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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

We(2 people) need 1 more person who have written mains or having good command on basics and giving mains this year.).

Plan : preparation of20 yearsprevious year mains GS(1,2,3)model answers(around 600 topics). If you analyse, 2019 mains you will findmore than 10 questions in each paper, gets repeated in one way or other.

Each member will prepare5 questions per day, 5 days in a week.

The model answers would be ofhigh quality having diagrams, case study,data, committee, article etc.

Additionally, we are preparingcompilationof case study, relevant data topic wise, judgements, committee and diagrams.

So if anyone is interested anddeterminedcan message me his/her number.

All communication on telegram.

PS - I have given 2 interviews . And can help if your optional is sociology (~300 marks in 2017).

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