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Mains 2021 Post result Thread: What went wrong and way forward.

After 3 mains failure, I have learnt many lessons of UPSC and beyond in a hard way

Way forward as I have observed and will follow in next attempt

1. Understanding, internalising knowledge

2. Multiple and regular revisions

3. Short consolidated notes making

4. Regular answer writing practice

All steps are essential and that too in the proper chronology

Overall be it study or anything else in life , we have to follow a proactive approach

Taking lessons from book '7 habits of highly effective people' , we should work towards becoming an effective person not just being efficient


1st step is the most important in upsc preparation

Rattafication doesn't work in pressure cooker situation of actual exam

I have felt that this is the reason few aspirants sail through without giving any mocks or any answer writing practice


A major problem is critically analysing ourselves and to see our own mistakes

Practical solution seems to be deliberating with a mentor or an experienced co-aspirant 

Any other suggestions friends in this regard?

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