thk tha
Baki confidence k liye dena ho to de skte hai
Board - satyavati mam
Date -17 Feb 2023 afternoon
             Session last lion🦁 to go
Name _ kuch faayada nahi
                   iss text ko padneke baad
                   bhool jaavoge rehnedo
State - Karnataka
Graduation (Rani channamma University belagavi)
Hobby - reading k p poornachandra tejasvi books on hunting man eaters (translation of Kenneth Anderson's books)
Medium of interview- hindi
asked questions in both hindi and English


1_Do you want to interact in hindi ?
2_Why do you opted hindi as
     medium of communication in
     personality Test?
3- why not your mother tongue?
4- Based on which region these
     books are written?(hobby)
5 -whatever written in these books
     are just stories or based on real
     Experience?(in previous answer I
     referred these experience based
     books as stories)
Mam _Then don't call them as
             stories (I was like bhari galti
             Ho gayi sarkar😀)
6- these books are written in Hindi or
7 - in the context of man animal
     Conflict. who is aggressor? man
     or Tiger.

1. There is rising law and order issue in Karnataka. What is your view?
2. Communal violence in coastal region of Karnataka. What can be done?
3. Why IT industry have strong presence in Karnataka?
4. Is environment may be a reason?
5. Application of information technology in maintaining law and order.

1. Is it temple ?(refering to my name)
2. Where this temple is located?
3. Who was father of k p poornachandra tejasvi?(daf) (answer is kuvempu)
4. Who was kuvempu?
What is the Philosophy of kuvempu ?
5. Vishwa maanav philosophy of kuvempu
6. Comparison between kuvempu and ravindranath Tagore.
7. Famous historical place in belagavi.
8. Who was kittur Rani channamma?
9. Comparison between Rani channamma and jhansi raani laxmibai.
10. Can you tell me the person who born on 15 August and died on 26 January ?(related to previous question)
(answer is sangolli rayanna)
11. Contribution of sangolli rayanna.(based on previous answer)
12. Tell me about coorg region of Karnataka.
13. Tell me any other famous personality of coorg region other than field marshal k m cariappa.(based on previous answer)

1. What is corporate governance?
2. Can you tell me the name of the company which is recently in news related to adani issue?
3. Our economy is strong. But why it is very much vulnerable to external aspects like hindenburg report?
4. There is famous book called man eaters of .........
5. Who wrote that book?(based on previous answer)
6. Have you read that book?

1. What is GDP and GNP?
2. comparison between Indian and American GDP and GNP .in both context which is more and which is less?
3. What are the political and economical implications on china with respect to the economic crises in Sri Lanka and Pakistan?

Experience _very cordial
Mocks _ helps in reducing anxiety and don't take their feedback seriously if you feel there is scope for improvement then only work on that
One on one mock with Vinay sir helped.
All the best
Date : 16.02.23 Afternoon session
Board : Satyawati mam
Name : Lady singham😅
graduation : Computer Application
Optional : sociology
State : Gujarat
work experience : management in Airconditioner company for many years
Hobby : Garba

Chairman :

1. Tell me what is your life story
2. when you decided to join civil services
3. what is your work experience
4. what are you doing since 2019
5. how are you sustaining your self during preparation?
6. how can we increase women participation in education, political and administation sphere ?
7. increasing women marriage age decision is good or not ?
8. how it will help to women ?
9. what is Total fertility rate ?
10. what is total replacement rate ?

M1 :

1. cyber crimes meaning
2. social crimes and cyber crimes linkages
3. how to prevent cyber crimes in india ?
4. Gujarat being a coastal state, what are resources of Gujarat

M2 :

1. what was the matter this year during garba festival ( Navratri)

i said i am not aware about it
again he asked then u should remain aware about this
i again said sorry sir
Then he asked suppose during any festival in india if one religious group is restricted to perform or participate in another religious festival, is it good for society or not ?

but satyawati mam stopped him that leave this matter🙄

M3 :
1. How can we promote small industries, MSMEs, Startups ?
2. how will you promote marketing ? bcz i mentioned marketing in previous answer😅
3. if any disease or pandemic situation happens again what will be your preventive steps ?
4. you are very inspirational personality and role model for many girls but tell me who is your role model ?

M4 :

1. you mentioned gujarat resources but you are missing one resource which is connected to Our national freedom struggle.

i was thinking about 3-4 seconds then i smiled and i said Salt
he said correct😅

2. which gas is being used in airconditioners ?
3. How it works in Acs ?

then he said you are sociology student let me ask some questions about it

4. What is middle in middle ?😅
5. What is better Nature or nurture ?

Then satyawati mam said thank you your interview is over
all the best beta😊

It was lifetime opportunity for me
great experience
History optional
R n chaubey sir board
Duration -14-15 minutes
Chemical engineering
No questions asked from daf😂😂

Chairman - no question asked

Member 1-
1- Nalanda, takshila, vikramshila universities at ancient times their importance and current status
2-agniveer concerns....any suggestions
3-operation Rahat....why India help turkey support Pakistan and it raises Kashmir issues in international platform...

Member 2-
1-industrial we treat them
2-carrying capacity of silishede lake in Alwar

Member 3-
1-india's neighbourhood policy....china dominance on Indian Ocean.....
2-short seller??

Member 4-
1-rte act....any suggestions to improve quality education for poor peoples

2-voucher system in education sector

Chairman - thank you...if u want ask anything else...i said no sir
Date and session of interview- 15/02/2023, afternoon session (Last one to go, taala laga ke aya tha sitting hall me)
Board- Preeti Sudan Mam
Optional- PSIR
Medium- Hindi (Pre+Mains+interview)
Graduation- B.E. (Mechanical engineering)
Hobbies- Reading Romantic Novels😁, Watching Legal Drama On OTT
Your experience in interview- mja aaya or ye mja mai sbko dena chahta hu.

Normal greetings uske bad Chairman ne bola ki bina tension puchh Lena agar kuchh samjh naa aaye.
Questions mere ko chairman ke alwa yad nhi sequence me because of my medical🙄
Chairman- 1.You like reading Romantic Novels to hme bhi koii story sunao short me.
2. You were prime minister of your school, tell us what will be your priorities agr apko desh ka prime minister bna de.
3. Agr apke district ka dm bna de to kya priorities hongi apki
Now other members-
1. What is methane pledge? Is India part of it
2. Global investors summit me itne bde bde MOUs ke bad bhi kyu itna Kam investment.
3. MP ki socio economic profile bataiye.
4. Why is mp lagging in the tourism sector despite tourism Potential.
5. What is the purpose of khelo India youth games.
6. Tigers ki healthy Population kisi ecosystem ke bare me kya indicate krti hai.
7. What is jal jeevan mission.
8. What is rain water harvesting.
9. What is role of forest in Climate Change?
10. Use of mechanical engineering in civil services.
11. What is the role of subsidies in International trade, what is dumping and anti-dumping duty.

Mocks ki utility- apn ne 17 diye. Ab ye result batayega ki shi kiye ya galat. Baki confidence kafi badh gya tha mock Dene se
Name PJ (30th January 2023)
Pune Maharashtra
Mechanical engineering
Optional PSIR
Board Shukla Sir

1. What are you doing since your graduation?
2. Potential of space sector in India
3. Who launched first private Rocket in India
4 difference between private space tech company and ISRO
5 how can we leverage private sector in space?
6 Tell me something about Pune?
7. Compare Pune with Bangalore
8 After retirement where should I settle Pune or Bangalore?
9. Which city has higher potential with respect to ESDM sector

1. Special about Pune municipal corporation
2. How can we increase people participation in municipal working
3. Statutory provisions with respect to town planning
4. GI tags in Pune district
5. What can I expect to see  culturally in Pune
6. Specific about Aga Khan palace in Pune

1. president's speech about prison
2. Should we increase or decrease prisons in India
3. Should we reduce coverage under NFSA2013
4. NFSA shows our failure or success?
5. Issues with respect to social security cover in India

1. Guest in republic day ceremony
2. India Egypt relationship
3. Defence equipment Egypt interested in buying from India
4 specifications of TEJAS LCA
5. India Russia relationship
6 is it transactional or emotional
7. How to leverage potential in relationship
8. Differences between strategic autonomy and non alignment
9. Turkey's non aligned policy in Ukraine conflict
10. Why India calls Ukraine conflict and not war officially

1. Green Blue gray hydrogen
2. Sector where we utilise hydrogen
3. Issue with respect to it
4. Types of turbines (mech engg)
5. Uniqueness of India's climate change policies
Date-17/02(afternoon session)
Board-प्रीति sudan ma'am
Keywords-following IR news,rural sports

1)-आपके नाम का क्या अर्थ है?
2)-ये नाम क्यों रखा?
3)आपके डिस्ट्रिक्ट के बारे में कुछ unique बताइए
4)दिल्ली मुम्बई एक्सप्रेसवे से आपके जिले को होने वाले फायदे
5)रूस-यूक्रेन वॉर पर आपका स्टैंड
6)यूक्रेन,फ़िनलैंड आदि का नाटो में शामिल होने की मांग करना सही या गलत
7)नाटो क्या है?
8)रूस -यूक्रेन वॉर को कैसे रोका जा सकता है?
9)जियोग्राफी से ma करने के बाद हिंदी लिटरेचर क्यों चुना?
10)ऑप्शनल शिफ्ट करने में आपको समस्या नही हुई क्या?(पहले अलग ऑप्शनल था)

1)आपके जिले में कुछ साल पहले सड़कों और रेल लाइन को ब्लॉक कर दिया गया था-आपको कुछ याद है?(गुर्जर आरक्षण आंदोलन)
2)लोकतंत्र में इस तरह माँग उठाना कहाँ तक ठीक है?

1)इंडो-नेपाल रिलेशन्स कैसी स्थिति में हैं?
2)चीन-नेपाल रिलेशन
3)नेपाल के चीन की तरफ झुकाव के कारण
4)मधेसी कौन होते हैं?मधेसी आन्दोलन का प्रभाव
5)भारत के रिलेशन नेपाल की माओवादी पार्टीज से ठीक क्यों नही हैं?
6)इंडो बांग्लादेश रिलेशन की स्थिति?
7)वर्तमान सरकार द्वारा बांग्लादेश के साथ कौन कौन से विवाद हल किये गए हैं?
8)land बॉर्डर एग्रीमेंट के लिए संविधान में संशोधन की जरूरत क्यों पड़ी?
9)जो एन्क्लेव एक्सचेंज किये गए थे उनके लिए प्रयुक्त शब्दावली का नाम??-(मैंने सॉरी बोला)
10)तीस्ता समझौता??

M3(इन्हें हिंदी समझ नही आ रही थी)
1)globalistaion का भारतीय संस्कृति पर प्रभाव?
2)यूनेस्को क्या है?
3)सांस्कृतिक संबंध परिषद क्या है??
4)म्यूजियम क्या होता है??
5)तकनीक से संस्कृति पर नेगेटिव इम्पैक्ट पड़ता है-आपकी क्या राय है?
6)संस्कृति को संरक्षित करने में मीडिया की भूमिका?

पहले daf से achievements वाले सेक्शन को पढ़कर सुनाया-फिर उनसे क्वेश्चन पूछे
1)सेंटर सेक्टर scheme क्या है?
2)अनुप्रिति स्कीम क्या है?(राजस्थान सरकार)
3)खो -खो रीजनल गेम है या इंटरनेशनल?
4)खो खो को किसी अंतरराष्ट्रीय इंस्टिट्यूट ने recognise किया है या नही??
5)खो खो में भारत ने अब तक कितने पदक जीते हैं?
6)इंडो-पाक,पाक-अफगान,अफगान-इंडिया रिलेशन(जब तक सभी क्वेश्चन के आंसर न दे दो तब तक बोलते रहो)
7)भारत तालिबान से रिश्ते क्यों बनाये हुए है?
8)बलूचिस्तान में अभी क्या स्थिति है?
9)बलूचिस्तान और तालिबान के सम्बंध
10)pok पर भारत का स्टैंड?
11)pok से रिलेटेड कोई resolution जो भारतीय संसद में पास हुआ हो?

Chairperson-बेटे आपका इंटरव्यू समाप्त हुआ....आप जा सकते हो
Date-17/02(afternoon session)
Board-प्रीति sudan ma'am
Keywords-following IR news,rural sports

1)-आपके नाम का क्या अर्थ है?
2)-ये नाम क्यों रखा?
3)आपके डिस्ट्रिक्ट के बारे में कुछ unique बताइए
4)दिल्ली मुम्बई एक्सप्रेसवे से आपके जिले को होने वाले फायदे
5)रूस-यूक्रेन वॉर पर आपका स्टैंड
6)यूक्रेन,फ़िनलैंड आदि का नाटो में शामिल होने की मांग करना सही या गलत
7)नाटो क्या है?
8)रूस -यूक्रेन वॉर को कैसे रोका जा सकता है?
9)जियोग्राफी से ma करने के बाद हिंदी लिटरेचर क्यों चुना?
10)ऑप्शनल शिफ्ट करने में आपको समस्या नही हुई क्या?(पहले अलग ऑप्शनल था)

1)आपके जिले में कुछ साल पहले सड़कों और रेल लाइन को ब्लॉक कर दिया गया था-आपको कुछ याद है?(गुर्जर आरक्षण आंदोलन)
2)लोकतंत्र में इस तरह माँग उठाना कहाँ तक ठीक है?

1)इंडो-नेपाल रिलेशन्स कैसी स्थिति में हैं?
2)चीन-नेपाल रिलेशन
3)नेपाल के चीन की तरफ झुकाव के कारण
4)मधेसी कौन होते हैं?मधेसी आन्दोलन का प्रभाव
5)भारत के रिलेशन नेपाल की माओवादी पार्टीज से ठीक क्यों नही हैं?
6)इंडो बांग्लादेश रिलेशन की स्थिति?
7)वर्तमान सरकार द्वारा बांग्लादेश के साथ कौन कौन से विवाद हल किये गए हैं?
8)land बॉर्डर एग्रीमेंट के लिए संविधान में संशोधन की जरूरत क्यों पड़ी?
9)जो एन्क्लेव एक्सचेंज किये गए थे उनके लिए प्रयुक्त शब्दावली का नाम??-(मैंने सॉरी बोला)
10)तीस्ता समझौता??

M3(इन्हें हिंदी समझ नही आ रही थी)
1)globalistaion का भारतीय संस्कृति पर प्रभाव?
2)यूनेस्को क्या है?
3)सांस्कृतिक संबंध परिषद क्या है??
4)म्यूजियम क्या होता है??
5)तकनीक से संस्कृति पर नेगेटिव इम्पैक्ट पड़ता है-आपकी क्या राय है?
6)संस्कृति को संरक्षित करने में मीडिया की भूमिका?

पहले daf से achievements वाले सेक्शन को पढ़कर सुनाया-फिर उनसे क्वेश्चन पूछे
1)सेंटर सेक्टर scheme क्या है?
2)अनुप्रिति स्कीम क्या है?(राजस्थान सरकार)
3)खो -खो रीजनल गेम है या इंटरनेशनल?
4)खो खो को किसी अंतरराष्ट्रीय इंस्टिट्यूट ने recognise किया है या नही??
5)खो खो में भारत ने अब तक कितने पदक जीते हैं?
6)इंडो-पाक,पाक-अफगान,अफगान-इंडिया रिलेशन(जब तक सभी क्वेश्चन के आंसर न दे दो तब तक बोलते रहो)
7)भारत तालिबान से रिश्ते क्यों बनाये हुए है?
8)बलूचिस्तान में अभी क्या स्थिति है?
9)बलूचिस्तान और तालिबान के सम्बंध
10)pok पर भारत का स्टैंड?
11)pok से रिलेटेड कोई resolution जो भारतीय संसद में पास हुआ हो?

Chairperson-बेटे आपका इंटरव्यू समाप्त हुआ....आप जा सकते हो
Date and session of interview-8Feb 2023 , afternoon session , fifth number to go
State - Rajasthan
Profession Working
as adoctor
movies, web series, travelling

Chairman ma’am :

1 what is Industrial health
2 name of disease related to occupational health
3 what is ergonomic related disease
4 what occupational health related challenges faced by police due to prolong standing job
5 what is varicose vain( key words from previous question)
6 treatment of varicose vein
7 occupational health Saftey code discuss
8 name of laws incorporated in it


1 your job profile
2 why it is called temporary
3 what is medical tourism
4 benefits of India due to medical tourism
5 maximum kha se log aate hai means which country
6 efforts of government for increasing it
7 what major challenges face by medical tourist
8 case study to improve medical tourism
9 motive of India for g20 submit


1 why corruption is more in beurocrates should examination system and interview is not efficient
2 case study to prevent corruption among your subordinates
3 3 d technology in movies( I didn’t know)


1 why violence occurs on doctors
Is increasing
2 doctor abstenstism in phc and reason of it,
3 as a CMO how to solution this problem and discussion on issue related to it


1 history written is accurate or not
2 how to overcome this problem
3 as a dm how you suggest for measures to taken for include local leaders in syllabus which was not included yet
4 reason for low female literacy in Rajasthan
5 female feticide in Rajasthan
6 water quality indicator as a doctor what should be check
7 in your area how to check these indicators

SATHIYAVATHY ma’am said thank you , your interview is over

Interview experience: overall 25 to 30 minutes , mostly questions were from DAF and opinion based
Utility of mock: boosted confidence and guide us which area should be focused
15th Feb Afternoon
Name Chacha420

Preeti Sudan Ma’am
PSIR,IIT Kanpur Materials engg
No questions on hobbies

1. Varanasi se ho ? Kyu news me h ?

2. IIT se yahan kyu ?

3. Kaise apply kroge material science ki knowledge in administration ?

Member 1

1. Material Science me kaise materials k baare me padhaya jata h?

2. Containers ka importance in Indian economy

3. Logistics kya hota h ? Kaise logistics cost decrease krenge?

4. Logistics cost decrease krne k fayede on Indian economy and consumer ?

5. Multimodal transport Kya hota h ?

6. Inland waterways k Kya importance hai ?

Member 2

1. Logistics sector kyu important hai🥲

2.Inland waterways ki policy India me ?

3. Kyun waterways cheaper mode hota h ? IIT se ho kuch btao scientific reasons.

4. North east k geography k baare me kuch btao . Tum PSIR aur material science k ho firr bhi prelims mains me to padha hoga . Kuch btaiye.

5. Indian Ocean ka importance btaiye ?

6. Lakshadweep aur A&N hone se fayda h ya nuksan?

7. Hamare islands k vajah se ocean zone me India ka reach badhta hai . Usko Kya kehte hain ?

Member 3-

1. Varanasi k cruise k baare me kuch btao .

2. Uska main objective Kya tha ?

3. Indian knowledge system Kya hota h ?

4. Social media k positives and negatives?

5. Social media ka role in administration?

6. Social media in policing ?

7. Digital marketing Kya hota hai ?

8. Digital goods Kya hote hain ?

Member 4

1. Coastal zones Kya Kya hote hai ?

2. Continental shelf ka economic importance?

3. Encroachment kaise hataogey?

4. Protest krne valo ko kaise manaogey?

5. Corruption kaise duur kroge as DM of Varanasi.
Date of interview - 13 Feb
Session - Afternoon
Board - Preeti Sudan ma'am
Background - Bangalore, Karnataka
Optional - History
Hobbies - Watching different Sports

1. So you are from Karnataka, tell me about your assessment of Karnataka during COVID-19 Pandemic.
2. What lessons can be learnt and be implemented from the Pandemic?
3. You watch multiple sports, which one is your favourite?
4.Which player do you like and why?
5.Why do you like Test Matches (Cricket) more?
6. How sports will help you in administration?

M1 (Confirmed my name first)
1. Last year Karnataka was in news for not much of a good reason. Tell me about the Issue and your opinion on it.
2. Last monsoon certain parts of Bangalore got flooded. What is your views on this.
3. What measures are needed to stop this ?
4. If you are an administrator in Karnataka, tell me the 3 top most areas of your priority to work.

M2 (was not satisfied with my answers)
1. What are the different types of government companies?
2. What is a government company?
3. What is a corporate company
4. What is a private limited company?
5. What are different types of taxes? Name them
6. How do you name our country's economy, there are different economies like US and Russia?
7. Why LPG reforms were introduced?
8. Whom did LPG reforms help - Government, People or Corporates?

1. There is a lot of importance being given to coastal security, why?
2. What are the issues in providing coastal security?
3. There are divisions in coastal waters. Can you name them.
4. What are the differences between these divisions?
5. In border areas there are fencing, but it is not everywhere. What do you think are the reasons for this?
6. So, name the places where there is fencing and where there is no fencing?
7. Which countries share land border with India?
8. Which countries share water boundaries with India?

1. You have got good marks in 10th , but why did you not choose science but chose commerce?
2. Why History as a subject with commerce subjects? (My combination was HEBA in commerce)
3. What are the contributions of Chalukyas in Art and architecture?
4. What are the contributions of Vijayanagara in Art and architecture?
5. Tell about the battles that took place at Plassey and their impact?
6. What are derivatives? Name some
7. How is a mutual fund valued ?
8. Who are the regulators in financial markets in India?
9. If there is any dispute between stock market and financial market, is there any institution which can mediate between them?
10. Recently, there is a fall in stock prices, how do you think it impacts our economy.

Utility of mocks - Just builds confidence. There is a lot of difference between mocks and actual interview as my interview went completely smooth compared to mocks. One question got exactly repeated.

All the best for all candidates.
CM-R N choubey
Name- vs
Date-15/2 FN
Optional -Anthro
Hometown- Kanpur UP


What is me too?
Your opinion?

Pwd act?
Favourite service?
As a DM How can you prevent disabilities from happening ?
What is roshni act?
When was National Anthem adopted?

What is geo history
Do prisoners have right to vote
What do you know about Diaspora?
Your view on their role?
Do they have right to vote?
Socio envmntal consequences of mining?
What is ghotul?

To promote remote education android mobile or ipad?

Kanpur tannery pollution? Wf?


Kanpur textile mill? Challenges? And current status?

CSJMU(knp university) when estab?

Current VC?

Opinion on role of media and judiciary and geo-political impact of media?

Have you watched BBC documentry?

CM- do you want to share or ask anything?

Interview went on for 14 min. Overall they were cordial.
Board- M satyavati mam
Optional- Mathematics
Education -Bsc(maths),MSc(maths)
Hobbies-reading biographies, watching movies on social issues, solving sudoku

1.How you will make maths interesting for 10th class students
2.Who is your favourite Mathematician and why?
3.who is your ideal ?
4.what you will do after becoming civil servent so that you can become ideal of others

1.why economic crisis in srilanka
2.Swift system
3.impact of US sanctions on Russian economy

1.which biography you read recently and what you learnt from it
2. How can biopic on someone's life can help in solving social issues?
3.which movie you watch recently?

1.there are so many industrialist from jhunjhunu then why rajasthan lacks behind in terms of industrial development can we increase our forex reserves and then long discussion on this

1.tell me about IIT Delhi
2.what is god particle
3.what is deficit financing
Relevant Keywords: MP, Computer science engineering, Police service, played cricket in college, public Administration , Agriculture background
May i come in sir;
Good morning mam, good Morning sirs;
please sit down -thank you sir

Chairman: Apko covid to nahi hai, Apko cold, cough nahi hai; then apna mask utar kar table par rakh dijiye

hum aapse kewal acche se bat karna chahte hai, to jaha bhi aapko question samaj me na aaye aap fir se puch sakte hai,ya jaha aapko nahi aaye sorry sir ya no sir bol sakte hai, koi dikkat nahi hai, i said okay sir thank you sir
Shuru kare: ji sir

1. Apne academic and work experience ke bare me bataeye
2. Kaha posted ho
3. Kis post par, kya kam rahta hai eska
4. India ka forex kitna hai
5. Eska final Malik kon hai?
6. Recent Air india deal kya hai?
7. India ka forex 600b hai aur kewal ek company ne 125b ki deal kar li hai, apko nahi lagta ye bahut galat deal hai
8. 2 cross question on above ( i answered but he seemed not satisfied, said: sayad aap ek chiz  bhul rahe hai, i replied: sayad muje bhi lag raha hai sir, sorry Sir)
He said: koi baat nahi
(Then He gestures to another member)

Member 1:
1. Aapne cyber fraud solving me kam kiya hai, kya govt aesa nahi kar sakti ki log website me login kare aur pata chal jaye ki ye fake website hai?
2. Govt regular monitoring to kar sakti hai?? Aur Govt ki konsi agency?
3. Kya esse related personal aware govt ko nahi karna chahiye??
4. Cricket, passion hai ya profession?
5. Apko cricket promote karna ho to, uska konsa aspect lekar karenge?

Member 2:
1. Paytm aur BHIM ka payment gateway konsa hai?
2. I stack kya hai?
3. Soul of Steel kya hai?
( The chairman said: koi bat nahi, i said: thank you Sir)
4. Kya aaj bhi caste based offence hote hai? If yes any specific Govt measure
5. Kya economic compensation dene se apradh kam ho jata hai?
6. Economic compensation k liye to jhuthe cases bhi ho sakte hai?
7. HC/SC me judges ki appointment kese hoti hai?
8. Is it perfect?
9. Apke hisab se kya improvements jaruri hai?
10. what is art324?
11. What is the function of EC?
12. Esme kya sudhar hone chahiye?
13. NIA vs police dispute kya hai?
14. Inter state offences me kise priority honi chahiye?
15. Shouldn't the police do these works?

Member 3:
1. Afim
2. Eski kheti kese hoti hai??
3. Arunachal me to bina licence ke hoti hai?
4. Konsi agency ese regulate Karti hai?
5. Life imprisonment ka kya matlab hai?
6. Aese convicts ko kb release kar sakte hai?
7. kis basis par?
8. Woman security me technology ka use kese dekhte hai?
9. Aese cases me conviction kese bade??
(Permission se MP police ki ek scheme batayi.)

Member 4:
1. Kailash Satyarthi kon hai
2. Noble prize kyu mila
3. Child labour ke liye special act hai kya??
4. Police kya kare ki es area me unki social acceptability bade?

Chairman: accha laga aapse bat karke, aap ja sakte hai,aur yadi apko kuch kahna ho to
Unki permission li aur parents sath aaye hai bataya (they all get involved and said 1-2 things about it)

For this board, DAF is not too much relevant, current affairs is very important. Mocks were very useful (although we can pick and choose their feedbacks )
Date and session of interview- 13th Feb, 2023 & forenoon session
Board- Satyawathi Ma'am
Optional- PSIR
State- Himachal Pradesh
College- PEC University of Technology
Profession exp- Western Digital (Till 2021)
Hobbies- Oil Painting
Your experience in interview-
Chairperson: Satyavathi Mam read out the DAF loudly and asked the following questions
 1. What have you been doing since 2021
 2. Why don’t you want to continue in your technical forte
 3. Explain us your patent
 4. How long did it take for your patent to be granted
 5. Do you get any royalty or just the organisation gets it.
 6. Why so less patents from India and what can be done to improve this number
 7. What can be done to reduce the time taken in granting the patent

 1. You have worked so well in electronics field. What would you prefer- getting into services as a specialist lateral entrant or through the exam as a generalist
 2. Since governance is mostly based on technology now, do you prefer having generalists or tech specialists in the field
 3. What made you go for civil services
 4. You are from HP. Did you find Bangalore beautiful?
 5. Bangalore has people from so many cultures. Didn't that make it difficult for you to adjust in Bangalore?

 1. Your patent has the word 'Privacy'. How can we ensure privacy when everywhere in ML, AI and other new technologies require data is to be used
 2. Your optional is PSIR. Tell us what constitutes 'Basic Structure'
 3. What does preamble say about India. Is it true? Are we able to follow the ideals mentioned in preamble.
 4. What does 'Republic' mean

 1. Does HP have border with any other country? Which country?
 2. What is this border called?
 3. Have both the countries agreed upon the border demarcation?
 4. Which country has more issues wrt border?
 5. Have you heard about 'string of pearls'? How does it matter to India if China has this policy?
 1. Have you opted for IPS?
 2. Why do you think female candidates find IPS difficult?
 3. Any female IPS officer you know who has worked in your distt.?
 4. Where is Mallacan Strait? How is it important for China?
      5. You must have gone through budget. How much fund is allocated this time to PMAY?
     6. What does MISHTI stand for?
     7. Also, tell some more schemes which are being run for alleviating poverty.

Experience: Board was very cordial. They were constantly nodding, instilling more confidence. Great experience overall which no mock can match.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Gave me confidence, helped me improve my non-verbal communication and some questions also got repeated
PSIR optional
Board : Smt. Satyavati ma'am
Duration -20-25 minutes
Civil engineering from an IIT
Hobbies : Football, Non Fiction, Fitness.

Chairperson -
*Skipped her favourite question cause I graduated in 2022 only.*
1) Why didn't you work as a civil engineer?
2) Did you not apply for the placements?
3) Do core firms visit your campus?
4) Tell me about the technologies that were used in Qatar World cup?
5) Did you go to Qatar?
6) Why are so many bad things happening in sports? (Very open ended question, wasn't ready for it but learnt from the question for the rest of my interview)
7) Is our media getting less ethical everyday?
8) Something about money in sports?
9) When did you start your preparation?
10) Something about my marks in final year and UPSC preparation.

Member 1-
1- How did you start your preparation?
2- How did you cover political science in such a small time?
3- Do you get time to read books while being in college and also preparing?
4- Tell me about the books you've read.
5- What is Abhijeet Banerjee's methodology?
6- So it's something about facts, do you favour facts or intuition?
7- Will you never trust your intuition then?
8- What is fitness for you?
9- Difference between fitness and health?
10- Do you have like a childhood dream to become a civil servant?

Member 2-
1- Let's talk about financial fitness, What's your take on the issue of freebies? and suggest me a solution.
2- What would you choose between free electricity, free food and a Health and wellness centre?
3- World is looking towards India but India lacks basic infrastructure, how do you see it? (Very open ended question again, without any closure..but I gave an elaborate answer learning from my previous mistake)
4- If you can become secretary of MoD or MoW&C what will you choose?

Member 3-
1-Tell me something that stood out for you in "Pakistan: at the helm" (a book I mentioned earlier.)
2-Tell me things that you think general people won't know about Pakistan but you do.
3- What was Musharraf's role in Kargil?
4- What happened to Musharraf recently?
5- Is his body being brought back to Pakistan?
6- What is Gross happiness index and the country that introduced it?
7- What other growth indicators are there? (Agreed with me when I said GHI is about development and not growth. Suggested some other indicators too.)
8- Tell me some growth indicators then!
9- Difference between GDP and GNP?
10- What do you think is more for India?

Member 4-
*Caught me smiling for no good reason*
1- You've lived in North East for FIVE years, right? I hope you know about the place. You do right??
2- Tell me about some of the development initiatives in NE?
3- What's happening under PM Devine? What are the projects?
4- Something apart from the bridges?
5 & 6 - Two factual questions that I don't even remember smh
7- Many states in NE are going to polls, can you name some?
8- Nagaland too is going right?
9- What is Naga peace accord?
10- If the accord was entered into in 2015 why hasn't it been implemented yet?

Chairperson - thank you... your interview is over!


Be ready for some vague and open ended questions, adapt to them and give a closure on your own.

Don't fret over the excercise, board members are so kind and welcoming.

Mocks : Gave around 8 mocks.
Good ones : Vajirao and ready(I fell into an argument but they reviewed me well and helped me), Unacademy, Subhra Ranjan (closest to interview in my case, more like a conversation between experienced people and a young naive boy), Next IAS (covers DAF well), Samkalp(Quality of questions was good)

Won't suggest: KSG (khan sir is not sitting for the mocks and chairman is too hostile, felt like some personal grudge tbh)

Thank you.
Board : Satyawati mam
Name : AP
graduation : BSC
work experience:⁠-⁠) Education department , BLO
Hobby : mentoring, yoga and meditation and poetry

Chairman :

1. Tell me what is your life story
2. when you decided to join civil services
3. what is your work experience
4. how are you sustaining your self during preparation?
5. Election works and full form of vvpat ?
6. Remote evm ko lekar kya problems h?

M1 : Universities and education system
2. Physics optional kyu nhi liya?
3. Practical exam kaise hote h? explain (related to work experience)
4. Police me constable bharti karwana hai , Mukhyamantri ko kya letter likhoge?
5.bacho pr parents ka pressure bhut h.ese me mentoring ka kya importance h?(related to hobby)

M2 :

1.govt inflation ko km kaise karti hai?
2.gdp me india 5th badi economy hai ,bt ye khus hone ki bat nhi h?
3.millenium trilima (ye question economic survey ka h)

M3 :
1.brics nation and why India China dispute?
2. Russia ukrain solutions
(Mene kha anuched 51 and sahir Ludhianvi
जंग तो ख़ुद ही एक मसला है
जंग क्या मसलों का हल देगी😅
3. Police se logon ko dar kyu lagta hai? Solution kya h?
4. Why u not join Indian army?

M4 :

1. Rajbhasa hindi ko nationalize kr den kya? Tamil kashi sangham?

2.millets ka production km kyu hota h.(is time psycologist ghoor ke dekh rhe the?)

2. Ops and nps me se kya acha hai? (Mene bola SPS yani sustainable pension scheme)

Then satyawati mam said thank you your interview is over
all the best beta😊
(Ek Maa Ke Ban Kar Aaye The
Har Maa Ke Ho Jaayenge)

Experience - Daf based tha mainly and board was cordial .
Utility of mocks - Helps in building confidence and handling qus outrightly.
Board Manoj Soni(faced him earlier in cse18 and butchered me)
all male members( soni sir replaced Nagaraj ma’am today only🙂, Mujse personally milna tha sir ko 4 years baad)
Optional- Sociology
Hobbies/prizes etc- Basketball@Nationals, Long distance running, Calisthenics, Child Rights projects under KSCF and CRY,

Interview medium-Hindi( mains in English , but panel was using entirely pure hindi words especially soni sir)

Interview time 35-40 minutes (checked wall clock in front on me)

Entered room and wished them, chairman said Namaskar Kakaji

Chairman(writing English translation)
Remove mask
I want verify your photo
Meaning of your name
Do you think you have followed meaning of your name
Have you joined service, when,How many months done and how many months left
Share your experience in training
Tell me about Live in relationship(bone of contention between me and sir)  too long discussion on this (I was on optimistic view but sir was in debate mood and wasn’t ready to listen,tried to counter with full force, asked me to not use reference of constitution and supreme court..said some extreme comments , like crores of children will be parent less and sabko state nahi sambhalega and family will not survive in India, this is against India culture and values
Do you want a society like this, filled with parentless child, unmarried families
Insisted too much to change my stand
Do you support destroying  in India
Child ka kya hoga
50 crore
Family institutions
I kept calm and answered patiently  with steps that can be taken, sticked to my view
Sir- chaliye jab tum apna stand change nahi karoge toh iss topic ko close karte hai
Sir was like “marunga nahi, kehke lunga” gif


India US, recently lots of agreements happened,
Why us important
Which agreements
Does US benefits from them
Agreements on paper but they are not doing technology transfer so what’s benefit for India
DTII(since I mentioned defence sector of India)
Biggest security threat for India
Explain the india china border issue and intrusions in details
Explain salami slicing(I mentioned in previous answer)
17 rounds of corps
Tell me more about western sector part
Tell me about recent clash
Can we handle it
Are borders stable

Should we start with sports ?
Gave a statement
“Khel ke maidan me ek bargad ka ped hai jiski cchaw me baki ped dhak gae hai”(long discussion followed up)
Why cricket came forward but not basketball or others
What challenges do other sports facing
What challenges did you face to reach at national level

You choice between Individual morality vs social morality (long discussion, he was in debating mode)
In what situation individual morality can be given up
Many social evils challenged by individual morality and individual morality challenged by social
If you are in higher position, would you go for your ethical values or social values
Tum constitution ko bahut mante ho lagta h
Sir was like “dekhe h tere jese samvidhan ke dalle bahut “ gif

Asked my height and said 6+ are required there
Konse state ko represent kia
Your position in basketball
Were you feeder or shooter (I said one who is dribbling, he feeds, one who is free, he shoots i.e depends on the situation and I did both)
But they 6+ could block you easily (told him my jump been upto ring 10 feet)
He was like aha hahah wawawawa gif

Now service related
Should we merge all accounting services
Amount of FDI this year
How many sectors (FDI)
GeM and counter questions
Procurement process
Sir was like “kuch ata bhi kya tumko” gif

Long speech on news reporting by new York times, guardian, etc they all are known to be genuine agencies
They report any incident of india, mostly  unpleasant news, should we do something about it
Recent mob lynching case, guardian reported that police involvement is there, your take
How to stop them from reporting fake news, we can ban fake news in India but how to do in uk us etc countries about incidents of India
Board:r n chaubey sir
medium: hindi
btech-Computer science
optional: geography (no questions asked)
hobby: playing chess, movies (no questions)
achievement: quiz jeeta tha kabhi

usual monologue ki relax rahe, guess mat kare etc
1.elon musk ne kaun si company kharidi
2. twitter se unko kya problem thi
3. social media par freedom of speech ko khuli choot honi chahiye ki nahi
4. restrictions kaun lagayega
5. agar aap civil servants ho aur aap se puchh jaye to kaun ye line draw karega self regulations se ki government

Member 1
1.road accident me 1.5 lac logo ki death hoti hai     3 causes and solutions
2.public transport ka koi role nahi hai(maine 3 solutions me isko nahi bola tha)
3. public transport se kaise road accident kam hoga
4. recently 3 judges ke name bataye jo retirement ke baad appoint huye hai
5.kya judges ko appoint karna chahiye
6. nahi aap apna opinion bataiye

Member 2
1. E rupi aur UPI me difference (technical difference bataya lekin kahe jab dono mobile se hi karne hai to kya farq hai)
2.Quizzing kiya hai aapne to kya quizzing , wisdom ko dikhata hai
3.kya school me subject teacher ko quiz karake recruit karna chahiye

Member 3(factual)
1. National science day ki theme(sorry sir)
2.International Pulse day (sorry sir)
3. chatgpt aur AI kaise duniua ko badal denge
4.agains factual( aap allahabad se hai to allahabad university kab established huyi thi) agains sorry sir

Member 4 (Maam)

1. recently amitabh bachchan ko kuchh expert , doctor logo ne letter likha tha biscuit ki ad karne par, kyon?
2. bachhon ko kya khilana chahiye
3. kaun kaun se vitamin aur micro nutrients
4. Maa ka doodh kyon pilana chahiye , bottles ki jagah

Chairman: aap humse kuchh puchhana chahte hai (no sir)
ok aap ja skte hai , huamari subhkamnaye aapke sath hai
Date : 7th February 2022
Board : Sathyavati Mam
5th to go
Home state : Kerala
Background : BSc Hons. Chemistry from Delhi University
Hobbies : Cooking, Academic Mentoring

Sathyavati Mam read the whole DAF

Sathyavati Mam

1. What do mean by Academic mentoring
2. What all things you do in academic mentoring
3. You have cooking as your hobby, have you watched movie The great Indian Kitchen. I said yes
4. What is the message of the movie
5. What have you done after your graduation?
6. What is the difference between Matrilineal and Matriarchal society?

Member I ( Female)
1. Opinion about Sabarimala issue
2. Why you argue like that?
3. What have you achieved through academic mentoring? Follow up questions
4. What is the experience in Delhi? What all you have learned from living here? ( Since my graduation from Delhi University)
5. Should India help Pakistan in its financial crisis?
6. Why you think so?
7. How did India helped Sri Lanka in its crisis? Follow up questions

Member II (Male)
1. Some questions from basic chemistry
2. How Insulin helps in treating
 diabetic patients
3. Another mechanism of how insulin works
4. Can we apply same mechanism in treating Blood Pressure

Member III( Female)

1. When you get into service which areas would you like to focus in your home state
2. New tourism developed by Magician in Kerala and follow up questions

Member IV (Male)

1. Allocations for different sectors in Latest budget and follow up questions
2. What are the issues faced by the fishing industry in Kerala. Follow up questions
3. Variety of fishes find in kerala back waters

Chairman : Thank you. Your interview is over

Some questions i am unable to recollect
Overall the board was cordial

Utility of mocks : building up confidence to face the board

All the very best dear friends.

Be confident and calm.😍
16 feb afternoon
Satyavati ma'am
Optional- history

State- rajasthan, barmer{ kuch nhi pucha}

Background- teacher, lecturer, assistant professor
PhD{ sb kuch yhi se pucha}
State level E- content committee member under govt. Of rajasthan {start yhi se kiya}

Hobby- folk mangniyar song.
Dingal literature{ kuch nhi pucha..}

Medium -hindi
3rd to go

मैम ने DAF पढा 2- 3 मिनट लग गए😄😄


ई- कंटेंट को लेकर क्या काम किया? कुछ और सवाल इसी पर

नई शिक्षा नीति में उच्च शिक्षा के लिए प्रावधान?
उच्च शिक्षा आयोग के बारे में ( बहुत सारे इसी पर सवाल)
विदेशी विश्वविद्यालय ? ऑटोनोमी बनाम नियंत्रण
कॉमन एडमिशन टेस्ट?
कॉलेज में स्किल डेवलपमेंट सेल क्यो बना रहे? रुचि क्यो नही?
सरकारी नौकरी के प्रति ज्यादा क्रेज़ क्यो?
अटल इनोवेशन मिशन
GEM क्या है
स्थानीय उत्पादों की खरीद कैसे होगी
ट्रांसपेरेंसी कैसे आएगी

 मेंबर 2
आप क्लास में पढ़ाते हो तो कुछ बच्चे पीछे रह जाते है उनके लिए क्या करते हो?

 नई दुनिया और पुरानी दुनिया?

चीन अपने को बड़ा महान ओर प्राचीन बताता है आपका क्या मानना है क्या वो है?
वेदों का टाइम पीरियड
फिर वेदों पर कुछ चर्चा हुई

आप इंटरव्यू देने आ रहे रास्ते मे एक्सीडेंट हुआ है आप क्या करोगे

मेरे उत्तर के बाद मरीज की हेल्प करने की कंडीशन बहुत टफ करके पूछा कि दोनों में से एक ही करना हो तो क्या करोगे
(जवाब से खुश होकर बोले थैंक्स खुशी मिली जवाब सुनकर)

मेंबर 3

विद्यार्थियों में मोबाइल, सोशल मीडिया का उपयोग होने से खेल से पिछड़ रहे है
कैसे टेकल करोगे?
हमारे टाइम की बजाय आज इतनी सुविधा है स्कूल में फिर भी पिछड़ क्यो रहे?

बहुत सारे क्रॉस क्वेश्चन

मेम्बर 4

इतनी अच्छी अकादमिक उपलब्धि है फिर आईएएस क्यो?
कोविड टाइम में ऐसी क्या अलग नीति बनाई
कुछ यूनिक बताओ जो यह दर्शाए की आप पॉलिसी बनाने में रुचि लेते हो?
कुछ क्रॉस questions। अफगानिस्तान में अफगानी सिख ओर पंजाबी सिख क्यो है?

मेंबर 5
इतिहास में स्वर्णकाल किसे मानते हो?
क्रॉस सवाल इसी पर।
Grilling mood me- अभी कोनसा कार्य स्वर्णकाल के योग्य है? 3 4 बार घुमा घुमा कर पूछा सॉरी बोला

पेपर लीक के कारण
(कानून कुछ नही कर सकता है हमारा आपराधिक ढांचा ऐसा ही है)
कोचिंग अच्छी या बुरी?

कोचिंग को कैसे नियंत्रित करोगे
जवाब पर कई बार सभी मुस्कराए

काफी सवालों में मेंबर के लंबे मोनोलॉग थे। और factual बहुत कम था इसलिए आंसर भी लंबे आये। मेरे आंसर को लेकर भी बहुत सारे इंटरप्शन किये और सवाल आते गए पर बीच मे किसी ने नही रोका वो सब डिटेल में सुनना चाहते थे। इसलिए लगभग 35-40 मिनट तक चला।

माहौल बढ़िया लगा।😊ऐसे लगा जैसे वो शिक्षा के मुद्दे पर बात करने को ढूंढ रहे थे और मैं दिख गया।😄😄
Education-IIT DELHI( mechanical)
Current service - indian forest service
Optional- mechanical engineering
Chairman- Dr. Manoj Soni Sir
Date-21-02-2023 afternoon session last to go.

Chairman Sir,
Q1- you are engineer and a poet, so tell me about your self that is not in daf? (🧐)
Q2- you must have heard about PM jan dhan yojnna( I didn't remember much about scheme so i was little afraid😳😣) but then he said i want know about PM VAN DHAN VIKAS KENDRA AND current status in your state(👏🎊)
Q3- suppose you are an IPS officer and posted in Naxal affected region. You are about to do a search operation.You have two police men with you, one is unmarried and other is married. Whom will you send first for search?( Given there is a high chance of casualty while moving forward) then he told me you have another option, you can go alone by yourself?

Q1-we are facing high incidences of HWC , still india is introducing cheetah in india?
Q2- in your state ,there are larger numbers of cases related to elephant -Human conflict , why? How to solve them?
Q3- there is huge water pollution during fewtival and puja like Durga pooja idol immersion and related things. how to mange it?

1.Tell me 3rd Law of thermodynamics?
2. Link entropy with randomness in society with special focus of communal riots
3. How will you reduce entropy in society?
4. Entropy increases with temperature or decrease?

1. Tell me 5 big events in indian history which has changed the course of india ?😕
2. ( I said 1st is ashoka's policy of dhamma) counter question on this , do you think mauryan empire fell due to ashokan dhamma policy?
3. Asked me to tell more 4 events
4. Tell any one event post independence which was watershed for india?
5. I replied as pokhran -II , so he said why not pokhran -I?😁
6. He said suppose if you have a choice to be born as male and female in next birth, which one would you choose?

Q1 - do you think with modern cars and new technology, role of mechanical engineering has declined?
Q2- ( i tried to answer in favour of mechanical engineering in first question) so he asked counter question that in e vehicle role of mechanical engineering?
Q3- how has Russian ukrain conflict inpacted various industries across the globe? ( I said growth in weapons etc)
Q4- log monologue on how world wars and current wars like russia- ukrain conflict have led to invention of new technology and creativity. So do you thing war can be termed as destruction- construction?
Q5- some counter question which i don't remember

Some questions i am not able to recall.

Utility of mock- bring to the light focus area from mock. Chahal mock was good and apt one. If you want to put yourself in grilling zone and rapid fire mode go to rau's ias. One to one Sriram is good. I had worse experience with nextias which i will not recommend to anyone.
Samkalp interview is also good for current affairs and conceptual questions.

Tip- study you daf and current affairs well. That will give to confidence and power to drive the interview in your comfort zone ( for example when i said most important events post independence was pokhran -ii , i said it becomes i was having indepth knowledge of wars and weapons and good grasp over current affairs related to topic)

So friends keep preparing and hope for the best .👍🏻😇
Week of interview- Valentine Week
Board- Honourable Preeti Sudan mam
Optional- Geography
College- Textile Technology, IIT Delhi
Profession- Content Developer
Hobbies-  Playing Basketball


Mam was very cordial and appreciated my achievements.

1. Tell me about Mathematical Modeling.
2. What are 3-D Braided Structure?
3. Is it possible to replace steel and aluminum with 3-D braided structure?
4. What are the commercial utility of your project work?
5. What is your content developmentwork and how it helps  in your preparation?
6. Challenges associated with ed tech sector?
7. What is  SITRA  and what is it significance in Textile?

Member 1

1. Explain me the problems faced by different states in North East?
2. What are the issues related with meghalaya?
3. Meghalaya has physiologically drought or not?
4. Explain me why north east has so much rainfall every year?
5. Explain the distribution pattern of SW monsoon rainfall?
6. Explain where we put communication satellites in earth orbit?

Member 2

1. What is the international status of Indian basketball?
2. Why india is not doing great in basketball?
3. What steps should we take to improve India's status in basketball?

Member 3

1. What is the difference between Etah and Etawah?
2. What is the significance of Etah in Uttar pradesh?
3. What are the challenges associated with textile exports?
4. As a DM of your district how you will promote textile sector?
5. What is Geotechnical Textiles?
6. What is the utility of Geotechnical Textiles?

Member 4

1. You are developing your content from newspaper but there is declining significance of newspaper among the youth vis-a-vis visual media?
2. What is the significance of Radio in the modern era of TV media?
3. What are non tax revenues?
4. Who is the examining authority of department of expenditure?
5. About DIPAM?


Your interview is over. You can go now.

Experience of personality test -  overall good and board was cordial

Utility of mocks or O2O
: Can give according to your needs......  Mock interview helps you in better articulation of your answer and will boost your confidence.

Always remember :

Honesty is the best policy in UPSC personality test

Best wishes to everyone appearing for the personality test👍
Date and session of interview- 21/2/2023 ( 3rd one to go )
Board- Manoj soni sir
Optional- psir
College- GECA ajmer ( RTU) ( No questions)
Hobbies- Rail enthusiast, Playing Street cricket,
Medium- Hindi (mains too)
Time:-  30min +
state:- Rajasthan

Your experience in interview- Badia tha simple battchit hui .... round table thi .... confrence room type tha jisko convert kia ho interviews ke lie

CM sir :-

Mene Namaste kia udr se reply aya namaskar🙏

1. Kesa feel kr rhe hai aap
2. it's normel to be nervous we are here to only have some talks nothing much
3. Remove ur mask, aap ka photo kitna purana hai ...kisi or candidate ki photo thi then mene kha sir ye meri nhi hai fir umhone dusri dikhai jo ki meri thi...kha koi na accha hua aapne bta dia.
4. What is rail enthusiast
5. IRMS shi hai ?
6. social justice in constitution
7. kya preamble mai kuch badal dena chahiye ( socialist)
8. preamble sunao
9 driverless trains possible hai ?


1. Mobile towers ka paisa kha se ata hai
2. 1g to 5 g evaluation
3. Naxal problem case study
4. child labour case study
5. 21 feb ko kya special hai ( international mother language day)
6 NEP mai kya provision hai mother language ke lie

M 2

most questions about railways becouse father is loco pilot and hobby also

1. railway accident kyu ?
2. First stream engine
3 first railways in india
4 kokan railways and founders.
5 ayushman Bharat and rajasthan issue (chiranjivi)
6. difference between both.

M 3

1. test cricket khtm ho rha hai ?
2. 2022 ki ek ghtna jisne apko sbse jayda prabhabit kia ho
3. South china sea issue
4. baki questions bhul gaya jyda nhi pucha tha

M 4(B tech pr atak gaye)

1. instrumentation in agriculture
2. btech ka favourite subject
3. social inclusion and its impact on democratic institutions
4 continuity to previous question india pak and russia mai compare krke batao
5. kisan soil health card

CM sir :- shubhkamnaye apka interview over

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
 Mera pehla interview tha toh start krne ke lie mock dena shi rha...pta chal gaya kitna depth mai ja skte hai....key areas pta chal gaye...2 offline and 5-6 online die ..bhut tha itna idea lene ke lie...
Date - 21.02.2022
Board - Chobey ji
2nd attempt, first interview
Key words from DAF - NABARD, Non - fiction books, mechanical engineering, PSIR Optional

Q. Academic background and work experience ke baare me kuch bataye
2. NABARD kab join kiya?
3. Kya work profile hai NABARD me, little bit explanation.
4. India ka forex reserve kitna hai?
5. Who owns forex reserve?
6. Air India ki deal ka forex reserve me impact ( thodi bahut cross questioning but not grilling)
Member 1.
1. Government ka accounting system ( very random)
2. Public finance management system kya hai?
3. DBT se kya samjate hai?
4. DBT and PFMS me link
1-2 more questions but not able to recall
Member 2.
1. Political science ko science kyu kahte hai? ( Psir Optional)
2. Practice use of political science?
3. Debt trap of farmers kya hai?
4. Reasons behind debt trap?
5. Bank's se loan lene pe bhi tho debt trap hota hai?
6. How to make agriculture profitable?
Member 3.
I was not able to hear him properly
1. Marginal farmers ke liye scheme ( he was asking about PM KISAN specifically)
2. PMJDY yojana kya hai?
3. Who can open account?
4. Import pe jo customs duties impose hoti hai unhe kon decide karta hai
5. Import duty on steel ( random)
6.  Steel ka production India me kitna hai
7. Which industries provides largest employment?
Member 4
1. Weaponisation of social media kya hota hai
2. What can be done to reduce it
3. Steps taken by govt.
4. Difference between Blue tick verified account on Twitter and no bule tick account ( i mentioned this in last answer so he asked)
4. Last book konsi padhi
5. The author of book belonged to which cadre ( author was IAS officer)
6. Author ki family me se kisi ne uss book me kuch likha hai kya ( afterword of the book was written by author's sister)

As usual chobey sir asked, aap kuch share karna chahte ho,
I said vese tho kuch nahi hai share karne ke liye but interview deke bada accha laga.
He said that ok Abhishek your interview is over. All the best you can leave now.

Utility of mock - helps in formal conversation and confidence buliding. No other utility
Board was very cordial. No grilling at all.
State - Rajasthan
Graduation & optional - Civil Engineering
Work experience -  HPCL
Hobby -   Following test cricket
Chairman : RN chaube sir , 22 Feburary, 2022

--Introduce yourself with education background and work experience
1. We should abolish Rajya sabha since there is lok sabha , what is your opinion?
2. Ok , if deliberation is so important then why shouldn't we have 4/6 houses rather than
3. I think , Rajya sabha is place for jobless political leaders. How do you see it ??

1.What are the reasons for LWE ( LEFT WING Extremisms) ??
2. But problem of jal jangal jameen are otherwhere also , what is the distinct thing?
3. There is some project of Elon Musk regarding internet? What is it ?? Is it having any security implications on country like India  ?
4. Why people are protesting in hongkong? Why China is trying to interference?

1. Have you heard about uighur ? Where they live ? What is the concern about them ??
2. What is section 376 of IPC ?
3. India is having a Steel production target is 300 mnt by 2030  but we are reducing export duty on iron , do you find it contradictory?
4. J&K is having industrial potential. Reasons ?
5. Recently there is some  finding of  metal? Are you aware about it ??
6. How is India's relationship with Bangladesh and Pakistan?

1. Should we privatize HPCL ?
2. what is pareto efficiency, 80:20 ?
3. What is digital divide? How to reduce it ?
4. Impact of covid on mental health ?

1. Paper leak and what can be done ??
2. What is  NTA , is it conducting offline exam also ??
3. What is government structure of J& K , who prepares budget of J&K ?
4. After scraping article 370 , there is demand for statehood again ? Should we give it

Chairman - we have asked from the area , we wanted you want to share anything, if anything is left ?? can go now

(2-3 question not able to recall , duration around 30 minutes)
Date -21 Feb

Let Gen Raj Shukla sir board
Name- Anonymous
State- Rajasthan
Optional -Geography
Work experience -No
Graduation - Btech electrical engineering
Hobby- Cricket and music

Chairman -(while questions he kept smiling .He framed questions in a way they appeared to be statements than questions.Framing answers to those i find challenging)

1.Why did you choose geography is it scoring or you had genuine interest.

2. India's geography tells it is maritime nation but we have ignored maritime sector.

2 Counter questions on this

3. China navy superior to us ,we are in no competition. Why

4.Map reading in geography

5.Caste based reservation right or wrong ? Should we continue after 70 years?
What should be objective criteria?

6.Half of world population lives in cities .They are growth promoters but rural population in india is 66% .Where should we focus more Cities or villages?

7. REcently Commissionerate system is induced in more cities of up , why ? It's Benefits

M1 (Mostly state based)

1.Why we choose hindi and ignored Sanskrit despite Sanskrit being important langauge

2.Famous battles of rajasthan

3. Important warrior of rajasthan

4. Tell about maharana pratap

5. Contribution of rajasthan in Army, is there any specific regiment
Asked name of a general from Rajasthan (didn't remember)

M2 (Least interested in my answers, No cross questions)

1. NEP

2.Should we control population as we will surpass
China in next few years

3.Police reforms

(very sharp always focused on me.Asked many cross questions.Trying to build pressure and changing my opinion )

1.About changing name of cities and places,Should we change ?
If we change name what problem might occur

2.Why Indore is doing very good as smart city and cities like Lucknow not doing good.

3.Music quality decline who is responsible the maker or listeners(Hobby)

M4 (lady, Very supportive)

1.Pm Wani ,How and where internet is being provided by it

2. Sources of power in developed countries

3.You are young and administrative job is full of pressure suppose after marriage if your wife is pregnant and critical while you are on duty what will you do?

Your interview is over.

Utility of mock - For a first timer (Me) they help in building confidence to face board .
few questions from hobby and geography get repeated from mock

I gave 3 - Onlyias , drishti ias ,Nextias

But the way questions are being asked in Upsc and the pressure I felt there I found it different from mock.
 5th to go 22 feb
Board-- shukla sir
Time--30 -35min
DAF-- gorakhpur, UP, badminton, egyptology ( questioned asked from these topics)

1.Gorakhpur se ho. To Yogi ji ke aane ke baad kya badlaav aaya( asked in hindi)
2. Whats the status of Defence corridor in UP. ( i told where its being made)
3. How much work is done on it. Long monologue on Lockheed Martin etc etc when they will see the ground reality of UP. They will run away... ( I countered it).
4. Bulldozer baba. He said he likes this approach. Asked my opinion
5. If 5 Prime Ministers could not change UP what makes you optimistic that yogi ji will do it.
6. Farm laws. Most of the experts and economist supported the farm laws but still a majority government has to repeal it. Whats your tale on it.
7. Counter questions on above like should ordinances be wayforword due to public oppostn? Farm reforms are debated simce 3 decade so how can there be lack of communication and awareness among farmers.
8. Should private players be allowed in agri. Pvt are profit driven and govt to bs jante hi ho.

Member 1
1. Tell me some of the eastern up cities. As soon as i said varansi he stopped me.
2. What makes varansi so special
3 is there a cruize started recently( i missed it in last questn😁)
4. Does it have a wider benefit or symbolic only.
5. Whats your take on temple development in varansi.
6. And on ayodhya
7 and on mathura😐( here i told about the protests by locals)
8. Ramcharit manas controversy in up. What was it.( didnt ask the opinion only the issue)

Member 2
1 about madarsa controversy(😐 bs hindu muslim jyada ho rha tha to mai backoff kr gya)
2. UP also has the famous sunni centre ( said sorry )
 Some more questn on religious lines dont remember.

Member 3( very cool, smiling)
1. So you play badminton, tell me how india is faring in badminton.
2. Why we have now started winning( i also mentioned post 2012 saina nehwal medal popularity increased)
3. Didnt we win before Saina ( i told 2 All England winning of P Padukone and P Gopichand)

 CHAIRPERSON asked so if we are winning since 1980s why only popular now. ( i mentioned P Gopichand Academy)
Then he asked you know who coached Gopichand ( i told P. Padukone)
 And he also has a academy older than gopichands then why is he is not that famous ( i answered, he seemed satisfied)

Again member 3 continued..

4. Prakash padukone also has a daughter. Do you know him?
5.Was she good at badminton too.

(Then he said she left badminton for acting just as you left mechanical eng. For civil services and they all started laughing.)

 6.Asked about Gopichands daughter too.
7. coach of saina nehwal. ( i told initially gopichand)
8.He asked after him(i told vimal kumar)
 Lets talk about lucknow.
9.What is so peculiar about its Tehjeeb.( also told a joke)
10.There is a place in Lucknow where you may get lost. Do you know it( bhulbhulaiya)

Member 4 ( lady member)
1. What is egyptology( daf)
2. How do we know about ancient egypt
3. How was there language deciphered. ( wanted to know about rosetta stone)
4. Indology vs egyptology
5. Why egyptian civilisation died and indian is still alive.
6.can we use the egyptian modal of toutism in india? Will it work?
7.asked to compare kashi vs cairo but then said leave it since you have not been to cairo.
8. issue of migration from up to maharastra. What is the plus point of this migration for both.( socio ghusa diya maine)

All the best. U may go.

Note-- No intro
No why ias etc
Didnt even asked at last " anything you want to say."
Chairman: Manoj Soni
Date of interview: 21 February, 2022
Time: Morning, first one to go
Keyword of DAF: Sociology, Cycling, Rubics Cube, Traffic Management, Science fiction movies, Geology, Hansraj college

1. Which day it is today?
2. Why people don't keep clean shave now a days? = saw mine
3. About Hansraj?
4. Name 4 social reforms of present time
5. Sociology of LASER (I think it is what was asked)
6. Cycle race in the world and India's position

Member 1:
1. How will you manage traffic of your district if you are the DM?
2. Issues of traffic in Delhi, solution.
3. J&K issue for India and Pakistan - how both perceive it differently?
4. Some thinker's name of sociology and his book, I forgot the name

Member 2:
1. Intersteller Movie - about it
2. Again some questions on traffic
3. Cycling issue in our country.

Member 3:
1. Why high number of death on roads, issues.
2. How to make people follow traffic laws.

Member 4
1. Why people don't wear helmet while cycling?
2. Why cycles in India are costly?
3. Aravalli's, Delhi ridge, fault lines near Delhi
4. Digital conent like movies and webseries - show sexual content and other stuff - should they be regulated?

Chairman again
1. Why corruption in India?
2. Did you face corruption (here i was caught and I think it this question may cause me dearly)

These are 50-60% questions what I could recall. Sirs and maams, please pardon me for this.

Remarks: Overall 80% question from DAF. Soni sir was smiling and all the member's were very cordial. Fear in real interview was only 20% of mocks. Real interview is all together a different game. I am not sure what my marks would be but I enjoyed the entire interview. Initially I was little nervous but by 10 min later, only i was speaking and rest were listening and observing me very closely. Just go and enjoy the process. What I felt was not knowledge but what you really are would come to your rescue in the final interview. I was not able to revise so much content which I scrambled during interview preparation. But what helped me answering was what I really felt. I am done with this years cycle. I want to say to all BEST OF LUCK. Don't run after so much content - only 2 things needed = your DAF and your BROAD UNDERSTANDING. Rest you can deny if you really don't know. That way you can manage 60-70% of your interview nicely.

My mocks: Vision IAS, NEXTIAS, Vajirao and Reddy, RaoIAS and one to one with many including Ravindran sir
Observation of mocks: you can give mocks but don't run after many. Choose few and focus on your own core strength. All institutes are equally good and equally bad. They on the one hand help you in giving simulator environment but on the other hand break your own confidence like RaosIAS did with me. Give 4,5,6 mocks and I think you can develop your confidence within this much feeding.
That's all from my interview. Best of luck to all.
Date:23 feb 2023
Board: Smita Nagaraj
Optional: Sociology
Key words: cooking, learning mixed martial arts, Bike Riding, Mysore, Karnataka, Mumbai, NABARD, BE in electrical and electronics(no question)

Chairperson: Is this your first interview? I told third good we ll move directly to question then as you are aware of the process and formalities.

How to resolve belgaum dispute between karnataka and maharashta.
Some cross question on why frequently dispute arises what more can be done? Should there be a referrendum? Do you really believe that people will elect such leaders?

Member1: what do you like to cook?
Why so much importance to millet? Why is it important from diet point of view?
Tell me innovation done in mysore that may have changed warfare? I told Rockets by Tippu sultan.
What is your opinion on Tippu sultan? Why so many different opinion on him?

Member 2: why harley davidson exited india?
Mumbai, Bangalore has so much traffic issue dont you feel frustrated while going to office every day in that traffic?
Impact of university common enterance exam?

Member 3: long monologue on perception of India in south east asia. Why india s image as weak in capacity to implement but good perception in terms of soft power? What needs to be done?

Member 4: what martial arts included in olympics?. Why less medals?. Which sector do you see more medals in future?
Jawed akhtar's comment in pakistan. Do you think it is true?. I said yes and added to few points of what Jawed akhtar said. He got a standing ovation do you think Pakistan s people is changing?should we open talks with pakistan to peace?

Member 5: inter state water dispute? Why has it been long standing issue?. Why we could solve indus water issue with pakistan but not resolve issue between karnataka and tamil nadu?
What are the Issues arising out of demographic difference between south and north?. I told migration he gave clue saying in new parliament building nunber of spacs is nore but seats less. I said issues arising out of Demarcation of territtorial constituencies.

Board was very cordial but were frequently monitored time but gave me sufficient time to answer each question but appeared to finish the process fast. Approx time:30mins

No Mocks but one 2 one discussion with Abhishek Saraf sir on Daf and issues faced during last interviews and discussion with Sayali Gaekwad, 2021 interview topper on framing answers and type of questions. Both helped alot in framing my answer
Date and session of interview- 22nd Feb.last session
Board- Shukla sir
Optional- pubad
College- mba
Profession (if any)- ITC
Hobbies- Yoga,trekking, bollywood dancing
Your experience in interview- cordial board, some members were nodding and smiling once In a while,.

Highest altitude trekked
Which places
Is iit brand better than iim?
How can Pvt sector and govt use their strength for development.
Govt attitude towards profit making.has it changed compared to nehruvian era.
Approach of profit making in defence.
Is pvt sector doing enough for development.
Status of startups in ind
How  can govt deliver on its commitment to startups

In pubad, have you heard ### model??. (Said sorry)
Which topic are in pubad, u liked most
Is Weberian bureaucracy relevant for india ?
Count question on this and bureaucracy's focus on rules and regulations..

Vande bharat metro prj
Pakistan crisis reason and will it strengthen india's position in j&k
What was this case competition (daf)
Health sector status
Which public policies you would like to implement in ind
Is your salary in increasing order or decreasing? 
What is acroyoga? (Daf)

Ethical issues in working for a cigarette company.multiple counter questions on this like will you ban smoking?
ItC business model
Does bollywood dance term exist or you have coined it?
Sabrimala verdict and my views on it

M4 (lady member)
Medha patkar and Narmada andolan ( birthplace in my daf)
how to boost tourism in Narmada parikrama 
Is euthanasia and samadhi(yoga) same? Counter questions on this

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- good for confidence boosting, mannerism, identifying gaps in daf prep, some questions were repeated in main interview.
O2O with khan sir, rau ias, drishti, vajirao and reddy, studying are good.
4th to go in (out of 6) Afternoon
Board Lt Gen R. Shukla
Background - Computer science, IIT Delhi, Physics optional
Rajasthan Home state
Hobbies - Swimming, Science communication
Achievements/leadership etc - Western music competition, Mentor in college

Experience - 40+ minutes, Mostly about vision and understanding of India related to DAF sections (e.g. Music ->Drug problem). Mocks are good for understanding shortcomings and slight course correction. Panel was cordial and cheerful after 5 minutes (except M2)

Space tech and militarization
Why india is lagging behind (ISRO?)
how come people like Elon musk taking strides in space?

5g in India?
What benefits could be seen
Why is China using 5g to make police state
Why is China assertive externally and domestically?
What's the change we see in China of past and today (Context November 20th meet of CCP)?

Why are there drug use in western Rock music enthusiasts?
What can be done for drugs?
What are sources of drugs in India?
Any act by the government?

Is India commerce friendly?
What recent steps have we taken?

As a foreign tourist in India, what would be my concerns?
    (clarified if English speaking tourist or not - he said doesn't matter)
Japan had bullet train 25 years ago, with unified pass system, Why is Indian tourism not doing good enough?

What organisation gives rating to education institutes? (I asked if he meant ranking) he said no.

M3 -
what is dynasty politics
Why is it bad?
Isn't it unfair to ask children of politicians to prove their merit more than normal candidates?

What is the famous festival of Jaipur? (I said gangor fest)
what/who was celebrated? (Said not sure)
Only girls celebrate it? or boys and men too? (I said not sure but if it was up to me, why exclude yourself and not celebrate something? - *Panel laughs*)

M4 -
What was your role as a mentor?
Is the anti-ragging policy of IIT Delhi good? (I said yes and it is very effective, She murmers "doctrine of effectiveness" under her breath but does not ask more)

What was the Mandal protest?
What did we end up doing after the protest?
Is there any other country with reservation policy? (I said not exactly like India, but reservation under affirmative action and power sharing is seen in various countries of middle east and west)
-She tells me about Australia reservation for first people-

Is it ethical - putting trackers on children to check if they are going to wrong places or drug dens?
Recent case of child who was orphan in Kerala (and spoke Malayalam) but had parents in Maharashtra who wanted the child back after discovering. The child does not want to go, what do you do?

(Difficult question! I said that the morals of consent are important here even if it is a child and he/she must be heard. If the parents are willing to provide for the child then on a temporary basis, compatibility can be tried.)

- Cross - Then do you think only rich parents must get the right to have their child back or poor do to?

Thank you, All the best your interview is over
Board: smitha nagarajan mam
Date: 24/02/2023
Graduation: BDS
Daf key words: ecotourism, science fiction, leisure time counselling, anti tobacco drives
Best sportsman
First 2 members interviewed with mask on, rest no mask( m3 asked me to remove it )
1. What is ajay in ajay vision pvt limited? ( job )
2. You did anti tobacco drives, but tell me about your opinion on state promoting alcohol! Is state promoting it by opening shops everywhere?
3. Should alcohol be banned completely?
4. Many cross questions.

1. Asked about old science fiction movies, which i was not aware of.
2. Startrek? Yes, whats so unique about it?  Said no!( he said it exactly depicted the emergence of smart phones?
3. Start wars? Said no
4. What have you watched? Said snowpiercer, avatar, interstellar, lost in space, asked me to tell about the theme of lost in space.
5. What is ecotourism?
6. Why ecotourism more important in andamans
Audible but couldn’t understand his pronounciation
1 . Unethical issues in dentistry and as a DM how will you solve it?
2. Schemes in your state covering everything from birth to death, don’t you think people will become lazy?
3. Child labour issues in tobacco industry

M3 and M4 ( master grillers)
1. Why best sportsman?
2. Which sports? Said cricket, volleyball, 100mts sprint
3. India Australia cricket pitch issue, pressurized me to accept that winning at any cost is more important, i said sportsmanship more important.
4. He said do we play cricket for leisure or winning, i said winning, he said then what’s wrong in making pitches that suits us, I sticked to my stance.
5. Rich countries used up their carbon quota, now asking us not to go for it, it’s our right no? ( I didn’t concurred with his views) forced me to change my stance, I politely said sorry I don’t think so, asked me to justify logically, gave him some justification.
6. Your opinion on indias stance on ukraine russia? I said neutral and emphasised on peace and dialogue.
7. He said, how can it be a stance, when india preaches vasudaiva kutumbikam, it should intervene, i said not taking sides aligns with the idea of vk, he said it can’t be , russia battering ukraine, i said in in foreign relations national interests matters.
8. If you are PM , what will be your foreign policy priorities? Said improve bilateral ties with china

Overall cordial, light movements, but at three instances tried to exert pressure to change opinions. 99% daf , one current affair, that too russia ukraine.

Unable to decipher, how it went.
Date and session of interview- 22nd Feb.last session
Board- Shukla sir
Optional- pubad
College- mba
Profession (if any)- ITC
Hobbies- Yoga,trekking, bollywood dancing
Your experience in interview- cordial board, some members were nodding and smiling once In a while,.

Highest altitude trekked
Which places
Is iit brand better than iim?
How can Pvt sector and govt use their strength for development.
Govt attitude towards profit making.has it changed compared to nehruvian era.
Approach of profit making in defence.
Is pvt sector doing enough for development.
Status of startups in ind
How  can govt deliver on its commitment to startups

In pubad, have you heard ### model??. (Said sorry)
Which topic are in pubad, u liked most
Is Weberian bureaucracy relevant for india ?
Count question on this and bureaucracy's focus on rules and regulations..

Vande bharat metro prj
Pakistan crisis reason and will it strengthen india's position in j&k
What was this case competition (daf)
Health sector status
Which public policies you would like to implement in ind
Is your salary in increasing order or decreasing? 
What is acroyoga? (Daf)

Ethical issues in working for a cigarette company.multiple counter questions on this like will you ban smoking?
ItC business model
Does bollywood dance term exist or you have coined it?
Sabrimala verdict and my views on it

M4 (lady member)
Medha patkar and Narmada andolan ( birthplace in my daf)
how to boost tourism in Narmada parikrama 
Is euthanasia and samadhi(yoga) same? Counter questions on this

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- good for confidence boosting, mannerism, identifying gaps in daf prep, some questions were repeated in main interview.
O2O with khan sir, rau ias, drishti, vajirao and reddy, studying are good.

23/02/2023 , Afternoon 5th to go
Smitha Nagraj Mam Board
Btech Mechanical from NIT Trichy, 2019
Native : Adilabad,Telangana
Hobbies :Playing Cricket, Travelling
Optional - ANthropology
4th attempt, 2nd interview
Time - around 30 mins(but i feel it doesnt matter at all)
1) You are from Adilabad, then went to hyderabad, to trichy.. dont you like north india and you have travelling as hobby? jusitfy it
2) Since you stayed in delhi after 2019, you must have joined coaching?
3) Why didnt you join? you realised it is waste of time or you dont like it?
4) As you enrolled in test series, does it really help? What about people who cannot afford?
5) Difference between coaching institutes in Delhi and hyderbad?
6) What did you learn from your college?
7) If you are an introvert, how come you are confident now or whether you are faking confidence infront of us? (I said initially i want to fake my confidence but after conversing with you mam it is coming naturally)
8) Why are you into this administrative stuff, You would have join politics?
9) Why youth like you hesitate to join politics?

Member 2:
1) What suggestion would you give to person of age between 22-28 who want to travel solo all over india?
2) I appreciate you used term 'her', then what will you suggest for girl who is interested in solo travelling?
3) How will you rate your knowledge in mechanical engineering in scale of 1 to 10?
4) Why did you rate such low? Do you think Nit trichy is failing to produce a good engineer?
5) Why india is lagging behind STEM and people are packing there bags to fly to US?
6) Solutions for this problem?

 Member 3:
1) You mentioned that u came from backward district, how do you rate backwardness?
2) Doesnt your district people feel bad that you pointed as backward?
3) How did naxalism decreased in your district?
4) You said thanks to telangana and central govt and YOu dont want to join politics?
4) You come from JNV, then what is PM SHRI?
5) What was the issue between telangana and Central govt regarding paddy during early 2022?
6) What is this POlice merit scholarship? Why only to children of police personnel? DOnt you feel it is discriminative?

Member 4:
1) How did you prepare for this interview physically and Psychologically? he said i want answer from an introvert person bcs im also introvert
2) Why air india ordered such bulky amount of planes? Dont they have it?
3) DId you fly in Air india plane? ( I said i flew only once in my life that too in indigo)
4) SO you persue your hobby travelling only by bus or train?
5) There is death after life, but do you agree there is life after death? ( I said as per bhagawadgita there is transmigration of soul and death happens
only to body and not soul and also with progress of science i hope we will definitely hack death and become amar one day)

Member 5:
1) Throughout course of history, Humans are binary being, one is strong person while another is weak and strong always wins? Do you agree
2) Then india focuses on vasudhaiva kutumbakam which values every one are equal? how do you balance it?
3)You mentioned meditation earlier, then does it really helpful to strong as well as weak?
4)DO you became strong then, or you are weak as you claimed earlier?

Chair womam :
1) Anthropology study marriage, is it union between strong and weak partner? ( i said union between both strong in all aspect physically, mentally and spiritually)
2) but practically speaking, our society accept one as strong and another as weak? ( i said if it is true then i suggest weak to do medidation and become strong like me)

Feeling - Felt more like conversation rather a question answer session
Utility of mocks - It depends on person to person and it just provide you confidence to speak infront of 5peoples

All the best!!
Board Smita nagraj Mam
Afternoon session
Interview language: Hindi
Optional : PSIR
Home state: Delhi
Hobbies kuch nhi pucha
1. Apne du sol (my college)kyo join kiya - some cross questions
2.du high cutoff ke liye state ki liberal checking system responsible?
3. Cuet good step?
4. Neet protest by state govt (reason and solution pr discussion)
5.your favourite political thinker( Maine js mill kaha)
6. Konse school se belong krte wo?

1.Dryland area ke irrigation liye aap policy making kya sujhaav denge?
2. Inke alwa koi out of box innovative idea
3. Kya ganga vilas project keval amero ke enjoy ka project aur environment pollution krne wala project hai some cross question

1. Delhi ke seven cities development chronology btaye
2. Delhi riots me police kisi kya kamiya reh gyi thi... Kuch sudhar bhi btaye( daf district mention)
3.long monologue on power and legitmacy kis tarah har desh alg power ko lene ki koshish krta hai
End q  power ka source kya hai? Power generate kaha se hoti hai
(Ask in broad terms)

M3 mam
1.Article 311 provisions kya hai
2.parliament aur presidential system difference
3.indian parliament ke kon part hai
4.article 356 kin basis pr lag skta hai
5. Kya secularism ko khatra parameter ho skta hai

1. Economy domestic demand driven hona chahiye ya export oriented honi chahiye
2. Doctrine of basic structure kya hai

Again chairperson
1.from my previous answer
Delhi riots me kaise pta chalta hai ki Delhi rioters ke pass weapons jyada the
2.delhi riots real culprit?

Thank you
>Interview Transcripts 2022: Date - 23/02/2023
Panel chairperson - R.N Chaubey
Name - Mr Singh
Forenoon- 4th to go
Optional - Sociology( Nothing directly asked)
Hobbies- Running/Vipassana
Time duration - >around 25 min
Keywords - Iit/ Oyo/ Vipassana/ jagriti yatra/ startup/japan

Chairperson -
Q) So you decided not to wear the mask ? ( I am turbaned sikh so could not put it on ear and staff did not allow me my own mask but take surgical over ear one in hand while going inside))
Q) Tell me about ur academic and work experience?

Member 1: (South accent - could not make out words…ask to repeat but difficult to figure out)
Q) Ur view on Privatisation of PSU from employment angle?
Q) Adani - acquired cement company and shut it down. So it did not revive. Why it could not revive?
Q) How to take indian economics forward and compete with global powers?

Member 2:

Q) You have done Jagriti Yatra . Tell me ur learnings?
Q) You did vipassana and it is perceived as way to passive living . Ur take on it ?

Member 3 :

Q) U know DRDO. Whats its mandate?
Q) Bofors Used in 1999 . Where was it imported from?
Q) Have they being used r replaced?
Q) Interlinking of rivers .What are the challenges?
Q) Tell me about inland water authority of India? Significance of inland waterways inIndia?

Member 4 :
Q) You worked in Oyo. It had a model due to which Oyo is considered a failure ? What is the model ?
Q) Specific issues of oyo vendors with oyo?
Q) Urban planning effect on compulsory travelling, occasional travelling and tourist travelling .
Q) There is ongoing protest again against triple talaq verdict in Kerala.Your views on it?

Chairman :
Q) We asked what we want to ask? Is there anything you would like to tell us?

Experience - I gave multiple point in answers so were long but they gave time. Extremely cordial Chaubey sir . One member Questions were difficult to make out due to accent even after asking to repeat.

Utility of Mocks - Good to get feel of interview , ambience and respect :P . Questions were different still go for One on one with ravindran sir, Vajirao and reddy, Byju , Vision Ias >Interview Transcripts 2022: Board : Smt. M. Sathiyavathy Ma'am
Date :15th feb 2023, Afternoon session, 3rd person to go
Keywords in DAF: M.Phil & P.hd (Department of African Studies, DU) , Graduation and masters in Political Science, Gorakhpur, Deoria, Uttar Pradesh
Hobby: Writing Hindi poetry, cooking

As usual, ma'am read out the whole DAF and started questioning
Can't remember who asked what, but I can remember the questions.

1. Today's your research project submission date and you are here... how did you manage ?

2.Why did you choose department of African studies for your research?
3. What is your research topic?
4. What is SADC?
5. India's engagement trajectory with southern African region.
6. How it is different from Chinese policies?
7. What difference you observe in Chinese policies towards Africa and Sri Lanka.
8. What is OAU?
9. Present institutional frame regarding continental cooperation in Africa?
10. How it's different from European union
11. Do you think any agitation against Chinese government in Africa
12. Any Similar agitation against India?
13. Why is Africa Union office in China and not in any other country?
14. ndian initiatives for the African development
15.You're from UP what are your views in BIMARU status of UP
16. Why eastern UP underdeveloped then Western
17. If we look at puravanchal also, there is a difference in development.Banaras Allahabad is more developed than Gorakhpur and Deoria... what's the reason
18.Don't you think dominant of mafia culture is one of the reason
19. What is the status now

20. If you are a DM in your district what will be your approach for development
21.You're a student of political science...what is check and balance
22. Why it's important for any political system
23. How we can manage judicial independence with check and balance
24. What can be better a way for appointment of judges
25. What are the features of Indian bureaucracy
26. How it is possible to maintain neutrality
27. Very unique name...What is meaning of your name
28. If you are in policy making do you expand India's outreach to Africa
29 . China build road , stadium and other hard infrastructure projects how would you tackle Chinese influence with limited resources

My interview was mainly based on academic research (Foreign policy) . It was a very pleasant experience. Board was very cordial. Mocks helped in articulation and confidence building. One to One with kaptaan sir and discussion with friends was very helpful. 
Date : 23rd Feb
Board : Smita Nagaraj Ma'am
Optional: Mathematics
Keywords : EEE, Cricket, Great personalities


1) Why Mathematics optional?
2) How to make rural people learn mathematics?
3) Discretionary powers of a bureaucrat ( should be 100 percent or 1%) ?

Members : (M1,M2,M3,M4)

On Andhra Pradesh: (Homestate)

1. Welfare Schemes
2. English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in schools
3. How to move forward with English as a medium?
4. Lift Irrigation schemes in AP

On Cricket:

1. Name 10 cricketers who impressed you. ( While answering please mention indian women and foreign players)
2. Fitness tests for cricketers and follow up question on FIT INDIA movement

General Questions:

1. Issues faced by using 2011 census while identifying beneficiaries for the welfare Schemes.
2. Whether India is a great power?
3. Question on RRR-"NAATU NAATU" Song
4. Can infamous personalities be included in school curriculum (Eg: Hitler)
5. Pure mathematical institutes in India

Board was very cordial and no controversial questions were asked. Duration was approximately 30 minutes.

O2O mocks with Vinay Sir, Khan Sir and Mohan Sir were quite helpful.
Panel Mocks - Vajiram and Ravi, Analog IAS, Shankar IAS, Chahal Academy.
15th feb , afternoon, 2nd to go
Board-satyavati maam
Graduation -chemical engineering (Iit Guwahati) optional- mathematics
Work ex- reliance ind limited
Interview medium- hindi (mains in English) 4th attempt, 1st interview
Hobbies- playing cricket, watching mediaeval themed period drama

Asked permission to enter, wished good afternoon maam& sirs, maam asked to take seat and remove mask & put in pocket

*Read out whole daf as usual including graduation, hobbies & achivement sections*

1.What is STF(daf)?
2.What are you doing since 2018? And how are you sustaining your self?
3. What is mediaeval themed period drama?(daf)
4. Why only mediaeval themed , you don't like ancient themed?

1. High percentage of msme informal, what is difference between formal and informal?
2. Don't you think than it is not good both for employees and govt?
3.Recent change in defn of msme ,what is new limit for micro industries.
4. Do you think it will be disadvantage for very micro unit (enhance limit) as all incentives will be captured by medium industries.
5. What can be done for micro industries promotion?
6. How can we provide more credit to micro unit when banks are avoiding and PSL targets go unfilled.
7. What is mudra scheme, how many categories under this ? Is it collateral free or not? Who pays bank when loan not repaid.
8. EoDB reforms mostly were taken by center , what steps can be taken by states.

1.What is macmohan line & why china is not accepting it?(answer wasn't convincing😅)
2. Companies discriminating between new and old iit's?
Do you think it's justified?
3. Why recent layoffs by IT sector companies ? ( Said cyclical process, covid lockdown- hiring , global slowdown-layoff)
4. But then why is Microsoft & others investing million $ in some startup? (Said new technological development/shift , new skill demand )
5. So then reason is this and slowdown/recession? (Said both reasons true)
6. Is single currency domination ($) of intn trade and exchange good or bad ? Why its bad?

1. What do you understand by digital divide?
2. Did you heard about digiyatra regarding airports management? (Said sorry sir)
3. Do you know what's is digi locker ?
4 . How to promote digital service among rural areas.? Follow up question ,What are you saying will take long time, how can we promote quickly ? Do you know about common service centre and what they do?
5. What was your role in reliance? Which unit?
6.How many petroleum basins are in india from where crude oil is produced?
7. How many field under private sector and where ?
8. Why are we not self sufficient in crude oil prodn ( said there is not much crude in india)
9. Have we explored whole india ? Are we currently exploring? Are foreign companies also involved? Why not?
10. Are we importing crude oil or petroleum products?
11. Can we import Russian crude , process and sell petroleum products? Is it allowed? Can they be sanctioned?

Gave one situation. Your interview group have 6 people. Suppose you are leader of this group, and post interview want to visit some place in delhi but with one condition where ever you go, will go together. Suppose 4 wants to go for movie and 2 for some garden.
How will you convince, which side you will choose , what if both don't convinced, so you will force your decision, ( long counter arguments , Finally said sir right know i can't thing anything other than this😅)
Chairperson: okay * , your interview is over , you can go , all the best.

Duration: around 25-27 min
My Experience: went better than my most mocks😄, went smooth ( atleast mere ko to esa hi feel hua)

Mock utility: gave 9-10 mocks, better for improving answer articulation, shed hesitancy, right speed , Other than that not much utility because mock environment don't match with final interview, focus in mock is more on different types of questions and daf coverage and flow/ backup questions is missing.
Still nearest to upsc environment was Chahal academy, worst exp(for me)- Next ias, chankya mandal(here problem was me)
date : 24 feb
board : RN Choubey sir
duration : about 30 mins

note : questions are reframed as i do not recall the exact words of the members.

- tell us about your educational background and work experience
1) was black lives matter movement significant and if yes, how
2) should the statues of the then-slave traders be dismantled from public places in europe even though some of them were philanthropists
3) opinion on renaming aurangzeb road to apj abdul kalam road in delhi

1) what is your opinion on weaponisation of history
2) types of political parties
3) criteria for declaring a party as a national level party
4) why isnt news broadcasted on radios
5) the lines "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the spring of hope...." from which book ( related to hobby/optional)

1) what is clean energy/renewable energy
2) its types
(chairperson chiming in : is nuclear energy clean energy)
3) does the UN need reforms
4) cow vigilantism. what ? how can it be curbed?
5) issues with organ donation in india (related to an NGO mentioned under hobby)

1) emigration from india - reasons
2) changes in indian diaspora in Africa. famous indian that came to india from africa, and a present indian origin figure who comes from africa (Rishi sunak)
3) something on a Kamrup ruler (didnt know)
4) mnrega - do schemes like these make people lazy and not look for work

1) RTI. what is it? is it compulsory for provide information in every instance?
2) concept of magical realism (literature related)
3) opinion on statue of unity - where is it? was it a good move to build it? how is it faring now?
4) systems for waste disposal - what is the process and what happens to the waste collected?
5) national company law appellate tribunal - what is it used for?

Experience in interview : chairperson was very cordial. He was smiling throughout. Did not notice the expressions of other members , but overall everyone seemed to be encouraging and nodding to answers. They make you comfortable right from the start. some questions came from the daf, but most questions were asked on a random number of topics.

Utility of mocks : some questions on hobby and UN repeated (expected). otherwise, mocks were only helpful for getting some experience of facing an interview panel.

Good luck to everyone!
Date - 24.02.2024
Board - Smita Nagaraj ma'am
Keywords - Mbbs, Vexillology, Jogging, Odisha

1.What are you doing post MBBS?
2.Why civil services? (some counter questions?
3. What is the difference between quack, doctor and civil servant?
4. How did you develop the hobby of Vexillology?
5. 3 social changes that have taken since independence (some counter questions)

Other members
1.What is famous in Burla?
2. Do you know about cage culture and solar panels in Hirakud dam?
3. What is your opinion on it?
4. What is your opinion on Odisha not implementing PMJAY?
5. Difference between NMC and MCI
6. Why many AIIMS institutes being made?
7. Is the quality of other AIIMS lower than AIIMS Delhi?
8. How will faculty be recruited in these colleges?
9. Is India a poor country?
10. How is coat of arms related to flag?
11. What is the use of gadolinium? What is the issue with it? What are the replacement of gadolinium.
12. What is the use of boron in medicine?
13. What is the issues with nuclear family?
14. Which disease is known as emperor of all maladies?
15. Do you know Siddharth Mukherjee?
16. Is there any book which you have read but you regret reading about it?
Date and session of interview- 24.02.23; Forenon session; Last to go
Board- Choubey Sir
Optional- Law
College- NLIU, Bhopal
Profession (if any)- ex Civil Judge/ Judicial Magistrate
Hobbies- singing, learning Spanish, organizing event, creative writing

 1. Describe your qualifications and work experience.
 2. So you worked less than a year in the judiciary?
 3. Why did you leave the judiciary?
 4. Have you heard of Black Life Matters?
 5. Do you think a criminal like George Floyd should be made an icon? (I said he had served his sentence, and gotten a new lease in life… he did not deserve to die like that)
 6. You did not answer my question “should a criminal be made an iconic?” (I see why a criminal should not be made an icon. But a lot of black people are in conflict in law over there. That does not mean that they should be treated as such. He died while saying “I can’t breathe". No one deserved to go like that.

Member 2:
 1. Amazon supply chains. What are the positive and negative for India?
 2. Talk specifically about small stores and MSMEs.
 3. Let’s talk about Nepal. What are the problems. What are the good things in relationship?

Member 3:
 1. Let's talk about our Neighbourhood. How are the relationship? What is it like? How was it improved? What are the steps?
 2. You mentioned resurgence of BLM. Civil rights movement were there earlier as well. So why do you think that happens?

Member 4
 1. So like creative writing? Not reading? Can you be a good writer without reading?
 2. Good that you used to read earlier. A lot of books are re-written censored. Do you know about it? Do you know any authors who's works are so censored?
 3. What is wokenism?
 4. But the idea is age old so where did term come now?
 5. So it's leading to people getting opinitated?
 6. Should it be allowed then. People having such opinions?

Member 5
 1. Do you know operation Vani?
 2. Do you know mission LiFE?
 3. What is cryptocurrency? How is it mined? What are the types of cryptocurrencies?

We are done. Is there anything else you want to talk about.
I mentioned few areas from my DAF.
He said tell us about it.

Then he said your interview is over. You may leave.

Your Experience: The board was very cordial but kept poker faces throughout. They asked multiple aspects in one go, whuch made for longer answers. It was DAF related (wrt service choice) and current affairs oriented. The questions were easier compared to mocks but the environment was far more intimidating. Overall UPSC is a different ball game altogether.

Good mocks: Chanakya Mandal Parivar, One-on-one session with Ravindran sir
Date:27feb, Afternoon 1st to go
DAF: Playing online games,Hackathon on Automatic irrigation, Sociology,ECE,etc
1.So you are an engineer?
2.Lets talk about various technologies like AI,other where is india compare to other countries and why?
1.What is govt view on games?
2.Is there any act for regulating games?
3.Are there any rules in the act?
4.Is there any authority which oversees these regulations?
5.Rummy,game of skill or game of chance?
6.What is the difference between game of skill and game of chance?
7.Any changes from 14thFC to 15th FC?
8.Which states going to gain and which states going to loose?
Thank you :)
Chairperson (again)
1.Lets continue this,Is life game of skill or game of chance? What do you say?
2.What is the starlink project of Elon Musk and its role in R-Ukraine war ?
3.Why we are not producing Elon Musks(plural)?
4.Technologies and semiconductor industries,are we doing anything,I don't think so?
5.DLI(Design linked incentive),how many industries approved till now?
6.What about 5G, is it only speed and latency or morethan that?
7.What exactly morethan means?
8.What do you say about our start-up sector?Will it help India?
Thank you :)

1.How Electronics and communication can help in space sector?
2.Any solution to reduce this misuse of Biometrics in Attendance system? (Related to absenteeism,like giving thumb impression and not working,going somewhere)?
3.What is INDIA stack?
4.You should have red E-BOOK and General physical form of books,what do you like most and why?(my 1st ball)
5.Any solution to control or restrict children access to electronic devices apert from sreen off time other reminders?
Thankyou :)
1.What is moneybill?
2.How it is different from other bills?
3.In how many days if RS not considers it'll be considered as deemed to be passed? Number like 30days 14d or15d?
1.Hackathon on Automatic irrigation?Delve about it?
2.what are the sensors that you used in this project?
3.Have you replicated it anywhere otherthan field?(my 2nd ball)?
Thank you:)

This is my one way narrative of PT 2022

One thing I want to highlight:Live the moment :)


note:B/w questions so much explanation by chairperson sir,that actually helped me in building up conversation!
27th Feb
Forenoon session
Smita Nagraj Ma'am
Daf keywords - MBBS, Uttarakhand, Football, Chess

Chairperson -
Why Civil services ?
What India has done to improve life expectancy
One scheme of UK govt where it has done excellent and one where it has lacked
Is yoga a fad

Members -
Role of technology in health
TB mukt bharat and initiatives to achieve it
Mental health disorders and steps to improve
Health budget
As a FM, how would you allocate budget to different ministeries
How to improve HDI ranking
E sanjeevani OPD and how it functions
Why uttarakhand faces so many natural disasters
What can be done as a DM to manage that
How would you describe yourself
Who is your role model
Ronaldo's recent transfer
Is it justified how much he is paid
Origin of chess
About recent Olympiad in chess
Why chess is popular in Russia

Unable to recall a lot of questions
Date and session of interview-23rd feb and 4th to go in the afternoon

Board-Smita Nagraj ma'am
Background-Mechanical Engineering
Profession (if any)-State Pcs
Hobbies- Cricket and football

Chair woman: So when you landed in Delhi??What are you doing since then?

You only do analysis of football?? Don't you watch football??(My hobby was tactical analysis of football)

Who is the greatest footballer of all time??

Don't you think Bollywood film Stars, footballers, cricketers earning a lot of money?? Do you think it is needed for one individual?? Don't you think there should be also some kind of payment parity with respect to doctors, engeneers and other jobs??( I was imagining Lionel Messi earning 50k per month and roaming in Alto in streets)

Which jobs your state and people give respect??And why?? (I said people have high faith on civil servant in our state)

And why you want to become an civil servant??Is this because people have their faith on it??

M1: Activities you involved with apart from prepration??

What are the common elements of cricket and Football share??

Can you implement certain rules of cricket on football??

What Indian football federation is in a bad situation?? Is there any bad adminstration??

Why such bad situation of football in India?? Can't we promote it in the same way of cricket??What are initiative recently taken by the fraternity to promote cricket and football??

What is the watersheds moment of cricket that made it popular in India??

Which social sector you will like to work upon and why??

M2: Is there any positive impact of act east policy on North East??Are we succesful?

How India will look like in

China is claiming Arunachal why??Why such incidents is going on in Arunachal??

(He asked 2 more questions i forgot actually )

M3: Natural parks in your district??Why they are famous??

Which industries use natural gas in your district??(As I was from industrial district )Are those industries making profit or loss??

What are the issues of tea garden community??Can we address that??What will be your take on that as an administrator??Can we address their payment issue??

Poaching going on in Assam?? why it so?? What is the use of horns of rhinos??

M4: So tell me what are the impacts of sports on society??

Can we play cricket with Pakistan??Why??

What is nano technology?? Should we make it a different stream all together??

Do you think different streams of engineering have water tight seperation from each other?? Give reasons.

Then Smita Nagaraj ma'am said "thankyou and it's your interview is over "

Overall experience: It was good experience though I couldn't answer 3/4 questions.Board was cordial.I attempted 1 offline(KSG) mock and 2 online(Civils daily and Shubhra Ranjan IAS) and they helped to gain confidence to some extent but the discussions and one to one with my friends and Utkarsh Sir helped me a lot.(As I had little time to prepare due to paucity of time)

All the best.
CM-R N choubey
Name- vs
Date-15/2 FN
Optional -Anthro
Hometown- Kanpur UP


What is me too?
Your opinion?

Pwd act?
Favourite service?
As a DM How can you prevent disabilities from happening ?
What is roshni act?
When was National Anthem adopted?

What is geo history
Do prisoners have right to vote
What do you know about Diaspora?
Your view on their role?
Do they have right to vote?
Socio envmntal consequences of mining?
What is ghotul?

To promote remote education android mobile or ipad?

Kanpur tannery pollution? Wf?


Kanpur textile mill? Challenges? And current status?

CSJMU(knp university) when estab?

Current VC?

Opinion on role of media and judiciary and geo-political impact of media?

Have you watched BBC documentry?

CM- do you want to share or ask anything?

Interview went on for 14 min. Overall they were cordial.

Mock feedback-
Ksg was good. O2O were more
e helpful
Ravindran sir ( best experience- closest to upsc) and khan sir (KSG) helped alot.

Interview session by Utkarsh sir(SOMP were really good), Vikas Kanukollu sir(his insights were helpful in interview), vivekanand sir and kaptaan bhai helped alot.
Date - 27th February,
Afternoon session - around 30 minutes
Board- Smita Nagraj Mam
Optional- Sociology
Profession - IPS
Hobbies and Interest - shayari writing, working on local social and environmental issues
Your experience in interview- Board on fire when IPS on chair😄

This Haircut showing that u r from NPA?
How you celebrated ur success
No Jolly way?
Do u against Dj, dolby?
Why tree plantation at Village?
Elgar parishad, tracking people, introducing Spyware big chaos
Planting evidences against criminal? Ur stand
Person should given bail or not?
Isn't wrong to provide rights to criminal?
Why should bail given to criminal that we know?
Is it matter right?
What is the Purpose of arrest?
How should be arrest law? - liberal?
Which cadre u r expecting
Where you would like to see urself Bengal or Assam

Time allocated to Outdoor activity of npa
Purpose of Parade in the training?
But police doesn't work in team spirit and coordination?
Assam marriage issue
Isn't police excess is there?
Modus operandi to tackle this
Adding pocso in child marriage FIR right or wrong?
How people are surviving when bread earner is arrested due to child marriage?
Why u r opting for IAS despite having IPS
What is voice of consciousness?
You wouldn't feel u blocked one seat and someone lost it if you are getting into IAS ?
Why IPS people keeping one leg here And other in IAS?

What ur life struggle taught to you?
How this will be helpful in administration?
Isn't u think, U wasted human and social capital of mechanical engineering?
Use of mechanical engineering in administration?
Political instability in maharashtra causing development deficit! How to tackle it
Relate above point to western maharashtra vs other underdeveloped region

Again why IAS?
Social prestige of ias vs ips
How you will replicate cooperative model of maharshtra in Bengal and Assam?
Long discussion on above topic
Cultural differences may cause problem? Ur view
U Didn't join foundation course?

How we can improve Bad image of policing?
What are two things u like about NPA training?
Two things u want to improve about NPA training?
Modern policing mandate
Last mughal emperor?
Two shayar at his court?
Name of Mughal emperor under which maratha empire worked?

Chairman - with smile, Holy pdf ur interview is over, Thank you!
Date and session of interview - 28 February, 2023 (Afternoon session)
5th to go.
Board - Shukla sir
Optional - PSIR
Profession (if any) - Government sector (state pcs)
Hobbies - cricket (nothing asked)


Read qualifications and work experience.

1. Why didn't you choose your engineering (ECE) as an optional. Why PSIR?
2. What do you understand by Rules based international order?
3. Is it being followed in contemporary times?
4. China's 9 dash line. Why important to China?
5. How did it come into existence? (Did not know)
6. China was taken to ICJ regarding 9 dash line? Did it follow the rulings.
7. What is 12 nautical miles? Can warships enter this region? What can be the extent to penetration of other countries warships?
USA has certain number of ports near Chinese borders. So is China's aggressive stance on this justified?
8. Should there be negotiations for a Rule based international order?

M1 :
1. Your learnings as an ECE engineer?
2. Since you opted for software sector as your first job, what could be done to improve employability in core sectors?
Cross questions on this.
3. What are your views on Electronics industry in India.
4. What can students do more to become employable?

M2 :
1. As you are working as a District level officer, what digitalisation have you witnessed?
2. Scheme wise : which schemes have come online and which are yet to come?
3. Why is it taking time to digitise the schemes?
4. What is your role in implementing schemes on ground.
5. Is there proper Digital penetration in rural areas?
6. Why not?
7. What are government efforts for the same (did GoI involve any company for rural internet penetration).
8. Some question regarding use of electronics and communication in sports.

M3 :
1. What is ODOP and what are it's benefits?
2. When did ODOP start?
3. Won't other product producer feel discouraged?
Cross questions on this.
4. Are any districts having more than 1 product under ODOP?
5. What is that investment thing going on?
(I said Global Investors summit)
Are these investment being done in reality or just on paper?
6. Is signing of MOUs enough? Why aren't these being reflected on ground?

1. Started with Russia Ukraine war.
2. Who do you think is the real winner?
3. Where do you see the end of this war and what will happen this year?
4. Is China an ally to Russia?
5. Don't you think China will also try to capture Taiwan?
6. Comparison of US and China.
7. US's shooting down of Chinese Balloon. Does it impact US's image on global forum?
8. Ok my last question is what is female labour force participation rate in India.
What is it in comparison to countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh?
9. Ok one last one : what do you understand by gender neutral leave? Should it be implemented?

Chairperson: ok thank you. Your interview is over. All the best.

Experience in interview - good experience. Cannot say how it went.
It was around 30 minutes.

Date and session - 27th February, forenoon, 3rd to go

Board- RN chaubey sir

Optional - Commerce and Accountancy

Hobbies- Animal welfare, Science fiction, Cooking desserts

College- No question

State - Rajasthan ( no ques)

Time - 35-40 minutes


Took my name and smiled. Asked me whether i have covid symptoms or cough. If not you may take out your mask and keep it on the table.

Explained it is a simple process, we are not here for cross examination, if you do not understand anything please ask us to repeat.

1) Okay , what you are going to do when you do not know any answer? ( Said that if i am unaware i will admit that i do not know)- said excellent, young people like you should be honest.. because Honesty Pays.

2) Let's begin with this. Do u think we should show honesty because Honesty 'Pays'

3) So honsety should be followed as a moral principle?

4) Tell the board about your education background and work experience, if any ( he asked this after the discussion on honesty)

5) We don't generally ask questions from Optional subject, but you are having Commerce and Accountancy, so i want to ask something😅

Which accounting system does the government follows?

6) Are there any issues in this system?

7) Should the government shift from Cash basis to accrual system?

8) There is Valuation of assets done in accrual system. Do you think it will be possible to value the assets in case of government?

9) Tell me who is the authority in India to approve new drugs?

10) What is the complete process of a new drug being manufactured, approved and then coming to the market?

Thank you:)

( Sir stood up after this and roamed behind his chair. He kept standing all the time till end)


1) What is going on with Iran - India?

2) So there is India, Iran and Pakistan. How do you see these 3 countries geographically, economically, strategically?

3) Chabahar port- tell something

4) Agniveers -who are they? Purpose?

( Said Agnipath scheme in answer, Choubey sir interrupted and asked me what you just said? Agnipath? Is it agnipath? - said yes sir after a thought..both was a pressurising tactic)


1)You talked about Chabahar Port - tell us why it is getting delayed?

2) international north south transport corridor - how you see it in context of present conditions?

3) Long monologue on Present world order, iran etc and used 'sanctions' word in it ..i missed addressing it.

Chaubey sir then explained sanctions wala question again - do you think bilateral sanctions by countries against one another is the right way to establish a just world order?

4) Member again- Should india deal with such sanctioned countries? Given our good relations with US, UN etc?

5) Khelo india youth games- what is it?

6) What is its components? How they are conducted?


1) I was looking at your daf and you have this hobby of animal welfare. Tell me why kuno palpur was in news recently?

2)do you know about the cost of the project?

3) Why we are doing it?

4) what are the arguments of proponents and opposers?

5) What will be the long term effect on the ecosystem?

6) So there are many dog lovers, feeders like us :p. But there are also recent incidents of children being bitten by dogs. How to balance both?

7) Chaubey sir again- i want to ask a supplementary question - What will be the policy changes you will make to ensure this balance?


1) So today is 27th feb, do u know what day is today? ( World ngo day)

2) tell about NGOs ?

3) their role ? Why they exist?

4) Do you know there is an annual festival celebrated in this month?

5) taj mahotsav. What might be its importance?

6) NEP- Gender Inclusion fund is created under it. What is it?

7) There are males and females. There is also a third gender. What its called?

8) is transgender an umbrella term or is it a single term ?

9) what are the problems faced by transgenders?

10) Any schemes for transgenders?

11) ( No mention of Reading books in my Daf) We read books. Tell us about any book you recently read? Its story and wht u learnt? ( Told about dark horse by nilotpal mrunal .have read it multiple times.) They got excited after listening that it was about struggles of a cse aspirant. 

Mam said so you are very much inspired by this book ( said yes with a smile)

Chaubey sir - Okay we are done asking. It was great talking with you. Now if u want to ask or share something? I am giving u Blank Cheque 😂. 

Said no sir but it was a wonderful experience for me today. 

Sir said thank you very much. All the best . You can take your mask and may go now . Your interview is over.  

Experience - Board was cordial. Choubey sir was smiling but in between gave some serious looks also and was observing carefully. Lady members were very cordial. Kept nodding.

Mix of Daf and random questions. Was nervous in beginning, Said no wherever i wasn't sure. 

Utility of mocks- To Build confidence and just to know how to talk with some senior people. Ignore their useless feedbacks.

Date and session of interview- 28th February, afternoon
Board- Ms Smita Nagraj
Optional- Anthropology
College- NIT Durgapur, West Bengal
Profession (if any)- Product analyst ( worked in 2 companies)
Hobbies- Upcycling, journalling
Your experience in interview- Good
Keywords from DAF - midnight cafe, table tennis, data analytics, transport

1. Are you still working?
2. What did your last company do?
3. Is it really a startup because it's work is of an aggregator?
4. Why the nano project was not able to set up in West Bengal? ( Not aspirational enough, didn't appease the masses)
5. Market analysis would have been done by them then what went wrong?
6. Are EVs really clean? And the end they utilise electricity produced from coal?
7. Would you recommend people to buy EV? why?
Member 1:
1. You worked in data analytics domain. What is the issue with data?
2. Give some examples of aggregator? Biggest aggregator in the world?
3. Do you know what is account aggregator? It's use?
4. Why you left your first company?
5. What is corporate governance? How can we improve it?
6. What do you understand by governance?

Member 2:
1. From what language is the word anthropology derived from?
What the words mean?
3. What do you mean by radicalisation?
4. What it does to the person?
5. How much sleep does a human being need?
6. So do you want people should sleep less as you started a midnight cafe in your college?
7. Have you heard of sexual harrasment at workplace? Did you face anything?
8. What are the provisions? Composition of POSH committee?
9. What is upcycling?

Member 3:
1. What industries are present in Durgapur? ( Iron & steel and fertiliser)
2. Zero budget natural farming? Is it viable?
3. Name of the person who was awarded Padma Shri for natural farming?
4. Why is West bengal not developing?
5. Name some really good female table tennis players?
6. Why is table tennis not so famous in India compared to China?

Member 4:
1. What are the pillars of digital india program?
2. Name four?
3. What is e- Kranti?
4. What is India stack?
5. Name some of the components of India stack?
6. Aadhar judgement? What has government done after that?

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- mocks help in building confidence.
Nothing was asked from my home state ( U.P) and city.
Smita Nagraj madam
Gujarat ICLS GST BOB Software engineer web series(crime comedy)
Date- 2.3.2023
Last to go

C- 1have you joined the service? 2 Where are you posted? 3What have you seen until now?
4 what kind of complaints? 5 is there any timeline to deal with them ? How many are pending until now?
6 do independent directors play any meaningful role? 7 what should we do to make them stronger ? 8. which are the tax haven countries? 9. why are we so held up in being ethical, legal? 9 are we ethical.?

M1 - has SEBI playED its role properly in the Adani case? If they have played the role properly, then why has Supreme Court appointed a committee? Don’t you think it will undermine SEBI as a regulator ? Some back and forth here regarding the benefits of that.

M2- some recent amendments in the companies act ? Why has registration of FPO been smoothened out? Is it from other companies what is the benefit of an FPO compared to farmers coming under a society or a cooperative ?are cooperative is not ethical? IFFCO Amul../etc then why FPO under companies act?

M3 - Why are crimes against women rising even after so many legal changes after the Nirbhaya case? Is it easy availability of weapons? What more should be done ? recent video of a car owner stealing flower pots in Gurugram why do people do that ? Can government do anything to stop such cases? The PSUs itself are not following the compliances of the companies act. What can be done to resolve this issue?

M4- states have given up the power to tax after the GST. Do you think so ? What can the states do to increase revenue?
States are asking companies to donate to their party coffers under the CSR funds? Do you think it is justified? Should we remove the provision of CSR from the companies act because of its ill effects? How will you use your knowledge as a computer engineer in civil services? IT portal is a headache. Maybe you can do something about it in future.
Should government Levi GST on work done under CSR ?

Very very cordial board
Board: Smita Nagraj ma'am.
Date- 02/03, Afternoon.
Optional- Anthropology.
Daf keyword: indigenous culture, software developer, athletics.

1. How the indigenous culture have evolved in India.
2. What are the culture of Nagaland
3. Should ILP be there in mainland too

1.What is your district infamous for?(blinding case) when, how, outcome of that.

2. Do you think Nagaland culture promote women empowerment(I supported).

3. Recent news that only one women in history have been elected. How can you say so now?

1.Tell me about Ahimsa silk(daf) .
2. What make bhagalpuri silk special. (Daf)
3. What are the 2 changes you would want in Constitution.
4. Why some countries perform better in athletics(daf)

1. Why government indulge in software export although we are doing good. ?
2. Why only Southern state have flourished in software and why not your home state( daf)
3. Tell me what are government institutions who make softwares. (Don't know what he ask..)
4. Why BPO promotion is needed.

1. Advantage and disadvantage of gst.
2. If you have to assist in selecting a CEO of my company, what will you look into him?

Chairperson: what are the qualities you liked in Tata.
Thank you, your interview is over.
Date and session of interview- 01/03/2023 (Forenoon Session)
Board- R N Chaubey Sir😃
Duration : 20-22 minutes
Optional- Hindi Literature (No ques)
College- B.Tech Information Technology (DTU)
Profession (if any)- Tax Assistant (Income Tax Department)
Hobbies- Mandala Art , Calligraphy ( No ques )


We are friendly people. We just want to talk to you. We want you to be relax and comfortable.🙂

*What you had for breakfast? ( I said Fruits :D)
*You must be hungry now. We can arrange lunch for you. Then we can have your interview🙂 ( Ofcourse I said, No sir , I am comfortable)
*Shall we start then ?

1. Tell us about your academic background and work experience.
2. Is it a permanent post ?
3. How long have you been working ?
4. Long monologue on the proposal for Banking Transaction Tax. What is your take on this ?
5. Counter question- But it has many benefits and govt. tax collection will increase. ( I sticked to my stand for not supporting BTT)

Member 1 : (Female)
1. Do you know about the issue going on in Punjab ? ( Pro khalistani movement )
2. Since you mentioned youth, do you think drugs should be banned ?
3. What is Saptarishi? (Coz I mentioned Youth Power as one of components of Saptarishi)
4. Then Alcohol is also bad, why we regulate it instead of banning it ?

Member 2 : (Female)
1. Impact of Climate Change ?
2. Impact of climate change on Agriculture?
3. Since you mentioned Ozone earlier, do you know the measuring unit of Ozone ? ( said Sorry. Decibel, Dioptre sab yaad aa gaya ! Lekin D se Dobson yaad nahi aaya tab !😂 )
4. COP 27 Provisions ? ( I had vague idea, so instead of attempting I said sorry mam)

Member 3 : (Male)
1. Blockchain Technology?
2. Who owns the data in this ?
3. Can anyone modify the data ?
4. Points of co-operation between India and Bangladesh ?
5. Border states with Bangladesh ?
6. How will BBIN boost infrastructure? ( coz I mentioned BBIN )

Member 4 : (Male)
1. Why farmers are not producing millets ?
2. How can we promote millets ?
3. How will you use ChatGPT in your Department?
4. Should we outrightly ban liquor ? What’s your opinion?
5. Countries which banned liquor and then rolled back ? (Said sorry)
6. States in India which banned liquor and rolled back ? (Said sorry)

Chairperson :

This is all we wanted to ask you. Now if you have any questions for us, then you may ask.

I said, it was pleasant meeting you all sir. Thank you very much😁 

Your experience in interview-
Board was cordial and friendly. They were actually listening to me, not like mocks where they did not let me complete my answers. Overall experience was good.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- KSG, Nextias, Vajirao & Reddy, Samkalp, Chahal
One to One : Vinay Sir ( Insights IAS), Ravindaran sir, Khan Sir.
Good for confidence building and helps in preparing a question bank, especially considering this was my first Interview. Baaki reviews jyada seriously lene ki bhi jarurat nahi hai. Apne hisaab se dekh lo !

The thing that helped me the most was Daily Discussions with my friend on current issues and on similar things from DAF. My special credits goes to him ONLY. For me, it was “ A friend in need, is a friend indeed !”😁✌️ 

My best wishes to Everyone appearing in the Interview😊👍 Give you best and Leave the rest !😊
Date and session of interview- 02-03-23
5th to go
Board-Shukla Sir
College-ISM Dhanbad
Profession (if any)-PSU
Hobbies- Formula Racing, Novels
Your experience in interview- Pta nahi, 22-23 min
Chairperson: Every question with a long monologue
1. Reason for Afghanistan Iran suffering conservatism or Geopolitics?
2. Right parties doing good , will India move towards presidential form of Govt? Should we have Democrats vs Republic parties and remove all other?
3. Were constituent assembly members wise and today's leaders less wise ?
4. Startegic Autonomy is useless. It will harm us, In 1962 we went to USA with begging bowl, so now should we allign ourselves with US?
5. Constitution, Will of People and other constitution related questions.
6. Do you think our foreign policy with strategic autonomy fail? Any alternative
M 1.
1. Technical questions on achievements.3-4 questions
2. Why you lost love for mechanical engineering?
3. If made DM of your district, what will you do ?
1. Unemployment, data , way out ?
2. Long gestation period issues of capital investment.
3. How to improve social capital?
4. Initiatives in budget for employment
M3. Yeh sir kya aur kyu puch rha the...bhagwan Jane
1. What is friction welding?
2. How to do underground water welding?
3. What is pyrolysis? It's byproducts
4. Plasma state of matter
5.What is gasification and how it's done ? It's benefits.
6. incineration Process.
7. Waste to wealth
1. North Ireland, Ireland issues
2. Windsor Framework will succeed or not ?
3. Difference between strategic autonomy and non alignment?

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Khan sir, vinay sir ka acha tha.
Board: Smita Nagraj Ma'am

Backgroung: Delhi Police -13+ years service(Constable)

Questions on policing:
1. पुलिस से सिविल सेवा में क्यों आना चाहते है?
2. इतने प्रयासों के बाद भी महिलाओं के विरुद्ध अपराध कम क्यों नहीं हो रहे?
3. रात्रि गश्त के दौरान पुलिसकर्मी सो जाते है इसके लिए क्या किया जाना चाहिए?
4. पुलिस में CCTNS से इन्वेस्टीगेशन में कुछ फायदा हुआ है (उन्होंने नकारात्मक प्रस्ताव किया कि नही हुआ है)
5. साइबर(Current posting)
A. साइबर अपराधी पुलिस से क्यों आगे है जबकि पुलिस के पास संसाधन अधिक है?
B. साइबर की जो सुविधाएं पुलिस के पास है अगर वह उनका दुरुपयोग करें तो इसके लिए क्या उपाय है

C. साइबर अपराध के तेजी से फैलने की क्या वजह है

D. साइबर अपराध के प्रकार

अन्य प्रश्न:
1. ग्रॉस हैप्पीनेस इंडेक्स क्या है और फॉलो करने वाला देश?
2. कौनसी स्थिति बेहतर है अमीर किंतु नाखुश या गरीब पर खुश
3. बॉलीवुड गानों के बारे में यह क्यों कहा जाता है - *ओल्ड इज गोल्ड*
4. कुछ देशों में भारत की कुछ दवाइयों से बच्चों की डेथ हो गई इसके क्या कारण है....इससे भारत के फार्मा उद्योग पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा मे दवाइयों की कीमतों के नियंत्रण हेतु कौनसी व्यवस्था/संस्था मौजूद है।
5.यह कहा जाता है कि इतिहासकार इतिहासलेखन के द्वारा भविष्य का निर्माण करता है इसे समझाइए.....कुछ उदाहरण दीजिए।
6. क्या संविधान में कहींअल्पसंख्यक की परिभाषा दी गई है.....क्या इसका जिक्र संविधान के किन्हीं अनुच्छेदों में है....किस प्रकार के अल्पसंख्यक संविधान में उल्लेखित है।
7. हिंदी साहित्य--
-हिंदी के कुछ अक्षर पहले अलग तरीके से लिखे जाते थे और अब अलग ऐसा क्यों है?
- क्या हिंदी में अन्य भाषाओं के भी शब्द प्रयुक्त होते है...कुछ उदाहरण बताइए?
-हिंदी में किसी चीज के लिए कई बार एक से ज्यादा शब्द मिलते है जिनमे एक हिंदी का और दूसरा किसी विदेशी भाषा का शब्द होता है। ये दोहरी व्यवस्था क्यों है और इस स्थिति में हमें कौनसे शब्द को और क्यों अपनाना चाहिए?
Board: Shri Rajiv Nayan Choubey ji
Date: 01/03/2023
Graduation: B.Tech Computer Science, IIT BHU, Varanasi
Home town, State: Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,
Work: SSC CGL- ASO, CSS, Architectural Education
Hobby: Badminton, Table Tennis, Akshaypatra foundation.

 Chair: Remove your mask if you don’t have any covid symptoms. We are friendly people and want to have a friendly conversation with you. If you are comfortable, we can start.

 1. Tell us about yourself in 1 minute about your academic and work background?
 2. What is NAM? When did we follow this policy? Is it still relevant?
 3. Is today’s world bipolar or multi-polar?

M1: Lady
 1. Monologue on Globalization and interconnectedness of the world. Tell me 2 positive events and 2 negative events which started in one part of globe and spread to other parts of the world.
 2. Do you think that interconnectedness is responsible for spread of Covid?
 3. Relationship with Bhutan? What treaties we have with them? Any recent changes in those treaties?
 4. What is India’s rank in GHI? Total number of countries? Is India’s rank justified? If not justified, what measures India is taking? Assume that the rank is justified, then tell the reasons for poor scenario of hunger? What measures can be taken to improve the scenario?

M2: Lady
 1 . What is Interpol Metaverse? Utility and Threats of it? How to regulate it? Who is the owner of Metaverse?
 2. What is ABC model of Education in NEP, 2020?
 3. What is Multidisciplinary Education in NEP, 2020? Advantages of it? Which degree will the student get if he pursues B. Arch degree and also does a course in History?
 4. What is Multiple Entry and multiple Exit option in NEP, 2020? Various exit options and their associated degrees? What is the maximum gap that a student can take between exit and re-enty to a course?

M3 (toughest member for me. Difficult questions especially on logistics and stock exchanges)
 1. Are you for or against Agnipath scheme?
 2. Monologue about bad position of India’s logistics sector. Problems in Logistics sector. How to make logistics sector ‘Green’? Any examples of multimodal transport? Examples of Green waterway transport?
 3. What is SEBI? Its role? Problems faced by SEBI in its functioning?
 4. Stock Exchanges? BSE, NSE establishment? Who are their owners?

M4 (most likely psychology and body language expert. Was watching me through out and asked questions based on my previous answers from Globalization and interconnectedness.)
 1. What is the impact of Russia Ukraine War? Who were the most impacted by it? How did it impact the remotest regions of the globe?
 2. Difference between Covid and others such as Ebola, Swine, Avian flu. What India learnt from Covid? How to prevent such events from occurring in future? Did WHO perform its role related to Covid? How to strengthen WHO?
 3. Do you thing Global cooperation in vaccines is required to deal with outbreak of epidemics? What are India’s efforts regarding such vaccine cooperation? What is GAVI?

1. Anything you would like to tell or felt that we have left out? (Monologue in my mind: You left everything from my home town, state, graduation, hobbies, job. But, said that my favorite topic Badminton is left out)
2. Okay, tell. (###****. Expected him to ask a few questions.)

Experience: Total time- Don’t know but definitely felt more than 30 minutes. Overall cordial. No movements or expressions by any member. Cant judge by looking at them if they are impressed with the answers or not. They didn’t stop me in any of my answers except once during positive events that effected the world. Felt like another GS paper rather than a personality test. Felt that I would have performed relatively the same or even better, if this would have happened immediately after Mains without the need for much Interview preparation. I feel that 1st 6 members of the interview date list list will get shukla board and 2nd 6 will get Choubey board and last 6 will get Smita Nagaraj board with the order to go in for interview also being the same as in the list.
Date and session of interview- afternoon 3rd march
Board-Lt gen Raj shukla
College- Osmania university
Profession (if any)-
1. Multilateralism is at threat statement- your opinion
2.35 tn dollar...isn't it too ambitious
3.capex how is it good...why less exp on social indicators health education

Memb 1
1. How 35 tn dollar economy
2. Waste to wealth example (daf)
3. Red brigade(daf)
4. digital india examples

Memb 2
1. Pubad 4 principles
2. Kyoto protocol
3.montreal protocol...status of depletion
4.3D printing
5. Swacch bharat issues how far we have tackled
6.initiatives to make india self reliant

Memb 3
1.GI tags in state.who is the authority
2. aadhar issue.what are the
concerns UK govt has raised.Aadhar misuse give example

Memb 4.
1.power position in  state
2.poverty ratio state
3.population male female ratio in state
4.NBFCs ...any one in Village?

Chairman..your interview is over.Thankyou

Your experience in interview- Not sure

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-ravindran sir session was helpful.Attended only that.
Date and session of interview- 02/03/2023 (Afternoon)
Board- R N Chaubey Sir
Duration : 25 minutes approx.
Optional- PSIR  (No Question)
Graduation - Architecture (No Question)
Work Experience (if any)- IT-Business Analyst, Assistant commissioner of state Tax - GST (No Question)
Key Words - IR, Badminton Articles, IFS, Gujarat, Uttrakhand, Tribe, Navodaya (No Question)
So, basically not even a single question from DAF or common questions like why civil services?, etc. 🤒

My actual Interview:

How should I pronounce your name? What is your first name?
we are here to support you and you can say no to those questions which you don't know. You have to be very honest. Be relax and comfortable.

1) Tell me about your educational background and work experience so far?
2) How India gain foreign exchange reserves?
3) How much foreign exchange reserves India have? Who keeps foreign reserves? How it keep? Cash??
4) What was the amount of TATA Air India deal?
5) Is it okay to have 120bn$ deal only by TATA alone? Won't it deplete our foreign reserves?

M1 (Female)
1) Is abolition of planning commission is good? Do you support it? Why?
2) What is NITI aayog? Full form? Objectives?
3) What are the other parallel institutions created after abolition of planning commission to achieve those objectives?
4) Which states are at top and lowest in multidimensional poverty index? It's parameters?

1) Is it good to have Agneeveer scheme?  Do you support it or not? Why?
2) Is logistics are important in disaster management? How?
3) What is disaster management architecture in India?
4) How many offices NDRF have in India? Why?

1) Has NDMA played any role during covid crisis? What? How?
2) What is the difference between 5G, 4G, 3G etc.?
3) How it (5G) is going to make difference? Don't we have to replace all mobile phones? Won't it create budget issues for all? If yes, Why we should bring it.
4) How India is going to tackle the unequal regional growth?

M4 (female)
1) There is Smart City policy, tell me what is a smart City?
2) What are the policy parameters for smart cities? (Physical, digital etc etc)
3) Khelo School games of India? What is it?
4) Is it only for increasing medals for India? Other significance (Counter question)

Chairperson: This is all we have to ask you. if you have any questions for us, then please ask.

I said No sir, Thank you.

Interview over!

I couldn't recall 3-4 more questions or counter questions. Also, i have written down these questions based on my recollection of thoughts. Might not be in the same order or framework of the question might be different.

Your experience in interview-
Board was cordial and friendly. They were listening and observing everything. They tried their best to make me comfortable. Overall experience was good.

Utility of mocks (if any) - Good for confidence building and helps in preparing a diverse question bank. Also, helps in understanding of our reflexes during actual pressure situation. Mocks were mostly based on DAF, But actual interview went entirely on a different path

Just expect the unexpected. Confidence, calmness and consciousness are the KPI.

Best Wishes to everyone!
Board: Shri Rajiv Nayan Choubey ji
Date: 01/03/2023, afternoon, 3rd to go
Graduation: B.Sc ( Biology)
Home town, State: Delhi
Work: in GST appeals
Hobby: nothing asked

Chairperson: Remove your mask if you don’t have any covid symptoms. We are friendly people and want to have a friendly conversation with you. We want you to be honest, tell us clearly if you do not know anything. Nobody can know everything.
Tell us about yourself in 1 minute your academic and work background. Focussing majorly on your work background
Tell me exactly your work profile
What is natural justice
Long monolouge. Is natural justice anti thesis of contempt of court

Member 1
Small monlouge. Can a person with kidney stones eat millet
Can a person with hypothyroid eat millets
Which millet production is highest
Which state. Why
Chairperson interrupted in the follow up question and asked next member for her turn.

Member 2
What is watertable. Is it different from underground water
Why water table is depleting. What can be done
How much time top soil takes to build ( i said it takes a very long time)
Land degradation neutrality target is 2030. Will India be able to achieve it (sarcastic as per my previous answer)
How can soil erosion be prevented
Percentage of women in India
What is gender discrimination, equity and inclusiveness
Sex ratio of your state and all over india

Member 3
Tell me about Asean
Tell about India- Nepal issues?

Member 4
How is GST distributed with states
Is compensation cess still levied
Why sex ratio of your state is so low
Specific reason

Anything you would like to tell or felt that we have left out.

The board was overall cordial. No comparison to mocks. It took almost 20 minutes. All were constantly keeping an eye on wall clock.
Utility of mocks: just for confidence building and to remain focused.
Date and session of the interview - 02/03 and forenoon
Board - R. N. Choubey
Optional - Sociology
College -
Profession (if any) -
Hobbies -
Your experience in interview - Enjoyed the process. But one can’t predict how it will go.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any) - Unacademy was really nice, very sincere team and good panelists. Other coachings (Rau’s, Vajirao and Reddy, Chahal, Samkalp, Ravindran Sir) were also decent.



1. Tell us about your academic background and work experience
2. Tell us about your two weaknesses
3. What are different kinds of leadership?
4. Which kind are you?
5. Which kind was Mahatma Gandhi?
6. When NCM was stopped due to Chauri Chaura was he being a leader or dictator?

Member 1

1. What is PM Gati Shakti?
2. How many departments are involved in it?
3. Which sectors are in focus?
4. What is total value of Gati Shakti projects?
5. What is the difference between Look East and Act East?

Member 2
1. For disaster management should we have regional hubs or decentralised?
2. What is green energy supply chain?
3. How will green energy be transported?
4. What is OROP controversy? Why is a similar demand not being raised from civilian counterparts?
5. What are electoral bonds?

Member 3

1. What is the relevance of SAARC? (This question + next two were DAF based)
2. What are we doing for connectivity with neighbouring countries?
3. What’s your opinion on other such frameworks like ASEAN? What can we adopt from these for SAARC?
4. What are the various regulators for different sectors?
5. Has IBC been effective or not?

Member 4

1. Why was UN formed?
2. What are dispute resolution mechanisms of UN?
3. Is UN relevant or not?
4. At times bilateral treaties are violated and we impose sanctions. How can these be curbed or imposed well?


Interview is done. If there’s any part you would like to discuss then pls tell.

We are happy to talk to you. You may now leave.
Name : Chariz ,the pokemon
Board : Smita nagraj mam
date :03/03/23
last to go
time :27-28 min
work ex : (kaam de do koi pls🥹)
keywords: Bharatpur , sociology , MNIT

u have gained some weight ?
me : This photo was clicked few days back (🥲🥲🥲 pani se bhi weight badh rha h🥲)
Chair : Don't mind it ,
chair: what are u doing these days ?
me : (avoided copy evaluation , as mam ne grill kia tha kisi ko )
Chair : Ur name reminds of our soft power , do u consider bollywood as soft power
me: yes mam , culture , affinity , etc etc
mam : does bollywood show our culture
me : ( fass gya , ) said something mam nodded
mam:do u watch movies
me: (sci fi dekhta hu vo Indian shi nhi banate) Not much etc etc
mam: still ur fav movie
me: shushant movie about college life v etc etc (chichore ab yaad  aai)
member 2 : kai poche
me: no sir sharrdha bhi thi usmai(🥰🥰🥰)
member 2: that is kai poche
mam: Sushant ki death m itni arrest vagerah kyu hui thi .
mam : social media - info / misinfo
me: (balanced like everything should  thanos ka bhatija🫠) upto us to verify
mam: how will u control narritive , in case of law and order issue will u cut internet
me : shuru m kaat denge , local janta ko sath lenge , narrative bhi humara hi rahega
mam : thank u beta

member 1:
1.What is famous about bharatpur
2.which bird is that national park famous for
3.why is it not coming (bird)
4endogamy , exogamy
5., honour killing kyu karte h
man marrying man, who will produce child ( do socio analysis )
ispe lambi charcha
6. what is generation gap
7. how is it used for marketing
8. give example
(standard questions standard answers )

m2 :
1. MNIT full form
2. who was madan mohan malaviya
3. KK/PK malaviya kon the (i said sorry )
member : U don't know this
me i will read
1-2  yaad nhi aa rhe

m3 (tried to grill par m jinda laut aaya )
1. What are MSMEs
2. why govt is focussing on them
3. issues
4. bus 2 hi ( yaad hi ye aaye )
5. credit ke liye scheme
6. why banks still not lending
7. ur suggestions for MSME

1. inflexion point meaning ( ye galat bta dia although bol dia ki nhi yaad aa rha 🥲)
2. Independance par We went for public sector , was it wrong(nhi jab jaruri tha )
3. so where did it went wrong ( missed the bus , and now late to party )
4. what is current strategy (privitastion and divestment , benefit btane lga)
5. tell exact and clear cut
6. maximum number of units in trategi sector allowed (i said 4 or 5 )
sir: yes is 4
7 .current growth rate of india
8. growth rate needed to be developed nataion ( said sorry but gave amrit kaal data by 2047 -26 trillion )
9. what was china growth rate during its rise
10. do u think we can achive double digit growth ?

1. suppose PM call u( big smile on my face) , will u say exact same to him or will be just optismstic
me: mam , boluga ho skta h , bus bhadia h silght tinkering chahiye humko , and fir toh hum pakka bann jayege
mam: haste hue , u have  bureaucratic way of expressing
what will the tinkering ( emphasis se pta chala ki fass gya🥲)
me: proper implemnentation etcetc
mam: u cannot say that
me : Demographic dividend , 1-2 cheez aur
m4: this is too common say something new
me : as outsider of govt i feel our strategy and schemes are well thought off and if given a chance i will learn things in training and posting and that will give me better ability to  answer this(kuch alag sa yaad nhi aa
ya common point unko sunne nhi the🥲
ab yaad aaya blockchain ,AI,Quantum fekna h🥲)
mam : final is u will tell me about shortcomings if u find any
me : yes mam
mam: smiling , ur interview is over

thank u bola sabko

board was cordial , 1 member tried to grill


chanakya mandal

can give

to avoid
ksg , vajiram , chanakya academy , study iq,rau

one on one
khan sir , Aptiplus , vinay sir,kaptaan bhaiya

discussion with pooja mam helped a lot ( transformed answering style )
yo (hindi wale bhaiya ki best wishes)
Date -22/2/23
Keywords - Rajasthan, NIT Bhopal, web series , reading self help books , PSIR , Electrical engineering

Smitha nagraj board
Why don't u just read books , web series gives a biased and narrow perspective?
Differentiate between movie and web series ?
Which part of your personality you want to improve?

U read books , name the book u read on IR
Don't u consider Brahma chellany as hypo realist or hawk ?
Why u read his books ?
Is India really have any foreign policy on Pakistan

RRR dekhi h ( nahi dekhi )
Pathan ha
Tum MP se ho kya controversy h
Kyu esi actor k sath Aisa hota h
My name is Khan me bhi esi k sath kyu ho rha tha
Movie is hit , don't u think as a society we are wrong
U r from Delhi why low voting in Delhi
Okkey u are from Rajasthan steps govt has taken to tackle solar e waste
2 priorities of u to popularise EV
Koi element Mila kya h , kaha Mila , lithium me kya special h
Don't u think we are late for Lithium , future me kya soch rhe h
Sodium ion battery ka kya jhol h
Gf / wife h , how u tackle loneliness in your long journey of preparation
Who is jon mearsheimer
Which big IR event is going to happen
Next day which summit is happening
What the agenda
Why despite will of West and East , we are not able to resolve debt crises
Which international mechanism to resolve debt crises
Are self help books really part of literature

Board - theek tha sajjan log lag rhe the , aaram se answer complete karne de rahe the

Utility of mocks - Dena chahiye, some repeatitive questions and framing of answers .

Note - mask utarne ko nhi bola , no intro , no. why IAS
Board: Shri Rajiv Nayan Choubey ji
Date: 03/03/2023, morning, 3rd to go
Graduation: MBBS
Home town, State: Tamil Nadu
Hobby: nothing asked

Chairperson: Remove your mask if you don’t have any covid symptoms. We are friendly people and want to have a friendly conversation with you. We want you to be honest, tell us clearly if you do not know anything. Nobody can know everything.
Tell us about yourself in 1 minute your academic and work background. Focussing majorly on your work background
Tell me exactly your work profile
Administrative reforms needed in system
Has UN failed in Russia-Ukraine war
Utility of UN
How were the P5 chosen? What reforms needed?

Member 1
What is right of nature?
What is advantage of including it in Constitution?
What is biosphere reserve?
What is it's difference with national park?
How many BR present?
Name a few
India is most populous country now. Should we adopt one child policy?
Number migrants due to Ukraine war

Member 2
On research
-diff btwn methodology and methods
-types of research
-diff btwn bibliography and reference

Member 3
Tell about India- Nepal issues?
Kalapani dispute
Greening of supply chain logistics

Member 4
Diff btwn socio economic indicators in TN and Bihar(lived in both)
Freight equalisation policy and details
How to improve soil health in Punjab, Haryana?

Anything you would like to tell or felt that we have left out.

The board was overall cordial. It took almost 30 minutes. 
Utility of mocks: to know how to face the board. But questions were quite unexpected. Better to go with open mind instead of expecting questions from DAF.
Date -24th Feb 2023, Afternoon, 2nd to go
Time - Aprox. 20 Mins
Chairperson - R N Chaubey Sir
District/State - Gurugram/Haryana
Optional -Geography
Graduation - Bachelors in Architecture
Hobby (in DAF) - Dry Pastel Sketching, DIY Repairs, Learning about electronic Gadgets
2nd Interview, Recommended for services in CSE 2021

Chairperson -
1. In 1 minute, tell us something about your academic background.
2. What kind of freelance work did you do?
3. Macro-indicators of our economy, GDP rate and Growth rate are measured at nominal rate or real rate?
4. Tell us a major scheme related to health sector and mention its salient feature/s.
5. How much is the budgetary allocation for health sector in 2023-24 budget?
6. If you were health secretary, where would you want to spend the health budget, in PHC and govt hospital OR in paying insurance to private hospitals? And then follow up questions and discussion...

Member 1 -
1.some question, answer to which I didn't know... hence i forgot the question as well.
2. Do you know what is EEE? (again didn't know)
3. (after his explanation) Out of the three - Engineering, Enforcement and Education, which one do you think is the most important?
4. What is Junk Food? How do we stop/prevent people from eating Junk Food?

Member 2 -
1. Do you know what are surgical strikes? Surgical strikes done by India was a right action? should we take more such actions?
2. While starting any business, in your opinion, profit making should be the focus or rotation of the money should be focused more?

Member 3 -
1. What is Khaap? Do you think their existence is right?
2. What is CUET? Do you think it is a step in right direction?
3. In your view, CUET will reduce the importance of school education and specially class 11th, 12th? Will it lead to blooming of coaching institutes?
4. We hear about the phrase 'Democracy is in danger'. Do you think Democracy is really in danger?

Member 4 -
1.some question again, answer to which I didn't know... hence I forgot this question as well.
2. What is National Monetization Pipeline?

Chairperson -
- We have asked what we wanted to. do you want to say anything?
- Are you feeling comfortable?
- Your interview is over, all the very best for future.

MOCKS - Didn't give even a single one.
EXPERIENCE - Pleasant. Peaceful. Inspiring.
1st March 2023 , Afternoon Session
Keywords: Anthropology, Cooking , Uttarakhand

1. What have you been doing nowadays?
2. You didn't take placements? Why?
3. Ajayy Banga
4.long monologue, don't remember related to competition and brain drain
Member 1 (Lady member)
1. Ecofeminism
2 .Chipko movement
3.Why famous chefs are mostly male but cooking is generally associated with women. ( some follow up questions)
4. Who is GB Pant ji , contributions to Indian Independence movement

5.Situational based question:You're a bureaucrat in MOWCD Will you fudge funds for their welfare
Follow up questions related to integrity
Member 2
Let's continue with integrity
1. What is integrity?
2. Qualities of a good leader
3 . What kind of leader are you
(Gave 3 options) then some discussions took place
4. Sustainable development, Green energy , National Green Hydrogen Mission, questions related to Hydrogen,
5. What is electrolysis, explain process of Hydrogen extraction

Member 3

1. Why women in hills are very hardworking ?
2. Outmigration in Uttarakhand
3. Ghost villages , causes and revival solutions
4. Himachal , NORTH East, Uttarakhand development comparison
5. Boosting economy of hill people solutions

Member 4

1. I'll ask a factual question, gave 2 hints and said an artistic personality lives there ? You might have visited mussoorie a lot , tell me whom I am talking about
I said Sir , Ruskin Bond
He smiled and Said yes
2 . Who's he ? Tell me about him
3.which all books have you read ? (Ruskin Bond's)
Name them , narrate a story , I gave some gist for the same
4 . Balancing development and environment in Uttarakhand, give causes and solution

Chairperson: Okay thankyou, your interview is over

Utility of mocks : Confidence building, some questions got repeated
Overall experience was good
Date  : 28 February, forenoon ,3rd to go
Board : Smita nagraj ma'am ,around 25mins
Optional : PSIR
Graduation: metallurgical and materials engg.
Hobby : socially relevant movies, cardio workout
Keywords: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan , Rajasthan
1.What  are you doing currently?
2.Are you not working anywhere ?
3.(long monologue)Looking from Delhi ( centre) ,what differences can u observe between North East and J &K.
4.Why do we require special provisions for NE?
5. What is the need of inner line permit ,other states for eg Maharashtra will also start demanding it .
6.Suppose you want to go there ,don't u think there is conflict between freedom of movement and fundamental rights
M1 ( female)
1. In Nagaland ,only one party comes to power everytime ,there is no opposition, is it good for democracy? more follow up Q on Nagaland, could not remember
3.Recently , lithium reserves have been found in J&K, what are the uses of it?
4. What are the other countries where it is found?
5. Recently, something happened in Assam regarding child marriage ,are you aware about it ?
6.Will you do the same in Rajasthan if u r made DM?
7.Will you also arrest young boys?
8. What about those young girls who are left behind?

1.What are multilateral development institutions
2.What is the difference between IMF and WB ?
3. Which countries are asking for loan from IMF
4.Why IMF is not giving loan to Pakistan?

1.Tell me about Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
2.Did you also adopt a village?
3.What kind of work you did over there?
4.How many students were selected in JNVST ( from previous answer)
5.What were the substantial changes you observed in village due to this initiative
6. Which institute coordinates Unnat Bharat Abhiyan?

1.What are socially relevant movies
2.Latest movie u watched
3.what is gender fluidity.
4.What are the benefits of cardio workout
5. People in India live a sedentary lifestyle , they don't do much workout ,what is ur view
6.Which movies were recently nominated for Oscar?
7.Have u visited any fort?
8. Have you been to chittorgarh fort ,tell me something about it. more Q related to bypass surgery ,could not remember now.

My Experience in interview:
overall  cordial board , some members were smiling ,others were sitting with serious faces.
Utility of mocks: good for confidence building ,articulation of answers .In actual interview,they ask follow up Qs based in your answer which is missing in most of the mocks
Had good experience in Vajirao and Reddy , Unacademy ,NextIAS mocks , chanakya Mandal ( worst experience , atleast for me )

Best wishes to everyone, no need to be nervous for actual interview, they are very friendly people😁
Date - 3rd March, forenoon, 5th to go
Board - Smita Nagraj ma'am
Optional - PSIR
DAF keywords - Maharashtra,   Marathwada
Hobbies - Yoga, meditation, playing harmonium

1. Why didn't you go for post         graduation and instead preferred upsc preparation
2. The world is becoming tech savvy then how will you be able to manage as you are from humanities background? (I said, I was an engineer for 2 years and then left it)
3. How did you convince your father? (3 idiots movie Farhan scene reference - they all laughed😅)
4. Caste violence and rivalry is more visible in Maharashtra. What do you think are the reasons?
5. Do you think government is favouring the privileged community in this ( I SAID A BIG NO) ( I later realised this was indeed a googly bcoz she tried very hard to get any reply which would be criticising the govt but thankfully I didn't)

1. Tell me the origin of yoga (DAF)
2. Tell me the 8 sutras of ashtanga yoga (I told all)
3. Then at which stage are you?
4. Difference between Hindustan and carnatic music (DAF)
5. How many notes are there? (DAF)
6. Some famous musicians who have contributed for both? (DAF)
7. What are these indian exercises? (DAF)
8. Who started this mallakhamb?
9. What do you play on harmonium? (DAF)

M2 (Female - full grilling mode)
1. You left engineering which shows that you run away from challenges. If you will get some post which you don't like then you will leave it too?
2. Tell me the types of martial arts? (Random)
3. How will you convince Agniveers who are serving for just 3-4 years to serve in dangerous battlefields like galwan?

1. Onion price issue in Maharashtra
2. Drought in Maharashtra reasons (DAF)
3. Many districts in Rajasthan receive less rainfall than Marathwada then why drought conditions are severe in Marathwada? (DAF)
4. Farmer suicides solutions (DAF)

1. What are FTAs
2. Is India having trade with China a good thing?
3. Should we be wary about annoying China? ( I said sir China will be annoyed anyway bcoz a thriving democracy in the neighborhood is a threat to its core existence as PPL of china might also demand democracy - he seemed to be impressed)
4. Growing trade deficit with China what India is doing?
5. Why countries are going for bilateral trade negotiations like FTAs and not for WTO led mechanism? ( Multilateralism on the decline was in the news)

Except the female member ( a bit grilling) everything went pretty smooth.

DAF - In my case more than 70% of the questions were directly or indirectly related to DAF ( I would say was lucky enough on this)

Mocks - KSG, Chahal (very good), Chanakya mandal, Vajirao and Reddy (very good)

In my case 70% was DAF & 20% were questions which got repeated from the mocks so the uncharted waters were like 10%
Name Homosapien
Date -22/2/23
Keywords - Rajasthan, NIT Bhopal, web series , reading self help books , PSIR , Electrical engineering

Smitha nagraj board
Why don't u just read books , web series gives a biased and narrow perspective?
Differentiate between movie and web series ?
Which part of your personality you want to improve?

U read books , name the book u read on IR
Don't u consider Brahma chellany as hypo realist or hawk ?
Why u read his books ?
Is India really have any foreign policy on Pakistan

RRR dekhi h ( nahi dekhi )
Pathan ha
Tum MP se ho kya controversy h
Kyu esi actor k sath Aisa hota h
My name is Khan me bhi esi k sath kyu ho rha tha
Movie is hit , don't u think as a society we are wrong
U r from Delhi why low voting in Delhi
Okkey u are from Rajasthan steps govt has taken to tackle solar e waste
2 priorities of u to popularise EV
Koi element Mila kya h , kaha Mila , lithium me kya special h
Don't u think we are late for Lithium , future me kya soch rhe h
Sodium ion battery ka kya jhol h
how u tackle loneliness in your long journey of preparation
Who is jon mearsheimer
Which big IR event is going to happen
Next day which summit is happening
What the agenda
Why despite will of West and East , we are not able to resolve debt crises
Which international mechanism to resolve debt crises
Are self help books really part of literature

Board - theek tha sajjan log lag rhe the , aaram se answer complete karne de rahe the

Utility of mocks - Dena chahiye, some repeatitive questions and framing of answers .

Note - mask utarne ko nhi bola , no intro , no. why IAS
Education - e&ece iit kharagapur
Optional - psychology
Hobbies - mindfulness meditation, podcasting on South Indian movies
Panel - shukla sir
Dt - feb 28th, forenoon

I entered the room filled with silence and nonchalant expressions from all panel members and the environment was bit intimidating at the start. I sat and started to try smiling when Shukla sir was going through my daf.

Chairman -
1. India's GERD has been only 0.7% but in the developed countries it's 1.8% of gdp. Why private companies aren't investing in r&d in India?
2. What is technology transfer vs knowledge transfer?
3. Is there gross underestimation in calculating Gerd?
4. What is NSTMIC?
5. Why india not getting nobel in physics? Last Indian to get Nobel Prize in physics?

1. What is sagarmala? What are the implications?
2. Approximate coastline of India?
3. What is logistic cost in india?
4. What was the year of iit kgp estb? Which foreign university it was associated to?
5. Any new halls of residence?
6. What is mindfulness meditation?
7. How to practice it?

M2 -
1. What are functions of TRAI?
2. What is Electronics communication privacy Act?
3. How will u use ECE in managing disasters?
4. Should yoga and meditation be made mandatory?

M3 - (mam)
1. What is positive psychology?
2. Is happiness measurable?
3. Who publishes global happiness index?
4. Which country measures happiness instead of gdp?
5. Why gdp as a measure is inadequate?
6. What is the rank of india in happiness index?
7. Which are the happiest countries?
8. What is positive psychology?
9. Do u think happiness be made a part of public policy?
10. Do you think democracy is the only form of govt that makes people happy?
11. What is the difference between sympathy, empathy and compassion?
12. What is rational compassion?
13. How do you apply rational compassion to a woman who lost her home and belongings in a fire accident?

M4 -
1. Have you ever taken employment?
2. If upsc cse didn't exist, what would be your career option?
3. Do you see hope in agri startup?
4. What is the difference between freud, adler and jung?
5. What is star(!?) personality?

Chairman - your interview is over and you can leave. All the best.

Mam reminded me about the mask. She wished me all the best too. I thanked them all and left the room with numerous thoughts and a sigh of relief.

Overall, the interview went on my daf and psychology to a large extent except hon chairman's questions. Reading 'all editorials' compilation for the last month was really helpful to locate the demand of the question. I liberally said 'I don't know' for some questions and they hinted me and asked me to guess. That way the board was cordial and cooperating. I felt the entire discussion chairman sir was trying to do was based on opinion piece appeared on 26th feb in the hindu.

Panel members especially Mam gave me enough opportunities to express my views freely. Overall the entire preparation for interview felt like a walking down the memory lane where every branch of our identity and personality kept on branching out to number of subsequent questions. However sticking to at least the basic things will pay much.

Mocks helped me rethink and rephrase my answers and led me to very important insights. Wish I started giving more mocks at the earliest.
Ksg panel with Khan sir, only ias, vajirao & ravi and chahal academy were good.

Interview preparation though challenging, felt like a rumination of the past and building a bureaucratic attitude for the future.
Board..chobey sir
Hobbies: basketball and badminton

1.tell about your academic background and work experience.
2.why you want to become a civil servant.

1.national dairy research institute  what it is known for.
2.How NDDB(dairy dev board)process work and hepled in operation flood. haryana cooperative works if compare to operation flood and where it happened.
4.other than research work,how nddb helping farmers and their income.
5.Is there animal census.

1.which day is today globally related to human health and how it is significant
2.when last census happened, how it is significant and when will be next. do u see sports participaion of women in haryana(daf).
4.which other states significantly doing well other than sports person from northeast state.
5.tell only one significant solution for correction of child malnutrition.

1.what is this balanced diet and components do u think people focused on it.
2.In recent years no.of cancer cases increased but death is not much,according to u which disease cause more no.of death globally and in india as well.
3.fires food awareness increasing more and more now a days...fibre biscuit and all...though it neither give nutrition nor absorb any nutrient..why then fibres are given
such importance.
4.whan eat antibiotics what impacts o n gut
5.which bacteria present in gut
6.what is probiotic and prebiotic what impacts of these products .
7.components of balanced diet
8.In india there is difference between food non-vegetarian and vegetarian diet  what is the source of vit.b12

M4 do u see agnipath schemes..tells its significance if any and if not as protest happened..should it be removed.
2.national education policy is being seen as a significant step still it has issues what are those
3.India and china relation how could be solved and if not what its impact
4.countries adjacent to India is being downfallling ,do u think India could save itself in such situations.

Chairman u want us to ask u anything else...i said no sir,thanku sir.
Sir said...your interview is over.

Mock utility....give you experience to speak but in upsc most of the questions from daf and current.
Smita nagaraj board
Work: faculty CTU
Current job where ru working and work experience any.
How India views different countries west, east and how it will balance in future.
I see you write articles on foreign policy where do you write?
Domestic we have have difficult and dirty politics and how are we speaking morally international.
Diaspora and emigration
Rise of right wing nationalism and how India should deal with it.

Member1 lady north east
She teams Telangana
How r they doing and its impact
Composition (unaware)
JNU is in news why
Is the ruling dispensation against JNU.
Compare JNU and osmania university.
Refugee boat sunk in medetarianan ?
Why this route is used.

Member 2

Migrants and refugee policy.
Assimilation of refugee
France vs India
Fears of migrants take over
Statistics used for false narratives (graduation).

Member 3
Tribal university
Compare north east and mainland tribes
Challges faced in teaching civil services to SC students.
Digitalisation access to resources can it be a leveler.

Member 4 ex SBI chairman
Compare Satya Nadella to sunder pichai
Leadership ability
Who are stakeholders in a corporation.
Date 24th February, forenoon 6th to go
Board- Smita Nagraj ma'am
Optional- Sociology
Graduation- Physics ( Fergusson college )
Profession- no work exp
State- Maharashtra
Hobbies- watching cricket, playing tabla( no question asked)
Chairman -1. You are from Sindhudurg so tell me about history of Sindhudurg and how it is linked to current times
2. Tell me, if someone speaks negative about personalities like Chatrapati shivaji maharaj then there erupts violence so do you think that our society has became intolerant?
3. Suppose you are commissioner of one municipality and there is illegal encroachment you have given orders to evict it, then what will you do?
4. Do you think laws favour powerful?

1. Member said that i read it somewhere during my graduation that Marathas knew how to destroy than to construct what are your views?
2. What you think battle of Panipat was it defeat of strategy or defeat of diplomacy?
3. Why India is not able to win test series in south africa?
4. Which book you have recently or in last month? ( i told three thousand stitches by Sudha Murthy) then he asked what was it about?

M2( he was in some grilling mood i thought)
Initially he told me you have good CGPA and academics is also good so you must be good in sociology too.. then he asked some concept related to sociology.. and I heard it for first time🥲 and then he seemed little surprised🫥..
2. Then he said ok and asked about tell me what are demographic challenges we are facing in India and is government doing enough to tackle those challenges? What other steps/policies we can take?
3. Are we agriculture surplus or agriculture deficit
4. What steps government taking for increasing oil production or two more questions i might be missing

1. Tushar you are from Fergusson college so tell me who were the founders of Fergusson college?
2. Who was Fergusson?
3. Tell me any one famous personality from your college
4. You have got inspire scholarship so suppose you have given opportunity to make changes in this policy what changes you will make?
5. Is this scholarship helping students? Shall we discontinue it?

1. There are incidents of  corruption in Maharashtra what steps you will suggest to reduce it?
2. Why south Indian movies are  more successful than Bollywood movies?
3. What was turning point in yesterday's match ( IND vs AUS T20 women's World Cup semifinal)
4. Was last over bowled by India also turning point?
5. What is current status of untouchability in Maharashtra? What steps you will suggest to reduce it?
Your interview is over, thank you

I said thank you.

Overall feeling cordial board , mostly from DAF and opinion based. Few questions repeated from mocks

Utility of mocks- I gave around 10 mocks just to get my presentation body language posture correct. In my opinion around 5/6 mocks would help to get acquainted with the formalities and also they help to improve presentation and structure of answers

I felt chahal academy's mock near to my actual interview. KSG especially one to one with Khan sir is also good. Apart from that vajirao and Reddy, unacademy were also decent.
Apart from that I used to discuss with my peer group!

All the best for others🤠
Board - shukla sir
no question on educational background
Hobby-poetry writing
Optional- sociology.
State Gurugram haryana.
Is civil service your childhood dream?
Why didn't you join private sector?
Why India lack on innovation?
Some counter questions on this

How sociology is impacting people?
Women empowerment, are women in today's world empowered?
So you write poetry say some couplets?

What all CSS schemes are reaching you village?
Pm kisan nidhi which installment is due?
Have you heard of ujjwala scheme?
What happened in Gurugram g20?

M3 - why india lack in innovation despite western nations advancing in it?
How would you rate gurugram as a smart City?
How has urbanisation impacted the society?

Why is g20 discussing war when it is not it's mandate?
Some counter questions.
Date and session of interview- 6th March 2023; Afternoon session
Board- Shri R.N. Choubey
Optional- Anthro
Hobbies- 1. Reading about defence related news
                 2. Following news media websites of USA

Told me to remove mask if I’ve no covid symptoms. I said I don’t have, but I’m suffering from cough, cold, fever since last few days. Sir told me to keep on mask on in that case
Asked me if I had lunch. What items in lunch
1. Forex reserve of India
2. Ways through which a nation earns Forex
3. Who owns forex: RBI, or Govt, or Banks?
4. Air India aircraft deal value
5. Should a company be allowed to use so much of our forex to buy aircraft? Would you have allowed it as RBI chairperson?
6. (some follow-up discussion on technicalities of aircraft pricing & purchase mechanism. Sir is ex-Aviation secretary & I’ve deep interest in aviation)
Member 1
1. If seniors in your office are critical of you, write a poor report of your performance, what will be your approach towards it
2. If you ever had to face a situation where you had to compromise on quality due to cost constrain
Member 2
1. Should we have large scale hydel power plants?
2. Environmental impact; Geological & engineering issues of such plants
3. Why should we invest in such plants, when Pakistan’s hydel projects are failing?
4. Defence manufacturing @ Atmanirbhar bharat (DAF Hobby)
5. Why Strategic partnership of Indian manufacturers with foreign OEM is failing
1. “Make-in-India” and “Made-in-India”
Member 3 (lady)
1. Too much protest around hydel projects. But nation needs such projects. Should we allow these protests?
2. Minerals mainly found in India
3. Why is India poor despite being rich in minerals
4. In which state XYZ mineral (don’t recall) is abundantly found ?
{I said sorry ma’am I don’t know. But she didn’t hear my response. Chairperson sir was very attentively listening. He told M3 that the candidate is saying he doesn’t know}
Member 4
1. Why media is called 4th pillar of democracy? Is it written in constitution (DAF Hobby)
2. What are other 3 pillars of democracy
3. Governors are sitting on bills passed by state legislature. {Here Chairperson sir told M4 that sir you gave a statement, what is your question for the candidate} M4 said he wants my view on the matter
1. Since you follow US media websites, what are your observations of US society, media, etc vis-à-vis India
1. US media often portrays India in poor light. Do you think they are biased ?

Your experience in interview- Board was cordial. Chairperson sir was very attentive. He was listening to every question of other members
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Good for confidence building. But while mocks were heavily DAF based, in actual interview very little was asked from DAF
Date and session of interview- 7 march afternoon session
Board- Lt Gen Raj Shukla Sir
Optional- PSIR
College- nothing asked
Profession (if any)- NA
Hobbies- reading Modern Indian history, reaserach paper on Sentiment analysis, Model UN

Chairman sir:
1. Discussion on role of revolutionaries in Modern indian history.
2. Discussion over narratives in history
3. Does history truly repeat
4. How do you see future of history writing

1. Continued discussion on modern history
2. How ruling regimes influence history
3. Narratives in school text books

1. Discussion on my research paper
2. Use of AI in reducing pendency in courts
3. What are the challenges of sentiment analysis
4. Role of UN in peace process
5. What is double veto
6. Powers and authority of UNGA
7. what is article 352 and changes made in it under constitutional amendments?

1. What are some unique features that make India a vibrant democracy
2.  What is Role of India’s secular structure in ensuring democracy
3.  A few follow ups
4.. Discussion on threats of sentiment analysis
5.Cambridge analytica controversy
6. Possibility of influencing elections
7. Ethics of using personal data in sentiment analysis and impaxt on democracy
8. Give a brief rundown of g20 presidency
7. Tell me about Caste based census and it’s pros and cons
8. You must be aware about Mandal Commission. Do you think similar situation can happen in aftermath of caste based census?

1. What was today’s aqi
2. What is the importance of aqi
3. Give measures that are in place and what more could be done?
4. What is Gati shakti ?
5. Role of gati shakti in improving indian logistic sector

Shukla sir looked at everyone and everyone nodded. Your interview is over and all the best.

Your experience in interview- Amazing. Very cordial board and a very discussion like experience here.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Chahal, chanakya mandal, vajirao and reddy, only ias, forum ias, Drishti IAS all good
O2O with Ravindran sir, Ayush sir, Vikas Divyakirti sir and Khan sir very good
Date of interview - 2nd March
Board - R.N Chaubey Sir
Afternoon - 4th to Go
Profession - No
Keywords - PSIR, IIT Delhi , Btech - Engineering Physics, Rajasthan, Jaipur
Hobbies - Ques not asked

 1. Please tell us about your educational qualification and Work Experience
 2. What is the basic principle behind Health Insurance
 3. If person does not get sick for 10 yrs and paying premium conitnuously, is it right if they feel that their insurance is waste of money
 4. What is he/she get sick after 10 yrs with some chronic illness, and then the health insurance company stops providing further insurance services, bec now they will incur more loss? Is it legal ? What do you think ?
 5. What about Crop insurance?
 6. What is the ground reality? Are farmers getting adequate money?

1st Member - lady
 1. What do you think is the most used metal in the world?
 2. ( Lady - India is top producer of Aluminium )
 3. Tell me about it ?
 4. Which all states produce most Aluminum?
 5. If you have to setup an Aluminium factory, what all factors will you consider ?
 6. Which country has largest Tribal population, as India has 2nd highest ?
 7. Tell me few policies for Tribal Welfare ?

2nd Member - Sir
 1. What is BRICS ? What is the reason for formation ? What is current status ?
 2. About Tension btw India and China ?
 3. Reasons for India China issues ?
 4. What can be the plausible Solutions ?

3rd Member - Sir
 1. Role of Pakistan in India China issues
 2. Little About BRI and What Steps India has taken to counter BRI
 3. What has Contitutional provisions about Tribals ?
 4. What is Engineering Physics ?
 5. Give example ?
 6. What are the new tech being developed to Store harnessed renewable energy ? (I spoke about Li-ion Batteries ,as one the solution)

4th member - Lady
 1. What are Rare earth Metal ?
 2. How they are now in increasing demand ?
 3. Which all countries has Lithium Resource ?
 4. What is the addition of labourers (in number ) in India each year ? Take a guess ?
 5. What is the total number of Work Force in India ?
 6. What is Women LFPR in India?
 7. Is it more than Bangladesh or less ?
 8. What is LFPR of Men ?
 9. How in India can we increase the LFPR of women ?
 10. What has NEP2020, mentioned about increasing women participation in STEM field
 • We have finished our ques, do you wish to ask anything to us, feel free to ask
 • Your interview is over, thank you !!
 • The board looks cordial only bec their objective is to assess us and not to make us practice interview, so they just accept whatever we say to them - to analyse us
 • The environment seems intimidating due to our expectations, but board tries best to make us feel comfortable
 • Experience about happy go luck interview or Poker faced board, is out of ones control, maybe depends on our luck
 • Overall, working on our Calmness helps the most

Mocks and O2O
 • Mocks are for sure helpful, they kind of prepare us for difficult situation in actual personality test, Practice etiquette's
 • O2O - Helpful as we get an idea that things are within our reach, boost motivation
Date - 2 March, forenoon session, last to go
Board - Smita Nagraj Ma'am
Optional - Economics
Profession - Currently RBI, ex-Bank of America
College - IITK
State - Rajasthan
Hobbies - movies and travelling
Keywords - banking, RBI, movies, travelling, NCC, economy
Time - 25-30 minutes

1. What are you doing since leaving Bank of America?
2. How have we benefitted by allowing private and foreign banks?
3. Why public sector banks are needed?
4. But priority sector lending also applies to foreign and private sector banks?
5. Why govt keeps on putting more public money in PSBs even when they are not generating enough profits?
6. Are we being fair towards foreign and private banks when govt is recapitalising PSBs?

1. What is ESG?
2. What are green bonds?
3. Although inflation management is RBI's work but how can govt play its part in this?
4. Question on bank consolidation and benefits from it.
5. What are the general characteristics of corporate governance? (And some cross questions)

M2 (female)
1. Which all places have you travelled?
2. Differentiate between nature of tourism in Meghalaya and Sikkim.
3. Are you aware about any permit system while visiting border areas in these two states?
4. Why RRR has been such a success across the world? (Some counter questions on how storyline and action sequences can said to be unique?)
5. Point out one social problem in Rajasthan that you think demands attention?
6. How would you as a DM of one such district would ensure that this social problem is eradicated?

1. Which department of RBI are you part of?
2. What is the nature of your work and which vertical are you assigned?
3. How many banks have undergone liquidation since independence?
4. Don't you think RBI has failed in its function as a central banker with these many bank failures?
5. List down different functions of RBI?
6. Don't you feel that there is a conflict of interest when RBI functions as govt's debt manager?
7. Shouldn't RBI be restricting itself to core central banking functions to improve its efficiency?
8. A new AIFI formed recently to finance long term projects?

Chairman ma'am thought all members are done asking and said "thank you, your interview is over. You may go now." But then realised one member is still left asking so asked to continue.

1. What is RBI's logo?
2. What is the story behind RBI's logo?
3. What is the motto of NCC?
4. What have you learnt from NCC?
5. Should conscription be made legally enforceable in India?
6. But conscription will help generate feeling of patriotism and discipline among youth. Don't you think so?

Chairwoman - while smiling - thank you, your interview is over!

Experience - Board was cordial. Smita ma'am smiled, nodded in between and was observing carefully. Majority part of interview revolved around RBI, economy and banking, and some points from DAF. Fumbled while answering some questions and said no whenever I wasn't sure.

Utility of mocks - to build confidence and some questions on hobby were repeated.
PT Date : 22/02/2023 morning (2nd to go)
Board : Smita Nagraj Ma'am
Keywords: West Bengal (home state+ state govt employee), Satyajit Ray (mentioned in DAF),Bengali Literature (optional)

1. Explain about your job role.
2. View on press freedom and biaseness of media (my job role includes media mgmt)..2/3 related counter questions
3.So you like Satyajit Ray, but I think Ritwik Ghatak is a better film maker what do you say? what is so special about Ray?

1. what are the movies by Satyajit ray that you have watched? (I named few, he asked few more and I said yes to all of them)
2. Have you read Sarat chandra? Srikanto? what do you think about the character?
3. you have a very long work exp. What are your observations?

M2: have a very long work exp.How would you manage multiple works in limited time? have a very long work exp.There may be many instance where one has to compromise with integrity. What are your views?
3.What is EEZ
4.What would you do to improve nutritional levels of children?
5.What are the security arrangements of coastal area?

1.Name few newspapers of countries around us and other countries. (because my job role includes press)
2.Long monologue about Nobel laureates of WB and then asked about Amartya sen Land issue with Viswa Bharati

1.Two sugeestions to CM about developing economy
2. How to develop human dev indicators in WB

Chairperson: Thank you, interview is over
Date and session of interview- 10th march 2023, afternoon session, 2nd to go
Board- RN Chaubey sir
Optional- Electrical
College- NIT Surat(nothing asked)
Profession (if any)- Telecom Sector
Hobbies- (nothing asked)
Duration - 15-20mins
Keywords in DAF relevant to questions asked- Telecom

If you don't have any symptoms remove your mask
1) Tell us about yourself in brief, describing only academic and work experience
2) What exactly you are doing in present jon?

1) Do you think Intolerance is increasing in society. Issues of returning awards, comments from other nations etc. Asked opininon
2) When is Int Yoga Day? (Random, not in DAF)
3) Contribution of Ramdev towards Yoga?
Followup on commercial side of it.

1) Should we focus on social sector too much? Opinion
2) Impact of banning Huawei, ZTE in telecom sector
3) Is India right in maximizing oil imports from Russia?
Follow up on: Does it means taking side of Russia in war?

1) What is 5Gi ? Can it become global standard in future? What are issues
2) Govt plans to reduce fossils nd all still why high subsidy on Fossils, Crude etc
3) When efficiency of Solar is low, why to focus on it. How much is the efficiency?

M4(female member):
1) Hydro energy, potential? Should we promote? Issues related to it?
2) Why capital investment is necessary?

My experience:
Board was cordial.
Didn't interrupt while answering and no cross questions.

Mocks help in getting over the anxiety of speaking in front of experienced panel and think.
Date/session - 6th Mar/Forenoon
Board - Mrs Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Name - neilcantbirdwahtch
Attempt count - 5th Attempt, 1st Interview
Grad -  Instrumentation & Control(ICE) Engg
Hobbies - Walking, Online Virtual Football Competition
Duration - 25ish minutes

First one to go. Total 5 members, not a big room with the 4 members on their individual sofa chairs. Impeccably cordial and encouraging board. Felt like a really short interview imo. I gave elaborate responses, they didn't intervene in between. Most of the questions were analytical. Felt like it was actually just a conversation with a natural flow and transition. It didn't seem that they had readymade questions in advance barring one occasion with M4.


Ma'am tried to comfort me and put me to ease by telling me that it was just a friendly conversation to know me, and I should be relaxed and free to ask them for clarifications if any.

- So you were an Intern before and then a full time employee at the same company. What were your roles?(PMIC subdivision, PowerON module as an intern, Clocks module as an employee so cellular connectivity ensured in mobile systems during concurrencies)

- Why have we been experiencing call drops of late?

- Physical towers might be replaced with superior tech soon. What's the expected timeline in your opinion?(I told her that my knowledge was rudimentary and I can't give an informed estimate, she accepted the response with an encouraging "Fair enough")

- So you participate in Online Virtual Football Management Tournaments. Elaborate.

- Do you play football IRL?


- You sound really articulate and I'm impressed by your structured and informed thought process. Tell me, how will you use this thought process in administration?

- From your profile, it looks as if you're a Privileged Delhi boy who has good educational credentials, worked in a well paying job and who is now looking to come work in government for a new experience. What do you have to say to that?

- Tell me honestly, why CSE?

- This is a good response but a typical response we occasionally hear. Tell me what you can add to the administration with your academic credentials.

- EPL(Premier League) is flushed with money. What do you have to say about that?

- So does money matter?


- How will you use the knowledge of instrumentation and control in administration?

- Delhi pollution, how to solve?

- Use of data in handling pollution?

- Are you aware of the recent issue surrounding data related to kids/minors?

- C emissions, what should be the response?

- Any specific fund catering to this problem?


- So you spoke about EV in your response to pollution problem, how to encourage EV usage?

- Can you see India moving to exclusively EV based ecosystem in the next 5 years?

- Shouldn't govt create a complete charging ecosystem prior to pushing for EV? Why/Why not?

- Will EV also push the envelope of vehicular safety and telematics further?


- Every citizen whether rich or poor needs govt support. What can govt do better for citizens, give me some 5-6 reforms required and how to realise them on the ground?

- Speak for a minute in support and against the statement "India will get old before it gets rich".


- Your Interview is over, you may leave-

While i was getting up forgot my mask on the table, I was reminded to pick it up by by M1. I politely thanked him for reminding me. I also wasn't able to locate the crease of the door immediately while going out due to curtains and a good camouflaging paint xD.
Date: 9 March forenoon session
Board: Preeti Sudan Mam + 4 Male Members
Background: B.E. in Information Technology
Home State: Delhi
Optional: Maths
School : DAV public school
Sports: Cricket
Leadership: Founding member of Axiom-Discourse society of Nsit
Hobbies: Blogging,Spending time in nearby Gaushalas and Temple,Practicing Yogic asanas and pranayama

1. Tell me something about River Yamuna.
2. Tell Yamuna River vis a vis Delhi.
3. Are you sure that Delhi gets its water need from Yamuna?
4. Why you go Gaushalas?
5. what more you get by going to Gaushalas apart from that?
6. Lot of opportunities and high paying jobs are there in IT then why not that,why civil services?

M1:(Mr. Manjeev singh puri - Former Ambassador to Nepal)...(Speaking in proper Hindi)

1. Tell me what is the issue of yamuna sutlej linking project?
(follow up on this for next 2-3 questions )
2. Tell me about women Cricket in India.
(follow up on this for next 2-3 questions )
3. He said that Cricket is the thing which unites each and every indian and even South Asian. So can we use Cricket as a medium to promote South Asian Unity?
(follow up on this for next 2-3 questions )


1. Tell me something about DAV.
2. So you were taught something with respect to vedas and aryasamaj?
3. What is the contribution of DAV?
4. Is there any Contribution of DAV in our freedom struggle?
5. Have you ever feared Mathematic in your life?
6. You have IT as well as Maths, so which is more important?
7. How will you solve issue of your area technologically?
8. Issue of parking is there in your area..what would be its solution?
9. What is state of public transportation in your area?


1. What motivates you to create new society Axiom?
2. Why it is named as Axiom?
3. Why it is named as Discourse?
(follow up on this for next 1-2 questions )
4. What other thing you do when you feel low apart from finding positivity in going Gaushalas?
5. what is Govt doing for Inland waterways?
6. Apart from tourism and transportation what is the use of inland waters?
7. Are you aware of a Country which have utilised there inland waters most effectively?


1. Which school of Yoga you do?
2. From where you learn Yoga?
3. Tell something about Indus Water Treaty.
4. why you are using Ravi , Beas , Chenab in Indus River Treaty?
5. Why India have calling for renegotiation of Indus Water Treaty?
6. Do you know about Highest bridge in the world constructed in J&K?
7. How many Gaushalas are there in your area?
8. Who own lands of Gaushalas in Urban areas?
9. River gives us many things but what we have given to Rivers?(I was thinking on this question but before that sir continued as)
10. we have given them Pollution
11. (One more question i am not able to recall.)

Chairperson: Thank you Beta, All the Best
Date : 10th March 2023, Forenoon, Last to go
Board : Lt. Gen. Raj Shukla Sir
Background : MBBS
Work Ex : Medical Tourism (assistant manager)
Home state : Haryana
Attempt : 2nd Attempt, 1st Interview
DAF keywords : Diploma in International Relations, Model UN, South China Sea, Mental Health, Youtube, turncoat debating

Overall Experience : felt like a nice conversation. Hoping for the best!

Chairman sir :
1. Where do you see China's internal politics headed?
2. What is Left left right in chinese politics?
3. How do you see Chinese foreign policy in the coming years?
4. Our EAM is saying there is no trouble with china. Do you agree?
5. Do you think this is the end of China's Hide and Bide?
6. Why has China settled its border disputes with most countries but not with India?
7. Is economy the only factor in conflicts? EAM is saying they are the larger economy.
8. What is India's model of secularism?
9. Is the west also embracing religions now or is there a different model of secularism there? Which country?

1. Ours is a welfare state. Why are the prices of medical drugs so high and what can be done about it?
2. Discussion on compulsory licensing
3. Discussion on parallel import
4. What is borand exemption? (couldn't hear this properly)
5. What is the government doing to reduce the price of drugs?
6. Dont you think it would be better to negotiate with the pharma companies before hand rather than giving patents?

1. What is turncoat debating?
2. Do a turncoat debate on the topic : The government that governs the least is the best government.
3. What is habeas corpus?
4. When was it suspended?
5. Who was the dissenting judge?

1. You are from haryana. What do you think of Khap Panchayats?
2. As a doctor, what would you like to say about sagotra marriage and intercaste marriage?
3. What do you do on youtube? How many subscribers / hits on your channel?
4. Why did you start discussing mental health?
5. What is the G20?
6. India's G20 presidency and priorities.

M4 (lady member)
1. What is your opinion on internet shutdowns? What purpose do they serve?
2. SImultaneous elections and discussions on that.

Chairman sir:
1. Why is there a divide between the global south and the G20?
2. Dont you think in Russia Ukraine war, Global South should have gone with the underdog ukraine?

Thank you, you interview is over.

Utility of mocks :
Nothing like the real experience, there is much more stress there.
However, they do help in framing your thoughts. Good ones : Chanakya Mondal Pariwar, Chahal Academy, Unacademy, Civils Daily.
Samkalp was okay
Avoid : IAS gurukul
O2O : Very helpful (all 3 of them were extremely helpful. best experience was these 3 one to ones.) Satyam Jain sir, Kaptaan bhaiya (interview was on the lines of his O2O session), Atish Mathur Sir.
Discussion with my friends group helped the most.
Date and session of interview- 9 th feb 2023 (morning session last one to go)
Board- smita nagraj ma'am
Optional- history
College- government engineering college ujjain
Profession (if any)- no
Hobbies- waste to craft making for home decore

good morning beta..
Please baithiye beta..
Small conservation on saree...
1- your hometown related to tendu leaves.. Tell me about issue faced by tribes related to tendu leaves?
2-  tell me 3 most vulnerable section of our society I said ( tribe, women, children... She said no no tell me specific you cover around 60% of our population, as north east tribe so prosperous... Tell me something specific?
3- issues related to tribal people? ( I used word rural indebtedness)
4- u said rural indebtedness. So tell me issues behind this problem that money landers has reach to tribe and our government has not??
5- u know about art 370 .? Why challenged in sc?
6- you know other provision of our constitution same as art 370
7- why 370 abolished and 371not?
Ok thank you ....

Member 1-( female)
1-  ap bhi consumer aur me bhi consumer right.. Tell me something about consumer rights?
2- apne suna hoga na aj ka news jisme ek lady consumer ke hairs kharab kr diye aur arround 2 crore ki penalty lagayi h...... How can you see this news?
3- Do you think  this much penalty is good??
4- so u believe in deterrence  policy ( I said definitely no ma'am but ma'am according place and time ....hme ye bhi  krna hi padhta h )

Member 2
1- tell me something about gst ?
2- how many slabs in gst?
3- you know luxury goods sin goods are in 28% slab... So  what is your opinion about cement ? should it comes under 28℅ slab or not ?
4- i said no  ... Why not?
5- what is your opinion about women reservation in legislative Assembly and panchayat level ( mentioned I am not talking about parliament )
6- why and what are the pros of women reservation at panchayat level?
7- what is technical difference between chatgpt and bard ?

Member 3
You read history as your optional... I said yes sir

1- what is india according to history?
2- what is challenges of integral india?
3 - tell me one lesson from history which you learnt and also relevant in today's scenario?

1- On what basis the Constitution of India recognizes minority status?
2- are you sure only religious and linguistic basis?  What about Cultural basis ?
3- you know states too can define minority status.....And center has different list of minority people? What is your opinion ??  Ye sab different different level pr status define krne dena chahiye??
Ok  interview is over
Thnk u
God bless you beta... Ap ja sakte h
I said thnk u ma'am.

Your experience in interview- very cordial and amazing experience.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- samkalp mocks helpful
Date and session of interview- Subah subah bula liye humko 13 March.
Board- Sathyavathy ma'am
Optional- Itihaas gawah hai
College- Padharo mhare des
Profession (if any)- dukh dard kasht peeda. Yahi humara profession hai
Hobbies- Queen's Gambit, Rock On
Your experience in interview- board was extremely cordial. Initially when I entered there were 4 members, another ma'am joined in the middle of the interview. Interview was 70% from DAF.
Ma'am wished good morning, I wished the others as well. She read out the DAF loudly.
1. You're from West Bengal or Rajasthan? Then why did you go to Rajasthan for graduation?
2. There was a common entrance test in 2014 also? (There was. It was recently extended to all Central Universities)
3. Do you still play chess (Yes ma'am with a huge smile on my face. I try to play everyday.)
4. What is rapid chess? How does it differ from classical chess?
5. What is the time control? (Classical chess sometimes has 1.5 hours time control for games. Said that). 1.5 hours for every move?
6. Green Hydrogen Mission? What are the problems you can identify as a chemist?
7. And what are the benefits of it? (Ma'am didn't seem satisfied by my answer)
8. Why are we focusing so much on it?
Passed on to member 1
M1: (Ma'am who joined later.)
1. What does the NCC do? ( Said don't know the specifics ma'am)
2. But you were in NCC no? (I wasn't. CP ma'am glared at her for a good minute after this😂)
3. Acha tell me the full form of NCC. (Mental dialogue: Are ma'am dur dur tak naata nahi hai mera NCC se)
4. You've heard of NSS? What do they do? (Sorry ma'am)
5. They were there in your university? (No. They began in the year I passed out.)
6. What was the story you wrote for which you won the prize? (Asked permission if I could narrate the story. She said tell in 3 lines. Bataya maine 3 line jitna ho saka).
7. What else did you do in the literary club? What other clubs were you a part of?
8. You play the guitar? What sort of guitar? Do you sing also? ( Said no with a wide smile)
9. So you generally accompany others? (Said mostly yes but I have also performed solo once or twice)
M3:( Sir. Maine galti se ma'am bol diya inko. Thankfully he didn't hear😂)
1. You spoke about hydrogen mission. Why are we coming out with a plan for renewable energy?
2. Agriculture in your state is mostly rice related. What problems do you have in rice cultivation
3. Do you know of soil productivity (he said something else but the essence was the same. I said I don't know exactly but if you allow me I would like to try)
4. Gave a monologue about 3 rice crops then asked me to explain. Bataya bhai generic baate.
5. Tell me about the cheetah mission.
6. But what are the benefits of it?
7. But tigers and panthers can also do the same thing. Why are we not introducing them? (I said habitat is different for them. Plus cheetahs were there in the areas we are reintroducing them)
Said there are some more reasons. Look them up.
M3: (he was to my exact left but he was speaking so low that I couldn't hear him on 2 occasions)
1. Do you think history is biased?
2. But history is fact based. Why is it biased then? (Said sir it depends on the historian's perspective as well as the new information we unearth from time to time)
3. Do you think history is dead?
4. Why should we save our museums? (I mistakenly heard should instead of why. He corrected me. Said that they are a repository of our culture. Even my interest in history began when I visited the Indian museum in Kolkata)
Two or three more questions. All were history related.
M4: (sir)
1. I'll give a situation. You are the CEO of the municipality of a city. Industries there need skilled workers, but people of the area are not willing to let migrant workers come in. How would you balance the need of all stakeholders? Take a minute and answer. (Essence of the question was this. He spoke for nearly a minute)
Board- M.Satyavaty
Date- 13/03/23(fourth in morning)
Optional -chemistry
Graduation - chemical engineering,
Work experience - IOCL, Reliance
Hobbies - cricket, movies
Other keywords - Ram Krishna mission, Cultural festival
Home state- Bihar

25 min approx
 Chairwoman ( first read aloud daf)
What are u doing since leaving ur job?
Why u resigned from IOCL?
How u are sustaining ur preparation financially?
Are u doing other activities like freelancing or content development in coaching institutes?
What is windfall tax( grilling on it why how where how is benefiting....)
What is this prayer hall incharge?(daf related)
Should prayer be allowed in school (slight grilling on issues)?

Again some question on prayer (can't recall)
Are we utilising this demographic dividend?
What is this average age of India and how we get it?what it shows
Do u think population is an asset or liability?
How we are using it or what steps we are taking?
Unemployment rate presently and your views?

Special about BHU?
How is Swami Vivekananda birthday celebrated?
How is it celebrated in ur school?
Budget special features?
Youth aspects of budget ?

Steps India is taking to reduce crude import?
What is present status of ethanol blending and new targets?
Problem in renewable energy integration in grid?
How can we reduce fluctuations if RE is integrated in grid?
What is International solar alliance (grilling on it?)
Progress in geothermal energy?

lithium reserve in J&K?
What other festival are held in college other than cultural?
Is sports not part of our culture (grilling on it)?
Technologies which India can export in chemical sector?

All the best...ur interview is over

Totally based on DAFs and from keywords I used in answer
Mocks utility - Give for practice n getting different questions...I don't have the distinction of good and bad board
Board- Satyavathi ma'am
Date- 13/03/2023
Optional English literature
Graduation economics
Hobbies- budget travel, Surya namaskar, sudarshan kriya

Majorly daf based questions

- what are you doing since graduation
- why English literature
-you travel, places you travelled to
-does travel and tourism pollute culture
-what about foreigners in Goa
-Rajasthan and it's culture
-only foreigners get influenced or we are influences as well

Member 1
- what are the trends in contemporary Indian literature
- Hindi is official language or national
- can it be made national language
- can it be made link language
- NEP and language provisions
- how can we achieve linguistic richness
- different in literature and language in official purposes
- use of translation

Member 2
- MV Vilas
- can be it made cheaper for people, How will you do it as tourism secretary
- romance language kya hai (pata nahi)
- Russia Ukraine conflict, are global forums like UNO irrelevant now

Member 3
- digitalisation of public finance and it's benefits
- can everybody do Yoga, elderly can't so what can be done in that case
- motivation, is it only monetary
- how to promote feeling of belongingness among employees to motivate them

Member 4
- law or enforcement
- why women children continue to face crimes, what needs to be done
- is social reform needed
- people taking law in their hands for quick justice, what are your views
- block chain in governance
- crypto
- what is India doing to control crypto

Thank you, your interview is over.

Mocks - just to remove nervousness.
O2O seemed deeper and more helpful to me.

Special thanks to Utkarsh Sir SOMP and my peers for daily discussions! Both of this helped me majorly in how to think and get into a habit of discussion
Satyawathy mam
1-what’s this gratitude diary ?
2 - Why do you write it ?
3- Why are you becoming a philosopher at such a young age ?
4- Is there any gratitude for you today in this interview ?
1-Apart from paying gratitude , what other intrapersonal skills should civil servant have ?
2- Why should India focus on internationalisation of rupee ?
3- What time frame do you suggest for achieving this internationalisation of rupee?
4- Some questions on school and college
1- What social issues have you read ?
2- what is social fact and who introduced it ?
3- Ways for youth to contribute to voluntary services?
4- What benefit voluntary public services will serve ?
5- What social issues you have encountered in your family ?
1- What is aspirational district programme ?
2- What apart from 3Cs in programme that makes it unique?
3- Why movement in Shaheen bagh and why it die out ?
4- Is there any under current left ?

5- Any fundamental duty that you want to enforce ?
6- Tell me any other duty apart from fundamental duties ?
7- One argument for and one against UCC
8- Should UCC be enforced
1- How can we enhance social inclusion ?
2- Challenges posed by technology in urban areas ?
3- How can we effectively enforce policies ?
4- Can we make different policies for different sections
Date and session of interview- 3rd March, Forenoon, 3rd to go
Board - Smita Nagaraj Ma'am
Optional - Geography (No direct Qs asked)
College - IIT Delhi, Mech (No direct Qs asked)
Work Experience- Data Scientist at Axis Bank
Hobbies - Analysing Indian Equity Market, Exploring Online Maps, Following domestic and international cricket. (1 question each on the first two).
Places – Muzaffarpur (hometown), Deoghar (school)

— Transcript begin —

1. So you have worked for quite some time at Axis Bank. Why did you leave it?
2. Young civil servants, is it good to give them so much power?
3. But Power corrupts…
4. Short monologue on Migration. What are the losses to both the in-migration and out-migration states?
5. What about the remittances received by the out-migration state? Does it not benefit the state?

M1 (Female):
1. Are you an Individual first or a community first person?
2. So, you might be posted in the archives section or xyz, then what would you do as a civil servant?
3. You may have been managing the region/zone after a level in your previous job, and might have a change of roles there, then what is the problem? (Ma’am misunderstood the nature of my previous job, I clarified that I would be posted in corporate office only).
4. Work done by Ramakrishna Mission/Math in Itanagar. (Based on school)
5. How has it changed the social fabric of Arunachal Pradesh?

M2 (Male):
1. Narayana Murthy has called VC model of investment a ponzi scheme. Why so?
2. What is Ponzi scheme?
3. Do you concur?
4. Where does corporate governance come into picture?
5. What is the market cap of Tesla?
6. It is more than the market cap of all the conventional automobile companies combined, why so?
7. Where should we focus, private sector banks or public sector banks?

M3 (Male):
1. Private sector banks NPA vs Public sector banks NPA?
2. If the GNPA and NNPA is at historic low, then why so much debate about NPAs in public and media?
3. Small banks vs large banks. Where should India focus more?
4. What is the significance of Local Area Banks and Regional Rural Banks then?
5. Where should I open my account, a Private Sector Bank or a Public Sector Bank?
6. If I go to a bank which has a very good balance sheet, P&L, etc. but the building is old, should I bank with them?
7. Have you read the annual report of Axis Bank?
8. What image is there on the first page of the Report?
9. Google pay, Phone Pay and other entities, how do they earn?
10. What is an Account aggregator?

M4 (Male):
1. There was a very famous English novelist born nearby your town, who was it and where was he born?
2. Have you read 1984?
3. 1984- dystopian world and its relation to where he was born.
4. Is the world moving towards authoritarianism?
5. What is this hobby of yours- exploring online maps. Tell us something about it.
6. What do you gain out of the exploring maps?
7. What are the two things Deoghar is famous for?

Chairperson - Your interview is over, you may leave now.

— Transcript end —

1. Interview experience is substantially different from the mocks. The flow of questions is very natural.
2. Enjoyed the experience to the core, so much so that, wanted to sit for some more time. Whatever be the results.😅
3. The board was overall cordial, especially M4. M1 was expressionless. M2 and M3 delved too much into banking and equities and were listening very carefully. That boosted my confidence.
O2O mocks: None
Panel mocks:
1. Shankar (DAF based- helped a lot in preparing for DAF based Qs)
2. Chahal (DAF based- being the last candidate for the day, panel made an extra effort to understand and provide solutions for the way I expressed myself in the mock, super impressed)
3. KSG (DAF + CA- good mix, suggested too many changes, could inculcate only half of them)
4. Vajirao (CA based- last one, got butchered)
RN Choubey board
Date - 07/03/2023
Morning session (2nd last to go)
Optional - irrelevant (nothing asked)
Profession - Working at a think tank
Hobbies - animal welfare and some others from which nothing was asked

1. Introduce your academic background and work experience.
2. Has the introduction of GST weakened India’s federal structure.
3. Taxes which were subsumed in GST.
4. Why is it called a destination based tax?
5. Should India recognise the Taliban?
6. Can we call them the representatives of the country?

1. Name some saptrishi.
2. What is saptrishi in Union budget 2023?
3. Difference between continental shelf and exclusive economic zone.
4. Opinion question on some aspect of RTI.

1. Question on drone policy in India and what can policymakers do to address issues regarding import dependence. (DAF related)
2. 3D printing/additive manufacturing and its impact on policy makers from security point of view (current work related)
3. Impact on society of gun ownership
4. Brain drain and how to address it from policy perspective

1. Should Ladakh be given 6th schedule status?
2. Difference between affirmative action policies in India & USA.
3. Should we have death penalty?

1. You were in the UK, did you get the chance to meet the Ambassador?
2. Difference b/w High Commissioner & Ambassador
3. Difference b/w DC & DM
4. Difference b/w Police Commisionerate & DGP System
5. Use of animals in circus desirable? (DAF related)

Experience in interview - board was very cordial, Chaubey sir clarified question of a member twice when it wasn’t very clear.
Utility of mocks/O2O - only for building confidence, and getting into the habit of answering questions from a set of random people. Actual experience is more analytical and not personal (no biases).
Board: Preeti Sudan ma'am
morning shift, 5th to go.
around 25 minute

1. Tell me something about home district
2. status of women there
3. status of child marriage
4. how to prevent it

member 1.
1. Relation between Ghazipur and Jammu and Kashmir(daf)
2. assess the work of Manoj sinha in j&k, should Ghazipur feel proud for it.
3. Chatgpt is going to take job
4. cross question, we have got High population with low skill, we are going to face burnt of it.
5. what we can do for it.
member 2.
1. which wildlife documentaries you watched.(daf)
2. tell the storyline of it
3. difference between zoo and national park
4.ex-situ vs in-situ conservation
5.should we provide external support for
wildlife conservation
6. to what extent should we provide this.

1. how geography, cricket, wildlife,scout, computer science, mechanical engineering and elderlies are interrelated (daf)
2. relation between cricket and geography
3.what is special about spending time with elderlies, is it worth writing
4. what you learnt from them
5. what you learnt from scouts
6. what you did there

1. nrega does not create any structure, should we disband it
2. should we give wheat to pakistan?
3. they have killed over 20000 of our soldiers and you are saying for giving them food
4. encounter in up
5. charging a ev for 1 hour uses electricity worth 4 ac, is it unsustainable.
6. lithium reserve in j&k
7. how it will impact ev market
Chairperson: Thank you beta, you can go now.

Slightly coordial and mostly indifferent board
Date and session of interview - 14 March, Morning (1st to go)
Board - Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Optional - PSIR
College - NSIT, Delhi
Profession - Assitant Manager at Bharti Airtel (resigned)
Hobbies - Research publication at IISc Bangalore, Close up Magic tricks

Chairperson - Remove your mask and be comfortable. If you don't hear or understand the question you can ask us to repeat that. (The room was quite big)

1. So you have worked in Airtel, why did you leave the job?
2. Why Civil Services?
3. If you are a newly appointed SDM, what would be your first steps after taking charge of the district?
4. I see that you have a published research in IISc? Can you tell about the research paper in brief and what was your work?
5. Further discussion on the research.

Member 1 -

1. What is your opinion on the local self govt? How are they useful for India?
2. In reality, these local govt institutions are not working properly? Do you think that they have not been successful? What is your view?
3. What is your stand on UCC?
4. There has been religious harmony since ages in India, why then do we need to bring in UCC?
5. Would it not dissolve the diversity of India? What is the use of UCC then? (kept cross-questioning on UCC application, did not look satisfied)

Member 2 -

1. I see that you have magic as a hobby, how did you pick up this hobby?
2. How do you learn these tricks?
3. Since you have worked in Bharti Airtel and 5G has recently been launched, I want you to tell me about technologies similar to 5G which are under development? What are their uses?
4. Since you have PSIR, how do you think India can utilise its G20 presidency?
5. Brief discussion on G20 and India.
6. In brief, tell me any 3 takeaways from Russia-Ukraine war that can be useful for India?

Member 3 -

1. Differentiate bw Strategic Autonomy and Non-alignment in the past? Is it the same?
2. Some cross-questioning on this.
3. To counter China, which countries should India side with? How should India proceed?
4. Can you name some countries with which India has alliances or collab to counter China?
3. Why do you think India is siding with Russia when it is clear that Russia is the aggressor?
4. What are the reasons that Russia has given for starting the war?
5. If you don't think that India is with Russia, then why has it not voted against Russia in UN?
6. Do you think India is losing on an opportunity by not choosing sides in this war?

Member 4 -

1. Long monologue about how Supreme Court has given landmark judgements which have made the society progressive.
2. One such judgement was the Vishakha judgement? Have you heard about it? What is it?
3. In Airtel, what kind of awareness was there regarding the sexual harassment at workplace?
4. What is the institutional setup regarding sexual harassment at workplaces? Can you tell me what is the outcome of Vishakha guidelines and what rules do the companies have to follow?
5. What is your opinion about Right to Information? Do you think that it has been a revolutionary step?
6. Suppose you file an RTI in my office, and I refuse to indulge details what appeal mechanism you have?
7. I said ma'am I'm not very sure about the mechanism, but she said what would you do as a normal person? Answer from that point of view.
8. What if PIO also does not help you and you have no recourse? What would you do then?

Preeti Sudan Ma'am looked at everyone then smiled and said ok beta your interview is over, you can go.

Experience in interview - Quite good, cordial board. Slight cross-questioning but great experience. Questions were largely from DAF (Job, optional, hobby) and few from general awareness.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Gave a lot of mocks (10-12). Helped in understanding the situation and framing my answers. Some questions did get repeated related to job, PSIR and hobbies.
Best mocks - Chahal (best one), Unacademy, Vajirao & Reddy, ForumIAS.
One to One with Khan Sir, Ravindran Sir, Ayush Sir, Vinay Sir all were very good.
Date of interview: 9th March afternoon session
Chairperson: Preeti Sudan Madam
Duration: 30 min
Background: SRCC, B.Com, private sector work experience

Started by saying that this is simply a conversation. Asked me to take off my mask if I want to.

Worked in 2 companies. Which one did you like more
Asked about projects. Some factual questions related to it
How will you apply learnings from these experiences to the public sector

Experience of faculty in srcc. Tell honestly
Why are young teachers not able to contribute as well, what should be done
Why is manufacturing lagging. How to improve the situation
Experience in exchange program in Japan (daf)
What we can learn from Japan, tell your observations

Banking and insurance sector reforms
Mention one bank reform. Factual questions related to this
Insurance FDI limit increase- will it make sector volatile
Bank boards bureau status currently ?
What is recapitalisation value
Asked about Exchange program. (daf)
What is aerial yoga? (Hobby)

Challenges and suggestions for msme , startups
Are there facilitation centres for them?
How to use Technology for women empowerment
One factual women related question
Symbols of democracy in Delhi

Are companies like Deloitte in the business of compliance ? Are we labouring under them? (Daf)
Should we fully open up our economy and unleash the animal spirits
Aatmanirbharta are we going towards protectionism?
Should india adopt a Chinese model of economy? Build our own large enterprises?
What is the benefit of being close to other countries? Japan was close to USA , they are not a regional leader. What will we get from being close to US?
Thank you. You can leave

Members were observing and listening carefully. They were digging deeper into many areas of discussion with follow up questions. Occasionally members were smiling but overall neutral or reserved.

Utility of mocks:
1 being comfortable and confident in such an environment
2 preparing and practising expected areas of DAF/current affairs
I would recommend mock interviews at Chanakya Mandal Pariwar, Chahal Academy, Samkalp, Unacademy
O2O with Khan Sir and Raveendran Sir
Preethi sudan mam
Afternoon session
DAF- Warangal, NSS, nature documentary, PSIR, 2020 graduation, Telangana

Preethi mam-

Oscar for nature documentary?
RRR Oscar?
Tell me about Warangal in 2-3 lines...
Role of NSS?
What did you do in NSS?
Then he jumped into politics in rural areas and how will you prevent recent trend of taking people on pilgrimages for votes as sub-collector?
9th schedule?
Why beyond judicial scrutiny?
What is basic structure?
Not in Constitution? Then how can judiciary say that?? Not satisfied with my answer..

Global South?
Is G20 meeting a failure?
UN reforms? Is it relevant and what can we do?
Article 370 and my opinion?

M3(😈 )
Article 370 removal is it justified?
Are economic investments really coming?
Is it wrong to ask for separate identity?
Is is because of security or Article 370 that development lagged?
Then security situation is still bad no.. Then how can you say article 370 removal is good..?
Your state(Telangana) fought for separate identity then what's wrong with J&K having article 370 ( again 370??🥲) ..
Congress party gave Telangana then why did it lose both Telangana and AP elections?
What suggestions will you give to congress party to come to power in Telangana? ( IPAC join karna hai kya mujhe? )
3 capital model of AP and opinion? Finally over..

Why psir if you did civil engineering?
What are you doing since 2020 graduation?🤡
NJAC issue vs collegium?
Constituent Assembly unelected body.. How can they represent people's will?
Environment vs development in nature documentary.
What did you watch recently? Tell me about unique nature of karnataka forests..
What should we prioritise development vs ecosystem?
How do we balance? ( bcoz I said both are needed). Then why are we not doing it quickly ??

Thank you your interview is over

Board was cordial but felt indifferent
Preethi sudan mam was barely interested, attender came and served samosa in between🥲and mam was not listening to my answers..
Felt it was rushed...
Smita Nagraj Mam Board
3rd to go. 30-35 mins
Forenoon. 13.03.2022
Keywords from DAF - BTech, Cloud, Cybersecurity

What are the issues for inequality in different regions of your state?
Why is there a governance deficit?
Should we force development on indigenous communities?
In USA the federal government signs treaties with indigenous tribes, should India adopt it?
Why are tribal schemes failing in India?

M1 (Male)
You mentioned about PVTGs? Why are they resistant to change?
What do you understand by SaaS?
Why do we need cloud data centres when they are easy targets for cyber security threats?
What foreign countries have you travelled?
What is process to travel abroad?
Which major cities we need to cross in order to reach Kyiv from Delhi by land? (He stressed to mention land and road route only, the discussion went too stretch-y, I gave up.)

M2 (Female)
Do you know about 5th and 6th schedule areas? What is the difference? What type of councils are present?
You mentioned about cyber criminals. Are they more intelligent that other software professionals?
Have you worked on cybersecurity?
Why is India unable to face cyber threats? Are you aware about the loss to GDP? Should we not stop the Digital India Project?

M3 (Female)
What is the issue in India’s digital infrastructure?
What is IoT? Why is 5G delayed? Are we ready?
Then why are we not going for 100% digitisation?
In covid, employees were happy with WFH model? Why are they going back to office and spending too much on infrastructure and energy charges? (Very long premise to the question)
Don’t you think women were the happiest that housework got divided? (In response to my answer as I mentioned about gender stereotyping and they all laughed within this discussion)
What is a ransomware? Can you tell us about any recent malwares?

M4 (Male)
You talked about AIIMS, Mumbai power grid and all issues, let’s talk about the solutions? What do you suggest?
Why do you want to join civil services?
What is the state of MSMEs in India? I don’t think they are performing well, what is the government doing?
Can you mention any particular sector of MSME which is doing good work?
Can it help in women empowerment? How exactly MSMEs employ women? Do they follow all labour codes?

CM - Thank you. Your interview is over. All the best.

Experience- Extremely cordial board. Most of the questions were about deeper understanding of my academics and work. All members were very attentive of my answers, even when they were not asking. Quite comfortable, didn’t realise how time passed. Felt like an engaging conversation rather than Interview.

Best of luck to all!
Board - Preeti Sudan Mam
Date - 14th march, forenoon
Optional - Mathematics
College - IIT Kharagpur
Home state - AP
Work experience - developer, SAP labs
Hobbies (no questions asked)

CP -  Said We are here to have a conversation with you, be comfortable. If you cannot understand any question please ask us to repeat. Then told me to remove my mask and went through my DAF
1. tell me something unique things about Nellore (my hometown)?
2. asked about the flipside of nellore
3. Why did you leave your job?
4. Tell me about your experience at SAP?
5. How was your journey from Andhra pradesh to kharagpur?

1. Gave a long monologue about the rising number of higher education institutions like IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, NLUs etc .
   Isn't it unnecessary to have so many such top institutions ?(essence  of the question)
2. Follow up - Aren't these many institutions diluting the brand value of such institutions?
3. About RTI and impact on governance
4. Importance of 'Process reengineering' in digitisation of governance processes

1. Asked if i would recommend an SAP product to the government as an officer? then few follow up questions
2. comparison with open source products and proprietary products
3. asked about issues with proprietary products and vendors?
4. what is IndiaStack?
5. are there any proprietary apps in Indiastack or all of them open source?

1. Why Indian children are performing well in mathematics olympiads in the USA?
2. challenges faced as secretary sports and high school captain? (and some cross questioning)
3. Do we need to bring compulsory military training in our country? ( follow up from the aspect of discipline of previous qn)
4. Related to Naatu Naatu (was expecting this, lol!) , he was describing how lead actors spoke very good english (and accent too) at oscar event like they are from US but they are from India, that too from a regional film industry like Tollywood. How do you think it was possible?

1. What is Contempt of court?
2. describe civil and criminal contempt
3. Is it possible for judiciary/ judges to commit contempt of court? (Not very sure about this, hence i do not know)
4. asked about Justice Karnan ( He was the first Indian High Court judge to be sent to prison for contempt while in office.)
   Said I don't know about him
5. What are PILs?
6. should they be taken up by judiciary, as we have crores of pending cases? (then some discussion on it)
7. what measures should be taken to control rising PILs?
8. isn't poor administration a reason for rising PILs? what should be done?

Experience with mocks - have been asked very different questions in most of the mocks about DAF

O2O with Venkat mohan sir, mohan sir(IASbaba) were helpful.

Mocks - samkalp, chahal, la excellence and vajirao & Reddy are good
Interview date : 14th March forenoon
Board : Smita Nagraj mam
Last to go, around 1.30 pm
Approx 30-35 mins
Daf : nothing asked
Optional : psychology
Graduation: civil engineering
Place : Pune

1. How are you today?
2. Why did you quit engineering and coming to civil services?
3. 2 problems which you would like to solve
4. How will you solve?
5. Why we are not able to solve?
6. Liquor prohibition- do you support?

Member 1:
1. Psychology optional - how will you use it for person who comes to you for help? (Long monologue before)
2. What about motivation?
Any motivational theories?
3. What are the problems we are facing as a nation?
4. What about corruption?

Member 2(lady)
continuing from member 1-
1.Tell me something about civil contracts
2. Corruption in civil contracts
3. Tell me types of corruption in civil contracts
4. If you were under immense pressure to hire a contractor who you know is not good, what will you do?
5. (After asking clarification regarding my role and discretion,)
Do you think in bureaucratic setup , discretion is there?
6. if immediate senior is also under pressure, then what will you do?

Member 3: (lady)
1. Mob lynching by women who are being harassed by a person and tired of it, they lynch him (Mumbai incident) - rule of law not followed- what do you say
2. Why are people doing this?
3. Where is the problem in our governance?
4. What should we do?

Member 4:
1. Started with history of Pune
I will tell you 5 things - you just say two sentences about each of these things
2. Adil Shahi,Qutub Shahi,Imad Shahi (said can't recall at this point)
3. Was Shivaji Maharaj secular?
4. One more question about some ruler, whether he looted or it was his sovereign right...
5.Shivaji Maharaj's father - whose court ( I said I cannot recall exactly but as far as I can remember it was Adil Shah - he said you're absolutely right and everybody laughed at this point)
( At this point, all of them were looking at the clock and chairwoman was pointing out but member wanted to ask one more question)
6. Question about spy balloon - china and USA - what did India do in this case- what should we do?
Referring to my previous answer - how can we find out whether it is enemy state or friendly state unless we shoot it and take it down(the baloon) - I said technology- she said you're a tech person , which technology,. Answered
Said okay, your interview is over.
Thank you, all the best.

Experience - Good. But couldn't make out panel's satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Most questions had a context and monologue or were built on what I had answered previously.
Felt retrospectively, could've replied better to some questions.
Overall good experience.

Mocks - 6
Good - KSG, VajiraoR , Samkalp, UPSCPrep (most honest), Only IAS
Ok - EdSarrthi (online)
One to one - Ravindran sir , Khan sir (both excellent)

Overall tried to maintained calmness and composure till the end, questions were quite unexpected, none repeated from mocks as mocks focus mostly on DAF.
Date -15 March 2023, Afternoon, 5th to go
Time - Aprox. 25
Chairperson - Smita ma’am
District/State - Varanasi/ Uttar Pradesh
Optional -Geography
Graduation - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering IIT BHU Varanasi
Hobby (in DAF) - Singing, Guitar, Hindi poetry
1st Interview ,5th attempt
Nayab tehsildar, Lucknow, UP

Smita ma’am

1. Don’t you think that your current job role is a misfit according to your overall profile?
2. What are the main things you are supposed to do?
3. Name one thing for which administration is important and one for which it is useless.
4. What is the land revenue amount collected in UP?
5. Should it be waived off?
6. But you said that recovery is important. Ma’am I was talking about the Recovery certificate.

M2( male)

1. Working in administration. Why seek a higher post?
2. Talked about statues in Lucknow and should they be removed?
3. What about the animal sculptures?
4. Why only elephants?
5. Battle of Plassey
6. Battle of Buxar

M3( male)

1. Importance of BHU
2. Importance of Varanasi
3. What changes will you bring in Administration with your work-ex?

M4 ( female)

1. You mentioned Ganga vilas. Why do we need it?
2. Aren’t we late in using waterways
3. Why didn’t we do it earlier?
4. Don’t we need to attract domestic tourists?
5. Is it going to be viable?
6. What is Bpharma and biotech ranking?
7. Reason for Covid-19 breakout
8. Speculation aside what do you feel?
9. If R&D then medicine also needed. But China didn’t have it.

M5 (female)

1. Patwaris are never available. Do we need them?
2. But e-governance use kar ke u can verify?
3. Do people come to you with complaints against patwari
4. What do you do to solve this?
5. So do you think Patwaris are good??

Smita ma’am

Do you feel higher officials are mean to you because you are a Nayab Tehsildar?


Great experience. Board was cordial. A lot of smiling faces around.

Mock interview utility: Good for structuring the answers and getting used to the interview conditions.

I gave mocks in Samkalp, KSG and Next IAS.
All were good. One to one with Khan Sir was amazing.

Fingers crossed🤞🏻
Date and Session: 15th March, Forenoon
Board: Smita Nagaraj 
Optional: PSIR 
College: VJTI, Mumbai 
Profession: Manager, RBI 
Hobbies: Chess, Books (Nothing asked) 
My interview experience: Almost entirely opinion based interview, thoroughly enjoyed the conversation. 
Utility of mocks: gave 3 mocks, including  Youth Transformation Forum, Vajirao and Reddy and KSG. Both panels were good. Questions from mocks were not repeated but one should give mocks to practice speaking in the right way and mind one's body language. 


What are you doing now? 
What is exciting about your job in RBI? 
There is lot of division in Indian society, what is your opinion on it? 
Indian languages address different people (elder, younger etc) differently, do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing? 
In Russia Ukraine War, do you not think the perspective of west is heard more in the media? Don't you think Russian perspective is important? 
Do you not think Chinese perspective is also not heard in media? 
Do you not think lots of information makes decision very difficult? Don't you think less information is good for decision? 

Member 1:

What is your view of demonetisation, was due process followed with RBI central board? 
What is your opinion on transfers by RBI to the government? 
Do you think RBI is autonomous? 

Member 2:

Do you think UN has any utility? 
Does formation of G20, G7 undermine united nations? Does these grouping harm interests of weak countries? 
What is the relationship of G20 with the UN? 
What is G20? 

Member 3:

Why do you think freedom of press is important? 
Does imposition of rules guidelines etc impinge on the freedom of press? 
Do you not think Indian media is biased? 
Suppose you are an IAS and a junior comes to you with a suggestion, what would your reaction be? 
Do you not think our administration is too hierarchical? Don't you think it should be made linear?

Member 4: 

Why Nashik Kumbh mela is known as "Simhastha" Kumbh mela? 
There is unemployment in Maharashtra, agricultural crisis, and at the same time jobs in big cities, why then migrants come to work and locals don't travel and find jobs? 
Do you think India is Non aligned today or a part of some bloc/aligned? 
Do you not think acting in national interest is a euphemism for opportunism? 
Does India want to create a pole for itself in the world? 
Do you think RBI should be headed by an expert or a civil servant?

Many questions were preceded by long monologues, also I am not recalling a few questions of the members. 
Board- Smita nagraj ma'am
Date- 15/03/2023
Afternoon, last to go
Optional Mathematics
Graduation Electrical engineering , NIT BHOPAL
Relevant from Daf- certification in anti money laundering, chairperson of women in engineering, IEEE


- Meaning of name
-who was your class topper in electrical , what is he doing, is he happy (ekdum random)
- what is the difference between you and him
-monologue on role of NIT/IITs , should we rethink their role as technical institutes or the aim with which they were setup
-what are some contributions of IIT/your college to society
-what are different technologies available for sewage cleaning(based on my previous answer)
- what you did in electrical engineering for society

Member 1

- what is anti money laundering
- PMLA - what it is ? Who is the agency?
- what is shell company ?
- what is escape velocity ?
- why it is important?
- your take on ED as agency booking opposition party leaders?

Member 2

- online gambling - why govt is regulating it
- can crypto currency be used in money laundering
- what should govt do to regulate

Member 3

- you talked about shell company earlier , what is khoka company then? Table company etc(Nahi pata , sorry sir)
- situation - your friend has 50 crore as cash ,asking you for advice to invest and hide it? What will you say
- one or two follow up on it
- what is masking
-how money laundering is done nowdays

Member 4

- your take on EVs
- what about the fuel and electricity used in manufacturing of batteries , is it green
-  role of hydrogen in transportation
- what are the challenges of hydrogen related to environment
-as chairperson of women in engineering, what was your role
- why women drop out from higher STEM education
- what can be done for it

Chairperson mam again

- nowadays superconductor materials is being discovered, where can superconductor be used
- can it be used in transportation
- suppose you get a service and complete 20-30 years in it, how will you like yourself to be remembered by others
- 1 or 2 counter questions on it.

Thank you, your interview is over.

Mocks - just to built confidence and mannerism
Chahal, sankalp were good.
O2O - Ravindran sir , vinay sir , Khan sir were good.
Special thanks to Utkarsh Sir SOMP and my peers for daily discussions. They really helped me.
Relevant words in DAF - Ramakrishna Mission, Compassion, Forestry , IIT Guwahati, IFS
2nd to go

Smita Nagaraj Ma’am

Chairperson :

So you did Jon for some year then what are you doing right now.
( Undergoing training as Probationer at IFS )
It seems from your DAF you are a person who has been involved with talking to people and counselling people. What credentionals you have got to do that.
( Ma’am in school and college I was trained with counsellors and I actually connect people and myself had gone through many failures in life hence I am able to associate with people … )

Let us take a situation : You are DFO and you got to know that your staff is involved in smuggling and he is caught now his family has come to you and saying that please Choor dijiye pehli baar hai aage se nhi hoga what will you do ?
( Ma’am as timber smuggling is illegal so law has to be go as it is and I am there to enforce it but at the same time I will make sure that to figure out some measures where I can be able to address the needs of the family)
Why not give him a chance Kyuki ek chance to sabko milna chahiye
( Ma’am what he is doing is illegal and law has to take its course )
Okay so tell me the situation where you think you can give a chance not necessary from Forest as you have spend little time give any example
( Ma’am for example a forest guard has the duty to do patrolling and he is not doing at regular interval in that case I will give him waring first before taking action )

M1: So you have taken Physics in your college and also you have Phyiscs as optional. Tell me about dark matter
( Answered )
Also there is some relation with gravitation.
( Yes sir … )
Okay tell me the difference between fermions and bosons
( Answered …)
Okay in consititution what are the provisions for forest and all, tell me
( Mentioned 48 A and Sir more I am not able to recall )
Told you are a forest officer you should, there is 51A ( g )
( Told yes sir Duties and said Thank you )
Also asked about a good governance
Relation between RTI and good governance

M2 : Take a case study
In UP vidhayak ji aapke samne baithe aur bol rhe hai ki gun license kyun nhi de rhe hai logo ko, aur aap DM hai, SP ke go ahead mil chuka hai par aap document pe baithe hai batao kya karoge.

( Sir I will see the legality and talk to vidhayak ji that giving license to all will be detrimental )
Par saari baat ho chuki hai
( Sir I will see the legal basis and … )
SP ne se diya hai permission
( Sir in that case I will give )

Accha sunne hoge Maharashtra aur Karantake ke border pe haar saal Elephants aate hai aur crop destroy karte hai, kyun ho hai aisa
( Habitat destruction … )
Phele bhi toh tha ye sab aur kya problem hai
( Sir fringe pe crops dekhne honge )
Crops batao
( Sugarcane )
Okay do you know about High worth individual
( Gave answer )
What would be there income
( Sir I need to think )
Chairperson interrupted and said tell me the highest tax slab
( Said 30% )
Now it is easy to calculate go ahead
( Answered )
M2 continued with Russia Ukraine war. Russia says it is a military action what do you think military action or war
( Answered India’s stand )

M3 : So you are from Ramakrishna Mission, how it is different from other .
( Answered )
So how these learning will help you be a good officer and understand people better.
( Answered )

M4 : You said about Self Realince, if everyone becomes self self reliance then it is deglobalisation.
 ( Answered that it connect world better where one country dominance will not be there …. )
Do you agree for women reservations
( Said Yes with factors why … )
It would be difficult to desereserve
( Ma’am I agree but at the same time we aspire for India where women are independent to rear child in best possible manner, will have financial independence , will have say to take decision and hence reservations will not be needed …)
Now you are chasing your stand
( Ma’am I humbly submit that reservation will be support the development process …)
Now let us talk about timber smuggling
( Answered )
Place - Warangal (Telangana)
Optional - PSIR
Graduation - Electrical
DAF Keywords - startup, research paper, blockchain, health records, movies, agriculture related project, Oxford Union debates.

Chairman (Preeti Sudan mam)
 ◦ You co-founded a startup. Can you explain me what was it about?
 ◦ Is it still running?
 ◦ What was the business model
 ◦ Health records management using blockchain (DAF)
 ◦ Ayushman Bharat Digital health mission

Member 1 (woman)
 ◦ Movies - south movies gaining popularity. Why?
 ◦ Why did Naxalism emerge in Warangal
 ◦ How to tackle it in long run (I referred to SHG in the reply)
 ◦ Why is it that only women organise into SHG, why can’t men work together

Member 2 (man)
 ◦ Was your research paper peer reviewed?
 ◦ Do we publish enough peer reviewed papers in reputed journals
 ◦ Why aren’t we leading in innovation
 ◦ Some questions w.r.t brain drain
 ◦ Have multiplexes with their high ticket costs cut off access to movies to common man?

Member 3 (man)
 ◦ Is Hyderabad really an international city
 ◦ What problems does Hyderabad face?
 ◦ Why are we promoting slum tourism? (Asked in context of Dharawi slum)
 ◦ Why Oxford Union debates?
 ◦ Should we take Pakistan crisis into opportunity to build relationship?

Member 4 (man)
 ◦ Plato’s scheme of education - what can we learn?
 ◦ Telangana governor controversy
 ◦ If you are a district collector, how will you help horticulture farmers realize more income?

Experience - Very cordial and cheerful board it was.
Utility of mocks - the less the better!
Date and session of interview- 16th March, Afternoon Session, 1st one to go
Board- Preeti Sudan ma'am
Optional- Mathematics ( nothing asked)
College- SVNIT, Surat
Home State and district- Assam, Dibrugarh
Profession - ONGC Petro additions Limited
Hobbies/interests- Playing Blitz Chess, Watching American crime drama TV series, General interest in affairs of global importance
Sports - Badminton (nothing asked)
Duration- Around 30 minutes

We are here only for a friendly discussion. If you don't understand something, please ask us to repeat the question.

1. You've worked in ONGC? What did you learn from your job? Why did you leave the job?
2. You are from Dibrugarh. Tell us about Dibrugarh.
3. You watch American Crime Dramas. Which Television Series do you like the most and why? ( I said 'The wire')
-What are the learnings from it for the Indian context?

M1 ( lady):

1. Difference between organised and unorganised workers ? (Ma'am summarised later that the organised workers are organised into unions which is not the case with unorganised workers)
2. What are the issues faced by the tea garden labourers from Assam? Any step by government and elected representatives? Discussion on this.
3. As a social worker where will be your focus for the upliftment of this community?
4. A long monologue about the riverbank erosion issue in Assam. What is being done and what can be done to address this? (I used the name of a native plant from Assam in this, ma'am was curious to know about the plant)


1. Difference between Assam Tea and Darjeeling Tea. Why such a difference? Is there any difference in price?
-Which one do you like the most?
2. Do you have access to local tea which is not marketed elsewhere?
3. It is said that administrative efficiency reduces in India as we move from North to South and West to East. You have studied and worked in Gujarat and you are from Assam. Give your opinion on this.
4. What are the differences Assam and Gujarat have in the domain of health, education and sanitation? Tell us your experience.( Sir said, you don't need to give technical data, just tell us your personal experience)
5. You worked with ONGC in Gujarat although you have OIL(a psu) in your home district. Now where do you want to work? Assam or Gujarat?


1. Long monologue on Assam's history, economy, development potential etc. Then, he asked about Assam's opportunity to return to its past glory in the context of Act East Policy.
2. Discussion on AFSPA. If AFSPA is removed, investments will come to Assam. So, what should be done? (I may have mentioned insurgency in the previous discussion)
3. NRC-CAA protests in Assam. You certainly know all the cut off dates etc. I want to know your opinion on CAA.


1. Child Labour- What is child labour? Any law prohibiting Child Labour? Discussion on this.
2. Case study on child labour. If a carpenter's child is learning carpentry from his father, is it child labour? And discussion on this.

Chairperson: Thank you. Your interview is over.

Experience in the interview - The board was extremely cordial (specifically the lady member(M1) and M2). They didn't interrupt me in any answer. And otherwise also, the whole process of the day was very smooth.

Utility of mocks - My interview was mostly based on my home state. Some of the questions are repeated from the mocks I gave. I have benefited from all of the mocks that I gave- Chanakya Mandal (the closest one), KSG, Vajirao, Samkalp and Next IAS.

O2O- Ravindran sir was very encouraging.
Interview Date- 17/03/2023
Board - Satyavati ma’am
Graduation- Mechanical Engineering
State- Karnataka

Read DAF loudly and asked what i was doing since graduation
1) When are you joining “commercial tax officer “?
2) Why it is still called as “ Commercial Tax” even after GST in place ?
3) What did you do in “Namma Team”? ( Volunteered in Namma Team during covid second wave)
4) How many cases you handled per day?
5) Who is CNR Rao? His role in ISRO?
6) Who is UR Rao?

1) components of any society which helps to analyse it?
2) what is caste? Its role in politics and society?
3) LGBTQs ? SC judgement?
4) SC and Women- deprivation and various scheme to uplift?
5) Make in India scheme
6) what is Smart city ?
7) Is Bengaluru covered under Smart city mission?
8)is Bengaluru really smart city? Any developments in this regard?

1) Economic reforms or LPG Reforms ,1991– social devide and social cohesion?
2)Problems of Nuclear Family in cities?
3) Feminist movement- main Objectives
4) How you got interest in Volunteering for Campaign on “combating plastic waste”?
5) Regional Imbalance in Karnataka
6) sir M Visheshwarayya contributions?
7) sir M Vishweshwayya contribution outside Karnataka?

1) How will you motivate youths for “Volunteering”?
2) How Mechanical Engineering will help you in Daily Life and In Administration
3) In Which Ministry mechanical engineers are more suitable? Name any 3?
4) Why Russia-Ukrain war? India’s stand?
5) Bengaluru-Mysore Expressway (recently inaugurated)- its Advantages and Concerns?
6) Have you travalled to Mysore? Travelling time between Bengaluru and Mysore? Which one is better- road or railway?
7) How much time now it may take to reach mysore through experessway ?

 1) What is Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles?
2) Any Vehicle , which uses only compressed Air and no fuels?
3) which one is best for “Mass transportation “?
4) Pitch for Inbestment in Karnataka (apart from IT)?
5)Pitch fir Investments in Belagavi?
6) Belagavi border dispute- what is the current status
7) Which mode is more “cost effective “? Air, Train or Roadway?

All the best😊 

Forgot some Questions

Board was very cordial (smiling faces)
Date and session of interview-13 March forenoon
College---- not asked
Profession (if any)---- no
Hobbies---- not asked
Keywords --athletics

1.why Jamaica and Kenya better in athletics (running)
2. What is problem in india in athletics?
3. What's democracy, one good point and bad point about democracy.
4. What is social democracy. Is there democracy in family.
5.whats your contribution in bringing socio democracy.
6. Relevance of caste and example for same.
7.swach Bharat abhiyan/ status
8. Solution for water problem
9. Urban floods why and solution
12. It's relevance
13. Difference between power and authority
14.Joshimath reason and solution
15. Situation based questions on protest and how to solve it
16.spending on G20 good or bad
17. What's softpower
18. Relation between culture and tourism
19. Why India is not reaching its tourism potential
20. Delhi molestation on Japan tourist.
21. Where you want to be posted ?

Your experience in interview-  cordial/ no counter questions
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- only for building confidence and structuring answers
Date : 17 March 2023
Board Satyavathi Maam, Afternoon Session, 2nd to Go
Keywords from DAF : NIT Allahabad, Playing Percussion Instruments, Writing Blogs on Quora, Aligarh Muslim University
Optional : Anthropology

Satyavathi Maam read out the DAF for other members
1. Quora is getting very popular, what is the name of your blog? (Chai Biskut)
2. Why this name?
4. But why not Biscuit and why Biskut?
3. So you add Chai to this Biskut? (Related to the name of my Blog) (and she laughed)
4. Why did you leave your job in 2020, it paid you well.
5. Why Anthropology and not Mechanical Engineering?
6. Have you studied Archaeological Anthropology?
7. Have you ever visited an excavated site?
8. Why do you want to visit Rakhigarhi?
9. What do you know about Keeladi Excavations?

M1 (Male)
1. Have you read Tribal Anthropology well?
2. What is a tribe?
3. Process of listing an area as Scheduled Area?
4. What are Guidelines in this regard? Are there any guidelines?
5. Do you think this recommendation by State Government or Governor is often Politically Motivated?
6. What is the Indigenous issue related to tribes?
7. Who are Indigenous people of India?
8. How to identify groups as tribals? Any Supreme Court Rulings?
9. What did SC say in Niyamgiri Case?

M2 (Male)
1. What is happening in Indian Education System?
2. Do you think having the name of language in name of University (Like Telugu University) correct?
3. What if a tribe having ST status marries a non tribal, will the child be still given ST status?
(some questions I cant recall)

M3 (Male)
1. Bansi Bhaiyya Chronicles (I talked about it in Blog Answer), are you a person who observes a lot of people and happenings around you?
2. why do you like observing human lives and why do you write about them
3. Tell me three things you learned from Bansi Bhaiyya Chronicles Story that you have written.
4. Bureaucrats are given rules and regulations to follow, what is the importance of Emotional Competency and Values if rules are already given?
5. How to eliminate Human Biases in taking effective Decisions?

M4 (Ma’am)
1. Which Instruments do you play?
2. Do you think traditional Tribal Knowledge is relevant in Medicine?
3. Any initiative of Government of India?
4. Any examples that you have read?
5. Name a tribe from Nilgiris
6. How much Tribal Population in UP?
7. Any tribe near Aligarh?
8. What is significance of culture interactions and Social cohesion of different groups in Universities like AMU?

Thank you, All the best.
Date and session of interview- 17 Mar 2023/Forenoon
Board- Preeti Sudan
Optional- Psych
Graduation- MBBS
Profession (if any)- RMO
Hobbies- Reading
Your experience in interview- Cordial board, a good conversation
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Didn't attend any

1. About College, experience
2. About work
3. Didn't you pursue PG?

1. Scheme related to health- Janani Suraksha Yojana (DAF related)
Follow up questions related to maternity health
- Institutional deliveries: obstacles, what can be done
- Ceasarean rates: high? Reasons? Is regulation needed?
2. Is Gandhi still relevant?
(When I said yes) But I have a concern, in this increased atmosphere of intolerance, violence, how will one protect oneself?

1. Have you read the Tomb of Sand? Shouldn't an inquisitive person as you have read such a book?
2. Short stories contain as much message as novels. Agree?
3. Read out a quote by TN Finance Minister about Poorer states getting more money, but no development being seen as such. Then explained the context and asked me to analyse the psychology behind it.😅

1. Being a doctor is a noble profession. People have blind trust. (Long monologue). What is the role of psychology in a doctor's work?
2. What will be different if you are working in an army hospital?
3. Nowadays people dont have a single role model due to information proliferation, especially your generation. Don't you think its problematic?

1. Long question- Gist is Status of mental health in India and what can be done? What steps will you take if you are appointed as the director of (some mental health initiative?)
Follow up questions on superstitious practices and stigma associated with mental health.

Chairperson: Your interview is over. Thankyou

Time: 25- 30 minutes
Date : 17 March 2023
Board Satyavathi Maam,
Afternoon Session, 1st to Go
Keywords from DAF : Gambia, West Africa, Mumbai, Electrical Engineering, Suryanamaskar
Optional : Sociology

Where are yu from ? Africa😅 ?
How yu were born there ? Job profession of father ?
Tell something on walchand grp
Walchand involved in defence ?
Make in India and defence. Are we successful ? Why we lagging behind ?
What to do for r&d

M1 (Maam)
So you do Yoga (told her I do suryanamaskar in particular)
Benefit of yoga Should all do yoga ?
Assume yu are sociologist. Now how yu r going to study and what yu r going to study in gambia Theory of sociology which defines social change ?
Role of swami vivekanand in young population
His birthday

M2 (Sir)
Urban issues of Mumbai
Why are there so many fire hazards and urban flooding in mumbai
Why PPL are silent on this ?
Ele engg ->
Why AC used in transmission and not DC ?
But fir hvdc ka concept kyu introduce Kiya ?
What is e ATv ? (Daf)
Why ev not popular in mumbai ?
How to incentivise it ?
Battery swappage kyu nahi kr rahe ?
Battery ko retrofit kr sakte ? Kaise ? What is HEV

M3 (Sir)
Tell about Family as unit in indian context
Live in vs marriage - yur opinion
Prominent Theorists after gramsci (from prev ques)

M4 (Sir)
When yu started preparing for civil services?
Acha so in sangli, did yur clg students contribute for covid relief during 2nd wave ?
In yur clg yu were only one, so did you do any contribbution ? (Told him could not go out due to covid restrictions)
Yu know 12 names of suryas ?
Tell me any one thing on assam
In child's marriage arrests, are PeopLe of one community targeted ?
What is shree Anna ?
Where in maha it is grown ?
Do you eat it ? Taste acha lagta kya ?

CP - Thank You Interview is over
Experience - Moderate. Overall Cordial board
Mocks - all mocks (irrespective of scores and feedback) benefited in sense they helped in developing question bank
Sathiavathy Mam
16th March afternoon

Chair -
Read the DAF aloud.
What is Mandala Art?
State reorganisation - Compare the states formation and success of CG, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand.
Should we divide UP? Reasons.
If you are President of Russia, what will you do to stop the war?

1st Member-
Tell me salient features of NEP.
Why restructuring into 5+3+3+4?
Why credit system? What is the purpose?
Why the need of multidisciplinary education?

2nd Member-
Teacher are not able to control students, how police will be able to control citizens?
Police faces lot of probs today, what lessons do you draw as a young police?
Is LWE under control in CG? If yes, what were the reasons for this?

3rd Member-
Old Age homes increasing? Why? Your opinion.
Forest area in Hyderabad, around NPA?
What you have learnt in NPA Training? How it has changed you?

4th Member-
Challenges faced in tribal development.
Should we place all tribals residing in pockets of forest area in one place like tribal village and go for development rather than going for individual tribals in isolated areas?
Do you support such a move?

Ok your interview is done. Thank you.

Utility of mocks -
Not much. Can be given for confidence building and practice.
Date - 14/03/23
Afternoon Session, 1st one to go
Board - Preeti Sudan ma’am
Optional - Mathematics
Graduation - Electrical Engineering
College - NIT Bhopal
Hobbies - Badminton, Hindi Web Series.
Mocks utility - Good for building up confidence and for simulation.

After entering the room, Chairwoman greeted and said this will be a normal conversation and asked to remove the mask

Chairwoman :-
1. Started with my birthplace with brief intro.
2. What's famous in your district.
3. Have you seen this tiger in your district (Had a tiger reserve at district).
4. Name of latest web series you watched and which issue it highlighted.
5. Why rising cyber frauds.
6. Loopholes exploited by criminal mastermind.
7. What are your suggestions to solve these concerns.

M1 :-
1. Domestic violence act and its aim.
2. Why our most of legislative acts more tilted towards women - why giving extra favour to women.
3. Local self government - panchayati Raj and municipality - what's unique in these institutions.
4. New Education Policy 2020 - new provisions and what are the challenges associated with these provisions in coming times.
5. Comparison between khajuraho temples and Joshimath -
6. On one hand we are talking about restricting infrastructure in joshimath while we are pushing infrastructure and construction activities in khajuraho.
7. Then the discussion on infrastructure vs development issue.

M3 :-
1. Name oone your favourite badminton player - Male and Female.
2. Why they are favourite, enlist some of their qualities that attracted you.
3. Why P V Sindhu are losing matches in recent times - what's your response over this.
4. In your opinion, What should be the correct age for training players in badminton to win Olympic medals.
5. Why badminton not popular as that of cricket and what needs to be done more.

M4 :-
1. Situation based - Suppose as DM of Varanasi city and heavy rains for continuous 3 days lead to flooding of Ganga - what will you do in 3 cases -
A) search and rescue.
B) prevention of epidemic.
C) Rehabilitation.
2. Alternative energy - what unique you will suggest to improve the potential of renewable, other than what government schemes and policy.
3. What's your opinion about nuclear energy.
4. What you will choose between solar, wind and nuclear energy.

M5 :-
1. Continued the discussion on domestic violence act.
2. Why certain provisions of IPC are contradictory to domestic violence act.
3. Opinion about rising false cases in domestic violence act - what to do in this regard.
4.views on rising cases of child abuse and sexual harassment in Madhya Pradesh.
5. Which type of writs are filed in largest Number.
6. Tell me the name of 5 types of writs.

Chairwoman said thank you and your interview is over. You may go now.
Date: 15th March 2023
Board: Preeti Sudan mam
Forenoon session, last to go
Optional: psir
Hobbies: writing poetry, painting, watching kdramas

1. You have an interesting hobby. In which language do you write poems?
2. What was the last poem that you wrote? What's that about?
3. Can you recite a few lines of it?
4. Great. Do you publish it anywhere or just keep it to yourself?
5. Tell us something about Ujjain?
6. What purpose would the Mahakal corridor serve?

1. What are the causes of the rise in cases of child sexual abuse in Madhya Pradesh?
2. What is being done to prevent it?
3. Provisions of the pocso act?
4. Status of its implementation in M.P.
 5. What would you do to prevent such unfortunate incidents as a DM?
6. Have you heard about children in conflict with law?


1. Monologue on drug abuse and the dismal state of de-addiction centers in India.
If your friend consumes drugs, what would you do on a personal level to prevent it?

2. What is hedging?
3. How does India maintain a sound relationship with opposing powers at the global level?
3. Which global events are impacting India the most?
4. Which border dispute must be resolved first? ( I said, Indo china, but he remarked that considering the power asymmetry, Indo-pak must be resolved first)
5. Why is the border dispute with China so difficult to resolve?
6. What made you enroll in a self-defense training course?
7. Why do you watch k dramas? What's so appealing about them?
8. Do you also watch Korean movies? What was the last movie that you watched?( he suggested watching some Korean movies )

1. Which crops are grown in the malwa region?
2. Can anyone grow opium in their fields?
3. Which govt authority approves the area where opium has to be cultivated?
4. Have you seen the flowers of the opium plant? What's it used for?

1. Who was VS Wakankar?
2. Have you visited Bhimbetka caves?
3. What was the theme of the painting that you made?
4. How would you improve the status of girls' education in a socially backward area as a DM?
5. A school building had to be constructed in a rural area. You have to drop suggestions about the layout of the building. What things would you like to add to a building?

6. You were born at the beginning of the century, how do you feel about it?

7. Do you see any difference between the ones born before and after 2000?

Chairperson: thank you, your interview is over.
Chairperson: Sathyavathy Madam
Date : 20/3/23 - Afternoon session
Home State : Tamil Nadu
Relevant DAF keywords : Ceramic technology, Project on Sustainable energy
Optional : PSIR

1. Why civil services despite such unique graduation subject
2. About my college project for sustainable energy development
3. Few follow up on its feasibility and current status
4. Why TN govt opposes NEET?
5. Is it justified? And some more discussion on this
6. What's your personal opinion?
7. What is famous about your home district?

M1 - Madam :
1. Again on why civil services
2. What will you do first if posted in rural interior area ?
3. What about tha data ? How will you collect them ?
4. Monologue on Gender issue. What's your opinion on Gender equal society? When can India acheive it ?
5. Let's start from your family. How gender sensitive/ inclusive is your family?
6. How do you thing one should choose their career?
7. For what reasons/qualities you think ,you were selected as President of your College association?

M2 - Sir :
1. How did you develop team spirit, is it through sports that you played or inborn ?
2. Discussion on Sustainable energy and new areas to be explored linked to my project
3. Areas of Ceramic application especially in Construction sector and other areas too

M3 - Sir :
1. What is Black, Grey and Green hydrogen?
2. What is India's Panchamrit goals ? Especially Renewable energy target
3. How are we performing in this regard?
4. What is TN's contribution to Renewable energy and it's potentials?
5. Which areas of Sustainable energy we should be focusing?
6. Asked about a unique engineering structure in my home district

M4 - Sir :
1. Monologue on India not promoting R&D. Asked for three suggestions to improve R&D as a policy maker ?
2. What should be India's approach to Lithium ?
3. One more question on brain drain in India
4. Why chose PSIR despite being from Engineering background?

Overall Cordial board. Mostly DAF based interview as Chairperson reads the keywords in DAF after you enter the room.

Utility of mocks: Improves confidence and can predict some DAF based questions. Samkalp and Shankar IAS both were relevant in my case. One to one with my friend was very useful.

Thanks to the community. All the best to fellow aspirants! Thanks to Kaptaan and team.

Date and session of interview- 17-03-23,Forenoon
Board-Smita Nagraj,Third one to go
College-Maharajas College,Kerala
Hobbies- Football,Backpacking,Debate
Your experience in interview- Cordial board.Huge difference with mocks.3 lady memebers including chair.Overall a pleasant and satisfying experience.


1.What are you doing right now? (My answer was doing Phd in International Relations and more than 70% of questions were based on this answer).
2. Asked about the comment of the former Australian prime minister regarding the AUKUS deal with the nuclear submarine. He criticized the deal and commented that it is not in favour of the nation as well as the region. She asked me to comment on the same.
3. Whether foreign policy of a nation changes with the change in party that holds political power.
4. 3 leadership initiatives India has Undertaken in the South Asian region.(explicitly told me to avoid humanitarian assistance.)

Member 1 -Male member

1. You said about the geo-political significance of India. How do you place India geo-politically in the world?
2. He further clarified the question on the basis of heartland theory and asked how India would fit into that.(PSIR question).
3. Whether the Ukraine war is caused by geo-political concerns or security concerns?

Member 2-Lady Member

1. She asked a question that was in continuation of my previous answer on Ukraine war but I don't remember it.
2. What is GDP?
3. Whether household labour done by women need to be included in GDP? (I said yes)
4. Does it need to be notional or real? (I ask for a clarification and she clarified it.)

Chairperson intervenes in between and asked me whether you will be the employer of your wife? (She also said sorry for taking it to personal level😀)

5.(Member continues) So if the household labour is considered in the GDP calculation, a major social issue is sorted out. Women can easily earn inside the home itself and need no to be stepping outside. What do you think?
6. Whether there will be any World war 3?

Member 3-Lady Member

1. What do you mean by India being a Vishwaguru? (Taken from my earlier answer)
2. Present 3 arguments for or against the following topic-Kerala a case of contradictions.
3. Why does Kerala have high rate of suicide?

Member 4 Male member

1. Is Trivandrum or was Trivandrum your capital?
2. Why was it called Trivandrum?
3. Where does the name Thiruvananthapuram come from?What does it mean?
4. Do you think America is a Vishwaguru right now?
5. Do you think Eastern Turkistan coming into existence in the near future? (He clarified the question and elaborated on Eastern Turkistan)
6. Why does the Islamic States criticize India based on the human rights but not China on the actions on Uyighur Muslims?

Utility of mocks or O2O

O2O-With Shinas sir of Ilearn IAS.Was highly effective and productive.From answering styles to answers including appearance and presentation was moulded with his guidance and advice.

Pro tips and inputs on International Relations by John George Dcoutho IRS (AIR 428 2021) was extremely helpful.


ALS IAS-was a pleasing experience with some grilling questions. Detailed review was also given.Satisfied

KSG-interview was good .The review was detailed and constructive. Question bank also helped in the preparation.Satisfied

Chankya IAS-diverse questions in a semi grilling mode. The review was not good as the chair just pointed out the areas where I need to study in the DAF.

Sankalp IAS-Interview was just an average experience. They didn't give any review regarding my performance or any suggestions except on my accent. (That too they said there is nothing you can do about it).Not at all satisfied.

HSTA by KREA-attended in online mode and was asked diverse questions from different areas. Give a detailed and satisfying review regarding the performance.Satisfied.
Chairperson: Shukla Sir
Morning Session
DAF - Civil Engineering, ONGC, Railways, Rajasthan, Tennis, South Africa

Have you read about the Millet Conference going on?
Why are we promoting millets so much?
Why have they been named 'Shri Anna'? Is the name out of respect for farmer who cultivate it?
The yields are less, how can we improve?
Agriculture to Industry transition of economy - should we promote industry or there are avenues within agriculture?

- Being a Civil Engineer, what will be your first priority if selected?
- What did India do different than other countries while managing COVID?
- Views on IRMS restructuring.
- Private Partners in Railways.

- Plan a 7 day tour of Rajasthan for me. Asked about a few places I mentioned.
- Construction Sector has been largely informal, what steps have we taken to formalise it?
- Migrant issues in Tamil Nadu, your views on it?

- Meaning of your name?
- Seems like you play a lot of sports, what is the importance of sports in life?
- Your views on Work from Home, should it be continued?
- Internship in South Africa - What did you do there? Friend circle there, difference you found in life there and in India.

- Why you left your job so early at ONGC?
- What did you learn there?
- What's NBP in the name of your Office Address?
- Features of green building (Office was a green building)
- Russia Ukraine War and its implications on Global Energy Security.
- Lessons for India from this.

Overall Experience: Very cordial board, no grilling.

Utility of Mocks: Good for confidence building and finding shortcomings in DAF preparation.
Date and Session : 16.03.2023 Morning Session
Board : Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Optional : Public Administration
Places I lived : Port Blair, Kerala, Bangalore
Worked in Tech Mahindra, Bangalore
Currently in IRS Customs and Indirect Taxes
Hobbies : Teaching, Singing, Calligraphy, Watching Football.

1. Why resigned from private sector
2.Difference in work culture between Public and Private Sector.
3. How your interest in calligraphy developed?

1. Separation of powers - Explain
2. Whether recent appointment mechanism of ECI appointment is judicial overreach.
3. Whether judiciary taking such steps due to frustration with Legislature and Executive?
4. Strategic Importance of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and some follow ups.
5. Why industrial development is low in Kerala? What can be done for it?
6. Should the PVTGs of A&N Islands be mainstreamed?

1. Continued topic from M1. When gulf oil economy slows down, what measures govt must take to accomodate returning workers in Kerala?
2. What is the significance of Coco Islands?
3. Whether direct connectivity to countries like Thailand ensure economic development of Andaman?

1. Whether GST compensation be continued or not?
2. Whether GST Council recommendations are binding or not?
3. Issue at Brahmapuram in Kochi?(Waste burning issue).
4. Whether similar waste management issues there in Andamans?

1. Fullform of AYUSH?
2. Why is the govt promoting AYUSH system of medicines?
3. What are the benefits of these medicine systems?
4. Is Ayurveda services accessible to common man? What should be done to make it accessible?

Thank you. Your interview is over.

Overall experience: Very cordial board. No utility of mocks once you are confident about your answers.
Date and session of interview- 21-03-23
Optional- PUBAD
College- IIT ( Not asked)
Keywords- Fitness, nutrition, IR, IEEE research on 5G, kabaddi nationals.
Duration - 40 mins.

Your experience in interview-

Ch- ( flat face throughout)
1. You studied EE, why pubad optional.
2.ur hobby nutrition. What are NFHS 5 data says about Indian scenario.
3. Where are we lacking and what to do.
4. What is poshan2.0
5. One more question not able to recall.

Member 1 (lady)- ( supportive)
1. You lived in Kota, what are issues there.
2. What is reason of suicide there.
3. How to stop.
4. What are administrative lacks there regarding education sector.
5 How will you solve as an administrator.
6.Two questions more not able to recall.

Member 2-( supportive)
1. What is so special about railway budget this year.
2. What is green hydrogen.
3. What is green in it.
4. What is blue hydrogen.
5. What is Gatishakti master plan.
6. What are issues of youth now adays.
7. What is saptarshi in budget.

Member 3-( intimidating)
1. Why discoms in debt.
2. How to solve.
3. Any discom in profit
4. What is the effect of financial institution breakdown.
5. What have govts done to prevent 2007-08 subprime crisis.
6. What is basel3 norms.
7. What is car.
8. Opinion on loan rightoffs in agriculture sector.

Member 4-( supportive)
1. What is kirchoff law ?
2. Resistivity increases with temp, what is metal in which it decreases ( don't know sir)
3. Why cripps mission called back dated check ? ( Shayad yhi tha jargon)
4. Politics behind Cripps mission.
5. Should India fasten Pakistan disintegration?

Note- Some more questions were asked i am not able to recall rn.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Vajirao, next, vision, apti good.
O2O with Ayush sir and Vinay sir were quite helpful.
Date and session of interview: 20.03.2023, afternoon session.
Board: Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Optional: Sociology
Education: BA Hons Sociology + MA Sociology
Profession: currently working in Parliament of India
Hobbies: Hindi Poetry, Street Theatre

1. What's your job profile in Parliament?
2. Who's the Chairperson of this Committee? (Work related)
3. How many members are there in this Committee? (Work related)
4. What difference you felt in your education in JNU? (DAF related)
5. Are we giving all that you learnt in JNU in our NEP-2020?

*Member 1*
1. What's 'Nayi Kavita' in Hindi Poetry? (Hobby related)
2. What social issues you raised in street theatre in your theatre days? (Hobby related)
3. What's 'anomie'? (Optional related)
4. What is the contribution of Andre Beteille? (Optional related)

*Member 2*
1. Discussion around my native village - it's population, main economic activity of people, main crops grown, agriculture related issues, banking needs of your village etc.
2. Monologue about banking...what's the banking structure of our country? Followed by some more vague questions on this.
3. What do you mean by SHGs? How SHGs are being used in your village?
4. What are the main issues of Indian Agriculture?
5. Do the farmers there get MSP?

*Member 3*
1. Why do you like Nukkad Natak? What's different about it? (Hobby related)
2. Hypothetically, if you are made head of a zone on publicity via Nukkad Natak...what themes/issues would you pick to highlight? (Hobby related)
3. Won't you promote millets? What millets-related happened recently in the Parliament?

*Member 4 (lady)*
1. Why India exports rice but not wheat? (gave hint to answer it precisely)
2. Why we suddenly stopped wheat exports to Ukraine?
3. Why are Millets considered good?
4. Tell me three laws in Independent India that, in your opinion, emancipated the condition of women in our society?
5. What about succession laws?

*Back to Chairperson*
Thank you, your interview is over!

(20-25 mins)

Your experience in interview: very cordial atmosphere, Members are keen in listening to what you feel and say. A conversation in true sense.

Utility of mocks or O2O:
Took one mock at Samkalp. It was quite a grilling experience for me, and hence it helped me prepare my weak areas and to face stressful situations (no question repeated in actual interview though).

Took two O2O sessions. One with Srirams, which was quite pleasant and positive experience; and another with Kaptaan which was super useful and motivating (one theme repeated from Kaptaan conversation in actual interview)!

A big thanks to Yo Yo Choti Singh Sir, Kaptaan Bhaiya and his team for their 'hadd se behadd' support for the aspirant community throughout.

All the very best to all the fellow aspirants!
Lt Gen Raj Shukla Sir Board
Last to Go in Afternoon session
25-30 minutes
First Attempt, PSIR
Graduation - BA, 2022
Madhya Pradesh

Chairperson. ( Sorry guys, not able to recall much. Because, Sir gave long monologues, so i was not able to figure out what sir wants to ask.)

So, we have a Pakistani Expert with us.
- (Nervously smile) Sir, i just tries to read more about it. I am not an expert. It is a very big word.(He was busy in reading DAF)

Pakistan is facing a lot of crisis. Political, Economic etc etc.
- Yes Sir, it is facing a lot of crisis. From political to economic to foreign policy.

Why it is not learning lessons ?
- The establishment there has vested interests in the continuation of such things. For ex. As Prof Ayesha Siddiqa points out in her book, the businesses interests of Army through its fauji foundation, baharia foundation etc lies in this system

But, PLA in China also runs businesses. There is not this situation but why in Pakistan.
- Sir, the situation is different in both the countries. In China, PLA is controlled by the party. But in Pakistan, the state is controlled by the army.

So, what should be India'a attitude. Should it be happy that Pakistan will break away?
-No, sir. We should not be happy as it will have its own costs.

So, what you think? What should be our way? What is our interests?
- Sir, in my opinion. Weak but stable pakistan is in our interests.

Member 1.

Shivam, you have many things related to BSF like school, prizes etc.
- Yes Sir, My father is in BSF.

Tell me one thing where BSF had played a very important role.
- Sir,.....It is called as First Line of Defence and hence played that role.

No, it is a very general thing. I want a specific thing.
- Sir, BSF played an important role in 1971 battle.

Is it ?
- Yes, Sir. Even yesterday when i visited the UPSC museum, i saw there the letter sent to Shri KF Rustamji, by PM Indira Gandhi.

What was it ?
- Sir, it was written about the contribution of BSF in the war.

No, no. What was the contribution of BSF in 1971 war?
- Sir, it played an important role on now Indo- Bangladesh border where Mukti Vahini was trained. On western border, it prevented attack from the Pakistani side.

Do you know about Longowal?
- Sir, are we talking about the Battle of Longowal ? (Was confused, so asked)

No, about Longowal.
- Sorry, sir. I do not know about it.

Ok. Leave it. He saw my DAF and told you graduated in history, sociology and maths. You have taken Political Science as optional. So, i will ask about Political Science.
- Yes, Sir.

Tell me, as a student of history that after 200 years when that generation will write history about the present. What it will write ? You know we are creating this infrastructure, that infrastructure like roads railways, Ram mandir etc. So, what it is going to be ?
- Sir, I believe that the future generation will write the present as India Moment. The period will be marked as the one where our vision is forward looking but we are also investing in our culture. We are building both social and physical infrastructure for our better future but also taking along the culture and traditions.

Tell me, Shivam, what is the priorities of G-20.
- Sir, they are Inclusive -ex voice of global South, Action oriented - amidst so many global fault lines, Decisiveness - to bring results.

Is healing the earth is also a priority ?
- Yes, sir. It is one of them

Tell me what is the slogan of G-20.
- One Earth, One Family, One Future.

Member - 2

What is Sherpa ?
- Mam, it is a representative of the country to G-20 who discusses all other issues except financial issues. Presently, Mr Amitabh Kant is Sherpa of India.

Ok. But i was thinking about Sherpa in context of Tenjing Norway. Have you heard about him ??
- Yes, Mam.

I was thinking you will give the answer in that context because from there this word came. But no issues.
- Sorry Mam. I was thinking that since this question is being asked after continuation of G-20 discussion. So, i answered that way.
20/03/2023, Morning session
Raj Shukla Board
Law optional
IRTS, Dance, Law, Commerce, Sambhal(UP)

 1. What is your ambition in Civil Services?
 2. Why Joint communique was not signed in recent G20 meeting?
 3. Why Bali consensus couldn’t be continued further?
 4. What changed now? Do you think Russia has upper edge now?
 5. What is India’s aim in G20? How can we achieve it?
 6. Why India is not taking any stand?
 7. What if tomorrow China invades India then nobody would support India ?
 8. Do you think we are going back to Non Alignment?
 9. What is the difference between Non Alignment and Strategic Autonomy?
 10. What do you think Foreign policies based on self interest or values?

    1. What is your favourite subject in law?
    2. Why didn’t you build your career in law
    3. Why don’t you want to continue in IRTS
    4. What innovation would you bring to improve sanitation and hygiene in Railways?
     5. Why there is so much corruption in Railways?
     6. Tell me something special about your district?

    1. Is Article 368 gives enough flexibility to amend Constitution with changing times?
    2. But only 105 Amendments so far?
    3. What is ordinary and special majority?
    4. Can Parliament amend 368?
    5. Can states move to amend 368?
    6. Did you dance on Naatu Naatu?

     1. Which accounting standards India follow?
     2. What about USA?
     3. Who are the regulating authorities for Accounting?
     4. Difference between ICAI and NFRA?
     5. What is money bill?
     6. Tell me about Aadhar judgement?
     7. What happened after that?
     8. How can you reduce pendency in judiciary?

     1. How would you solve the problem of Air pollution of Delhi?
     2. What are the issues in India Bangladesh relationship?

Okay, your interview is over.
DAF - key words - microbiology, PSIR, jogging, waste to energy project , mentoring students, Mumbai, sudoku
Panel - Shukla sir
Date - 21/03/2023

Questions - only 2 questions from chairman - introduce yourself and gap year

Other members
Petro dollars
Russia Ukraine impact on india
India oil needs
How to tackle it
Should we stop oil imports from Russia after war
Virus vs bacteria
Waste to energy project
Potential of waste to energy
Green hydrogen mission
How hydrogen energy provides more energy than coal based energy
E-mobility and ethanol based economy
Current examples of waste to energy projects in India
Why didn't you file a patent and opened start up
Whom you mentor
How many students
For how many hours
What you exactly do in mentoring
What you learnt from mentoring
Dog bite issues
How to tackle it
NGO foreign contribution
What can be done
Strong party at centre issues
Tell me constitutional provisions related to it
AI and computer how it works
Difference between Google pay and phone pe
Explain UPI
Date :22nd March 2023, forenoon session ,,3rd to go
Board : Preeti Sudan ma'am
Daf: Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, PSIR , economics background, agriculture
No questions asked from hobbies.
1. You are from jhunjhunu which had worst sex ratio (837) as per 2011 census,,however in last few years it is an example in reversing the sex ratio,,is on top,,What led to the change?
2. How the administration was able to do so?
3. As a DM what would u learn from the success nd how will you apply the learnings.?
4. Have you heard about the village piplantri? Why is it known? I guess she wanted this in the answer to question no 2.
1.long monologue about women reservation in panchayats nd lack of it in jobs nd legislature. Do you support reservation for women?
2. Don't you think women r capable, they r equal, have made it on their own,like u,, constitution doesn't differentiate based on gender,,then why they need reservation?
3. What is balika protsahan purushkar in Rajasthan.?why is it given? has it helped in empowering girls?

 1. Name any social sector scheme by central govt whose budgetary allocation is more than 50k crore? I said PMAY,, he said MGNREGA is also there...
2. What is mgnrega?
3. Labourers don't get their wage payment in 15 days,,how to deliver payments to them in stipulated time period? I said DBT nd digitisation of muster rolls,,he said that's already done ,,What more can be done?
4. There is an urban component too,,,IG Shahri rojgar yojana,, do you know about it.? What is it?
5. Why do we need such scheme,,which gives no quality assets,,unskilled work? Don't u think we don't need such schemes in 21st century?
5. What is the unemployment rate in Rajasthan? I used unemployment in previous answer,,,, I said around 24% ,,he said are u sure? Asked about the source of data.
1.when a bank fails ,,govts are quick to respond ,,while if an airline company fails then dont act in same manner,,why so?
2. How banks have larger impact on economy?
3. How the govt responded to the GFC 2008?
4. Public vs private sector banks ? Your opinion
5. Major crops grown by your father? (Agriculture family)
6. What are the issues faced by farmers in terms of credit access nd market access? How govt is solving them?

1. You are from jhunjhunu which has high number of armed forces personnel. What is being done for their welfare? What more can be done?
2. Do you know Francis fukuyama?
3. What is end of history nd the last man? He is still supporting his theory.
4. Is he correct? Isn't liberalism now an universal ideology?

Then Chairwoman said ,,thank u ,,your interview is over ,,all d best.
 Experience- Different from all mocks,, mixed feelings,, could have used better words nd better arguments.
Utility of mocks- To get used to the formal environment,,to learn to give answers to unexpected questions, to not be pressured,

 Mocks- one on one session with Ravindran sir,
 Vajiram & Ravi ( was kinda best for me,,though unpopular opinion), vajirao nd reddy ( these 3 worked most for me),
 Mixed one's- ksg, chankaya Mandal, next ias, byjus, unacademy, only ias
 Poor for me- vision, rau's

Transcripts have helped me,,sharing my bit,,hope it helps
Date 22.03.23 Afternoon Session
Lieutenant General Raj Shukla Sir Board
Background : Hometown- Amritsar
Work experience: Union Bank of India (4.5 yrs)
Workplace: Surat
Optional : Punjabi literature
Time: 31 minutes (attendant himself told me precisely that how long it went )

Chairman Sir: (He asks very long questions, so many questions in a single question sometimes you can't get what exactly he's trying to ask. Below written questions are shortened version of his monologues)

1. What is your hometown
2. Amritpal's issue what is the situation in Punjab.
3. Do Pakistan has a role
4. Pak is itself grappling in economic stress why will it fund disturbance in India.
5. Pakistan army is getting involved in internal politics of Pakistan how you see it.
6. Do you think Pakistan can get stability in near future when both govt and army don't wanna change themselves.
7. Is Imran Khan a populist leader or inducted by army.
8. How you see future prospects of Imran Khan
(I said I don't have this much idea about Pakistan's internal politics , he said okay so let's go farther ;)
9. Taliban regime is getting stronger in Afghanistan, can they sustain?
10. Taliban has hard core philosophy they don't wanna change, so how you see future of Afghanistan.
11. China has a role in Saudi Iran deal. Do you think it has diminished the role of USA or USA is over-ocuppied in other regions
12. Is this a one time event or China will interfere in other West Asian nations
13. How US oil imports from Saudi Arab will be impacted due to this deal. Will US move to other regions.


1. 3 judges recently gave interview to media including chief justices. (I confirmed twice that this incident is recent or 2-3 years ago because I read about it back then not recently). He said recent one. Then he asked should judges answer such questions (I asked about questions) . Then he said leave it if you haven't watched that interview
2. SVB bank crisis reasons
3. Impact on Indian Banks, difference between US and indian banking regulation.
4. So what should India do to prevent banking crisis
3. MDR (merchant discount rate)
4. MDR on UPI, why zero, isn't this unfair with other platforms.
5. HDFC vs Union Bank share price why the difference.( I told about that UBI share price had also risen )
6. Why Union Bank share price rose.


1. Live court proceedings, your opinion
2. Privacy issue who will decide privacy in live proceedings
3. I gave an example of girl who got his name removed from a case available online. So he asked how as a lawyer I'll be able to get that case. I said lawyers have their internal portal or reasearch libraries. Internet is not their principal source. He said we don't have any research library. I said some internal portal must definitely be there. Then he agreed.
4. NPAs are due to target based banking. You people are pressurised for targets, Won't you be completing targets till 31st march, Some people do run for targets what about them.
5. You have done graduation only and immediately joined bank after graduation. You haven't done masters. You become IAS and some PCS or junior who is MBA, masters degree holder or has higher educational qualifications. Won't you feel complex?

M3:Lady member, It was more of a normal conversation with her rather than question answers

1. You studied Punjabi literature in Gurmukhi
2. Which places you'll take me to as a tourist in Amritsar
3. Blogging on which topics , how many followers (Hobby)
4. You write poetry in which language (hobby)
5 . Surat vs Amritsar compare. Don't you get issue with food as it's totally different from Amritsar
6. You are doing so well in banking you can reach greater heights why Civil Services then
Date and session of interview- 22 March, forenoon session, 5th to go
Board- Ms. M. Sathiyavathy ma'am.
Optional- Geography
Graduation- Civil Engineering
Hobbies- Teaching, following cricket
Your experience in interview- Very much cordial board. They all welcomed me with a smile. They were listening and not interrupting in between, very much different from the mocks.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
 Mocks are helpful in developing confidence to speak in front of 4-5 people and preparing some questions. Some questions got repeated from mocks.

Madam read out the DAF loudly and started asking.
1) What are you doing since 2020
2) Not applied for placements?
3) You are geography student, what are the deviations observed on the map while representing spherical earth on 2-d maps
4) Tell iconic civil engineering structures in india in recent times and challenges in their construction
5) Foundation of Taj Mahal?
6) Relation between civil engineering and geography
7) Why you didn't opted for police (short height)
Member 1
1) Which areas of science are you interested in?
2) Who won the Nobel prize in physics? Anyone in recent past?
3) Any husband wife have won recently in any field? Their name and contributions?
4) What do you teach? Who and  do you teach?
5) Who is your role model in ethical and moral behaviour?
6) Why cricket is so much prominent? Why other sports not able to gain popularity?
7) who will provide funding to other sports?
Member 3
1) When is world water day celebrated?
2) why is it celebrated?
3) Which is the largest freshwater lake in the world?
4) Yesterday there was earthquake in delhi? Did you felt the shocks?
5) What would be the first precautionary step in case of earthquake?
6) How will you link geography with technology?
Member 3
1) when is world water day celebrated?
2) why is it celebrated?
3) which is the largest freshwater lake in the world?
4) yesterday there was earthquake in delhi? Did you felt the shocks?
5) What would be the first precautionary step in case of earthquake?
6) How will you link geography with technology?

Member 4
1) what's the meaning of your name?
2) You were talking about iconic buildings, have you heard about a tunnel which was recently constructed? (Atal tunnel)
3) What is it's length?
4) What is famous about you district?
Chairperson : Your interview is over.

One thing I would like to say is UPSC interview is altogether different experience, very much different from mocks.
All the best everyone.
Date and session of interview- 21/03/2023
Board-Lt.Gen Shukla Sir
Keywords- BDS, IR, Mumbai.

Your experience in interview- Board was cordial and patient.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Good for practice, review should be taken with a pinch of salt.


Where are you from? (Mah/ Guj)
Why IAS after Dentistry?
Why not work for 30 Years and then become a politician?
Are you choosing Civil services cz they are safe? Do you think Politics would be too risky for you??
We need good politicians also, why not join politics?

Is Globalisation coming to an end?
Why then trade is being conducted in small grouping? Why South Asia is lagging in it?

Why can't south Asia be an example for the world to solve it's problem? Why India not taking lead? Look at Asean?

Was not joining Rcep a mistake?
So If manufacturing is not equipped enough we should take protectionist Stance or open to competition?

If Singapore can deal with China why can't we?
Why rise in trade when incidents like Galwan are happening?
How to deal with China when they have such huge trade surplus with us?

Member 1
Shortcomings in Ayushman bharat.
How to make PDS more efficient.
( Wasn't very satisfied with my answer)
2-3 follow up questions

Tell me about some innovative ways of financing infrastructure projects.

Members 2
( Based on my ans of PDS Qs)
Food ( Distribution) is under which list.
How will then the Centre implement  ONOR??

Air pollution in Delhi- Reasons
Why not in Mumbai
( 3 Follow up questions on the mechanism of Sea breeze)

Why Dentistry is a 5 year course, is there enough content to study for 5 years?
Why earlier only 4 years?
( 3 Follow up Questions)

Member 4
( I had mentioned tobacco in 1ans)
Why IAS, work as a dentist and tackle addiction?
( 2 follow up Qs)

Problems of Mumbai? (.. Slums..)
So should we demolish all the slums??

There is no space for pedestrians in Mumbai? ( 1 follow up)

Member 4
Why Anthropology??
Difference between digital money and cryptocurrency.
Are crypto currencies dangerous??
Is it good to have backing of central banks??
What is blockchain?

Chair :Your interview is over.
Date: 21 March, Afternoon session, 5th to go

Board: Honourable Satyavathi ma’am

Optional: Medical Science

College: Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh

Keywords: MBBS, Horology (wrist watches), blog writing, sports- basketball, athletics, Chandigarh

CM: You’re a doctor, what extra would Civil services provide you with?
CM: So you said dynamic. What do you understand by dynamic?
Medical services are also dynamic, you see new patients, different signs and symptoms, different diagnosis?

When did your internship end? (July 2022). What are you doing since then?

Okay I’ll give you a scenario, you are the DM and in your area there’s a village that has no infrastructure. It has no schools, roads or a PHC/Hospital. You have funds for only one project. Which out of the three will you work upon?

So Dr, I’ll pick up on the dynamic thread as stated by you and chairperson Ma’am. You’re an athlete, played basketball, high jump, running, so why not the armed forces? You will have cases of trauma, gunshot victims, high altitude, daily different challenge?
So before evolving- army, after evolving upsc? He clarified that he meant it as just a light hearted statement
You do blog writing? On what do you write?
What type of writing on wrist watches you do?

M2: Smiling throughout, encouraging
Horology? That’s the first time I’m seeing this, very interesting.
Smartwatches- will they end the mechanical watch segment?
Monologue on digitisation age and Swiss watchmakers embracing smartwatch culture by sir
Mortality number in India due to Covid? Different agencies give different numbers. You can give your own number.
Just a guess? Okay we will not press you on the exact number.

M1 aptly mentioned you are an athlete. So name a sport which has multiple sports assessed within it in the Olympics?
So who won the gold medal in Olympics in Decathlon?

Has India been successful in tackling Covid? How?
Indo-Pak relations and role Punjab can play in them.
What is Covid diplomacy?
What is basketball diplomacy?

Why Covid spread and cases more in urban areas than rural areas?
Any role of antigen in forming immunity in rural population?
NHM or NRHM as it is called, has it been successful?
Has our family planning been successful?
Chandigarh- should cities be planned like this? Is this a good model?

CM: Anybody wants to ask more questions?
Thank you, All the best

Utility of mocks- Good for motivation and facing the fear of unknown. The real interview was very pleasant with almost no grilling as compared to mocks. No current affairs asked. Everyone (including me) was smiling throughout and it was a relaxed atmosphere.
Date - 21/03/23
Name - Sab Changa Si
Afternoon session, last to go
Chairperson: Preeti Sudan Ma’am
Homestate: Madhya Pradesh
Optional: Mathematics
Keywords: Electrical Engineering, Taiwan, Teaching Assistant, Beatboxing
1) You have good academic background, why civil services?
2) You were Teaching Assitant, Don't you think we need more teachers. Why not teaching?
3) You went to Taiwan, how was your experience? (DAF)
4) How will you implement earlier mentioned learning if you are a administrator. (DAF, based on previous answer)
1) In the contect of G20, Why there is increased significance of India?
2) Name 4-5 classical painters of India?
3) Name 4-5 classical dancers of India?
4) Name 4-5 classical vocalists of India? (couldnt name them, LOL)
5) Why interstate border dispute arises in India, What kind of disputes are there? (follow on questions on these)
6) Why do we have inter-state water disputes, could you give some examples?
7) What were the main reasons behind Narmada river dispute? (Follow up on last question)
1) What is cryptocurrency, how are we regulating them?
2) What is difference between e-rupee and cryptocurrency?
3) What is difference between e-rupee and UPI?
4) Recently RBI took steps for easing up of intercountry money transfers, what are those?
5) Can you tell me about Vostro, Nostro Accounts?
6) What are the negative consequences of depreciation of Indian rupee vis-a-vis USD?
1) What is Beatboxing?
2) You must have read Feb RBI Monetary policy committee minutes, what are the headwinds according to RBI?
3) What factor will US Fed will need to consider in its upcoming meet for interest rates? (Based on previous answer)
4) Why did US Fed was required to increase interest in first place?
5) What are main reasons why farmers protested well intentioned farm bills? (2 follow up questions on this)
1) What are Dirac Matrices? (Electrical Engineering + Maths)
2) If a function is irrotational then there exists another function whose gradient is the first function. What is this function called? (Maths, EE)
3) Have you heard of Khandwa? (district in MP)
4) Tell me something about topologicial and anthropological relation in Khandwa? (He wanted to know about Korku tribe, I didnt know)
5) What is significance of Burhanpur Gap in MP’s economy?
6) Already Chattisgarh was split from MP, Do you think today we need to seperate Vindhya Pradesh from MP or Vidharbha from Maharasthra?
7) Then Why Left Wing Extremists are more focused on demand of seperate states here and why they are more active? (I am somewhat unclear what was exactly demand of question here, tried to paraphrase to best of my ability)
8) What do you understand by identity-based politics?
Chairperson: You interview is over, Thank you!
Expericence: Board was cordial, 40% from DAF (either too simple as Chairperson asked, or very specific DAF based as M4 asked), Rest generic Mains questions.
Mock utility: Real is unlike any mock interview. It helps gain confidence and refine generic answers (why civil service etc). Chahal, Vajirao mocks were good.
Date of interview- 23/03/23
Session - Forenoon
Board- M. Sathiyavathy Ma’am( chairperson)
( one female member + 3 male members)
Optional - PSIR
Graduation- Mathematics
Time Duration - 29 minutes
I was third to go
DAF keywords - Uttarakhand, Haridwar, Non fiction books, Cricket, Quiz

Ma’am read aloud the whole DAF, other members were taking note of the same.
1. What are you doing after graduation? Are you working?
2.You are from UK,tell me after Joshimath issue what will be the impact on tourism?
3. How will you promote tourism in Uttarakhand?
4.How will you bring change when even educated people throw rappers and garbage after eating something like chocolate?
5. How many districts in your state?
6. What is ODOP?
( I also mentioned about One district two product of Uttarakhand)
7. Tell me five districts and ten products of UK?

M1(lady member)
1.How Mathematics can be used in cybersecurity like forensic etc?
2. Today is world meteorological day and asked a question
(Could not comprehend)
3.What is New pension scheme?

M2(male member)
1. Why PSIR after mathematics?
2. Tell me the tourism potential of UK?(long discussion on this)
3. Tell me what all places/ districts have you visited in Uttarakhand?
4. Chardham yatra Yojana and ensuing widening of roads what will be its impact?
5. How people will go to Badrinath when Joshimath’s road are badly impacted and broken?

M3 (male member)
1. Who is (asked me the name of some quizmaster)?
2.Have you read this book( asked me some book whose name I don’t remember now)
3. Tell me name of five Indian mathematicians of prominence currently working in India?
4. Any mathematician of India you know?
5. Who is Manjul Bhargava?
(Follow up from previous question)
6.He is famous for what and any book written by him?
7. What is Karmakar theory?
8. What is Ramanujam number?
9. Tell me what is special about it?
10. Why Ramanujam died so young and what he used to do?
11. Have you watched the movie based on his life?
12. You read non fiction books, which books have you read recently?( told him three books)
13. Any other book from IR/ foreign affairs?(told him I am primarily interested in IR)
14. Have you watched the movie “ A beautiful mind”?( follow up from above as I told him about book by Sylvia Nasser)
15. What was John Nash famous for?(told about Nash equilibrium, game theory and Nobel prize in economics)
16.He was suffering from some disease, why mathematicians suffer from such diseases and become crazy😎( everyone in board was very curious and chairperson ma’am even interjected me)
17. Tell me some contemporary issues other than IR/ foreign affairs?
18. You follow budget ,tell me the size of budget of Delhi?
19. Tell me the size of budget of Union government?
20. How much has been the allocation for Science?
21. Tell me how recent bank failure will impact India?

M4(male member)
1. What are the exact reasons for SVB failure, give me four reasons? ( carry forward from M3’s last question )
2. There is global body for payment to transfer funds?Do you know about it?
3. What India is doing for making payment in local currency? (Like in case of buying oil from Russia?)
4. Tell me about the relationship of India with Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, SriLanka in one- one line.

Ok your interview is over.
Date -23 March 2023
Board- M.Sathyavati Mam
Home state - Haryana
Job profile -Indian corporate law service
Working state - Tamilnadu
Relevant key words in daf- department of women and development in college, ngo for slum education children
Optional- sociology

Chairperson clarified about service and training periods,then she asked why preferred cadre is different than that of home state.

1st member (male)
1.Why to give education to slum people when ultimately unemployment is there (hinting towards skilling)
2.What is the number of people residing in slums (I knew percentage so told only that)
3. Social issues in Rajasthan related to women (preferred cadre)
4.How will you solve these issues as DM ...(I earlier mentioned child marriage,poor women literacy) scheme of Haryana where women can go for grievance redressal ( I said sorry)

2nd member (female)
1.definition of slum sociologically
2.what are the challenges of women in slum different from other women
3.I talked about menstrual hygiene so she asked further on it for scheme for the same.
4. Role of dept of women and development in your college

3rd member (male) of karnal...why so
2.mgnrega scheme should be dismantled
3.How to reduce cost of millets for urban consumers and reason for the same.
4. What challenges did you face after got selection and came for training.

4th member ( male)
1.Sociological difference between north and south society
2.Dravidian model of governance
4.Why then govt should do welfare when corporate sector is also doing
Chairperson then said thankyou and everybody greeted.
Satya ma'am Board
23rd March Afternoon
Daf keywords : Quora, PHD,Mphil, Diamond ECOWAS ,peacekeeping climate change , Africa

1 - Why IAS , why not teaching
2- findings of your mphil research
( Discussion on findings , which involved Africa in climate negotiations , 100billion usd finance)

1 - On what issues do you write on Quora
2 - what is project udan in your daf
3 - why Indian peacekeeping efforts not giving returns in terms of military partnerships
(Discussion on this)
4- Top contributors
5 - What is India doing to increase defence cooperation with these countries
6- India China different approach in Africa
1- recent IpCc report
2 - what are the new timelines for climate agenda in the report
3- climate finance , what's the progress ?
Discussion on this
4 - what developing countries are doing since devloped countries not fulfilling responsibility
5 What is ESG

1- why ECOWAS peacekeeping not working
2- why not AU peacekeeping
3 - ECOWAS issues
4- why South Sudan not improving despite resources
5 - your service preferences
6 - why diamond mining decreasing in Panna
7 - As Panna DM how will you improve diamond mining status

M4 (lady)
1 - What is swajiland in Africa
2 - What is gender gap , how is it calculated
3 - self help groups and their role in women empowerment
4 - HDI , and states with HDI , how is it calculated

Thank you
Thanks To PT extended family and telegram community and kaptan bhaiya for full Sumport.
Board: Smt. M. Sathiyavathy Mam
24th March
Morning, Last to go
Optional: Commerce & Accountancy
Professional qualification: CA & CFA
Work Experience: Audit and Taxation at a CA Firm
Home state: Madhya Pradesh (nothing asked)
Daf Keywords: Played hockey at states level, Volunteer for organ donation awareness, Leadership positions (Treasurer at Student Council in college, Head Boy of School), Interests cooking

First impression: Lovely grand room, big round table with flowers kept in the middle, Chairperson mam sitting right opposite to me with framed portrait of all previous UPSC chairpersons on the wall behind, Yellow lights made the room bright

- Read the whole DAF, asked me what am I doing since 2019?
Post this overall discussion revolved around Old Pension Scheme and New Pension Theme
- She said as you are CA I'll like to talk about OPS and NPS. Tell me which of them is better for govt and which is better for govt servant
- Next she said how can we make NPS more attractive
(I answered we can followed middle path suggested by Andhra Pradesh govt covered and explained it in detail)
- She then cross questioned that it might lead to fiscal burden with the state. I re-explained my case. She countered with another set of issues again, said giving you one more chance
- I covered other wayouts for which she was only partially satisfied. After exhausting all my options I thought its better to hit a circuit breaker so that we can discuss something else. Once I said I'll have to read more on it. She said okay keep reading, keep learning and passed on to M1

All this might sound like an argument here but it was in a normal conversational tone.

(I guess Madam has served as Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment. This is no way mean that we have to dig profiles of member in detail)

M1: Said I'll talk to you on International Relations
- Big monologue before each question, made me wonder what he gonna ask ultimately😅
Q: USA entered Iraq, Afghanistan and now indirectly supports Ukraine via NATO. Tell me what will the next front where USA will confront? And why does USA choose to do all this confrontations?

Q: Monologue around Taliban. Then asked how US withdrawal and Taliban rule will affect India?

Q: Asked what is the political as well as strategic reason behind bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir.

Q: Told that there is a train which is expected to start by Dec 2023 and will go till Baramulla, so tell me how it will benefit the overall region. I told sir I'm not completely aware about it. So he said it's a train which will connect Baramulla thru Srinagar. So I gave my take.

Q: What is the status of GST in India?
Q: Chartered Accountants have got a lot of work due to GST. So do you really think it has reduced the compliance burden or has it increased it further?
Q: What is GSTN? Which company runs it?
Q: Tell me sth about your cooking, what do you cook? (After I told them chairperson mam started smiling)
Q: Started talking about organ donation. Told me to highlight issues and solutions (in the middle mam of his question mam gestured to pass it on)

Covered e-commerce overall, the discussion was generic so will try to cover its gist only

Q: Asked the status of ecommerce?
Q: Said what about international trade?
Q: Then said issues like grievance handling are prominent
Q: Tried to draw some links with WTO etc (seemed like he had some experience in working with the WTO)

M4: Lady member (right next to me)

Q: How to improve organ utilisation? (later added that we do not where exactly we will die so that's an issue)
Q: Asked me how to promote hockey in the backdrop of popularity of cricket?
Q: How will you use your optional/work ex in administration?
Q: What were your lessons as a leader and its application in civil services?
Q: Final question, as you have been a leader. Let me give you a situation that you are in the phase on India's freedom struggle in 1900s, now tell what will you do as a leader there?

Post this chairperson said your interview is over, All the best!
Board- Preeti Sudan mam
Forenoon (1st one to go)
Background- Optional sociology,
Hobby- watching inspirational movies, yoga and Om meditation

Mostly my PT on my daf and it's related current news

Enters the room, chairman mam asks me to sit and make me more comfortable by asking to remove mask and told me we will have conversations and if don't know anything then it's ok and if u dont understand any Q then ask us to repeat it again.
1.Tell me about your district, why is it famous.?
2.What is women literacy of your district?
3.What to do to improve women literacy in your district?
4.what is beti bachao and beti padho scheme?
5.Does swachha bharat abhiyaan has any impact on improving women literacy?
 Member1( lady)
1.There are different types of social stratification in India, so tell me what step has been taken since independence to eliminate it ?
2.What are the factors responsible for its existence in present society?

1.UNGA has declared various important day and years for each day and years, so can you tell me which important day is today?
2.why forest is important for us?
3.Which important day and year is accepted by UNGA proposed by India?
4.Why 21st June is choosen?
5.Which yoga are you doing?
6.Why are you doing Surya namaskar?
7.What change have you seen in yourself today due to yoga?
8.who was your yoga teacher?
9.what are you doing after graduation as you have done graduation in 2017?
1.Have you heard the term too big to fail in any sector?
2.what is difference between bank and NBFC?
3.What are different regulations for bank and NBFC?
4. .You practice yoga and have certificate course in yoga, so have you participated in any event on 21st June ?
5.Which inspirational movies have you watched?
6.What are your learning from MS Dhoni movie?
7.How many run Dhoni scored?
8.Do you follow cricket as sports?
9.Do you follow any other sports?
1.Ask one particular yoga?
2.Give me long sanskrit shlok from yoga sutra of patanjali, asked me to interpret it?
3.what is acid?
4.what is modernization in sociology?
 Lastly, chairman- Thank you, your interview is over.

Overall experience- cordial and also help me in some Q.

Experience of mocks- chanakya mandal pariwar , chahal academy like environment and is helpful.

One to one with vikas Ranjan sir( Triumph IAS) help me a lot.

Best to luck everyone....
Name - लिस्ट म आएगा तो पता लगुगा😄
Board - Sathyavati Mam
Date - 24/03/2023
College - IIT Kgp
Grad./Optional - Electrical
Job - IOCL ( Resigned)
Keyword - Cricket, NCC, Gate, Historical Movies

 Why Gate, Future Plan, what since resignation from last job, how ATF different from petrol and Diesel
What additives are mixed in it, your responsibilities in IOCL, Wireless transmission of electric current, Electricity Amendment Bill and states issues

Q. NCC Camp, activities there, values from NCC, Russia Ukraine war disscussion, ( Some more questions, not able to recollect)

Changes done in NCC to incentivize participation, Gender Gap Index, Gender Inequality Index, India's standing, Rajasthan Gender issues, which area lagging in Rajasthan, How to improve on it

Recently watched Historical Movie, Another movie before it, Any Indian Historical Movie you watched, WPL Status, Is WPL comparable to IPL, How it will improve women's status

FTAs, what precautions we should while negotiating FTA with Developed countries and disscussion on it, Steps in Agri especially considering it's Aridity,

Interview Over
Board: Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Date: 24th March, 2023 (Afternoon)
Place: Tirupati / Nellore (AP)
College: St. Stephen's (Political science, Economics), JNU (IR)
Optional: PSIR
Service Preference: IFS (nothing asked explicitly)
Hobbies: Social Service volunteering
DAF Key Words: NET-JRF

Take your seat. This is just a conversation
1. So, you are born in Nellore? (Brought up mostly in Tirupati though)
2. Tell me why Tirupati has high number of child marriages and cases of domestic violence
3. What will you do to curb it? (Education, Awareness involving the temple admn was one suggestion)
4. Is education enough to tackle these problems?
5. So, you are from JNU and Stephen's
6. Compare these 2 institutions
7. Since you are a JNU student, tell me what learnings you did while in college and how will you use them as an administrator. (I was in Online-COVID batch, but told whatever learnings I had)
8. Good, you have a NET also, why don't you pursue teaching? (Told that I am not sure about teaching, but research will continue irrespective of my career choice)

1. What grievance redressal mechanism is there for telecom related complaints? (I thought he was asking of portals etc and then he only suggested TRAI)
2. What other mechanism you know? (He mentioned some other name I couldn't recognise; I said I don't know)
3. How and what research you would pursue? (Mentioned about applying for PhD program and on wait list currently for the seat)
4. Have you submitted thesis? (I said it's still at proposal stage)
5. He inquired what it was?

1. Argue in favor of the statement - India will be a developed country by 2047
2. What are the main road blocks that prevents from that road
4. Status of infrastructure in India
5. What financing options we have for infrastructure
6. What are the global implications of the Russia-Ukraine war? What has changed?

1. So you said you are volunteering in the social sector; tell me about the what we could do about persons with disabilities? Firstly tell me all the disabilities you can identify(Mentioned both Physical and Mental disabilities and types I could identify)
2. What are the key issues?
3. What provisions do we have? Heard about the PwD Act?
4. Apart from Reservations what other schemes are there?

M4 (Lady Member)
1. Do you agree with the statement that we are having worse ties ever with our neighbours ? (I said mixed view about the statement and explained why so)
2. What about Nepal? (The conversation on these 2 questions went on for a while)
3. What are the foreign policy measures that you commend or not commend?
4. Internationally, name 3 personalities who have impacted global affairs. (I said Mikhail Gorbachev and why, Indira Gandhi)
5. Indira Gandhi is more of national leader, tell me internationally (I said also international because impacted the course cold war, signed India-USSR and liberation of a new country, Bangladesh)
6. Third personality? (I said can't think of anyone else)
7. She suggested, Heard of Henry Kissinger? (I said Yes, Mentioned a few reasons why & she added a few more points)

Chairperson - Thank you, you may leave now

Overall Experience: It was a good conversation that captured most of my interests. Smooth experience. Felt happy afterward.

Utility of Mocks: Chahal, Vajirao, KSG was good. Rau's I enjoyed even more (The IFS member here actively took interest in my words, spoke to me in French as well).
Vision Faculty Online Mock helped me prepare well (through some grilling)

Mocks helped me work on my formal speech, gestures, greetings etc. Helped me pick the right saree for the day as well. Some Mocks were held in big hotels. This helped me maintain composure and not be overwhelmed even after seeing the grandeur of UPSC Bhawan as a first timer there.

O2O Discussions: Mohan Sir of IAS Baba, Vinay Sir of Insights helped me shape some answers and perspectives. Khan Sir cleared last minute doubts. Vision DAF Analysis session was very detailed.

All the best!
Board- Shukla sir
Last to go on 24th march
State - Chhattisgarh(not asked)
Electrical engineering(not asked)
Anthropology optional(not asked)
Hobby - oil pastel , listening to rendition and sufi song of bollywood
Prize n award- debate and essay

1. What are the changes that debate has brought in you?
2. Are Indians good at debate or simply argumentative ? Gave some statement of amartya sen to explain which was in context of debate.
3. In villages, people without formal education sit and debate, is it worth of time?
4. About my university, is it recently established , it's achievement n different program it offers.
5. Are Indians good at ideation or execution? Why chinese hv taken over us in invention?
6. Is our education system not practical oriented? Will NEP address it?

1. Asked about NAAC scam, what r problems n how to tackle?
2. Any name similar to bilaspur(hometown), what is it's speciality(of other place with same name)
3. Steps u would take regarding water conservation?
4.Carrom...tell me something about it, as I answered she interrupted n asked what do carrom word mean?(represented at university level)
5. Tell me about 3 international events that hv taken place in last 6 months?

1. Gave monologue on oil related issue of central govt. with TN govt. based on centre state relation, I said sorry for not knowing the issue still he persisted, when I couldn't figure it out he himself gave answer.
2. What do you like in the Constitution, what to do if article 17 gets violated?(based on my answer)
3. Who r the prominent singer of sufi music?Impact of strained Indo - pak relation on sufi music?

1.Difference between writ jurisdiction of SC and HC?
2. Who's mandate is to control inflation, then discussion on it
3. Told about recommendation that should students be directly taken after 12th for civil service like nda or army? My opinion on it
4. One more question (couldn't recall)

1. Difference between fiscal deficit and primary deficit?
2. Compare Indian economy with any other country on 3 parameter? I said one as inequality so discussion on ginni coefficient.
3. Discussion on green hydrogen . N challenges of it.

Utility of mocks- confidence building n to learn body language.
But mock r essentially daf based factual question while upsc daf question r all together different.

All the best to all
Preeti Sudan ma'am's board
24 March forenoon; fifth to go
DAF keywords: Geoinformatics, Visakhapatnam, English club, Reading hobby, essay writing first prize, IB-ACIO
Duration: 30 minutes

1. Why do Google maps go haywire sometimes? They show wrong routes and stuff
2. What is your opinion about vizag being made the capital of AP?
3. You won the first prize in an essay writing competition in college. What was the topic and follow up on that.
4. What did you do in the Communicons English club? Why the name?

Member 1:
1. As a Geoinformatics engineer, do you know why Android is more susceptible to hacking in comparison to iOS?
2. Define intelligence (based on my job)
3. What are the main ingredients of a good report?
4. What are the main challenges to internal security today?
5. What is the main role of IB in assisting the govt?

Member 2:
1. Why is inflation on a rise across the world today?
2. What has been the response of nations to deal with inflation?
3. What did India do? Why is the interest rate being hiked?
4. What is the impact of high interest rates in dealing with inflation?
5. Is zero-inflation good?

Member 3:
1. Which agencies are exempt from the RTI Act?
2. Is it a complete or conditional exemption?
3. Why is there a difference between development indices in the north and south of India?
4. What is the role of female-led development in the same?
5. What will you do if posted in North India about the empowerment of women?

Member 4:
1. Reading as a hobby - what do you read?
2. What's your last book?
3. What are your learnings from non-fiction books?
4. What are the changes that we witnessed after the Nirbhaya incident?
5. What is done with Nirbhaya funds?

Overall, it was a pleasant and positive experience. The members were cordial and interested in having a good conversation.
Preeti Sudan ma'am's board
24 March forenoon; fifth to go
DAF keywords: Geoinformatics, Visakhapatnam, English club, Reading hobby, essay writing first prize, IB-ACIO
Duration: 30 minutes

1. Why do Google maps go haywire sometimes? They show wrong routes and stuff
2. What is your opinion about vizag being made the capital of AP?
3. You won the first prize in an essay writing competition in college. What was the topic and follow up on that.
4. What did you do in the Communicons English club? Why the name?

Member 1:
1. As a Geoinformatics engineer, do you know why Android is more susceptible to hacking in comparison to iOS?
2. Define intelligence (based on my job)
3. What are the main ingredients of a good report?
4. What are the main challenges to internal security today?
5. What is the main role of IB in assisting the govt?

Member 2:
1. Why is inflation on a rise across the world today?
2. What has been the response of nations to deal with inflation?
3. What did India do? Why is the interest rate being hiked?
4. What is the impact of high interest rates in dealing with inflation?
5. Is zero-inflation good?

Member 3:
1. Which agencies are exempt from the RTI Act?
2. Is it a complete or conditional exemption?
3. Why is there a difference between development indices in the north and south of India?
4. What is the role of female-led development in the same?
5. What will you do if posted in North India about the empowerment of women?

Member 4:
1. Reading as a hobby - what do you read?
2. What's your last book?
3. What are your learnings from non-fiction books?
4. What are the changes that we witnessed after the Nirbhaya incident?
5. What is done with Nirbhaya funds?

Overall, it was a pleasant and positive experience. The members were cordial and interested in having a good conversation.
DOI- 21st march, forenoon, 4th to go
Duration- 25-30 min
Board- Raj shukla sir


1. Why there is so much talk about semiconductor, + monologue on semiconductor.
2. Where India I lagging, is it about human resource or capital, or technology or any thing else.
3. He explained in brief about a book called "chipwar" by chris Miller. And asked why in recent meeting called by govt only few semiconductor companies came up.
4. Tell me name of any indian semiconductor company.
5. Asked the name and department of an engineer in tesla company whose payment is more than elon musk.


1. Issues of coal in dhanbad(Daf)
2. How to tackle coal theft using technolgy.
3. About mindfulness meditation(Daf).
4. Importance of management games in working.(Daf).


1. What changes u have observed after conversion of ISM Dhanbad into IIT(ISM) Dhanbad.
2. At what level different iits collaborate.
3. Are u aware of any body being formed to regulate iits and iims.
4. Drivers of budget 2023-24, sanptarishi, allocation to education sector.
5. Use of AI in different sector


1. Take a problem of any sector, and solve it using technology, then some follow up questions.
2. Don't u think anti defection law is curbing fos&e of legislatures.
3. What is anglosphere.


1. Govt is formed by getting 35% vote, 65% go unrepresented , how to tackle this.
2. Explain list system.
3. When was last time PM Modi visited your district(kushinagar) and for what purpose. Some follow up questions.
4. Tell me name of a PM from ur area.

Then MEMBER said thank you.

Chairperson told me ur interview is over u can go now.
Date -24/03/2023
Chairperson - Satyavati mam
Read daf out loud

Why did you quit your job?
Why civil services?
States are reluctant to set up chemical industries because of pollution - why?
What is the solution?

You went to Manchester, is our relationship with UK worsening?
What is the way forward other than people to people linkages?
Should we ask our diaspora to exert pressure on the UK PM to have favourable policies?

What all places did you see in Manchester?
Why did you choose anthropology?
What did you like in anthropology?
Explain cultural relativism and holisim?
What are PVTGs?
Name some PVTGs

Why do we call it chemistry between two people and not mathematics or physics?
Other than lyon and Manchester abroad, what all places did you visit in MP and India?
Bhimbetika relevance (based on previous answer)
What are the measures taken there to protect the paintings?
As an administrator of Raisen district (based on previous answer) what all additional would you need to acquire to function there?
How do we reach places currently unreached by administration in MP and what all needs to be focused upon there? 

What is sickle cell anaemia?
Why are tribes more affected by it?
What are the possible treatments available?
TB day - current situation, government measures, what needs to be done?
Endurance running (hobby) - what do you do
What is the ultimate test of endurance?
Do you know about triathlons, Ironman, ultimate Ironman?

Chairperson -
Thank you, your interview is over
Date and session of interview-27 march 2023, Forenoon ,Second one to go
Board-Hon’ble R.N Chaubhey sir😅
Travelling,Reading,Physical Exercises
Your experience in interview-
overall good feeling.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
Practice helped in improving articulation of answers in a concise manner.Not a single Question repeated from the mocks in actual interview
Total time: 19 minutes

Chairman sir:
Q.1 tell us about your academic and work experience
Q.2 if you are not satisfied with services delivered by a cab driver,whom will you sue in the consumer court- driver or cab company?

Member 1
Q.1 How did you reach here?
Q.2 what is the distance between bhiwani and delhi?
Q.3 Did you face traffic?
Q.4 long monologue- People in urban areas are frustrated with high traffic congestion..How do you see the future of public and private transport in india?
Q.5 suppose you have to frame a india’s transport strategy,what would you suggest?

Member 2:
Q.1 We are building new airports and promoting air travel,Is it sustainable?
Q.2What is your biggest passion?
(i said understanding working of mind)
Q.3 how far have you progressed in that?

Member 3
Q.1What is government policy for elderly people?
Q.2 Why people in israel are protesting?
Q.3 What are the proposed judicial reforms by the Israel government?

Member 4
Q.1 There are so many cases of doping among weightlifter.So could you tell me the banned drugs and how this testing is done for doping?
Q.2 is doping is done on cricketer?
Q.3 Should it be done?

Chairman: We have asked the questions we wanted to ask,do you want to share anything that we haven’t covered?
I planned to say ‘thank you sir’ but the overall ambience compelled me to say”I want to express my gratitude to the institution of UPSC and it’s workforce for such a trustworthy recruitment mechanism “
Sir said,”Very pleased to hear that”
Thank you
I said thank You to all Members and left the room.
Board: Satyawati mam
Date: 22nd March 2023 Forenoon session 3rd to go
Kewords in DAF: Chemical Engineering, Proctor and Gamble, Bio pharma, clinical trials, Manga, NSS, Gardening, Database management systems, UP, Head boy and Cultural committee

Optional: Anthropology

Mam read the DAF for all members
1. Why did you quit your job and why civil services?
2. Took you 2.5 years to realise it?
3. Tell us about the work you did
4. Bio pharma vs pharma
5. API issue. Why are we focusing on it?
6. Why didn't we have API industry till now? some follow ups on it cause I didn't know exact answer
7. Name one company in API manufacturing in India after PLI
8. Manga. Why do you read it? Why not other countries comics?

member 1: male
1. Tell me a very important problem of your district. i told him few but he was looking for the one he had in mind and later told me about it. I gave the gist of the issue then aka water management
2.  what will you do for water management as a DM? How would do implement drip systems in rural area?
3. Sri lanka exonomy crisis. He told few pointers on his own. I told him about organic. as soon as I mentioned it. He went into details of why it failed and what is being done
4. Little culture of Margaret mead. Didn't knew this one
5. Asked for anthro's key concepts vis a vis sociology
6. How would I use anthro in education

Member 2(lady)
1. Aims and objectives of NSS
2. How it develops the personality of an individual?.
3. asked me my favourite area in anthro. I answered evolution bit but no further questions on it
4. Functionalism of Malinowski
5. Field work tradition
6. Role of anthro in rural india as a DM

Member 3(male)
Some funny banter on manga and his interest in comics
1. why J&K was bifurcated? I gave few reasons but he asked for more. I said sorry
2. Ladkah issues of recent demand of 6th schedule. What is govt doing?
3. What is the distribution of roles and powers between Hill councils and Lt. gov of ladhak? said sorry
4. He gave a monologue on China's incusions in Doklam, galwan, etc. Is it a part of larger strategy? if yes, some other info and ques where do you think next incursion will take place?
5. Arunachal pradesh but why? why not Himachal and Uttrakhand?
6. Has JnK situation improved after revoking of article 370?

Member 4(male)
1. He started with highlighting that API issue's history right from 60s and then asked me what can be done for Biopharma industry

2. I highlighed all issues across various verticals. He argued that we can't create a profitable market along lines of affordability and then went on to discuss 'novel drugs' and asked why such poor condition over that area
3. I answered research+ various other issues. Then he countered there are various global collaboration centres in India. we have research. we should be no. 1
4. I replied yes with more reasons in line with his argument and then he asked me what to be done then? etc.
5. Asked about book on V. Elwin published recently. Sorry sir
6. Asked me of recent amendment to rules of clinial trials
7. What is being done more?

Then mam told me that your interview is over. Thank you! I said namaste and left
27 March 2023 and afternoon session
Shri Manoj Soni sir board
Bsc (PCM)
MSc (Mathematics) form Bangalore University
Optional - Mathematics
Home state - Uttar Pradesh

Guest lecturer for a semester at Maharani Cluster University ( MCU ), Bangalore

Keywords in DAF : Teaching Mathematics ( Question were asked only from this here)

Chairman sir

Talked about , have you lost weight ?😅
Talked about my marks in grad and post grad

1. Use of Mathematical models in social problems
2. Meaning of name
3. Which saree are you wearing and name some other saree arts
4. Why did you leave your job as guest lecturer?
5. Is MCU private ?

1. Does the name Luis Caffarelli ring any bell to you ?
2. Talked about , our finance minister is fond of sarees and she deals with numbers , if you are made FM , what kind of number crunching you would have in your budget ?
( I didn't expect that I would be put in the FM 's position, the way the question was started🙃 )
3. Why should we select you as civil servant - convince the board


1. Some very complicatedly structured question, about some leader qualities
2. Another very complicatedly formed question - crux was how to develop rigour in students ?

1. AI is in news why ?
2. Moral dilemmas associated with it ?
3. Is it value neutral ?

M4 ( lady member )
1. Disconnect between education and jobs ? ( Words used were different, not able to recall right now )
Many followups here

2. What's the role of indep directors ?
3. What is CSR funds ?
4. If you have ₹  5 CR under CSR funds , what would you do ?
5. If you donot make it to civil services, would you go back to teaching as a profession ?
Manoj Soni Sir board
Daf banking, Kerala, environment, sociology
1.3 problems faced in banking
2.why Kerala is called gods own country?
3.why nationalisation then and privatisation now

1.Difference between global financial crisis 2008 and present banking crisis in usa inflation is controlled
3.importance of mangroves
4.what are backwaters?

M2 rbi a good regulator steps needed in bank regulation

1.sociological changes in Kerala
2.communist govt and still Kerala called gods own country

1.what is social resilience? ukraine resilient? Pakistan resilient?
Date 28/3/23
Afternoon batch, 2nd to go
Chair - Preeti Sudan maam
Currently in IPS, UP cadre
Optional: Political Science and IR
DAF: Kerala, Btech EEE
Projects: Electricity price prediction model at Adani, PwC Offshore Wind project, Urban planning evaluation of Panaji (Goa)
Time - 2 35pm, approximately 25 minutes

1. What was the objective of your Urban planning paper?
2. Did you communicate your findings to the government?
3. How has your journey from corporate to IPS? What are the differences in working culture?
4. Going from Kerala to UP, what are the things you expect from your cadre?
5. What prompted your interest in Arabic music?

Member 1
1. Tell me about hot pursuit with respect to IR.
2. What is the Exclusive Economic Zone?
3. Do we need permission to utilise our resources in our Exclusive Economic Zone? What if some other countries come to our EEZ, what actions can we take against them?
4. What are the crime statistics against women in UP? Has it decreased?
5. What can be done in order to reduce crimes against women?
6. Is attitudinal change enough, and can it be done easily?

Member 2
1. What are the measurements of soft power?
2. What are the variances of soft power that India uses?
3. Culture is one aspect. What are the other ways in which we exert soft power?
4. What are some areas in which police reforms can be carried out?

Member 3
1. What was the margin of error for your price prediction model?
2. Would your price prediction model work for other power exchanges?
3. What is a K shaped recovery?
4. Suppose your seniors and juniors are not as transparent and honest as you. What would be your approach?
5. Are you aware of the consequences of your course of action, and would you be okay with it?

Member 5
1. What interests you the most about international relations?
2. Can nationalism and international go together?
3. Superpowers often are hypocritical when it comes to what they say and what they do. What is your opinion on that?
4. What is your opinion about schemes like PDS that are fiscally and economically unviable?

Experience - cordial
Date and session of interview- 27/03/2023, afternoon session, 2nd to go.
Board- Smitha Nagaraj Mam.
Optional- History
College- PGDAV college, DU
Profession (if any)- No
Hobbies-  Composing songs, mentoring underprivileged aspirants for CSE.
Your experience in interview- Cordial board. Helped me answer wherever I couldn't think of a point. It was opinion based and only few questions were asked from DAF or current affairs. Felt like a purposive conversation, enjoyed it.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Helps cover DAF, build confidence and practice speaking. But as many have already suggested, actual interview is quite conversational unlike mocks.

Smitha nagaraj mam:
1. You have studied from Delhi University, why have we seen an increase in cases of eve teasing, hooliganism in DU?
2. Is it because of youth being bold in groups?
3. Would an individual do it if there were no consequences attached?
4. Is this an issue of family and their role in such incidents?
Delhi related points of women security.

Member 1:
1. You do Mentoring, where do you do it and how?
2. Name of 2 mentees?
3. Have they achieved anything yet?
4. Comment on India's Soft power?
5. But do you think soft power is enough to tackle China?
6. India's soft power and hard power, are we overemphasising on soft power?

Member 2:
1. Is this the golden age of Indian history?

Member 3:
1. What would have happened had Britishers not conquered India?
2. Who would have been Constitutional monarch? (Related to my previous answer)
3. Who are Gangu teli? (Related to DAF entry of Raja Bhoj)

Member 4: 

1. What is the wall of steel? (I said cannot recall)
2. Explained its related to China,  Xi Jingping elected as president for 3rd time and now China has claimed it will become impenetrable (wall of steel). Your opinion on it. What would be the impact on India?
3. How can India be useful to China, what do we offer them?
4. China- Russia coming close, what would be the impact on India?

Thanks for this initiative. It has been very helpful for many aspirants like me❤️
Date and session:- 28 March, afternoon session
Board:- Preeti Sudan Ma'am
Optional:- Sociology
College:- Hansraj College (English Honours)
Hobbies:- Jogging, gardening, Reciting Sanskrit Stotras and Shlokas
My experience:- The board was very cordial. They were listening were attentively. Members were also nodding.

Chairperson (Preeti Sudan Ma'am)
1) You've studied from Hansraj College (DU) and you've been the headboy of XYZ school in your home city. How was your experience?
2) You recite Sanskrit Stotras and Shlokas. Where did you learn Sanskrit?
3) What is the difference between Stotra and Shloka?
4) Recite any stotra or shloka whichever you like...
5) Can you explain it's crux in English in a few lines?

M1 (female):-
1) What is subsidy?
2) What is DBT?
3) What is the difference between subsidy and DBT?
4) What are the challenges in implementing DBT?
5) How would you have resolved these challenges?

M2 :-
1) Why are India's northern borders called unresolved borders?
2) If you're posted as an administrator in Pithoragarh at the trijunction of India, Nepal and China, what would be the challenges ahead of you?

M3 :-
1) Have you ever, knowingly or unknowingly, broken a law? Jumped a red light? Trespassed a neighbour's property?
2) You were the head boy. Would you say you're a leader?
3) What are the qualities of a good leader?
4) How did you lead by example as the head boy?
5) In the corporate sector, whom would you call a good leader?
6) RBI governor Shaktikanta Das was recently given the award of the best governor. What were his policies and contributions which led to this award?
7) You do gardening. How is vermicompost made?

M4 :-
1) What are your other interests (besides what you've mentioned in your DAF)?
2) Which is the latest web series you're watching? (I mentioned elementary which is a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes)
3) What is the difference between the modern and the original Sherlock Holmes?
4) Which state has recently faced an internet shutdown?
5) Do you feel it is a good measure to shut down internet?
6) Which is the most popular sport in Haryana?
7) Why is it so popular?
8) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao started in Haryana. What are its accomplishments?
9) What is the scope for improvement in women's development in Haryana?
10) What is the problem of bought brides in Haryana?

Chairperson:- Thank you! Your interview is over.

Utility of mocks:- Mocks I gave with Samkalp were the best! I also gave mocks with KSG, OnlyIAS, Drishti, Sleepyclasses, Dronacharya, IAS Gurukul. All were good.
O2O with Khan sir was very very good.
Date and session of interview-28/03/2023; Afternoon-last one to go.
Board-R.N.Chaubey sir
Optional-Medical Science
College-BDS; MDS
Profession (if any)-Assistant Professor
Hobbies- Watching documentaries, teaching
Your experience in interview-Satisfied; cordial
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-helps in gaining confidence.

 1. Tell us about your academic background and profession.
 2. Do you enjoy your job?
 3. How many patients do you do daily?
 4. What does finance commission do?
 5. Why do we need to redistribute funds?
 6. Then why dont we just give more taxation powers to states?

 1. What did you do between 2012 and 2015?
 2. You must have heard about demographic dividend; such a huge young population - is it a liability or an asset?
 3. Where is the labour cost less ? India or china? Why?
 4. Should we follow Chinese model of economic development ?
 5. They completed tibet railway line before time ? Can we do it? Here it takes decades to complete projects. Give examples.
 6. Chinese goods are cheaper than indian goods; why?

 1. Since you’re a dentist; can you tell me what are the evolutionary factors that has led you speech ability in humans and not in animals? Taking the case of chimpanzees.
 2. (“Conservative” word in Job profile) what does conservative mean in politics?
 3. Is Indian polity conservative?
 4. And economy?
 5. It is said that India has a liberal constitution but conservative society; what do you understand by that?
 6. Does it lead to conflicts?
 7. Can you give any example.
 8. New education policy - What are the regulatory bodies in higher education?
 9. Should we have one single regulatory body? Why?

 1. Long monologue on young actors dying in Mumbai of heart attacks.
 2. Why is it happening?
 3. Is it because of COVID?
      4. Why ED has become so active?
      5. What changes have been made in its powers?
     6. What is money laundering?
     7. What is round tripping ?
     8. How is it done?

 1. Why Indian youth not opting for entrepreneurship?
 2. Why they are running behind jobs.
 3. Long confusing monologue on entrepreneurship - chairman told him to clarify. Nobody understood. Chairman said what is the question.
 4. How western countries became economically and technological advanced without cheap labor? (Gist of the question)

Chairman - we’re done; would you like us to ask something else?
I said - about my hobbies - watching documentaries.
Chairman said ok tell us - i gave a monologue; no questions asked.

Thank you; we enjoyed talking to you.
Date : 28/03/2023
Board : Preeti Sudan Madam
Name : Pseudoman

How was your journey from amazon to ips?
Opinion on IRMS
Railways is technical organization won't it affect IR?
How is life in NPA?

Difference in corporate and government?
Why process is important in government?
What you want to change in your district?
Administration is seen as glorious work but looks like reptative work?
Is there any scope of innovation in government system?

How Indian economy is doing?
What are threats to Amazon/flipkart?
How to ensure protection of undertrails in jail and lock ups?
No technological use??
DK Basu guidelines?
what came to your mind when I say bulldozer?

Which part of Indian ocean is important ? Eastern or Western?
What are threats to Eastern Parts?
How to ensure security of Eastern islands?
What you will do if posted there?
How IT can be harnesed to achieve it
Man power training vs  machines which is better for policing?
What we are doing in that direction?

what are FTA?
India have FTA with which countries?
Why problems signing FTA with USA?
What is Lakhina Pattern?
How gossiping was avoided in the office?
Has it lost zeal?
How you will implement in policing?
How single window system can work in policing?
How file management can be implemented in policing ?
Will you implementation it?
VJTI is good and glorious institution is this true?
Date: 27/2/23 Morning
Board: Lt Gen Sukla sir
Optional : Sociology
Graduation: BE Electronics and communication

Key words in DAF :
Kabbadi, Movies , Mysore , Karnataka

In context of recent World Bank appointment, why Indians able to achive success abroad

Do you think English language played a role ?

What's your opinion on English and regional languages ( In context of MP's medical education in Hindi )

China -India relationship way fwd

Trade and Security , which should give priority more ?

Asked about Kabbadi and other questions related to it

Asked about Kannada movies ,Kantara and old movies

Seattle law on caste reservation

AI and chat gpt
Chatgpt like bot for painting

Semiconductor consumption in India

Why need to focus on Semiconductor and chip manufacturing

Nature vs Nurture theory and follow up questions

Crypto currency and NFT difference
SC's view on Crypto
Legality of Crypto
Taxation of crypto makes in Legal


Declining of ece vs other branches ?
How to make it attractive

About NEP
Interdisciplinary in Higher education and in engineering

Which brach would go best with ECE

About IPCC

Utility of mocks :
Helps in knowing your weak areas
Gives confidence
Some questions repeated

One question on Sociology and Social work
29th march , afternoon session, 2nd to go
Board - Preeti sudan mam
Daf - IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Coal India Limited(resigned), Bokaro steel City (Jh)

Ch- why did u resign from Coal India?
Your experience at coal india?
Future of coal india in the times of renewable energy.?
What is the importance of bokaro?
How did the steel plant help during Covid?

M1 ( lady)- what is IPO?
Why is it brought?
Difference between competitive and cooperative federalism?
Evaluate the lateral entry in civil services?

M2 - situation in Pakistan.
Pakistan should be more worried about india or afghanistan? Analyse
What is the life of a steel plant
Why coal is imported

M3- what are u presently doing?
How is ur experience with IPAC?
How do you interact with people on ground.
Give any 3 postives that u have found with ur interactions with people on ground
3 things that coal india needs to do for better coal production
Compare michael jordan with kobe bryant.Who according to you is the better player.

M4- which subsidiary of cil u worked in?
Tell me the best mines of that subsidiary?
What are the issues between power sector and coal?
With ur experience of directly working on the ground which sector is most important?
Why education is more important than health?
What is one thing that you can suggest to the government to improve the condition of rural areas?

Few questions especially from m2, I am forgetting.

Overall decent experience but Preeti Sudan mam didnt show much interest after her own set of questions and she even went outside the room for around 5-7 mins.
Board was cordial but slight grilling was there.
Mocks - overall this was my second interview so in my opinion mocks actually do more harm than benefitting us.
They take away our natural flow and sometimes too many feedbacks in mocks go on to confuse us. Sometimes the board members in mocks try to enforce their own biases on us which again can be very problematic.
My suggestion is to go for 2-3 mocks but not to take feedbacks too seriously unless feedbacks are too obvious.
O-to-O with Khan sir and Sriram sir was good.
Manoj Soni Sir
DAF Keywords- Indore, Biology, Chess, American music
Duration- 25 minutes, first to go. Started after 2.15 pm in afternoon shift, much later than other boards.

Opening thoughts- grand chambers of the chairman. Beautiful round table. Smiling Soni sir asked to be seated, removed mask so he can verify the picture. Said it was my choice to wear or not wear the mask.

C: How are you feeling today?
- Read out DAF and said you have a variety of interests, studied from eminent institutions etc. How did you get interested in your graduation subject
- You are from MP, so you must be well prepared with the cheetah reintroduction, so I am not going to ask anything from there *everyone laughs*.
- Have you heard of a prestigious research institute in hyderabad?
- Have you visited CCMB? Did you ever think of pursuing PhD from there?
- Do you understand Sanskrit? Can you recite the full shloka of which Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam is a the ending phrase of?
 - goes on to recite it himself, as I said I dont know.
- What is the meaning of VK and do you think this is a practical idea today? Discussed about India's leadership on this front.

M1 (straight forward questions, few counters but no grilling)
- Are you aware about crypto? Can it be regulated? Discussion followed.
- What about drones? What are their applications?
Cannot recall some questions.

- Since you like American music, have you heard of Bob Dylan? What do you think about him getting a Nobel?
- You have played chess. Tell me, if I keep one grain of wheat on one square, 2 grains on 2nd square and so on, what quantity of wheat is required to fill up 64 squares?
- Indore has been the cleanest for long now. How has this behavioural change been cultivated in people?
- How can you apply the same to Delhi dumps? Smiled and said, good, I think you will clean Delhi as well.

M3 (spoke very slowly, fortunately was sitting very close. Cordial member)
- Continuing with chess, what is the difference in approach between chess and *some Chinese board game* that I hadn't heard of.
- What can be the implications of trans national animal habitats?
- What security threats are posed by translocation of animals? How can this be managed?

M4 (longest interaction, almost 10 minutes)
- Are you aware of *some south african animal corridor*? Said no
- What is the utility of animal corridors
- What is the difference in animal corridors built in India and in other countries?
- Are you interested in international relations? I unknowingly did a very enthusiastic nod.
- What do you think about the Russia Ukraine war?
- Do you see any correlation between war and defence manufacturing companies?
- What does your company do? (DAF)
- What is your role? Tell us what all steps you follow once you receive a manuscript? How many hours you give?
- What is minimum wage? Discussion followed.

C: Your interview is over. Take very good care of yourself.

Mocks- 7-8 mocks. Board was not overly cordial or smiling throughout, but there was no grilling and minimum cross questions even in questions that were followed by a longish discussion. Nothing extraordinary or life changing, just another day at office.
Date of interview: 27th march
Board: choubey sir (with an all male panel)
Afternoon session, 4th to go
Background: BA Econ, MA social work
Work experience: LAMP Fellow, Reliance Foundation, NITI Aayog
Home state: Kerala

Chairperson cordially invited to sit and mentioned that I should not hesitate to inform them if I'm not comfortable with any question or if I dont know the answer to any.

Chairperson (was smiling despite me being unable to answer few questions with precision):
1. Briefly mention your academic background and eork experience.
2. Define IPC, CrPC and Indian Evidence Act
3. How are the different from each other?
4. When were these formed?
5. What is the difference between the Constitution and an Act?
6. Why do we follow IPC, CRPC etc. Which were formed before our Constitution was enacted? (He said "Old habits die hard?") -could not answer this question too well so the Chairman moved on.

M2 (he maintained a poker face throughout with an ocassional smile):
1. Why is there so much superstition in our society?
2. Long monologue on scientific temper and rationality. Has our state been unable to foster scientific temper in our society?
3. Long monologue on man animal conflict with multiple questions: why it happens? Should humans take precedence over animals? To what extent it should be allowed? How do we manage long term? (I ended my answer saying the long term way ahead is to sensitize communities for peaceful coexistence and the member seemed to agree)
4. Asked if I could give an example of peaceful coexistence of humans and animals. (Could not recall at the moment and he gave a brief description of Gir forest)

M3 (very pleasant):
1. Difference between religion and superstition?
2. What would did you do at NITI Aayog (I described my work which also involved work on Global Hunger Index)
3. Follow up from GHI, he asked about GHI rank over the years and why it has been falling?
4. Does it highlight a failure of policymaking? How can we improve ourselves?
5. difference between planning commission and NITI.
6. Mandate of Planning Commission and NITI+DMEO (My ex-office)

M4 (looked pretty serious throughout):
1. I had mentioned about a data governance project that I was part of at NITI, so asked me about few data sources of the Government.
2. Which ministry published NHFS?
3. Any other organisation that helps in data collection of NFHS?

He asked one more long question that I can't recall now. But to this question, the chairman interrupted and said "In essence, this is what he means....." and reframed the question precisely.

M5 (very serious):
1. Why has Dharavi been in the news recently? (College and previous work in Mumbai for 7 years)
2. List out 5 salient features of Dharavi.
3. What made covid management in Dharavi so efficient?
4. Long monologue of how communities in the Konkan areas, especially women have been migrating to Mumbai for work. Asked me the reasons for it.

Chairman said it was good talking to me and that they are finished with the questions. He asked if there is anything I would like to share with them. I just thanked them for the opportunity. He asked if I was comfortable. I said yes sir and smiled. He said "Great, you may leave now".

Overall: Except for the Chairman and one panelist, the board was not very pleasant. No expressions from the board while I was answering. Two members tried to probe deeper but other two did not.  They were neither cordial nor grilling.

Mocks: ShankarIAS (Trivandrum and Delhi), Byjus, Samkalp, KSG, NextIAS, Raus, AmritaIAS Trivandrum
One on one with Ravindran sir, Vinay sir, Bassi sir, Shinas sir (ilearn), Nitin sir (IASMentor)

Utility of mocks: Except at understanding few etiquettes, I think I would have performed the same way if I hadn't attended any mocks.
31st March 2023
Forenoon,2nd to go
Board: Honorable Smita ma'am
Key words from daf: IITB, Mechanical engineering, Chemistry, farming ,Rajasthan.

1. You are from a princely state ,so tell us about privy purse.
And what were the legal and ethical issues with abolishing it.
2. Election commission of india, recent panel for its selection. What are the benefits of it.and following questions like about reaching on consensus, is that so easy and how can we reach on it.
3. Governor ,why do we have this office .
Why tussle and controversy related to it.
Can we think about the same mechanism like panel for appointing the governor.

1. What are the perpetual machines.
2. What major developments do you see in the mechanical field in the coming time.
3. Name of the person who got Nobel prize both in chemistry and physics.
4. India and South America ,why do we have low trade with it. And relation with Brazil ,and role of BRICS in it.

1. What kind of crops do you cultivate in your region.
2. Kind of irrigation, about its sustainability, state government subsidy related to it.what would you do as an administrator for promoting micro irrigation.

1. Mode of transport like normal train vs Bullet train.
2. Benefits of having bullet train, why not to other routes like Delhi -Kolkata and Delhi-Mumbai.
3. Bullet train vs. availability of basic train at mass level..
4. Genesis of Russia Ukraine war ,and who is responsible for it and discussion on it.

1. What is the national government.
And why not have it during normal time ( as I said during emergency and war time),national interest, unanimity vs. checks and balances.
2. State in north eastern India who formed this type of government
3. Judicial intervention why , and Is it good .
4. Solution for issues like land fragmentation , why not cooperative farming is so successful.

Ch: Your interview is over.
Utility of mocks: for confidence building and to have possible questions related to daf...
Date and session of interview- 31/03/2023, Afternoon session, 2nd to go
Board-R N Chaubey Sir
College-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Profession (if any)- Bank PO
Home State -Bihar
Hobbies- Sudoku,poetry writing, thriller novels

Chairperson -
Usual words from sir.. we are just here to have a conversation.. make yourself comfortable..
1. Your academic and professional background
2. On what grounds states can be bifurcated
3. Can it be done for Financial Sustainability?
4. Does NE States have Financial Sustainability?
5. Can a state be rich but the state government be poor?

M1 -
1. Why large number of Biharis clear civil services? What is the differnce from other state candidates?
( I answered that lack of industrial and private sector opportunities is the main reason behind their large participation and hence success,
also unable to go for higher studies hence civil services.. but sir said he want to hear personal traits..)
Some other question.. can not recall

M2 -
1. ICS before independence were mainly responsible for following britishers rather than working for indians.. what is your opinion?
Some cross question
2. Who invented mobile phones?
3. What is the future for mobile phones?

M3 -
1. What protects tall buildings from lightening?
2. What protects tall electricity distribution towers from lightening?
3. What can be solutions for discoms to prevent financial losses?

M4 -
1. What changed Indians from subjects to citizens?
Some cross question
2. Difference between prose and poetry
3. poetry are also not following rythms then what is the difference

(Some questions might be missing)

Your experience in interview- Chairperson sir was smiling.. M2, M4 were nodding in between the answers.. M1, M3 were more or less neutral..Questions were random.. but even in this randomness you will get the chance to showcase yourself.. so just go inside with your best personality..

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
Mocks - Gave mocks at Samkalp, IQRA, Vajirao & Reddy, Chanakya Mandal Parivar, Chahal, KSG, Only IAS.. all were good experiences.. learnt from everywhere.. Only IAS, KSG, Chanakya Mandal and IQRA IAS were encouraging
O2O - Ayush Sir, Vinay Sir, Ravindran Sir, Khan Sir.. All were very good.. Session with Khan sir was very encouraging..
Utility of Mocks - depends upon the interview board.. i personally had no question in final interview from mocks.. but mocks did help me to shape up my personality..

All the best to everyone..
Board- Smita Nagraj Madam
Date-23rd February
State- Maharashtra
Optional - PSIR
Hobbies- Watching Travelogues

CH Mam
Remove the mask and get comfortable

1. Why Maharashtra govt promoting Zunka Bhakar stalls (part of Maharashtra Cuisine)?
2. Why only Zunka Bhakar?
3. Which Part of PSIR you like the most?
4. Thinkers have given thought on a particular time, why we need to study it? Are they relevant in practice?
5. Your favourite thinker? Why?
6. Greatest happiness of greater number and it's relevance.

1. What is Maharashtra government doing to promote development?
2. Why LWE is still there in Gadchiroli, MH, if Maharashtra is a developed state
  3. Urban Naxals
4. Issue of opposition to Migrant labours in Maharashtra?
5. Mumbai and repeated flood? What the govt is doing for this?
1. Human life linked to stragetic policy. Agree/How?
2 . Weaponization of water? It's example
3. how are India Bangladesh relationship
4. Is good relationship because of the political party in Bangladesh which favers good relationship with India
5. Humans has unlimited greed, do you agree?

1. Fundamental rights promote social justice? Give examples
2. development leads to Individualism. Do you agree?

1. Weaponization of water any other example?
  2. Difference between strategic and tactical?
3. which travelogue you watched recently?
4. Involvement of money in the famous drug case in Mumbai and defection in parties in Maharashtra ?
5. What was the issue of money there?

Mam - Thank you

The board was cordial. Most questions were from state and optional.
Date and session of interview - 31/03/23 Forenoon; 35 minutes around
Board- Manoj Soni Sir
Optional- Geography
College- BTech + MTech in EE; IIT Kalyanpur
Profession (if any)- worked at qualcomm; currently unemployed
Other keywords - Varanasi; running; ghats; cricket; old people; Physical education
Your experience in interview-

Chairman Sir -
Please enter; It is advised to wear MASK but you can remove it if you want - kept wearing it throughout interview
1. You live in varanasi, how does it feel like waking up in the morning everyday? - surprised by the first question but handled it i guess
2. Kashi Vishvanath corridor banane me administrative challenges? - told; Which act was used in land vacation? - said land acquisition act - sir asked again - a bit awkward moment - i retreated on my stance
3. what one thing you observe at ghats apart from being calm and serene? - sir himself told my prepared answer; i said life is transient, everyone has to die at one point - sir said vairagi nature😛

M1/2/3/4 -
1. Malacca strait geopolitics - told
2. old age people problems? Don't you think older people are themselves responsible for their condition by not interacting with others? old age homes too costly or in poor condition? How do you improve it? - told
3. difference between lakes and lagoons - told wrongly;
4. india's biggest lagoon - realised here - chilika lake🥲
5. Can a lake have brackish and freshwater both - said don't know exactly but there is a place where the both meet and do not mix
5. Arctic countries - related geopolitics - told
6. Physical education - difference in being fit, tough, resilient? What should a young and an old civil servant should have? - thoda hesitated but told
7. Tim Cook - MNC CEO or topmost civil servant - which would have greater impact? What would you choose? - told
8. Haridwar - many lineage history kept in record books. What could be its future application? - could only tell one
9. Difference in Varanasi in recent years - told few points - told but hesitated - non fluent repeated a word thrice - vocabulary gave up🥲 
10. What is qualcomm into? autonomous cars? Is their car in market? - told
11 What is snapdragon i hear about qualcomm? - told
12. World Bank head? said not know exactly - would like to guess - ajay bagga said - banga it is
13. Malacca strait discussion? Geopolitics around it. Who controls it? - told
14. Which is your favourite area in Electrical? - said communications
15. Future of communications? - drove conversation towards 5g
16. What is special and different about 5g? Difference between 4g & 5g? - told

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- helped me cover DAF; gave aroud 10 - improved somewhat in communication but couldn't improve much beyond a point;
Chankya mandal pariwar - very helpful; Chahal; Only ias were close; O2O with khan sir; ravindran sir;
Members listened patiently - didn't interrupt in between; questions were deep - felt they were testing something with each question
29th March, forenoon session
Board:-Smita Nagraj Mam
Qualification:- MA, Pol.Science
DAF keywords:- Table tennis, waste to art, fiction, meditation,first aid.

What are you doing these days?
Why didn't you pursue further specialization in your subject?

1.A monologue on how countries small in size, resources, population are prospering.
The question was related with naming few such countries and reasons for the same.
2.What is your opinion on progress of South korea and Israel.
3.How israel is convincing other countries of its significance? Follow up on same
4.How west asia would do if there is no israel? Is it going to be peaceful there?
5.India's policy towards israel and Palestine.

1.Does the comment by USA that it is watching proceedings in Rahul gandhi's case closely, an interference in internal matter?
2.What is the philosophy behind continuation for russia-ukraine war?
Follow up question on USA's role, particularly on its sales of arms.

1.What is Delhi-Mumbai Expressway?How it would help Rajasthan.
2.If you are DM of any district in Rajasthan, what are the 3 initiatives you will take?
3.Reasons for inflation.
4.Why government promotes inflation? Basically why country don't target zero inflation.

1.How to deal with judicial pendency?
Follow up question on the role of lawyers in delays.
2.Does Supreme court represent the will of people?
3.Techniques and utilization of urban waste.
4.Is swaach bharat a success?
5.How does your city,Pali fares in cleanliness?

1.Implications of ICC's arrest warrant against Putin.
2.What if countries party to ICC arrest him when he goes there?
3.Which is the recent fiction you read?
(Shiva trilogy by Amish Tripathi)
4.Name other books of Amish.
5.Do you know about Saraswati civilization?
6.What is the significance of IVC.
7.Are there evidences of Shiva being worshipped during IVC period.
8.Define mythology.
Background- Mechanical Engg, M. Tech-Energy Systems
Work ex- No
Optional- Sociology
Home state- Uttarakhand
Hobby- Religious Tourism
Board- Smita Nagaraj Mam
CP- What do you like about your Hometown?
Which is your biggest achievement so far?
Government promoting mass transport to control pollution and at same time automobile manufacturing together. Why?
Why Should mass transport for women be free?
If you have to frame a policy for providing free transport to women, what factors would you consider?

M1- Sir
How will you use religious tourism to promote livelihood of local people, considering situation in Joshimath?
Swami Vivekanand meditated in Uttarakhand, which place?

M2- Mam
What are various energy systems?
Why are we promoting nuclear energy?
What are concerns with nuclear energy?
Isnt it costly because the fuel has to be imported?
Recent nuclear disaster?
Can we ever replace fossil fuels?

M3- Sir
Issue with battery technology?
How can we manage e-waste generated through electro chemical batteries?
Why India not going for e-voting?
What are measures taken in this year's budget for infrastructure?

M4- Sir
Issues with renewable energy systems
What are problems with electricity distribution and transmission?
Protest against hydropower project in uttarakhand?

Drawbacks of religious tourism.
Why Religious Tourism?

Thank you your interview is over.

Cordial Board. Smiling and attentive

Date of interview: 24th march

Board: Raj Shukla sir 

Forenoon session - 5th to go (after 3 hours of waiting)

Background: B.E Computer science

Work experience: Nil

Home state: Tamil Nadu

Optional: Sociology

Key words from DAF: watching sitcoms, 1st preference -IFS (no questions from other areas in DAF)


He told me Good afternoon(time was 12:00 PM) when i opened the door. I greeted them later (Lucky)

He asked me to remove my mask. He was smiling throughout the interview.

He went to the rest room once and was using his computer for a few minutes while other member was asking questions.

1.You watch sitcoms. Is there any difference between sitcoms and the previous profession of Ukraine leader Zelensky?

(I told him that zelensky was a standup comedian and sitcoms are television series)

2.Make a comparision between zelensky and winston churchill

3.Sitcoms are based on comedy genre. How do you see zelensky as a comedian turned politician?

4.Is there any relations between comedy and leadership?

5.Advantage of being a humourous person and taking up a leadership role?

6.Are you working? No

7.Tell me three areas where you will concentrate after getting into civil services.

8.You are prefering Foreign services. How do you see strategic autonomy? is it real?

9.I feel it is a cliche term. Practically it does not exist. Who do you think?

10.You are saying that we are diversifying our partnerships particularly with defence purchases. It has multiple challenges. Do you know?

11.How do you see the rare earth metals, semiconductors dependence in few countries? It is not making us autonomous. Right?

Member 1 (male):

1.You are CSE graduate. Tell me the difference between normal and quantum computing.

2.Since you are preferring for IFS. I will ask a question in IR.

What are the differences in damages faced by USA and EU in Ukraine war?

3.What benefits USA gets from Ukraine war?

memeber 2 (female): She was very cordial and smiling.

1.Since you are preferring for IFS. What Geographical area do you want to work?

I said South asia and told her that it has lot of potential to work in improving neighbourhood relationship.

2.Tell me 2 neighbours where we have to improve our relations. I said Pakistan and Nepal

3.Is there any border issues between India and Nepal?

4.Do you think corruption is a big issue in our country? What rating you will give to corruption as an issue which makes our country backwards?

I told her that i will rate it as top 5.

She asked me then what are the other areas?

5.How patriarchy is affecting our country? (since i told her - patriarchy as one area for the previous question)

6.Other then relaxation, what is the reason for you to watch sitcoms?

7.Do you watch only American sitcoms? Yes.

She told me that it has slang. British sitcoms are better.

She suggested some few British sitcoms to watch like "yes minister". I Cant recall other names.

member 3 (male): Cordial but asked tricky questions which needed some time to think and answer.

1.Do you know Rousseau?

2.Rousseau said that Men lived in a state of bliss when there was no state(govt). After establishing state, constitutions, people are not satisfied.

Analyse it with the current situation in Pakistan. (A bouncer straightaway)

3.Tell me something about Weber's model of Bureaucracy. Relate it with Indian bureaucracy.

4.You want rules based or roles based bureaucracy?

5.You might be aware of the foreign policy of India. Is it national interest based or ethics based?

6.Tell me the difference between money bill and finance bill.

7.Tell me two constitutional provisions regarding money bill.

8.Tell me one speciality about your birth place

9.Tell me one speciality about madurai(where i live)

10.Madurai is seen as a place of rowdies and law and order issues. Is it true?

11.What do you know about Alanganallur?

member 4 (male): He had a rude face and gave reactions of dissatisfactions for few answers.

1.You might have studied about Operating systems in CSE.

What do you know about CDMA?  (CSE related)

2.What is a switch in OS?  (CSE related)

3.Tell me some changes in civil services recruitment process.

Few cross questions with which he made me stressed.

4.Tell me one strength of you which will make you a good civil servant.

5.Tell me one weakness. Then he asked me any other weakness you have?


Are you an overthinker or a deep thinker? (Since i told overthinking as a weakness to M4)

It is good. Right?

I explained it why it is my weakness.

Thank you. Your interview is over.

Utility of mocks: They will change your faults in mannerisms, sitting posture, give us questions based on DAF, prepare you for the worst.

The real interview was far far better and comfortable than the mocks.

Interview Experience: Very good experience unlike mocks. Members did not make me stressed except one member.

If they feel that i am struggling with any answer, they went to another questions.

Chairman was smiling throughout which reduced my anxiety to a great extent.

>Interview Transcripts 2022: Date: 31/03/2023
Name: @The_Underwoods
Manoj Soni sir
Keywords from DAF: IDAS, Bareilly, geography, Classic fiction

Chairman- reading the DAF...
So, you are from Bareilly, ..., you have filled that you have been recommended for the services before.
I explained to him that by the time DAF-1 was filled, I hadn't joined the services.
1. You don't want to be part of IDAS?
( I said that I will happily work here if I don't get into IAS)
2. Why did u go for geography? Were u genuinely interested or just because of the nature of this examination? ( I said that I had interest in both physics and geo but ultimately chose geo)
3. Geography is a multi-disciplinary subject. So do sociology, economics, anthropology affect geo or vice-versa?
4. Give me 2 eg. each- geo affecting social dynamics and geo affecting culture and vice-versa
5. Do we take these interconnections into notice when we go for policy-making? Can you give me one example of any law which takes into consideration these interconnected aspects?
(One more question, which I forgot)

1. Since you mentioned geo, let's talk about are India-China relations affected by geo?
2. Tell me about transboundary rivers. With which neighbours does India have these issues?
3. What about inter-state river issues happening inside India?
( By mistake, I said Center forms a committee...)
4. What is the mechanism for the resolution?

1. I have heard that Bareilly is famous for textiles. What is that?
2. What is the difference between the two textile patterns which you said?
3. Did it originate in Bareilly or did it come from outside?
4.Can taxation laws be changed only through constitutional amendments?
5. Why did introduction of GST need a constitutional amendment?

M3( probably IFS)
1.  Do you know about (Note: question wasn't "Have you read" ) any book on Asia?
I said that I haven't read any particular book but I know about one.
2. What is it about?
3.  What is the importance of Karakorams for India?
4. What is Shaksgam valley and Siachen?
5. Why are they important?
Since I wasn't giving a straight answer, so he pressed on to his point again.
6.Why do we need to protect Siachen and Shaksgam?
7. What is metaverse?
8. Why have we lost interest in metaverse?
9. is metaverse the way to AI or the reverse is true?

1. I have always associated Bareilly with Barfi and Jhumka. How can district authorities break this perception?
( I said it's due to popular Bollywood songs)
2.You mentioned physics. Are physical laws absolute?
I said not at quantum levels.
He added also not at the cosmic level.
3. Then what's the point of studying them?
4. Is there any theory working for unification of all laws?
5. The recent debate about Elon Musk. Is he a genius or a reckless guy?
6. Decision to buy twitter- what was it?
I said it was a good one initially, but presently it shows Musk's recklessness.
7. Why?
8. Employees can be fired for efficiency purposes also.
9.When can a book be considered classic?
10. Can a book written 1-2 years back may enter the category of classics?

It was nice interacting with you. All the best for your future. Your interview is over.

Overall experience: Cordial board. The ambience was quite relaxing and positive. At one point, I felt nervous since members were making some non- verbal gestures to each other, but I ignored that and went on to answer questions.

Utility of mocks: last year, I went for 5-6 mocks and couple of one to ones. The mocks literally sucked the energy out of me. I felt demotivated which badly affected my PT. (Ravindran sir's one to one was the best though)

This time, I went for mock only at Samkalp and Vajirao and Reddy's, but had many one-to-one interactions with my batchmates and friends. This helped to improve my overall communication skills, and also talk about things in a broad perspective. Talking to friends is a good way to relieve overall stress. >Interview Transcripts 2022: As a previously qualified candidate, I think I am in a position to give this advice- don't worry much about PT stage.
1. This is the most unpredictable part of CSE. So u can't do much about it.
2. The mains marks really matter much more than PT. Do the maths.
3. Worrying will only make u forget ur strengths. Be confident that u have made up to this stage, u can go on further.
This is NOT a test of ur knowledge, remember this always!
All the best to everyone here. Let PT day be one of the most memorable days of your lives.😊👍👍
Board: RN Choubey sir
Optional: Anthropology
Degree: Zoology
State: Kerala

Tell me about your educational qualifications and work experience and 1or 2 followup questions on the same

1. Lokpal has been in news recently with regard to low number of cases being filed. Are you aware of it? What do you know about Lokpal
2. Since the cases filed are low, is it an indication of less corruption in the country?
3. How many members are there in lokpal?
4. What is the scientific name of the common monkey that we see frequently?
5. Why is there increasing instances of monkeys coming into cities and human settlements?
6. What are the government initiatives to counter it?

1. What are the challenges being highlighted as a result of foreign universities coming to India?
2. The proposal for foreign universities coming to india has been there for a long time, why is it being more significant now?
3. What is your opinion regarding sedition law? Should it be scrapped?
4. There are instances misuse of sedition law happening, how to tackle it?

1. You talked about humans responsible for habitat fragmentation of animals. So why not stop producing humans?
2. So human population is to be valued more than animal life?
3. What measures can be taken to tackle human-animal conflicts?
4. You are talking about a biocentric approach, what is the significance of it?

1. What is greenhouse gas effect?
2. If the emissions are causing such impacts, it would be beneficial to reduce greenhouse gases to zero, don't you think so?
3. We are increasingly hearing about Hydrogen as an energy source, what is the reason for its popularity now?
4. Which gas is the largest contributor to the green house emissions and global warming.
5. Have you heard about Chloroflurocarbons? What was the recent development regarding CFCs?
6. What is green hydrogen?
7. What is blue hydrogen?

Do you want to talk about any issue that we haven't asked you yet?

P. S. Nothing much asked from DAF, except for the questions related to graduation
Chair - Soni sir
Date -31 march 2023
PSIR CIViL engineering reflective writing

 1. You are civil engineer , got 82 percent from reputed institute in graduation Then why civil services ?
 2. So you are easily persuaded by family or friends
 3. PSIR , u have interest or took purely for civil services
 4. How to draw ceasefire in RU war , what india can do , there are reports that india can play role for peace ? As a Indian diplomat appointed for it tell me some principles about solving the war and drawing a ceasefire and long term solution to prevent conflicts ?
 5. Is this idealism working ? u r being and idealist again?

About raw water treatment (Daf)
Desalination technology available
Problems in desalinisation
How to prevent Joshimath repeat ?
What is ur contribution as aspirant of civil services to society since 2017 ( graduated )
Why we have complicated borders with our neighbors
How USA Canada solved their borders

Continuing border discussions , what technology is used to demarcate borders
Myanmar what’s happening
Why Myanmar is important to us
What we r doing wrt Myanmar
How borders between india-BNG and india Myanmar differ ?

Regional trade agreement , name some
Why they are gaining importance
Do we have FTA with USA
NAFTA which countries
Why changed recently in nafta
Does regional trade agreements violate WTO
What is reflective writing? (Daf)
Is it helpful in any way ?

Does PSIR include Indian polity ?
Role of social media in our life’s , is it constructive or destructive
How as DM will you prevent communalism in social media ?
Judicial appointement is present system right ?
What’s ur take
Any data to cite nepotism in judiciary
1976 amendment to preamble is it right ?
What’s ur take on socialist ?
But we moving toward capitalism?
Basic structure doctrine , is it right to have , is it right that judiciary decides in case to case basis ?
So u support constitutional supremacy ?

Chairman -
Thankyou have a nice weekend and stay healthy
date: 29/03/2023
Board: Nagaraj madam
optional: none asked
graduation: civil engineering from IIT
hobbies: none asked

0. what are you doing nowadays?
1. how will you reconcile the demand for reservations by numerous groups (urge to prove oneself backward) with the celebration of indias growth story?
2. why these groups are mobilised around some particular identities- is it easy mobilisation or something else?
3. how can we overcome these identities?
4. after you got selected and then your community invites you for a function , will you attend/

1. how will you use civil engineering (graduation subject) in civil services say diplomacy ?
2. how is state of rajasthan contributing to help india address climate change challenges?
3. negatives of large solar plants and how can those be overcome?
4. isn't solarisation of canals costly?
5. intermittency of solar power, how to address? - hybrid plants and converting solar to potential energy of water.
6. are these steps being implemented anywhere in the country?

1. milieu viaduct ?
2. why we no longer build cantilever bridges and mostly go for suspension bridges?
3. why civil engineers have not been able to make new innovative techniques like 3d printing a movement in the construction sector?
4. work done by BRO in north east region?
5. steps to double farmers income?

1. causes of joshimath case from civil engineering point of view and how to address?
2. if we will not build large highways, then how will we be able to match the chinese infrastructure on the border?
3. we see china has build infrastructure at such large scale with considerable pace, why we are not able to do so-- is it due to lack of civil engineers , or our incompetency or geographical difficulties on our side in himalayas.

1. how to overcome chinese challenge?
2. what is aukus and its members?
last: people from jodhpur area are so polite and humble, what is the reason for that?

experience in interview: board was cordial, chairwomen and two of the members were very attentive and engaging. overall was a good attempt, could have been better.
suggested mocks: Chahal; samkalp.
Good luck to the remaining candidates for upcoming PT
Date & session:- 31st March, Forenoon (4th to go)
Board: Smita Nagraj Ma'am
Optional: Geography
College: Digvijay nath PG college, Gorakhpur
Profession: No
Hobbies: no ques asked
Experience: cordial board,... didn't grill (unlike done in mocks)
Utility of mocks & O2O: Get familiar with the environment and speak in front of elders...a few ques were similar (in Vision faculty mocks) but not exactly the same...

NOTE:-- The most anxious moments are those when You sit outside the board's room...and wait when they call you in.


1. What have you been doing
2. Where do you live right now, in Delhi or in UP?
3. What is the NCR region & why has it been created?
4. A long monologue on administrative difficulties people are facing in NCR...and asked should we create a new state taking the NCR region? (Follow ups)
5. What is your opinion on Bifurcation or trifurcation of UP?
(Follow ups)
6. What is Referendum and plebiscite and what is the difference between them?

1. Asked about an issue about which I wasn't aware of...
2. Which are the countries where Khalistani uprisings are there?
3. Is it not our Diplomatic failure?
4.why riots are there in France nowadays (follow ups)
5. Who was Digvijay Nath
6. What is the philosophy given by Digvijay Nath?

M-2 (Lady member)
1. How UP impacts our relationship with Nepal
2. Are the borders of Nepal closed or what, and what is the political status of Nepal in present?
3. So Do we not close our borders
4. What is chicken's neck?
5. What is your opinion on renaming places?
6. Is it not like we are eliminating or forgetting one aspect of the history by renaming places?
7. Whatever would be a populous demand, should the government follow that? (I've mentioned "populous demand" in two of my answers earlier)

1. Why is the price of Gold increasing fast nowadays? (Follow ups)
2. Explain to me the system of Single Transferable voting
(A discussion on it)
3. Why is there a sharp increase in investment in Uttar Pradesh this year? (One follow up)

M-4 (He is from Northeast and the accent was a little different so I felt difficulty in comprehending the words, so I asked twice then answered)
1. You are against the bifurcation of Uttar Pradesh, so can we say that the division of Uttarakhand was a mistake?
2. A monologue on unstable nature and disasters of Trans Himalayan region...and then asked...should we construct roads and other infra there and large dams there?

Then he turned towards the Chairperson...and the chairperson said to me "Thank you....Your interview is over.."

Chairperson ma'am and M-3 have smiling faces...others faces were expressionless...

But the overall experience was very pleasant and the board was very keen to hear me...they heard carefully and didn't interrupt even a single time in between the answers.
Date : 28th March 2023, Afternoon, Fourth to go
Board : Hon’ble Smita Nagraj ma’am
Background : Electronics and Communications engineering
Optional : Geography
Work Ex : Semiconductor verification@Intel | BPSC
Home state : Bihar
DAF keywords : South Asia’s best speaker, Best outgoing student, Model UN, Madhubani painting, Badminton, Intel woman leader in silicon verification

Chairwoman ma’am :
1. What are you doing these days?
2. (Follow up) Should we congratulate you, are you happy?
3. What were the criteria for the ‘Best outgoing student’ award?
4. (Follow up) Should these criteria be conveyed to the students or not?
5.  A scenario where some part of students’ fees goes in a prize award, should the criteria’s of awards be conveyed then? [some discussions]
6. Subjectivity on code of conduct, what does it mean?
7. How would you judge a person’s conduct?
8. Should the convention of addressing seniors as sir or ma’am be removed? If not, why?
9. Did you address your seniors in Intel as ma’am/sir or with their names? (some discussion around this)

1. Why did you leave such a well paying job for civil services?
2. You are from Bihar. Can you tell the name of a Chairman of the  Finance commission who hails from Bihar?
3. (Follow up )Tell some of his recommendations which differed from previous ones.
4. Follow up from previous question on Disaster management : Adaptation vs mitigation.
5. As the District magistrate of a district in Bihar, how will you address the issue of Disasters?
6. What can be done to ensure that the dependency on funds from centre be reduced for disaster mitigation and response?

1. What is insurgency?
2. How does elements from inside and outside the country impact it? Give examples
3. Can it be removed completely? Steps taken till now? 
4. What is the Great Wall of steel?
5. (Follow up) How does it impact India?
6. In case of a war with China, can India hold its grounds?
7. (some more follow ups on this)

Chairwoman ma’am:
1. About this Great wall of steel, according to you, is it offensive or defensive?
2. What was the significance of Great wall of China?
3. Why did President Xi choose to call it the Great wall of steel only?

1. Asked about the MUN mentioned in DAF.
2. What is the significance of MUNs?
3. What about the UN? Does it need reforms?
4.  (follow up ) What is complementarity of UNGA and UNSC?
5. Stand of UN on the Russia - Ukraine war.

1. You have a technical background. Don’t you think you are wasting your talent and resources  by switching to civil services?
2. You have played football in University. How many years did you play for and what did you learn?
(Politely corrected him that I played Badminton)
3. Why is Badminton gaining popularity in the country?
4. Don’t you think the players doing well is the most important reason?
5. (Follow up ) Is this role modelling approach helpful in socio-economic context in any way?

Chairwoman ma’am:
1. Can you give an example where models have been replicated from one state to another, tell wrt Bihar.
2. Where was the implementation done first?
Thank you, your interview is over.

Overall experience: Very cordial and attentive board. Real interview is different from mocks. It is an enriching experience of a discussion on your own interest with an extremely dignified panel.
Utility of mocks : Helpful in understanding the formal setting of an interview, content structuring based on your background and DAF, gives room for self analysis.
Good ones: Vajirao and Reddy, Chanakya Mandal Pariwar, Unacademy.
O2O : Extremely helpful.
- Vinay sir for discussions and his continued guidance| Ravindran sir’s O2O was the closest | Special mention to Utkarsh sir from SOMP for his constant support |Ayush sir for multiple discussions | Deepak sir from IAS PCS factory for his help on certain DAF related prep

Discussions with my friends and seniors helped the most. Also thankful to the community for the transcripts.
Hoping for the best. Good luck everyone!
28th March, forenoon session
Board- Manoj Soni sir
Btech plastic technology
Hobbies: watching comedy series, exercising
Optional geography
Gautam Buddha nagar
Soni sir
Your picture has a moustache, why did you remove it?
Does it give a serious look?
What kind of comedy series do you watch
Which series did you watch recently
Have you seen standup comedy
What are cardiovascular exercises?
Do you do then or teach them too?
What does a plastic engineer do?
Largest island in the world?
Which country has control over it?
A famous institute for plastic technology?
Where is it?
What courses does it teach?

Latitude and longitude of UPSC bhawan
Latitude and longitude of Noida
What is India's rank in happiness index, does it reflect true picture. Does having moustaches help with happiness?
Is ban on single use plastics good?

Heard about the great Pacific garbage patch?
Ocean currents in great Pacific garbage patch?
Why is it formed?
Can oceans be cleaned by such initiatives?
What initiatives have been taken?
How is ocean cleanup funded?
How to manage plastic wastes?
Repo rate?
How does it impact?
Reverse repo rate?
How does it impact?

India's geography, two pros and 2 cons
Should India focus on maritime power or continental power?
Is China a maritime power?
Should we have unified studies for Himalayas?

Soni sir
Three policies of the government or schemes in the last 75 years which you feel we should change?
Should we remove socialism from the preamble?
Usa is a welfare state and not socialist
Chairman sir, your interview is over. Thank you.

Some other questions, I'm not able to recollect.
Experience - was very cordial. The conversation was natural.
No one interrupted that's why the questions may not be as much as are asked in a mock. Even the questions asked randomly didn't feel like that.
Mocks- 20+, most questions were around my daf so giving mocks helped in answering and presenting better.
Date and session of interview - 31st March, Forenoon, 2nd to go, 25 minutes
Board- Mr. Manoj Soni
DAF - Andhra Pradesh, Mechanical Engineering, Sociology, Worked in a School, DIY and Gadgets

Chairman (Random questions)
1. We just celebrated Rama Navami yesterday. Tell me in which Indian month and on which day we celebrate Rama Navami
2. What about Krishnashtami
3. Do you know any Indian month names?
4. Is the month (I said) the first one?
5. What about Karthika and Mrugasira?
6. It’s been years since you finished graduation. Don’t you think you should have a backup plan now? I sincerely wish that you should clear this exam. If everything goes bad, what are you going to do?
7. Next, question is bit personal, if you wish not to answer you can avoid answering. You worked only for a period of 1 year and that too for small amount of compensation. How are you managing your expenses?
Signalled the next person to take over

Member 1 (On a single hobby)
1. What is your this Gadget enthusiasm hobby.
2. How is technology progressing these days and what is the future?
3. Many countries are placing restrictions on internet and what is the outcome of such firewalls?
4. What is this data sovereignty?
5. Who has more data US or China?
6. Is population a factor in measuring volume of data?
7. So China has largest amount of data?
8. How is India acting in data governance?

Member 2 (Name, Mechanical)
1. Tell me which Mahabharata character you relate with apart from Lord Krishna.
2. How a Chimney functions?
3. No no, just explain a conventional chimney?
4. Does this room have a chimney and dont you think the space at the top acts as Ventilator
5. As world is moving towards eVs, what advice you would give to the countries in Persian gulf region
6. You said, you have a backup plan, so, you are not serious about this preparation.

Member 3 (Andhra, Hobby/Current affairs)
1. Did your state get bifurcated?
2. Tell sociological reasons for the same?
3. In undivided AP, which was the most urbansied town?
4. What is all this fuss about ChatGPT. There’s also an article about the same in today’s newspaper, right?
5. So, what are the ethical issues in using ChatGPT?
6. Okay, what’s the exact issue mentioned in today’s article?

Member 4 (Hobby and International Relations)
1. What is this your DIY hobby and what did you do?
2. Let’s go to Israel. How are India’s relations with Israel?
3. Just stick to Israel, Palestine is not required here.
4. Tell specifics, not generic data about Israel relations.
5. Since India and Israel are moving closely, don’t you think we should distance ourselves from Palestine?
6. What is a Free Trade Agreement?
7. With which countries India signed FTA?
8. Do we have a FTA with the US?

Overall experience: Calm and Cordial

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any) - Gave mocks with VajiRao Reddy, Chahal, Chanakya MP and Samkalp. Samkalp’s panel was not good when I went. First 3 are good.

O2O with Ravindran Sir(Very Good) and Khan sir(Confidence booster)
Board : R N Choubey sir
Afternoon , 4th to go
 Mechanical engg
 football ,lawn tennis , badminton


Cities provide cost effective opportunities but also many urbanisation problems .
Should migration to cities be stopped.
Encounter killings on route
What will you do
Society's view and your colleagues view is to kill and if you won't they will hate you
If judiciary aquits him due to lack of evidence but he is guilty then

Death penalty..view
method of death penalty
Made director of sports college...suggest recruitment process
MLA calls you and asks for admission of his known person
What is good governance
When good governance day is celebrated
What are its components
What is your biggest strength
If proper discussion not taking place between stakeholders is it good or bad.

Which side should India lean into regarding international affairs
Realism in international politics
Lower court convicts people and then after appeal higher courts acquits them ..should action be taken on lower courts
What about remedy to those who have been wrongfully jailed

ICC arrest warrant Putin
Will you arrest Putin if he visits India
Relationship with Russia other than oil

Human rights..defintition
India's law regarding human rights
Rarest of rare case
Parameters defined in bacchan singh case
Pardoning power
International law and it's enforceability

More questions not able to recall
Date : 5 April, Forenoon, 2nd to go
Board : Smt. Smitha Nagarajan mam
Daf stuff : IITR mechanical, Bihar, anthro, nukkad natak in NSS, All terrain vehicle, No work experience

Attendant told me no need to wear mask.
In Smita mam room, mam was sitting with one male and one female member near her table & 2 other male member were sitting very close to me in LHS & RHS on individual table & chair. Aura was like normal office chamber, very different from mocks.

Smita maam👩‍🦰
1. Are you working?
2. So you do not any industry exposure in your field? So tell me recent advancement in mechanical engineering?
3. What are the negative challenges wrt to use of AI in machine since we seeing advancement like driverless cars?
4. Who would be responsible for these? (On reply of Error done by algorithms)
5. What's going on in west asia and north africa in last 10 years.
6. What are the recent ways of warfare?
7. Why do we still need large human force in army ?
8. Is there any convention on bio warfare?

M1 (male👨🏻‍🦰)
1. Asked about some clarification in DAF such as subjects and Jobs.
2. Who is benefitted for bihar jharkhand separation? (With a long monologue)
3. So do you think jharkhand is doing well?
4. Various research that people in india are immigrant from outside?  Whats your views?  What are classification about it in Anthropology?
5. Discussion on case burden on judiciary? Why? What are 2 unique solution?
6. What is Conciliation?

M2 (male👨🏼‍🦳 - probably from defence)
1. So you organised nukkad natak? Where? On what?
2. How nukkad natak can be used in administration?
3. What is this all terrain vehicle? Where we can use it? Where in india?
4. Why you choose NSS over NCC?
5. What does NCC does?🤯(he told more about NCC)
6. How can we use NCC cadets in policy implementations in district?

M3 (madam👩‍🦰)

1. Mam asked about fest in college?🫠
2. What does Thomso means?
3. Recent issue during college fest in DU? Discussion over it related to how to tackle security in these fest? What steps should college and local administration should take ?
4. What is economic warfare ?
5. What are sanctions ?

M4 (sir👨🏻‍🦰)
1. Sir told meaning of my name. And asked what is faster than light ? (I told him human thoughts) Then sir told story of mahbharta and discussed about yudhisthira and Yaksha where Yudhisthira told that mind is fastest thing in the universe.😇
2. Do you think we are lossing unique tribal culture? And small discussion
3. Sir asked about recent ugc regulation which i was not aware of ?
4. Data is new gold. Why so?

Chairwoman again
9. Mam asked about what are some unique cultures of tribal which you told we need to protect?
10. Are assimilation and integration same? (I said both are same and realised the mistake without updating my answer😏)

Ma'm told me your interview is over. Thank you
I also thanked ma'm and other memebers for bearing with me for 25 minutes😃.

My experience : Mixed feeling. Mahadev k bharaso hi sab ho raha🙏

Mocks & O2O - Sankalp, Vajirao, KSG, Chankya Mandal, Were good
O2O with Khan sir very good

Avoid : Sriram ias, Unacademy

I prepared a lot about current affairs because of mocks but it was not that worth. Here also case was similar to prelims.
Interview date - 05/04/2023 ( forenoon)
Board - Choubey Sir Board
Background - Civil engineering
Optional - Public Administration

Minimum questions from DAF

Nothing from home state , district, awards and recognition, optional or civil engineering.


1. Owner of Twitter and his vision
2. Should there be restrictions on social media ?
3. Who should regulate the content on social media ?
4. Could there be biasness if govt regulates the content? ( Follow up)
5. Should anonymity be removed from social media ?

Member 1
1. Being a civil engineer why do you read Fiction? (daf)
2. Are you the person who likes to remain in the imaginative world ?
3. What are the behaviours in the society that angers/concerns you ?
4. What will be the steps that you will take to address ? ( Follow up)
5. The country with very good civilisational values and conduct?
6. What different have they done? ( Follow up)  

Member 2 -
1. What is Mindful eating ( daf)
2. Reasons for the decline of Buddhism, is Buddhism becoming foreign to us ?
3. Civic authority in India known for the best cleanliness and maintenance of the city ?

Member 3 - Lady
1. What are the parameters that you will observe when you enter the school ( daf)
2. What is fashion to you?
3. There is a rising trend of skirt sarees in India will it replace the traditional culture of sarees
4. European countries observed heat dome conditions , what is it ?

Member 4 - factual questions
1. IPR regime
2. Difference between copyrights and patent
3. Is regulation and reasonable restriction the same or different?
4. Constitutional morality ?
5. Sabarimala judgement ( follow up)

Chairman - is there anything you want to tell us ?

Missed few questions, unable to recall

Experience - Unlike mocks, the real interview mostly focuses on building a conversation. Checks awareness and presence of mind.

Utility of mocks - articulation - build a formal way of conversation.

All the Best
Board: Satyavati Ma'am
Date 6 April 2023
Forenoon, 5th to go

DAF key words: SRCC, Commerce & Accountancy
Financial literacy campaign, Women Empowerment wing, Hindi Sahitya Sabha
Delhi, Goa, Handicrafts Dept, Textile Ministry

1. Why did you leave job
2. Who is considered to be a financial literate person (DAF)
3. Where should Sen. Citizens invest?
4. Why states are moving back to OPS?
5. As Finance Secretary, what would be your suggestion for the OPS and NPS?
6. How NPS works?

1. Why do we have different CA, CS, other positions and not one?
2. Earlier name of Ministry of Corp Affairs
3. Significant steps taken for corporate lately
4. Decision regarding Independent Directors in recent past?
5. What is MCA 21?

1. Other sector to be tapped into for Goa govt other than touriam
2. Major recenue sources of Goa Govt
3. What is GeM
4. Should audit be performed before or after completion of accounts
5. Factors to be considered while accessing a proposal of any sector before approving it

1. What is anti dumping
2. What is safeguard duty
3. How can we ensure domestic production and export of solar cells, considering China is a dominant player in terms of imposition of duties?
4. Where is cashew grown

1. Functions of RBI in terms of managing economy
2. QUAD vs AUKUS and China angle associated
3. Challenges posed by China to India
4. Issue in South China Sea

Chair: Thank you, all the best

Utility of mocks: Help you in facing the board with the mannerism needed.
Can't say which one is the closest, the arrangements are quite different in the real PT
Board: Choubey sir
Date 6 April 2023
Afternoon, 1st to go

DAF key words: No relevance at all.

Chair: same monolouge about how we are goid people and wanted you to relax...
1.Is there corruption in fci.
2.Role of fci.
2.why not DBT for msp and fps.

1. What's common between Chanda kochar and nirav modi.
2.specific details about alleged corruption what where how.
3. private limited company working.
4. who is responsible for oversigtht? specific name for oversight in board of directors.
5. Western media more interested in private life of public leaders..are we more liberal than west in thoughts.

1.what's the difference between traching and learning.
2. best way of teaching.
3. What is flexi teaching.
4. SC case about fci??..himself said it is very old case.
5. Difference between cinema,drama and theater.

1. Why lots of food wastage in india.
2. What we are doing to improve it.
3. why women in delhi don't feel safe outside especially at night.
4. we already taken measures but still we are lacking somewhere..Tell me that.
5. As sdm when you visit school what will you observe.
6. How you'll measure the quality.what you mean by quality.
7.Difference between universal and eternal value.
8. what's one thought that drive you.

1. As an army man I don't like pak..but still people say to have a dialouge with pak. What's your view.
2. We have many CEO of Indian origin.. why..what we need to improve.
3.As an IAS officer what 3 things you'll focus in district.
4.Tell me frankly...what's your weakness.
5. Does overthinking means non performance.
6. How you're improving it.

Chair: Anything you want to share...blah blah..I told something and they all laugh😅

Utility of mocks: No relevance for me and i think it's not relevant for anyone in choubey sir's board.
Date and session of interview- 6th April, Afternoon Session,
Board- Smt. M. Sathiyavathy
Optional- Sociology
College- IIT Roorkee (B.Tech Civil Engineering)
Profession- IPS
Hobbies- Playing Fingerstyle guitar, Trekking and Camping

Mam read the whole DAF aloud.
What are you doing currently?
Why IAS after IPS?
Why are politicians more close to IPS Officers than IAS Officers?
So you agree with this view?
What is role of IAS if IPS Officers implement rule of law and schemes (based on my previous answer)
3 problems faced at Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (DAF)

Member 1:
What are Sanctions?
What are the economic and humanitarian impact of sanctions?
Are they backed by the UN?
Why do countries follow these sanctions?
Should India follow them?
Have you heard about Locke? What is the "state of nature" concept given by him? (I didn’t know, he explained)
Would sanctions lead to state of nature?

Member. 2:
Population of India- boon or bane?
So many schemes for skilling, but no awareness on ground level. How to resolve this as an administrator?

Member 3:
Why are there so many services? Why don’t we just merge them into a single Civil Service? Advantages and disadvantages of doing so.
What is Soil stabilization? How is it done?
What is RERA? Under which act?
What is G20?
Who will hold the presidency next? Who held the presidency previously?
Difference between Dacoity and Robbery?

Member 4:
How do you overcome failures and criticisms in life?
India-Nepal relations and India-Bhutan relations- current scenario?
What’s going on between India and Bhutan? What can India do in this?
A question to probably check my presence of mind- “A farmer has 17 Cattle’s, and all but 9 died. How many cattle are left?” (I replied 8, he said are you sure and smiled, i recalled the question and apologized and said 9 will be left)

Overall, the interview was a mix bag for me. Some questions were asked from DAf, some from current events, and some actual “personality judging questions”. The board was very cordial (except for one member), but the members were frequently looking at the clock. Sathiyawathy mam was quite expressive, which made the environment less tense. I didn’t know the answer to a few questions. could’ve answered a few questions in a better way. Hope my marks disagree :)
Board: Ms. Smita Nagraj, 6th April
Details: IPS, ex- Indian Forest Service, meditation, Gharial project

1. Can country grow economically with its internal contradictions like racism in USA, caste system in India?
2. What are the various inclusive and redistributive justice policies of India?
3. Do you support basic income?
4. Would you prefer basic income or employment generation?

1. What is going on with Twitter?
2. What is the issue with government subsidies, what are its drawbacks?
3. You know the selection procedure in UPSC is highly competitive, what are the ways through which those who could not make into the final list can still be utilised in government functioning?

1. What is the current status of BIMARU States vis a vis their southern counterparts?
2. What is difference between Vipassana mediation vs mindful meditation vs transcendental meditation?(DAF)

1. How to reduce elephant man conflict?
2. How to ensure symbiotic relationship between Tribals and wildlife?
3. What was Gharial project? (DAF)

M4( Lady member)
1. Who was responsible for project tiger? Why so much focus on tiger?
2. Should we actively intervene actively in Tribal development?( I differentiated between Tribes of Andaman vs Tribes of mainland India?

chair: why can’t we do the same developmental work for sentinelese tribe?

Best wishes.
Date: 5 April 2023, Afternoon

DAF Keywords: IIT Roorkee, Geophysics, Seismology, Telangana
Hobbies: Travelling, Mentoring, Basketball

Board: Satyavati Ma'am

Read the DAF out loud
1. Meaning of your name?
2. How are the two names connected?
3. What have you been doing since your graduation?
4. Didn't you think about doing any job?
5. What is the difference between geologist, geophysicist, hydrogeologist etc
6. Don't you think the holistic essence of knowledge is being forgotten, going for more and more specialisation?
7. But now everyone wants to go to a super speciality doctor. Just MBBS seems to be useful in today's world.
8. How will your knowledge in Geophysics help you in administration?

1. What is the reason for earthquakes?
2. Ok, other than tectonic?
3. If we compare Himalayas and Alps, which region is more favorable for constructing Tunnels?
4. Ok, what about Himalayas, where is it safe to construct Tunnels?
5. What measures do we take in seismic retrofitting?
6. How do we do base isolation? What is the mechanism we use in this process?
7. Do we need a new States Reorganization Commission? Now that we have so many demands for new states?
8. What can be the criteria to create new states?
9. What were the reasons for Telangana state demand?
10. But now AP is saying that they are being neglected. What do you say now?
11. You are a DM. Incharge for building a housing society. The minister insists you to buy land from a particular company. What will you do?

1. Is Delhi safe from seismic activity? Are we on a fault plane?
2. We felt the vibrations even from an earthquake so far in Afghanistan. Isn't it dangerous?
3. On what all factors does the impact of an earthquake depend on?
4. Russia-Ukraine war. Who is at fault in your opinion?
5. Now that Finland has joined NATO, what will be the implications of it?
6. Which places did you travel in recent times?
7. What all do you explore in a place?

1. Your state Telangana is famous for Tobacco industry. Don't you think we should replace the Tobacco cultivation by a different crop?
2. Which crops can we grow as an alternative in that areas?
3. Telangana is planning to grow oil palm. Can we replace Tobacco cultivation with Oil palm? Isn't it the same agro-climatic zone?
4. Any statistics which show Telangana has developed?
5. So, is dividing states the formula for progress?
6. But your state lost access to the coast now? That is a major loss, right?

1. You have studied in Roorkee. Roorkee is the "City of .....?"
2. How much progress has India done in deep sea mining?
3. Why is our status in deep sea exploration limited?
4. Any mission that is looking after seismic profiling in the EEZ of India?
5. What is dead oil?
6. You said you went to places X and Y recently. What problems will you solve in those areas, if you were made the DM there?
7. How will you explain the colour purple to a blind person?

Experience: Cordial experience. Sometimes, cut answers midway. Not like grilling, but there was subsequent cross questioning. But otherwise good.

Said Sorry quite a few times, but the overall feel was positive.

Mocks: Gave about 6-7 mocks. Gave quite a few DAF based mocks as well. Helped in gaining fluency and also identify the words I am speaking frequently. So that, I can work on further expected questions in those areas.

Thanks to my friends and PT Extended family for being ever supportive❤️

Wishing everyone All the Best👍
Date- April 6th, 2023.
Optional.  Sociology
Daf- political science graduation, swimming hobby,
Board- Chaubey sir

Chairman asked me to be comfortable by saying that we are friendly people to have conversation with you..
1. Tell me your backgrounds and work experience
2. Why did you go for external Education ( daf)
3. Statement. Shall we remove Rajya  sabha and legislative council... 1-2 counter question

1. What is difference between powers of directors of company and managers of company..
2. Who appoint accountants of pub limited company and pvt compony..
Other 2-3 questions not able to recall

1. What is difference in law and political science
2. Define state in terms of law and pol science
3. Where state is defined in constitution
4. What is state in constitution
5. Can corporates be called state
6. What kind of writs are there

M3. Lady member
1. You have studied in village school What change do you want to bring in that village school
2. What is eat right movement
3. What is pro planet people
4. Which habits  of yours can be changed to avert climate change
5. What corona has taught us..
6. What are values in sociology
7. Can there be conflict between personal and social values ... its examples
8. What is hybrid immunity?

1. Name change by China What is your view( Arunachal Pradesh saga)
2. Change of name of cities like Allahabad and change of history
3. Change of name of cities and comment from other country of India being intolerant..
4. Shall we stop import from china
5. Millet year... what are its advantages
6. How can we resolve conflict with China when they arbitrarily change names of territories in India

Don't reacall some questions..

mocks at ksg, vajirao, Jnyanprabodhini, chanakya Mandal, unacademy ,Chahal, Sankalp , chavan sir...
Best luck to all...
Date and session: 03rd April 2023 Forenoon session, last one to go.
Board: Sathiyavathy ma'am
Optional: Geography
Home state: Himachal Pradesh(District Kangra)
College: Electronics and communication engineering from NSIT, Delhi
Profession: State police services
Hobbies: Football, Wordle, Chess
Experience in interview:

Greeted all the members, Sathiyavathy ma'am read aloud the DAF.


1. What have you been doing since 2019?
2. How is your training going?
3. Since when have you been under training?
4. What is this Wordle?
5. What is Kangra famous for?
6. Has Himachal been a part of British India, what is its political history?
7. Does Himachal have any international border?
8. How far is it from where you live?
9.How is the communication connectivity in Himachal Pradesh?
10. What is 5G?
11. A new vision document for 6G is released, what difference would it make?
12. Should we be pursuing such technologies even when our society doesn't even have the basic item required to access 5G(pointed her smartphone towards me).

Member 1:

1. Your name is spelled differently than others with the same name. Why?
2. What is the major agricultural produce of Himachal Pradesh?
3. Does produce of Himachal Pradesh gets exported?
4. Are you aware of the logistics involved in the same?
5. What is the chain of logistics?
6. Do the farmers suffer in terms of income due to logistics lacunae?
7. What would you do as a DM to increase the income of farmers of your district?
8. Development vs Environment?
9. What tools would you use to tackle this dilemma?

Member 2: (can't recall the exact sequence and some of his questions)

1. What is a wafer?
2. What is it made of?
3. What is NCLT? What disputes? Who goes to NCLT?
4. Choose one sector of Himachal and one policy which you would like to change and tell me why and how.
5. Name one thing that Himachal exports out of state.

Member 3:

1. Would you consider yourself as an Introvert or an extrovert?
2. What is Vijay Diwas?
3. Many people from Himachal were in Kargil War, name 4 PVC winners from Kargil War.
4. Are you aware of RIC grouping?
5. Have you heard of BRICS?
6. In light of tensions between India-China and Russia-Ukraine war, how do you see the future of BRICS?

Member 4:

Monologue on how China has developed its border by community development programmes.

1. What is the status of the same in India?
2. What about the same in Himachal?
3. Do you think we should pursue such policy too?
4. Have you visited these border areas? What is the terrain there?
5. What is the major source of Revenue of Himachal?
6. Views on prohibition?(continued from excise duty)
7. Prohibition favours women. Agree or not? How?
8. How are states like Gujarat and Bihar managing their fiscal health with prohibition?(I said they are debt ridden)
9. Debt of Himachal?
10. Internal and external debt of India?

Ma'am pointed towards the member to end the conversation.

Sathiyavathy ma'am said Thank you.
Date and session: 10rd April 2023 Afternoon session, third one to go.
Board: Sathyavathy ma'am
Optional: Maths
Profession: district court assistant, drdo
Keywords: cryptography
Hobbies: no question

Greeted all the members, Sathiyavathy ma'am read aloud the DAF.


1. So you have been working throughout?
2.Why didn't you do masters? Few counter ques
3. How to reduce pendency in courts?
4. Should vacations be abolished. Counter questions
5.are there frivolous cases causing pendency in courts?
Member 1
1. Tell me about use of cryptography in defence domain and what are latest developments
2. Quantum technology use in it. Are we lagging behind?
Member 2:
1. Tell me about bodmas.
2. 4-5 theorems of algebra.
3. Your name importance.
4. Nalanda place and it's revival counter ques.
5. Relationship of places like rajgir, pavapuri, sasaram
6. What did you as a team lead in science Congress?
7. What is renewable energy? Are we moving towards it?
8. Shall we close all thermal plants. What should we do
Member 4:
1.tell me about cryptocurrency. it legal in India.
3. Is it good for our country to have that.
4.Again tell how to reduce pendency  in cases and why serious crimes conviction is so much low.

Member 5:
1. When was G 20 formed and why.
2. Who were in its first meeting in India?
3.Why it's importance for India?
4. But some meeting didn't even got charter summary like finance, external affairs in the end? Then what's the benefit?

Sathiyavathy ma'am said Thank you.
Date and session of interview-10/04 Forenoon
Board- Hon. Chairman Soni ji
College-not relevant
Profession (if any)-NA
Hobbies- will know in M3 Ques.
Firstly Chairman asked me to remove mask to verify me with photo that he had(he took more than 2mins)
1.Imp of Pacific ocean. I coverd most of the part but he was asking for more..2 bar pucha unhore or btao or btao me thak k bola sir thats all Ive getting right now..
2. Let u r in port blair tell me the shortest route from port blair to Pacific ocean
3. Let u r posted as DM of ur dist. U r supposed to develop a plan for 1 year.. in which 4 sector u will focus? and also allocate a budget for this(u hv ample resources) so as people lives can be improved.
4. Pick any one sector that u just mentioned and  tell me in specifics what will you do in that sector.
M1 Continued the chairman's discussion
1. Let ur DM of ur district how will you tackle prob of corruption ( long que but crux was this)
2. How u use technology in tackling corruption ( again crux was this)
3. Values and principles u learned from ur family that can be employed in tackling corruption
1. Monologue about subject civics..then asked me about its importance...
2. Look act policy and its importance for India
3. Look east is only for only Northeast??
4.Statement about MPs(home state) rich cultural heritage..then he asked measures taken by mp govt to promote tourism
5. UP generated profit through kumbh mela...if u r dm of ujjain how will u do the same
M3 He asked me General que on my extra curricular activities, interest and hobbies ( all his que were in hindi ..i answered in both lang.)
1. Quize me casual pucha ki kis class tk khele ho
2.Cricket se pucha ki  kl ipl me kya hua( Lord Rinku) se - kya bnate ho? Kadhai paneer me kya2 dalte ho?? Fir kaha thik h kbhi khayenge ek din😋
4. Action thriller movies - Hindi or Hollywood? I said Indian language film. He then asked family man dekha? Mene kaha ha..... Chor nikal k bhaga dekhi? Mene kaha nhi...Monica oh my darling dekhi? Mene kaha nhi ... fir bolte dono dekhna mast movie h i said definitely sir...
5. Performing agri. activities - casual que like aap kya krte ho??kya2 lagate ho?? Irrigation ka kya scene h
6. Pacific ocean ka climate change or environment me role
7. What is La nina? Tell me its current status.
8.Why China is renaming places in Arunachal Pradesh? Isse pehle kitne bar kiya h?
9. Name some National park of MP
M4 Only Female member
1. Tell me fundamental principles of indian foreign policy
2. Comment on the India-UK and India-US relationship
3. How's relationship with UK is going?
4. What about movement of labour and student mobility?
Chairman Sir wished me goodluck and said u can go now

Your experience in interview- 25-30 min chala ...mixed feeling..kbhi lgta shi gya h or kbhi lgta ki inke ans or acche se dena tha😕 baki soni sir ka aura kamal ka tha..his tilak,,smile ,,way of talking different level ki thi
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- gave at Samkalp,Chahal, Chanakya mandal 
Date: 11 April 2023
DAF: State Karnataka, nothing else asked
4th to go
Board: Sathiavathy Ma’am
She read the entire DAF aloud. She considered my birth place to be my place of residence so I corrected her. So she started with
1. What Do you think about the names of cities changing? ( mentioned progressive intent then should be allowed)
She interrupted that it is always mentioned with positive intent only
follow ups with respect to chennai-Madras, prayagraj-Allahabad etc
2. Why did I leave my job?
3. Visveswaraya and his contributions (DAF)
Follow up - except for KA what other contributions

Member 1:
1. Recent upheavels in high commissions and embassies. What is the importance of having such embassies( mentioned Vienna convention)
2. What is Vienna convention?
3. Follow up on what India did post attack on UK and was it right
4. Evergreening of patents
Some more i cannot recall

Member 2:
1. Tell me something about bellary district ( DAF )
2. Major steel plant set up there
Follow up on steel making process, where do we get iron ore from ( mentioned stats and proces- I wasn’t clear on what he wanted to listen here)
3. What is green energy?
4. What is the growth rate of India and where do we stand in terms of economy in the world
5. What is India doing so that we are drastically progressing?
(Mentioned DPI here )
6. He asked what is DPI?
7. Do you think people in rural areas know about UPI?( picked from last two answers)
8. How should we plan development of India?

Member 3:
1. Inter state water dispute - Cauvery water- What is the issue and what are solutions
2. What do you think about NEP?
3. Southern states have issue with NEPs provision wrt Language- what is it
Follow up on what is your view
4. Asked about Social Dispute theory and social conflict (Sociology )

Member 4:
1. Tipu Sultan - patriot or villain?
Long discussion on this- he asked in the end do you really think we should discuss about these leaders
2. Why do we have holiday on 14th April
Follow up - what was the major difference or conflict between Gandhi and Ambedkar
3. Basic structure doctrine and what is constitutes
CH: Thankyou and All the best

Peer discussions and *peer group*- this helped me majorly :)
Date: 10 april 2023
Name: NA
Optional: Public Administration
Grad: Electrical engineering ( NIT Dgp )
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies: Writing poetry, blogging
Other daf keywords : Taekwondo, job in cement sector, home district.

Board: Manoj Soni Sir

CP: Grilled a bit.
1. Remove mask to check and match photograph. Then gave choice to keep mask on or remove it. I kept it on.
2. Are you a poet who is engineer or an engineer who is poet ? ( I tried to be diplomatic but he said to be straight).
3. Recite the poem you wrote. ( Done)
4. ( Based on poem) Other seems like you have a negative view of the society why so negative ? ( I said not negative but hopeful, some counter questions)
5. Said let's change the topic, then he asked about Jammu Kashmir incident where some stone Peltor was tied to army vehicle as human shield. Agree or disagree. ( He started grilling on my opinion, some counter questions ).

Member 2 (Lady)
1. Up is a big state but when compared to many southern states it is not doing so well economically, what could be the reasons and what would you do to make it better ?
2. What do you think about panchayat Raj? How is panchayat performing on your village ?
3. (Based on last answer) What changes have you seen in your village on last 5 years where panchayat had a role ?
4. (Based on last ans) How panchayat helps farmers in village?
5. If given charge of your district what are the key areas you would work on ?
6. Since I pointed agriculture, she asked about credit problem for farmers and what is being done about it ?

Member 3

1. "Leaders are one who do right things while managers are one who do things rightly. Also leaders are made not born." Your views and who in your view is a leader.
( Chair intruptted that it's a fine question but you should not take name of any political leader).
2. Since you worked in pvt sector , give any anecdote where you had shown leadership quality in workplace. (Told one experience).

Member 4 (He was very chilled out😅)

1. Since you have public administration as optional, in UP panchayat there is a phenomenon of "Pradhan Pati". What do you thing what would you do to remove it ?
2. In your district there is a problem of soil erosion due to a river. It happenes every year . Given charge of your district what would you do to prevent it ?

Member 5

1. Started with some of his experience related to "sarpanch pati" then without asking anything gave his opinion that its deep rooted and requires societal change (which I had covered in answer already so I agreed and nodded).
2. What happened in joshimath ?
3. What is land subsidence ?
4. Some big hydro plant is there and also Himalayas are bit fragile what other places are on radar after joshimath ? ( I couldn't remember so said don't know)
5. ( Jumped to daf) You did taekwondo. Did you get any belt ?
6. Were you able to continue taekwondo after an year of mandatory course?
7. What about blogging ? What do you write about ?
8. (Based on last answer) Why should people be interested to read about your life or views . Would you read about my life or views if I start blogging? ( I said I would love you read and learn form your experience. He and others started laughing . He said you are saying this because I'm sitting here.) Then he again asserted why should people read your blog ?
9. (Situational question) Since your district faces some floods, suppose you are on a boat in floods which includes a pregnant lady, a young guy, an old man and a dog. Water starts getting inside the boat. You must let one go to save others . What would you do ?
10. ( Since I said I would save human life over others ) Would you not let old man go he has lived his life ? ( I said no).

CP: okay your interview is over, all the best, have a nice day and take care.

Overall experience: Some grilling, daf and opinion based questions mostly.

Mocks: (gave 4) Vajirao >Unacademy >Samkalp >Rau.
O2O: Next and Ravindran sir.
Date of interview: 11.04.2023
Board: Sathyavati ma'am
Optional: English literature
Work experience: Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (Guest lecturer)
Relevant key words from DAF: Vivekananda,house captain, Research paper on Beauty as an Instrument of Racism, Subaltern studies, house captain at school, Voice Donation Project for Visually Challenged.

1. Have you resigned from the job?
2. Whats is this Voice Donation Project?
3. What does Barrier Free India mean for the visually challenged?
4. What were you teaching at a tourism institute?
5.How can you teach English to someone in a tourist place to their benefit and to others in general too?

1. You studied at a school named Vivekananda, what was Vivekananda 's ideology?
2. What did you do as the house captain of your school?
3. What do you understand by Pan-India concept if you think of Kerala and West Bengal?
4. Have you been to Darjeeling? What is special about the place?
5. What are the major industries in Kerala? (Mentioned about IT sector)
6. What are IT companies doing in Kerala?
7. If you are posted as the DM of a village with gender inequality, what will you do?

1. What was this paper on Beauty as an Instrument of Racism about?
2. Why is there a craze for football in Kerala?
3. Can oceans be used as a source of energy? (Mentioned tidal energy)
4. Who should take the initiative to install tidal energy?
5. What is your opinion on Sabarimala entry?

Chair: Have you made any attempts to enter Sabarimala?

1. What was this subaltern studies conference about?
2. What were the major conclusions and follow-up activities?

1. What is the difference between a tourist and a traveller?
2. When is World Tourism day?
3. What are the major issues faced by tourism industry after COVID?
4. What can be done to attract tourists after the pandemic? (He particularly asked about travel during the pandemic)
5. Both Kerala and Sri Lanka are dependent on tourism. Will Kerala face a situation similar to Lanka due to COVID?
6. What are the initiatives taken by your institute to address this?

Experience: It felt like more like a conversation. They were talking amongst themselves in between too.

Utility of one-on-one and mocks: As most of the questions were DAF based, they felt like a repetition of mock questions. One-on-ones can help to include some key words even within the limited scope of questions asked.
DATE 12/04/23
Manoj soni sir board
1st to go . 27 min duration

Daf KW : INSP CUSTOMS/ daman / bundelkhand / indore/ advaita vedanta / movies / blood donation🩸 

Chairman ( witty👿 smile and glance ): checked photo / mask ka monologue , i chose to remove as voice unclear and fog on specs .

 1. Do you like your job and why ?
2. What is your role in organisation .
3. Kernel of ADAVITA VEDANTA and meaning of it . Told sholka asked me to recite full .
4. Meaning of mithya in AV
5. How as enforcement officer see brahman in tax defaulters.
6. Do you know about challenger philosophies to AV . Short monologue on it .

Lady member (M2) AP EX CHIEF SECY ( other candidate told me ) smiling and good vibes

1. What is your role in blood donation camp in college.
2. Side effects of wrong blood transfusions.
3. Golden blood pe questions.
4. Why indore is so clean
5. Where would you like to settle in india and why . ( ans Bhopal)
6. Why not indore or daman .
7. Tell me about indore temple collapse . And who is in the wrong.

Member 3 : male ( oldie guy )

1.why are your favourite movie character . And why .
Where do you write letters to them , why privately write.
2. Are we a consumer by compulsion or by choice .
Asked clarification wrt state or market .
Said in general batao .
3. Asked about social media compulsion behaviour.
4. Some questions on scholarship i got and how it has helped you .

Some more follow up questions.

Member 4 : male ( chill😎 bro type vibes ) smiling whole time .

1. Is Lalitpur in bundelkhand .
2. Tell me two positive of your district.
3. How as DM WILL you fight drought.
4. 3 core areas you would like to work upon in your district if posted there .
5. Why datia temple so frequent by celebs and politicians.
6. Some gender regressive practice in that temple and your opinion.

Member 5: male ( very deep questions and counter questions)

1. Tell me 2 similarities and 2 differences in people of UP/ MP and daman . ( asked for time here )
2. Is portugese culture visible in Daman.
3. Why not merge daman with. Other states or goa .
4. Portugese has MARITIME superiority , is it needed for india today and how .
5. Answer about naval , said do you know meaning of MARITIME .
6. How do you see yourself as cooperative taxman or assertive taxman .
7. Why assertive ? Is it working .

Chairman said
Thank you. Its been lively interaction with you .

1. Close sitting around a round table
2. Helpful mocks : chahal and CPM ( chankaya parivar mandal ) and study iq .
Feedback ka apne hisaab se dekh lena .
3. Go for 020 with ayush sir ( Forumias) , shinas sir( ilearn best daf analysis) , mohan sir( ias baba ) , arpit gupta sir and kaptaan for real helpful feedback (some of questions asked by Kaptaan got repeated)
4. Must go to khan sir before interview for confidence boost.
5. Very unpredictable but rooted in daf questions, prep helped

Thank you.

Name - What you seek is seeking you!
Date - 10 APRIL 2023
Board- Shri Manoj Soni sir
Home state - Karnataka
Job profile - Teaching
Optional - Kannada Literature
Approx time: from 1230 to 1. Maybe around 25 mins(not sure)

Pretext- Upsc though is running on minimum number of boards(3), today one more member was absent and they had to manage with 2 boards (soni sir and satyavathy mam). so our group of 5 candidates were made to wait until the other two groups were over and we were distributed (3+2) to soni sir and satyavathy mam board. I was the 7th one in that sequence for soni sir board for the forenoon session

Entered and wished good afternoon to chair, mam and sirs. took seat after asking to so so. soni sir told my name and asked should i call you by your first name, is that fine? i said yes sir

Then usual talk. It is good and advisable to wear the mask although it is not compulsory. i sensed sir wanted me to wear mask so kept wearing it

sir then said Mr. Rumi you have an interesting and diverse area of interests.. Among your hobbies of Pranayama, meditation, strength and conditioning exercise and collecting charity.. which one would you like the most.
I said meditation and raising charity

then sir went on to my career page and said you have worked at a software firm, may be placed by college. then went on to an ashram for a long period. then you have started teaching profession.. you seem to be confused about life

i said sir although it seems so, i wasn’t confused.. i was raised in a religious environment by my mother and while i was working in artificial intelligence firm i got interested in human intelligence... so to explore my spiritual side i went to ashram for 3 months initially. but it got extended to 6 years as i went on probing deeper and deeper

sir asked then why did u join corporate firm in first place.. i said sir bcz i had financial security concern and my family condition was bad at that point of time as we had separated from my father

then why take up spirituality- i said i had lot of questions to be answered.. and it had become overwhelmingly compulsive for me to find answers for them. and by the time i went to ashram our financial condition was stable as my mother was also supporting me..

sir passed on to member 1(old gentleman)

whatever the questions u had, did u find answers for them?
i said yes sir. i found answers to most of them

what if you get some more questions in future?
sir i cant be sure of that. but sir i have found service to nation and service to society is the primary goal of my life. so i think civil services is the best platform for me to work towards my goal and try to bring about on ground , grass root level change

you see, all of us do get questions, but we try to find answers within the workspace we are in.. anyways tell me about gender neutrality…
i went on to say, sir in any policy or budget if we have equal provisions for everyone… (sir interrupted, what gender have u filled, i said male.. what is gender then?)
i said sir gender is a social concept and sex is a biological concept. then what is gender neutrality…
i said treating everyone equal is gender neutrality…
do u know that there is a transgender as well.. how are they categorised..
i said sir they are categorised under others column in the application..
sir asked name one and only transgender civil servant in india..
i said sir i will have to look into it..
sir only said.. its a person from odisha.. i said ok thank you sir..
name some famous transgender personalities..
i said manabi bandopadhyay(school principal), gauri sawant, laxmi narayan tripati who are activists.. and said sir there is one more person working in movie industry called ojas rajni as a famous makeup artist

sir then went on to ask tell me some famous personalities from kannada literature.

i said sir kannada literature with more than 1500 years of history has got many great personalities… (sir corrected me as stalwart’s) right from adikavi pampa in ancient period, in medieval period we had basavanna and kumaravyasa and in modern period we have kuvempu, shivaram karanth, da ra bendre, masti venkatesh iyyengar.. and presently.. hampana, kamala hampana and others.

sir asked why India scores less in Global happiness index
I said sir we score 126th rank in GHI because GHI looks at happiness from western perspective not indian perspective.. the parameters are western not taking in indian conditions…
what are these western parameters
i said per capita income, life expectancy, corruption etc

why india scores lesser than pakistan..
i said indias sample size is very high whereas pakistan might be performing better in certain parameters like per capita income or life expectancy
immediate counter question was
is pakistan per capita higher than india??
i said sir i’m not sure of per capita income, i meant to say that Pakistan might have scored well across some of the ghi parameters.. whereas our diversity itself is so huge that even if there is small pocket of poverty doing bad, it can bring down the entire national rank… so its important that we take care of these negative pockets so as to achieve our target of 5 trillion dollar economy…

sir passed on to member two (lady)

you have worked with election commission.. was it part of your college or your work.. i said it was part of my college mam. during my college i was given an opportunity to monitor polling booths and webcast live proceedings from the polling booth

mam asked how was your experience..
i said it was a great learning experience.. for the first time i got to know the process of elections in detail.. then i was able to learn from the leadership role i was given.. then i was able to get the feeling of a govt officer which also motivated me to civil service and i was able to learn interacting with society in a better way as there was facilities for disabled persons and others to come and vote

mam asked do u know who conducts elections for local bodies. i said mam its the state election commission.. mam asked tell me the difference between state election commission and election commission of india
i said mam election commission of india conducts elections for president, VP, loksabha, rajyasabha and state legislature. whereas state election commission conducts elections for municipalities and panchayats..

mam said tell me the condition of karnataka panchayat raj system
i said mam karnataka has got a robust panchayat system with 33%reservation for women(mam made surprising face here, but my answer is corrected), reservation for sc, st and socially backward groups(this one is wrong, a chota galati about socially backward groups, it seemed they dint notice at that point) with elections being conducted at regular intervals.. whereas in the municipalities there is a problem where the elections are not frequent as seen in the bbmp elections…

mam said u have done organ donation also.. where was it.. how was it..?
i said mam this was in the ashram along with some civil society we used to encourage the inmates to get registered and issued donor cards to them for both cadaver and normal organ donation..
mam asked how many organs were donated by those u got registered?
i said mam i got more than 200 people to register and thankfully all of them are alive( some smiles in the board)

mam passed on to a young tall dynamic faced member (male)

sir asked about since u have a spiritual and meditation background and we see lot of conflicts are going on like ukraine russia war how would u use your background to advise in one line to both zelensky and putin
i said sir its a tough assignment. and said that.. i would advice both of the them to be in Non Doing… and went on to explain that like.. the conflicts are because of excessive activity by both actors.. if both the parties exercise restraint and remain in not doing anything, then the war would come to an end..

sir asked how would india with its credentials of peace can bring about an end to this conflict.. we have seen sri sri ravishankar.. sadhguru who are doing lot of good work.. how can this message of peace be worked upon
i said sir india has been votary of peace from buddha to mahatma gandhiji.. and the same credentials can be used to bring about a resolution of this conflict.. in this direction our foreign ministry has made it stand clear that both the parties should sir across the table and have a peaceful dialogue.. i think both the parties should give away their sticking to ideologies and ideas and be flexible and talk across the table to solve the issue.. our very concept of vasudaiva kutumbakan from mahopanishad speaks about this..

sir then asked you have appeared before jpc on land acquisition bill.. given that land acquisition is so tedious even today what would be the changes you would like to bring in?
sir the changes suggested in the 2015 amendment act was good enough but that dint go through.. the changes i would like to bring in sir is..
for the projects involving national interest like rural infrastructure, defence corridors, industrial corridors, if we can remove difficult procedures like social impact assessment and taking the consent of everyone.. it will be easier for acquiring land for national purposes…

sir then passed on to last old member (male) who was quite cheerful..
sir asked since u have done computer science engineering.. and there is 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 6g.. among 2g and 3g which is better for india…
i said sir.. since 2g is less speed and more latency and 3g is more speed and less latency i would say 3g is better

sir said - 2g is indigenous technology.. 3g we have to import.. isn’t 2g better in that perspective..
i said sir except for the national security reasons like borrowing technology from china, 3g,4g or 5g is better suited as they are the modern technologies which people prefer.. coming to indigenous technology our honourable prime minister has launched 6g test bed and 6g in future is going to be an indigenous technology…
sir repeated so 6g is going to be indigenous in future.. i said yes sir..

then manoj soni sir took over and said the usual lines with a slight smile
“please take good care of yourself while you are in delhi and look after yourself well”

i gently stood up.. folded my hands and said “sir, thank you for this opportunity”
sir folded hands in return
i said thank u mam
thank u sirs to other members
(they seemed uninterested and dint look up - same has happened with other candidates as well!- may be its their SOP)
and left the room…

had mixed feelings right after coming out of the room. in between the interview i had a drop of sweat also from head coming down. but i dint wipe it since it would give an impression that i’m nervous. i dont think the board would have noticed the a small drop of sweat.. but i was actually nervous given that my last interview with manoj soni sir board in 2021 was devastated.. as soon as the clerk said chairman’s board, i felt uncomfortable.. but said to myself that its going to be good and ill answer well no matter what.. that actually worked and though i was nervous i was able to handle most questions.. but yes, some questions regarding my career could have been better defended, some questions better answered.. but thats okay, life isn’t perfect.. for a unique background like mine, an unique personality like soni sir with immense spiritual expertise would be the best suited. couldn’t ask for better questions and better board and better interview..

emotions - not completely satisfied.. but emotions are not proportional to marks in upsc interview! hope my hard work along with my spiritual quest pays off in the form of a good service..

signing off with these lines from Gita… जो हुआ वह अच्छा हुआ, जो हो रहा है वह अच्छा हो रहा है, जो होगा वो भी अच्छा ही होगा..

O2O with Kaptaan:
Most of the predictions went💯 true..
my entire interview was daf based except few questions
universe communicated to me via kaptaans voice🙏🏻😊

Morning session- April 12
Manoj soni sir board
2nd to go. Around 22 Mins.

4th attempt, 1st Mains, 1st Interview.

Question wala KW: Emerging tech, Metaverse, Hollywood sitcoms, Prakasam district, Andhra pradesh, unemployed, Anthropology

No question came from these KW: Acharya Nagarjuna University, Electrical and Electronics engineering, Blockchain, CZARS, Police, Dance.

Chairman sir
 1. Photo and mask related stuff.Went straight to my hobbies section and told i had very intresting hobbies.
 2. Asked what was my surname out of 2 names.
 3. So hollywood sitcoms, have you ever been to Hollywood?
 4. Asked me if in the entire world you were given a business class ticket where would you go? I said Japan because of so and so reasons.
 5. Pointed to my work experience gap and grilled a lot for 2 mins. Saying you completely wasted your engineering education by choosing not to work.
 6. Suddenly a blank face and a question on Defining human rights?
 7. Give me 5 human rights ?
 8. So a terrorist would have the same rights?
 9. What about a convicted murderer?
 10. So do you mean there are limited health rights for convicted?
 11. So you are mixing up two things. Freedom and health? I said yes sir, sorry sir. and he passed on to next member with a very dissatisfied expression.

M1( Male - sitting at my immediate left)
 1. Started with the Work experience gap. He said you are either from a privileged background or you are living solely on love of family.
 2. Pointed to my scholarships got clarification on what they were.
 3. What is metaverse
 4. Explain it to a layman with example
 5. What are the devices we use to access metaverse
 6. Have you hear of the recent sexual harrasment in metaverse
 7. What should be done to regulate it?

M2( male - sitting to my immediate right - most positive person in the world)
 1. You have an intresting hobby of emerging technology. Do you think technology can be biased? Gave the generative AI example
 2. Then what to do to ensure that such bias doesn't creep in?
 3. Our govt is trying to promote organic farming. We have seen success in sikkim and disaster in srilanka? Why is it so contrasting.
 4. If you were to lead a mission to improve organic farming in India what steps would you take?
 5. China is expanding its bases and allies how is it affecting our intrests?

M3( Male - sitting 2nd to my right - long monologues from member)
 1. He picked from my Japan answer i gave to soni sir
 2. What is westernisation and modernisation. Do you think they are one and the same. What should a country do should it abandon traditional values and adopt western or a fusion? I said fusion
 3. Give me 3 countries who have successfully done so ? I said china, japan, india.
 4. China claims arunachal, what do you think claims over historical records is fair? I said no, follow current
 5. We are claiming entire kashmir because of historical reasons? I said we have shared civilisation values, culture and people aspirations
 6. Taiwan and china share the same culture then should they be united? I said no peoples aspirations should be taken into account.
  ○ A contradictory views here in 2 similar questions may have been conveyed to the member, he was about to ask a follow up but sir pointed to mam. Member stopped.

M4(Nilam sawhney Mam)
 1. Prakasam district is a very backward district. Compared to vijayawada and Guntur why is it so?
 2. What would you do to promote development in prakasam district?
 3. What is the situation of fishermen in prakasam district, what are the problems they are facing?
 4. How to solve their issues? I quoted deep water fleet, skilling etc.
 5. How was the systems performance when covid struck? Was district adiminstration able to handle the situation well? I talked about volunteer system
 6. Didn't you see the hospitals not being able to meet the growing cases? I said yes mam that was the case but the admin did well within its limited resources.
Date of Interview - 12th April(Forenoon)- 5th to go
Board - Sathiyavathy Mam
Optional - Mathematics
4th Attempt, 1st CSE Interview (Earlier attended IFOS interview)
Home State - Andhra Pradesh

DAF KEY WORDS - Best Interpersonal Skills Award, Head of Clg Tech Fest, IEEE Publication on Transmission Lines(EEE Grad),Narrative Essay Writing and Reading Non fiction (Hobbies)

Duration - 25 min (12 pm - 12:25pm)


The chairperson has read my DAF completely stressing upon my hobbies and extra curricular activities.

Q1 : What have you been doing since your Graduation?

Q2: Did you attend coaching classes?

Q3: What was your IEEE Publication about ? Can you explain in detail ?

Q4: Is this applicable anywhere?

Q5: Why didn't you scale this publication to industrial level or got it patented?

Q6 : For what were you awarded the Best Interpersonal Skills Award?

Q7 : Follow up question asking me to explain the detailed criteria of award?

Q8 : Follow up on how the interpersonal skills can be used in Administration?

M1: ( Interactive and Analysis based Questions)

Q1: What is Rights Based Governance?

Q2: Any Legislations in your mind that talks about Rights Based Governance?

Q3 : After giving 3-4 examples, he reminded me of Right to Health Bill and asked whether it's feasible or not?( I thanked him after he reminded me of RTH)

Q4: Any personal experiences or observations on Rights Based Governance(Talked about AP Governance Model)

Q5 : What is Evidence Based Policy Making?

Q6 : Any examples of evidence based policy making? While i started the answer , he asked me a question linked to it.(Started telling about Social Audits and he interrupted)

Q7: Why were Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee awarded with the Nobel Prize?

Q8: Is Randomised Control Trials applicable only to medical sciences and not social sciences?( gave an example of Sewa pilot project of UBI in MP)

Q9: Which part of mathematics is used in the processing of financial transactions?( Was clueless and thought for a second and jus said Sorry )

Initial questions (forgot to add)

1) Why Guntur chilli is famous?
2) What is GI Tag?

M2 : ( Flash Mode - Mission Raftaar)

Q1 : What is Brexit?What triggered the demand for Brexit?( Couldn't recollect the reasons for Brexit,so said Sorry)

Q2 : Disadvantages to EU and UK after Brexit( Didn't find time to frame the answer ,so gave a small statement)

Q3: What is Northern Ireland Protocol?( Jus told about the protocol.. didn't go into details)

Q4: What is hard and soft border?

Q5 : Any new framework under the Northern Ireland Protocol?(Forgot the name Windsor, but talked about it)

Q6: Lessons for South Asia from the EU trade and connectivity relations?( Again...less time to answer , so told about poor trade integration in South Asia)

Q7 : What is soft diplomacy ?

Q8: Examples of it?

Q9: Are we right in helping turkey after their comments on Kashmir issue?

Q10 : Why no help to Pak ?

M2 : ( He's chilling and grilling)

Q1 : Explain Indo Nepal Treaty?

Q2 : Why Nepal inclining towards China?( Cut my answer)

Q3: Why sudden discontent with India?

Q4: Largest Imported Item from India?

Q5: Who are Madhesis?

Q6: What should India do to promote good will and resolve issues?

Q7: What is fair trade policy and unfair trade policy?(No clue, so said sorry)

M4 ( Low voice- Low Energy)

Q1: Applications of Genetic Engineering?

Q2 : What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Q3: How are dead bodies identified and related to family?( Couldn't hear the question properly,so gave an average answer)

Q4: Which is best suited to supply electricity to a smaller area : A big generating plant or smaller plant?

Chairperson said Thankyou ,your interview is over.

Experience and Personal Observation:

1) I am pretty much satisfied with the way I started especially answering M1 and Chair person's questions.

2) M2 and M3 were in a flash mode and were cutting my answers after some 30 seconds and at the same time, dwelling on a single topic made me forget some key terms that i think would have diluted my answers.
Date and session of interview-12/04/2023 and afternoon session
Board-Manoj Soni
Profession (if any)-Unemployed
Hobbies- Odia cuisine, Cricket, Quizzing

Your experience in interview-

1.U must be tired waiting?(Follow up)
2.If you have interacted with your friends then if not secretive then can you share what you all talk?
3.Why you have done mechanical engineering??
4.Why you choose psir whether u have internalised it or read for exam?
5.What is sovereignty?(Follow up)
6.You are giving me defn of state?
7.Then tell me which state has no external influence?

1.Is NAM a good thing?
2.Why International relations is anarchic ?(Follow up)
3.If this is so then why UN laws are there?(Follow up)
4.What's difference between peacekeeping, peace making and peace enforcement?(Follow up)
5.What India is doing for peacekeeping?

1.Why supply controlled by some countries in economy but demand is present all across the world?(This is not the exact qn but similar qn asked couldn't recall)
2.What's diff between globalisation and internationalisation?
3.What is rltn between konark and rath?

1.Why kbk was in news?(District related)
2.What govt did to improve situation?
3.What are odia cuisines u know?
4.Tell the Odia name of water rice.
5.What is special about Bhitarkanika?
6.What are places of eco tourism in Odisha?(Follow up)
7.What about Konark?
8.Who is Veer Surendra Sai?(My University name)

1.What is the status of nutrition in odisha?
2.If you are DM of Kalahandi how will you improve nutrition?
3.Name the states with whom Odisha shares border?
4.Border disputes of odisha?
5.Why migration was there in Odisha?

Overall experience-Handled majority of questions in a good manner but did blunder in some PSIR related questions. No board member smiled during my interview & Soni sir made a face like he was going to kill me but after interview got over he smiled

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-Gave lot of mocks and O2O. It helps in building confidence and improving communication.
Board- Dr Manoj Soni Sir
13/4/2023, forenoon session, 4th to go.
DAF keywords- Doctor, Academic director of free coaching for NEET. (There were lot others too)
Hobby- Poetry

Chairman Sir:-
Asked to Remove mask to verify photograph. Gave option of wearing or keeping off mask(i chose not to wear)

-So from masks and as u are a doctor, in N95 mask, what is N and 95 exactly?
-coaching is a menace on education system, what are ethical issues involved?
-what steps can be taken to tackle it?
-what is size of coaching industry.

M1(Lady member)-
-U are so against coaching and still u urself running a coaching class?
-if u are an education secretary, what u will do tackle/regulate coaching industry?
-What is Ayushman Bharat?
-Have u seen any patient getting benefit of PM-JAY?

-So Dr…u criticised lot the education system, but same system produced good people who lead MNCs and not the people who have studied had so called IB board schools who promote creativity and all. Why so?
(I humbly denied abt criticising whole education system. I reminded of criticism to coaching and pointed out to Resilience among studnts who face hardships and also to educational excellence of Public funded Higher Education institutions (IIT, IIM, AIIMS, JNU)

-Yes Adverisities bring best out of people.
And luxury of studnts from boards like IB, lack that (i said, sir i think we cannot generalise that), the he said there is data about that, (I didn’t say ye or no for that)

Picked up my earlier discussion about Teacher training-
You are doctor, but talked lot abt education and esp teacher training which happened to mu domain( i said , thats great sir, I m glad to know).
-what changes in entrance examination like JEE/UPSC u wud bring if u are made UPSC chairman or head of exam conducting body. ( preceded by long monologue abt high difficulty level of questions in JEE)
-monologue abt short cut tricks  taught at coaching and then erosion of values , my take on it.
(He was interested in asking more questions, but chairman sir signalled him to pass)

(Speaking in Hindi)
-Narrated his experience abt unnecessary diagnostic tests he had to do at private hospital and mentioned abt demand-supply concept in  such scenarios. Asked abt my take.
-So is there any regulatory body to control/prevent such malpractices
-(taking que from work medical ethics i used in earlier answer)case study abt whom i ll throw from boat if there is a situation of saving any two from three(a pregnant lady, young boy or an elderly)

Chairman in the end- best of luck for ur future. Smiled.

Overall experience- i think panelists were very much involved in conversation(unlike still faces). Everything except first question abt N95 and abt Ayushyaman Bharat was like sitting for a discussion with learned people.

Mocks- i gave nearly all mocks (16-18) available in the market!🤦🏻 As i was immune to getting low confidence after critical feedback. i was using to gradually refine myself.
Helped me in practising articulation. 

DAF based guidance from Mahesh Bhagwat (IPS) sir, Dr Prasanna (IPS) Sir and SOMP Mentor(Utkarsh sir) helped to define boundaries of preparation without getting panicked/anxious.

Duration:30+ minutes approx.
13th April,forenoon session,Chaube sir board
6th to go
Keywords:Pub ad,Maharashtra,space physics,agriculture,tennis,human rights in india
1.If u dont have any covid sympotoms,then remove your mask and put it on the table
2.Tell us about academic background and work experience if any
3.Who regulates print media,electronic media and social media?
3a.tell me any particular body regulating electronic media like tvs etc.
1.As u have pub ad optional(Long monologue on government discretion in appointments of higher authorities)such appointments are problematic with no formal method of appointments like selction committes,what do u think of such discretion?Has it served the purpose of good leadership?
2.There r many rbi governors(with reference from my earlier answer )who did not perform well on the other hand we have exceptional performances,why such dichotomy?What determines success?Is government discretion in appointment is at fault here?What r ĺeadership qualities required to succeed in such high positions?
2.When we talk about maharashtra,two personalities comes to mind,Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Veer Savarkar.What do u think of both these personalities and their impact on maharashtra.
3.Compare Shivaji maharaj to veer savarkar,what are similarities?
4.Long monologue on how there is intolerance in maharashtra to criticism of these personalities but outside maharashtra,they criticed(gave ex of odisha where shivaji maharaj isnt considered great)How to deal with such contradictions?
1.Lets continue on savarkar,Tell me any two good and two bad qualities of savarkar.
2.U play tennis,when ball is hit,the trajectory followed by the ball,which laws of physics are involved?
3.The ball dips when it crosses the net,why this happens?
4.What is Higgs Boson?How it was discovred?Why this discovery important to physics?
5.Gave a statement and asked whether u agree with it or not:"India can be only expressed in plurals"
5a.Is diversity indias strength?How its a challenge?What needs to be done?
1.Why its called human rights in india?As these r universal rights,is human rights different in different countries?
2.Long monologue on how ngos do work on protecting human rights,but they r in trouble today,whats the reasons for it?
3.Do u think government is overreacting by use of excessive force on such ngos?Will it be counterproductive?
1.Which international organisation has its HQ in India?
2.what are the aims and objectives of ISA?
3.what is Government target in achieving solar energy by 2030?
4.Kolhapur a sugar hub,what r issues in farm productivity?Is sugarcane sustainable?What r issues in this?
5.Ethanol blending targets and role of sugarcane factories
6.How it will benefit farmers and its impact on overall indias imports of energy.
7.What r cogeneration plants?Are they green?
Its nice meeting u.Do u want to share anything?(I said its my birthday today and its privilage to meet such estimed people.Then he said Happy Birthday and
Have a nice day...wishing u all the best for future..)...

My experience:Highly opinion based qs.Good feelings about my performance.
Mocks help in having good mindset and framing answrs.Gave 5-6mocks.KSG,StudyIQ,Byjus,chanakya mandal were good..
All the best👍👍
PT date 13/4/23
Afternoon slot , 1st to Go.
Board - Chaubeverse , all male panel.

Optional - PSIR (No ques on IR)
Home state , Home city No Questions .
Workex - Export logistics .

We are good people , friendly and all starting statement .
After that No Quesns asked by chairman.
He asked M1 to ask.

M1-No daf based
-SC judgement on ECI what ws the need
-Is ECI partisan?
-Do you remember any instantance where ESI appeared partisan or was alleged .
-Police reforms commission
-mention few reforms
-Separation of law and order and investigation why needed , why cant same person do both. Counter Qs loop on this

M2 ( Daf based - Twitter , social media )
-twitter elon musk views , his recent bbc interview , views on Indian laws.
-Recent IT rules amendment
-Do u think Govt shd solely decide
-Is misleading content subjective word
-fact check unit issue , do u support it or not z how it will affect free speech.
-What is zero waste strategy in industries

M3 - Envt lover.
- what is climate justice
- total co2 emission in world value batao
- india per capita emission value batao
- climate finance and developed countries issue have they fulfilled obligation
- what india says in climate finance by developed nations
- What is LIFE mission

M4 - workex + gs based.

- why india no transshipment hub but SL is
- issues of logistics
- GST increase implications on development
- baki yad nahi

Chairman again - No Qs asked
Okay we are done from our side , Do you want to ask/ say anything .
I thanked for the opportunity and he said you are free now , Jao matlab.

Mocks utility - For communication , confidence , speaking practice ,situational Questions handling.

Good mocks - Chahal , chanakya mandal , only ias , sankalp , vajirao , unacademy.

Okayish - next ias , drishti ias , shankar

One to one - Ravindran , mohan sir (ias baba) , vinay sir (Insights ) were good .
Kaptan sir call one day before interview helped in boosting the Josh.

Upsc Qs you can't predict , Very few though were asked in mocks.
Also Chaubeverse includes whole GS topics kitna h padh loge.

Baki Jo Mahadev ne likha hai , jo wo chahenge wo hoga hi , apna kaam kare , koshish karein chill mode me rahein.
Good luck to those who are left with PT.
13 April 2023.
Forenoon 11.30 4rth to go.
Mr. Manoj Soni Sir.

BA and MA History
Local Self Government

No questions from hobbies and interests.

I asked permission to enter. Wished them with namaste. Soni sir with folding hands wished me namaste. I also did the same again.
Told me to remove my mask to verify with the photo. When I was putting my mask in my pocket then he said you can keep the mask if you are comfortable. (By that time i had kept it in pocket.) I said I am more comfortable without mask. (Observed that the lady member smiled)
Chairman -
(Pronounced my name. Asked whether he pronounced it correctly.)
1. You are student of History. Why history? Did you have interest in it?
2. Why you chose science in 11 - 12 ?
So we can say that you did your graduation because you wanted to prepare for civil services and not because of your interest in history.
3. Have you heard about Ralegansiddhi?
4. Why it is famous.
5. What factors were responsible for its success?
6. So why we couldn't able to replicate it to elsewhere?
7. Tell me how much is Ralegansiddhi from your place? (Said not sure about exact distance)
8. How can you not know? Tell me in what direction it is- north, south west, east?
9. Tell me 3 socio cultural reform movements in india in last 100 years.
10. You told 2 movement rightly but 3rd one is political...we are talking about socio cultural. ( Said cant recollect)

M2 (lady)
1. What do you mean by local self government?
2. Why local self government are important?
3. Issues with respect to LSG and state legislature?
4. What is the population of your Village?
5. So do we need to combine small villages for development purpose?
6. What did you do in NSS?
7. What is Wari?
8. What type of work has been done by LSG in your Village?
9. What is the the connection between toilet and school?(based on earlier answer)

1. I will continue the discussion on toilets. Tell me the enrollment rate under MGNREGA in your village? (Said don't know)
2. Lets take a guess. ( I said i am not sure.)
3. Are you aware about DBT?
What is it?
4. Benefits of DBT? Interrupted and said fist tell me where the actual benefit goes? ( Said beneficiary account)
5. Do elderly get their pension also through DBT? (Said not sure😭)
6. Tell me what do you mean by 'History repeats itself'?
7. Give example. (Gave Russia Ukraine war example)
8. Give example from india ( Soni sir asked him to wind up)
9. What happens when we do not learn from the mistakes done in History?

M3 - (😈)
1. Monologue on China and its hundred years of humiliation under western powers and opium wars and treaties. Tell me what the link between opium war and India?
2. What else? ( Said dont know).
3. In which history you have done specialisation? ( Said it was general degree without specialisation in any particular period)
(Soni sir interrupted with un satisfactory mood and told me that you should tell him which part you are interested in! ) (I said Ancient indian history)
4.In last 500 years which event do you think was important of which its impact can be experienced even today?
5. Why britishers came? How they succeeded?
6. What were the reasons behind Britishers success (Soni sir asked him to wind up)

M4- (smiling face but keenly observing me)
1. Monologue on fall of Sindh in 712 and defeat of Prithviraj in 1192. Why it took 400 years to progress from Sindh to Delhi and just 100 years to spread islamic rule upto Bengal?
2. who was William Jones? What was his contribution?
3. who were other Britishers/ Europeans who were sympathetic to indians?
4. what Ripon did? (Said ended vernacular press act)
5. did Ripon enacted Vernacular Press Act or ended it? ( Said Lytton enacted but ripon ended it. He was confused or not satisfied)

Mr Soni sir- all the best for your future.

Mocks - more than 10. Helped a lot. Some questions repeated.

Good - Vision, Chahal, Hamdard.

O2O- Vinay sir Insights( some topics were reported ), Ravi Sir.
Date of interview - 11/04/2023
Board- Sathyavathi ma'am
State - Kerala
Education - Mathematics
Optional- Malayalam literature
Keywords from DAF -
Geometric art, Environment Club, Flood, Geometric chart, Solo walking, Health quiz.

Chairperson :
1. You are a mathematics graduate, then why did you choose Malayalam literature as optional?
2. You are from  Palakkad district, have you ever visited Attappady? what are the issues in the Attappady region?
3. How are the govt policies working there?
4. How can you improve the health indicators of the attappady region?
5. Why are you supporting millet cultivation in that area? Are alternative supply options like PDS available there?
6. What is geometric chart competition? And what did you draw in the competition?
7. What were the activities done by your college flood rehabilitation committee?,What are the reasons for floods in Kerala?
8. If you are posted as DM, what initiatives you would take to tackle floods?

Member 1:
1. How Pablo Picasso and the geometric arts are connected?
2. Mention some cubism works of Pablo Picasso
3. Can you name a few works by Leonardo Davincci
4. Is there any connection between geometric art and peasants?
5.What's the meaning of your name?
6.How global warming impacts Kerala?
7.Why Kerala is known as God's own country, Do you know who coined the name?

Member 2:
1. Can you draw any geometric art now, using the paper and pencil in front of you?
2. What is the area of the rhombus?
3. Why there is poor industrial development in Kerala?
4. How to resolve the issue of high labour wage in kerala?
5.What are the 3 factors of industrial development in a region?
6. If you are posted as DM in a less industrially developed district, how can you make that area into a industrially developed one.
7.What are the major industrial areas of kerala?  Which regions of kerala you would  prefer for industrial development?

Member 3:
1.How gulf migration influenced Kerala and what's the current scenario?
2. If Gulf countries stop providing jobs for Indians, specific to Kerala, how can you deal with that situation, assuming you are part of the govt?
3.How 6G will help in India's growth?
4.what is solo walking? why do you like this?

Member 4:
1. Why herbal plants are very important for kerala?
2. Can you name a few herbal parks in Kerala?
3.Why covid-19 spreading rate was high in kerala?
4. What's the history of Travancore?

Chairperson-Okay thank you, All the best.
Date - 18/04/23; forenoon
Board - Lt Gen Raj Shukla sir
Optional - Anthro
Background - B.Tech (ECE)'21
DAF keywords - Best out of waste, digital literacy, Delhi (home state), Rajasthan (alwar), covid related work

- Board had 4 male members including chairman sir and one female member
- Shukla sir's questions were not straight-forward; he asked very long questions after telling a background story; and he dived a little deeper on the same topic
- overall board was cordial; mostly members gave time to complete answers barring a few cases; most members asked counter questions almost on every answer; scope for driving your own interview

1. Meaning of name
2. Why did in India govt. had to launch swachcha bharat mission; what was the need for govt to intervene, why can't we keep our society clean ourselves (long question, Crux was this)
3. Story about sir's visit to Japan and Singapore, in Japan people not only clean their own front yards but also neighbours'; in Singapore very high fine; in India we keep inside of our houses clean but keep outside unclean, why so?
4. Are we as a civilisation not wired to keep our surroundings clean? Who is at fault?
5. Even in posh areas like lutyens Delhi, you can find garbage piling on roads, reason?
6. (in one of the answers, mentioned indore) Why indore so clean? What have they done differently?
7. Status of swachcha bharat in India? Is it a success?
- there might be a few more but on same topic

M1 (SIR)
1. Did you sit for placements in college? (said no); so why not?
Cross question regarding interview experience for placement would have only helped you ~ gave answer (seemed satisfied)
2. Talked about a position of responsibility (daf) I had in college; what skills it developed in you?
3. (one skill I mentioned - creative and innovative solutions) What creative solutions you built?
4. More cross questions on same, but factual in nature (asked numbers), like how much people it impacted etc ( I guess meant for seeing if person really did some work or just bluffing)
5. Indira Gandhi canal has benefitted people, but what is its strategic and security related importance?
6. Rajasthan has high unemployment rate, as DM of district how will reduce unemployment rate of your district (mentioned one point about soft loans)
7. Since you mentioned soft loans, you must have heard about MUDRA, but it is accumulating large NPAs, how to solve this problem?

M2 (MA'AM)
1. Talked about hobby best out of waste; general what is it, what do you make?
2. What work you did in covid? How did it help? Again factual numbers, how many people part of it etc? Is it still continuing?
3. Water sharing issue in South India between which 2 states (I said karnataka and Tamil Nadu)
4. What can be done to solve the issue? As DC of district affected by this issue what will you do
(gave general points like need to build consensus b/w states such that interests of both are met etc; Centre can intervene at later stage to solve issue in larger public interest)
5. Counter that all this has already been done; issue is from 19th century, how can we solve this (had to say sorry, will read more)

M3 (SIR)
1. Why took anthro despite engineering bg?
2. What are the branches of anthro?
3. How did humans evolve, from where origin of modern day man? How did we become what we are today?
4. Why neanderthals vanished from earth?
5. Tourist place near alwar (I said sariska; seemed like he wanted to hear something else; but ab bol diya toh let's ask on this only)
6. Why tiger population in sariska not what it should be? What issues are there?
7. Why were tigers recently in news ( ~ tiger census)
8. What was unique about this census (I gave some point about increase in tiger numbers; sir himself said unique is it is happening at 50 years of project tiger launch)
9. What is the exact number of tigers in India as per new report?
10. Why project tiger successful? Why it increased tiger number in India when in other countries tiger number is declining
Interview date : 19/4/2023
Session: Afternoon
Board: Preeti Sudan mam
Graduation: Agriculture
Optional: Agriculture
Hobbies: Kitchen gardening , krishi Mela
Leadership: RAWE

1. What is RAWE , Duration , location
2. Learnings .& . Impact on Farmers .
3. What about accommodations in village?
4. Experiences from krishi mela  for me...and benefits for farmers
5. Recent visit to krishi mela ? for How many days mela is organized?
6. Famous about Shirur ? Birth place .

1.History of Pusa institute
2.factors for green revolution
3. What steps taken  for green revolution?
4. Varieties developmed indigenously or imported?
5. Why in North india only?why not other areas?
6. Curriculum reforms in agriculture to get students job ready for private sector
7.why research level and farm level difference
8. Is research is taking faulty claims or not ?

1. What are growing in your kitchen garden?
2. Tell me shotest growing leafy vegetable...duration of potato crop.
3. What about dhania
4.No. of Agriculture Universities in Maharashtra
5. Tell me names of all Universities
6. What are doing since your graduation?
7. Are you attempted MPSC?
8. Why you not attempted state civil services?
9. Horticulturalists who got padmshri?

1. Crops grown in Maharashtra
2. Onion growing districts
3. Are we food sufficient
4 . Imports of vegetable oil
5. Wheat production : Total production,  
India's rank , top rank , why iran is not importing our wheat?
6.   What are phytosanitary measures?
7 .  What is Soil health card ? Is it for individual farmer? What recommendations are given ?
Who gives recommendations? 
8. What types of fertilizers recommended?
What about urea ?
9. Are we self reliant in fertilizers?
10..from whom farmers purchase fertilizers?
11. FCI and NAFED  role . ..other than PDS..?..
12 . APEDA role ? Commodities?
13. Export promoting agencies about mango ?

M4 :
1. What is GM food?
2. Why are opposition  Bt brinjal ? Where it is allowed ?
3. What others GM crops ?
4. Bt ? Where it is grown ?
5. Full form of IFSC code ? What it indicates? RTGS  and NIFT
6. HDI indicators ? Indias rank & position in Asia? Top HDI state in INDIA and Why?
7. Meaning of Vitthal ( Fathers name ) i said god worshiped in maharashtra.
8. Who's avatar is vitthal? I said lord krishna ? Tell me story behind it..
9. What is congregation of peole in Pandharpur?  

Chairperson: Your interview  is over ..
Date and session of interview- 19.04.2023 (Afternoon 2nd to go)
Board- Sh. Shukla Sir
Optional- PSIR
Profession (if any)- Work experience in Petrochemical Sector
Hobbies- Spiritual Meditation, Counseling & Motivating People, Rest not asked

Chairman (4-5 minutes discussion on China only): Don’t know seeing expression whether satisfied or not with my answer…
Comment on Chinese since 1950 (Estb of Communist then Economic growth in 1970-80 & now assertiveness under Xinping)
Long monologue on Chinese growth, whether it is harmonious as XI is saying etc..
Named one book & quote something and asked for comment_On China only..

Member 1 (Cordial, nodded many times, gave positive response):
Why left job after working for so many years
Bifurcation of Jharkhand & Bihar, What improved?
Export value of petrochemical product
Why there is increase in export of petroleum refinery & what are its future aspect

Member 2 (Not much expression, but cordial):
What is social contract theory?
Name of scholars related to it & their contribution?
Name of Indian political theorist
Contribution of Kautilya
Who is more relevant: Kautilya or Gandhi ji
What is meditation, what is spiritual meditation
Benefit of meditation

Member 3 (Lady mam: Most Cordial):
Why you shifted from govt board to cbse (10th to 12th)
What difficulties you face
What are the provisions in NEP related to Mother Tongue?
Don’t you think people with mother tongue will again left behind compared to those who studied in English since start?
How you counsel & motivate people over social media?
Positive & negative of social media?

Member 5 (May be Psychologist, observing very keenly during interview, but at the end satisfied with my answers):
How would you motivate people in administration?
Machine productivity in India is very low, how to increase?
What is literacy rate of Jharkhand? Why it is low?
As a DM/DC of your district how you would increase the literacy rate of Jharkhand?

Your experience in interview- Overall Cordial Board (Chairman Sir didn’t give much expression, rest were giving good and positive response)

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- My interview was mostly DAF based. I had given many mocks to remove the nervousness & gain confidence and also to frame answers. Overall it was good, some questions were repeated from mock. Only two times, I had to say don’t know/not able to recollect, Rest only God knows. Regarding mocks feedback: All mocks were good, but environment was entirely different from mock. O2O with Sh. Khan Sir & his last minutes tips were very helpful. 
Date : 20/4/23 morning session, 2nd to go ( no pattern followed from interview schedule number)

Duration : 20-22min
Board : Major Shukla Sir


Optional : medical science

DAF keywords : Madurai, Jodhpur, Rajsamand, Bikaner, Delhi, AIIMS. Neonatal sepsis,  RDA PRESIDENT,  Cricket

Chairperson sir :

Why civil services after so many years in medical field?
What is Hippocrates oath?
What are qualities of leadership?
Between talent and character, choose one thing you want to see in a leader.. (as expected I had choosen character )

Sir gave a long monologue that USA succeeded bcoz of talent, while USSR crashed bcoz of lack of talent..

Passed on to other member
M1 : you are specialist ,so you will have myopic vision compare to humanities student in field?  Agree or disagree? (as expected disagreed,  varna phir Maine yaha kya gappien lgane to nahi aaya)

GDP growth rate expected for this year?  Will India achieve?

Lack of one important thing hindering growth of india?

How will you increase employment in district?

What one major change in policy for MSME sector by govt?

M 2 ( Mam,  she was only person in panel, who smiled and give some expressions )

You have worked at so many places, what are better things in rajasthan hospitals  compare to delhi ..

Private hospital push for unnecessary tests and admissions.. Agree?

Child sex ratio of Rajasthan?  How to improve further?


Why you left AIIMS?

Has India done poor to control population?  Long discussion on how to control population?

(Chairperson sir left room)

How Rajasthan medical services are working?

Protest on RTH.. WHY?

What was your role while playing cricket?

When India started winning in overseas in cricket

M4 :

Allegations of unnecessary LSCS in pvt hospitals? Discussion over it..

How to make doctors work ethically? 

How to stop malpractice in private hospitals?

Difference in medical services in Tamilnadu and Rajasthan ?what are administrative differences in medical services of both states?

As soon as Chairperson sir returned..
He told your interview is over. Thank you.

Experience : There was no grilling but except Mam (M2 ), totally a expression less panel..

So aab to uncle hi bta paayenge kaisa hua...

Mocks : gave many mocks..these were best for me.. Chahal IAS, only IAS, Chanakya Mandal,

One on one session with Vinay Sir and Khan sir..

As my interview went totally on DAF, so can say mocks were useful.

Thank you everyone and best wishes for all
Board- chaubhey ji
Date: 20 April afternoon
Time: 20-22 mins
DAF keywords- athletics, chemistry optional + others but baaki kisi se kuch poocha nhi

1. My name resembles to any historical figure?( Mahabharat)
1. SP of district and handling atiq ahmed case and encounter related ( counter questions on this by making stakes high)

M1- lady
Petrol or diesel- which is worse in terms of environment ( sorry bol Diya)
Skilled or blue collar worker- which is better?
Why Migrants go outside India reasons?
How to stop them?

PM ujawala yojana success?
NGT vs chemical industries- means envt vs industries- what to do?
Liquid waste management measures ?

What is government?
What is governance ?
DM of district - how to tackle adulturation issue in food ?

M4( DAF)
400M world record?
400m record of Milkha Singh?
Why India have not been able to produce good athletes in past? And what to do ?
India China issues? And has India given response to China in good way or lacked?
Apple store opening in India ? Your say on it.

Overall experience - relaxed, enjoyed conversation and felt good after coming out. Could not have done any better from my side.🙌🙌
Graduation- Civil Engg
Optional- Agriculture
Chatra, Jharkhand
Preeti Sudan Madam🙏
(18/04/23- Afternoon- 1st to go)
Chairman Maam-
1. What all you have learned in DANICS training.( where all you have been trained)
2. As u have worked in Covid management, what all things could have been done in better manner in covid 2nd wave.
3.How was ur experience working in South MCD.
4. How do you feel coming from Jharkhand to totally new place Delhi and working here.
5. What can Jharkhand learn from Delhi.
6. What can Delhi learn from Jharkhand.

1. Where is chatra situated.
2. What recent laws were brought in Lakshwadeep.
3. Why do we need permit to go to Lakshwadeep.
4. Question on Companies Act.( i said don’t know).
5. Opinion on Freebies given by state govt. on Electricity, Water etc.
6. Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Member 2-
1. Being civil engineer, your priority in Infrastructure development in Andaman and nicobar.
2. What new Civil engg techniques can be used there in Andaman.
3. Situation based- Threatened by Civil engg contractor.
4. Is india food grain sufficient.
5. What all we export.
6. Which countries we export Rice.
7. Which countries we import pulse, edible oil.
8. Govt step to boost pulse production.

Member 3-
1. Can u tell me some tribes of Andaman.
2. Sentinelese tribe and death of American national.
3. Which all island we can visit in A&N.
4. Question on Edible oil import.
5. Adulteration in Edible oil
6.How many islands are there in Andaman and how many are inhabited.

1. Reasons for less economic growth in jharkhand after formation.
2. Minerals found in Jharkhand.
3. Coal mafia in Jharkhand . Isn’t it failure of law and order.
4.Unemployment issue in jharkhand.

Mocks given-
Vajirao and Reddy, Chahal, Nextias, Drishti,Samkalp,NACS.
Wish u all the best for results.
Interview date-21st April
Lt. Gen Shukla sir


Chairman sir - monologue about millet, questions around Millets, why to promote its benefits
Is it good ?
How does it improve biodiversity ?
M1-why you want to be civil servant ?
Long discussion on this question

M2(ma’am)- how will your hobby help in administration, long discussion on it.
Issues with great Indian bustard?

M3-Women in Rajasthan kidnaping cases , crimes against women.
Global image of india as an unsafe country ?Your views ?

M4- corruption in civil services ? Your views how to control it ?
Why enrolment higher in private schools ?

Chairman sir - thank you, your interview is over
Date- 21.04.23
Board- Choubey sir
Relevant info.- PSIR, Punjab
(No questions from hobbies etc)


1. Tell something about your academic background and work experience, if any.
2. Should India recognise Taliban regime
3. Has India recognised Myn's military regime and North Korea's regime.
4. Should India join Nato
5. What if tomorrow China goes for all out hot war, and USA and other nations don't come to our rescue.
6. How will we manage without USA in case of 2 front war.

Member 1

1. How are China's relations with Phillipines and Vietnam.
2. A question on India- Vietnam joint cooperation
3. Why Punjab's youth is not attracted to agriculture
4. If you were Punjab's Agri Secretary, what steps will you take to improve state of Punjab's agriculture.
5. How do you see the role of foreign governments in controlling radical elements and the activities they performed after recent crackdown by punjab police
6. Your views on farm laws
7. Why was there a deadlock(a follow up question on this)

Member 2

1. Is India self sufficient in fertilizers.
2. How can be become atmanirbhar in fertiliser sector
3. Impact of migration taking place abroad

A few more questions which I don't remember

Member 3

1. Contribution of movies to your society
2. Aspects of our culture, you think, are not good
3. Name some UNESCO world heritage sites
4. Full form of UNESCO.
5. Controversy w.r.t CoP in Dubai
6. Controversy w.r.t leak of USA's secret documents.

Member 4

1. How to improve informal sector of economy
2. What should be done to ensure balance between promoting interest of entrepreneurs and social security of workers
3. How can the growth of small firms be ensured

Some more questions on Indian economy which I'm unable to recall.

Chairman- Will you like to suggest us a topic, incase you feel we missed that?

Overall, the experience was quite pleasant.

Utility of mocks- High. They helped boost the confidence. Mock experience at KSG, Chanakya, Vajiram, Vajirao and Chahal was good.

O2O- Got quite a few pertinent suggestions from Khan sir, Vikas Kanukollu sir & Utkarsh sir.


Best wishes to all.

Date -24th april 2023
Board -Sony sir
Name - dr strange
Back ground - MBBS -indore , Ms (general surgery ) Safdarjung hospital delhi
Work experience-worked as senior resident at many institutions( govt +private )
Hobby - shayari , photography
Daf - Indore, delhi,Lucknow madhyapradesh ,Bihar
Interview-Totally based on health
No IR,no C.A. No econo
Entered the room - round table ,much distance between chairman and candidate,
2members very near to candidate
You can remove mask ,
(Watching very care fully the procedure to remove the mask .)

Would you like to Introduce your self as shayar who became doctor or doctor who became shayar
(Don’t heard the question properly ,said both after some time ) he said you dint understand the nuance of the question ( sunayi dega tab to sochunga sir )
Same repeat questions -
1.Why leaving medical field
2.Wasted money, someone could have done better in medical field
3.Do you read books also -I said yes sir .
Did you read the book everyone loves drought . ( low pitch voice , was not able to hear clearly) but mind worked b/c of high sympathetic stimulus)
Later some how I understood , I have heard that line 4. who is the writer - I am unable to recall
Q.-What does it mean -more chances of corruption gets more money , politicians get more money etc
Q. What are the features of drought , how do you know it’s drought - slow process , level of water body , decreases etc
Q.Have you ever seen the drought - no sir
Q.Doctor pt ratio -1:1456
Q. Ideal ration as per Un then corrected himself as per WHO
 - 1:1000 ok then it’s low
Yes sir but govt said in parliament that it’s now 1:856
Chairman - but now it’s lacking ( assertive voice)
Me - nodded yes .(jo aap bolo Wo sahi hai Aaj to ) but govt ne to yahi data diya hai recent )

M1- only 2 questions
Q.What is life style diseases -gave definition , eg .sedentary life style causes increase fat which caused DM and HTn
( he was also too fat ,got offended ,I think -no body shaming ,just medically obese )
Q . Jhallahat Bhari aawaj main -
How fat causes DM and HTn ,explained-looked satisfied ,no questions after that

long monologue there is no health policy at present we don’t monitor the infection and out break , for someone doing pollution or infecting the water body that causes the spread of disease how will you make health policy for that
-I said there is already a system ,we have integrated disease surveillance programs that already monitor that emerging disease (1st I thought he is talking about , point source infection but he was asking something else ) then I said
one health policy and explained one health concept but he had no clue about that .
Expressionless face .
Then he gave example of disease out break how an Ias taken care diarrhoea outbreak in Gujarat( you know that
No sir , but I know the way how to control it .
Mapping of the area,identify point source , pt detection ,early diagnosis and treatment , not much satisfied
Q. What is ethnomedicine?
Gave my concept of ethnic medicine then asked clarification what does he mean by it ?
It’s tribal and traditional medicine ,it’s said to cure cancer ?! What do you think about it ?
I said there is no randomised control trial at present but there are claim that it prevents and cure cancer ,
Q.Country transitioning from infectious to NCD .
What diseases India facing the , how will you make policy for that .
Told the triple burden of disease India facing with data , told about my policy based on preventive and primitive health gave eg of Health and wellnEss Center
 Q Southern Indian satiate performing the best in health indicator .
Should we have two health policy in India , one for north and one for south ( trap question)
Said no , should learn from South Indian states and implement it in north India .
Q. Right to health bill which state brought , is it right ? Your view , why protest , is it right step .
How to cut expension of health
Very satisfied with answers

>Interview Transcripts 2022: Date -24th april 2023
Board -Sony sir
Name - dr strange
Back ground - MBBS -indore , Ms (general surgery ) Safdarjung hospital delhi
Work experience-worked as senior resident at many institutions( govt +private )
Hobby - shayari , photography
Daf - Indore, delhi,Lucknow madhyapradesh ,Bihar
Interview-Totally based on health
No IR,no C.A. No econo
Entered the room - round table ,much distance between chairman and candidate,
2members very near to candidate
You can remove mask ,
(Watching very care fully the procedure to remove the mask .)

Would you like to Introduce your self as shayar who became doctor or doctor who became shayar
(Don’t heard the question properly ,said both after some time ) he said you dint understand the nuance of the question ( sunayi dega tab to sochunga sir )
Same repeat questions -
1.Why leaving medical field
2.Wasted money, someone could have done better in medical field
3.Do you read books also -I said yes sir .
Did you read the book everyone loves drought . ( low pitch voice , was not able to hear clearly) but mind worked b/c of high sympathetic stimulus)
Later some how I understood , I have heard that line 4. who is the writer - I am unable to recall
Q.-What does it mean -more chances of corruption gets more money , politicians get more money etc
Q. What are the features of drought , how do you know it’s drought - slow process , level of water body , decreases etc
Q.Have you ever seen the drought - no sir
Q.Doctor pt ratio -1:1456
Q. Ideal ration as per Un then corrected himself as per WHO
- 1:1000 ok then it’s low
Yes sir but govt said in parliament that it’s now 1:856
Chairman - but now it’s lacking ( assertive voice)
Me - nodded yes .(jo aap bolo Wo sahi hai Aaj to ) but govt ne to yahi data diya hai recent )

M1- only 2 questions
Q.What is life style diseases -gave definition , eg .sedentary life style causes increase fat which caused DM and HTn
( he was also too fat ,got offended ,I think -no body shaming ,just medically obese )
Q . Jhallahat Bhari aawaj main -
How fat causes DM and HTn ,explained-looked satisfied ,no questions after that

long monologue there is no health policy at present we don’t monitor the infection and out break , for someone doing pollution or infecting the water body that causes the spread of disease how will you make health policy for that
-I said there is already a system ,we have integrated disease surveillance programs that already monitor that emerging disease (1st I thought he is talking about , point source infection but he was asking something else ) then I said
one health policy and explained one health concept but he had no clue about that .
Expressionless face .
Then he gave example of disease out break how an Ias taken care diarrhoea outbreak in Gujarat( you know that
No sir , but I know the way how to control it .
Mapping of the area,identify point source , pt detection ,early diagnosis and treatment , not much satisfied
Q. What is ethnomedicine?
Gave my concept of ethnic medicine then asked clarification what does he mean by it ?
It’s tribal and traditional medicine ,it’s said to cure cancer ?! What do you think about it ?
I said there is no randomised control trial at present but there are claim that it prevents and cure cancer ,
Q.Country transitioning from infectious to NCD .
What diseases India facing the , how will you make policy for that .
Told the triple burden of disease India facing with data , told about my policy based on preventive and primitive health gave eg of Health and wellnEss Center
Q Southern Indian satiate performing the best in health indicator .
Should we have two health policy in India , one for north and one for south ( trap question)
Said no , should learn from South Indian states and implement it in north India .
Q. Right to health bill which state brought , is it right ? Your view , why protest , is it right step .
How to cut expension of health
Very satisfied with answers

M4 >Interview Transcripts 2022: Q asked Some famous photography book - sorry sir
Q. Health expenditure very high, if we heard that someone staying In hospital for one month then we don’t believe , how to decrease health expenditure ( I already answered in previous questions, non attentive panel member )
Someone come to you after orthopaedics implant, after one year, many remove it many left it as it is , what will you do
( they would read DAF carefully,I am a general surgeon and not a orthopaedic surgeon )
I said would decide on case by case basis .
It get fibrosed usually

Q.some people said proper continuous use of water can cure all disease then corrected himself ,ionised water can cure all disease ,even cancers with help of ionised oxygen
I said I am not aware of that

Q.Do you know Tamil
I said no sir ,
Q. which language you know I said Hindi,English , he said English is not a language and smiled ,(l thought to remind him official languages of country but got the gist he wanted to say that everyone know the English it’s that common )
I said I also know the dialect like bhojpuri, Nimadi, Magahi .
Q .again but you don’t know Tamil !(bhai main South Indian nahi hu ,bas naam hai South Indian )( Soni sir laughed at this point😂  , I controlled😊thought bhai Kaha se aate hai ye log )
Q. how would you work if you are posted in hospital in Tamil Nadu , I said many go there after UG and learn the language within 4-5 months , I would take the help of colleagues in understanding the the language and learn the language .

I the last Soni sir said something ..again very low pitch voice ,like your interview is over, enjoy your day —was not able to hear it properly,
said thank you sir to all , have a good evening .

Experience - 2panel members were attentive , two were just finishing there job , chairmen was assessing. Or searching something on tablet all the time
Utility of mock -
Helped a lot in articulation ,structuring , and countering the fear of interview ,went fearless ,baki to number batayenge )

Date and session of interview- 21st April forenoon
Board- chaubey sir
Optional- psir
1st to go

1. Tell education and work experience
2.Difference between radioactivity and nuclear fission (follow ups)

1.My opinion on PM's statement that Buddhist teachings can prevent climate change
2. Opinion on Macaulay education system

1. India Bhutan relations wrt china
2. Chicken neck
3. Views on Chinese border infra development
4. Inter state border issues

1. Something from companies act (didn't know)
2. Recent space related event (spacex)

M4 (woman):
1. Preventive vs curative care which is more important. What are we doing about it?
2. Main goal of education
3. How to do Character building
4. Why Indians don't follow laws

Chair: anything you want to say

Your experience in interview- cordial, almost nil cross questions. Short duration
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- good for getting into interview mode
Vajirao and Reddy(best), ias baba, vajiram, unacademy, forum, vision faculty mock
Date and session: 24/4/23 forenoon 2nd to go
Board: Manoj soni sir
Optional : geology
Daf: electrical engineering, bharatpur, jaipur, birding

 1) you have been a team leader what is the difference between team and a group

2) qualities of a leader
3) did you face corruption
4) do you think we have minimal corruption incidences. There is corruption all over the nation we can't remove it
5) in how many years will corruption will be removed

M1: 1) history of bharatpur (daf)
2) thermal energy
3) renewable energy
4) how to tap potential of a vast coastline
5) policy designing for tidal energy

M2: 1) difference in birding and birdwatching (daf)
2) is good actor a good leader
3) rest questions don't remember

M3: 1) tiger census
2) how tiger counting is done
3) earlier methods of tiger counting
4) Does AI threaten india

M4: 1) is electricity a welfare good or economic good
2) earlier there were boards before 2003 but then we had seperate discoms gencos and transmission is it good? ( electrical- daf)
3) what is EQ role in leadership

CM your interview is over you may go now
Date -20 april
Preeti Sudan mam board
DAF keyword - jaipur , Kota , Bharatpur,  electrical engineering, PSIR optional , playing cricket as hobby
1. Tell me about zika virus
2. What is Kota famous for
3. Russia Ukraine conflict , when do you think it will end , can india play some role in this
4. What is role of UN , has it failed , who will reform it , how to reform
1. Name of 3 players who have hit 6 sixes in over . Who was first player to do so
2. How commercialisation of cricket helping game
3. Role of governor and issue in Maharashtra , supreme court hearing on same issue
4. What should be the role of governor
5. What about lt. Governor and issue regarding delhi govt and lt. Governor tussle

1. Why Bharatpur is famous for
2. About keoladeo national park
3. Afghanistan crisis , why USA left , what is way ahead
4. Ran of kacchh , salt production in that area

1. Which PSU is active in salt production in ran of kachh
2. Mining in rajasthan , how it is done
3. Which chemical is used to test purity of milk
4. About LED , it's mechanism

1. What is printed circuit board
2. Myanmar crisis , India's stand
3. On one side india says itself as mother of democracy and on other side it is siding with military  , isn't it contradiction
4. Crypto currency , it's benefits
5. Name of country which has legalised crypto
Date and session of interview:  19/04/23, Afternoon (Last candidate to go)
Education - B.Tech(EEE)
DAF - NSS, Bilaspur(CG), Chennai, Reading, Playing Tennis, Watching F1
Optional - PSIR
Board - Shri RN Chaubey

(Usual disclaimer to raise the comfort level, asked me if i had any covid symptoms and told me to remove the mask and place it on the table)

Q1. Tell us very briefly about your education.
Q2. What is rules based world order?
Q3. Is it serving the American interests?
Q4. Should there be any rule based order and why?
(Sir left the room right after i finished the last answer and asked the member sitting immediately to my left to take over)


Q1. What is the ultimate goal of naxalites?
Q2. If you are the DM of a naxal affected district in your state, tell us what measures you can take to curb their activities and help the citizens of your district?
(No follow up questions, he waited for a few seconds and then asked the only lady member who was also sitting to my left to continue)

M2: (Lady member)

Q1. Sex Ratio of Chhattisgarh is very poor(she gave wrong data), why is that?
-->I politely told her about the NFHS5 data on sex ratio in Chhattisgarh.
Q2. Okay, assume that the sex ration is poor. Now, what measures can you take as a DM to improve the situation?
Q3. We are looking at the 4th wave of COVID now. You are a DM and you're given 15 days to control the spread in your district. Suggest measures?
Q4. Police in Delhi is under LG. Do you think police should come under the CM instead?
Q5. Can you tell me any other connection between Dholpur and Delhi apart from this building?
(She passed it on to the member sitting on my right, she remained hostile throughout)


Q1. Everyone has something bad to say about Pakistan. Can you tell me good things about Pakistan?
Q2. Do you think India and Pakistan should merge?
Q3. Do you believe such merger will be beneficial for India?
(No follow up questions, passed onto the last member)


Q1. Explain the Indian stand in Ukraine-Russia war?
Q2. Do you think Indian stand is good for our economy?
Q3. How can we reduce our gas and oil import bill?
Q4. What is methanol economy?
Q5. What should be the Indian response if US and China engage in an all out nuclear war?
(No follow up questions)


Q1. You play tennis. Who is your favorite tennis player?(Federer)
Q2. Why?(One-handed backhand)
Q3. Who is your favorite F1 driver?(Verstappen)
Q4. Any relation between Netherland and what is currently being discussed in SC?(same sex marriage)

RNC : Is there any area where you'd like us to engage further with you?(No sir)
Are you satisfied?
(Yes sir)
You can leave, Thank you!

Your experience in interview:

Was nervous at the beginning but the panel was really supportive and made me comfortable. Felt like a regular conversation with elders in the family.

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any):

Prepared me for the worst. Mock grilling helped me in keeping my composure during difficult questions and whenever i felt cornered.

Questions in the real interview were very different from what i was used to in mock interviews. My only take is expect the unexpected and always be ready for surprises.
Board- R N Choubey
Daf- Nothing asked
Be comfortable, we are not here to interrogate you.
1) How did a civil engineer choose Sociology as optional?
2) What are the contents of IPC CRPC and Evidence act?
3) When were they enacted?
4) What is the difference between Constitution and law?
5) Why did these acts come before Constitution? (How can children come before mother?-his actual words)
1) Suppose you are a DM, what will you do to solve drug problem?
2) What will you do to improve health of women and children?
3) What will you do to improve schooling?
1) What is Gati shakti?
2) What is OROP and what is the controversy?
3) Whom do you support?
4) Is Make in India a hoax or success?
5) What should be done to improve quality of teachers?
6) Do you believe in Vastu? Have you ever used it?
1) Is agriculture a state subject? Then why did center make Farm laws?
2) Is there any relation between caste and occupation? Does it still continue? Do you support it?
3) What is CSR?
4) If you are a DM and all companies in your area are giving there funds to PM-CARES, what will you do?
1) Why is CJI talking about preamble?
2) What is preamble? Is it a part of the Constitution?
3) What is basic structure? What are it's elements?
4) Suppose you are a DM, and all your employees are corrupt, what will you do?
5) Suppose you are a DM, and there is a natural disaster in your area, and your parents are unwell.. And forcing you to come, what will you do?
6) Suppose you are not selected, what is your Plan-B?
Ch- We have asked everything we wanted to, do you want to discuss anything? ( I asked permission to discuss a topic and did so)
Chairman- Good to hear that. All the best.
ranscript -24/4/23
All male
Board RN chaubey sir
Nothing else from DAF
Normal introduction to pacify
What did you eat in breakfast
1)Natural justice
2) forex reserves how much
Who owns
Tata order and it's ramifications on other pvt sector

Haryana issues
Discussion on farm laws what why concerns
Why do you want to do civil services

Right to health and protest around it
Digital economy
Ways in which constitution can be amended

Constitutional amendment
How courts have power of JR
Discussion around Basic structure doctrine
Solar power and challenges around it

AI chatbots
Impact on creativity
And what shall be our policy around it
For what purposes shall AI be used
Smita nagraj maam
26 april
Iit bhu- Electronics engineering
Mp home state

Minimalistic life and related activities
Job in goldman sachs

1. What do u under these related activities of envt

2. Do u think guilt is good way of motivating ppl to do something

3. What type of discrimination will u address thru such awareness
And how

4 u said ur father was frst to send girls
Are u sure


 1. Gs kyu chhoda?

2. Subsidise honi chaie edu at iit?

3. Educatuon system me dikkat hai kota me tutitim krna pada?

4. Iit as an exam sahi hai? Us ke toh ni hote ese exams


1. Discrimination ki baat kr rhe the tum , or konse discrimination hai
Office me face kia?

2. Jaha posted rhoge waha kya kroge apne office me discrimination ko address krne?

3. Konsa discrimination sabse pehle dikhega?

Dont u think girl child wala b hoga?

4. How to address malnutrition in girls

5. Do you think tech has biases

I thought ai biases bol rhe
Wo acces ka b puch rahe the

I said yes

He said kese kroge address?


1. EWS reservation discrimination nhi tha kya dusro k liye?

2. Sports promotions kese kre
Sirf cricket chalta hai

3. Governor ka apptment kese hota
Kya governor control hota krta
Hai state goct ko?
4. Discretionary power hai unke pass?


1. Solar pe kyu hai itna focus
Why not on wind hydel
I said i dont know

2. Solar k disadvantage btao
I forgot to mention grid stability

Then he asked more
What abt turning all to solar
Then I remembered yes grid stability

2. Green sources of energy kya hai

3. Nuclear kese green hua? Clean hai?
I said radioactive waste hota hai

Then he asked something to which i said i will have to read that

4. Asked u said india me racial biases nhi hai , south me jalar dekho

I said sorry if i gave that impression
I dont have data so i sadi i am not sure abt racial discrimination

Might be missing some questions
Board - Manoj Soni Sir
date - 26/04/23 - 26th april 2023, afternoon
5th (second last to go)
Place - Kerala
Graduation - Maths Hons
Optional - Anthropology
DAF KEYWORDS - Pathanamthitta, Blood donation, skip a meal, flood

Chair (pleasant, slow talking)
 1. Confirmed my name
 2. asked to remove mask to verify photo
 3. asked about professional exp (said none - preparing since college)
 4. You have done Social service in College, are you still doing it?
 5. How much time were you involved in relief work after flood ?
 6. what all did you do ?
 7. what is skip a meal and blood donation camp
 8. anthropology student - tell anthropologically about psyche of kerala people
 9. you said syncretic culture, give some example
 10. is kerala society stratified ? why a contradiction exist when it comes to caste discrimination, even after having so much syncretism

 1. SWOT of Kerala - ended asking strength and weakness
 2. Why low industry in kerala
 3. what is unique about politics in kerala (referring to alternate LDF, UDF govt.?)
 4. Has the BJP or the INC ever formed govt by itself in kerala ?
 5. cascading tax

 1. Why flood constantly happening
 2. what are backwater
 3. mangroves in kerala and significance
 4. general mathematics and quantitative mathematics
 5. mathematical models
 6. products coming from kerala

 1. Name spices from kerala
 2. why rubber and coir industry successful in kerala

 1. why is pamba river polluted ? ( district related )
 2. does it merge into periyar
 3. Bombay blood group
 4. does blood group change during lifetime
 5. mullaperiyar issue
 6. fermats last theorem
 7. divisibilty rule of 11

overall exp - very different from mocks, felt that importance given to how I was approaching questions and feedbacks. No Current affair questions. Apart from chair and M1 everybody else were expressionless.

mocks and utility - 4, 2 in Kerala, 2 in Delhi - best experience from Chahal academy who asked me DAF thoroughly , but actual interview was entirely different - confined to some topics and mostly a conversation. mocks help build confidence to face senior members.

O2O and utility - took many, before and after filling DAF. Helpful

Peer mocks - took almost everyday, helped cover DAF nicely ( but ultimately board did ask questions not asked in any peer mock discussion )
Transcript {Date -26 April 2023}

Board - Soni Sir

Keywords -

Deputy Collector,
NIT Jalandhar, Punjab.
Optional{not asked} - PSIR,
Graduation{asked} -INDUSTRIAL and Production Engineering

Place{asked} - Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Hobbies{Not asked} -
 Table Tennis,
Mentoring and Guiding Students, Jogging

Time period of interview - 28-29 minutes

I was first person in 2nd half of the day .

All were male members.

Chairman sir :-

Shantun please remove your mask to check your identity....,

Wearing Mask is optional, your can/can't wear. I removed and have given interview without mask.

Made me feel comfortable by giving my introduction.... Like your name is this, you are from this place, you have done your graduation in this......etc

Question 1- So Shantun, You are an industrial Engineer..., Have you had any experience in industries?

2. What were you doing after your graduation? {While answering this... I mentioned Recent result of UPPSC}
[All members including Chairman sir congratulated me for this.]

3. You are from Rajasthan, so tell me about handicrafts of Rajasthan.

4. What is the contribution of handicrafts in Rajasthan's economy?

5. Don't you think that Handicrafts are in pathetic condition in Rajasthan? Do you agree to some extent or large extent?

6. How will these handicrafts will help people?

7. How to promote handicrafts.

8. Tell me about GI tags of Rajasthan. {I mentioned Bikaneri Bhujia in this...Soni sir laughed instantly😀}

9. What is so speciality about GI tags.

10. How GI tags will promote income?

Member 1

1. Tell me about National parks of Rajasthan.{how many and then about them}

2. Tell me about Keoladeo National Park. Where is it located?

3. Which birds are coming in Keoladeo, name few.

4. Bird diversity in Keoladeo.

5. where Sariska is located? What are the unique things about Sariska ?

Member 2 :-

Big monologue on Assembly line in industrial and production.
Then asked
1. Tell me what kind of assembly line would you like to follow for paintings for exporting in large number?
Will you promote automation or labour in this?

2. What kind of industries are there in Thar desert?

3. What is the area of Thar Desert?

4. Have you heard about Dilwara temple? Where is this located? What are the unique things about it?

5. He explained MICE(meeting, incentives.......) Then asked you are policy maker how will you utilise it in tourism sector?

6. Have you heard about Hindu rate of growth? What is it? Explain.

7. Why are we not calling present growth as Hindu rate of growth?

Before member 3, Soni sir mentioned my name and linked with the character of Mahabharata. {He smiled here also} like ye Mahabharat Wale Hain😀

Member 3.

1. Have you heard about illegal sand mining in Bharatpur? And asked what is current status?

2. What is the difference between Hindu Marriage Act and Special marriage act?

3. What is so special about Special marriage act?

4. Do you agree that Brij culture is having feminine colour more? And why?

5. What crops will you grow in Desert of Rajasthan? And how will you grow?

Member 4.

1. Tell me about industrial status of India. Compare with the time of Independence.

2. What is full form of MSMEs?

3. What is the status of MSMEs?

4. Which state is having highest number of MSMEs?

5. Which state is contributing the most in terms of industrial and Production?

6. Which industry do you think is most unique to Rajasthan? And why?

Last moment ..., Soni sir again smiled and said all the best for your great future.😀

I said thank you sir🙏

Now you can go Shantun😊
25th April, Afternoon session
Board:-Preeti Sudan Mam
(3 sir and 2 mam)

DAF Keywords- Gaya, Bihar
College:- PG in Physics,
Work experince:-Banking
Hobbies-Self help books

Mocks:- Gave mocks in KSG,Chahal,Samkalp and Vajirao
O2O with Ravindaran sir, Khan sir
( Sab theek thaak the)

Be comfortable, If you face some issues in questions you can get it clarified.
( Mam was overall achi)

1) Are you continuing with the job? Why did you work for a brief period of 3 months after leaving a good job in the bank? You have taken a big risk?
2) Why did you choose philosophy over physics?
3) Favourite philosopher ?
4) Learning from Buddha ?
5) What did you learn from self help books and some follow up questions ?

Member 1
( Thoda is a critical person)
1) Why did Siddhartha leave home ?
2) If everyone leaves home in the name of Maya, how will this world function?
3) Prohibition of liquor in Bihar, big debate on it, issues and challenges, steps you would take as a Collector.
4) Why does Bihar have so many IAS yet not developing ?
5) Reasons behind the backwardness of Bihar?
6) Things you have learnt from self help books?
7) Do you read books for yourself or for others?

Member 2
( Very much factual, he asked many more questions which I could not even comprehend, out of the syllabus the ye sir)

1) What was the name of Gautam Buddha in his childhood?
2) What will happen when two similar charges bodies are kept near each other?
3) Zeroth law of thermodynamics?
4) Governor of Bihar?
5) Fertilizer movement across India?
6) Black buddy ?
7) Import price parity?

Some more fact oriented topics from physics or some other optionals which I have never heard of. Had to say NO in almost 80 percent of his questions.

Member 3
( Argumentative Indian Sir)

1) A very big debate for around 5-7 minutes on Prohibition on Bihar.
2) Will you do away with prohibition?
3) Why not earn revenue and then handle various issues of liquor?
4) Suppose you are the principal secretary to the CM of some other state, will you suggest him also to make it a dry state?
5) Bihar is by far very rich in mineral resources yet not developed. Why?
6) Status of education in Bihar?
7) Many IAS are from Bihar, why do people want to become IAS? Are they from private school or public school?

( Wanted to finish ASAP, mere upar daya karna chah rhi hongi)
1) Who is the philosopher king?
2) Amul vs Nandini debate in Karnataka?
3) How to promote tourism in Bihar?
4) Silk in Bihar?

Highlights:- liquor prohibition issue went for around 15 minutes by two members. They  wanted me  to listen about its issues. I humbly did.

Experience in Interview:- Can't actually tell... if you have been there earlier you would know why😜.
Koi khush hi nahi dikhe jabki maine jhooth mooth pressure mein hokar bhi smile karte raha.

The questions asked were at times intended to be answered in Yes or NO.

Baaki Hoihyen wahi je ram rachi raakha
Date - 24/4/23
Profile - IRS (C&IT), ex - Data Scientist, IIT Delhi, Economics optional
DAF Keywords - Documentary movies
Time ~ 35 mins

Chairman (Manoj Soni Sir)

1. You have worked in private sector before joining the government, what 1 or 2 learnings you want to bring to government sector?
2. Do you think hierarchy is too strict in government and should it be changed?
3. How are different countries regulating data?
4. Monologue about AI, what in your view is the impact of AI?
5. What are some threats by AI towards national security?

Member 1

1. Which Indian documentary movie won Oscar recently?
2. Will AI lead to reduction in jobs?
3. What is prompt engineering?
4. How AI will help robots to improve efficiency?
5. What is the status of 3d printing technology in India?

Member 2

1. What are the reasons for high number of farmer suicides?
2. What percentage of rural area covered by institutional credit?
3. Any provision or legislation to regulate moneylenders in villages that charge exorbitant interest rates?
4. Do you agree with the statement - “Moneylenders are dangerous necessity”?
5. What is law of diminishing returns in economics?

Member 3

1. You have taken a large paycut by coming to government sector, don’t you think it is not such a wise decision financially?
2. Why tax base low in India?
3. How to increase tax base and reduce evasion of taxes?
4. Shall we integrate both the services IRS IT and IRS C&IT for more seamless taxation system?

Member 4

1. Differentiate between profit and profiteering?
2. Tell exact definition of profiteering in GST law?
3. Tax department has introduced faceless system. Explain what is it with positives and negatives.
4. What provision of law would you apply if a business is levying additional tax than prescribed?

Thank you. Your interview is over

Experience - Quite serious but engaging interview. Too many questions from a single theme (Data, taxation). Board gave proper time to express. They do listen intently and a lot of questions are follow up to keywords or examples that one gives.

Suggestion - Please give mocks or talk to friends to improve articulation. Confidence is really the key!🙂
oard - Dr. Manoj soni
Forenoon session - 2nd to go.

DAF keywords -  Commerce and accountancy, DU, IGNOU, organisation behaviour (OB), HRM Quotes.
( No current affairs, IR, security, society, home state, home town etc).

Chairman sir- remove your mask and specs so that we can check your photo.
Would you like to continue with mask or remove it.
1) Why open university for PG?
2) what's the difference in experience between open (PG) and regular college (UG)?
3) exam pattern.
4) ugc regulates regular university, right? So, who regulates open university?
5) hobby related quote.  when did u develop this hobby, how much, still doing?
6) happy moments for you? You are a family man, right? :)

M1)  1) National motto. (satyamev jayate)
2) meaning and interpretation, from where it has been taken, how will you use it in a sentence.
2) philosophical - truth & consciousness.
3) Who am I? What is our aim?
4) Gresham law.
5) what will you tell to a group of 10-12 students w.r.t what to do when earthquake come?
6) happiness report? Is it biased? What about India?

M2) - 1) transactional analysis, types of transaction. What is a best state.?
2) psychological impact on workers in changing their behavior by organisation, is it good? + isn't it mold their true sense?
3)tax compliance + tax collection cost?
4) how to increase compliance & reduce collection cost? Interventions.
5) Maslow need hierarchy theory? At what needs you will put Indian society?

M3) 1)surplus resources & deficit resources in India?
2) how to ensure their optimum use?
3) is our human resource sufficient?
Should we take some from outside?
4) e marketing vs e business
5) e marketing vs traditional marketing, their scope, uses

1-2 more questions(Not able to recall now)
Chairman sir, bas bas your last question, he still continues :), offered tea/samosa/biscuits. I politely refused. He insisted, I took biscuit saying I'll eat it afterwards :)

M4) 1) judicial activism,?
2) should judiciary entrying into executive domain?
3)What is PIL? Who can file PIL?
Any guidelines) Is it judicial activism.?
4)is Indian labour the cheapest?
1 more question (not able to recall)

Again M2) 1) ekalavya & guru dinacharya, Why he acknowledge him as guru?
2) should university recognise skills w/o degree?
3)what is more imp. Skill without degree or degree by university?
4) coastal erosion, how to check it?

Thank you, I wish you all the very best. Enjoy your time in Delhi and be safe.

Keep calm, confidence & smile throughout

Overall experience - very cordial experience, neither grilling nor factual,
They are interested to know the thought process.

Utility of mock/O2O - Actual interview is quite a different experience.
Gave many mocks at reputated institutes. Good for confidence boosting and daf coverage. However, no question is repeated in my case.
Peer discussion is quite helpful
Date: 27/04/23
Board: Smita Nagraj
Slot: Afternoon, 2nd to go
DAF Keywords: Haryana, JPMC, Chess, Coding
Optional: Mathematics
Duration - Around 25 minutes

Normal conversation. The questions may seem out of blue but were continuation based on my answer to previous question.

Chairperson -
1. Why JPMC
2. Why left so early?
3. Is government model of leadership at young age good? Isn't private better?
4. Private promote innovation, new ideas more than govt?
5. Are new ideas welcome in government?
6. Any 3 ideas you would work on?
7. In 2 of the ideas you mentioned, you won't have much power?
8. Why do people love collector system so much? It is colonial legacy
9. How do you want to be remembered as after 30-35 years?
10. Is there a Difference b/w constitutional and statutory morality?
11. What do you meant by constitutional and statutory morality

M1 -
12. React on the statement "Haryana is the most backward state"
13. Progress in Haryana only due to Delhi. It is backward?
14. Jind, Rohtak regions are backward? Why?
Due to think bureaucracy has failed us since haryana is backward. Something on these lines.
15. Haryana reservation in pvt jobs. Is it good or bad?
16. Maruti wants to leave Haryana. Haryana is backward?

M2 -
17. IMF vs WB. Are both same?
18. Why countries don't take loan from WB
19. Does IMF affect administrative authority also? (Something on these lines)
20. After ChatGPT, coding won't be required?
21. Is it good idea to promote chess in schools for creativity?
22. ChatGPT can beat humans in Chess and It kills creativity. Does chess promote creativity?
23. What is vedic mathematics
24. Govt promoting vedic maths. Modern vs vedic maths. What will you choose.

M3 -
 25. Judicial decision making is slow. Monologue about same. How will you ensure quick decision?
26. Someone's wrong. You know about it. What will you do something ethical by law bending
27. You are against bulldozer?
28. Independent directors. Why are they there?
29. Have you heard about RTE? What are its features
30. Mentioned something but he again asked for features?

M4 -
31. Status of reservation in India?
32. Why 27% reservation to them?
33. Will you increase their reservation based on population?
34. Big firms like JP Morgan etc indulge in illegal activities. What action to take?
35. No big bank of size of JP Morgan in India Why?
36. Any investment bank from India?
37. Dollar denominated bonds offer low interest. Should government borrow in them
38. How rupee trade happens

Might be missing a few questions

Experience - Very similar to mocks given at Unacademy, Vajirao and Reddy, NextIAS, VisionIAS, KSG, Chahal IAS
O2O with Khan Sir was very good.
All the best.
7- 04- 2023

Preeti Sudan madam Board
Last to go.

Entirely DAF based

3rd interview
Mechanical Engineer.

2. You belong to pune?
3. Village- what is famous
4. Name of Sufi saint from village
5. Teaching of Sufi Saints
6. Gst - why small traders faced issues
7. Gst- tell in brief,
8. GST- compare with early regime
9. Gst- How to improve it further
10. Mentoring- any success till now
11. Farm Laws- whether contract farming was a part
12. Contract farming- what is it
13. UN- why failed in Russia Ukraine war
14. Efforts to reform UNSC 
15. VETO- shall we have it 
16. What about changes such as certain number of vetoes only effective?
17. G20- when it started? what it is?
18. Fertilizer- how to reduce use
19. Organic farming- Status
20. Organic- How to promote
21. Status of Organic in north east
22. Kho kho- what is special
23. Kho kho- what is being done to promote it
24. Kho kho- Who started ultimate kho kho
25. Snooping- what is it
26. Properties of steel
27. NAM whether relevant

Examples used
• Thitekarwadi Panchayat- biogas+manure
  •organic farming- Sikkim, Lakshdweep
• Confarm model Telangana
• NAM- active NAM by latin american countries
• Kho kho- ultimate kho kho championship 
• G20- DSSI under Saudi presidency
• Steel- Starship by space ex

• Fumbled a bit initially
• Misheard two quetions as member had low voice
        • steel-steam
        • teaching of Sufi saints- naming some saints

• Missed soil health card, nano fertilizer example

Some basic quetions about EoL, its duration etc were also asked initially

Mocks given- Chahal, CMP, V&R, KSG etc.

Best wishes
Date : 26/4/2023
Service : IRS(IT)
Daf keywords : Doctor , surgery , AD SAI, domestic violence , geriatrics
Hobby : doodling ,painting , badminton
State : MH

Board : Manoj Soni sir
6th to go

Chairman : is this u in the photo ?
-so you are a doctor and have worked in SAI . So you have recently selected to IRS IT . Congratulations on that .
- have u joined training or on leave ?
-(Monologue on youth ) what are the problems faced by youth in India today ?
-Are these problems interrelated ?
-What is at the core of these problems among the youth ?
-why has India not been able to solve these problems since the past 20/30 yrs ?
-Why IAS after medicine , IRS ?

M1 :
-what is AMR ?
-do antibiotics work in viral diseases ? Why are they still prescribed ?
-which is the human hormone used to induce milk production in cattle ?
-is it also used in vegetables ?
-use of oxytocin in Bovines , myth or reality ?
-what is savant syndrome ?

-I will give you 2 places , tell me about them , panhala and vishal gad.
-which areas in MH suffer from female foeticide?
-what are the reasons ?
-what has the govt done.?
-do you know about “nakushi”?
-what are the reasons for such naming of girls ?
-as a DM how will you address the issue of female foeticide.?

M3 :
-what is stunting and wasting ?
-what is preventive and social medicine (Psm)?
-how to mainstream PSM ?
-what is MMR ?
-main causes of MMR ?
-what are the two areas of focus to reduce MMR and how will u implement it ?
-what are the issues related to taxation in India ?
-how can we integrate technology to improve the tax base apart from faceless assessment ?

M4 :
-tell me few pathbreaking themes in recent medicine ?
-how is stem cell therapy used ?
-what is nanomedicine?
-are the doses for adult and geriatric patients the same ?
-in which all cases do they differ ?
-what are the areas of convergence of medicine and anthropology ?
-what is the name of method used for paternity testing?
-what is the difference between traditional vaccines and newer genetically engineered vaccines ?
-why do v need to take booster doses of vaccines ?
-what is pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine?
-what is biological warfare ?
- has it been used before (told abt nerve agents )
-any other , in envelopes ? (Said Anthrax , few questions on that )

Chairman (again) - you have a diverse daf , and we would like to ask on more areas but the time is limited . (I was getting ready to leave😅 but  sir said….)
Still will ask you a few questions.
-what is doodling of abstract emotional constructs ?
-can you describe some doodle you have done ?
-how can this be used in administration ?
-(sir appreciated the areas I have worked in ) from all the fields you have worked in , as an administrator are there any specific fields you wud like to focus and why ?

Thank you . Your interview is over . All the best .Have a safe stay in Delhi and safe travel back home

Overall the boa
rd was very cordial . Soni sir was nodding in approval in most of the questions. More of a discussion . No grilling , no questions on IR , no controversial topics asked .

Utility of mocks : no questions repeated from mocks,but helped in structuring of answers .
Suggested mocks : Vajirao , Onlyias , shankarias , sankalp were good .
27/04/2023 afternoon session
Preeti Sudan ma’am board
Keywords - Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalaya; University of Police, Security and criminal justice; JNU; JRF; Barmer; Mobile photography

1. Tell me something about Barmer.
2. If you are made DM of your district, what changes would you like to bring ? (Increasing public visibility of women)
3. Where do you see females being invisible ?
4. How will you make them more visible ? What will be the initiatives ?
5. Why didn’t you join academia if you have JRF ?
6. What were the efforts made by Rajasthan government for migrants workers during COVID ?
7. What was your reaction when you got to know first case of COVID reporter in Jaipur?

1. Does border impact life in Barmer ?
2. There is one person from Pakistan who periodically. (Rana of Amarkot), does is have any significance there ?
3. What are the initiatives taken to promote border tourism in Barmer Jaisalmer Region.
4. What is the toughest decision you have taken so far in your life ?
1. What were the farm laws ? Do you know about it ?
2. Were they intended for betterment of farmers ?
3. Why they were taken down ?
4. What are key challenges for transport of agri produce ?
5. You are a student of international relations. So tell me whether do you think water can be cause of future conflict. Specially in context of India - Pakistan, India - China and India - Bangladesh relations?

1. How often do you play cricket ?
2. You were in university team so must have been good bowler (told him my university had total 140 students😬)
3. Who is your favourite cricketer ?
4. Why you respect them ?
5. Tell me about the economic profiling of your village.
6. Do female attend schools there nowadays?
1. Why was university of police, security and criminal justice established?
2. Is it the one located in Gujarat or Rajasthan?
3. What did you study there ?
4. What are the key suggestions for making policing effective ?
5. Do you think police-person are morally discouraged nowadays?
6. Why mobile photography? What is it ?
7. What are the key themes you capture ?
8. What is your favourite picture of JNU ?
9. What is your opinion about student politics in jnu ?
10. Can nuclear war take place ?
Date: 25/4/2023 Afternoon session, 5th to go
Board: RN Choubey - all male panel
Optional: Psychology
Graduation: Automobile engineering
Hobbies: No questions on DAF, hobbies, home state, district etc
Duration: 25-30mins


Monologue about them being good people, said feel free to ask us to repeat again if you couldn’t hear us properly

 1. Do IC engines have a future
 2. Efficiency difference between IC and EV power train
 3. Comparative power difference between same size petrol and EV vehicle
 4. Resources are in forested areas so we are importing despite availability, what should we do?
 5. Issues plaguing power sector and discussions regarding the power sector

Member 1:

 1. What is ED
 2. What is money laundering
 3. Why are institutions afraid of ED
 4. Is there cartelisation in telecom sector
 5. Body that ensures fair competition between companies?

Member 2:

 1. Are data and Call prices really very low compared to other countries
 2. New player (JIO) arrival into telecom sector in 2016
 3. Does new player work for charity or profit minded
 4. Why new player reduced prices to low levels
 5. Amendment to prevention of atrocities act in 2020
 6. Collegium system controversy and your opinion about it

Member 3:

 1. Difference between F1 & F2
 2. Do you know about witchcraft?
 3. Which state witchcraft is still an issue
 4. If posted as DM in such an area, what will you do
 5. Any measures related to education to address the issue of witchcraft
 6. Any psychology concepts regarding children and their education
 7. What has Piaget said about children’s education
 8. Do you know Artemis mission
 9. Purpose of Artemis mission
 10. Any purpose apart from scientific discovery

Member 4:

 1. Health of automotive sector & some discussions about this
 2. Penetration of EV into Indian market
 3. Are we protective of our Indian automotive sector
 4. Elon musk tweet about inability to enter into Indian market. Why?
 5. Should we reduce customs to allow Tesla to enter & some discussions relating to Tesla, local manufacturing
 6. Imagine you are musk, what would you do.
 7. Will Indian market be profitable for Tesla, if not, what else can it do using its presence in India
 8. Do you know about FTA, any FTA currently being negotiated?
 9. India UK FTA where UK wants easy access for its automobiles & scotch in return for allowing Indian textiles. Should we accept this terms?
 10. How should our negotiations be. Some discussions relating to this, percentages we can agree on, benefit of our textiles having access to UK market etc

Thank you. We had a nice time talking to you. You can go now

Experience: felt friendly, there were cross questions but not aggressive. Members tried to get answers out of me and were giving expressions after hearing answers as well. Cordial board overall

Utility of mocks: Not much. I personally felt too many mocks will tinker with my originality. Can be useful to get a hang of talking to senior pros. Other than that, there’s very little similarity between the actual interview and mocks. O2O based on DAF can be useful if the board decides to ask questions based on DAF
Date : 28-04-2023; forenoon : last to go
Board : Smita Nagaraj ma'am
DAF : blockchain, sociology, mental health

- Have you heard about the book "everybody loves a good drought"
- who wrote it, what was it about
- have you witnessed corruption in real life
- why is there corruption when people seem so ethical in interviews
- is it only institutional pressure
- why rules are bad
- should there be discretion in administration
- what about discretion in this interview
- how do we reduce that
- what about bias
- identify a bias you have
- there is caste bias in even elite institutions, why is it there
- have you seen it?

Member 1
- You won scholarship from Google, what is crowdsourcing at Google
- You were involved in mental health society, what did you do
- how could you take preventive steps without counseling
- opinion about fact check
- opinion about name change
- family and mental health

Member 3

- reasons for delay in nuclear technology
(Talked about some specific term which I didn't know)
- discussion on gig economy and social security
- Gandhi's 7 sins and "politics w/o principle"

Member 4

- crypto and other use cases of blockchain
- insurance and how to improve this sector (I had mentioned ndhm and insurance in previous answer)
- insurance and other sectors have monopoly also so what is the government doing

Member 5

- discussion on crypto regulation ( few follow up questions)

Experience : sahi tha.. 20-25 mins only because the board was running behind schedule.

Mocks : 5 including one to one; good ones were Chahal and Chanakya Mandal

Utility of mocks : helps get confidence

All the best to everyone :)
Interview date - 27/04/23

Board - Manoj soni sir.
Afternoon , 2nd to go

Civil engg
History optional
Leadership summit
Hobbies - chess, learning about native cattle breeds.

Take your seat. You can remove your mask if you want.

1. What is democracy ? Dont say me the Lincolns definition.
2. Is India providing excessive democracy?
3.People are protesting for months, dont you think it is excessive. They are blocking the roads for months.
4. How you got interest in cattle ?

Member 1:
1.Economic activity of your district?
2. Any changes recently in economic activity?
3.( some economy theory which im not able to recall  even now)
4.Why International Date line is passing through many countries?

Member 2:
1.Leadership qualities
2. Your state Chiefminister MGR's style of leadership.
3.What is self respect movement?
4.Why buildings are collapsing?

Member 3:
1. Say 3 most important policy decisions post independence .Arrange in priority
2. Say political leaders of TN who came from cinema field.
3. How was it possible.?
4.How is speratist movement in Tamilnadu? Say its history

Member 4:
1.Why buildings collapse?
2.How earthquake resistant structures are built?
3.Where can we use normal bricks, and where hollow blocks?
4.Suez canal, Panama canal civil engg aspects
5.Children being stuck in borehole, why and what technology to rescue them .

Chairman - your interview is over, you can leave.

Utility of mocks - attended to  become familiar with the process, some feedbacks helped me to improve.
One on one with Ravindran sir, Khan sir was useful.
Discussion with friends helped a lot.

Thanks for all who share transcripts. Hope this is also useful. BEST WISHES.
Board: Manoj Soni Sir
Afternoon Session, 1st to go
Anthropology (No Questions)
Patna, Bihar
Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi
Working with an influencer marketing platform
Hobbies: Mountain Trekking

Chairman Sir:

What does your company do?
What are your roles and responsibilities there and how do you approach them there?
It’s a very interesting and relatively new field. Recently there was a controversy around the same with the company Cadbury, are you aware of this? (Was talking about the Bournvita social media post incident)
Does your company also get involved in legal battles like this?
India is chasing the target of a 5 trillion economy but took a setback because of the Pandemic, like all other countries also did. What in your opinion can we do to achieve that target quickly and easily? - (Discussed a bit around the need to integrate ourselves more with the global value supply chain, gave a few examples as well)
I wish we had more to time to discuss this more, but due to paucity of time I will have to pass on to other board members


Have you read the epic Ramayana or seen the program?Are you aware of the character Urmila there?
What is your opinion about the thought that She is one of the most underappreciated characters of the epic?
Which country has the best companies in the field of Chemical technology research?
Do you think in India we have a segregation between the core chemical industry and the fuel based industry?

How many crores are there in a trillion?
You are from Bihar, have you heard of the “Mountain man of Bihar”? What did he do? Where did he do it? Did he succeed?
Tiktok was banned in India but we still see some videos from Tiktok circulating? What is the reason? Has the ban been lifted or have they circumvented the rules to operate?
What happened to the people who were on TikTok in India? Are they not using such apps now?
What is your opinion on the statement that the whole Social Media industry is going to disappear in the near future?
But there is an example of MySpace which at one time was a prominent company but disappeared?


Are mountaineering and trekking the same thing?
What was Lucknow Pact?
Have you heard of SEBI? What does it do?
How does it oversee the securities and trading markets?
Name me some Small Savings Schemes


Is your company in any way involved in the work of Chemical Engineering also?
With such an increased use of Social media, there is loss of money for parents whose kids overuse it, what would you say?
Are there ill effects of Social Media?
Are there also psychological impacts of Social media?
I was surprised when you said about European companies doing best Chemical Technology research when we have companies in Gujarat and Hyderabad doing world class work in manufacturing of chemicals?
A brief monologue on Chemical disaster in India; What chemicals leaked in Bhopal and Vizag tragedies?
What are the reasons for such accidents in India?
What is the status of compensation to be given to people who were impacted in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy?

Chairman: Your interview is over, Thanks a lot!
Attempt - 2nd
Date and session of interview- 28 April - Last to go
(afternoon session)
Board- Sudan
ma’am - 20 to 25 mins
Optional- Law
College- Govt Law College
Profession (if any)- 1
yr work ex
Keywords- Football, trekking
 (not asked), undertrials, EY,scholarship in contract law, travel vlogs (not asked), Maharashtra

Your experience in interview- Very
cordial board.Mostly DAF based. 80% Qsrevolved around law/judiciary. Qs were long and somewhat mains oriented. Hardly any counter Qs even where I tried to lead the discussion somewhere else. Felt more like a Q ans session. I fumbled a few times. Members were nodding and smiling. Other than that interview was a bit underwhelming.

Also, transcript cannot show it but answers are not always smooth. Uhh uhh aa hi jaata hai while thinking what to say

Here’s how it went (I may have missed some Qs for which I apologise)

Chairperson - started with monologue that it’s a conversation and we can get something clarified if needed. Then made a mistake with my name to which I had to give a clarification :p

1. Q on undertrials - issues?
2. Recent remission of murder convict in Bihar case. My views on it?
3. Why women less in judiciary?
4. What was your experience in EY and why did you quit your job?

M1 (lady member, soft spoken, but listened patiently and nodded while answering)

1. Judicial pendency and what can be done about it?
2. Do judges deserve so many perks?  What about vacations? Can something be done to reduce vacations?
3. Collegium issues?
4. ECI judgement by Supreme Court. My views? Should CJI be there in the committee?


1. Favourite football player?
2. Position I played (this Q was only asked because honourable panelist wanted to let me know he was a striker in his younger days :))
3. Can we set a hard deadline to resolve cases in courts?
4. Reforms as law secretary? 
5. Why not become a judge? Why civil service?

1. view on aaplya davakhana in Maharashtra
2. What Is contract farming? Did the farm laws cover it?
3. Issues faced by farmers?
4. NBS subsidy regime what is it?
5. Why India moving towards international trade in rupee?

M4 (panelist was cordial but in a hurry. asked counter but did not give me time to justify my answer. Said no problem and moved on)

1. Education health infra security which should be prioritised
2. Football tactic that can be used by lawyers in arguing a case

Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- Had
given around 5. Vajirao, Chahal, KSG, Chanakya etc. KSG was closest to the actual interview but I liked Chahal and Vajirao as well

Rahi baat utility ki, mocks can be given for confidence and facing senior people

Thank you community for all transcripts and PT related help. Thank you all online and offline friends for taking part in discussions. All the best to remaining candidates!

28th April Afternoon Session
Board : Honorable Smitha Nagaraj Mam
Graduation : CSE
Optional : Sociology
Hobby : Millet Cooking

Questions from Smitha mam were like long monologues and asking our opinion

No introduce yourselves question
Clarification in my name
Discussed about migrants and asked my opinion on how they are perceived in their host state
Opinion about states with huge population having more revenue


Is population a boon or bane
How China developed


What is cess
Discussion about why central govt resorts to cess
What is 3 language formula
Is it compulsory


Discussion about planned obsolescence
Why millets are good
Can millets be grown in all places
What is the topic of your symposium
How quantum Computers are different
What is quantum entanglement
Sociological view of happiness


What are renewable purchase obligations
What is merit order dispatch
Is sea level increase true
Which state has low TFR?

Cant judge how the interview went. Some questions were smooth while struggled in some
Utility of mocks :Helped to boost confidence
Date and session of interview- 28/04/2023  forenoon
Board- Shri Manoj Soni Sir
Optional- Mathematics
College- IIT
Profession (if any)- automotive sector
Hobbies- endurance running (nothing asked from rest)

Chairman -
1. When did you last visit a post office
2. In present days postoffices are not much in use and we have invested large resouces in it. Should we wind up the whole system?
3. Tell me an innovative method to use the vast network of postoffice
4. Tell me about your job profile? What do you do exactly?
5. Do you do benchmarking of succesful product from other players as well?

1. Other industries complain about the Protection that has been provided to automotive industry. Do you think automotive industries are highly protected
2. But we impose high duty on import of vehicle. What do you think about this
3. High occupancy of undertrial is there, do you think we should take reforms to solve this issue
4. What reform we should take to deal with under-trials
5. Bail not jail - this statement is promoted often. Do you think we should make bail as a default option

1. What do you mean by Indian knowledge system
2. Under new education policy we are promoting Indian knowledge system, what is your opinion on it
3. For higher education, now we are providing option for taking a break to pursue vocational training. do you think this is a good initiative
4. under new education policy UGC has allowed multi- degree system. don’t you think this is going to create additional burden on students
5. Tell me two standard processes, that are used in manufacturing industries
6. What kind of research is done in product development
7. What about statistical research
8. What are sustainable development goals? Mention few sustainable development goals. How these goals help in achieving sustainability

1. What is endurance running
2.Is your town affected by naxalism
3. Yesterday we heard about naxalism in Chhattisgarh? Whom do we blame for all this? Why are we not able to deal with this situation?
4. What can we do to resolve the problem in Chhattisgarh?

1. Is organic farming and natural farming practised and promoted in your area?
2. Should government provide subsidy to farmers to follow this
3. How organic farming can be exported from your area to outside state
4. What is vedic mathematics?
5. Are you sure that it is not mentioned in Vedas or derived from Vedas.
6. Should we promote vedic mathematics as part of our Indian knowledge system
7. Why buddhism presently is confined to himalayan region?
8. When did buddhism spred to other countries?

Chairman- Thank you. Wish you all the best for your future.

Your experience in interview- overall it was good.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-
 gave few mocks. They helped me practice but actual interview’s line of questioning was completely different.
Board - Manoj Soni sir
Date - 26/04/23 - Forenoon
 ⁃ Picked up my photo and started comparing
 ⁃ how are you ?
 ⁃ Feeling nervous ?
 ⁃ You worked in xyz ? Are you still working ?Why you left job ?
 ⁃ India has been talking about Energy independence . What is it ?
 ⁃ How will india achieve it ? Any strategy ?

M2 )
 ⁃ What is patiala famous for ? ( hometown)
 ⁃ Whats unique in punjabi names ? ( punjab state)
 ⁃ He was referring to names being gender neutral
 ⁃ Can you tell G20 complete moto
 ⁃ Something related to India’s focus on sustainable economic dev
 ⁃ What changes you want to suggest in upsc pattern

 ⁃ How did Bhangra origin and why it is performed ( hobby )
 ⁃ is india model nation in conducting relations with neighbouring nations (PSIR)
 ⁃ What is software engineering ( Graduation Subject )
 ⁃ How medical translation works ( couldn’t comprehend)
 ⁃ Tools used in big data analysis ( CS background )
 ⁃ What are Drought resistant crops ,how they are produced (in context of Punjab)
 ⁃ Sir ,asked the panel member to wind up

 ⁃ appreciated my suggestion of adding CS as optional subject
 ⁃ Client server vs real time systems ( CS graduation )
 ⁃ e- gadgets - nintendo vs playstation ? Which you think is better ( interests DAF)
 ⁃ How sodium carbide helps in Fruit ripening ( bouncer question )
 ⁃ How to tackle e waste ( continue from e - gadgets)

 ⁃ When ever there is police action ,protesters cry about HR ,what are human rights ?
 ⁃ What is Ucc ?
 ⁃ Do you think Indian agri is gambling with monsoon ? Explain?
 ⁃ Which monsoon affects india ( couldn’t understand what he wanted to ask , I said SW monsoon and discussed factors affecting monsoon )

Utility of mocks - Next , ksg , chahal , vajirao
Helped in covering Daf and practice
Peer group under (M^2 IAS ) very helpful
Attempt: 2nd
Date: 1st May 2023, Afternoon session
Graduation: Bsc Nautical Science (Merchant Navy)
Optional: Sociology
Home state : Bihar
Home district: Bhagalpur
Duration: Around 25-30 mins
Hobby: composing songs and cricket enthusiast.

Pretext: This is my second interview and was relieved that H'ble T C A Anant has retired this year ( who ruined my PT last year). Hoped not to get Soni sir and Chaubey sir but to my disappointment, a candidate told me outside upsc bhavan that both are sitting today for PT.😰

Fortunately, It was H'ble M Satyawati ma'am  who came to my rescue.😇

Chairwoman: Read my DAF aloud and mentioned my achievements.
1. What is Nautical Science
2. What is this hobby of composing songs
3. Why are u quitting Merchant navy provided it is such a high paying job?
4.Who is the beneficiary of Russia Ukraine war

Member1: Quite serious looking man

1. Does Indian IPC applies in open seas if crime is done there
2. Can an Indian person be tried for murder in high seas.
3. India failed to give justice in case of Enrica lexie
4. Why is Bhagalpur famous
5. Odop of bhagalpur
6.Is tassar silk exported?
7.hydrogen sulphide incident of today's news... How would u tackle it as an administrator.
8. What is difference between Territorial waters and EEZ.

Member 2: ( he had put a black colour cream on his lower lip, don't know why but he was cool enough)😅
1. Do u consider Bihar as a poor state
2. Schemes of bihar government.
3. What is Digital Parliament ( only qstn where I said NO)
4. What is most important event of your life.
5. What is Munger famous for?

Member 3:
1. Does Bounty of war leads to more conflict.
2. India's progress in crude oil and refineries.
3. Why more issue of corruption in Developing States
4. How to check corruption.
5. How to increase solar energy potential.

Member 4: ( lady member)
1. How communication takes place on ship?
2. What are Submarine cables?
3.How to improve social Security in informal sectors, what has been done.
4.Why violence against women in bihar?
5.What will u opt, auction for minerals or administrative allotment?

Chairwoman: okay Yash, ur interview is over. All the best.

My experience: Peon outside told me not to wear mask. Satyawati ma'am welcomed me with a pleasant smile. She went to washroom in the middle of the interview and came back in around two minutes. She was smiling occasionally and looked lively and fresh. ( again much better than Anant sir😅 ). The aura of the room was very positive. Ma'am had a picture of H'ble president on her back which enhaced the atmosphere of the room. Members were neither too cordial nor too hostile. There were occasional smiles on their faces and they seemed more or less satisfied with my answers. My performance was just like any other mock, articulation was fine, had smile throughout, sprinkled few facts in between but here in upsc, we don't get reviews😕,  so the guessing game is on now.

Utility of mocks: There was hardly any mock left in the market which I had not given. Count it above 35 ( including one to one and online mocks) as I had more than 3 months to prepare for PT. I found Next IAS, Vision IAS, Chahal Academy, Vajirao and reddy as the closest to actual upsc interview. Mocks genuinely helped me to expand my question bank and improve mannerism.

I have gained immensely from this online community of aspirants. Had based my entire preparation on online sources. Sharing my transcript is like giving back to the community.
Background - Architect, Worked in Switzerland, belong to Srinagar J&K, hobby travelling, IFS preference
Afternoon session, 2nd to go
Satyavathi ma'am board

1. What have you been doing since graduation?
2. Why are you shifting careers?
3. What will you do if you don't get through?
4. Where all have you travelled?
5. In which state in India is the status of women the best?
6. What is the difference between matrilineal and matriarchal society?

1. What crisis was srilanka faced with recently?
2. Has it been solved?
3. What is India doing to solve it?
4. How can presidency of G20 help in economic development of India?
5. What is the significance of G20 presidency?

1. How will you as an administrator help establish normalcy in Kashmir?
2. What is the main issue in Kashmir?
3. What is the role of diplomats in the governance sector today?
4. With such resource crunch do you think diplomats today can counter major economies?
5. Do you think the movie Kashmir files helps in the healing process or creates sectarian divide?

1. Don't you think IAS can help in serving the nation better than IFS?
2. The grassroots present us with the actual problems, how will you solve them sitting in foreign capitals? Don't you want to go to the tehsils instead
3. What is the state of Pakistan' economy?
4. Why can't we see eye to eye with Pak?
5. Who is your woman role model?
6. Should prostitution be legalized?

1. What can J&K learn from Switzerland in terms of tourism development?
2. How can we increase the number of foreign tourists?
3. Today is labour day but female labour force participation is very low - how will you tackle this?
4. Do you think women should be given reservation in Parliament?

Cordial board, good experience.
All the best to all!
Date of interview - 28th April
Board- Smita Nagaraj ma'am
Background- Btech, MBA - nothing asked
3.5 years work ex in corporate banking- asked on my profile and work
Hobbies- nothing asked

1. Why cs
2. Why not politics
3. Why is india not performing well historically
4. What changes would you like to see
5. How to improve impact assessment

M1( smiling sir)
6. Work ex- what did you do?
7. Going back to India issue as discussed with chairperson, don't you think india has been lousy and confused with policy making?
8. Why did we nationalize banks, now we're privatizing them
9. What one thing india lacked till now?

M2( expressionless )
10. India China, why we lacked in exports
11. Tax mobilization, how?
12. Division of Gst, how do we collect it?

M3( was keenly listening, looked angry at times)
13. Social security of gig workers, what can we emulate from case studies from different countries
14. What do you think is 1 problem leading to all conflicts
15. Would you like to change or rephrase your stance( I didn't change but did put it more concisely)

M4( smiling and nodding)
16. Essential qualities of a leader
17. Long monolog on globalization, essentially wanted to ask if we are moving away from globalization
18. How to improve globalization
19. If you're a DM, what is the biggest challenge in analyzing impact of a policy

Unable to recall few questions

Overall cordial experience. It was more of a discussion and they were keenly listening to my opinions. At times they did try to put pressure by giving weird expression, but the key is to keep calm and be composed.

Mocks- gave around 10
Vajirao and reddy, Chahal, onlyias were good and one to one with Khan sir was confidence booster

All the best to rest of the folks.
Date and session of interview- 1/05/23 forenoon
Board-Satyavati Maam
Optional- PSIR
College- IIT- BHU
Profession (if any)- ex IOCL
Hobbies- sitcoms, cricket
DAF keywords: Jhunjhunu, Varanasi, Rajasthan , mess manager


It's been 5 years since you left the job, how are you financially sustaining yourself

Didn't you join the content developer job like many students do

Do you think it's rights to make content or teach by someone who himself has not cleared the exam

What reforms would you like in civil service exam

What is role of ethics in administration

Member 1

Do you have been to Benaras after graduation

Did you see any changes

What can administration do to sustain cleanliness

Impact of Ukraine crisis on India

Do we have any oil deal with Ukraine

What schemes are there for skill development and what we can do further

Member 2

Tell what Jhunjhunu is famous for

Opinion on Agnipath

How unemployed youth would feel about it

ODOP from Jhunjhunu

Why IPL is so much successful

What is single most benefit of IPL

Member 3

GST collection is increasing, what are the reasons

What problems you faced as mess manager

Importance of MSMEs in Indian economy

Future of Indian oil corporation is dark?

Member 4

Rajasthan is called as BIMARU state, what are reasons for poor development

Share of different sectors in Rajasthan economy

It's said that India is land of contradictions , on one hand we are 5th largest economy and on other hand so many poors , how do you see it

It's said that one direct employment create 10 indirect employment , how is it true for automobile sector

 Your experience in interview- 1st interview, less factual and more analytical, cordial
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- make you familiar with process, help in overcoming nervousness, sometimes point out some areas of improvement that you can work upon

O2O with Ravindraan sir, Bassi sir was encouraging
Date- 02-05-2023
Slot- morning session, 1st to go
Board- Satyawati ma'am
Keywords - manual scavenging essay, Prayagraj, taught students in an NGO ,(girl candidate)
Hobbies - cricket
Optional - sociology
Graduation - Btech IT
Post graduation - MA sociology
Chairperson -
Read the daf aloud.
1- So what have you been doing since post grad?
2- what did you do in the NGO?
3- what are your learnings? ( I gave 2 learnings and she herself added 1 point and asked to elaborate on that)
4- what level of cricket have you played? What was your parents reaction when you started playing?

M1(male member)
1-Under A 142 SC said divorce can be given immediately. What is your view?
2- being a student of sociology, how does it affect the institution of family?
3- solutions to manual scavenging?
4- innovations in teaching that will make classes more immersive?

M2( male member)
1- Why shift to humanities background after a technical graduation?
2- Use of sociology in administration?
3- (i said participative decision making) But administration also requires quick decision making. How to tackle that?
4- What are your views on women reservation bill?

M3(male member)
1- what is disruptive technology? Give example
2- AI regulation? Should it be blanket or not?
3- Problem of criminalisation of politics, give a solution which does not exists as of now.
4- some reforms in election process to make it more participative and free of corruption.

M5( lady member)
1- you may have some idea about taxation. So how is faceless technology helpful?
2- How will it ensure that there is no tax evasion? ( I was still thinking when she explained the whole process herself and asked if she could further go into that front, i said sorry ma'am, i have limited knowledge of the subject)
3- Manual scavenging is issue of past, how do you view it in the context of increasing number of toilets formed under Swachh Bharat abhiyan.? Solutions to it?
4- You said women reservation bill should be brought but we see the concept of sarpanch pati in panchayats. Do you think same will be emulated at parliament level?
5- How will you increase women LFPR ?

Overall experience - the board was very cordial, they did not cut through my answers and were very keenly listening. It was a question answer session and not a discussion.

Utility of mocks- Gave almost 10-11 mocks. Helps in confidence building and many questions were repeated as the themes were quite common to my daf.
Date and session of interview- 2nd May, Forenoon
Board- Sathyawathi Mam
Optional- PSIR
College- IIT Hyderabad (Civil Engineering
Address: Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies- Cooking  (that's only asked)


Sathyawathi Mam:
East up cuisine
What u cook
For whom u cook? In hostel?
Azamgarh famous for?
Black clay pottery
ODOP how it promotes export?
How it benefit local community?

Do u think there is culture of impunity in Uttar Pradesh? judiciary role?
How judicial delay can be solved?
Role of technology?
DNA fingerprinting?


How world can agree to act against climate change?
Sri Lanka's importance for India
You are good at cooking, how good you are at cooking stories (with a smile)?
(Can't recall all Q's.)

Purvanchal separate state, status and future?
Why it shouldn't be done?
Problems in Real Estate and Infrastructure in India.
How can be solved?

Political leaders in UP using harsh language in Assembly and in public. Your view.
What's the reason.
What is green building?
give me an example. How that building is green.
Your service preference?

Your experience in interview-
Mam had started walking inside the room after asking questions.
Other members going to washroom. Tried avoiding being nervous.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-KSG, NextIAS, Vajirao & Reddy
One to one with Khan sir and Ravindran sir (both compulsory).
Date of interview -2nd May
Board- Satyawati mam
Optional - Sociology
DAF- Economics (H), budget Traveling ( other things not asked)

Satyawati mam-
What is budget traveling.
Discussion on difference between bagpackers and budget travellers.
1 celebrity and place where you would go. (Mansarovar yatra with sadguru ji)
Why mansarovar
Why with sadguru
Discussion of 'guru ji' culture and issues associated with that

What qualities you have that made you miss bhopal.
What are the ethical questions asked in the competition.
China India relation
Israel protest

SEZ are different countries in a country
What are policy measure required for business
License Raj
Regulation and inspection shall be there or not
Road accidents - why , solutions

M3 (Mam)
Miss World vs miss universe.
Women register less cases because of police behaviour - why less cases are registered and what are the solutions.
Chanderi vs maheshwari saree

Indian thinkers of sociology ,their books
Any caste that faced sanskritisation
Why not ips

(I might be forgetting few questions)

Mocks- chanakya mandal parivar, chahal, vajirao are good. O2O session with Utkarsh sir, Ravindran sir and Khan sir has been very fruitful.
Themes largely repeated from the mocks as well as few questions.

Interview experience - poker faced members, can't really predict anything. However, no cross questions or grilling. It felt like a conversation and not an q&a round.
Date- 03-05-2023

Slot- morning session, 1st to go

Board- Honourable RN Choubey sir

Keywords - Doctor,Not for profit clinic,anthro,
Hobbies - blog writing,anime watching,stress counseling
Sports- cricket, badminton,carrom

Optional - Anthro

Graduation - M.B.B.S


We are not here to interrogate you. We are friendly people, you need not have to get scared. Let's have a friendly conversation.

1- So drkalpane  tell me about your education and work experience

2- how are managing not profit clinic?

3- doctors are angels especially after corona. Then why do you want to become Babu?

4- Name any 3 financial regulators of India

5- shouldn't we merge or should we maintain status quo?

M1(male member)

1. What is issue about PM CARES
2. Why do have hope that govt will release the data about its utilization in near future.
3.  Can medical be sued by consumer protection act? If yes, when? Don't you think suing also will increase the unnecessary diagnostic tests to be conducted for doctors defense?

M2(male member)
1. Why are you writing the questions asked and replying answers based on it? How does it help? Is it your style since a long time?
2. How do you think democracy is maintained in India?( I mentioned the word democracy earlier)

M3(male member)
1. How is agriculture in India progressing?
2. Do you think the  financial regulatory bodies need to be separate as you mentioned earlier?
3. What is climate change impact on agriculture and what is to be done to mitigate it?
M4(male member)
1. Do you tribes need to isolated or assimilated
2. .Don't you think isolating certain tribes is nothing but keeping them in zoo

Chairman sir- your interview is over. Thank you. I am giving you blank cheque. Tell me if you have anything to share with us, if not, you may leave.

Me- i shared about how cricket is microcosm of my life and how being captain changed my perspective about the game.

Opinion - it was a relaxed interview. Most of the time I was smiling and they responded similarly. 2-3 times they laughed at me too Eg- how are you running non profit clinic? I said my dad funds it and i provide service.

Everyone keenly observe how to write,talk and walk.
So overall nice experience, however you never know how the marks are awarded.

Reading transcripts were extremely useful. Also i did not take any mocks.
Date-3rd May
Board- RN Chaubey
Optional -Sociology
Graduation -Mechanical
Hobby- not asked
Key words - Revenue officer, Odisha,

Chairman Sir- The usual things
1) What led to economic liberalisation in1992
2) what are the constituents of it
3) We opened imports or both import and export?
4) Why did we open import? doesn't it harm our BoP?

M1) 1)Why encroachment removal is necessary
2) What are the methods to prevent encroachment
3) Are you in favour or against caste census? Give reasons

M2) What is govt doing to uplift backward districts of Odisha?
2) What is the population of India ?
3) What is the literacy rate ?

1) What is IBC,2016
2) what is demographic dividend
3) What is unity in diversity
4) What is inclusive banking
5) Will private sector promote inclusive banking or go against it?

M4) 1)what is fiscal policy
2) What are the methods of fiscal policy
3) what is monetary policy
4) what are the methods of monetary policy

Chairman - Anything you want to talk to us.

Mock experience- didn't give any

( Economy is not a keyword in my daf. Phir bhi maximum questions economy se puchhe )
Date: 02/05/2023 Forenoon session, 5th to go
Board: RN Choubey - all male panel
Home state: Kerala
Optional: Malayalam Literature
Graduation: Production Engg.
Hobbies: Football, Tennis, Movies (No question asked)
Work experience: Mentor in CSE coaching institute
Duration: 25-30mins


1. What do you do in Mentorship?
2. Tell me 2 philosophies of Gandhiji that you don't agree with?
3. Do you agree with banning caste system by law?
4. What is your opinion on prohibition of liquor in a state like Kerala? Is it justified that state earns revenue from liquor sale?

Member 1:

1. What will you do to increase employment in your home state of Kerala?
2. What is your opinion on EWS reservation?
3. Has the Constitution been amended for it?
4.India has made much progress in UPI.But access to devices is less in rural areas.How to solve this?

Member 2:

1. Gandhiji talked about non-violence. But his act of fasting was the greatest violence...Do you agree?
2. Do you know about recent measure of TRAI to eliminate spamming?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI?
4. Will AI lead to job loss?

Member 3:

1. You were not in support of prohibition of liquor.Why can't we legalise drugs as well?
2. Are there any drugs which are legal in some other countries?
3. Can they be made legal even in India?

Member 4:

1. Is labour an issue in Kerala?
2. Is trade unionism contributing to low industrial growth in Kerala?
3. Then why don't we ban trade unionism?
4. What is the origin of labour movement ?
5. What is the size of Indian economy? Tell me in Indian Rupees.
6. What is Indian economy's position among different economies?
7. What is Purchasing power parity?

Do you have anything to ask us....Thank you.

Experience:  Cordial board overall
Board: Sathyavati mam
Home state: Kerala
Date of interview: May 2 2023
DAF keywords: Delhi, Geography (optional), e waste
Chairwoman (not smiling at all, was disinterested throughout the interview)
Are you from Delhi?
How long you were in Delhi? Do you remember much?
Which part of kerala are you from?
Padmanabha Swami temple has so much treasure. It's being wasted being locked in vaults.
In your opinion what should be done? (Cross questions)

Member 1
You have done a project on e-waste what is it?
If you have to create a waste management system in your district what would it be?
What about reducing the amount of waste generated?
Consider a place where people do not have any laptop, smart phones or internet. How can they get online government services?

Member 2
We have seen 2 cases one in Nirbhaya were a person was convicted after years another case in Hyderabad were a person who raped a girl was encountered. Which one of the methodology was better and why?
Debt of kerala vs debt of srilanka? Will kerala see such a dire situation in future?
What kerala should do to not face the situation of srilanka
India's population is growing but it has reached TFR of 2.1, don't you think it will lead to issues later on?
Kerala has high sex ratio. How will you utilise the experience of kerala to improve sex ratio in a state for eg Haryana where sex ratio is low?

Member 3
Was green revolution really green? (Repeated the question again as my answer was not on point)
"Kerala government has not done enough for tourism" what is your opinion if I give you the statement.
What more can be done for tourism?
What will you do if you are appointed in a water scarce district?
Why literacy rate is high in kerala?

Member 4
FTAs - should we have with individual nations or with multilateral grouping. Which one is beneficial?
Why certain developed countries, even though we have trade surplus, have issues with indian exports?
Which country left an economic union recently?
(Picked up from my answer from previous member) Don't you think Kerala should be following on the lines of Maldives for High end tourism?
There are a lot of expatriates from Kerala in middle East but you don't see many people visiting kerala as tourists. What can we do about it?
What was the reason?
What is the difference between earthquake and tsunami?
What is Richter scale? What does is the difference between 1 and 2 values on Richter scale?

Board was cordial. Chairwoman grilled me. Rest of the interaction was conversation mode. I might have missed out on a few questions.
Utility of mocks- helped to correct posture and mannerism.
Date and session of interview- 1/05/23 forenoon
Board-Satyavati Maam
Optional- PSIR
College- IIT- BHU
Profession (if any)- ex IOCL
Hobbies- sitcoms, cricket
DAF keywords: Jhunjhunu, Varanasi, Rajasthan , mess manager


It's been 5 years since you left the job, how are you financially sustaining yourself

Didn't you join the content developer job like many students do

Do you think it's rights to make content or teach by someone who himself has not cleared the exam

What reforms would you like in civil service exam

What is role of ethics in administration

Member 1

Do you have been to Benaras after graduation

Did you see any changes

What can administration do to sustain cleanliness

Impact of Ukraine crisis on India

Do we have any oil deal with Ukraine

What schemes are there for skill development and what we can do further

Member 2

Tell what Jhunjhunu is famous for

Opinion on Agnipath

How unemployed youth would feel about it

ODOP from Jhunjhunu

Why IPL is so much successful

What is single most benefit of IPL

Member 3

GST collection is increasing, what are the reasons

What problems you faced as mess manager

Importance of MSMEs in Indian economy

Future of Indian oil corporation is dark?

Member 4

Rajasthan is called as BIMARU state, what are reasons for poor development

Share of different sectors in Rajasthan economy

It's said that India is land of contradictions , on one hand we are 5th largest economy and on other hand so many poors , how do you see it

It's said that one direct employment create 10 indirect employment , how is it true for automobile sector

 Your experience in interview- 1st interview, less factual and more analytical, cordial
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)- make you familiar with process, help in overcoming nervousness, sometimes point out some areas of improvement that you can work upon

O2O with Ravindraan sir, Bassi sir was encouraging
Graduation-Mechanical Engineering (Nothing asked)
Board-Choubey Sir
State-Tamilnadu(nothing asked)
Optional-public administration (Nothing asked)
Hobby-cultivation of jackfruit and cashew(Nothing asked)
Not even Single word from DAF

Same usual convincing words
1.Tell me your academic background and work experience any?
2. Is nuclear energy green energy?
3.percentage of green energy in India?
4.I was asking entire energy sector not just electricity (don't know)

1.Tell me about Basel Accord(Told Africa,waste dumping)
2.Basel in economy ?
3.Where are we Basel 3 or 2?
4.what are steps for increasing investment after Npa crisis?
5.How to increase financial literacy?

1.Some Delhi news(Chairman interrupted and told he is from south he would have studied different edition)
2.What are 5C problems in civil services?(No clue)
3.Told Cag,CBI,CIC,CVC,court are 5C and are these disturbing civil servants from functioning?(Little grilling not satisfied)
4.How to increase professionalism in admn?
5.You told nuclear waste is a problem to chairman... explain?

1.why organ donation lesser in India?
2.How to improve?
3.what is deepfake ? Explained but asked me to tell more...

1.Top 3 Employment generating sectors?
2.why is tourism important?
3.How to improve it?
4.Its importance in Tribal Areas?
5.Infrastructure of Tourism in India?

Would you like to tell anything
Pleasure taking to you
All the best
Left mask (Told me to take it).
Date : 03/05/2023
Board:Sathyavathy Ma'am
State: Kerala
Graduation: Physics
Optional: Philosophy
Keywords asked: Climate change, Coir, Planting trees, Law awarness, Telescope.

1. What have you done after graduation ?
2. Tell me about coir industry in Kerala.
Explain the process of coir making?
How many tonnes of coir you process?
3. Law is not effective always. Why? Is law futile?
4. Which is good - afforestation or no deforestation?
5. Famous philosopher from kerala?
Have you been to Kalady?

1. Explain how a telescope works.
Which is the famous telescope that is in news.
2. Life is more in Mesozoic era. How this life is lost?
Explain the origin of earth?
3. US dollar is a global reserve currency. Why Indian rupee is not?
Which other currency can assume the post?
Why then Yuan is not assuming the post?
4. Do China has rule of law?
Is fairness of law is a part of rule of law?

1. What is digital divide?
Which sections of India is a part of this divide? How to solve it?
2. How poverty can be eliminated in India?
3. Tell me about India's position in global hunger index.
4. Recent scheme of government of India in covid times to reduce hunger?

1. Coconut is a Kalpavriksha. How different parts of it can be used.
2. Schemes of government of Kerala for increasing agriculture.
Any schemes of central government?
3. What is art?
4. How temperature rise is an immediate threat?

1. Law causing social change or social change influencing law. Which is the correct way?
2. What is philosophy?
Can you call all people who preaches their religious ideologies as philosophers?
If no, why? How can something be a philosophy?
3. Your service preference?
Why IAS?
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