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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

How important is test series for Mains?

I gave Mains last year as well and my focus was almost entirely on past year papers. I attempted them within the time constraint. I thought my GS went well, but can't be sure since marks are not out yet. What is the opinion of people who have taken test series in the past? Did you find them helpful from a preparation and feedback perspective? Or is it more about getting used to the time in hand?

Does anyone else feel that UPSC ethics questions are much more simpler than those asked in test series?

Yes. I personally felt that ethics paper, particularly last year was pretty straightforward and simple. Someone who had attempted past year papers wouldn't have found it difficult. Only thing was that they didn't really ask conventional case studies last time.

I also feel that those preparing for Mains should prepare a notebook of sorts for statistics. Supplementing answers with statistics is always good in my opinion. It becomes even more important for me as my optional is economics but in general, statistics are a justification for our conclusions in any answer.
Anyone with economics optional who is expecting to write mains?
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