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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

did you say this entire exercise is about SOCIAL JUSTICE ? Either you dont know much about what social justice or your emotions have overtaken your reason. Even the government didnt dare to justify it on the grounds of Social justice!!!

Also you should never the forget that any genocide wouldnt be possible without the creation of mass hatred against one community, which is exactly what is happening today.

Moreover , have you ever thought for a second that some of the most persecuted communities of our present times like Rohingyas(facing ethnic cleansing right now as we speak) and Tamils were left out of it and Afganistan Muslims has nothing to do with Partition legacy. Moreover, this exercise is not genuine to even Persecuted minorties because this is being done retrospectively (for those who came before 2014 far all kind of reasons including economic reasons) and what about those are being persecuted now and want to come to India??
Moreover hundreds of women and children(especially girl child) were murdered by their own family members in the name of honor(because of patriarchal hindu values at that time) .


The question is not whether they are Islamic nations or not , but whether the country has any STATE RELIGION or not. Srilanka, Myanmar and Bhutan has laws privileging Buddhism officially(Practically Buddhist states). As a consequence the religious minorities(which include atheists and Jews who are not protected in the bill) in those are discriminated and persecuted.
The question is whether India should take all refugees or from some countries should be debated extensively in the parliament and not rammed down our throats by Hindu Nationalist government. The fact that they didnt even let this be debated properly or presented any date about religious persecution in those countries etc shows their arrogance and blatant disregard for the constitution while at the same time ranting about Vasudiava kutumbakam.


They are people being butchered. There is nothing wrong in giving asylum or refugee status. IF CAB/CAA has anything to do with giving protection to Persecuted religious minorities , then their claim should be firs considered. They are people like you and me.
Why do you care if Hardcore Islamic countries are giving or not ?(This question assumes that countries of same religion should help countries like them, which is itself a narrow parochial mindset, not a humanitarian modern progressive thinking) Always India should be model state not be compared with failed states/Religious states that privilege citizens of some religions over others.


If we cannot be magnanimous , at least we can follow our constitution(Right to equality art 14 , secularism, Right to life . Art 51 securing international peace) and international Human rights regime and not discriminated Persecuted immigrants on the basis of religion.


I read all of the above, and I know about reasonable classification, The only problem is that CAA is discriminatory and there are strong arguments to show that it is so and the battle will be fought in supreme court and outside as well(protests). So If you dont read the hindu , what do you read? ALso there is nothing cool about not using your reasoning ability or not having empathy to understand why hundreds are in streets protesting this act, including many intellectuals and nobel laurets supporting the aggrieved.


I guess in any reasonable world where sanity is left, Persecuted minorities would include jews , atheists and Amhadiyas(Pakistan laws doesn't consider them muslims and are severely persecuted).
By secularism , I meant the principle not the provisions , basic idea of secularism is non discrimination based on religion which CAA Does by excluding Muslims, jews and atheists.
I'm speaking international peace in the context of persecuted refugees/migrants , India can atleast provide asylum/protection to persecuted minorities without bothering about what their religion is atleast from those 3 countries taken in CAA.


Thats true the rightness/wrongness doesnt depend on the number of protestors but what it does show is the PERCEIVED FEELING OF INJUSTICE, whih needs to be addressed by the governments to them.
I cant agree more with your view on Police brutality on protestors . Citizens ,whether their views/opinions right or wrong , have fundamental right to protest peacefully. An government needs to address their grievances not show brutality on them.

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