(i) merging all cadres beyond SAG (Seniir Administrative Grade)
(ii) Making 40-50% of SAG and above posts of all departments ex-cadre to be manned by officers of other departments and balance posts requiring specialized knowledge can be manned by specific domain officer,
(iii) have a single service of officers for Railways or maximum two services,
(iv) Merge Electrical & Mechanical cadres, merge IRPS (Indian Railways Personnel Service), IRTS (Indian Railways Traffic Service) & IRAS (Indian Railways Accounts Service) cadres.
@abhinav23raj436So possibly this merging would only affect SAG and above officers. And entry level domain specialisation of IRTS, IRAS, IRPS would continue uninterrupted, may be just with a name change to IRMS.
@Caesarsaid inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:
Pt.(ii)=>entry of other services into railways.
Is it opening the way towards more privatisation? This would reduce the need for 3 separate services(traffic, personnel, a/c).
Not sure what they mean with "ex-cadre" in this context. May be it just relates to more inter-cadre postings for generalist posts among different railway departments.
@duster2019No bro! Had flunked 2018 prelims.