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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

Hi guys.

Those who have been previously selected for interview round, what do you think are the definitive gauge to predict the selection? This was my first attempt.

My GS1 went well!
1 essay written superb and 1 essay okayish type.
GS2 went above average while GS3 went average.
Anthro Paper1 went well and 2nd paper above average.

Have not left a single question. And written mostly relevant answers. Except 3-4, 10 markers in GS2 & GS3 were not written well.

I fear that people who have written all answers with relevant and good content are only selected? Advise please.



Paper1 was fine. I did not knew about Olduvai Gorge. Apart examples in Polymorphism and content in Growth Studies wala questions were not that good. Else I wrote relevant answers.

Paper2 - Written all! But 3-4,10 markers are not of that high quality and last 2 15 markers, was not able to complete all 3 pages due to lack of time. (Around 2 pages completed)

I don't remember exact specific content but L2A test series helped a lot.



GS3 - Cyberdome, IFS, Watershed, OGW and Expenditure Management was written not very well.

GS2 - Harmonious Construction, UNESCO, RPA was not written that well.

GS1 - Secularism Vs Culture not written well.

Ethics - Quotes wale theory questions not written well.

Ocean Current Vs Water Mass I think wrote okay. Although I don't remember it very well.

Ocean Currents - Kuroshio Currents example. Fishing, Phytoplanktons. Japan coastal communities. Linked to Tropical Cyclone to Jet Stream to Monsoon and its impact.

Water Mass - Specific Temperature & Rainfall ->Marine environment.

Linked Water Mass to Air Mass and then to tropical cyclones formation to effect on Marine & Coastal Environment

Compared Air Front to Water Fronts & it's effect in bringing rain.
Also Water Mass to Air Mass to Air Front (and its effect).

Given example of Sargasso sea, i think.

I think i linked to Tsunami & Indonesia too? Don't remember.



Hi thanks for your reply. I appreciate your input. I did have drawn 2 separate maps for each subpart.
But question was -
"How do ocean currents and water masses differ in their impacts on marine life and coastal environment? Give suitable examples."

Here Relevancy comes in picture:

What is asked?

Compare impact of Ocean Current & Water Mass on marine & coastal environment/life. Also giving suitable examples of this linkage (and not Water Mass itself). You have to establish a link between Water Mass to Coastal Environment and compare with that of Ocean Current! That's it & nothing more.

What is not asked?

What are various water Mass and give examples?
How Ocean Current and Water Mass are formed?
What is difference between Ocean Current & Water Mass?

I did have given examples of both Ocean Current and Water Mass but linked it to question asked.



Yes it is but content should be relevant.

Less pages but no relevance - No Marks
More pages but no relevance - Poor Marks
Less pages but relevant - Some Marks
More pages and relevant too - Good Marks




How did you linked water mass to all of these? My question is this. If you can link it's perfectly fine.



Let's keep the marks part for UPSC

Also see this - there is some match with my answer.



Thanks. Even i gave the linkage of-
Water Mass to El Nino to Monsoon to Indian Coastal Environment & life.

Having very faint memories that's why couldn't recall.



Hi Thanks i appreciate your understanding about geography, but you are going too deep. If Water mass is asked in upsc GS1, that doesn't mean you have to show optional specialization.

IMHO, what UPSC were checking in this question was - how, by knowing the definition of Air mass (which is in NCERT), one can predict the definition of Water mass. Infact, both means almost the same - one in hydrological sense and another in atmospheric sense.

"Air masses are formed when air stagnates for long periods of time over a uniform surface. The characteristic temperature and moisture of air masses are determined by the surface over which they form. An air mass acquires these attributes through heat and moisture exchanges with the surface"

So how can't a Water Mass have uniform T-S not help in formation of a Air Mass? Your assumption that Water mass is only formed in deep ocean is wrong (Act. Actually there are multiple water masses in an ocean strata - deep, intermediate, surface, etc. Actual definition of Water Mass has just T-S component considered constant and it can impact the weather of surrounding locality. Here is some authentic & relevant links -

(Showing how Air mass & Water mass related)

Also, see a research report of MIT - "The water masses" by searching on Google "MIT ocw The Water masses".




Hi i agree, i have not practised much and written out of my limited knowledge. Have to improve further. No expectations of very high marks but average marks only. Time will tell everything.

All the best to you and all! I wish every deserving candidate gets selected.


Anyone having any idea about how many people are going to be selected for Interview this time?


@DKTWhat you wrote in Carrying Capacity wala question?



Q -"Define the concept of carrying capacity of an ecosystem as relevant to an environment. Explain how understanding this concept is vital while planning for sustainable development of a region. "

Can you please explain what things you written, in the context of the question asked ("carrying capacity of ecosystem", "planning for sustainable development") in more details?



Reservation is opium for this country! It kills talent on both the sides - the ones who get it & the ones who don't get it;

Ps - I have a dream to get 100% reservation free India, it is already 21st century!


I think as per the previous statement of UPSC secretary that results would be out maximum by this week itself, irrespective of the verdict would be upholded.

So i think he might not be that dumb not to think about the verdict which has came out; I think they are in process of finalizing the result and verifying it multiple times so that it is in sync with the verdict, in all possible angles.

I think results would be out by this week only. Please don't think too much from petitioners' side. I have heard that petitioners had already been to HC before & was referred to CAT. In this case, CAT which itself comprises of esteemed jurists have also taken care of all the legalities. I think any attempt to going for HC would be futile.

Please let me know your views.


@visionmanUPSC would make sure that this doesn't happen. As it would lead to further delay in subsequent process & maybe next year's process too. As it won't be possible to have interview & prelims of next year assigned to same date.

Everyone, please keep your senses open to understand what is fake and what's not. Wait for sometime, clouds would soon be cleared and we will get the results.


I don't think that CAT had banned the results anytime; I think it is the decision of UPSC, following its best practices - not to declare until the final verdict came recently; So continuing its best practices, UPSC is trying to fine tune its result to be completely in-sync with CAT verdict;
Now this would require the proper interpretation of each of the paragraph and clarification from CAT on the doubtful paragraphs;

It could have released the core results of the certain candidates who are definitely selected and rest would have been star marked but, again that would have created a lot of haphazard and would have been unfair for the people who were star-marked, as they would be knowing their marks is on the verge/cut-off (both in general & EWS categories) - so very less chance to get into the final list; Also that could have been unfair for those also who were at verge but were not star marked?

As UPSC being a constitutional body like CAT, we should not consider it lightly. It has experience of handling these kind of situation very well; If it publishes result without much brain-storming, it may lead to further cases against it adding to further complications - considering a lot of "Activist Candidates" in the process, taking care of the even the minutest of mistakes of UPSC.

I think that UPSC would have prepared a core list whose selection would be certain and was waiting for the result to know the extent of EWS candidates needed to be incorporated; (Considering some people blaming that UPSC could have prepared the final list during all this time;) As UPSC itself was not sure to what extent the case would have favored it (which got cleared after verdict - i.e. inclusion of EWS candidates till 16th August 2019); So now, it is creating a final list of inclusion of core candidates and the new candidates that satisfy the verdict condition;

Hopeful that this would not take much time! All the best.

(Justice in country like India doesn't mean - providing justice to each one of us but it is given by doctrine of proportionality - that is that the court will weigh for itself the advantages and disadvantages of an administrative action and such an action will be upheld as valid if and only if the balance is advantages)


If Saxena sir's profile is real. And he has posted the certainty of results for tonight. And he has worked in UPSC at a very senior level - i am sure he would have got his information from a very senior guy (maybe current Secy or Chairman);

I don't believe in any fucking TG group/insider. But Saxena sir is the person whose words need not to be taken lightly. There is still some possibility. God save us!

Please share your views.


@DreadfulHe might be. But if his information was from any informal source - he would have said that there is a possibility for today/tonight. But seeing the confidence in his post (and his background), even if we consider him an insane - i would still for a moment consider his words more relevant than any other insider/TG.

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