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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

@foxmulderi just want to add my 2 cents to that..when we are outsider it is simply case of black and white but when one is inside the system there are multiple shades of grey some are darker some are light ther hover between right and wrong ..if many officers not taking stand that does not mean they are putting blind eye to things..not all things need attention..there are lot of intricacies involved..
Even in our day to day life we follow flexibility in things which might not be ethical to one or other person


@Biryanimafia_I ve given mains 2017 and given this year too .from my experience what i hv learnt.. by paper completion it doesn't mean attempting all questions but maximizing no. Of attempted there is limited mark to be given even for best answers .so if one writing 10 best answers he is going to suffer , similarly one written 20 answers with poor content is also going to suffer.also completing whole ppr is popular as many ppl doesn't clr bcuz of marginal numbers and as per most discussed marking schemes even 2 marks are given for poorest answers (i don't agree with this) which can help those who lose by just a 1 or 2 marks.thats y we are guided to complete paper..but ppl forget that it does not mean to compromise on content of other answers


@K_9not desire but excess of desire?


@Caesarnyc..added new point to the teaching?


@Kira0705yeah its great but after certain time not going to home for 4-5 days..travelling to difficult areas..not getting enough sleep..less time with beloved family and ageing ..starts affecting one's mental state..though working at grassroot level
, bringing change gives immemse satisfaction but after a time ones priority changes...need to grow and develop professionally personally keeps all motivated....even psychology talks about maslow's hierarchy of need which is part of human nature..

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