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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

I found civil engineering to be tough. And it was lengthy too.


Don't take up job. It would be very difficult. Jobs are demanding (depending upon job) and any person can devote only 6-8 hrs towards study on any given day(long time average)... Which you would be giving to your job. Plus there is no mental switch in us which would allow us to shift focus. And leave would always be an issue depending on boss. So you decide bhai.


I have been following this thread since past few days. There is no need to get demotivated by seeing a few exceptional answers. And I personally feel that it's very difficult to write consistently all such good answers. However I still believe that@sat_009might have written what he says here he wrote for only the answers discussed. There have hardly been discussions on more than 5 questions I guess. But I also acknowledge the fact that some persons in the past have wrote exceptional answers here on forum and missed final selection or even interview call.
So relax and prepare for the interviews. All the best people:)


People drawing maps were in all probability rewarded in the past. I didn't draw any in my previous attempts, but in my circle those who did had better scores. It definitely helps. But I was not able to draw maps or flowcharts even this year too.


I will chip in with some arguments. Haven't followed this discussion but to answer your question as to who caused partition.
Our forefathers did it. Not Gandhi and Nehru alone. Every individual esp in the North is responsible for it. It is to be noted that India as we understand today is an outcome of British conquest and consolidation, and in all likelihood it would not have existed at all.
When communal thinking took hold of almost everyone, notable exceptions being Gandhi and Nehru who appealed for peace and compassion, nobody paid heed. It also brings out the fact that indians are inherently communal, leaders do not drive their instincts and thoughts. They at best try to quell this thinking. This had been happening all along at least since 1905, and increased in intensity thereafter aided by the administration. More than anything it was the administration which brought communalism to the centrestage of politics in India.
What you need to question is whether the adage history repeats itself is true. Partition was a political settlement. All of Muslims didn't migrate there not did all the hindus migrated from there. But the current step would definitely make it psychological and emotional.


@ManchesterUnitedi dont know whether you have been following news or not bro. But CAB and NRC are not different in reality. NRC will follow CAB. That is the plan. And it will happen.
This is planned meticulously and will be executed with surgical precision to disenfranchise as many muslims as possible.
Step 1. CAA ( or CAB) will legalise all existing non Muslims whether Indian citizens or otherwise. As the act specifically targets muslims, singling it out.
Step 2. NRC will used to purge this country of the Muslim population. It is explicit. Nothing insidious. Even when there was spelling mistakes, minor one letter errors, people were disenfranchised in assam. Plus I think the govt will make the cutoff date for documentary proof as somewhere around 1952 the argument being migration had virtually stopped by that time in the rest of India. ( don't say citizenship act gives citizenship to everyone born in India before 1 July 1987 as many born before that date were excluded from Assam NRC. In any case proof of birth is tricky as institutional deliveries were rare and people didn't study or vote. So documentation problems but only for Muslims)
Step 3. NRC is an exercise only for muslims. In absence of documents the non Muslims are anyway to be treated as refugees or whatever and legalised through step 1. Anyway NRC is inconsequential as far as the non Muslims are concerned. They are either citizens or refugees.
Step 0. Any espousal of Muslims interest is inherently anti national as per the current scenario. There are fears being expressed for 3.5 crore people of assam. The concerns of 18 crore muslims are non issue. They are surviving on Indian hindu largesse I think. It is expressed that the Muslims show gratitude for the magnanimity displayed by hindus (by not killing Muslims?)In any way any concern expressed by them is non issue.
People were rejoicing when art 370 was removed. Now manipur as a whole is being brought under ILP. No concern expressed by here even though this step has raised barriers and boundaries within the country. People rejoiced only because kashmir had muslim population.
This communalism is not new. Earlier people were a bit shy to display it in public and now that constraint is broken.
Note: 1. CAB is not bad per se . We cannot help all but we can choose whom we can help. Any help extended to anyone is fine. However CAB + NRC presents existential crisis to Muslims and Muslims alone.
Note 2. Don't assume that Indian people vote based on manifesto. You must be kidding if you say so. No Indian has ever voted based on manifesto. You cannot yourself name 10 agenda points which would be implemented if BJP is voted to power. common people were United in their hatred for Muslims. I also live in UP. And didn't embark on a mission to find black Swan. (Implicit generalization)
Note 3. There I wrote as clearly as I understand. And I haven't shied away from using "Muslims" or one community.


yeah constitutional methods like gandhiji followed during the freedom struggle. Non cooperation with a government established by law, civil disobedience and quit india were all constitutional protests? haven't heard a better joke...
anyway in any democratic setup or any political construct willful disobedience of law is also constitutional. but it should be declared beforehand, what laws are being broken and for what ends and should be peaceful... but who decides whether this said law which is broken is demonstration of protest... the protesters decide it themselves... gandhiji didnt ask the govt. that he would break salt laws or give propaganda to non payment of taxes... he decided himself and declared...
for people some causes are essential and non negotiable... and they protest to raise awareness for their demands... i dont think police acted as saint when it came to quell the protests either in JNU or JMI.


@RavsBritain is a constitutional democracy at least since 1689. India was a colony... So there was a constitution before 1947... Governor General enacted laws through a legislative council... So there is no point in saying that India was not governed by a Constitution...
As far as law and order situation is concerned all I am saying is protest should be peaceful... But when the police starts beating up the protestors or uses excessive force to disperse protests then where is the rule of law?


@Ravsthere were direct elections in pre independent India. And democracy by itself doesn't provide impunity to all actions of govt. Anyway it was the govt established by law... And it maintained consistently for 2 centuries that they were governing with the welfare of the people as their guiding principle. All policies were discussed in the legislative council or other arms like executive Council in accordance with the law in force at that time.


Judiciary is not the sole gaurdian of the laws. The govt. Has taken a step which many people believe would render them stateless. Remember that slavery was a constitutional construction upheld by American judiciary arguably the most liberal and independent.
The protests as long as they are non violent are constitutional methods of dissent. And people have every right to fight for their rights.


@King_of_the_deadsaid inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

@ManchesterUnitedi dont know whether you have been following news or not bro. But CAB and NRC are not different in reality. NRC will follow CAB. That is the plan. And it will happen.
This is planned meticulously and will be executed with surgical precision to disenfranchise as many muslims as possible.
Step 1. CAA ( or CAB) will legalise all existing non Muslims whether Indian citizens or otherwise. As the act specifically targets muslims, singling it out.
Step 2. NRC will used to purge this country of the Muslim population. It is explicit. Nothing insidious. Even when there was spelling mistakes, minor one letter errors, people were disenfranchised in assam. Plus I think the govt will make the cutoff date for documentary proof as somewhere around 1952 the argument being migration had virtually stopped by that time in the rest of India. ( don't say citizenship act gives citizenship to everyone born in India before 1 July 1987 as many born before that date were excluded from Assam NRC. In any case proof of birth is tricky as institutional deliveries were rare and people didn't study or vote. So documentation problems but only for Muslims)
Step 3. NRC is an exercise only for muslims. In absence of documents the non Muslims are anyway to be treated as refugees or whatever and legalised through step 1. Anyway NRC is inconsequential as far as the non Muslims are concerned. They are either citizens or refugees.
Step 0. Any espousal of Muslims interest is inherently anti national as per the current scenario. There are fears being expressed for 3.5 crore people of assam. The concerns of 18 crore muslims are non issue. They are surviving on Indian hindu largesse I think. It is expressed that the Muslims show gratitude for the magnanimity displayed by hindus (by not killing Muslims?)In any way any concern expressed by them is non issue.
People were rejoicing when art 370 was removed. Now manipur as a whole is being brought under ILP. No concern expressed by here even though this step has raised barriers and boundaries within the country. People rejoiced only because kashmir had muslim population.
This communalism is not new. Earlier people were a bit shy to display it in public and now that constraint is broken.
Note: 1. CAB is not bad per se . We cannot help all but we can choose whom we can help. Any help extended to anyone is fine. However CAB + NRC presents existential crisis to Muslims and Muslims alone.
Note 2. Don't assume that Indian people vote based on manifesto. You must be kidding if you say so. No Indian has ever voted based on manifesto. You cannot yourself name 10 agenda points which would be implemented if BJP is voted to power. common people were United in their hatred for Muslims. I also live in UP. And didn't embark on a mission to find black Swan. (Implicit generalization)
Note 3. There I wrote as clearly as I understand. And I haven't shied away from using "Muslims" or one community.

this is something i said a while back


@ManchesterUnitedsaid inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

this sounds like holocaust agenda against muslims!
Hope god gives them strength to withstand bruality!'

and this is here@ManchesterUnitedunable to hide his excitement. his laughing emoji is not because it is far fetched but it is him seeping in excitement,
but@duster2019wants it to be done now.
just saying.


@duster2019said inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

After NRC 40 million illegal Muslim immigrants will be thrown out of India. I voted for BJP because I support this fully.
Next I want Population Control bill. Max 2 kids allowed. Third child will not be given voting rights. Moreover he or she will not be eligible for govt. jobs

Call me a Bhakt or bjp it cell member whatever. I have written 2 upsc mains and given 2 state psc interviews. So I really don't care

And I have full faith in this govt. I will vote for them in 2024,2029,2034 as well


no bro, you can contribute funds for gas chambers as well or anything the modern sciences comes up with because there wont be any takers for these stateless people. anyway I am sure you would make hefty contributions. be a policemman, that way you know, you could do wonders.


@ManchesterUnitedsaid inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

@King_of_the_deadWtf are you on with!
I am laughing at your pathetic act of fear mongering in the name of religion!
Keep these to twitter,where you might get RTs and followers

yeah fears which are not baseless. if anything please tell me where and at which point I am wrong. Dont ever consider that you have monopoly over truth or you are better than me.


@duster2019said inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

@King_of_the_deadnadaan ho tum abhi.. Koi Baat nahi dheere 2 sab samajh Aa jayega.

aap toh sacred games wale "Guruji" nazar aa rahe hai... thoda gyan diyo bhai... i am listening... must be related to design of thermo nuclear device...

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