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Mains 2022 - All Papers PDF + R**** Rona + Paper Discussion

@GaneshGaitonde  so this is my first mains attempt. I had followed Nikhil sirs TS at insights (pretty helpful since I'm from Engg background, and had studied PSIR on my own), I had also started off with SR, and then understood that isse kaam nahin chalega, and then painstakingly  using her notes as a guidance, made my own notes and revised etc etc etc. 

But the last week, I just had so much anxiety, that everyone else has had looked at Ma'am notes and attended her classes and would be pretty much thorough with everything. Nikhil sir was quite a help, but even then, I was feeling ki whether I made a mistake of not enrolling for a second test series etc etc etc. 

Ma'am notes seriously seem inadequate, but there is this TINA factor wrt PSIR optional...

@Truthseeker9 my experience with Insights Nikhil gowda sir has been the following: Sir doesn't outright give a model answer or anything. He adds on to what I've already written. And, sir gives relevant CA articles in his telegram group. He also discusses with us in a way, and somehow I used to understand how to interlink stuff. I have tried in this mains. 

They also release a monthly magazine from relevant articles, but I have not really religiously looked at it. I prefer newspapers and my own notes. However I did show Nikhil sir a couple of my notes, just to get it checked, if I'm moving in the right direction. 

@GaneshGaitonde definitely sir. Don't know how much marks will come or anything. 

Some 2 to 4 10 mark questions are bekar ka answers. Time issue etc. I think I've done justice to the 50 mark bundles however. God knows. 

@Truthseeker9 well you were the one asking about what value addition I got from a Test series. I'm sorry if it wasn't directed to me and I misread it as asking to me. 

And no, not a paid comment. I wrote mains 2022 with no coaching for PSIR, depending only on a test series and like I said, value addition for me happened from these articles I got as a consolidated list. Well, I also hope it works out for me. 

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