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For those interested in a career in public service, judicial service is one among the best options.

A career in the judiciary is a viable choice for individuals seeking to contribute to society with a strong sense of social responsibility. It provides a stable and secure profession accompanied by an attractive compensation package.

Judicial service exam being a State Level Examination is administered by either the State High Court or the respective State Service Commission.

The examination is conducted in three parts, the prelims, mains, and interview.


1. To be eligible for the exam, it is required to have obtained an LLB degree from a recognized Indian university.

2. Additionally, you must be registered as an Advocate under the Advocates Act of 1961 and hold membership in the respective State Bar Council.

3. The age requirements stipulate a minimum age of 21 years and  maximum age differs from state to state.

4. Lastly, candidates must be Indian citizens.


  • 1. Comprehensive Syllabus Review and Concise Note-Taking:
    • Conduct a thorough review of the syllabus.
    • Create to-the-point notes summarizing key topics.
  • 2. Practice with Previous Years' Question Papers and Mock Tests:
    • Solve past years' question papers to understand the exam pattern.
    • Utilize mock tests to simulate exam conditions.
  • 3. Attempt Full-Length Mock Tests:
    • Take as many full-length mock tests as possible to simulate the actual exam environment.
  • 4. Effective Time Management:
    • Practice completing mock tests within the allocated time limit to enhance time management skills.
  • 5. Analyze Performance and Identify Strengths and Weaknesses:
    • After each mock test, evaluate your performance.
    • Identify strong and weak areas for improvement.
  • 6. Focus on Strengthening Strong Areas:
    • Allocate time for in-depth revision of your strong subject areas.
  • 7. Stay Updated with Amendments and Current Affairs:
    • Keep abreast of the latest legal amendments and stay informed about current affairs relevant to the field of law.


    With every new course coming up, coaching for the same is provided by many coaching institutes, both in offline and online modes. The judicial service exam is one of the toughest exams. Getting professional guidance and mentorship in judiciary exam preparationfrom coaching institutes is always an added advantage, it provides consistency, timely evaluation, and corrective measures for proper preparation.

    At the same time, one can also prepare for judicial service exams on their own, it is not impossible butpreparation of judiciary examis definitely an arduous task. With proper hard work and dedication, one can definitely crack it.

    Therefore, whether to opt for coaching or not is one’s personal choice as you will investing both your time and money. you can also check  forlegal current affairs for judiciary exam.



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